Tastes and smells in dreams. Odor perception during sleep

Sensations (smells, touch, taste) during sleep- Closest to the vital, everyday, mundane essence of human existence.
In this regard, the leading criterion in determining their sign function in a dream is the pleasant-unpleasant criterion. Thus, the sense of touch often clearly appears in the night scene as pleasant (smooth, soft, fluffy, warm, dry) or unpleasant (prickly, rough, viscous, sticky, wet).
And in this case, depending on the quality of touch (in a dream), future events in reality will also appear in a literal sense - with exactly the same character of influences or relationships.
After all, it’s not for nothing that they say about any upcoming matter (situation): well, well, let’s feel it.
Or they express themselves about a new person in a similar way: well, let’s feel what kind of person he is. Smells relate more to the relationships between people in reality (love, professional), and can also indicate upcoming changes in the life of the sleeper associated with a trip, travel. And in this case, the dream does not use inversion - bad, unpleasant odors turn out to be the same in meaning and character same deeds, states, relationships in the future.
Smells too strong and overwhelming- to bad influences, exposure, condemnation.
An even more direct meaning is the sensation of taste - Taste in a dream (especially clearly expressed, say, bitter or sweet) directly reports the quality of the upcoming event (bad or good, respectively).

The dream came true once 5 5

>>Perception and presentation of information

Main topics of the paragraph:

  • perception of information;
  • information and writing;
  • natural and formal languages;
  • forms of information presentation.

Perception of information

A person perceives from the surrounding world with the help of his senses; there are five of them: vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch.

Most information comes to us through vision and hearing. But smells, taste and tactile sensations also carry information. For example, when you smell something burning, you find out that the lunch you forgot about was burned in the kitchen. You can easily recognize familiar food by taste and estimate the amount of sugar or salt in a dish. By touch, that is, through contact with the skin, you recognize familiar objects even in the dark, and estimate the temperature of external objects. Thus, there are different perceptions of information by a person, associated with different senses through which it enters:

Through vision we receive information in the form of images;
through hearing information is perceived in audio form;
information is perceived through the sense of smell in the form of odors;
through taste - information from taste sensations;
through touch - information in the form of tactile sensations.

We can say that the sense organs are informational channels between the outside world and man. With the loss of one of these channels (for example, vision or hearing), the informational role of other senses increases. It is known that blind people hear more acutely, and the importance of touch increases for them.

Information and writing

A person can remember or write down the information received, and also transfer it to another person. In what form does this happen?

Most often, people communicate with each other orally or in writing, that is, they talk, write letters, notes, articles, books, etc. Written text consists of letters, numbers, brackets, periods, commas and other characters. Oral speech is also made up of signs. Only these signs are not written, but sound. Linguists call them phonemes. Phonemes make up words, words make up phrases. There is a direct connection between written signs and sounds. After all, speech appeared first, and only then writing. Writing is needed to record human speech on paper. Individual letters or combinations of letters indicate speech sounds, and punctuation marks indicate pauses and intonation.

The history of writing is very interesting! The writing system that we and most European countries use is called sound. What was said above applies to sound writing. But Chinese writing is called ideographic. In it, one icon (often called a hieroglyph) represents a word or a significant part of a word (Fig. 1.1). And Japanese writing is called syllabic. There, one icon represents a syllable.

The most ancient form of writing, which comes from primitive people, is called pictographic. One pictogram is a picture that represents a concept or even an entire message (Fig. 1.2). Pictographic symbolism is still often used today. For example, road signs that are familiar to all of you are pictograms.

Natural and formal languages

Human speech and writing are closely related to the concept of “language”. Of course, this does not mean the organ of speech, but the way of communication between people. Spoken languages ​​have a national character. There are Russian, English, Chinese, French and other languages. Linguists call them natural languages. Natural languages ​​have spoken and written forms.

In addition to spoken (natural) languages, there are formal languages. As a rule, these are languages ​​of some kind professions or areas of knowledge. For example, mathematical symbolism can be called the formal language of mathematics; musical notation is the formal language of music.

Language is a symbolic way of representing information. Communication in languages ​​is the process of transmitting information in symbolic form.

Forms of information submission

So, a person presents information using different languages. We can give examples of different methods of symbolic representation of information that replace speech. For example, deaf and mute people replace speech with gestures. The conductor's gestures convey information to the musicians. The referee on the sports ground uses a certain sign language that is understandable to the players.

Another common form of presenting information is graphical form. These are drawings, diagrams, drawings, maps, graphs, diagrams. When studying many school subjects, you actively use such graphic information. The clarity of graphic information makes it easier to understand the content contained in it.

Let's summarize the conversation about forms of information presentation.

Forms of information presentation by a person:

Natural language text in oral or written form;
graphic form: drawings, diagrams, drawings, maps, graphs, diagrams;
symbols of formal language: numbers, mathematical formulas, notes, chemical formulas, road signs, etc.

Briefly about the main thing

A person perceives information from the outside world using all his senses. Sense organs are information channels connecting a person with the outside world.

Language is a symbolic form of representing information. Languages ​​can be natural or formal.

A person stores information or exchanges it with other people in natural languages, formal languages, and in graphic form.

Writing is the most important way of preserving and transmitting information. In the history of mankind, the following forms of writing have been formed: sound, syllabic, ideographic, pictographic.

Questions and tasks

1. What role do the senses play in human information activity? List all the human senses.
2. Why can the perception of tastes and smells be called the reception of information?
3. How do blind people read? What sense organs are involved?
4. How does reading music differ from listening to music in terms of the form of information received?
5. A competent musician is able to write down the music he hears with notes. What transformation of the form of a musical work does it produce? Describe the reverse conversion situation.
6. What role do languages ​​play in human information activity?
7. What are natural languages, formal languages?
8. What forms of writing exist?
9. Try to explain this phenomenon from an information point of view: a person’s sensation of tastes and smells in a dream.

I. Semakin, L. Zalogova, S. Rusakov, L. Shestakova, Computer Science, 8th grade
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Many different processes happen to us in our sleep, and this topic will introduce you to several of them.

You solve problems

Have you ever gone to bed with an unsolved problem in your head, only to wake up with the answer? This, oddly enough, is not uncommon, and explains the phrase “the morning is wiser than the evening.” Although you may think that your brain is resting while you sleep, it is actually focusing on solving problems that have been bothering you during the day. Researchers believe that sleep allows you to access a network of associations in your head that allows you to solve a problem (this is called "wide network activation").

You delete useless information

The amount of information that the brain absorbs every day is incalculable. As soon as you step outside in the morning, your brain immediately begins to absorb the colors around you, the voices of passers-by, and a bunch of other information that you don't need to remember. If you memorized it all, your brain would be overloaded and you would have a hard time remembering the things you really need. Luckily, your brain sorts through all this information while you sleep and erases the unnecessary information.

Your eyes are moving fast

If you've ever watched someone sleep, you've probably noticed how their eyeballs move under their closed eyelids. Pretty creepy, right? The eyes move quickly from side to side during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and this is logical. This is the phase when you dream, so your eyes simply adjust to the changing scene or image in your dream. This is not the same as looking around in a dream - in this case we are talking about brain activity during a change in sleep concept. This explains why even blind people experience REM during sleep!

You are losing weight

A dream is, to some extent, a short post. You don't absorb anything while you sleep, but you do lose water by sweating and exhaling moist air. This results in some weight loss, especially if you manage to get seven or eight hours of sleep. In fact, the average person burns about 60 calories per hour while sleeping. This is not much, but ultimately leads to results if you don’t forget about healthy eating and exercise.

You're paralyzed

During REM sleep, the muscles in your arms are temporarily paralyzed. This is actually very useful. Can you imagine dreaming that you were beating someone up while you were lying next to your significant other? Although this temporary paralysis happens to everyone, some people experience a condition called sleep paralysis, in which the paralysis lasts several minutes after waking up. Sleep paralysis is not dangerous, but it is understandably quite scary for those who experience it.

Your sense of smell becomes dull

You may wake up and smell the divine smell of delicious breakfast and coffee, but these wonderful smells cannot wake you up. Because we don't smell while we sleep. The cause is not precisely known, although it may be due to loss of contextual stimuli. This is why it is so important to have a fire alarm. Even if the smell is very strong, you will not be able to smell it if you are sleeping. Although some people dream about smells, they are actually created by the brain.

You are farting

When you sleep, your body relaxes, and so do your muscles. Because of this, gases escape more easily. This fact may confuse you the next time you get ready to get into bed with your other half, but don't worry—luckily, we can't smell when we sleep!

Your dreams repeat themselves over and over again

Have you ever had the same dream over and over again? Don't worry, you are not alone. Many people experience recurring dreams, and it may be time to address them. It is believed that recurring dreams symbolize unresolved problems that we face during our waking hours. Although a dream does not always specifically indicate what is happening in your life, it most likely includes significant themes. For example, when you are worried about failure in your career, you may dream that you failed an exam even though you have been out of school for a long time.

You secrete growth hormone

When we were kids, we were always sent to bed early so we could sleep through the night - for many reasons. One of them is for us to grow and develop. When we sleep, the secretion of growth hormone in the pituitary gland reaches its peak. This hormone is obviously responsible for the growth of muscles and bones. It is also important for regulating metabolism and stimulating collagen, which gives the skin a youthful appearance.

You can even walk

You may either sleepwalk yourself or know someone who does - it's a fairly common occurrence. It usually occurs early at night when the body enters a semi-conscious state, just before REM sleep. Scientists are still trying to figure out why some people sleepwalk and others don't. Of course, sleepwalking can be dangerous, so, contrary to popular belief, a person in such a state can not only be woken up, but even necessary.

You can also talk

About 5 percent of people talk in their sleep, but this harmless disorder is more common among children than adults and more common among men than women. Most people don't remember what they talked about in their sleep, but many of us know from our own experience that these conversations can be very strange!

Or just send a message right away

A new phenomenon that appeared thanks to abundant SMS correspondence. Yes, the nightmare of accidentally texting the wrong person is a reality for some people when they go to bed. This is a growing phenomenon among teenagers and those who are constantly connected during the day. To protect yourself from this disaster, it is enough to remove the phone from the bedroom, or at least away from the bed.

You feel like your head is exploding

You've probably never even heard of exploding head syndrome, but it's the strangest thing that can happen to us in our sleep. People who experience this crazy phenomenon hear deafening imaginary sounds (such as a bomb exploding) right before they fall asleep or wake up. Horrible! In fact, people who suffer from this syndrome often experience high levels of stress and fear. It is believed that instead of "switching off" before sleep, the brain cells responsible for sound fire simultaneously, creating a burst of energy that the brain perceives as a loud sound. Fortunately, this syndrome is not very common.

You feel like you're falling

A common but rather strange thing that 70% of people experience is that you experience a falling sensation right before you fall asleep or wake up. Also known as hypnagogic jerking, this sleep disorder can be caused by pent-up energy that manifests itself in random movements. There is also a version that this is the result of confusion in the brain - it seems to you that you are falling, as all the muscles relax, and it forces them to tense up in order to “catch” you.

By using an electroencephalograph to monitor brain activity, it has become possible to actually see what happens when a person smells a smell. Observations were made of the state of mental activity when a person inhaled the smells of peppermint, rosemary and basil. At the same time, not only more beta radiation, typical of a state of mental activity, was released, but the person also completed the tasks assigned to him more easily than someone who did not smell these odors.

Other odors produce more alpha, theta and delta waves. These emissions indicate a more relaxed and contemplative state of the brain. For those who suffer from insomnia, this information will be useful. In addition, investigators discovered that people also perceive odors during sleep. When used correctly, they can have a calming effect on humans. Thus, encephalographic studies of healthy people and people prone to psychosis have shown that the scents of rose and jasmine stimulate the central nervous system, improving sleep. In folk medicine, pillows with hop cones were used for this purpose.

The spectrum of influence of smells on a person is so wide that you never cease to be surprised. It is far from limited to the influence on the general mental and physical state of a person. Functions such as hearing, vision, and voice are also influenced by different aromas. Thus, in the course of research it was found that inhaling bergamot oil, pyridine and toluene increases visual acuity at dusk. The smells of bergamot oil and camphor increase the eye's sensitivity to green and reduce the perception of red. The aroma of rosemary expands the field of vision for green objects and narrows it for red ones. The smell of benzene and garantiol significantly improves hearing. An interesting fact is also known that a bouquet of violets placed on a piano deprives the singer of the ability to hit high notes.

Until now, many of us consider the nose to be the only organ that responds to odors. However, research recently conducted at an English university showed that not only the nose, but also the skin reacts to odors. In one experiment, subjects were exposed to the smell of a sexual enzyme that is secreted from wild boar urine. And although most of the subjects did not smell it, the electroencephalograph recorded the skin's reaction to it.

The penetrating ability of fragrances through the skin is simply amazing. It is enough to shave a small area on a guinea pig's head and rub it with lavender oil, so that within half an hour its kidneys will smell lavender - a fact that, unfortunately, was confirmed during an autopsy. You can conduct a similar experiment on yourself, however, for this it is not at all necessary to shave the hair on your head. It’s better to take regular garlic and rub it on your feet. After some time, you will certainly feel the presence of the smell of garlic in your mouth. This happens because when used externally, aromatic oils, due to the small size of their molecules and some other properties characteristic of essential structures, penetrate deeply into human tissues and organs, enter the blood and lymph flow. It is on this property that the therapeutic effect of garlic foot massage for colds and flu is based.

Different oils penetrate the body through the skin at different rates. Eucalyptus will “pass” through the skin in 20-40 minutes; anise, bergamot, lemon - 40-60 minutes; lavender and geranium - 60-80 minutes; coriander or mint - 100-120 minutes.


English scientists came to interesting conclusions by studying the human reaction to smell. They believe that most reactions to the odors surrounding a person are associative in nature. All events that occur at different periods of our lives are necessarily accompanied by certain odors. As a result, they become associated with these smells and are remembered. These memories, both positive and negative, captured by the subconscious, can manifest themselves throughout the rest of our lives at what seems to us the most inopportune moments! Usually in such cases they say: “Something came over me today for no apparent reason.” Here is at least one example.

Let's say you were severely punished as a child, and you experienced deep resentment. At this time, there was a bouquet of fragrant lilacs in the room. You, of course, didn’t remember this, but your subconscious knows it, and therefore lilac, or rather its smell, has become firmly associated with resentment. What happens next, say, a few years later? The presence of the smell of lilac can instantly, for an inexplicable reason, ruin your mood, which you will justify with anything, without understanding the reason. You may be irritable, get into quarrels, etc. Or this example. You were abandoned or deceived by a woman who wore a certain perfume. If you later meet another woman who uses the same perfume, you will by association not trust her, expecting deceit and betrayal.

Since any stress is most often accompanied by an illness or lays its foundation, in this case a reaction to a smell such as a sudden illness cannot be ruled out. This will already be a provoked disease.

Aromatherapy, when used skillfully, helps to release deeply hidden emotions. This is especially important for diseases caused by years of suppressed emotions. Once they are released, recovery begins. Rosemary, an excellent memory stimulant, is one of those aromas that helps relieve this kind of stress, which is important for our long-term health.

All this information helps explain the effect that aromatic substances can have on our behavior, and also understand why some of them help develop intuition, the ability to anticipate events, and the ability to concentrate without causing fatigue for a long time.

Scientists, having begun to unravel the complex hormonal and neurological processes associated with the sense of smell, now predict that in the near future it will be possible to control people's performance, behavior, mood and emotions with the help of suitable aromas. This seems completely fantastic, but nevertheless it is confirmed by experiments.


When considering the topic of smells, it is impossible to ignore such an interesting phenomenon as the smell of the human body. After all, as many people as there are in the world, there are so many individual, unique smells. It is thanks to him that animals find the trace of their owner. Body odor is directly related to sweat. Babies recognize their mother almost immediately after birth, without yet seeing a face or distinguishing a voice. They recognize it by the smell of substances released with sweat. The sense of smell in babies who have just been born is so highly developed that they are able to distinguish odors that are inaccessible to an adult.

There are still many mysteries associated with human sweat and such manifestations as smell that researchers have to solve. The need to study and diversify the properties of sweat is also spoken of in Agni Yoga, since this excretory system is somehow directly related to the aura and mental reactions of a person. Research in this area could help in understanding the unity and interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual world of man.

We know that each mental and emotional state produces a special chemical reaction in the body, the manifestation of which, it turns out, can also be detected in the smell of sweat. Have you ever noticed, for example, that the sweat of labor and the sweat of overeating are far from similar? One can recognize the sweat of prayer and high heartfelt aspiration, which is different from the sweat of self-interest. The sweat of someone running to help is different from the sweat of a killer in a hurry. Among these opposite reactions one can clearly detect the products of psychic energy...

I wonder, have you ever wondered why a person suddenly sweats when experiencing extreme anxiety or sudden fear? It turns out that with the release of sweat, an odor is released, which is transformed energy, a reaction to the situation. A change in a person’s mental state is also accompanied by changes in the color of the aura. What relationship exists between this, what role the smell of sweat plays in this case and what impact it can have on others is a question.

There is a well-known example of the influence of odors in the cabins of the first spaceships on the aggressive behavior of crews and on the irrational state of fear and depression. Such reactions were caused by air in the cabins that was not sufficiently purified and contained people’s own smell, known according to some studies as the “smell of fear.” This means that there are other smells that reflect all known human emotions - “the smell of hatred, jealousy, resentment, love,” etc. It’s not for nothing that dogs, animals with a highly developed sense of smell, react so differently to people - they attack one and They can bite, fawn over others, and when some approach, they growl and bristle in warning.

Many people can admit that they sometimes hear inexplicable odors. For some, fragrant aromas of flowers may appear in the apartment from nowhere, while others may experience disgusting odors of sulfur and burning, reminiscent of emissions from chemical plant pipes. Trying to somehow explain such phenomena, let us turn to Agni Yoga, which says that “The Subtle World is full of smells, and the sense of smell there is a kind of nutrition, which is not so much developed in the physical world. The transformation of energy into aroma is a very definite fact, and therefore, when one speaks of the fragrance of freesias and violets, one can assume the proximity of the physical or subtle energy of the Good Beginning.” Perhaps you have heard about the fragrance emanating from the saints? They say that the holy aura, returning people to the bloodless kingdom, gives them the smell of flowers.

Speaking about the possessed, Agni Yoga again recommends observing sweat secretions that have a specific, unpleasant sulfuric smell. The appearance of such odors in an apartment indicates the presence of a dark, evil principle. I have heard about this more than once from people who expelled demons who had settled there from their houses.

The conclusion suggests itself: the invisible world can manifest itself on earth and be physically perceptible in the form of smells. It is not for nothing that Agni Yoga, pointing to the divine origin and purpose of flowers, says that “dark flowers are the only living connection connecting Earth with Heaven.” As for humans, we can say that the smell of sweat is practically the only sensory perceptible manifestation of the human spirit here on Earth. So, if they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then sweat is the smell of the soul...

To all of the above, it remains to add that according to popular belief, human sweat also has healing properties. The Latvians say this: “In order not to get sick with a contagious disease, every evening you need to sniff the sweat on the small toe of your left foot,” and “before going to see a person with a contagious disease, you need to take the sweat from under your armpit on your finger and take a good breath.” then the disease will not stick to them.” It is difficult to say how effective this remedy is, but scientists, studying the properties of sweat, discovered a substance in its composition that has a calming effect, similar to tranquilizers, but has no side effects. They called it "Osmon-1". People who complained of unsteady behavior and unreasonable fears were given a sponge soaked in Osmon to sniff 4 times a day, and after 2 months everyone reported an improvement in their condition.


By using an electroencephalograph to monitor brain activity, it has become possible to actually see what happens when a person smells a smell. Observations were made of the state of mental activity when a person inhaled the smells of peppermint, rosemary and basil. At the same time, not only more beta radiation, typical of a state of mental activity, was released, but the person also completed the tasks assigned to him more easily than someone who did not smell these odors.

Other odors produce more alpha, theta and delta waves. These emissions indicate a more relaxed and contemplative state of the brain. For those who suffer from insomnia, this information will be useful. In addition, researchers have discovered that people also perceive odors during sleep. When used correctly, they can have a calming effect on humans. Thus, encephalographic studies of healthy people and people prone to psychosis have shown that the scents of rose and jasmine stimulate the central nervous system, improving sleep. In folk medicine, pillows with hop cones were used for this purpose.

The spectrum of influence of smells on a person is so wide that you never cease to be surprised. It is far from limited to the influence on the general mental and physical state of a person. Functions such as hearing, vision, and voice are also influenced by different aromas. Thus, in the course of research it was found that inhaling bergamot oil, pyridine and toluene increases visual acuity at dusk. The smells of bergamot oil and camphor increase the eye's sensitivity to green and reduce the perception of red. The aroma of rosemary expands the field of vision for green objects and narrows it for red ones. The smell of benzene and garantiol significantly improves hearing. An interesting fact is also known that a bouquet of violets placed on a piano deprives the singer of the ability to hit high notes.

Until now, many of us consider the nose to be the only organ that responds to odors. However, research recently conducted at an English university showed that not only the nose, but also the skin reacts to odors. In one experiment, subjects were exposed to the smell of a sexual enzyme that is secreted from wild boar urine. And although most of the subjects did not smell it, the electroencephalograph recorded the skin's reaction to it.

The penetrating ability of fragrances through the skin is simply amazing. It is enough to shave a small area on a guinea pig's head and rub it with lavender oil, so that within half an hour its kidneys will smell lavender - a fact that, unfortunately, was confirmed during an autopsy. You can conduct a similar experiment on yourself, however, for this it is not at all necessary to shave the hair on your head. It’s better to take regular garlic and rub it on your feet. After some time, you will certainly feel the presence of the smell of garlic in your mouth. This happens because when used externally, aromatic oils, due to the small size of their molecules and some other properties characteristic of essential structures, penetrate deeply into human tissues and organs, enter the blood and lymph flow. It is on this property that the therapeutic effect of garlic foot massage for colds and flu is based.

Different oils penetrate the body through the skin at different rates. Eucalyptus will “pass” through the skin in 20-40 minutes; anise, bergamot, lemon - 40-60 minutes; lavender and geranium - 60-80 minutes; coriander or mint - 100-120 minutes.

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