What can hurt in the armpit? Pain in right armpit

Mastalgia is the name given to aching pain in the armpit area before menstruation. The armpit often hurts at the end menstrual cycle. Women can feel painful sensations a few days before menstruation. After the onset of menstruation, the pain subsides and disappears completely.

Causes of armpit pain

In fact, the pain in the armpit area is secondary, that is, the pain radiates from the chest. Chest pain before menstruation is due to the formation of lumps in the mammary gland. The pain may radiate to the armpit if these very lumps form in the outer or upper lobes mammary glands.

Impaired lymphatic drainage can also cause pain in the armpit before menstruation. These disorders can be caused by engorgement of the mammary glands before menstruation.

Sometimes enlarged The lymph nodes can cause, but usually enlarged lymph nodes are painless and soft.

Mastalgia may be accompanied by pain of various nature and intensity. As a rule, this is aching pain, not pronounced. There are cases when the pain is so severe that it leads to limited mobility of the arms.

As a rule, mastalgia worries women reproductive age. Pain may increase with age and disappear completely with the onset of menopause.

Mastalgia can be triggered hormonal disorders V female body. Often women after menopause complain of. Perhaps the culprit is the use of hormonal hormones medicines.

What to do if you have armpit pain before your period?

Pain in the armpit before menstruation is a fairly common phenomenon and is not considered a deviation from the norm. But if the armpit area also bothers you, tell your gynecologist.

IN mandatory Visit your doctor if your armpit pain does not go away after your period.

It’s not uncommon for women to experience pain in the armpit right before their period. The reason is justified, because with the advent of the menstrual cycle, the endocrine and nervous system, while the lymph nodes are involved in the process. If, as the menstrual cycle progresses, the pain gradually subsides, then mastalgia can be suspected, although the provoking factors may be different when they appear unpleasant symptoms armpit pain before menstruation. It is important for women to know them, learn to understand and recognize them in time, when it is no longer possible to postpone diagnosis and it is necessary to urgently contact doctors.


Usually, the causes of PMS are secondary, which is why it begins to manifest itself more strongly just before menstruation. Soreness radiates to the chest and armpit, the mammary glands swell and thicken, forming a compaction in the upper part of the outer lobes of the uterine glands. The main triggers of pain before menstruation:

  • impaired lymphatic drainage, leading to enlargement (hardening) of the lymph nodes with pain radiating to the armpit;
  • mastalgia with the appearance of hardening, swelling of the mammary glands;
  • hormonal imbalance, which often occurs before arrival critical days or against the background of undosed use of hormonal medications;
  • mastopathy or inflammation of the lymph nodes with the appearance aching pain progressively, inability to move your arm;
  • previous abortion;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • poor nutrition, strict diet;
  • oncology, which provokes the development of a tumor in the breast;
  • excessive load on the area under the armpits located in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

Maybe the lymph node under the arm hurts just before menstruation due to individual characteristics body. But if unpleasant signs have become constant and intrusive, then it’s probably time to visit a mammologist and get examined.

It is the cancerous tumor initial stage proceeds almost unnoticed. As it develops, the lymph node under the armpit hurts and swells. On palpation, a slight compaction is felt. This may be in the armpit area or slightly lower. However, with oncology, other symptoms are obvious: nipple retraction, hyperemic skin around the circumference, secretion of serous fluid, and an increase in the size of the mammary glands. This can no longer be tolerated. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound.

Read also 🗓Can your stomach swell before your period?

IMPORTANT! It is extremely important for all women over the age of 35 to undergo mammography, which makes it possible to detect cancer at an early stage.

Pain in the armpit during menstrual periods

With the onset of menstruation, many women experience a hormonal surge. The influence of hormones leads to pain in the armpits and enlarged lymph nodes. Symptoms may persist for another 1-2 days during menstruation, but then should disappear completely. It happens that puffiness and swelling glandular tissue, chest pain becomes protracted, the reason for which is hormonal perturbation. But the phenomenon is quite acceptable if women do not have other additional unpleasant factors.

The armpit often hurts before menstruation and radiates to the groin due to unstable hormonal levels, although as the critical days arrive, the condition of the lymph nodes should return to normal. The phenomenon is similar to PMS, but in this case progesterone progresses, leading to enlarged lobules, swelling of the mammary glands, and increased sensitivity in the armpits. This is due to increased pressure on the nerve roots where the lymphatic ducts pass and connect to the collarbone. Nerve endings lead to expansion of the lobules and begin to give off aching, annoying pain in the armpits.

Less common, but pain during menstrual periods indicates kidney disease, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. The mammary glands swell, the lymph nodes under the arms ache, which is easy to detect on your own. In any case, you need to consult a specialist.

Doctors' opinion

If the lymph nodes under the arms hurt before menstruation, then it is important to identify real reasons. They are different:

  • inflammation of the sebaceous sweat glands;
  • atheroma;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • allergy;
  • hidradenitis;
  • mastalgia;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • injury to the milk ducts;
  • cardiac ischemia with stabbing pain in the sternum, swelling of the lower extremities, weakness, malaise, shortness of breath.

Doctors do not advise self-diagnosis and self-medication. The best option– visit a doctor (oncologist, therapist, surgeon). Although many women get used to such sensations, they do not turn to doctors, preferring to endure their critical days and then return to a measured life. Of course, there is no reason to worry if the pain before menstruation is not very pronounced and gradually goes away. But if the problem has led to severe swelling due to inflammation of the lymph nodes, then this can be extremely dangerous; you should definitely contact a specialist. This obvious signs tumor development, when there is a strong compaction on the chest in the morning, swelling of the lymph node area. It is simply impossible to determine cancer on your own at the initial stage due to its practically asymptomatic course.

The processes occurring in the female body in each menstrual cycle are reflected in the work of all life support systems. Changes also affect lymph circulation. Before and during menstruation, a woman may notice pain and swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpits and groin. The cause of this phenomenon is judged by the accompanying symptoms.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits before menstruation

The development of premenstrual syndrome is caused by sudden changes in hormone levels. This affects the functioning of the entire body. Symptoms appear that cause discomfort to the woman. These include increased irritability, lower back pain, engorgement of the mammary glands and enlarged lymph nodes. The causes of inflammation and pain in the lymph nodes in the armpits are as follows:

  1. Before the start of critical days occurs fluid retention in the body. This manifests itself in tissue swelling. Due to this, the mammary glands and lymph nodes enlarge, which can be easily detected by palpation.
  2. When your period arrives are getting worse chronic diseases . Lymph nodes are an element immune system, so they become inflamed, performing a protective function.
  3. If there are lumps in the breasts, the pain before menstruation becomes more intense. Tumors and cysts influence the functioning thoracic ducts. As a result, the load on the nodes located in the armpits increases.
  4. Under influenced by hormonal changes the breast enlarges and puts pressure on the duct connecting the collarbone to the lymph nodes in the armpits. This leads to unpleasant sensations that intensify when moving and raising your arms up. Pain syndrome has a nagging character. It becomes more pronounced with age.
  5. Forced use of hormonal drugs medications provoke pain in the chest and armpits. This is one of the most common side effects. The pain goes away after stopping treatment.

Why does my armpit hurt? The reasons may be associated with the following pathologies:

  1. Injuries suffered and received.
  2. Presence of atheroma.
  3. The appearance of a boil.
  4. Hidradenitis or lymphadenitis.
  5. Postoperative pain.
  6. Mastalgia.
  7. Pyoderma.
  8. Development of an allergic reaction.
  9. Lymphadenopathy.
  10. The appearance of a tumor in the breast.
  11. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Often armpit pain is the result of an injury. However, any movements of a sudden nature or carried out with great effort can also provoke the appearance of the symptom. In this case we're talking about about sprained ligaments and muscles that are located in the shoulder joint.

This can happen if you lift heavy objects or move your hand suddenly. However, pain can occur even during sleep when a person lies in uncomfortable position. The pain in such a situation is not very pronounced and begins to increase with movement. As a result, the patient has discomfort when performing actions; such pain only limits the patient’s freedom of action.

The situation with previous operations is different. In this case, the armpit may hurt after surgical intervention, which was aimed at the mammary gland. Radical methods lead to inevitable damage to the nerves that are concentrated near the gland. As a result, the patient loses sensitivity in the chest area for some time. However, there is a reflection pain in the armpit, since the signal goes there.

Pain in the armpit may last for a long time. For several days after the intervention, the pain is acute. To reduce the severity of symptoms, doctors prescribe pain medications. After some time the intensity decreases pain symptoms. Although the pain begins to subside, other reactions may occur. There is a burning sensation, itching or numbness. If the postoperative period proceeds normally, then such manifestations will soon disappear.

2 Clinical picture

An unpleasant sign under the armpit appears in women in a number of cases. This also applies cancerous tumors affecting the mammary glands. However, on early stages the neoplasms do not manifest themselves, so the patient does not feel unpleasant signs.

In addition, pain under the armpit may occur in the following cases:

  1. Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  2. Development of obesity.
  3. Alcohol abuse.
  4. Breast injuries.
  5. Long-term use hormonal drugs for contraception or treatment.
  6. Development of hypertension.
  7. Smoking, especially at a young age.
  8. Cancerous tumors of the genital organs.
  9. Presence of tumor diseases in the family.
  10. Lack of childbirth and pregnancy.
  11. Late onset of menopause - after 55 years.
  12. Early menstruation - up to 12 years.
  13. First birth after 30 years.

In some cases, emerging tumors lead to pain on the right or left, not only in armpit. Localization of unpleasant signs can be observed just below the armpit area. In addition, there is a possibility of small lumps appearing, which will persist throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

If the cause of the pain is associated with a tumor, then the patient will experience other symptoms. Thus, the structure of the breast skin and color may change. There are compactions in the tissues of the glands, which can be easily diagnosed by palpation. At the same time, nipple retraction is observed. Discharge from the nipple may appear. They are not related to the process of feeding the child and pregnancy, so they should immediately alert you.

The formation of edema and various deformations occurs. The mammary gland may increase or decrease in size. Scales, crusts or other erosions appear in the area of ​​the areola or juice. The patient has an enlargement of the lymph nodes, which are located in the supraclavicular and axillary region.

There is also a type of pain in the armpit area - mastalgia. It is cyclical in nature and appears during the completion of the menstrual cycle. Some time before the onset of menstruation, women begin to feel pain in the armpit. When menstruation arrives, the symptom gradually decreases in intensity. Until it disappears completely.

3 Lymphadenopathy

The presented disease is associated with a condition in which there is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. This condition is not separate disease, but signals the presence of pathology and its development. If signs appear, you should seek medical help.

The main sign of pathology is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. This is either single or generalized. The patient feels weight loss, and diagnostics will confirm this. At night, the patient's sweating increases. On long time Body temperature rises, but it does not always reach high values. There is an enlargement of the spleen and liver, which is detected during appropriate diagnostics. The patient may often develop diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Lymphadenopathy may indicate various diseases. These include the following diseases:

  1. Malignant diseases of the head and neck.
  2. Mammary cancer.
  3. Brucellosis.
  4. Rubella.
  5. Lymphoma.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Infections of the lesion of nonspecific type
  8. Melanoma.

4 Lymphadenitis

If the lymph nodes become inflamed due to the development of an infection, then this disease is called lymphadenitis. Quite often, nodes in the groin and armpit area are affected. As in the previous case, the disease begins with an increase in nodes, unpleasant feeling in the form of pain. As the disease develops, the nature of the seals changes. They become a monolithic complex that contains several nodes with inflammatory process.

The integument of the skin undergoes changes, which manifests itself in their immobility. The skin tone changes and becomes red. Subsequently, thinning of the skin is observed, and the abscess matures. A breakthrough of pus occurs, but the abscess is cleared. As a result, the symptoms of the disease disappear over time, and the pain in the armpit stops.

In addition to the listed symptoms, other signs are also characteristic of lymphadenitis. The patient develops a fever and headache, observed general character malaise and increased sweating. The patient often suffers from chills.

If an infection enters the affected area, the disease progresses to chronic stage. Enlarged nodes appear, which slightly hurt. After some time, they become scarred and become hard nodules.

5 Hidradenitis

Hidradenitis is associated with an inflammatory process in the sweat glands. A large number of Such glands are located in the armpit, so it hurts under the armpit, this may indicate hidradenitis. For accurate diagnosis you need to contact a specialist.

The disease begins gradually. Swelling and itching appear in the inflamed area. After some time, pain appears. There is an increase in swelling, which is quite painful. For this reason, the armpit hurts when you press it. The swelling can reach 2 cm, but small formations occur. After some time, the size gradually increases, which manifests itself in increased pain.

In the center of the formation, softening of the skin is observed, and a protrusion forms. The abscess is subsequently opened, which leads to a natural result - the release of the contents in the form of pus. After the discharge of pus, a small, retracted scar forms. The formation cycle of each abscess is 10-15 days.

The nearby glands that are responsible for sweating may also be affected. As a result, the area of ​​inflammation becomes extensive, and the armpit begins to hurt more severely. If others are affected sweat glands, then the illness can last for several months. At the same time, there remains a chance of relapse of the disease after recovery.

Pain in the armpit is not the only symptom. The patient develops a headache, fever and fatigue. The patient experiences weakness, and the body suffers from general intoxication. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately, especially if you have severe pain.

Thus, if it starts to hurt under the arm, you need to visit a medical facility.

Underarm pain can be caused by a number of factors, which include a pinched nerve, pregnancy, swollen lymph nodes, cancer, muscle pain, breastfeeding, cystic acne, waxing, and others. It can occur in women and men, adults and children, can be sharp or dull, permanent or temporary, spread to the right or left armpit or to the shoulder, chest, and other parts of the body.

The pain may be throbbing, aching, burning, irritating, or general physical discomfort in and around the armpit. Painful sensations can occur in both armpits (bilateral pain), only the right and left, or be a reflection of pain in another part of the body.

The problem can affect all people age groups and gender, that is, it occurs in children and adults, as well as in men and women. However, there are some specific causes that may only occur in men or women. For example, armpit pain while breastfeeding may be a problem that only affects women.

Associated symptoms

An obvious sign of pain in the armpit is aching, throbbing, burning or general discomfort. It may be accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, redness, inflammation, muscle weakness, decreased mobility, tenderness, lumps, numbness, skin discoloration, “shoulder, arm, hand, or finger pain,” etc.

Some serious and life-threatening symptoms that require emergency treatment, include breathing problems (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, wheezing or choking), hemorrhage or bleeding, paralysis, protruding bones, chest tightness, pressure, rapid heartbeat.

Note. The actual symptoms are tied to the specific cause of armpit soreness. Several of those listed above may be observed at once.


Hidradenitis (inflamed or infected sweat glands and hair follicles)

Due to infection and inflammation " hair follicles and apocrine glands in the armpits, groin, buttocks and under the breasts” pain can occur not only in the armpits, but also in the groin, under the breasts and buttocks. This occurs because the glands become clogged and dead skin cells are unable to be eliminated, providing a good environment for bacteria to grow.

The end result is the formation of a cyst that resembles a dense and big pimple, accompanied by pain, scarring, formation of fistula tracts, severe itching, as well as depression. Hidradenitis is more common in women (occurs 4 times more often than men), African Americans, obese people and smokers. Treatment is carried out using medicines, laser hair removal, as well as surgical removal cysts.


This inflammation, swelling or enlargement of lymph nodes or glands "is often a response to exposure to bacteria, viruses or fungi."

infection can lead to pain under the armpit. If the infection occurs near the armpit, the lymph nodes in the armpit may become inflamed and painful.

Acid reflux GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or acid reflux refer to "a condition that occurs when acidic stomach contents return to the esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter." This condition has a number of symptoms that are common in bent position

body or lying down after eating, after heavy, spicy or fatty foods. Some of the common symptoms include heartburn, sour taste, indigestion, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, dry cough, asthma symptoms. Symptoms that require emergency assistance : “pain radiating to left hand

, shoulder, back, neck or jaw,” nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, pain, chest tightness and others.

Cyst This " closed pockets

into tissues that may be filled with fluid, pus, or other contents that are generally painless but may be painful if they become infected. Having a cystic pimple or bump can also lead to pain.

Muscle pain After training, you may feel pain in the armpits. They are caused by tightness or stretching of the chest muscles. Treatment should include alternating cold and warm compresses

, in severe cases, the use of anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs.

Shingles Shingles is viral infection

General symptoms of this disease: pain, tingling or burning sensation, numbness, red rash (occurs after several days of pain), fluid-filled blisters that then burst and form itchy scabs, headache, fever, fatigue, etc.

State of anxiety and restlessness

Anxiety is often associated with armpit pain, as it leads to increased heart rate, trembling, sweating, and irritation. Fast heartbeat and trembling cause discomfort, and sweating causes irritation, which can cause burning and itching.

Nerve damage and neuropathy

Pinched nerves, especially shoulder joint from stretching, pressure or injury can lead to armpit soreness, which is often accompanied by numbness and tingling sensations that feel like electrical impulses.

Various problems such as chicken pox in adults, deficiency of vitamin B complex, etc., can lead to neuropathy. "Neuropathy problems occur when pain spreads from the armpits to the inside of the elbow". Minor damage nerves cause pain.

Breast cancer and lymphoma

Breast cancer often causes lumps as well as hard spots near the breast. Symptoms such as nipple discharge (clear or bloody), changes in breast shape or size, dimpling of the skin, rash on or around the nipple, or changes in appearance are also present.

Armpit pain can also occur due to lymphoma. This is white cancer blood cells, known as lymphocytes. It develops into lymphatic system and lymph nodes, and often causes tumors in the neck, legs and groin. Other symptoms include fever, sudden loss weight, cough, shortness of breath, increased sweating, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc.

Angina pectoris

One more possible reason is angina. This "term used to describe chest pain caused by decreased blood flow to the heart muscle" is often a symptom in people suffering from coronary disease hearts. During angina, there may be pain under the chest, shoulder, neck, chest, and other symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness and nausea.

Glandular infection

Failure to comply with the rules of armpit hygiene, excessive sweating or excessive exposure to heat may cause bacterial infection sweat glands This will cause blisters or hardened spots to appear, accompanied by pain in one or both armpits.

Peripheral artery diseases

This is a condition or disease in which arteries leading to the leg, arm, or other arteries other than those in the brain and near the heart become narrowed and blocked. This leads to decreased blood flow in the affected arteries, which may cause a shooting or shooting sensation. sharp pain.

Breast infections

An infection of the breast tissue, especially staph bacteria or mastitis, can cause pain in the breasts and also in the armpits because a small portion of the tissue extends into the armpit area. Common symptoms may include bumps, pain, itching, discharge, swelling, redness, etc. as well as enlarged lymph nodes. Most mothers often suffer from breast infections during breastfeeding. Care and proper personal hygiene must be maintained during this time.


Using crutches can cause armpit pain due to friction. It is advisable to use a more rigid handle to support the body, distribute forces to make movement easier.

Swelling and pain

Swelling in the armpit area is obvious reason pain. Swelling may also interfere with normal arm movement and may increase pain when moving your arms.


Waxing and other techniques often lead to burning pain under the arm. Before the procedure, you should make sure that your hair is long enough, use a scrub and dry it.

Other reasons

Allergies. Using soap, antiperspirants, or deodorants may cause allergic reaction armpit skin and therefore swelling, pain and redness.

Cold. Aches with colds, are known to cause pain throughout the body. There will likely be discomfort under the armpit if an upper respiratory tract infection is present.

Dislocation or sprain. A dislocated shoulder can cause severe pain in the armpit, weakness, numbness, swelling, and pain in the arm. It can also cause nerve damage.

Viral infections. “Infections such as AIDS, chicken pox, typhus, measles and others viral diseases, may cause dull ache in the armpit." It may be accompanied by sore throat, body pain, fever and other symptoms.

Degeneration connective tissue . When this happens, you may experience pain in the armpit that is not accompanied by any lumps and gets worse with movement.

Diabetes. Excess blood sugar due to diabetes can lead to peripheral neuropathy. “Excess glucose affects small blood vessels associated with nerves and pain may occur, for example in the armpits."

Inflamed lymph nodes. They provoke pain, swelling, redness of the skin, etc.

Tattoo pain - This is a temporary pain during the process and immediately after getting a tattoo.

Other conditions that can sometimes cause pain: sporotrichosis, hyperthyroidism, growths, premenstrual syndrome(PMS), skin abscesses, Infectious mononucleosis, deep vein thrombosis, contact dermatitis, violations cerebral circulation, some vaccinations, for example, against tetanus, and others.


In early pregnancy, some women report pain in the armpits, which is often accompanied by breast tenderness. For example, one of the forum posts: “Last night I felt soreness (no lump) under my left arm that spread down my arm. It hurt when I raised my hand." Posts followed with similar experiences from other women during their pregnancies.

Pain in the armpit during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes, as well as breast tenderness, that is, “breast tenderness may be reflected by pain in the armpit area”

Armpit pain when breastfeeding

Pain in the armpit during breastfeeding is considered normal. This is mainly due to breast engorgement, where more milk is produced than normal, or infection such as mastitis (usually during breastfeeding), unsuitable nursing clothes, and poor feeding procedures (avoid pulling the breasts down). ).

Acute pain

Sometimes there may be acute pain in the left or right armpit. It is often described as a “sharp, shooting pain in the armpit” or “it can be sudden, affecting the right or left armpit, be near the chest, spread to the shoulder, and even to the fingers. Men and women can suffer from this problem.

Some of the common causes of this are: neuropathy (a pinched nerve, especially with sharp shooting pain that resembles electrical impulses) "cerebrovascular accident, heartburn, disease peripheral arteries, or swollen axillary lymph nodes» ,

In addition to the above, angina pectoris can also be a possible cause of sudden sharp pain in the armpit area. This condition is accompanied by pain in the left armpit, chest, and shoulder. Finally, it may be associated with pregnancy, pain radiating from the chest or more late stages lymphomas.

Pain in the left armpit area

Any of the causes of muscle pain discussed above could be responsible if it only affects one side, in this case the left. Problems such as pinched nerve, muscle strain, swelling, infection, massive heart attack, shoulder dislocation and others can cause pain in the left axillary region.

At heart attack appear additional symptoms, such as shortness of breath, pain in the left arm, jaw, upper neck, dental, headache, heartburn, general malaise, sweating, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, feeling of pressure in the chest. But sometimes there may be pain in right hand and very few other symptoms.

If it gets worse during certain activities, such as lifting objects, weights, etc., it may be due to joint or muscle strain. Additionally, persistent pain is less likely to be related to the heart, but rather to a medical condition such as arthritis or tendinitis. Finally, if there is “lightning-fast, sharp pain in the arm, especially when moving the arm or neck, then it is less likely to be related to heart disease.” .

Chest and armpit pain

When women experience pain in the armpits and chest, it is often associated with cancer. It could be breast cancer or any other reason.

In general, chest and armpit pain can be classified as cyclical, non-cyclical, and chest wall pain. When caused by changes in hormone levels, especially during the menstrual cycle, it is characterized by "heaviness, tenderness, burning or tightness." In addition, general discomfort is observed several days before the onset of the period.

Non-cyclical breast pain can be permanent or temporary, affecting women before and after menopause. Sometimes it results from procedures and conditions such as breastfeeding, early dates pregnancy, big size breasts, side effects certain medications, breast infections, etc.

Finally, chest wall pain can occur due to muscle strain. It can be sharp and spread to the arm.

Pain in men

Men can also suffer from this pain. The cause may be problems such as gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men and adolescents), the use of certain medications or hormones, cysts, fibroadenomas, cancer, etc.

Pain in women

All of the above reasons can lead to pain in the armpit area. Nevertheless, special reasons pain in the armpit area in women - these are causes that relate to pregnancy, breastfeeding, breast cancer, consequences of mastectomy.


Treatment options will depend on the severity as well as the cause of the armpit pain. Mild pain can disappear on its own, the one that arises due to muscle tension, may require the use of certain medications as well as some home remedies such as cold compresses, while severe cases may require physical therapy, massage, prescription medications (including antibiotics) and/or surgery.

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