I dreamed of a beautiful starry sky. Thunder and shine in a dream

The sky is the image of the soul, the picture of its life.

The sun in the sky is the center of the life of the spirit, your mind.

The balls flew into the gray sky - a temporary collapse of all hopes.

The daytime sky always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly understand.

Seeing a clear, clean sky or light clouds without the sun means quiet hours and inner composure; can be used for spiritual development.

Beautiful clouds in the sky, their slow movement and play of shapes are the harmonious life of the soul.

Seeing one bright cloud in the sky is something good.

And above your head is honor.

Clouds rapidly running across the sky are a symbol of interference from the outside world to your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid changes in mood, vanity, everyday troubles and worries.

Cirrus clouds are secret, soul-elevating sorrows.

Clouds piling up on the horizon and advancing are your concerns/fears; feeling of anxiety.

A gloomy sky covered with clouds is a call for patience / temporary difficulties.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky is an unnatural color - strange, sometimes dangerous states in the life of the soul.

Red sky - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - anger, envy, etc.

To ascend into the sky is to live in constant labor.

Being in the clouds is news / new position.

The night sky symbolizes a phenomenon in the life of the soul that is beyond the limits of waking consciousness, which is a mystery to it.

The night sky is gloomy and without stars - a time of testing is coming, you have to live only in the “higher world”, a time unfavorable for calm spiritual work.

The sky with stars is the fulfillment of cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Foggy, shrouded in a light haze - secret sadness.

To see the bright milky way is not the hope of the strength of the soul and help from above / the inextricable connection of external life with otherworldly existence.

Interpretation of dreams from

It would do well for every person who is interested in interpreting visions to know why this plot can be explained in different ways. It all depends on the dream book, as well as on what exactly happened in the vision. Well, it’s worth talking about this topic in detail.

Universal interpretation

A starry sky in a dream is a good sign. Usually he says that in reality everyone treats the person very well and feels sympathy and respect for him. If you haven’t seen a single cloud yet, then you should prepare yourself for the journey. It is quite possible that in the near future the dreamer will go on an entertainment trip or a pleasant business trip.

If the sky was dotted with stars, but nevertheless clouds were visible on it, then good things should not be expected in the near future. Usually such a vision promises disappointment and destruction of plans.

It happens that a person sees himself in a dream, sitting on some kind of animal, on which he flies across the sky. They say that such a strange vision is a sign of jealousy and betrayal of a loved one.

It is important to remember what color the night sky was. If it has acquired a purple hue, then in the near future a lot of experiences and worries will appear in the dreamer’s life.

If you dream of a clear sky

They say that when such a vision comes to a person in his dreams, then in the near future he will have to fight to translate some important ideas into reality. And it won't be easy for him. But the most important thing is not to give up. However, if a person had to see in a dream the sky, which was initially clear, but then it began to be covered with clouds, then the struggle for one’s goals will not end in success.

Seeing the sky that literally shines from the illumination of the constellations means gaining peace of mind, wisdom and fortitude. If a person has ascended upward, then this is also a good sign. Soon he will have a chance to show himself in a new way at his job. And if the dreamer uses it, he will achieve good success.

When a person sees himself climbing the steps to a clean and clear sky strewn with stars, his authority in society will soon increase. And the dream also suggests that you will not have to make any obvious efforts on the path to success. Because of this, a person will probably not receive proper satisfaction from the result obtained.

The night sky, dotted with stars, is often a harbinger of an improving personal and sexual life. If the dreamer had any problems with this, then they will disappear and be resolved by themselves.

But a bad sign is a dream in which the clear sky suddenly turns dark, like a vision of a problem in your personal life, a quarrel with a loved one and misunderstanding. Perhaps even separation. However, this outcome can be avoided if the dreamer reconsiders his attitude towards his other half.

Miller's Dream Book

This book of interpretations will give a detailed answer to the question of why the starry sky is dreamed of. Usually such a vision foreshadows large-scale work on oneself, which will make a person many times better than he is now. Moreover, he will come to this on his own.

But the sky turning red means excitement. Beautiful constellations promise the onset of a calm period in life and harmony. But a gloomy sky symbolizes threatening events and grave forebodings.

If a person has flown, then in the near future he will experience elation and success. Simply watching the stars, looking up - will lead to the acquisition of new, serious goals, which will not be easy to achieve. Dark clouds covering the sky mean difficulties in life. And diverging clouds usually promise clarification of circumstances. Soon everything will fall into place.

This is not all that such a dream can promise. The moon is often part of visions in which the sky and stars appear. This symbol usually foreshadows success in personal life and good luck at work. However, if the moon was too big, then you should be wary. It usually promises disappointment, trouble, and even an unwanted love affair. But the young moon is a good dream. More precisely, to improve your well-being.

When a girl looks at the moon and turns to it, her personal life will soon improve. She will meet a worthy partner with whom she wants to spend her whole life. But seeing two moons is not good. This means that because of her commercialism, a girl can lose the person she values ​​very much. The main thing is that the moon does not take on a bloody hue in a dream. Otherwise, it promises scandals, quarrels and discord.

Falling stars

Another symbol often found in visions. Stars in a dream are usually considered a good sign. If they fall on the roof, it means that soon the person will either move or go on a business trip. Or a trip.

But when such a vision is dreamed by a person in love, then separation or separation probably awaits him. However, if the dreamer experienced pleasant sensations from sleep, then no unpleasant events are expected. On the contrary, there will be harmony in his life, and a promotion may await him at work.

A family person should pay special attention to a dream with such a plot. Perhaps he will have a child soon. This is what dreams of a shooting star mean.

But the happiest vision is considered to be a dream with a different plot. Namely, the one in which the star flies directly at the person. Then, in the near future, all his most cherished dreams and desires will finally come true. Interestingly, the brighter the stars, the more goals will be achieved.

This is not all that the dream book can tell. Stars falling from the sky can promise good news from afar. This is the case if it was clean and cloudless. True, if one single, dim star “floated” across the sky, then the news will be sad. This is important to consider.

According to Freud

This book of interpretations can also tell you why you dream about the starry sky. If it was clear and cloudless, then in your personal life everything will work out in the best way. Any failures will begin to bypass the dreamer. And your sex life, by the way, will also improve. However, the dream book advises enjoying this moment as much as possible, since it may not last too long.

A cloudy daytime sky means worries. But they will not be connected in any way with personal life and success in love. And if a person dreams of a clear night, then one should expect a romantic meeting that will bring a lot of impressions and pleasures.

When the dreamer sees himself climbing up the stairs to the stars, success awaits him. Moreover, it will be achieved thanks to a successfully concluded marriage.

And when a person soars somewhere in the heights, it means that all complex issues will be resolved in the near future by themselves. But a stormy sky that is about to burst into rain is considered an unkind sign. It portends trouble, a danger that has long been hanging over a person. To cope with these problems, it is important not to take any risky steps and not to trust strangers, even well-meaning ones. It is better to start solving a complicated matter step by step.


If a person admires the luminaries in a dream, then joyful changes will soon await him. But if they suddenly disappeared, or “went out,” then nothing good will happen. Usually such a vision is a harbinger of sadness. But that’s not all that such a dream can tell.

The starry sky, the constellations - this has its own romance! And if a person sees all this very clearly and clearly, then happiness and good health await him. Have the stars faded? This means he will be in trouble.

If the dreamer admires some famous constellation (for example, the Big Dipper), then some interesting and exciting events will happen in the near future. By the way, the shining ladle of Ursa Minor usually promises small joys.

If a person saw the constellation Scorpio, then this is a sign of unexpected, but successful, turns of events. Notice Sagittarius in the sky? To a surge of strength and energy. If it was Leo, then the person should pacify his pride in real life, otherwise he himself will suffer from it. But it symbolizes stagnation in business. If the dreamer has really given up for a long time, then he needs to cheer up. A change of scenery and new experiences can help.

By the way, when a person sees himself in the role of an astronomer, this is a good sign. In the near future, the dreamer will have the opportunity to test his strength in something new. And it's worth using it! Perhaps a person will finally find himself.

Sky and sea

Often a person dreams of such a landscape. And, usually, it leaves only pleasant impressions. But the interpretation is not always the same.

If a person had to see the starry sky over the sea in a dream and hear the quiet sound of the surf, then this means melancholy and loneliness. But there is one positive interpretation. So, for example, if a girl sees herself in a dream, gliding along the surface of the sea, under the starry sky, with her loved one, then she should expect all her desires and dreams to come true in real life.

But sitting on the shore alone and watching the stars, looking up, leads to prolonged sadness. The dreamer should find someone with whom he could share his experiences and occasionally spend time. Because otherwise he may be mired in loneliness for a long time. This is the sad interpretation given by the universal dream book.

A night illuminated only by stars dreams of trials in relationships that a person will have to go through. This is what the erotic book of interpretations assures. True, if the dreamer suddenly saw the moon, which illuminated everything around, then the vision takes on a positive connotation. This means that intimate adventures await a person in the near future.

Interpretations that make you wary

Much has been said above about what the starry sky means in dreams. However, there is still a lot of interesting information that may be useful.

If, for example, a person sees constellations exploding, then he should be as careful, circumspect and careful as possible in the near future. Such visions promise injury, illness and even accidents. The Eastern Dream Book assures us of this.

Seeing how it suddenly moved is also not good. It is advisable for the dreamer to narrow his circle of contacts to a minimum and begin to trust others less. Otherwise, the information he shares could be used against him.

If a person sees himself in a dream, lying on his own bed and admiring the constellations that for some reason are scattered on the ceiling, this means problems in the family. Perhaps some major quarrel will arise.

It happens that a person watches himself flying in space and watching the stars. This is a warning dream. Probably in real life he was entrusted with some important task. So, it’s worth spending all your strength and resources on its implementation. Then you will be able to deal with it. This is an interesting interpretation of sleep.

The starry sky, through which the luminaries circle non-stop in a bizarre round dance, suggests that a person, in order to solve his problems, will have to start thinking outside the box. This is the only way to find the right approach to the situation.

Modern combined dream book

This book of interpretations assures that the sky symbolizes exceptional honors and exciting journeys in a cultured society. But this is only if it was clear and cloudless.

Gloomy and overcast does not bode well - only troubles and dashed hopes. Just like the sky is crimson. It foreshadows rebellion and disorder. In the family, in personal life, at work - anywhere.

By the way, the sky of an amazing blue hue usually symbolizes prosperity and well-being. And if suddenly the dreamer saw a star on it, then he will be able to achieve any goals, even those that seem unrealistic. This is an interesting interpretation of sleep.

The starry sky can still be dreamed of as a reminder to an insecure person. It seems to say that he has no boundaries and framework for personal growth. The person installs them himself. And since he dreamed of the sky strewn with stars, then it’s time to start acting and improve his life.

By the way, if it was not blue, but bright blue, then the person will have to justify himself. And he obviously won’t be happy about it. True, there is one nuance. If a person has enjoyed contemplating the bright blue surface of the sky, then in the near future a “white streak” will come in his life. We must remember that the emotions experienced during sleep play an important role in interpretation.

Other interpretations

Little Velesov can also tell you something interesting, with which the skies are dotted, dreaming of receiving a large inheritance. Seeing yourself climbing the stairs towards them means receiving protection and support. Fiery clouds, due to which the constellations are almost invisible - to great joy. Dissipating clouds promise overcoming troubles and problems.

According to Hasse's dream book, a blue sky is a harbinger of success in an enterprise and your own business. If it doesn’t exist, but ideas to organize something similar have been outlined for a long time, then the time has come to turn them into reality. There will be a profit, and a considerable one.

The night sky, which is literally strewn with luminaries, and the month is visible in the middle, is a sign of good prospects that are definitely worth taking advantage of. True, something will have to be sacrificed for the sake of future success. Most likely, this will be personal time.

A meteorite, by the way, is a harbinger of a memorable trip. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, the sky is a symbol of career growth. And the more luminaries there were on it, the greater the dreamer’s successes will be. Does a person see himself thoughtfully looking up? To wealth and nobility. With your head in the clouds? Soon he will receive good news that will make him very happy.

He assures that if a person sees a red sky, he will soon quarrel with someone. And clear and blue foretells him monetary profit.

In general, as you can see, there are many interpretations. To accurately define your vision, you need to remember all the details of the plot. But even if the interpretation turns out to be not very positive, there is no need to be upset. After all, sometimes dreams are just bizarre pictures from our subconscious.

A dream in which stars appear can be interpreted ambiguously. Much depends not only on their appearance and the circumstances under which they were seen in a dream, but also on what emotions a person experienced when, for example, he saw a starry sky or a falling star.

Why do you dream about stars according to Miller’s dream book?

If the stars in the dream were of different colors, but at the same time very clear, like on a frosty night, then this indicates that for a long time the person will not experience any financial or housing problems, or anything at all. A real “white” streak awaits him, which sooner or later will change to a “black” one.

Blood-red stars usually dream of misfortunes that will happen to the dreamer's relatives. If, in addition, the heavenly bodies are very dim, then great trouble will come, and from which side fate will strike is unknown. If a star falls from the sky or a person observes its birth (appearance), then not the best period in life awaits him, full of anxiety, sadness and melancholy.

When a star appears in the sky in the most mysterious way and instantly disappears, this foreshadows changes that will be the result of some not very clear events. If a star fell from the sky directly on the dreamer, then this is very bad for him - he will have to survive the death of a close relative or best friend.

If the stars revolved in a circle above the Earth, then such a stellar carousel promises the planet difficult trials. Perhaps these will be major man-made disasters or serious environmental disasters.

Stars in a dream. Vanga's Dream Book

A shooting star is not only a favorable sign in reality, but also in a dream. Everyone knows that such a vision promises the fulfillment of a desire, and this will happen very soon. Witnessing “star rain” in a dream is also a good omen. This means that the dreamer will have a favorable period that will last quite a long time.

Everything that the dreamer does not undertake, he will definitely succeed, and even the most painstaking and thankless work will be a joy, because its fruits will be able to please the sleeper and anger his ill-wishers, who will not be able to cause him any harm.

If in the sky it was possible to find and discern a star that is unlike others, this means that soon astronomers will discover a completely new celestial body, which will be very reminiscent of the Sun - both in appearance and in physical parameters.

If a person dreamed that he himself discovered a new star and gave it his name, then this foreshadows a grandiose event in the world of science - scientists will soon be able to discover a new inhabited planet inhabited by intelligent beings.

Anyone who admires the starry sky in a dream at night can expect only good things from fate, because the long-awaited peace will finally reign in the sleeper’s home. If a person, looking at the heavenly bodies, clearly feels a terrible cold emanating from them, then such a dream does not exclude the possibility of a collision of the planet with a comet or large meteorite. Looking at the sky and not seeing anything on it, knowing that there must be stars there, is a sign of serious natural anomalies.

The distant star to which the sleeper is flying portends the development of science to such an extent that a person will be able to visit any planets, at any time and without hindrance. Seeing daytime stars in a dream is also a good sign.

Such a dream indicates that the dreamer has a guardian angel, and perhaps more than one. The Higher Powers are always on the side of those who do no evil and do not indulge their base desires. Therefore, anyone who sees the stars during the day can count on the help of their intercessors, which should not be abused.

What does it mean: I dreamed about the stars? Interpretation according to Freud

If the dreamer dreams of a starry sky, then he will soon have a romantic date, the result of which will be a new romance. The duration of a relationship depends on how a person behaves. If he does not pay attention to annoying little things, but simply accepts his chosen one for who he is, then we can say with confidence that this novel will turn out to be a real “multi-volume book of love” that will be the envy of others.

Shooting stars for men portend failures on the love front. A woman who catches a star in flight runs the risk of becoming pregnant. She is taking a risk, because a child is not yet part of her plans. But when you are lucky enough to see a whole constellation, you can expect numerous intercourse, which, apart from sexual satisfaction, will not bring anything good to the life of the sleeper.

Why do you dream about stars according to Juno’s dream book?

Bright stars seen in a dream foretell a speedy recovery from a protracted illness. If a healthy person saw such a dream, then he is not afraid of colds or intestinal colic, because illnesses will bypass him. If a woman watches a star fall from the sky in a dream, then she will soon become a mother. For a man, such a vision promises career advancement.

Flying to the stars in a dream is a symbol that a person wants to free himself from all his problems and become truly free. Perhaps he suffers from the fact that his creative potential is not in demand, and all the money he earns does not bring joy. In fact, this is not true. You just need to lower the bar and be content with what you have, so as not to anger God.

If you dreamed that a person (or rather, his clothes) was literally covered with small shining stars, then such a dream could be a harbinger of some pleasant events. This could be an exciting trip or journey, good news or a significant improvement in your financial situation. A similar dream in which dim stars appear does not bode well. A series of failures will not take long to arrive.

If a fallen star lands directly on the dreamer’s house, then this foreshadows some kind of danger coming from outside. When you have a dream that a stranger is sitting and sculpting stars out of dust and dirt, this means that the sleeper will experience great success in all endeavors, and this stranger is none other than his guardian angel.

Why do you dream about stars according to the Chinese dream book?

Seeing a shooting star is bad. The dreamer faces dismissal from work or serious illness. When a star flies from the sky and pierces the sleeping person’s chest, then such a dream foreshadows the birth of a son who will grow up to be a very good, noble man. If the stars are lined up, that is, the sleeper witnessed a parade of planets, albeit in a dream, then he will receive a bonus or a gift from his superiors.

Holding a whole constellation in your hands means you will soon become rich and famous. When you hold a single star in your hands, very bright and sparkling, it means that fate is preparing some kind of gift for the dreamer. If a person sees a meteorite, fireball or comet flying, but the celestial body does not fall to the Earth, but goes around it or abruptly changes its trajectory, then you need to prepare to move to another place of residence.

Riding on something across the starry sky, moving your hands through everything that is in it - the Moon and stars, means you need to prepare for a significant promotion. Who knows, you may have to take the post of minister or become the head of a large corporation. At worst, there is always a chance to become a successful entrepreneur or mediocre businessman.

If the stars from heaven shine very brightly, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, then you need to prepare to welcome guests. When one or two stars hang lonely in the sky, such a vision is a harbinger of good news. But if the star is dim and barely shines, it means that the mother or spouse will soon fall ill. Seeing two dim stars is very bad. This foreshadows the loss of one's condition or vision.

Why do stars dream according to Azar’s dream book?

If the dreamed stars are very bright and shiny, then the dreamer will be very happy in love. When there are many stars in the sky, but one of them shines brighter, and this is noticeable even with the naked eye, this indicates that a person will have to choose something or something, and this choice will be correct. But it is better not to see dim stars even in a dream, because this indicates that the dreamer is in danger.

Anyone who can get a star from the sky will have great luck in all undertakings for a long time. The abundance of stars in the night sky foreshadows simple human happiness. If the sky is simply dotted with diverse celestial bodies and there are so many of them that it seems as if there is no free space left in the heavens, then such a vision foreshadows the imminent receipt of a large inheritance.

When a person observes a real “rain of stars”, and not just one broken star, it means that happiness, joy and success will soon fall upon him like an avalanche. This is not surprising, because if he had such a dream, it means he deserved it. The North Star seen in night dreams symbolizes some kind of landmark or road. Logically, this dream can be interpreted as follows: the path that the sleeper chose is truly correct and faithful.

Why do you dream of stars in the sky?

Those who experience elation see stars in the sky in a dream. The correct interpretation of such a dream largely depends not only on the appearance of the heavenly bodies, but also on their number. It is logical to assume that dim stars do not bode well, while crimson stars are generally considered a harbinger of very bad events.

Bright, shining scatterings of stars are a good sign, and many psychotherapists, esotericists and other specialists in this field share this opinion. Astrologers generally believe that a dream in which stars are present should be interpreted taking into account the zodiac sign under which the dreamer was born. In any case, bright stars in a clear sky are a good dream.

Why do you dream about a shooting star?

A star falling from the sky and flying towards the Earth is the most controversial image associated with such dreams. Such a dream can foreshadow both the fulfillment of a wish and the imminent death of the dreamer. In order to decipher this vision as accurately as possible, you should definitely pay attention to what the star looks like, what situation the sleeper is in when it falls, and what emotions he experienced while contemplating such a phenomenon.

The vast majority of dream books interpret the plot of a shooting star in a positive way. This means you can expect significant profits or be prepared for your cherished desire to come true.

Why else do stars dream - options

  • stars in the night sky - inspiration, desire to create and create;
  • bright stars - there will be no problems with health or finances;
  • many stars - the chosen path is correct;
  • stars with the moon - even minor achievements will contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your cherished dream;
  • looking at the stars in a dream means good luck in all endeavors;
  • stars and constellations - one-time luck in gambling;
  • a star falling on a person - loss and bereavement;
  • twinkling stars - changes that will happen spontaneously;
  • shooting star - a wish will come true;
  • dim stars - a sad event or the beginning of a “black” streak;
  • stars breaking through the clouds - hope for the best;
  • strong starfall - to be the center of attention of people of the opposite sex;
  • starfish - life will get better;
  • pop, film or television star - a serious patron will appear soon;
  • holding a star in your hands - unexpected wealth cannot spoil your character;
  • stars on uniform - the higher the rank, the more you will be able to influence your destiny;
  • order star - stupid decision, short-sightedness;
  • five-pointed star - unexpectedly fallen happiness;
  • six-pointed star - you will have to endure a series of tests;
  • seven-pointed star - the most absurd wishes are destined to come true;
  • stars revolve around the Earth - hard times will come for the planet;
  • unknown constellation - some secret will be revealed;
  • evening star - the feelings are unlikely to be mutual;
  • morning star - good mood;
  • Ursa Major - success in business;
  • Polar Star - travel abroad;
  • to get a star from the sky - to achieve your goal;
  • a star falling through the roof of a house - the house will burn down or be robbed;
  • stars lined up - receive a gift;
  • the star transformed into dust or stone - poverty, illness and other hardships;
  • zodiac constellation - an unexpected turn in life.

A person can see different dreams in which the main object is the starry sky, so to interpret them it is necessary to take into account more than one detail of the plot. For example, you should remember what time of day it was, your own actions, etc. Thanks to this, it will be possible to obtain the most expanded and accurate information.

Why do you dream about the starry sky?

In one of the most popular dream books, such a dream represents the coming of a time when you will have to fight for your place in the sun. There is no need to worry as everything will end well, but if the sky was foggy then many problems are expected.

Why do you dream about the starry sky and constellations?

This is a good sign, foreshadowing positive changes in life. You can expect good news soon. The more constellations you see, the more happiness you can expect. If there were crimson clouds in the night sky in addition to the stars, then you should be wary of serious health problems.

Why do you dream about the winter starry sky at night?

This is an unfavorable omen, promising failures in work and business, and possible separation from a loved one. If the stars become dim and disappear, then you should expect troubles and losses. Night vision in which the sky was starry means that plans will be successful. In the near future, life will be calm and without incident. If there were clouds in the sky, then you should not expect the successful implementation of your plan. In another dream book, such a plot indicates the presence of a serious danger.

Why do you dream of a beautiful starry sky with starfall?

This symbolizes the dreamer's desire to live in luxury. The dream book says that you should carefully think through your desires, since not everything always goes according to plan and disappointments are possible.

A dream in which the sky is strewn with red stars represents the emergence of strong unrest, and it will be very difficult to cope with them. If the dreamer, in addition to the stars, saw the bright Moon, this is a symbol of peace of mind and, moreover, it will be possible to acquire these qualities only after overcoming the obstacles that have arisen.

Why dream of a clear starry sky that you had to look at through a telescope?

This plot promises a meeting with old friends. Night vision, in which you had to study the starry sky on a map, means that you will soon have to report for the work done.

Why does a girl dream about the starry night sky?

Such a dream foreshadows a romantic meeting, which is promising. The dream book clarifies that you need to try to relax, since the outcome of the meeting will depend on this.

Why dream of looking at the starry sky?

In most cases, such a dream carries a positive omen, according to which the dreamer expects an improvement in his financial situation and rapid growth. Such a dream may also portend the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and this will happen completely unexpectedly.

Why else could you dream about the starry sky?

Night vision, in which you had to look at a clear starry sky, promises positive changes in life. If the dreamer not only looked at the sky, but also counted the stars, then it was time to plan his further actions. A dream in which there was one bright star in the sky can be taken as advice for action. The dream book says that the time has come to realize your dream. If a person looked at the sky to find a constellation, it means that at the moment his thoughts are occupied with loved ones and relatives. Night vision, in which you had to look at the starry sky over the sea, means that you will soon be traveling to a picturesque place.

By deciphering the dream, you can find out what awaits a person in the future. It is for this reason that people turn to dream books. As a rule, such a dream does not foretell trouble, but let’s look into the details of why the starry sky is dreamed of in order to get a more accurate answer.

Interpretation in various dream books

A dream with a starry sky can mean material well-being. There is even a chance that the person who sees it will receive some unexpected inheritance. It can also mean the fulfillment of that most cherished and desired dream.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream may signify a struggle for a place in the sun. The fight will be easy if the sky is clear. If it’s foggy, there’s a chance that things will get more difficult, but you’ll still be able to achieve your goal. But if the starry sky has caused alarm, the dream book assures that sad news will come.

If stars are clearly visible in a dream, you need to work on your inner world. The more stars, the more joy there will be.

The stars in the sky can be a clue to solving some very serious problem. The dreamer will understand when this moment comes.

According to Freud, the dream book assures that a cloudless sky with stars only dreams of good events. The dreamer will not face any failure; everything in life will turn out very well. But the sky, covered with clouds, speaks of anxiety.

The modern dream book says that only a clear starry sky foretells good things. If it is gloomy, then trouble awaits the person.

Each dream book has its own interpretation of such a dream, but they all agree on one thing: bright and beautiful stars are a good sign. If the sky is overcast or takes on some kind of frightening hue, then such a dream does not promise anything good.

Seeing bright stars in a dream

Bright lights in the sky usually mean something good. If you dreamed of a starfall, then this is a bad sign, possibly the loss of a loved one. Although another dream book, on the contrary, says that one fallen star prophesies a happy future.

A bright, beautiful starry sky in a dream, according to the psychological dream book, predicts only good impressions and pleasant events.

The Islamic dream book predicts quarrels in the house if you see stars or planets of different sizes. If the Sun and Moon appear in the sky, then you can count on prosperity and happiness.

The Ukrainian dream book says that one bright star in the sky is a narrowed (or narrowed) star. Many bright stars - for some very good event.

The modern dream book says that many bright stars in the sky can tell about quick success, for example, the dreamer will find his love.

I dreamed of a winter sky with luminaries

Some dream books say that the winter starry sky is a positive sign that predicts only good things in the future. Very soon, all unnecessary matters will fade into the background, and the dreamer will have the road to a completely different life, which will bring good and positive impressions. If at the same time there are clouds or clouds in the sky, then the dream says that the dreamer has problems that prevent him from making his dreams come true.

Constellations in the night skies

A person admiring the constellations in a dream will receive only good things in reality. But if the stars have gone out or fallen, this is a bad sign of loss or sadness. If the constellations are clearly visible, then the dream does not foretell anything bad.

If the dreamer looks at some really existing constellation, for example, the Big Dipper, then some incredibly happy and good event will happen soon. Such a dream always promises good luck. Small constellations speak of some small pleasures.

The constellation Scorpio speaks of surprises, but pleasant ones. The constellation Sagittarius will give a surge of strength. But the constellation Leo will show a person his pride and advise him to pacify it. The constellation Cancer suggests that the dreamer’s affairs will become a dead weight.

Watch the stars fall

Freud said that a starfall in a dream reveres an imminent meeting with a loved one, it will be of an intimate nature, and the dreamer has been waiting for it for a very long time. If a young man has a dream, then he will soon meet a girl. And he promises the girls a meeting with their betrothed. But shooting stars for a married couple can predict trials in love.

Miller's dream book says only good things about a dream with a bright shooting star: the dreamer will have a good time with successful deeds. But a dim starfall speaks of imminent depression.

If a star falls on a house, then your health will soon worsen. And if the whole sky is strewn with falling bright stars, and the dream does not cause negative emotions, then soon you will receive the triumph that you deserve. The red trail from falling stars promises tears to the dreamer.

As you can see, dreams of the night starry sky do not always mean bad events, and such a dream can portend something good. There is no need to worry if the interpretation does not live up to expectations, you just need to try to change something.



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