Difference between the female and male urethra. The urethra in men and women - what is it and where is it located? Prevention of her diseases

Urethra (urethra)- this is part urinary system women and the urinary and reproductive systems of men.

In men, the 20 cm long urethra is located both in the pelvis and inside the penis, and opens into an external opening on the glans. Anatomically, the following sections of the male urethra are distinguished:
(1) external opening;
(2) scaphoid fossa;
(3) penile;
(4) bulbous;
(5) membranous;
(6) prostatic (proximal and distal areas).

Figure taken from www.urologyhealth.org

The prostatic urethra passes through the prostate and is divided into proximal and distal parts at the level spermatic tubercle. In the proximal part of the prostatic urethra, the orifices open along the posterolateral surfaces excretory ducts prostatic glands. On the sides of the seminal tubercle are the mouths of the right and left ejaculatory ducts, through which sperm enters the lumen of the urethra from the seminal vesicles and vas deferens. In the distal part of the prostatic part and in the membranous part of the urethra there are elements of the urethral sphincter. Starting from the bulbar region, the urethra passes inside the corpus spongiosum of the penis. The bulbar region is located inside the bulb of the corpus spongiosum. In the membranous and bulbar sections, the urethra bends anteriorly upward. In the penile region, the urethra is located medially along the ventral surface of the penis downward from the cavernous bodies. The capitate part of the urethra is located inside the head of the penis. Inner surface The male and female urethra are covered with mucous membrane (transitional epithelium, with the exception of a short area near the external opening, where there is flat non-keratinizing epithelium).

The main functions of the urethra in a man

  • carrying urine out Bladder out;
  • carrying sperm out during ejaculation (ejaculation);
  • participation in the mechanism of urinary continence.

The most common diseases of the urethra

  1. Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) often due to sexually transmitted infections (gonococci, chlamydia, ureoplasma, etc.);
  2. (narrowing of the lumen) of the urethra in its various parts (due to formation: congenital, traumatic and inflammatory origin);
  3. Anomalies of urethral development: the most common is hypospadias (the location of the external opening of the urethra on the ventral surface of the penis is more proximal than the apex of the glans).

The urethra or urethra refers to the excretory organs as well as the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.

If we talk in simple language, then - this is a tube, which in women is intended for the removal of urine, and in men for the release of urine and sperm.

About what it is this body, what it consists of, how it functions, we’ll talk further.

Similarities and differences

The human urethra, or urinary tract, is a tubular organ that runs from the bladder to the external genitalia. In men and women, it differs in its structure and colonization by microflora.

The organ in both sexes resembles a soft, elastic tube.
Its walls consist of 3 layers:

In men, the urinary tract passes through the penis to the outlet and serves to drain urine and release ejaculate during orgasm. In women, it goes from the bladder to the external opening, which is located between the clitoris and vagina, and is needed only for the removal of urine.

The external urethral sphincter is formed as paired muscles. He squeezes the part urethra. In the female body, these muscles are attached to the vaginal area and are capable of compressing it.

The muscles of the urethra in men are connected to the prostate. The internal sphincter has a fairly strong muscle located near the exit from the bladder.

Microflora in the organ

The channel for excreting urine differs among representatives different genders microflora. Immediately after the birth of a child, various microorganisms enter his skin. They gradually penetrate into the body and settle on the mucous membranes and internal organs.

Bacteria cannot penetrate further than the mucous membranes; this process is hampered by the internal secretions of the body, urine, and ciliated epithelium, so they become attached to them. Pathogenic organisms, which remain on the mucous membranes become the innate human microflora.

The female urethral mucosa contains several times more bacteria than the male urethral mucosa. It is dominated by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. They produce acid, creating an acidic environment. If there are few bacteria, then the acidic environment is replaced by an alkaline one, which allows inflammatory processes to develop.

As you grow older beneficial microflora in the female urethra it becomes coccal. The microflora of the male urethra is represented by streptococci, corynebacteria, and staphylococci; it does not change throughout life.

The composition of microflora may vary depending on large quantity sexual partners. Frequently changing partners introduces dangerous microbes into the body that can cause serious illness.

Men's channel

Male urethra in embryonic period is similar to the female one, as it consists of the same structures. And once formed, it begins to differ significantly, becomes longer and smaller in diameter, is located inside the penis, and its functions, in addition to urine output, also include ejaculation.

Redistributing these functions male body depends entirely on the degree of blood filling of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum that surround the male urethra. With erection, the blood supply to the penis occurs, ejaculation occurs, and in the absence of blood supply to the penis, the process of urination occurs.

The male urinary canal has a length of 18-22 cm. In a state of excitement, the length becomes a third longer, in boys before puberty it is a third less.

The urethra in men is divided into posterior (the distance from the internal opening to the beginning of the corpus cavernosum) and anterior (the remotely located part of the canal).

It has two bends in the shape of the letter S:

  1. The upper (infrapubic) bend bends around the pubic symphysis (half-joint) from below as it passes from top to bottom of the membranous part of the urethra into the cavernous one.
  2. The lower one (prepubic, prepubic) is located at the point of its transition from the fixed part of the urethra to the mobile one.

When the penis is raised, both curves form one common one, the concavity of which is directed forward and upward.
Throughout its entire length, the male urethra is not the same in lumen diameter; narrow parts alternate with wide ones.

The extensions are located in the prostatic, bulbous part and at the end of the urethral canal (where the scaphoid notch is located). The narrowings are located at the internal opening of the urinary canal, in the area of ​​the urogenital diaphragm, at the external opening of the urethra.

Conventionally, the male urethra is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Prostatic(prostatic). It has a length of 0.5-1.5 cm. It consists of tubules for ejaculate release and 2 ducts (prostatic and sperm excretory).
  2. Sponginous(spongy). The urethral part is located along the penis in its lower part and has a length of 13-16 cm.
  3. Cavernous(membranous). The longest section of the male urethra, the length of which is approximately 20 cm. The spongy section contains ducts of numerous small tubules. It is located deep in the perineum, passes through the urogenital diaphragm, which has a muscular sphincter.

The male urethra originates from the urinary sac. Smoothly moving into the prostate area, it crosses this gland and ends at the head of the penis, where urine and seminal fluid come out.
The average size of the urethral lumen in men along its entire length is 4-7 mm, in boys 3-6 mm.

Female urinary tube

The female urethra is an anteriorly directed, straight tube passing close to the elastic vaginal wall and pubic bone. Its length is 4.8-5 cm, and its diameter is 10 - 15 mm, while it is easily stretched.

Inside, the urinary canal is lined with a mucous membrane, which has the appearance of longitudinal folds, due to which the urethral lumen appears smaller. In the female urethra there is a special obstructing pad consisting of connective tissue, veins, and elastic threads. It closes the duct of the urinary canal.

The female urethra does not perform reproductive functions, although substances are released through it that can be used to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not. The urethra in women is surrounded by tissues that are similar in structure to the corpus spongiosum of the penis, and the cavernous bodies of the clitoris, which are similar corpora cavernosa penis, located in front of the urethra.

The urethra itself is hidden in the tissues of the pelvis and therefore does not have mobility. Its anterior surface is adjacent to the tissues that cover the pubic symphysis, and in distant places to the legs of the clitoris. The posterior surface of the external urethral outlet is adjacent to the anterior wall of the vagina.

It is closely connected to the anterior wall of the vagina and is firmly attached to the lower branches of the pubic bones, as well as partially to the ischial bones.

Since it is short and wide in women, located next to the vagina and anus, the danger of bacteria, microbes and other pathogenic microflora entering it is much higher in women than in men. Therefore, they are more susceptible to genitourinary infections.

External hole

In the male half of humanity, the main part of the urethra passes inside the penis, and the outlet is located at the top of its head. If it is not there, such a violation is called. If there is partial or complete clefting of the anterior wall of the urethra, the disorder is called.

The external urethral canal in the fair sex is located between the clitoris (slightly below it by about 3 mm) and the entrance to the vagina.

The location of the external opening may vary. If the lower wall is underdeveloped, it will be located on the anterior wall of the vagina, distant from the entrance.

This process is called hypospadias. The outer hole has a diameter of approximately 0.5 cm, its shape can be round or star-shaped.

Functions of the urethra

The organ does not perform quite well in representatives of different sexes similar functions. The urethra in the fair sex is intended exclusively for holding urine in the bladder and removing it from the body. It has no other functions.

The male urethra has 3 functions:

  1. Retains urine in the bladder. This process occurs due to the internal and external sphincters, which close the urethra. When the bladder is half full, the internal sphincter plays a big role. When the bladder overflows, the external sphincter comes into play.
  2. Removing urine from the body. If there is more than 250 ml of urine in the bladder, a man has the urge to go to the toilet. At the same time, the muscles of the external sphincter relax, and under the influence of the contractile actions of the bladder and abdominal wall urine begins to come out. She stands out first with great strength, and then the stream becomes weaker and shorter.
  3. Release of seminal fluid during orgasm. The internal sphincter contracts, causing the seminal mound to swell, the prostate muscles to contract, and the external sphincter muscles to relax. The ejaculate is ejected in shocks due to the contractile movements of the seminiferous mounds, prostate muscles, ejaculatory duct, and contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscles.

The urethra is an organ of the human urinary system designed to remove fluids from the human body.

Although in men and women it differs in structure, location, and functions, representatives of both sexes need to monitor the health of the urethra, because problems with it can significantly complicate life.

Urination – important process vital activity human body, which is carried out using the urethra, otherwise the urethra, which removes urine along with water-soluble products.

The structure of the female urethra

The duct used for urination looks like a straight tube. It is located in lower section pelvic cavity: originates above the pelvic floor, passes the anterior vaginal wall, the upper pubic bones. The posterior surface of the urethra is connected to the vaginal wall. Its external opening is placed between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina, covered by the labia.

The urethra contains a connective outer layer consisting of fibers, a muscular layer, and then a mucous membrane lining the walls of the duct inside. Throughout the channel there are periurethral glands, producing mucus, the amount of which increases in a state of excitement.

The purpose of the urethra is not only to remove urine, but also to retain urine thanks to the internal and external sphincters that block the canal.

Anatomical features of the urethra – short length from 3 to 5cm, diameter approx. 1.5 cm– predisposes to infection, inflammation genitourinary organs, weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Causes, symptoms of inflammation of the urethra

The source of many diseases is decreased immunity of the walls of the urethra. Infectious agents that penetrate through the blood, from the intestines, and during sexual intercourse always live here. Thanks to immunity, a healthy person resists them; if it is not there, an inflammatory process develops.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of urinary tract pathology:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Damage to the genitals.
  • Stress.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Wrong diet.
  • The habit of delaying the outflow of urine.
  • Non-compliance hygiene standards when taking a smear, catheterization.

Distinctive signs of diseases of the organ in question are first pain, burning during the process of emptying the bladder, then in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, sacral region spine, pain, itching, discharge with pus, sometimes with blood.

Specific and nonspecific diseases

Among inflammations of the urinary tract, those caused by sexually transmitted infection: trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, mycoplasma. These specific diseases are considered sexually transmitted; in case of infection, both partners are treated:

  1. At urethritis The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, pain appears, regular or only when urinating, discharge from the urethra with purulent contents. Cause of infection pathogens of urogenital infection that can rise upward and cover the genitourinary organs. Every case of urethritis requires individual treatment, including antibiotics, drugs that strengthen the immune system, and vitamins.
  2. Chlamydia generated by chlamydia, which has a detrimental effect on urinary tract. The consequences of the disease are infertility.
  3. Gonorrhea– a consequence of casual sexual relations. Gonococci destroy the epithelium of the cervix, urethra, and lower rectum. Indicated for gonorrhea antibacterial therapy under the supervision of a doctor, self-medication is unacceptable.

Pathogens: staphylococci, streptococci, coli, anaerobic infection– become a source of such species nonspecific urethritis, How:

  1. Chronic, resulting from trauma to the urethra during childbirth, sexual intercourse, or masturbation. This disease is characterized by discomfort in the area of ​​the urethra, incessant pain in the back, sacrum, groin, frequent urination, sometimes urinary incontinence.
  2. granular occurs due to inflammation of the genital organs. Methods of therapy: quenching the canal mucosa with a silver solution, electrocoagulation. Relapses are possible, so observation by a urologist is necessary.
  3. Senile occurs during postmenopause Symptoms are similar to manifestations chronic urethritis, but the disease lasts longer, the vaginal mucosa atrophies, on the outer integument hyperemia.
  4. Premenstrual happens before menstruation. Usually the symptoms do not last long and disappear completely during menstruation.
  5. Allergic triggered by allergens. There is pressure and itching in the urethra. The urinary tract swells, the outflow of urine is disrupted. The method of treatment is bougienage of the urethra, that is, expansion of the narrowed duct to a normal state.

Urolithiasis, prolapse

There are diseases of the urethra associated with the formation of stones and urethral prolapse:

Urolithiasis different people suffer age groups. Stones form in the bladder and urinary duct. When stones come out along with urine, injuring the mucous membrane, a sharp pain. Due to blockage of the duct by stones, the bladder does not empty completely. Choice of treatment - therapy or surgical intervention– determined by the number and size of stones.

Prolapse– loss of all layers of the urethral wall through the opening, complete from the outside: (along the entire length) or incomplete ( Bottom part). The reason for the prolapse of the urethra is the downward displacement of the bladder due to weakening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus that holds it. Externally, it is a mucous formation at the opening of the urethra. The disease only worries when it is disrupted sex life, pain is felt when walking, urine output is complicated. Prolapse requires surgery.

Neoplasms of the urethra

The urinary organs are susceptible to the formation of polyps, cysts, condylomas, and cancerous tumors.

A small protrusion on the wall of the urethra, polyp, impairs urination, appears bloody issues from the urethra, but not always. Often the disease is asymptomatic. Sometimes a polyp, growing from the edge, prevents the urethra from closing, which leads to enuresis.

Pointed spots sometimes form on the walls of the urethra. condylomas is the only tumor of viral origin that can be transmitted to sexual partners. Sometimes these tumors disappear on their own, but the human papillomavirus remains in the body, and condylomas can reappear. In a neglected state they are in in rare cases degenerate into malignant ones.

In patients with paraurethral cyst the vaginal wall bulges above the canal as the glands located behind the urethral opening fill with fluid. On initial stage painful sensations no, then the cyst can fester and break into the urethra. Then urine excretion becomes difficult and the temperature rises. Paraurethral cyst is treated surgically.

Urethral cancer is rare. The tumor affects any part of the urinary duct, but most often the external urethral outlet, located near the vulva.


A urologist, examining a patient, may find external signs inflammation of the urethra visually, by palpation.

Set availability infectious disease Laboratory tests help:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood.
  2. Urethral swab.
  3. PCR (diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections)
  4. Bacteriological culture.

Using a smear it is determined high-quality composition microflora, pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to properly prepare for this procedure:

  • Do not take medications for 7 days.
  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours before vaginal products, douching.
  • Do not have sexual intercourse for 12 hours.
  • Do not urinate 1 hour before taking a smear.

It is possible to identify urethral pathology thanks to X-ray methods, urethroscopy, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), histological examination.

Although an examination by a urologist is painful for women, it is necessary to be examined at the first symptoms of disease. These signals cannot be ignored, because diseases of the urethra reduce the quality of life, cause pain, and give rise to depression. By consulting a doctor on time and following his prescriptions, you can maintain the health of the genitourinary system, in particular the urethra.

The urethra, or in professional language - the urethra, is the tube that serves to exit urine from the bladder. The urethra of the female and male halves is very different. Due to the differences in the structure of the urethra, the female part of the population is more susceptible to various diseases than the male part. An important role in normal functioning The microflora present in the urethra in both sexes plays a role. The microorganisms inhabiting the female and male urethra also differ from each other.

The urinary canal in men and women is similar to a soft elastic tube, the walls of which are represented by 3 layers: the external connective layer, the muscular layer (middle layer) and the mucous membrane. The male urethra performs not only urinary function, but also serves to release male semen.

The average length of the urethra ranges from 18 to 25 cm (depending on individual characteristics each person). The male urethra can be roughly divided into 2 parts: anterior and posterior, which are represented by 3 sections:

  1. Prostatic- has a length of about 3 cm. It includes tubules for the release of sperm and 2 ducts (prostate and for sperm removal).
  2. Membranous- has a length of about 2 cm. It extends through the urogenital diaphragm, which has a muscular sphincter.
  3. Spongy- is considered the longest section of the urethra and has a length of about 20 cm. The ducts of the bulbourethral glands (numerous small canals) enter the spongy section.

The male urethra originates from the urinary sac, then smoothly passes into the area prostate gland. The urethra ends at the head of the genital organ, from where urine and ejaculatory fluid (sperm) are released.

You can also watch a video about the male urethra.

Anatomy and functions of the female urethra

The female urethra is designed like this:

  1. The female urethra is much shorter than the male, no more than 5 cm in length and about 1.8 cm in width.
  2. The urethra in women is directed forward, passes next to the elastic wall of the vagina and the pubic bone.
  3. At the end of the urethra, just below the clitoris, is its external opening.
  4. Inside the urethra there is a mucous membrane that looks like folds (longitudinal). Due to these folds, the lumen of the urethra appears smaller.
  5. Thanks to connective tissue consisting of various vessels, veins and special elastic threads, a blocking pad is formed that is capable of closing the duct of the canal.

The urethra serves a woman only to exit urine from the body. It does not perform any other functions. Due to the short and wide urethra located next to anus and vagina, women are more susceptible to various infections genitourinary organs.

View about genitourinary system in women you can watch in this video.

Microflora in the urethra

At the moment of a person's birth on his skin covering various microorganisms enter, which then penetrate the body and settle on the internal organs and their mucous membranes.

Microbes attach to the mucous membranes, since they cannot spread further (they are prevented by the body's internal secretions and urine). In addition, the ciliated epithelium provides additional protection against bacteria. Those microbes that remain on the mucous membranes are the innate microflora of the body.

Among women There are many more different microorganisms on the mucous membrane of the urethra than in men:

  1. The urethra of the weaker sex is mainly dominated by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which secrete acid, thereby forming an acidic environment in the body.
  2. If for some reason these bacteria become insufficient, the acidic environment changes to an alkaline one, resulting in inflammatory processes.
  3. As you grow older female body, the beneficial microflora is replaced by coccal ones.

The male urethra is home to:

  1. Staphylococci and streptococci, corynebacteria.
  2. In men normal microflora remains unchanged throughout life.
  3. The composition of microflora can vary from frequent changes sexual partners, therefore dangerous microorganisms that can cause serious diseases can penetrate into the human body.
  4. The presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the urethra is also considered normal, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria.
  5. Ureaplasma, chlamydia, fungi of the genus Candida, and mycoplasma can be found in small quantities.

Diseases in women and men

The process of excretion of urine healthy person occurs painlessly, without causing any inconvenience. If pathogenic microflora penetrates the urethra, an inflammatory process develops, and the act of excreting urine begins to be accompanied by pain, burning, itching and other unpleasant symptoms.

Inflammatory processes in the urethra can be:

  1. Specific. These include those diseases that were acquired sexually (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis.
  2. Non-specific. The second include those diseases that arose due to the large (pathogenic) proliferation of streptococci, fungi, staphylococci and E. coli.

The most common cause of infection in the genital tract is a decrease in protective functions body, simply put, human immunity. In addition, the probability of formation inflammatory processes The following reasons also influence:

  • hypothermia;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • injuries in the genitourinary area;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in chronic forms;
  • frequent urinary retention;
  • unsanitary conditions during the event medical manipulations(taking a smear, inserting a catheter).


Inflammation in the urethra is called urethritis. The disease can have several types:

  1. Spicy. It occurs as a result of pathogens such as Trichomonas and gonococcus entering the body. In rare cases, the cause acute urethritis can be called an injury or a chemical irritant that enters the urethra.
  2. Chronic. Also formed as a result of penetration pathogenic microorganisms(gonococcus or trichomonas), can sometimes occur after previous birth injuries or if the urethra is damaged during sexual intercourse.
  3. Granular. The most common type of urethritis. Formed as a result of inflammatory processes occurring in the genital organs.
  4. Senile. Most often it affects women of menopausal age. The causes of urethritis are hormonal changes, occurring in a woman’s body.
  5. Premenstrual. Occurs before the onset of menstruation and is caused by sharp jump hormones in the body.
  6. Allergic. May bother a person who is prone to allergic reactions to some medicines or food products.


Are considered benign education developing on the mucous membrane of the urethra. May occur when hormonal imbalance, chronic infectious inflammations, intestinal diseases:

  • Urethral cancer

A rare disease of the urethra, mainly affecting the female population. It forms in any part of the urethra, but most often the cancer affects the external outlet of the urethra, located near the vulva.

  • Rupture of the urethra

It is observed mainly in men. Occurs due to injury to the penis (fracture, bruise). Urethral rupture can be complete or partial. At complete break urine cannot leave the male body on its own, which may result in serious complications.

Signs of disease

Depending on the pathogen and incubation period illness, the first signs may appear after a few days or months. The patient feels pain during urination, severe pain, itching. The pain can spread not only to the lower abdomen and pubis, but also to the back or lower back.

Characteristic symptoms of inflammation of the urethra are:

The infectious process eventually spreads to the entire mucous membrane of the canal and over time can spread to other organs. The symptoms will only become more pronounced. If inflammation is not dealt with, there is a risk of serious health complications: for men it is inflammation of the testicles or prostate gland, for women it is inflammation, etc. Untreated inflammatory processes can cause infertility in both women and men.


For successful treatment inflammatory process in the urethra, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause that provoked the disease:

  1. A course of antibiotic therapy may take about a week.
  2. In addition to antibiotics, the patient may need painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, uroantiseptics.
  3. It is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulators.
  4. If a polyp is detected in the urethra, treatment can only be surgical.
  5. If the cause of the pathology of the urethra is condylomas, cryotherapy is used and further treatment is carried out. healthy image life.
  6. Cancerous growths in the urethra are treated with radiation and surgical operations. In case of incomplete rupture of the urethra, it is sometimes sufficient to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy, and certain time observe bed rest.
  7. If the rupture is complete, catheterization may be required to drain urine, as well as surgery.

In order to avoid inflammatory processes in the urethra, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Since urethral diseases mainly occur due to promiscuity, you need to have a permanent partner who does not have health problems. Otherwise, protection methods such as a condom must be used.
  2. It is important to monitor personal hygiene of the genitals. After sexual intercourse, it is necessary to urinate, as urine helps flush out bacteria from the urethra.
  3. A person should also take care of his health: do not overcool, empty a full bladder on time, eat right, drink a lot of water and herbal teas.

When carrying out any medical manipulations in the urethra (scraping, smear, catheterization), sanitary standards must be observed. Therefore, it is important to trust only experienced specialist, otherwise you may get injured in the urethra. In addition, it is necessary to promptly identify and treat various diseases, which can form inflammatory processes in the urethra.

In women and men, the urethra is an important part of the urinary system. The urinary tract is necessary for removing urine to the gap where urine leaves the body. The anatomy of the urinary canal in men and women has many differences. The urethra differs in length; in addition, the organ in men is a component of the reproductive system.

Structure of the urinary canal

The second name for the urethra (Latin) is urethra. The duct responsible for the passage of urine into external environment, is located inside and looks like an elastic, soft tube. The walls of the tube consist of three layers:

  • connecting outer layer;
  • the middle layer is muscle;
  • mucous membrane.

The male urethra is several times longer than the female urethra.

The length of the male urethra is much larger than the female one, the average length is about 20-25 cm. It is hidden and divided into posterior and anterior sections. The anterior one is located away from the center, and the posterior urethra runs from the hidden opening to the cavernous body. The urethra in men can be visually divided into 3 components, described in the table:

The structure of the urethra in men
Sections of the urethra Components Location
Prostatic part
  • seminiferous tubules;
  • duct for removing sperm; prostate duct.
Duration 3 cm. Inner hole near the bladder - the beginning, then passes the prostate. At this point, small prostatic glands open into the canal
Membranous part
  • muscular sphincter.
Spongy part
  • numerous small channels.
Duration 1–2 cm. Narrow and short, passes through muscle strips (urogenital diaphragm), forming a voluntary sphincter

The stationary parts of the urethra in men are the prostatic and membranous sections, the spongy section is the moving segment.

Features of the structure of the organ in women

The structure of the female urethra makes it more prone to infections.

The female urethra is open, its length is about 3-5 cm, and its width is 1-1.5 cm. Initial segment located above pelvic floor. Rushing forward female urethra, passes the front wall of the elastic canal of the reproductive system (vagina) and the upper pubic bones. At the end of the female urethra, below the clitoris, is the external urethral meatus. The wide and short female urethra is located close to the vagina and anus, which makes women susceptible to inflammatory and infectious pathologies.

The inside of the canal in women is covered with mucous, collected in longitudinal folds, which make the diameter of the lumen smaller. Connective tissue consists of many elastic threads and a vaginal collection of veins of various sizes. Together they form an obstructing pad that promotes closure of the duct.


The process of microflora development begins during human birth. Once on the skin, microbes penetrate inside and are distributed throughout internal organs, their shell. Microorganisms remain on the mucous membrane; urine and internal secretions do not allow them to move further. Additional protection is provided by the ciliated epithelium. It is those living microorganisms that attach to the mucous membrane that form the innate microflora.

Features of female microflora

The acidic environment of a woman’s genitourinary organs protects against infections.

The number of microorganisms in a woman is greater than in the body of the stronger sex. This difference is influenced by the structure of the urethra, gender characteristics and location. 90% microorganisms healthy woman release acid. This is necessary to maintain an acidic environment, since as a result of the development of an alkaline environment, there is a risk of developing inflammatory processes. From birth, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli predominate. As the girl grows, the microorganisms change and coccal flora appears.

Features of male microflora

The microflora includes staphylococcus, streptococcus, and corynebacteria. From the moment of its inception throughout its existence, it does not change. The urethral urethra is characterized by a neutral alkaline environment, favorable for the life and development of staphylococci. This is the environment needed for sperm maturation. The totality of microorganisms does not fulfill important tasks, but can change, which affects the development of pathological complications.

The normal microflora of the urethra includes commensal bacteria (staphylococcus), rod-shaped bacteria, ureaplasma, and neisseria. Candida, chlamydia, and ureaplasma fungi are much less common. Microorganisms transmitted through sexual contact are considered particularly dangerous.



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