Bow-shaped lips. Narrow mouth with full lips

MOUTH Of all the elements of the face, the mouth provides the most direct and continuous contact with the outside world. In infancy, we instinctively put all objects into our mouths to verify their reality. Every piece of food we eat and every word we speak passes through this gate called the mouth. This stunning organ not only indicates our style of self-expression, but also our degree of sensuality and how we interpret what others say. The shape and size of the mouth make it possible to determine the strength of a person’s internal energy.

Lips The lips are involved in pronouncing words and giving out kisses. The upper lip represents feminine energy. (Not surprisingly, men often cover it with a mustache to emphasize masculinity.) The upper lip also indicates aspects of our inner world related to our feelings. The lower lip represents masculine energy, talks about our relationship with the outside world.

Full lips (both lips are wide and plump)

Emotional expressiveness
Developed sense of humor

You are emotionally expressive, sensual and perhaps provocative. You good feeling humor, and you enjoy every opportunity to express yourself.

Convex full lips are a success in life.

Thick lips are found in people who are wasteful and prone to wine. Sometimes this is a sign of touchiness.

Wide lips - indiscipline, phlegmatism, demonstrativeness, laziness.

Large lips and at the same time a drooping lower lip mean flighty people, fools, and evil people.

Full lower lip (the lower lip is noticeably thicker than the upper lip)

You know how to convince
Focused on practical activities

You have the gift of persuasion when you want to convince others of your point of view, especially when it comes to the outer world of facts and figures. If your lower lip is twice as thick as your upper lip, your natural powers of persuasion allow you to charm your listeners and make them believe what you say. But in general, you prefer to talk less and do more. You should learn to listen to own feelings and express them in words. If upper lip especially subtle, you are so committed to business that you can even replace your feelings with business.

Full upper lip (the upper lip is noticeably thicker than the lower lip)

Verbal expression of feelings

You are not interested in words, but in the true character of the speaker. You are straightforward and do not hesitate to cut the truth when your keen senses detect deception. You try to penetrate into the true motives of the words and actions of others. You like to express your feelings verbally, but you must learn to be more gentle in dealing with people who may be hurt by your insight and frankness. Your problem may be that others don't trust your reviews of them unless you back them up with objective facts.

The upper lip, slightly protruding above the lower, indicates intelligence, caution and directness of character; if it protrudes clearly, it indicates indecision. A protruding lower lip belongs to selfish people; they are easily offended. Protrusion of the upper lip - efficiency, truthfulness, gullibility

The notching of the upper lip demonstrates the desire for a safe refuge. The depth of the excavation indicates a natural tendency to build for one’s own safety, and the width indicates the ability to relax.
The upper lip protrudes above the lower lip - indicates indecision; if on the contrary, then it is a sign of selfishness.

Thin lips (in extreme cases lips are not visible at all, only a thin line of the mouth)

Coldness and restraint
You don't trust flattery

As a child, too much was probably demanded of you, and then you were scolded a lot and praised little. You do not express your feelings and views openly and are very careful in expressing opinions that may attract criticism.

You are cold and calculating, reserved and cautious, and are not inclined to trust people. You especially do not trust flattery and verbal expressions of feelings. You should loosen up and learn to express your feelings and emotions more openly.

If you have thin lips and a wide mouth, you may have a hard time getting along with people, but when you do, you tend to be very outgoing and witty.

Thin lips indicate a scrupulous character, a sharp mind and eloquence. Too thin - a warning. Such a person is cruel and capable of meanness. A depressed mouth with thin lips indicates hypocrisy and envy.

Thin - the scrupulousness of the owner.

Small lips mean that a person is prudent, prudent, and intelligent.

"Cupid's bow" (the upper lip is shaped like a bow)
Getting your way
You clearly understand what you need, and then easily realize your dreams. You somehow always manage to get your way.
If you think about it, this ability to achieve realization own ideas it's not difficult to understand. To make your ideas come true, you first need others to hear you. This little corner on the upper lip acts like a neon sign on the subconscious of listeners, attracting all their attention. Women can enhance this natural gift with properly applied lipstick. It also brings more attention to the upper lip as an expression of feminine energy.

Horizontal lips are a sign of emotional balance.

Smile A sincere smile is something that comes from the heart. Your smile says more about your true character and personality traits than any other gesture. The corners of the mouth should turn up in a smile. If the corners go down, it is not a smile, but a mask, cold and insincere.

Natural smile (wide, lips relaxed, teeth showing, but not gums)
Harmony of feelings
You are in harmony with your feelings, without flaunting them or hiding them. You are also quite happy with your sexuality.

Exposed gums

Overly generous
Don't believe you can be loved on your own

If your gums are exposed in a wide smile, then you believe that you are desirable to others only because of what you can give them or do for them. You probably try very hard to please others, not believing that you can be loved for nothing. You try to win love through acts of generosity and dedication. You probably give gifts to everyone you know, regardless of whether you get anything in return.

Tight lips (the upper lip is pulled over the teeth)

False sincerity
Are you hiding something?

Such an “excessively sincere” smile serves as a mask that hides the true feelings of its owner, trying to convey sincerity and care, which are not there at all. There may be deception hiding behind it. Beware of buying a used car from a salesman who smiles at you like that!

Closed lips (like a “kiss”)
Desire to keep distance
You communicate that you would like to keep your distance. Your smile actually says: “I’m nice to you, but don’t rush me. It takes time to get closer to me, but don’t give up trying.”

Crooked smile (one corner of the mouth is higher than the other)
Smile for show
You smile for show, trying to make a good impression, but not showing your true feelings. Perhaps you are smiling simply because you are being filmed.

TEETH If you dream that you have lost your teeth, it could mean a loss of strength or fear for your ability to survive. In physiognomy, teeth represent the decision-making process and speak of our strength of character and determination.

Straight teeth (teeth of the same size)

Logical approach
Self confidence

You are logical and learn lessons quickly. You make decisions calmly and confidently.

Gap between front teeth

Ready to take risks
Make decisions instantly based on intuition

You are willing to take risks, even when you are not sure of the outcome. Moreover, when you have a choice between a safe and risky scenario, you usually choose the second. The wider the gap between your front teeth, the more pronounced this trait is in your character. Your friends consider you a reckless person because you make decisions on the fly, trust your intuition completely, and don't hide from danger.
Cleft between the upper internal incisors - conflict, desire for interesting work, interest in education, anxiety.

Large front teeth (much larger than the rest)
Once you set your mind to something, you won’t give up. You can be stubborn as a mule, and someone has to convincingly prove you wrong before you change your mind. Positive side This is because you are able to firmly adhere to your opinion in the face of any opposition.
Large upper incisors- sincerity, desire for material security.

Crooked teeth (especially lower teeth)

See both sides of the issue
You place incredibly high demands on yourself

You see both sides of any issue. Although you are an excellent debater, you do not like to make mistakes, so you double-check the facts before taking action. You should not set yourself unattainable goals, weighing every decision.

Protruding teeth (front)
I had to overcome childhood shyness
Before you learned to communicate normally and get along with people, you had to put a lot of effort into overcoming yourself, overcoming your childhood shyness.

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Every day we come across a lot of makeup tips from professional makeup artists and amateur bloggers. website I decided to check the most popular of them and tell readers which tips are worth your attention.

Choosing the right tone

Choose a foundation depending on your skin tone. It may be warmer or colder. For the right choice It is necessary to apply several shades on the border of the neck and face.

Blend the bronzer thoroughly

Modern facial correction is built with soft curves. There should be no clear stripes or triangles. It is better to choose a sculptor's shade of gray-brown with a light texture. It is best to do darkening just above your own cheekbone - such a move will create additional effect lifting.

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows

Eyebrows set the character of makeup, so for everyday use it would be best to choose soft form with a slight bend. The color is chosen depending on the shade of the hair: brunettes wear colors 1–2 shades lighter than their hair, blondes go tone on tone or 1 shade darker.

Visually enlarging the eyes

A black pencil on the upper mucosa will create a clearer and more open look, visually making your eyelashes thicker. Conversely, using it on the lower mucosa without actively shading the shadows will create a more almond-shaped eye shape and make it visually smaller.

Selecting the ideal arrow shape

Arrows go to everyone! The main thing is to find your form and the right direction. Don't raise the tail of the eyeliner too high, as this will break the shape of the eye. Continuation of the lower eyelid is one of the correct directions of your arrow. Draw a ponytail when open eye, this way you can see all the folds of the eyelid and won’t draw them in the wrong place.

We use several shades of shadows

In eye makeup, use not 2 shades, but several. For soft shading, you need a tool such as a medium-sized fluffy brush and a shade of shadow that will create only shadows.

Apply one coat of mascara to eyelashes

A huge amount of mascara on the eyelashes adds age and gives the image frivolity. Well-separated, fluffy lashes look softer in everyday makeup.

Lip augmentation method contour plastic surgery– the most popular beauty procedure. Clinics and medical centers vied with each other to offer “the smile of Mona Lisa,” “ french lips» and "sexy lips".

Indeed, the procedure takes literally 40 minutes, makes the face sensual, rejuvenates and beautifies. Injecting filler into the lips allows you to restore the youthful fullness and clear contour of the lips that were lost with age, make thin lips more expressive, and remove wrinkles around the lips.

At first glance, the scheme is very simple: a small amount of a substance is injected into the lips, which, when it gets under the skin, begins to hold water molecules around itself, as a result of which the lips puff up, become juicy and seductive. Beauty! You inject the drug and expect a wonderful result.

But only on one condition. The procedure must be performed by a professional top class. Contour plastic surgery of the face and lips only seems to be a simple matter. Practice shows that otherwise the result will please only your worst enemies.

We are in medical center For many years now, Platinental has been engaged not only in beautiful contour plastic surgery lips People turn to us every day to correct other people's mistakes. Today we are sharing this “black list” in the hope that it will save you from disappointment and tears due to a thoughtless choice of doctor and drug.

Lip contouring with filler. Performed by a dermatocosmetologist.

Lip contouring. Performed by a dermatocosmetologist .

Lip contouring. Performed .

Hit parade of horror stories for adult girls

So, here are the most common problems that result from unsuccessfully performed labiaplasty.

1. Lips turn out to be larger than you wanted

Did you dream of Angelina Jolie's plump lips, but got Pamela Anderson's lips? Alas, you have been given an excessive amount of gel.

Amanda Lepore, freak. “Pumped” lips look approximately the same on all types of faces - too unnatural to take their owner seriously.

If this modern drug based on hyaluronic acid, then you shouldn’t be too upset. During a year hyaluronic acid will resolve on its own and the lips will return to their natural shape. However, if the image of a “Malibu lifeguard” is not to your taste, come. Using special Spanish enzymes, we will delicately eliminate excess drug, maintaining the volume in the right places.

2. The harmonious proportions of the face are disrupted

A very common mistake. To see this, watch the opening of any film festival or other event where the elite gather. Most older actresses undergo lip contouring – this is a fact.

For one actress, “pumped” lips are perceived separately from the face as something completely foreign. And for some, the correction is completely invisible - for example, Dame Moore. She always had string lips. And now they do not stand out on the face with their fullness. But look how perfectly they harmonize with the rest of the facial features.

Dame Moore is one of the few who does not “pump” her naturally thin lips. Despite the use of contouring, her lips look natural and youthful. Perhaps this best example good taste cosmetologist and his patient.

If, unlike Damie, you made a mistake, it makes sense to correct it and return your lips to a proportional appearance.

If the harmony of features is disturbed, the face is not perceived as beautiful. In order to avoid the effect of someone else's lips, a contour plastic specialist needs to know in detail the structure of the face and its proportions, the laws of harmony, and also take into account several dozen features of the structure of the lips themselves, their age, balance in the upper and lower lip, their symmetry on the left and right sides.

For example, at Platinental we use 13 criteria to create an irresistible smile. All of them are carefully taken into account each time before the procedure - individually for each patient.

Adequacy test: do you still think extreme lip size is beautiful?

3. Violation of the correct lip volumes

Lips seem beautiful to us not when they are simply equally large, but when they meet certain criteria. It is very important that the lower lip in profile is fuller than the upper lip.

If this is not so, then there is no need to talk about beauty. And here it doesn’t matter: they are the same or the upper lip is fuller than the lower. The ideal ratio of the size of the upper and lower lip is 1/3 to 2/3. This golden ratio, which Leonardo Da Vinci described in his works and which every self-respecting contouring specialist strives for in his works.

4. Destruction of the delicate anatomy of the lips

When a child draws a beautiful princess, he most often carefully draws her lips with a heart: the top one is in the shape of a bow, the bottom one is plump. A child will never draw two identical sausages instead of lips for a princess. And he's absolutely right.

The upper lip in humans has a complex structure. It must have a vertical groove (filtrum). At the junction with the red border, the philtrum forms a labial tubercle. The two smoothly curved ridges of skin along the edges of the groove are called columns of the philtrum.

The border between the skin and the red border of the lips is usually curved like a bow. The romantically minded ancient Greeks, famous connoisseurs of beauty, compared lip shape beauties with Cupid's bow, and this name has survived to this day. There is also Cupid's arch - central part upper lip.

In order for lips to be beautiful, all this delicate anatomy must be carefully preserved. If, during contouring, an excess of the drug is injected, then the natural contours of the lips disappear - and we see just two plump pancakes, which can delight only a hungry person.

Beautiful lips are:

      • A clearly defined Cupid's bow.
      • Clear columns of the filtrum.
      • Clearly defined red border of the lips, emphasizing the curves.
      • Smooth skin between the nose and upper lip.
      • The distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip is less than 2 cm.
      • The Mona Lisa fold (a smile hidden in the corners of the lips) even at rest.
      • The lower lip is 1.5 times fuller than the upper lip.
      • The most protruding point in the profile of the upper lip projects forward relative to a similar point on the lower lip.
      • The angle between the upper and lower lips at rest is clearly visible.
      • Ricketts' line (Riccets E-line) is a straight line that runs from the tip of the nose to the protruding point of the chin, at a distance of 4 mm from the upper lip and 2 mm from the lower lip.
      • At rest, the upper lip slightly opens the tips of the teeth.

As you can see, beauty has many parameters and subtle nuances. And if you evaluate the beauty of lips by only one of them - size - this clearly betrays provincialism. Wearing “dumplings” on your face is as bad manners as appearing in public with extended and painted nails.

5. Lip eversion

If excess filler was injected from the lip mucosa, there is a risk of lip eversion. In this case, the inner mucous surface of the lips becomes visible, which should only come into contact with the teeth.

Jackie Stallone is the famous mother of her son, Sylvester Stallone. Eversion of the lips as a result of the injection of an excessive amount of artificial gel.

Try doing this procedure in front of a mirror - turn your lip out a little. Do you see? The shade of the mucous membrane is light, it differs from bright color lips Therefore, any inversion is very noticeable. In this case, it is hardly possible to talk about the beauty of lips. But the beauty here is not even the worst thing.

The everted mucosa is not intended for contact with air. As it dries, it becomes covered with cracks that become inflamed. If nothing is done, stomatitis (inflammation of the entire oral cavity) and cheilitis (inflammation and severe peeling of the lips) develop.

6. Asymmetry

If it is not injected into the lips the same number drug, then asymmetry occurs: for example, Right side the upper lip becomes larger than the left. This is one of the common mistakes when unprofessional plastic surgery is performed.

Pamela's bewitching charm and open smile make this defect not obvious. However, there is a clear asymmetry of Pam's lips, which appeared after their enlargement.

7. Duck Mouth

Famous " duck mouth" - this is also the result medical error. Appears when at a young age An excess amount of the drug is injected into the skin of the upper lip.

As a result, the gel partially migrates, the upper lip swells, becomes longer, and truly begins to resemble a duck's beak.

“Before” and 2 weeks “after” removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Before and after photos of duck lips correction surgery.

Lip reduction, removal of silicone from lips. Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

8. Drooping corners of the lips

"One wrong move and you're a father." The same phrase very accurately conveys the features of contour plastic surgery. Two wrong movements with a syringe in the corners of your lips - and you literally become 10 years older in 30 seconds.

Have you ever wondered why celebrities constantly smile? Perhaps only Victoria Beckham allows herself to walk along the Red carpet without smiling.

In addition to demonstrating friendliness, a smile helps very well to hide the corners of the lips and low cheekbones that have drooped with age.

This is not an exaggeration. One of clear signs“women over 40” - drooping corners of the mouth. This facial expression has nothing to do with bad mood. Drooping lips are as obvious a sign of age as nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes.

But unlike a bad contouring specialist, good specialist will make every effort to lift the corners of your lips. Like this:

A good doctor will definitely make your face more attractive by turning the corners of your lips upward.

With superficial and uneven introduction of the gel at the border of the red border and mucous membrane, it leads to the appearance of a wavy edge of the lips.

10. Inflammation

Inflammation on the lips can occur if sterility rules are not followed during and after the procedure.

However, the doctor is not always to blame for this problem. Very often, patients ignore care recommendations and do not follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Lips after contouring are easily treated negative impact Sun rays, too hot air in baths and saunas, non-compliance with hygiene rules.

11. Lip deformation

If earlier we talked exclusively about the unprofessionalism of the doctor, now is the time to remind you that “not all yoghurts are equally healthy,” and filler is different from filler.

Exists whole line problems associated with the administration of the “wrong” drug. Permanent fillers (PAGE and silicone-based gels) do not dissolve. It would seem that one can only dream about this. What's better than beautiful lips for life? But in reality, everything turns out to be far from the case.

Once under the skin, permanent fillers over time:

  • migrate, which leads to lip deformation,
  • cause inflammation and swelling,
  • lead to the formation scars,
  • come into conflict both with each other and with the tissues of the body, which is fraught with very dire consequences.

We wholeheartedly advise you not to experiment with your own health with dubious cosmetologists. Low prices drugs should not please, but alert: no one will work at a loss, so what are we saving on? Most often, unfortunately, it is on the qualifications of doctors and medications. And then the question, how much does lip contouring cost, turns into the question: how can I live with what was done to me, and how much does it cost to fix everything?

We correct the consequences of unsuccessful contouring every day:

We do it every day ,

We excise granulomas and oleomas,

Modeling the shape of the lips

We carry out lip plastic surgery,

We excise scar tissue,

Using special Spanish enzymes we remove excess filler,

Do you know that lips reveal character traits? The shape of your mouth reflects how you relate to people; your lips bear the imprint of your temperament. The ability to determine a person's character by their lips helps in communication.

The skill of Chinese sages in determining a person’s character by his face has been known for more than 3,000 years, and it has not lost its significance even today. Facial features are inherited from parents in the same way as temperament traits. With age, your character changes and so do your facial features. The faces of older people very eloquently reveal their essence: on some faces the stamp of bitter disappointment, anger and envy appears, while on others a calm peace, kindness and generosity of soul appear.

When trying to understand the character of an unfamiliar person, first of all, pay attention to the eyes. Yes, of course, they are the “mirror of the soul.” But this mirror is sometimes so deceiving! Take a closer look at your lips too. They will also say a lot about a person.

What do your lips say about your personality?

Key guidelines for analysis:

  • The cupid's bow is a double curved upper lip with a central "V" or indentation. This line resembles the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of love.
  • Lip contour - the border of the lips where the mouth ends and the face begins.
  • The corners are the outer edges of the lips.

Where are the corners of the lips directed?

People with raised corners of their lips are considered optimistic and cheerful, they are sociable and greet every day with a smile. People with downturned lips are often pessimistic, very shy and tend to be alone. However, you can count on them to be honest and fair.

With age, the facial muscles weaken and the corners of the lips droop in almost all people. However, for some they form a rigid line, while for others they give the face an unhappy expression of bitter disappointment.

Full lips

People with thick lips are confident and energetic, although sometimes they are prone to rash actions. They genuinely care about others, value friendship and social connections, but at the same time they have their own opinion and are not afraid to defend it. Men are active and if they are engaged in some activity, they devote themselves completely to it, no matter what it is - business, hobby or entertainment. Women with plump lips generous and affectionate, they naturally gravitate towards motherhood. They are also sociable and sociable. People with thick lips are believed to be passionate and loving.

Thin lips

Thin-lipped people are independent, cautious and restrained in their expressions of emotion. They are patient and persistent, diligent and pedantic. Usually they study well and achieve a lot in their profession. Men with thin lips can be sarcastic and mocking; if they become leaders, their subordinates fear them. They open their souls only to the closest people and never forgive betrayal. Women with narrow lips seem dry and calculating, but behind external coldness and restraint they sometimes hide high sensitivity and vulnerability, which can lead to loneliness.

Wide mouth

People with wide mouths are energetic, enterprising, lively and talented. They have different interests and big circle friends. They are self-sufficient, have their own opinion, although they are not always in a hurry to express it; they are said to walk to the beat of their own drum, and not follow the crowd. Men are often prone to rash and thoughtless actions, but if they make a mistake, they honestly admit it and try to correct it. Women with the corners of their lips wide apart are able to find their own ways out of difficult situations, without particularly taking into account the opinions of others.

Small mouth

A small mouth is considered a sign weak character and touchiness. Sometimes this is true, but more often these people are bright and charismatic. It's easy and pleasant with them. The mouth-button in the shape of a kiss reveals a lively and charming woman. But sometimes they can be capricious and in no case want to be left without attention. A man's small mouth indicates a hidden inner strength, which sometimes manifests itself quite unexpectedly, which makes them especially attractive.

Cupid's bow

In some people, the upper lip has a pronounced depression in the middle, the so-called Cupid's bow. This indicates a creative and bright personality. The essence of their life is glamor and sophistication. People with bow-shaped lips grab life by the horns and are not afraid to take responsibility for the situation. However, they often act impulsively, flare up like matches, and go out just as quickly.

Plump in the center

Sometimes there are lips that are full in the middle and thin at the corners. Cupid's bow. Such people are often the life of the party; they love to be the center of attention. They are caring and cheerful, their character is most often light and pleasant. Thin angles indicate a cheerful disposition.

Rose petals

This is the name for lips in which no particular feature can be identified. They are simply beautiful. As in the fairy tale, these symmetrical lips are “just right” and the character is also without extremes. They are neither full nor thin, but medium in size. Cupid's bow is rounded, this is a sign that the person is kind and gentle. These lips indicate a man with a balanced temperament, he is sociable, but not excessively, he loves to have fun, but can always stop and refrain from any adventure. A woman with such lips is calm and attentive to other people. She loves to communicate, she has a good relationship with friends and relatives, but she is unobtrusive and not touchy.

Symmetry and personality traits

According to ancient Chinese ideas about the correspondence of facial features and character, the upper lip represents the “feminine” side (yin) while the lower lip represents the “masculine” side (yang). A person's upper lip can show his sensuality and ability to love, while his lower lip indicates how much love he needs to receive from other people.

A thick lower lip combined with a thin upper lip is a sign of greed and selfishness. Such people love pleasure, but only their own; what their partners feel and desire does not interest them at all. But they can be witty and funny, bursting with energy, entertaining and captivating. They know how to get joy from life, this is worth learning from them.

If the upper lip is full and the lower lip is narrow, then such people are often indecisive, unable to stand up for themselves. They willingly take care of someone, help and save. At the same time, they often like to manipulate others, are vain, strive to set the tone, make plans and captivate others with their ideas. Surprisingly, they usually succeed.

A lip print will tell all the secrets

Gilly Eddu studied more than 10,000 lip prints over the course of almost 30 years. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times. She is also interviewed on radio and television. Jilly Eddy shares her findings and observations about the connection between the shapes of lip prints and the character traits of their owner.

Do a little test:

  • Apply dark lipstick to your lips.
  • Gently pat your mouth dry with a tissue.
  • Find your lip print among the images below.

Imprint shape

Triangle. Your top peak on your lip print is at the center point, your bottom lip is almost straight.

Interpretation. You excel at developing talent and supporting ideas. You are ideally suited for the professions of teacher, consultant, manager and coach. Your career niche is in human resources and technical support.

Diamond (Rhombus). Both your upper and lower lips have a peak at the center point, an imprint in the shape of a diamond crystal.

Interpretation. You are a dazzling personality. Diamonds best friends girls, and you too. You easily achieve success and gain experience in everything you do. You enjoy helping others achieve their dreams. Yours Professional area- mentoring. You will make progress and teach others.

Rectangle. Your lip print fits in rectangular shape, without any curves.

Interpretation. You are the person people go to for advice, money or other help. You help solve problems. You are a skilled negotiator and know how to negotiate. You can become an excellent arbitrator, mediator, lawyer, and also a manager.

Closed or open?

Closed. The imprint of your lips has a small space between them, with your lips almost closed on the imprint.

Interpretation. You are a man of your word. Once you have made a decision, nothing can change it! You always finish what you start. This ability makes you a respected accountant, lawyer and project manager.

Open. The prints of the upper and lower lips are almost never connected.

Interpretation. You are full of energy and can keep a lot of things on your mind. You can excel in a receptionist role, work as a department manager, event planner, nurse, teacher, waiter, and cook.

How to check the accuracy of a lip characteristic?

The answer is very simple: take a closer look and observe people with whom you are familiar and whose character is no secret to you. Start with yourself and those people who clearly have certain structural features of the mouth and lips.

It's not always convenient to look at a person closely, so start with photographs. Choose those where your friends and relatives are not posing, but accidentally got into the frame. Characterize a person based on his lips and check whether your personal opinion matches what the lips indicate. And don’t forget to look at photographs of your elderly relatives in which they were taken in their youth. Old photographs will reveal a lot to you.

Learn to read lips, it will help you in relationships. Sometimes behind a pleasant smile and in beautiful words it is difficult to discern evil and deception. But lips can reveal the truth. Knowing this will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.



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