Positive SMS with good night wishes. Mms good night

In the era of high technology, we no longer bother writing letters on paper or sending pigeons with notes. There is less and less romance in the relationship between two people, and the departure various messages through mobile communications today the most common type of communication. This makes us a little sad, but we understand that we cannot return to the past, but we can only move forward together with the developing world.

However, in mobile communication there are many positive qualities. For example, not every man can tell a woman what he thinks or feels directly. From the outside he can look courageous and strong, but at heart he remains a shy child. And only with the help of SMS or mms messages can he express his emotions quite sincerely and more freely.
Unlike SMS messages, the MMS service allows you to send to any person on cellular telephone message with a picture, so this service is most popular among young audiences. Agree, because how nicer to a girl receive mms Good night with a romantic picture depicting two people in love against the backdrop of a reddish-orange sunset. And you don’t have to be a poet to express your feelings - on our website you can find pictures and good night mms options for every taste, character and temperament.

We offer a variety of images not only for MMS on love and romantic themes. If you want to make a friend laugh or congratulate your parents on their anniversary, then on our website you will find the most interesting and funny collection to various life situations. Don't know how to make peace with your friend? How to meet a girl who studies in a parallel class? There is no doubt that the picture chosen for the theme and a witty statement will melt any heart and delight any girl.
The main thing that multimedia messages provide is a spiritual impulse that can be framed in a beautiful picture at any time of the day or night, without fear of tearing the subscriber away from important activities. After all, romance on demand is no longer sincere. In life, moments that come spontaneously and come from the heart are valued. And nightly romantic pictures and good night mms are perceived as love and care, which will make even the iciest heart tremble.

It’s doubly nice to receive a good night message from your husband who is nearby. Such a gesture cannot be overestimated - a caring and romantic man is a dream for any woman. Not everyone can formulate their thoughts concisely and clearly, but anyone can send a picture via mms.
Unlike men, women know how to express their emotions out loud, so mms to their loved ones are often accompanied by a photo of themselves. Girls love to be photographed and will not miss the opportunity to show themselves in in the best possible way, even if your loved one is not nearby this moment. No pictures for MMS good night will bring more joy young man than the look of his beloved girl who looks at him lovingly from the phone screen.

Our collection contains the most beautiful pictures, which will turn a simple good night MMS into a declaration of love. An image of a suffering heart or a tender pair of doves, in which sincere feelings are invested, can kindle real passion in response. No need to look for suitable phrases, we have already done everything for you: mms good night, Good morning And have a good day can be sent to the right person every time with a new and colorful picture. And you can believe: a person will not be able to remain indifferent to you.

Night is a time for peace and quiet, plunging into a sweet sleep, our body rests and is filled with energy for the next bright, eventful day. Unexpected wishes Sweet dreams can turn your usual bedtime into an enchanting, incredible journey into the world of sweet dreams and magnificent dreams.

Sometimes small SMS good night wishes received from your lover, who is currently very far from you, will give you warmth. Thanks to a short message you can feel spiritual harmony, reading words of tenderness in prose or poetry.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of a wide variety of SMS: beautiful, cool, funny. Each of these messages in poetry or prose has its own purpose.

All words and even thoughts have faded away,
The space was filled with eternal meaning,
The galaxy blinks stars at us,
She wishes you pleasant dreams.

The evening came to an end slowly,
The night is quietly knocking on your door.
May you have good and happy dreams!
Tomorrow will be a better day, believe me.

May dreams bring rest and peace.
Good night, my dear angel.

I wish you well for the night
And a stellar handful of silver
And fairy tales that the moon whispers.
And I? I'm alone today.

In every star I see your clear eyes,
I don't want any tears to touch them,
And may you not give me a glance,
In my thoughts I fall asleep next to you.

Want to create something special? Then take the suggested short messages as a basis and create an SMS in your own words. Such a surprise will undoubtedly delight and surprise anyone, short poems or wishes in prose will cause a sleepy smile and give a wonderful mood. Wish Good night
And very pleasant dreams.
I wish you a sweet fairy tale,
Well, close your eyes!

Nature sleeps
go to sleep too,
And let them dream
wonderful dreams.

I am writing to wish good night to the most beautiful, magical person in the world. May you have the warmest and most beautiful dreams...
SMS will fly
To the house where my kitten sleeps,
It won't disturb your peace.
Sleep, my angel, I am with you.

Good night, good dreams,
I wish you a SMS!
You choose from these words,
Three important ones: I wait, I love, I miss!

It’s very easy to please your loved one; you don’t need to write poems or sing serenades under the window; it’s enough to send short beautiful wishes Good night. It’s not at all scary if the soul of a poet does not live in you, here you will find those lines that you would like to wish to your lover or beloved.

A small electronic message in poetry or prose can carry more than just a romantic meaning. Great option will become funny wishes, which will cheer you up and set you in a positive mood. This way, you can support your significant other even when you are away from each other. Short funny SMS They will undoubtedly warm the soul and invigorate, because they are a kind of gesture of support.

May you have a good dream about me, and if not, I’ll come and throw you out of bed;)!
Darling, I love you, I miss you!
I promise to sleep peacefully!
And I wish you a sweet sleep,
Well, go to your bed!

Fish, bunny, cat, fly!
Sleep, beloved little animal!
On a down pillow
Put on pink ears!

I can't sleep... I'm lying...
I dream about you!
I'm sending you a kiss,
I wish you sweet dreams!

Super soft bed
Hints - I need to sleep,
Don't ignore the hint
And go to bed.

As positive wishes for the coming sleep can perform not only beautiful SMS, but also with cute animals that will cause tenderness in its recipient. Be original and unpredictable, show your feelings and experiences differently each time, which will not only be a sign of respect, but also a manifestation of love or infatuation. Once - quickly dive into the crib,
Two - close your eyes sweetly, sweetly,
Three - get ready to sleep soundly,
In the morning so as not to yawn!

There is a magical country
It is visible from space.
Everyone quickly falls asleep in it,
And in dreams they fly.

Good night, ray of sunshine,
I'm sending you a kiss!

Good night sweet dreams!
Let love come in your dreams at night,
He will hug you tightly, look into your soul,
And in the morning life will be more beautiful!

My dear friend, I can chat with you endlessly, but the night does not spare me and my eyes close.. Let's continue our most interesting conversation tomorrow, and today.. Good night!
Send funny SMS Good night to a friend, you can amuse a congenial person with something funny. Such a message will be relevant when a friend requires special support and attention. This way, you can distract him from his own thoughts and set him up for the positive.

Laughter therapy has never harmed anyone, but rather helped to feel inner confidence. Believe me, this method is definitely effective! Well, who doesn’t laugh while contemplating cool images? An involuntary smile will immediately appear on your face, a rush will come positive emotions, which will allow you to cope with almost any problem.

Night has come. The time has come
We have to say goodbye until the morning.
I wish you a good night
Calm, very, very kind...

To the most affectionate, kind and beautiful, I want to wish very sweet dreams and good night!
Today is quiet, serene,
the night will smile tenderly.
Let yourself dream about everything you want.
Dear, good night!

Good night! I kiss your eyes, like a princess from a prince in a sweet fairy tale!
In the morning you will wake up and quietly open your eyes. And you will remember that there is a heart in the world that needs you so much!
Prepare short but succinct good night wishes in prose for your friend. Believe me, she will be very pleased to receive such a surprise at night. It doesn’t matter at all whether you write it in your own words or in poetry, the main thing is to pay attention to close friend.

Know that a friend will be pleased to receive a cheerful message containing poetry not only on her birthday, but also for no reason, just like that. Cool or very funny SMS, sent to a friend, will give an indelible impression, set the mood for restful sleep.

Good night, my piece of happiness,
So welcome, like the sun in bad weather.
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Perhaps you will see me there.

Hello! I'm a night text!
Sent from a man in love to the most wonderful girl in the world! I kiss you goodnight and wish you sweet dreams:)

An angel from heaven for you
Writes this SMS
It says good night,
He says he loves her very much.

Look at the sky now
There you will see a star!
Smile at her soon
I look at her too!

Good night,
Good sleep,
May you dream
Green pine,
Why pine?
I don’t know, sleep sweetly, my joy. :)

Wish good night to your significant other, girlfriend or friend. After all, sending short SMS, you can create an explosion of positive emotions without uttering a word. If your wishes are written from pure heart, they will be able to convey the mood in which you are now. Let the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!
May your dreams be sweet and fragrant, like flower nectar. Let them be bright and colorful, like a rainbow after a warm summer rain. Good night!
Close your eyes and imagine that the two of us are lying under the ocean starry sky and dream about the future! And so gradually we fall asleep with pleasant thoughts. Good night honey!
My sunshine, even though it is dark outside, there is light and joy in my soul from the mere thought that you are with me! I wish you a peaceful and sound sleep!
Good night! May the moon smile through your window, may your dreams be the kindest, and may tomorrow bring only happiness!
Good night! Let her bring you only the most beautiful and vivid dreams. May it give you strength and energy for a wonderful day tomorrow.
Pleasant, beautiful words nice to read for everyone, they carry warmth and give a small piece of the sender’s soul. Do something nice for those around you every day, kindness will definitely come back to you a hundredfold!


My dear, I really want to wish you good night, but I know that you will spend the next few hours in front of your documents. It seems to me that it is better for you to be tired early in the morning than to go to bed late. In the morning you will be able to solve all these matters in a few minutes, but now you will only be killing time. You are too tired, so relax and rest. I wish you only the most beautiful dreams, which will remind you of the upcoming vacation that you will spend with me at sea. We have been dreaming about this for so long, but the wait has become quite short. But you need to get enough sleep now to cope with a difficult work schedule. I wish you have a great holiday at this time of night. You are a real hard worker, but it is very difficult to work in this mode, so I wish you to be able to get enough sleep and rest. Let this night pass peacefully, but tomorrow morning the energy will simply live from you.


My beloved boy, I know that you don’t like to go to bed early, but at the same time I also know that it’s simply impossible to wake you up in the morning. I want to wish you good night and say that healthy sleep- this is what you definitely lack to be happy. My boy, may you dream of your favorite car that you dream of, may you dream of a yacht that you strive for, or a personal plane. I'm sure you will achieve everything, just don't overdo it at work. I need you healthy, and health is very difficult to restore. You should go to bed now, because you don’t have much time left to sleep. I promise that I will prepare your favorite breakfast in the morning. Then good mood you are definitely guaranteed for the whole day. Close all your documents, forget about all your problems and matters, because a healthy and restful sleep awaits you.


Some of us don't really like to fall asleep this early. But I know that this someone then absolutely cannot get up in the morning and begs me not to wake him up for a few more minutes. I want to note, my dear, that you are very bad at pretending to be asleep, so in the morning you don’t have to put on a show, because I know that you are already awake. Now I want to wish you good night and say that good and pleasant dreams are guaranteed to you only if you fall asleep immediately and do not play games on your phone for a long time. My dear, you know that your health is very important to me, so try to go to bed early to get the required eight hours of sleep. You can sleep longer, but this is only if you go to bed early. And I don’t hope so at all. Darling, don’t worry about the fact that you don’t have time to finish your tasks, because you can do them in the morning.


Not so long ago, it was a real punishment for you to wake up early in the morning. You didn’t want to wake up because you didn’t have time to get enough sleep at night. But now you wake up very well because you have learned to listen or advice. My dear, I want to wish you good night today, and also say that every person should take care of his own health. For example, you have recently learned to monitor your well-being, because before it was very difficult for you. I want you to dream about all the most pleasant and positive things that can happen. I am sure that you will truly enjoy your dreams. I wish you a great rest, because tomorrow a very difficult day awaits you again. But the most important thing is that you no longer fall asleep at work as before. Good night to you, my dear boy!


My beloved, I love watching you when you sleep. You are so sweet and gentle, you can’t say at all that during the day you are the strictest and most serious person in the world who deals with decisions important issues and problems. And at night you look like a cute bear that you just want to cuddle. My dear, now I’m waiting for you to fall asleep so that I can admire you a little, my sweet and beloved boy. I wish you good night and pleasant dreams ideas. I know that after a hard day at work you simply cannot sleep, and you are also tormented by nightmares. But today it won’t be like that, because I will guard the sleep of my protector. May you dream of everything you dream of. And soon we will begin to implement them in reality. Believe that even in your dreams I will be next to you, so we are always together. Good night to you, my knight.


It's already evening, so it's time for us to go to bed, my beloved. I’m not even going to hear that you have to revise a few more documents, because you can do these things early in the morning, but now you’ll just sleep. I want to wish you good night, my dearest. I want you to rest at night, so that you gain strength, because every day you are stressed at work, you spend a lot of energy in order to solve all sorts of problems and issues. I want you to have all the brightest and most pleasant dreams. For example, a brand new Mercedes will definitely cheer you up. I want to wish you the restful sleep that you are missing. I know that you yourself really want to sleep, but your work won’t let you go, so I will be glad if you leave work and come to me. Good night!


My dearest, I understand that you don’t want to go to bed again, because some great things await you again. But just don’t forget that tomorrow I will wake you up early in the morning, so you won’t be able to convince me that you need to sleep. I want you to leave everything now and go to bed, because tomorrow great things await you. I want to wish you a good night, which will be filled with bright and happy dreams. Yes, exactly the happy ones that we need in order to gain strength. You should think only about everything positive so that you dream about everything that is also appropriate. May this night pass peacefully for you, or rather, may no nightmares even think about disturbing you. I really want you to think about your health, because it is so difficult to restore.

Collection of Good Night Wishes for your Lover and Beloved, Send Beautiful Good Night Wishes.

A wonderful dream crept into the house,
And he comes to you furtively,
Wish you pleasant dreams,
And good night sweet!

Let it be in your bed
Warm, soft and cozy,
Nothing wakes you up until the morning,
Your sensitive sleep is not disturbed.
Sleep well and get enough sleep,
I hug you very tenderly.
And in my dreams, smile at me.
Rest. Good night.

I am dreaming of you,
In reality and in a sweet dream!
I wish you a tender night,
I'm just melting from you!

My darling, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and peaceful sleep. May you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your sleep! I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and love you very, very madly!

The night has come eyes closed,
Dreams have rushed and run,
Let them deliver it to you
Many joyful moments!

I want to wish you
Good, sweet, sweet dreams.
Quiet kiss on the cheek -
This is better than any words.
May you dream of a month
Gently gilded with happiness...
From the smiles of the curtain...
Sweet dreams! Good night!

My beloved, beloved person! I wish you a quiet and peaceful night, tranquility and bliss. May I come to you in your dreams in the form of a beautiful fairy. I will fulfill all your wishes and dreams, I will always be your beloved, friend and faithful assistant! Let the singing of birds remind you of our love, and let the stars give their distant cosmic light! I love you!

Let the stars kiss you
The moon is shining tenderly.
Sleep, kitten, it's late!
The night is full of miracles!

My gentle angel sleeps on the wing,
My gentle angel shines in the darkness.
Sleep, my baby, you see the night outside the window,
Sleep, you are enveloped in spiritual warmth,
Sleep, may you dream
Milky Way, joyful world...
Just don't forget me.
Sleep, my baby, the bed will be heaven,
I will guard your sleep until the morning.
Good night, my beloved kitten.

Good night sweet dreams,
And may the moon not go out.
Let the breeze be warm
You will dream of joy and happiness.
Let the bed be cozy
And a soft pillow.
Good night sweet dreams,
I'll whisper in your ear.

May everything be like in a fairy tale tomorrow,
Let there be more warm words,
Well, for now, close your eyes...
And rest - sweet dreams!

I wish you a most pleasant, calm and good night! May your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you the strength to turn every dream into reality!

Like the world we spin around for good reason,
And again, everyone in their own orbit.
Sleep well, my star...
Your faithful, loving guardian...

I wish you sweet dreams
And I kiss you tenderly on the nose,
I hug you tightly
And I miss you very, very much!
Sleep sweetly, my happiness!
May you have good dreams,
Where will you and I be together?
Take a break from the hustle and bustle.

My sweetie, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it’s time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to be separated even for a minute.

Good night, my dear!
May you sleep sweetly!
After all, sleep is a place where sometimes
You can hide from all misfortunes!

Night has come. The time has come
We have to say goodbye until the morning.
I wish you a good night
Calm, very, very kind,
Let in the bright light of the night moon
Have rainbow dreams!
The stars guard your peace
And they protect you from adversity!

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and imagine cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

The night covered everything with a light blanket,
It’s time for you, dear, to sleep...
You shone like the sun all day long,
You are entitled to rest until the morning!
Wake up with the first ray of dawn
And you will smile sweetly at me...
I have a lot to give for this!
Sleep, my sun! I'll come in my dreams!

There are many kilometers between us,
But my soul is next to you.
I really want at these moments
Just touch you with my cheek.
Only the distance presses,
It's like my heart is in a vice.
I can probably fix everything,
I just wish you sweet dreams.

Good night, my beloved. I wish you to dream of a kind and wonderful dream so that you get a good night's sleep and wake up in in a great mood and with the inspiration of the soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

I wish you good night
May sweet dreams come to you.
I also close my eyes,
I'll go on a fabulous flight.
May this night give you
Your distant dreams
And let everything become reality
Whatever you want!

Good night my cat,
Don't forget that I'm with you
And day and night and always,
Wherever you were, or I was!

Every person is completely different before going to bed than during the day. He is relaxed and waiting for Morpheus to arrive. And now your loved one reads your SMS wishing you good night. Tender, sincere words written with great warmth will please him incredibly. And the funny ones will cheer you up a little, but then your loved one will fall asleep with a cheerful smile on his lips.

In our selection of SMS wishes for good night to your beloved man: short, gentle, in your own words, in prose, funny and if you are at a distance from each other. After reading such a short message, your dear one will understand how dear he is to you, and that you do not forget about him for a minute.

Send good night wishes to mobile

Short, gentle SMS wishes good night to my beloved man

I'm waiting for your tender, sweet kiss,
I want to hug you soon.
I love you very, very much
Go to bed quickly, my love!
Sweet dreams!

Night and silence will come,
When you fall asleep peacefully.
My soul will come to you
And kiss you tenderly...

My joy, my dear, good night,
Sweet and pleasant dreams to you.
I love you, my beloved, very much.
You are my soul, my love.

I wish you pleasant dreams, my beloved,
The lights have gone out, the stars are shining from above.
Let a cozy dream hug you tightly,
And in reality let your dreams come true.

Good night, my dear, beloved!
The moon has risen, the milky way is twinkling,
May the long-awaited sleep overtake you,
Let your soul and body rest.

Beloved, the night is coming into its own,
Slowing down the pace of life for a while.
Let the bustle of the day drive away
And it brings you magical dreams.

Close your eyes, love.
I'll tell you a bedtime story,
How I love you, my dear,
How I value you.

Lie down dear and go to sleep,
But don't forget about me!
And I will come to you in a dream,
And I will hug you tenderly!

My beloved, I want to whisper in your ear
And gently wish you good night,
Let the pillow be a soft cloud,
And let him dream of someone who loves him very much...

Good night, I'll whisper
Quietly for you.
I'm looking for the tenderness of your hands
Even in a dream.

Sometimes one message: “I can’t sleep without you,” written in the middle of the night, warms your soul.

My heart wishes you good night!

SMS wishes for your beloved man good night in your own words

My heart wishes you good night. And my lips kiss you before bed. Good night honey…

My beloved man, I wish you good night and sweet dreams, may we always be together in your night visions. I want our souls not to move away from each other even during this period.

Beloved, sweet dreams to you... Let the fingers of our hands intertwine in them and, easily pushing off the ground, we soar like birds into the blue sky... below will remain the emerald of forests and fields, the silver of lakes and rivers, a rainbow of flowers... let the freshness of the wind gently caress the skin... and no the end of our ease...

My darling, my beloved! I wish you good night! Before going to bed, remember me and make a wish deepest desire. Let it be about love, affection and tenderness - and it will definitely come true!

Even these ones are real strong men like you, my beloved, in need of rest. I kiss you tenderly and wish you bright, colorful dreams and good night until dawn.

Good night, my love, how good you are in your sleep, I can’t help but admire you! I won’t disturb your sleep, my kiss will be softer than a poppy petal, and my touch will be lighter than the wings of a butterfly!

Darling, good night! I wish you not to toss and turn at night, but to sleep in a sound, uninterrupted sleep. May you have beautiful and bright dreams, and in the morning may they become a wonderful reality.

Darling, look out the window, see how the stars are winking at you, obviously they like you. Now close your eyes, think about me and I will come into your dreams, I will be gentle and affectionate, I will fulfill all your desires. Have wonderful dreams, my sweet.

You are the most charming, incredible and amazing man. You gave me a lot of happiness, smiles and tenderness. I want us to turn into one ocean, I can’t forget about you and I want to meet in a dream. Have a good and amazing night, my only one.

My dear, I so want to fall asleep in your arms, I want to hear your gentle velvety voice, feel your touch strong hands. I really want to meet you in the land of fairy dreams. Good night, I fall asleep thinking only about you, my love.

My beloved, already very much late time and it's time to go to bed. I want us to succumb to the charm of this have a wonderful night. My dear, my only one, I wish you good and interesting dreams.

Only with your beloved can you confuse day and night.

Sleep, beloved, good night!

The most beautiful SMS wishes good night to my beloved man

Let's meet in a dream today!
Date at 3 sharp, on the golden moon!
After all, what in the world are dreams for?
So that we don’t forget about each other!

Sleep, my beloved.
Take a break from work.
Close your eyes
A dream to come.
Sleep, my dear,
Don't be too sad.
I am sending you, dear,
A gentle kiss.

My breath is with you
My dear, day and night,
We are connected by one thread,
I love you very much.

May your sleep be sweet
Calm and carefree
And your path in life is smooth,
Successful, endless.

Let Your blanket be warmer than my hands...
Let Your pillow be softer than my lips...
Let Your dreams be brighter than my eyes...
I'm running, I'm running to hit them now!

The city is quietly falling asleep,
Stars, sky, silence,
Your dream is so dear to me
That I'm scared out of my mind.
Disturb at least a little
Your quiet peace at night.
Sleep, beloved, good night!
Even in dreams I am always with you!

Good night dear,
Beloved, gentle and dear.
I wish you sweet dreams,
I already miss the silence.

May the angels guard your dreams
And they will protect you from nightmares.
The morning will come and then
I'll see you again!

Honey, I kiss you
And good night.
I’ll draw a wonderful dream
And I'll send it by lunar mail.

Look at it, darling,
When you're sleeping soundly.
Hugs, my handsome one,
Go on vacation.

The sun set, everything became quiet, silence reigned.
The big eternal moon shines so beautifully from the sky.
Cool, gentle moonlight stretches towards the river.
Close your eyes, beloved, and dissolve in a sweet dream.

Sometimes, the person who smiles during the day is torn with sadness at night.

Sleep, beloved, dear, we will meet you tomorrow!

SMS good night wishes to your loved one at a distance

You're not here, I miss you,
Silent night closes my eyes,
Sleep sweetly and come to me in my dreams,
I will also fall asleep and dream about you!

Falling asleep late at night,
I'll write you two lines.
Sleep, beloved, dear,
We'll see you tomorrow!

My beloved dear, even though you are not with me now, I always think about you, but I really want you to be next to me, to go to bed and wake up with me, so that I can kiss you and wish you good night, and wake up next to you in the morning!

Before you go to bed,
I think about you.
I can’t sleep at all without you,
I'm sad without you.

My beloved, good night
I want to wish you.
I really want to be with you
And in a dream I fly to you!

My beloved, good night.
You fall asleep without me
But mentally I am with you.
She saved all our feelings.

May you dream of the sky
And the warm, gentle surf,
Orange sand and palm trees
And we, happy with you.

My happiness, today is another night that I will spend without you. But the longer the separation, the more joyful the meeting will be. Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.

You are far away and I miss you.
How sad, darling, without you.
I wish you good night,
I love you even in my dreams.

With all my soul, I miss you madly every minute, and I look forward to when we fall asleep together again, hugging each other. In the meantime, I wish you magical dreams and sincerely hope that we will meet in the land of fairy dreams.

Tell me who you sleep with and I'll tell you who you dream about.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Come to me, my love, let's sleep sweetly together

Short, funny SMS wishes for good night to a man

The crib has been waiting for you for a long time,
Pajamas are very boring
Sleep is knocking on your window,
My beloved, good night!

The sun is tired in the sky.
It's high time for people to sleep.
The pillow is waiting, the clothes are waiting,
And the moon looks out the window.

I, my beloved, wish
May you have a good night.
Sleep and remember: I will find out
With whom in a dream I was looking for warmth!

If you suddenly dream of another one,
Know that I get angry at dreams like this.
Call me and say: “Darling!
Dream about me urgently!” I'll dream about it urgently!

Darling, it's time to sleep,
So that tomorrow, right in the morning,
You could have come to me
On your “white horse”.
(I'm talking about your BMW, dear!)

Turn off your computer
It's already midnight on the clock.
You, of course, are a super tanker,
At the table in only shorts.

But I'm tired of waiting for you,
It's cold to sleep alone,
Come to me, my love,
Let's sleep sweetly together.

Sweet dreams, my love,
You are my prince and my cowboy.
May you not be next to me,
You are a hero in my heart.

Darling, don't toss and turn in bed
It’s hard, I know, to sleep without me!
Enough to dream about me today,
You can finally snore already!

Under a fluffy blanket
Don't freeze without me
Quietly and tiredly
Sleep sweetly!

I say good night!
I give you my love,
You fall asleep sweetly, quietly,
You don't know any nightmares at night!

If possible, watch this video with your loved one.



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