Cloudy fluid from nipples. Causes and types of discharge from the mammary glands

A woman should pay more attention to her health. Since her body is designed not only for her functioning, but also for bearing and giving birth to children, she must always take care of her health, especially the reproductive system and mammary glands. If white discharge appears from, then you should not worry too much. On the website we will look at the norm and deviations to understand when to worry.

White nipple discharge does not always occur only during lactation. After childbirth, it is quite natural to discharge large quantity white secret, as they say mother's milk, which is normal for any woman. However, how to react to such discharge in small quantities if the woman has not given birth recently?

From 18 to 45 years of age, a woman should undergo a medical examination every six months to a year to identify breast pathologies at an early stage of their development. Ultrasound becomes especially important if there is discharge of an unknown nature. Let's look at what they're talking about next.

Why does secretion appear from the breast?

All causes of discharge from the chest can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first group includes the release of milk after childbirth. During this period, it is quite normal to secrete first a translucent substance, which is colostrum, and then full-fledged milk.

In from the chest in copious amounts a white secretion is released - milk. It can appear both during pregnancy (even before the baby is born) and after the cessation of lactation.

The remaining causes are pathological, so if they occur, you should be careful about your health and consult a gynecologist or mammologist. The causes of the pathology are:

  1. Inflammatory diseases.
  2. Hormonal imbalance.
  3. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  4. Chest injuries.
  5. Excessive use of antidepressants.
  6. Taking a mammogram.
  7. Wearing an uncomfortable, synthetic or constricting bra.
  8. Low blood pressure in the milk ducts.

Any discharge from the breast should be noted. With them pathological occurrence consultation with a doctor is required.

It is necessary to note the nature of the discharge, where not only the color of the secretion becomes important. The doctor should know how much and often the discharge occurs. Do you have discharge from two or both breasts at the same time? Often the discharge can be one-sided. However, this does not mean that the second breast is not working.

More active discharge may flow from the nipples when pressed or pressed. The strength and frequency of discharge also indicates a lot. For example, increased and frequent discharge while maintaining its volume indicates a cold. If the volume increases, then this may indicate inadequate breast care. As a result, blockage of the ducts may develop, leading to lactostasis.

An infection may be indicated by discharge accompanied by pain, aching in the chest and pungent odor secret.

On pathological development diseases indicate the symptoms that bother the woman. They can be different:

  • Discharge of various colors, purulent, mucous, with a pungent odor.
  • The chest aches, burns, throbs, hurts.
  • One breast is larger than the other.
  • Areolas or nipples change shape and color.

A doctor can detect galactoria when prolactin (the hormone responsible for milk production) is retained in the mammary gland. This is normal if observed from the second trimester of pregnancy. However, pathological this state is considered if:

  1. Discharge white appeared after the end of the lactation period at 20-25 weeks.
  2. A white discharge occurred in a girl who had never been pregnant, and was accompanied by a slight burning sensation, stabbing pains and discomfort when putting on and wearing a bra. In this case, from the chest pathological discharge are in quantities of more than 2-4 drops.

When is the discharge normal or pathological?

There are many reasons why white discharge occurs, as well as conditions when it is normal or pathological. These cases should be considered.

  • Deviations from the norm are:
  1. Pain in the gland when running or walking, which causes increased discharge. The cause is observed in disruption of the hypothalamus due to injuries, bruises, compression, blows, malignant.
  2. Reflex activation of the mammary glands. The causes may include operations to eliminate burns when the nerve endings in iron.
  3. Discharge when compressed in the areola area. Occurs due to herpes zoster, ingestion medicines, diseases thyroid gland or adrenal glands, ovaries.
  • A deviation or normal condition may be discharge when squeezed. This is pathological when painful sensations in the mammary gland, suspected mastitis, benign tumor pituitary gland, renal failure.

Idiopathic galactorrhea is a disease when no cause has been identified.

Discharge may be normal if a woman is unaware of her pregnancy or if it is ectopic or frozen.

Depending on the causes of the discharge, the doctor will prescribe treatment, which may involve resorting to surgery.

What types of nipple discharge are there?

The discharge varies, which indicates the nature of the disease. It is normal to discharge milk in the form of milk during pregnancy or after childbirth. However, the rest of the discharge is pathological and has a different color, consistency, smell, taste (you just shouldn’t try them). The secret could be:

  1. Thick or liquid.
  2. Watery or slimy.
  3. With a subtle odor or fetid.
  4. White, yellow, greenish, dark green, black, brown, with blood.
  5. Transparent, opaque or translucent.

A milky white secretion can be secreted in both sexes. This may be a form of galactorrhea - prolactemia. It develops due to:

  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Changes in climatic conditions.
  • Frequent flights.
  • Disorders of the pituitary-hypothalamar system.

Galactorrhea can be recognized by white or transparent thick discharge from both breasts.

Other discharges may include:

  1. Transparent discharge. If they are not accompanied painful sensations, then there is no need to worry. They can occur during active physical activity, during menstruation, when wearing the wrong bra, or when taking contraceptives.
  2. Dark green, almost black discharge often occurs during menopause, when the breast ducts become deformed and change. The pain may not bother you. You should consult a doctor, who most often detects ectasia (plasmacytic mastitis), a disease that can lead to cancer.
  3. Bloody discharge often occurs with chest injuries. It should be treated with the help of doctors, otherwise the injury may abscess, leading to cystadenopapilloma or intraductal papilloma.
  4. Brownish-green discharge often occurs when fibrocystic disease or mastopathy. At the same time, the glands swell, causing a feeling of fullness in the chest. This requires drug treatment.


Depending on the nature of the discharge and the reasons for its occurrence, predictions can be made. Typically, any discharge indicates pathology, except for colostrum and milk, which are released during pregnancy or lactation. Transparent discharge of a short duration also indicates the absence of pathologies. A secret of a different nature definitely requires examination by a doctor.

One of the most common symptoms of breast diseases is nipple discharge, which is observed in 7% of mammologist patients. In most cases, this symptom is caused by non-life-threatening conditions. Approximately 5% of women with this symptom are subsequently diagnosed with malignant tumor glands. To find out what nipple discharge means, you need to see a doctor.

Why is this happening?

We can distinguish physiological, benign and dangerous malignant causes the appearance of discharge from the nipples.


Such factors are natural for a woman. One of the reasons for the appearance of secretion is lactation, that is, the production of breast milk after childbirth. The mammary glands also synthesize colostrum later pregnancy and in the first days after the birth of the child.

Clear, colorless liquid from the nipples may appear outside of pregnancy. This is caused by hormonal imbalance. After the cessation of menstruation (postmenopause), such signs should not appear.


Diseases that may be accompanied by the appearance of liquid contents from the nipples, and are benign:

  • (a non-cancerous tumor resembling a polyp located in the gland duct);
  • chronic inflammatory process – mastitis;
  • fibrocystic disease resulting from hormonal imbalances;
  • dilation, or ectasia, of the milk ducts;
  • (benign tumor);
  • ductal hyperplasia - thickening of the walls of the ducts;
  • nipple adenoma (benign tumor).

In addition to diseases of the glands themselves, the appearance of secretions is often accompanied by hyperprolactinemia, eczema or atopic dermatitis pacifier.

Of these diseases similar sign most often associated with ductal ectasia.

Separately, it should be noted that clear, colorless discharge from the nipples is sometimes observed when using medications, primarily metoclopramide and domperidone. These substances are part of popular drugs to eliminate nausea and motion sickness - Cerucal, Ceruglana, Motilium, Passazhiks and others.


These are precancerous or cancerous diseases:

  • atypical ductal hyperplasia - thickening of the walls of the duct, in which the precursors of cancer cells appear;
  • ductal carcinoma in situ - a superficial tumor on the wall of the duct;
  • lobular carcinoma in situ – localized small tumor glandular structures organ;
  • invasive ductal carcinoma or lobular carcinoma - malignant tumors that grow in the gland tissue, affecting the lymph nodes and distant organs;
  • – cancer of the nipple and areola area.

When a malignant tumor disintegrates, black discharge is observed, the appearance of which requires urgent medical attention.

The nature of the secretion in various pathologies - general signs

For benign conditions:

  • usually bilateral;
  • appear when pressed;
  • without impurities and lumps;
  • with a sticky consistency;
  • Colorless, but can also be colored - from white to yellow or green.

Discharge from the nipple mixed with blood is also more often associated with benign diseases. However, they can also be caused by cancer. Therefore, when such a symptom appears, an in-depth examination by a doctor is necessary.

For malignant diseases:

  • appear on one side;
  • arise spontaneously, leak without pressure;
  • there is clear, light, pink or bloody discharge;
  • When palpated in the chest, an area of ​​compaction is detected, and the axillary lymph nodes are enlarged.

Based on the color of the secreted fluid, one can assume a possible cause of the pathology:

  • white, yellow or green discharge from the nipples is characteristic of inflammatory processes, primarily mastitis;
  • dark green and thick appear when ductal cysts suppurate;
  • brown ones occur with ectasia of the milk ducts;
  • transparent, watery – with;
  • bloody - with cancer or papilloma.

This symptom can manifest itself in combination with other signs of breast disease:

  • pain, increased sensitivity;
  • palpable formation in the tissue;
  • inverted nipple, uneven skin, discoloration, redness or itching of the skin;
  • change in the size of one of the glands;
  • fever;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, weight loss or gain.

Learn more about an alarming symptom, as a norm or a manifestation of pathology

This symptom has features in various gynecological and endocrine problems, as well as physiological conditions.


Normally, before and after the birth of a baby, colostrum and then milk begin to be released from the breast. Nipple discharge during pregnancy is more early stages appear when the gland is preparing for lactation, its ducts become wider, and its cells are renewed. This occurs under the influence of hormones, and at the same time the skin on the nipples and areolas darkens. The color of this liquid is white or light yellow. Colostrum can appear in the 3rd trimester, less often from the 20th week and extremely rarely at the very beginning of pregnancy, however, this is also a normal condition.

At first breastfeeding the glands become engorged, the amount of colostrum may be insignificant. With regular breastfeeding, secretory activity improves. If your breasts become soft as a result of feeding, pumping, or nipple discharge, this is a normal sign.

Not all women develop this symptom during pregnancy. During the 2nd and subsequent pregnancies, sensations in the breasts may also change. Lack of secretion does not mean that there will be difficulties with breastfeeding.

However, there are two cases when you should definitely consult a doctor:

  • pinkish or bloody color liquids;
  • the appearance of lumps in the chest, especially painful or sensitive when palpated.

The glands enlarge evenly before childbirth, and the appearance of dense foci can be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Menstrual cycle

Normally, at the end of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the level of progesterone in the blood decreases. If this does not happen, discharge from the nipples appears before menstruation. This can happen with diseases of the ovaries, and often there is painful engorgement of the mammary glands, irregularity of the cycle, and a change in its duration. Fluid secretion before menstruation may also be associated with hormonal contraceptives.

Regardless of the phase of the cycle, the appearance of a small amount of fluid from the breast is sometimes associated with its stimulation during sexual intercourse. The hormone oxytocin, released during excitement, causes contraction of the muscles of the milk ducts and the release of their transparent contents.

The appearance of such a symptom after menstruation is not specific to any one disease. This can happen with a malignant tumor of the gland, and with hyperprolactinemia and other hormonal disorders.

During perimenopause, the female body undergoes significant hormonal changes. The function of the ovaries gradually fades away; to maintain it, the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system can be activated. However, at the same time the risk increases malignant neoplasms breasts Therefore, the appearance of secretion from the nipples during menopause should always be a reason to contact a gynecologist or mammologist.

If the patient has undergone surgery for some reason, this does not affect the functioning of her mammary glands. Therefore, after removal of the uterus, the appearance of fluid from the mammary glands may be as follows: normal sign, and a symptom of pathology.

Fibrocystic disease

Not all patients experience nipple discharge. They appear if the pathology is accompanied by severe hormonal disorders. If they are watery or contain blood, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Mastitis and other infectious lesions

Inflammation or usually caused by bacteria, less commonly viruses or fungi. Most often develops lactation mastitis, which occurs when pathogenic microflora multiply during breastfeeding. The disease is accompanied by chest pain, swelling, redness, and white or yellow discharge from the nipple.

At severe course process in the tissues of the gland, a pyogenic microflora develops, an abscess, gangrenous or phlegmonous, is formed. In this case, the breast is significantly enlarged, very painful, and may appear from the nipple. purulent discharge. The only treatment for this condition is surgical – opening and cleansing the abscess cavity.


Prolactin is normally produced by the pituitary gland in small quantities. Its secretion increases significantly during breastfeeding, ensuring the restructuring of gland tissue and the formation of milk in it. If a woman is not pregnant or breastfeeding, the appearance of milk in her is called and is associated with an abnormal increase in the amount of the hormone prolactin.

Hyperprolactinemia can result from the following conditions:

  • long-term breast stimulation;
  • constant or sudden severe stress;
  • injury to the mammary gland;
  • intense mechanical action of the partner during sexual intercourse;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, especially with a decrease in its function - hypothyroidism;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • reception oral contraceptives, antidepressants, some medications against hypertension.

At elevated prolactin appears from the nipples white liquid, reminiscent of milk. This symptom can also be observed in men. In this case, it always serves as a symptom of some disease.

Mammary cancer

Fluid from the nipples may begin to be released at an early stage of the disease, especially if the tumor is localized in the gland duct. Therefore, even with the isolated appearance of this symptom, you should urgently be examined by a doctor.

The likelihood of a malignant tumor increases in the following situations:

  • the secretion is watery or contains blood;
  • palpable dense formation in the chest;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes;
  • nipple retraction;
  • breast deformation, “lemon peel” on the skin.

Nipple discharge in men

In 75% of cases this is a sign of breast cancer.

Breast cancer in men is very rare and accounts for less than 1% of all cases of malignant tumors of this organ. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of compaction and pain in the gland tissue. If discharge appears, you should contact a surgeon or oncologist as soon as possible.

In addition to the tumor this symptom may be associated with hyperprolactinemia. It occurs quite rarely in men and is caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland.

The principles for diagnosing and treating such conditions in men are the same as in women.

What to do if there is discharge from the nipples?

If such a symptom is observed in women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding, it is necessary to find out its cause. Doctors are especially concerned about cases that occur in women over 40 years of age when there is constant discharge from one gland, mixed with blood and/or the presence of a lump. Another risk factor for breast cancer is a family history of the disease.

If the patient is using any drug for substitution hormone therapy or contraception, which is accompanied not only by discharge, but also by pain and swelling, the doctor should replace the medicine with a safer one.

Laboratory research

The following tests are used for diagnosis:

  1. Determination of prolactin level. This hormone regulates the production of breast milk. It is determined to exclude a prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor.
  2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. Its level is determined to exclude hypothyroidism.
  3. Human chorionic gonadotropin, or pregnancy test, to exclude physiological reasons this symptom.

If a malignant tumor is suspected, the doctor may prescribe cytological examination secretion of the mammary glands to determine malignant cells in it. However, this study does not always help to identify a tumor, so it is rarely used.

A skin biopsy is performed for Paget's cancer of the nipple or areola. Symptoms of the disease include skin changes resembling eczema (itching, cracking, dryness, flaking), and yellowish discharge from the nipple. A puncture biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.

Instrumental diagnostics

  1. X-ray examination mammary glands to identify compactions, calcium deposits, asymmetry, anomalies of the vascular pattern; used in women over 35-40 years of age and often helps detect early stage cancer.
  2. prescribed to women under 35 years of age for differential diagnosis lumps and cysts filled with fluid, and is also used during targeted biopsies and during surgical operations.
  3. Ductography is a study of the ducts of the gland after the introduction of a radiopaque substance into them, it is necessary to identify ductal tumors and precise definition their locations.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging - safe research, detecting tumors minimum size; however, there is a high probability false positive result, therefore, such a study is prescribed less frequently than mammography.

Treatment methods

Treatment for nipple discharge depends on its cause:

  • if it is determined that this symptom is caused medicines, they are cancelled;
  • for hypothyroidism, thyroxine is prescribed;
  • for hyperprolactinemia, it is possible to use dopamine agonists, but less often surgical removal pituitary tumors;
  • Without apparent reason no treatment is prescribed for discharge; re-examination is carried out after 2 - 3 months;
  • for fibrocystic disease, hormonal drugs are used;
  • Mastitis and other infectious processes require treatment with antibiotics.

At constant secretions Surgical removal of the dilated milk duct is possible. If a malignant tumor is detected, the patient is referred to an oncologist. She is assigned combination treatment, which includes surgery, radiation and in various combinations.


Nipple discharge is often a sign of breast disease. To prevent pathology of the mammary glands, it is necessary:

  • avoid injury to the mammary glands;
  • maintain normal weight;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • do not give up breastfeeding your child for at least six months after birth;
  • do not take without consulting a gynecologist;
  • regularly conduct self-examination of the mammary glands after the end of the next menstruation;
  • when unusual symptoms consult a doctor without delay.

Any gland is an organ that produces and then secretes specific substances. The same functions are performed by the mammary glands. Their main purpose is to produce milk, but even during normal periods they contain a certain amount of secretion that comes out. It is usually a colorless, odorless liquid.

What nipple discharge is considered normal?

The secretion can be released from only one breast or from both at the same time. It can come out on its own or with pressure. Normally, this should happen rarely and in small quantities. A cause for concern should be an increase in the amount of discharge from the nipples, a change in color or consistency, especially if this is accompanied by fever, chest pain and headache.

Sometimes an increase in the volume of secretions or clear discharge from the nipples is considered normal. This can be caused by:

  • hormone therapy;
  • performing mammography;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • mechanical impact on the chest;
  • decrease in pressure.

What can the color of the discharge indicate?

Often the discharge from the nipples of the breast differs in color. Their shade may indicate the presence of pathological processes.

White discharge

If white discharge from the nipples is not associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding, or continues for more than five months after the end of breastfeeding, this may indicate the presence of galactorrhea. The disease occurs when the body produces excessively the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. White, less often brownish or yellow discharge from the breast, in addition to galactorrhea, can cause malfunction of some organs, kidneys or liver, diseases of the ovaries and thyroid gland, hypothyroidism and pituitary tumors.

Black, dark brown or green nipple discharge

Such discharge from the mammary glands is observed in women after 40 years of age. They are caused by ectasia. The condition occurs due to inflammation of the milk ducts, resulting in the formation of a thick substance that is brown or even black or dark green in color.

The discharge of pus from the nipple is not only extremely unpleasant, but also very dangerous symptom, which should alert you and force you to immediately consult a doctor. To know what to expect, find out possible reasons of this phenomenon.

First, it is worth noting that pus is an exudate resulting from purulent or serous inflammation fabrics. This liquid has a viscous consistency, a yellowish or grayish tint, often bad smell. It consists of leukocytes, cholesterol, globulins, fats, albumins, particles skin and soft tissues, DNA impurities, as well as enzymes and waste products of inflammatory agents - pathogenic microorganisms.

Considering what was written above, we can conclude that pus does not form in the chest just like that; its accumulation and release is preceded by an inflammatory process. And in most cases pathological changes

  • , occurring in the tissues of the mammary glands, do not go unnoticed and provoke a number of other symptoms:
  • swelling
  • hyperemia
  • distension
  • discomfort
  • soreness
  • redness
  • engorgement


Pus can be released from the nipples only when exposed to them (for example, when pressed) or flow freely if its amount is significant.

Non-purulent discharge that may cause concern

The discharge is not always purulent, although sometimes in consistency and shade it actually resembles pathological exudate. But if the leakage of fluid from the nipples is not accompanied by severe and obvious inflammation, and there are no other symptoms, then most likely it is not pus.

Possible causes of purulent discharge

Suppuration of the nipples may be due to the following states, pathologies and diseases:

  • Mastitis – having inflammatory nature disease. In most cases, it develops during the lactation period due to damage to the skin as a result of improper attachment or insufficient emptying of the breast. With this disease, the discharge is accompanied by pain, hyperemia, severe swelling, bloating, an increase in the size of the mammary gland, as well as an increase in body temperature and clearly palpable lumps.
  • Intraductal papillomas. These are wart-like neoplasms located on the walls of the ducts and, accordingly, deform them. In some cases, with papillomas, purulent discharge from the nipples is observed. And upon palpation, compactions can be detected.
  • Malignant or benign neoplasms, especially those located inside the milk ducts and deforming them. Pus can be released when tumors are of significant size, so during examination they will probably be clearly palpable.
  • Damage and further infection of nipple tissue. This area can be damaged as a result of rough stimulation, invasive procedures(including piercings), non-compliance with pumping technique (especially manual pumping), injuries.
  • Cracks in the nipples occur due to improper attachment during lactation and become peculiar entrance gate for various pathogenic microorganisms, such as streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, enterobacteria. Their activity causes inflammation and, as a result, the release of pus.
  • Mastopathy can lead to the formation of pus if tissues growing pathologically in the breast irritate and deform the milk ducts, damaging their walls. With this disease, a number of other symptoms are observed: engorgement of the mammary glands, compactions in them, discomfort, changes in shape and size, pain.
  • Recently transferred surgical operations on the chest. If tissue infection occurs during or after them, this can cause suppuration.
  • Boils or carbuncles. If they are located on the nipples, which, although rare, does happen, then pus from the cavity can exit through the milky tubules if it does not find another way out. Such neoplasms look like red ulcers rising above the skin, very painful under mechanical influence.

What to do

If you notice pus discharge from mammary gland, then this is obvious warning sign requiring immediate medical attention. A mammologist will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe a series of diagnostic procedures: ductography, x-ray, mammography, ultrasound, blood tests.

Based on the results obtained, a diagnosis will be made. Treatment depends on the reasons that caused the suppuration. To relieve inflammation, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs may be recommended. At bacterial infections Antibiotics are prescribed. Sometimes an appointment is required hormonal drugs

. And to open the abscesses and remove tumors localized in the chest, surgical intervention will be required. Pus discharged from the nipples - unpleasant symptom

, which should alert any woman who cares about her health and force her to visit a doctor. Discharge from the mammary gland can be lactation ( breast milk after the birth of the baby) and non-lactational. The latter may be symptoms dangerous diseases

. They differ in color and consistency, for example, yellow discharge from the mammary glands. Based on the characteristics of discharge from the mammary gland when pressed, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, which is then confirmed by diagnostic studies.

Breast secretions pass through the same ducts as breast milk. However, it is not at all necessary that liquid will flow out of all channels at the same time. It often happens that discharge comes out of only one gland. It is important to remember the nature of the discharge and its frequency in order to inform the mammologist to make the correct diagnosis.

Discharge from the mammary glands appears when pressure is applied for completely different reasons. It could be oncology or simple hormonal disbalance in organism. In order not to guess how this will turn out, you should visit a doctor.

With age and the number of pregnancies, the risk of discharge from the mammary glands when pressed increases.

When discharge is normal

In some situations, discharge from the mammary glands is normal.

Sterile liquid

Transparent liquid from the mammary glands is a secretion, sometimes released in small quantities. It is not only colorless, but also odorless.

The appearance may be associated with:

  • chest injuries;
  • taking certain medications;
  • excitement during sexual intercourse;
  • frequent nipple stimulation.
  • White liquid

    For pregnant and lactating women, white discharge from the mammary glands is quite normal, as it is milk. In expectant mothers, fluid is released in a smaller volume, only with pressure. For some period of time after lactation, milk may still be released, this is also normal.


    Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, bright color, are the main sign of a serious illness.

    Dilation of the ducts

    When the ducts dilate soft tissues breasts, when pressing on the mammary gland, fluid is released. This is due to the fact that a very viscous dark-colored mass affects the milky ways and changes their shape. The pathology may be accompanied inflammatory process, but this is optional. The color of the discharge depends on the individual.

    Drug and alternative treatment does not solve the problem, it can only alleviate the condition. Ectasia can only be cured by surgery.


    Bloody discharge from the mammary gland may appear due to severe bruise, for example, when hitting a machine. They appear within two days, accompanied by painful sensations.

    Injury can trigger the appearance of tumors in the chest and inflammatory processes.

    Fluid from the mammary glands when pressed occurs in cases where papilloma, a benign tumor, forms in the milk ducts.

    However, it does not occur as a symptom of a virus, but for reasons still unknown to science. This disease can only be treated surgically. The discharge does not have a specific character.


    Purulent discharge from the mammary glands when pressed appears due to inflammation of the breast area. Mastitis is a disease characteristic of the breastfeeding period.

    Associated signs are fever, chills, general deterioration of health, pain at the site of compaction. Pus is released from the mammary gland in case of an abscess, the difference of which is not inflammation of the area, but the accumulation of pus in the mammary gland in one place.


    If a girl has never given birth or been pregnant, but she produces milk, this is due to a hormonal surge in prolactin.

    This can happen after frequent nipple stimulation or taking hormonal medications.


    Disease in fibrocystic form, as a rule, is accompanied by dark discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. Apart from this sign, a woman may not have other symptoms.

    However, if discharge appears, you should urgently consult a specialist, because such symptoms indicate the transition of mastopathy to oncology.

    A malignant tumor is manifested not only by dark and unpleasant-smelling discharge from the mammary gland, but also by its external deformation.

    As soon as a woman notices such a sign, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will refer her to diagnostic examination to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

    Nipple cancer

    Bloody discharge is a symptom not only of injury, but also of oncology.

    If the nipple is peeling, retracted, red, and the areola is itchy, it may be Paget's disease.

    Types and color of discharge

    The color of the discharge suggests a disease:

    1. Greens. Thick and slimy green discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is a sign of progressive mastopathy. Side symptoms: soreness, heat, compaction in the affected areas. Greenish discharge from the mammary glands, when pressed, occur in young girls with mastitis.
    2. Yellow. If the yellow discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is light or milky in color, there is no point in worrying. This happens due to hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy. Yellow discharge from the chest of a purulent nature are signs of inflammatory and infectious processes. Accompanied severe discomfort, elevated temperature, swelling of the breast.
    3. Brown. Bleeding occurs in the milk ducts due to the development of tumors. This is accompanied by brown discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. In addition, fluid of this color from the breast - a clear sign cancer or mastopathy.
    4. Transparent. Because of frequent stress, reduced immunity, hormonal imbalance arise transparent discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. If they do not cause discomfort, are not accompanied by heat, swelling or a foul odor, then this is normal. In older women, duectasia may also cause clear discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. They also accompany chest injuries in mild form, and occur after sexual intercourse.
    5. Black. Black discharge from the breast is the most dangerous. Their constant companions are severe pain in the mammary glands, changing their shape. They occur both in severe cases of mastopathy and in cancer. Required urgent appeal to the doctor.
    6. Bloody. This fluid can be seen after a severe bruise. Also bloody issues– a symptom of a benign or malignant tumor.


    The mammologist sends to diagnostic studies to determine why fluid is secreted from the mammary glands.

    What types of examinations can he order?

    1. Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
    2. Mammography.
    3. Analyzes of nipple discharge (cytology and culture for microflora).
    4. Ductography.
    5. MRI of the pituitary gland (located in the brain).
    6. Blood test for hormones.

    Treatment and prognosis

    As soon as a woman notices that fluid is coming out of her nipple, she should see a specialist. He will prescribe examination methods, after which he will determine the diagnosis, according to which he will select treatment.

    Therapy may include conservative methods therapy: antibiotics, hormonal drugs. This is prescribed, for example, when pus appears from the mammary gland. But there are cases when the only way to get rid of the disease is surgery.

    Traditional methods of treatment usually do not give the desired result; they may have a short-term effect, relieve the pain a little, remove some symptoms, but they will not completely cure the disease. Methods traditional treatment It is better to include them in the complex of therapy, but not to be treated in any way using only them.

    How more dangerous diagnosis, the worse the prognosis will be. It also depends on the stage at which treatment began. If the discharge is related to human physiology, then it will soon go away on its own.


    A woman should always take care of her health reproductive system. The mammary glands are often susceptible hormonal changes, so they can be the first to indicate that something is wrong in the body.

    To avoid diseases that are accompanied by fluid from the nipples, you need to:

    1. Avoid stress.
    2. Stick to healthy image life (refusal bad habits, balanced daily menu, sport).
    3. Monitor your weight and adjust it if it is overweight.
    4. When choosing hormonal medications, be sure to contact an experienced doctor, who, based on tests and examinations, will prescribe a remedy that is suitable individually. However, you need to remember that taking it a long period it is forbidden!
    5. Conduct breast self-diagnosis.
    6. Regularly visit a mammologist, gynecologist for preventive examination. Women over 30 years old should do this at least once a year.

    Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed can vary in color, smell and consistency. So they testify to various diseases V female body. But there are cases when the fluid released from the nipples is associated with physiological processes. In any case, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor so that he can diagnose and recommend treatment.


    Our video will tell you what nipple discharge means.



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