Tsindol, Zinc ointment and paste, Desitin (Zinc Oxide). Soft dosage forms Indications and contraindications

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Preparations containing Zinc Oxide, ATC code D02AB:

Common forms of release (more than 100 offers in Moscow pharmacies)
Name Release form Packaging, pcs. Manufacturer country Price in Moscow, r Offers in Moscow
Desitin ointment 40% 57g in tube 1 Canada, KIC for Johnson 185- (average 226↗) -267 115↘
Desitin diaper rash cream 57g 1 USA, McNeil 175- (average 220) -285 268
Cindol suspension 125g in a bottle 1 Russia, Krasnodar Pharm Factory 22- (average 31↘) -115 754↗
ointment 10% 25g 1 Different 9- (average 14↘) -62 631↗
Zinc ointment ointment 10% 30g 1 Russia, various 18- (average 30) -55 169↗
Zinc pasta paste 250mg/ml 25g 1 Russia, various 12- (average 15↘) -83 550↗
Salicylic-zinc paste paste 25g, 1ml zinc oxide 250mg + salicylic acid 20mg 1 Different 13- (average 25) -59 835↗
Rarely encountered forms of release (less than 100 offers in Moscow pharmacies)
Cindol suspension 100g in a bottle 1 Russia, various 50- (average 57) -89 52↘
Zinc pasta paste 250mg/ml 30g 1 Russia, Pharmaceutical preparation 18- (average 22) -36 54

Desitin (Zinc oxide) - instructions for use

Clinical and pharmacological group:

A drug with an astringent and drying effect for external use.

pharmachologic effect

Combined drug with anti-inflammatory properties for external use. Prevents the development of diaper dermatitis, protects the skin from the irritating effects of urine and other substances, softens the skin.

The properties of the drug are determined by the effects of its components. Zinc oxide, cod liver oil in combination with the vaseline-lanolin ointment base create a physical barrier, forming a protective coating on the skin or mucous membranes, reducing the impact of irritants on the affected area and preventing the appearance of a rash. Desitin gives a noticeable effect on diaper rash within 24 hours after the start of use.

Desitin provides a long-lasting protective effect against moisture, especially at night, when the baby may be in wet diapers.

It also has a weak astringent effect, so it is used as an anti-inflammatory and protective agent for minor burns, cuts, scratches, as well as for eczema and mild skin lesions.

Indications for use of the drug DESITIN

  • treatment and prevention of diaper rash;
  • as a first aid remedy for minor skin injuries (minor burns, cuts, scrapes and sunburn).

Dosage regimen

The drug is intended for external use only.

To prevent diaper rash, the drug is applied to the skin covered with a diaper or diaper until signs of irritation appear, especially before bedtime, when the child can be in wet diapers for a long time.

For cuts, minor burns, scratches and sunburn, the drug is applied in a thin layer only to superficial and uninfected lesions. If necessary, apply gauze bandages.

Side effect

Side effects of the drug Desitin have not been described.

Contraindications to the use of the drug DESITIN

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use in children

For the treatment of diaper rash in children (starting from infancy), when the first signs of redness, diaper rash or slight irritation of the skin appear, the ointment is applied 3 or more times a day as needed. As a rule, the ointment is applied to the washed and dried affected area during any diaper change.

special instructions

Do not allow the ointment to get into your eyes. If, when using the drug, the rash does not disappear within 48-72 hours, then the clinical situation should be re-evaluated.

The ointment should not be applied if damaged areas of the skin are infected.


An overdose of Desitin has not been described.

Drug interactions

Drug interactions with Desitin have not been described.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 3 years.


Abstract to the drug Zinc ointment - instructions for use - describes the possibilities of using the product to eliminate rashes, treat diathesis in children and heal cuts and burns. The medicine promotes wound healing, but can be used to eliminate the first signs of aging and get rid of acne. When starting to use the product, find out the body’s reaction to it and make sure there is no allergy.

Ointment with zinc

The human body normally contains up to 3 g of zinc. The trace element is an important component of enzymes and takes part in the mechanism of tissue regeneration. Zinc deficiency can lead to disruption of basic life processes, which is reflected in deterioration of the skin, impaired appetite and delayed puberty. Modern cosmetology uses zinc as a main or auxiliary component in sunscreen cosmetics, anti-wrinkle and anti-acne products.


According to the instructions, zinc ointment has a thick paste-like consistency, which is provided by a Vaseline base. The main active ingredient of the product, which determines the name of the ointment, is zinc. For the purposes of the pharmaceutical industry, zinc oxide is used. The classic version of Zinc ointment involves the presence of only two main components in a ratio of 1 to 10 (1 part zinc and 10 parts Vaseline).

Manufacturers may add other auxiliary elements to give the product certain properties, information about which is contained in the instructions for use:



Zinc oxide

White powder, insoluble in water, has an anti-inflammatory, drying, astringent effect.

A mixture of mineral oil and paraffin wax, has dermaprotective properties

Organic substance, has a weak local anesthetic and antiseptic effect

Animal wax has wound healing properties

Fish fat

Animal fat promotes faster penetration of substances through cell membranes


Esters have antiseptic and fungicidal properties


Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate forms a protective film on the surface of the skin, preventing the penetration of infection

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When the product is applied to the affected skin surface, zinc oxide actively denatures proteins, resulting in the formation of albuminates (protein denaturation products). The purpose of this process is to eliminate exudation (secretion of inflammatory fluid) and relieve tissue inflammation. The pharmacological effect of the composition is due to the medicinal properties of zinc and, according to instructions, is:

  • tissue regeneration;
  • formation of a dermatoprotective film;
  • softening irritated skin;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in wounds.

What is Zinc ointment for?

The therapeutic effect of the drug is to heal existing skin inflammations, wounds and prevent the spread of infection when the integrity of the skin is damaged. Ointment with zinc for the face is used to treat acne and juvenile pimples, eliminate fine expression wrinkles. A zinc-containing product can effectively dry the skin and relieve irritation. According to the instructions, indications for the use of the drug are:

  • allergic dermatitis (relieves itching and swelling);
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • diaper rash (diaper dermatitis);
  • treatment of burns;
  • soft tissue necrosis (bedsores);
  • eczema (relieves redness, prevents the spread of infection).

Along with the external use of zinc paste, it is necessary to use other specialized products for the following conditions:

  • trophic ulcer;
  • initial stages of hemorrhoids (an integrated approach should be used to treat hemorrhoids);
  • skin infections resulting from viral diseases (chicken pox, rubella);
  • herpes (treatment of herpes involves taking antiviral drugs along with external agents);
  • streptoderma.

Directions for use and dosage

As indicated in the annotation for Zinc Ointment - or instructions for use - The product is intended for external use. The dosage and method of use depend on the condition whose symptoms need to be eliminated with the help of a zinc composition:


Dosage, method of application

Diaper rash

Apply a thin layer 3 to 4 times a day, use together with baby cream

Herpetic rashes

Apply every hour for the first 24 hours after the rash appears, then every 4 hours.

Diathesis in a child

Apply 5-6 times a day, washing the affected areas every evening with a decoction of chamomile.

Chickenpox rash

The product is applied every 3 hours to eliminate itching and inflammation

Apply directly to each pimple several times a day

Apply before bed to pre-cleansed skin; for dry and sensitive skin types, you can mix the product with a nourishing cream

Local skin irritations, skin rash

Use a gauze bandage, apply a small amount of product to it and apply to the damaged area overnight


To treat internal lumps, the product is applied to a cotton swab, which is inserted into the rectum. External components should be lubricated with a thin layer 2-3 times a day

special instructions

Ointment with zinc is intended for external use only. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth. According to the instructions, applying the drug to purulent pimples and wounds is not recommended in order to avoid the proliferation of harmful bacteria, since the film formed prevents the penetration of oxygen into the tissue, which serves as a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms. When used to treat psoriasis, it should be taken into account that the body quickly gets used to the effects of zinc, so the duration of therapy should not exceed 1 month.

Zinc ointment during pregnancy

Due to its pronounced antiseptic effect and safe composition, zinc-based ointment, as stated in the instructions, can be used by women throughout pregnancy. The need to use it arises when acne or skin irritation occurs in places where parts of the body come into contact (groin area, armpits). The use of any medications during pregnancy requires prior consultation with your doctor. Before applying the composition, make sure there is no allergic reaction to its components.

In childhood

The use of Zinc ointment for children is recommended at the first signs of allergies, irritation, and inflammation of the skin. The drug is suitable for the treatment of childhood dermatitis at any age. According to the instructions, the product is applied before bed to a clean, dry skin surface. The ointment relieves symptoms that bother the child, such as itching, burning, and a feeling of tightness. The zinc-containing product is well tolerated by the child's body and rarely causes side effects.

For newborns

When using diapers and nappies, newborn babies often experience irritation due to contact of the baby's delicate skin with wet materials. Zinc ointment, according to the instructions, prevents the appearance of diaper rash by absorbing excess moisture and forming a protective film that prevents the growth of bacteria in a humid environment. To eliminate diaper rash, the product should be applied during each diaper or diaper change.

Drug interactions

The instructions for use do not contain information about how zinc oxide interacts with other medicinal substances, since there is no significant data on the results of laboratory experiments. Simultaneous use of antibiotics or treatment of affected surfaces with a solution of antibacterial drugs enhances the therapeutic effect of the use of zinc composition.

Side effects

Zinc is well accepted by the body and rarely leads to undesirable consequences. The main active substance may cause side effects with prolonged use of the product. The instructions for use describe the following: signs at which treatment should be stopped:

  • skin irritation;
  • hyperemia (increased blood flow to the area treated with ointment);
  • the appearance of rashes;
  • allergy;
  • itching and burning.


Data on cases of overdose of zinc oxide in medical practice have not been registered, as stated in the instructions for use of the drug. Symptoms of exceeding the recommended dosage may occur if the product enters the stomach. Signs of an overdose are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. A measure to eliminate these symptoms is to take adsorbents and gastric lavage.


According to the instructions, the use of Zinc ointment is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug and allergies to them. Therapeutic practice shows that immunity to zinc or intolerance to it is rare; most patients tolerate treatment with the drug well. To test your body's response to zinc, do a preliminary sensitivity test by applying a small area on the crook of your elbow.

Terms of sale and storage

The product is dispensed from the pharmacy without a prescription. The properties of the ointment are preserved for 4 years from the production date, which must be indicated on the packaging. According to the instructions, the temperature regime for preserving the drug is from 15 to 25 degrees. It is prohibited to store the medicine in the refrigerator, since cold adversely affects the properties of zinc.


The antiseptic properties of zinc can be enhanced by the introduction of additional substances into the ointment, such as salicylic acid, zinc undecelinate, etc. Additional components determine the therapeutic effect of the product. Analogs of Zinc ointment based on the main active ingredient are:

  • Zinc paste;
  • Diaderm;
  • Salicylic-zinc ointment;
  • Zincundan;
  • Undecine;
  • Desitin;
  • Pasta Lassara.


The cost of the product does not exceed 40 rubles; one 25 mg jar lasts a long time. The drug is in great demand due to its availability and high effectiveness. Prices for ointment in Moscow pharmacies are presented in the table:

Volume, mg

Price, rubles

The combined drug "Levomekol" contains chloramphenicol, which acts as an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. This substance exhibits high toxicity when taken orally, so it is included in medications for external use. The second component is methyluracil, intended to improve tissue trophism and skin regeneration.

"Levomekol" is famous for its antibacterial property, which allows it to destroy most pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their subsequent reproduction. Levomekolev ointment helps accelerate the healing process, stimulate local immunity, rapid healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.

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Indications and contraindications

Levomekol is used to treat purulent wounds.

Levomekol is prescribed for the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, boils and purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. The described ointment is used as part of a complex treatment for lichen and 2nd-3rd degree burns. The limitation for use is increased sensitivity to the components of the medication, as well as the period of gestation.

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The effectiveness of "Levomekol" for lichen

Ringworm is accompanied by severe itching, and patients involuntarily begin to scratch the lichen spot, creating scratches and wounds on it. In this case, Levomekol ointment will help to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, which will also prevent the penetration of infection and re-infection.

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Instructions for use

Levomekol should be used for the treatment of lichen after preliminary consultation with the attending physician and a diagnostic examination. Typically, the scheme for using the medication is as follows:

  1. Prepare a sterile napkin.
  2. Squeeze out a pea-sized amount of medicine from the tube.
  3. Rub over the lichen spot and secure with a bandage or plaster.
  4. Change bandages every day.

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Side effects

Before using the ointment, you need to conduct a sensitivity test.

Levomekolev ointment is well tolerated and rarely causes adverse events. Patients noted manifestations of allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the skin. To prevent the development of side symptoms, before using the medication, you should conduct a sensitivity test by applying a small amount of ointment to the wrist area. If there is no reaction, you can start using the medication without any danger to your health.

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Analogues of the drug

If it is not possible to use the pharmaceutical drug "Levomekol" as an adjuvant for the treatment of lichen, doctors prescribe its analogue. Drugs such as Levomethyl, Levovinisol, and Chloramphenicol can replace the ointment. It is worth understanding that each drug that is an analogue of Levomekol has its own scheme and features of use. Therefore, the selection of an analogue medication should only be carried out by a specialized physician, based on the diagnosis and the degree of damage to the skin.

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Terms of sale and storage

You can buy the medicine at any pharmacy and do not require a doctor's prescription. During and after use, the ointment should be stored out of the reach of children, in a room protected from light, where the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. If properly stored, the drug "Levomekol" will have a shelf life of 3.5 years.

Composition of zinc ointment against fungus and analogues

Zinc ointment for foot fungus and other areas of the skin is considered the oldest and most effective method of treatment. To purchase the product, you do not need a doctor’s prescription or even his consultation, because the drug is completely safe and can be used even by women during pregnancy and lactation. The ointment is also often used in the treatment of young children, because the drug is well absorbed by the skin and is absorbed only in the affected areas, and does not affect the healthy skin.

Composition and pharmacological action

Zinc ointment for fungus consists of an active substance such as zinc oxide, with paraffin or petroleum jelly as an auxiliary substance. Pharmaceutical companies offer the drug in the form of limement and paste. The medicine is produced in glass jars with a tightly closed nylon lid and in metal tubes of 30 g. The principle of action of the medicine is the same, only the amount of the active component and the consistency of the drug differ. The paste has a thick structure and is used in the last stage of the fungus, while limenent has a liquid form and can be used for compresses in the early stages, when the exudate is separated from ulcers and wounds.

Zinc ointment for nail and skin fungus has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying effect. The active component of the ointment creates conditions unsuitable for the reproduction and further spread of fungi; accordingly, yeast and dermatophyte cells die. The ointment for fungus creates a kind of film on the surface of the skin, which prevents environmental factors from negatively affecting the area of ​​inflammation. When used correctly, Zinc ointment reduces the amount of exudate, relieves itching, burning, redness in the infected area, and leads to granulation of the wound.

Indications and methods of use

Zinc-based ointment, like any medicine, has a list of indications for use. You can use the ointment for foot fungus, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, for mycoses, onchiomycosis, as well as extensive yeast infections. The list of indications for the use of this medicine also includes:

  • dermatitis caused by fungus;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • ulcers;
  • superficial wounds;
  • bedsores;
  • herpes simplex;
  • streptoderma.

Treatment of the skin with fungal ointments is indicated after surgical interventions, as well as during the period of preparation for surgical treatment.

It should be noted that ointment for fungus on the legs, arms and other areas of the skin will give an effect only at the initial stage, if used as the main treatment. In case of extensive skin damage by a fungal infection, it is necessary to use a more powerful antifungal drug with a fungicidal effect.

Zinc ointment against fungus can be used at any age and in any condition; it has no contraindications, since even with prolonged application it does not cause side effects and is not addictive. The only caveat to the cream is personal intolerance to zinc, which the patient may have. If you are not a hypersensitive person or an allergy sufferer, then applying Zinc ointment against skin fungus and nail lesions will only have a positive effect.

Method of use

The drug is prescribed for external use; using it to treat fungus of the mucous membranes of the eyes is strictly prohibited. Apply the medication to previously cleansed skin treated with an antiseptic. Zinc ointment is white with a yellow tint and can leave marks on linen and clothing. After applying the product, wait until it dries completely and blot off the excess product with a napkin.

It is very important to apply alcohol-containing preparations to the skin before making a compress or applying Zinc ointment, because as mentioned above, the medication is not able to resist extensive fungal infections. Antiseptics will reduce the amount of pathogen on the skin, and the remaining amount will be eliminated by zinc oxide.

The ointment is applied evenly over the area of ​​inflammation three times in essence. In the early stages, you can apply compresses at night. The drug is applied to cotton fabric in a thick layer and wrapped around the fungal inflammation. The bandage is removed only in the morning. The duration of treatment is usually 2 weeks, but the patient can stop or prolong therapy at his own discretion, since there is no negative effect on the skin. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to apply Zinc ointment to areas of skin that are constantly subject to rubbing and getting wet.

Analogues of Zinc ointment

Like any requested anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medication, Zinc ointment has a number of analogues. Among them, the best performers were:

  • Valiskin;
  • Neo Anuzol;
  • Desitin;
  • Sudocrem;
  • Tsindol.

The above medications have a similar composition, but differ in the principle of action and a number of contraindications. Before using them, you should re-read the instructions. Analogues, and even Zinc paste, can be stored for 3 years; after the expiration date, application of the medication is unacceptable. From a product without contraindications, the ointment will turn into a dangerous substance that can provoke severe allergies.

Fungal skin infections can significantly damage a person’s nerves if they appear on visible areas of the body. The peculiarity of diseases of fungal etiology is that they can develop into a chronic form if they are not treated in a timely manner. An exacerbation of the infection will occur at the slightest disruption in the functioning of the immune system and exposure to unfavorable environmental factors. As a result, a person will have to constantly put up with swollen and inflamed skin, as well as aesthetically unpleasant peeling of various locations. You should not allow the fungus to spread, because it can be eliminated by applying Zinc ointment, which is very cheap and is sold in every pharmacy.

In this article you will learn what an ointment is, its main types, and how to correctly write a prescription for an ointment in Latin, depending on its type. At the end you will find tests and exercises to reinforce the material. You can read the general rules for writing a prescription in Latin. Look for examples of statements in this article and in our large table -.

Ointment (Unguentum) is a type of medicine that belongs to liquid dosage forms. Ointments consist of two parts: basis (basis) - that is, the medicinal substance, it should make up no more than 25% of the entire ointment, and constitution (constituens), that is, substances that give the ointment its shape. The constitution is also called “ointment base”. Ointments can be simple or complex. Simple ointments are those ointments in which the constitution and base each contain one substance (that is, only two substances are included in the composition of the ointment), and complex ones contain several substances (more than two). The method of using ointments is external. Most often, ointments do not have any dosage and are prescribed only in a certain amount. However, the dosage must be indicated in the recipe for resorptive ointment. If the ointment is produced in different percentages, then it must be indicated.

Nowadays, many types of ointments are available in ready-made form in the pharmacy. The ointment recipe in this case is written out in an abbreviated form and does not require instructions on the dosage and composition. We start the recipe, after Rp. (Recipe - take) from the word Unguenti (can be abbreviated - Ung.) - this is the word “ointment” in the genitive case, singular in Latin (literally: take ointments). Next, we indicate the name of the ointment for which we are filling out the prescription, write it with a capital letter, and put it in quotation marks. After this, we reflect the amount of ointment in grams (up to tenths), fill out sections D. (Da - issue) and S. (Signa - designate). Let's take a closer look at writing out an ointment prescription using an example.

Let's say we need to prescribe ready-made acyclovir ointment 100 g.

In Latin, acyclovir will be Acyclovir. The ointment contains 5% acyclovir, but we will not indicate the percentage of the active substance and ointment base, since this ointment exists in finished form and there is no other percentage. Let's start solving the problem.

Rp. : Unguenti “Acyclovir” 100.0
D.S. Apply to affected areas 3 times a day.

We have now written out a prescription for an ointment with the commercial name “acyclovir”. Let's now look at how to write a prescription for an ointment that does not have a commercial name.

Simple ointment recipe

A simple type ointment consists of only two substances - base and constitution, as mentioned above. The ointment recipe if the constitution is Vaseline is prescribed in an abbreviated form. If the ointment base is different (not Vaseline), it is necessary to write the ointment recipe in expanded form.

Short form of the recipe

The ointment recipe if the constitution is Vaseline is prescribed in an abbreviated form. After Rp (Recipe - take) we indicate the dosage form, in the singular genitive case in Latin - in our case it is Unguenti (can be abbreviated - Ung.). Next, we indicate the name of the basis - the active substance, also in the genitive case with a capital letter and indicate its percentage in percentages, grams or ED (units of action), then we indicate the total weight of the ointment through a dash. Then fill in D. (Da – issue) and S. (Signa – designate).

  • Rp.: Unguenti Resorcini 2.0 - 20.0
  • Rp.: Unguenti Furacilini 0.2% - 30.0
  • Rp.: Unguenti Erythromycini 100,000 units - 10.0
  • Rp.: Unguenti Calcii pantotenas 10% - 50.0
    D.S. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin.
  • Rp.: Unguenti Aethazoli 5% - 5.0
    D.S. Place behind the lower eyelid at night.

There are also types of ointments that are official and are available in ready-made form in the pharmacy, but do not have a commercial name. In this case, the ointment prescription must be written in an abbreviated form, without indicating the concentration, since the concentration is indicated in the pharmacopoeia and this ointment does not exist in any other concentration. It is necessary to indicate the active substance, the weight of the ointment and fill in D. and S..

Rp.: Unguenti Zinci 20.0
D.S. Apply to affected areas of the skin.

Expanded recipe form

If the ointment base is different (not Vaseline), you must write out a prescription for the ointment in expanded form. After Recipe we indicate the name of the active ingredient, since we are writing a recipe for a simple ointment, there will be only one. Next you need to indicate its quantity. Next, in the same Recipe, on a new line, we write the constitution (ointment base) in the genitive case, with a capital letter, and indicate its quantity in grams to the total weight of the ointment (indicate the Latin word ad - to). Next, on a new line, we write Misce fiat Unguentum (abbreviated as M.f. unguentum - mix to make an ointment). Then, as usual, we fill in Da and the signature (Signa).

Rp.: Neomycini sulfatis O.5
Lanolini ad 50.0
M. f. unguentum
D.S. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

Complex type ointment recipe

As mentioned above, ointments of complex composition consist of several substances (more than two). These can be several active ingredients or several ointment bases. A recipe for a complex type of ointment is written out in expanded form, similar to a recipe for a simple type of ointment.

Rp.: Methyluracili 2.5
Furacilini 0.1
Vaselini ad 50.0
M. f. unguentum
D. S. For lubricating affected areas of the skin.

Recipes for consolidation

Write down ointment recipes for the following drugs in the comments, I will check and answer all your questions. Write out:

  1. Recipe for acyclovir ointment - Acyclovir 50 grams. To lubricate affected areas.
  2. Recipe for ointment with Vaseline 40 grams containing 3.0 ichthyol (Ichthyolum). For lubricating affected areas of the skin.

In order to get rid of diaper rash, it is necessary to cover the damaged surface of the skin with a thin layer of a zinc-based preparation. In this case, it is better to use zinc paste, which has a more pronounced drying effect.

Why do you need salicylic-zinc paste (salicylic-zinc ointment, Lassara paste): application, instructions, price, reviews

Composition of the drug: salicylic-zinc paste (Lassara paste)

Salicylic-zinc paste, often incorrectly called salicylic-zinc ointment, is a combination of zinc paste with salicylic acid. Thus, the drug contains 25% zinc oxide, 25% starch (dry matter of zinc paste), 2% salicylic acid and 48% petroleum jelly.

The drug has the appearance of a thick white homogeneous mass and is produced in dark glass jars tightly sealed with plastic lids.

Salicylic acid significantly enhances the anti-inflammatory properties of zinc paste. Therefore, salicylic-zinc paste is more effective for skin lesions that occur with a pronounced inflammatory reaction.

Zinc ointment or paste for wrinkles (patient reviews and doctors’ explanations)

One can only guess what caused the legend about the rejuvenating effect of zinc ointment and paste to arise - either the unusually wide range of use of the drugs, or the presence of zinc in the composition - a really very useful microelement.

However, this legend can harm the appearance of overly gullible women. The fact is that recipes for using zinc ointment to smooth out wrinkles contain the following instructions: apply a thin layer of ointment to the areas of the face where the first wrinkles appear (skin around the eyes, nasolabial triangle).

Zinc ointment dries the skin quite strongly, while to combat the first wrinkles, good moisturizers are required. In addition, the skin in the area around the eyes is very delicate, so cosmetologists recommend using only special ointments and creams in this area.



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