Morozov nursery in honor of whom. Founding and getting started

Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital began its history in 1900. The money for the construction of the buildings of the children's infectious diseases hospital was donated by the merchant of the first guild, the manufactory adviser Morozov Vikula Eliseevich.
Already two years after the start of construction, patients began to receive outpatients, and in early 1903 the first three buildings of the infectious diseases hospital were opened. The construction was carried out under the leadership of the head physician of the hospital Alekseev, as well as the architect Ivanov-Shitz.
At first, patients were received on an outpatient basis on the first floor of the administrative building. Enclosures open to next year accommodated 100 beds for the treatment of infectious patients in the clinic. In 1906, six buildings were ready for operation, for patients with various diseases, a building for the surgical department, as well as rooms for the kitchen, warehouses, and a chapel. One building was allocated so that the heads of the hospital could live there.
In 1906, the construction of the fourth children's hospital named after Morozov V.I. completed in Moscow. In total, the hospital was designed for 340 beds.
The work on the treatment of young patients was led by such doctors as: Egiz B.A. and Colley V.A. in the infectious department, Dr. William was a senior doctor in therapy, Krasnobaev T.P. worked in the surgical department. In the administrative building of surgery, on the second floor, young specialists lived, who combined study and work. The medical staff from the Satisfy My Sorrows community lived there. The staff working in different departments of the hospital could not communicate with each other, thus protecting themselves from the spread of infectious diseases within the hospital.
The public was very concerned high level mortality among children infancy and the spread of nosocomial infections. A problem with babies was resolved when a specialized building was built for the treatment of children of this age. The money for the construction was donated by the merchant Karzinkin. In the building, which is called S.A. Karzinkina, housed a hospital for 25 people, there was also a dairy kitchen and an outpatient clinic. The work was carried out under the guidance of Professor N.I. Langovoi. Problem nosocomial infection was resolved later. In 1930, one infectious diseases department was reconstructed into boxes. Then they built three departments with boxes, which could accommodate 120 people. In this hospital, for the first time in the country, Meltzer boxes were used. In 1960-1970, some of the buildings were enlarged to two or three storey buildings. In 1972, the construction of a seven-story building designed for more than 300 people was completed. In 1983, the construction of a building with boxes was completed, on the ground floor of which there were Meltzer boxes. In 1976, a pathoanatomical department appeared in a separate building. In 1997, the hematology building was reconstructed and a blood transfusion department was organized on its basis. In 1932 it was opened pediatric ENT department, and two years later opened the department of rheumatology. In 1942, a department for the treatment of neurological diseases was opened. This neurological department was the second in Moscow at that time. Five years later, a department for the treatment of meningitis and tuberculosis was opened for the first time. In 1962, for the first time, a department was opened for the treatment of newborns with diseases nervous system. The following year, traumatology and endocrinology were opened. In 1965, a department of hematology was opened, where patients with leukemia were treated. In 1970, neurosurgery was first discovered.
On the basis of the Morozov hospital, the first department of ophthalmology was opened, as well as an ophthalmological clinic. In 1962, children's cardio-rheumatology was organized. Later, a polyclinic was opened for consultations on neurological diseases. In 1937, a school was organized at the hospital to train highly qualified paramedical personnel.
Nowadays, the Morozov Children's Clinical Hospital is one of the largest hospitals for children in the city. The hospital has only twenty-four departments for 1020 beds, seventeen profiles and seven additional services, a polyclinic, an ophthalmological sanatorium, and a medical school.
The Morozov hospital employs two hundred and sixty-four doctors, about half of whom have the highest category, and 4 doctors received the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

(former Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 1) - state state-financed organization Department of Health of the City of Moscow, the largest inpatient multidisciplinary children's hospital. Founded in 1903. Located in the Yakimanka district at 4th Dobryninsky lane, 1/9. It includes more than 1600 beds (including branches), 28 medical departments, a consultative and diagnostic polyclinic, 7 auxiliary departments and services.

Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital

Administrative building
Location Moscow
Subordination Department of Health of the City of Moscow
Form city ​​budgetary healthcare institution
Profile children's city clinical hospital
Foundation date 1903
Chief Physician Petryaykina Elena Efimovna
Branches 28 main and 7 auxiliary
Beds 1600
Address Moscow, 4th Dobryninsky lane, 1/9


Founding and getting started

Historically, on the site of the modern Morozov hospital, there was a horse market, where horses, meat, Christmas trees were sold, public meetings and demonstrations were held. Here, in 1873, the verdict was announced to the revolutionary Sergei Nechaev.

According to Morozov's plan, treatment in the hospital was free. The main architect was the master of Russian Art Nouveau Illarion Ivanov-Shits. Nikolai Alekseev, a former senior doctor at the St. Vladimir Hospital, was appointed chief physician. .

The laying of the hospital took place on August 26, 1900. Shortly before this, Timofey Krasnobaev, a Moscow pediatric surgeon, was sent on a long business trip to Italy, Germany and Switzerland with Morozov's money. In order to avoid cross-contamination, a separate pavilion was built for each infection with living quarters for nannies and paramedics-wardens.

In 1902, at the height of construction, the outpatient clinic of the hospital began to work: up to 500 children were treated there daily. At the entrance, each patient was accompanied by a doorkeeper and a paramedic and directed to the desired building. Reception in the outpatient clinic was conducted by a pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist and a surgeon. Also equipped with an operating room, vaccination room for smallpox vaccination, laboratory, pharmacy and library medical literature. In 1903, buildings were opened for patients with diphtheria, scarlet fever and mixed infections.

In 1906, the construction of the entire hospital complex was completed. It included 9 medical buildings, residential buildings for staff, a chapel, and outbuildings. Also earned surgery department and emergency care. The leading doctors of the hospital - Timofey Krasnobaev, Vladimir Kolli, Boris Egiz - trained young specialists and supervised them medical practice. Sisters of Mercy from the “Assuage My Sorrows” community worked as junior medical personnel.

External images
Morozov hospital
Morozov hospital. Early 20th century
Irina Tsukerman, cured of tuberculous meningitis in childhood at the Morozov Hospital

In 1947, a department for patients with tuberculous meningitis was opened in the hospital and the first successful treatment a patient with such a diagnosis is 10-year-old Ira Zuckerman. Streptomycin for treatment had to be ordered from the US, despite the start of the Cold War. The girl survived but lost her hearing. Subsequently, Irina Tsukerman became a well-known defectologist.

In the 1950s, in connection with the outbreak of poliomyelitis, a republican center for patients with bulbar poliomyelitis was established on the basis of the neurological department. On the base medical practice monographs devoted to childhood infections were created. Gradually, the hospital became multidisciplinary, the task of creating a system of specialized medical care for children came to the fore. In 1953, the department of ophthalmology began its work, in 1962 - a cardio-rheumatological dispensary, in 1963 - the department of oncology, in 1964 - endocrinology, in 1965 - hematology with a specialization in the treatment of leukemia, in 1967 - the department for newborns with damage to the nervous system.

In the 1960s-1970s, some buildings of the hospital were built up to 2-3 floors. In 1970, the neonatal pathology department, the neurosurgical department and the neurological clinic were opened. In 1972, the construction of a seven-story building with more than 300 beds was completed, in 1976 - a pathoanatomical building. At the turn of the 1970s-1980s, specialists from the Pirogov Russian State Medical University developed neonatology, pediatric cardiology, and improved methods for diagnosing childhood infections.

In 1988, the hospital was reconstructed: historical buildings were restored, the 1932 building was demolished, outdated utilities were repaired. A surgical treatment and diagnostic building with 240 beds was also built. The total capacity of the hospital has been reduced from 1160 to 1050 beds.

1990s and 2000s

External images
Morozov hospital
Memorial plaque in memory of Vikul Morozov, the founder of the hospital

The post-Soviet era was marked by the development of social protection measures based on the hospital. In 1992, the psycho-neurological department was converted into a rehabilitation and diagnostic center "Tenderness" for orphans. In 2002, a department for homeless children began to work.

In 1993, the hospital returned its historical name, a memorial plaque was installed on the facade of the administrative building in memory of Vikul Morozov.

Since the mid-1990s, epilepsy in children and adolescents has been studied at the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Pirogov Russian State Medical University.

Since 2008, the oncology and hematology departments of the hospital have been cooperating with the volunteer group of the Podari Zhizn charity foundation. Together with patients, the Morozovka magazine is published.


External images
Morozov hospital
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and chief physician of the Morozov hospital Igor Koltunov in front of the new hospital building

Currently, the Morozov Hospital is a hospital with 1044 beds and consists of 28 clinical and 10 auxiliary departments. Up to 40 thousand patients from Moscow, other regions of Russia and the CIS receive assistance annually. The hospital has the capacity to hospitalize up to 140 children daily. .

From 2011 to 2015, more than 2.5 thousand various medical technology, including modern x-ray machines, magnetic resonance and computed tomography. In November 2014, the Center for Pediatric Gastroenterology began its work.

In April 2015, the hospital opened a medical genetic department - the Moscow City Center for Neonatal Screening. At the same time, for the first time in the capital, a single reference center for orphan diseases was organized, in particular, work with patients with cystic fibrosis was systematized. In November of the same year, surgeons at the Morozov Hospital unique operation 2-year-old boy with liver sarcoma.

In 2016, the Department of Ophthalmology began cooperation with volunteers from the Danilovtsy youth movement, organizing creative workshops for patients.

In September 2017, a new modern hospital building with 500 beds was opened. Its construction began back in 2014 on the site of buildings built in the 1930s that were in disrepair, in which the Moscow Medical School No. 3 was located. On the opening day of the new building, it was personally visited by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The seven-story building is a world-class multidisciplinary clinic with departments of otolaryngology, emergency abdominal and purulent surgery, urology, endocrinology, oncology and hematology with an intensive care unit, ophthalmology and eye microsurgery, bone marrow transplantation, cardiorheumatology and pulmonology, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, neurosurgery and neurooncology, resuscitation and anesthesiology, two operating units and a clinical diagnostic laboratory. At present, it is planned to restore the outpatient building of the hospital, as well as to open a modern radiological building.


  1. Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital (indefinite) . Retrieved 27 October 2017.
  2. Alexey Mitrofanov. Morozov Children's Hospital: a special hospital in a special place (indefinite) . Mercy (August 15, 2014). Retrieved 27 October 2017.

In the lexicon of the inhabitants of the capital there are words whose meaning is completely unambiguous. For example, "Filatovskaya", "Morozovskaya", "Sklifosovsky", "Botkinskaya" - it is clear to everyone that we are talking about famous Moscow medical institutions.

But how much do we know about the people these clinics are named after? How often do we think about what we owe them?

Legend Doctor

Another doctor that not only our city, but the whole country can be proud of is Sergei Petrovich Botkin, who also lived in the century before last. He was called a legend doctor - he was such a brilliant therapist and diagnostician.

Botkin is considered the founder of the scientific clinical medicine. This doctor was the first to prove that the body is a single whole, controlled by the nervous system and at the same time being inextricably linked with its environment. Sergei Botkin created the first experimental laboratory in Russia, where they studied the effects of drugs on human body. Moreover, at the clinic, he created a free outpatient clinic where the poor could be treated. Dr. Botkin became a trustee of infectious diseases hospitals in Russia, introduced the first ambulance - the prototype of the modern ambulance. And the famous "Botkin's disease" - hepatitis A - bears this name because Sergei Petrovich established infectious nature diseases.

In 1920, his name was given to the Soldatenkovskaya hospital. Today it is a multidisciplinary hospital, where they provide assistance in surgical, gynecological, therapeutic, cardiac surgery, traumatology and other profiles. The Botkin Hospital has a regional vascular center, center for joint arthroplasty, hematology center. Almost all departments of the clinic are clinical bases of leading educational and research institutions in Russia.

Brilliant diagnostician, brilliant therapist "gave" his name to the Botkin Hospital

good deeds master

Among the people in whose honor the famous clinics are named, there are both famous doctors and those who have nothing to do with this science at all. However, in due time they became famous for good and good deeds. One of these Muscovites was Vikula Eliseevich Morozov, after whom the Children's City Clinical Hospital was named.

Morozov owned a huge fortune, which he earned as an entrepreneur-manufacturer. At the same time, a significant part of his family's money went to good deeds. Vikula Eliseevich bequeathed to his children to spend 600 thousand rubles - a huge amount for those times! - for charitable purposes, including the construction of medical institutions. The sons fulfilled his will, and in 1900, after the death of the entrepreneur, the construction of the children's hospital named after Vikula Morozov began. I must say that other large Moscow entrepreneurs also donated money to the development of this clinic.

Today, the Morozov Hospital is a multidisciplinary clinical and diagnostic complex that provides high-tech medical care to children. The hospital is being renovated: a modern building with unique transplantation departments has been built on the site of old buildings bone marrow and pediatric cardiac surgery. Thanks to Vikula Morozov and his sons, schools, theaters, hospitals, orphanages, libraries appeared in our city. More than 70 buildings were built in the capital at their expense.

Vikula Morozov created the financial "foundation" of the Morozov Children's Hospital.

Castle of Sklifosovsky

It is impossible to count how many human lives saved on the account of Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky. Nikolai Pirogov himself spoke with admiration of him as an excellent field surgeon.

It was Sklifosovsky who was involved in the introduction of the principles of asepsis and antisepsis (in other words, disinfection of wounds), and this sharply reduced mortality among surgeons' patients. He first introduced rules for the disinfection of instruments and operating table, marked the beginning of abdominal surgery. During the Russian-Turkish war, more than 10 thousand wounded passed through his hands, sometimes the doctor operated for days on end.

Among the achievements of Sklifosovsky is the creation of an apparatus for maintaining anesthesia throughout the operation, the method local anesthesia. It was he who invented original way connection of crushed bones, which is called the "Russian castle" or "Sklifovsky's castle".

Under the name of Nikolai Sklifosovsky, a scientist and surgeon, the largest research institute for emergency care is working today

Surgeon's Golden Hands

At the beginning of the twentieth century. native Muscovites claimed that there were three attractions in the capital: the Tretyakov Gallery, Red Square and Dr. Yudin. Such a strange saying. What kind of person is this, whose name could be compared with the central square of the capital?
Sergey Sergeevich Yudin was a brilliant surgeon who made a serious contribution to the development of military field surgery and traumatology. Even during the First World War, he led a sanitary detachment and operated on soldiers right on the front line, in trenches and dugouts. Later he worked as the chief surgeon of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, operated daily, and sometimes at night. It was hard to find a better surgeon in the world than Yudin. He was an unsurpassed master of gastric surgery, during his life he performed more than 17 thousand operations on the stomach.

Today, the city clinical hospital is named after him - a huge modern hospital.

Sergei Yudin was pride and the best surgeon capital, he sometimes operated around the clock.

Doctor #1

The City Clinical Hospital No. 1 is named after Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, the world-famous surgeon. Pirogov's personality is unique. A participant in four wars, Nikolai Pirogov laid the foundations of military field surgery by developing a series of medical appointments, which made it possible to avoid the amputation of the limbs of soldiers.

For the first time in the history of world medicine, Pirogov began to use plaster bandages, implemented general anesthesia and performed the first operation under anesthesia in field conditions. In our country, Dr. Pirogov was the first to propose the idea plastic surgery and for the first time in the world came up with the idea of ​​bone grafting.

By the way, it was on the initiative of Pirogov that sisters of mercy appeared in the Russian army. And it is quite natural that one of the oldest and today's largest capital hospital No. 1, a multidisciplinary hospital, is named after this person, where more than 40 thousand inpatients are treated and more than 400 thousand receive outpatient care.

Hospital No. 1 is named after Nikolai Pirogov, a famous Russian surgeon and scientist.

The most ambulance

Among the great Russian doctors there are names little known to the general public. Few people know why the metropolitan ambulance station, the largest in Europe, which includes 58 substations and 87 posts throughout the city, is named after Alexander Sergeevich Puchkov.

Everything is very simple: it was this doctor who founded the service in Moscow emergency assistance. In 1921, when Moscow was raging terrible epidemic typhus, Puchkov led the evacuation of the sick. But patients were put into ordinary cars, which became the first ambulances that transported people to hospitals and infectious disease barracks. Thus, 70 thousand patients were transported, and this fact played a huge role in the fight against the spread of typhus.

Puchkov created the basic principles for organizing emergency medical care for the population, he himself took part in the development of a new type of ambulance. Later, the experience of organizing the Moscow service with the famous telephone "03" was introduced in all cities of Russia. Today, the Puchkov Emergency Ambulance Station in the capital performs up to 12,000 trips daily, and the travel time in Moscow is 10-12 minutes.

Alexander Puchkov in the 1920s organized the transportation of patients in Moscow, laying the foundation for the capital's ambulance

Mistakes to a minimum

The multidisciplinary clinic named after Ippolit Davydovsky, located in an old mansion in the center of Moscow, provides assistance to people with acute infarction myocardium and ischemic disease hearts. But how much do we know about Ippolit Vasilyevich himself? He was the most famous pathologist and pathologist of his time. He thought pathological anatomy first of all by the method of scientific control of the doctor's work and improvement of diagnostics. During the war, Davydovsky dealt with the problems of sepsis and wound healing. On his initiative, it became mandatory in all hospitals of the USSR to compare the clinical and post-mortem pathoanatomical diagnosis - this makes it possible to minimize medical errors. Ippolit Davydovsky understood the significance of the demographic problem in the country and was the first to take up the biology of aging, organizing a laboratory for the pathology of old age. By the way, the doctor himself, fortunately, lived to an advanced age.

Ippolit Davydovsky, whose name this clinic bears, worked on the problems of aging, among other things.

Soul health

The name Gilyarovsky is familiar to any Muscovite, but in this case we are not talking about a connoisseur of old Moscow, but about the great psychiatrist and scientist Vasily Alekseevich Gilyarovsky, who became the founder of child psychiatry.
Back in the years of the First World War, he created a shelter in Moscow for nervously ill refugee children - confused, frightened, shocked. Gilyarovsky paid attention not only to severe diseases, but also to their prevention, as well as tracking the so-called border states. He was one of the first in our country to introduce methods of treating the mentally ill - electrosleep, insulin shock, collective psychotherapy and occupational therapy. He is the author of 250 scientific works, and his Manual of Psychiatry long years used as a textbook for students. Today, the Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 3 is named after him.

Vasily Gilyarovsky - the founder of child psychiatry.

We have not yet mentioned Alexander Yeramishantsev, who was the first to successfully perform a liver transplant in our country; about Mikhail Zhadkevich, who for the first time removed a blood clot from pulmonary artery in the conditions of a normal medical unit; about Leonid Vorokhobov, a brilliant surgeon who headed the capital's medicine for more than 20 years (over 80 new hospital buildings and 137 polyclinics were opened in Moscow under him); about Valentin Buyanov, whose textbook on surgery is still a reference book for mid-level medical specialists; about Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky, a surgeon, scientist and theologian who took the monastic rank.
But you can learn everything about the great Russian doctors yourself - you just have to come to Chistoprudny Boulevard, see the exhibition and bow low to these truly great people.

The history of the construction of the Morozovskaya children's city clinical hospital refers to 1900, when the construction of a new children's infectious diseases hospital (the fourth children's hospital in the city) was started with the donations of the manufactory-adviser, merchant of the 1st guild Vikula Eliseevich Morozov.

In 1902, an outpatient clinic was opened, and in January 1903, the first three infectious cases. The construction managers were chief physician hospital N.N. Alekseev and architect Ivanov-Shits.

In April 1902 was built administrative building, in which an outpatient clinic is open on the ground floor. In January 1903, the first three infectious cases with 100 beds were opened. By 1906, 6 more buildings were built for patients with "contagious" and "non-contagious" diseases, a surgical building, a kitchen, storage rooms, chapels, a sectional, as well as a residential building for hospital leaders.

In 1906, the construction of the fourth children's hospital with 340 beds, named after Vikula Eliseevich Morozov, was completed in Moscow.

Photo: P.P. Pavlov, "Album of buildings belonging to the Moscow City Public Administration"

The medical work in the hospital was supervised by senior doctors for infectious diseases: B. A. Egiz and V. A. Kolli, for therapy - Dr. William, for surgery - T. P. Krasnobaev. Young doctors - assistants, studying and working, lived in the hospital - on the second floor of the administrative and surgical building. Other medical staff- maids and matrons from the Community "Assuage My Sorrows" also lived on the second floors of the buildings. Communication between the staff of different departments was prohibited in order to prevent the spread and transmission of the infection.

The medical community was concerned about the high mortality in the hospital of infants and high rate nosocomial infection. The first problem was solved with the construction of a special building for infants with donations from the merchant Karzinkin. In the corps. Sofia Andreevna Karzinkina was placed in a hospital with 25 beds, an outpatient clinic and a dairy kitchen were opened. This work was led by Prof. Langovoy N.I. The second problem was solved later. In 1930 one of infectious departments was reconstructed into a boxed department, and in the 30s, 3 more boxed buildings for 120 boxes and the first department in Russia with Meltzer boxes were built. In the 60-70s, some buildings were built up to 2-3 floors. In 1972, a new 7-storey building with 310 beds was built, in 1983 - a new boxed building with Meltzer boxes on the first floor. In 1976, a new pathoanatomical building was built, in 1997, the hematological building was reconstructed and organized on the basis of the Department of Blood Transfusion. In 1932, the city's first specialized children's otolaryngological department was opened; in 1934, the first rheumatology department was organized jointly with the clinics of the Russian State Medical University and the UDN. In 1942, the second neurological department was opened in Moscow. In 1947, the first department for patients with tuberculous meningitis and successfully treated the patient; developed a treatment for this serious illness. In 1962, the first department for newborns with lesions of the nervous system was opened; in 1963, the first children's traumatology and endocrinology departments; neurosurgical department.

For the first time, an ophthalmological care service for children was organized - the first ophthalmological department (1952) and the first children's ophthalmological consultative clinic. In 1962, a children's cardio-rheumatological dispensary was organized for the first time. In 1970, a children's city consultative neurological polyclinic was opened at the hospital. Since 1937, a medical school was organized at the hospital to train nurses for children. medical hospitals cities.

Currently Morozov Children's Clinical Hospital is one of the largest children's hospitals in the city. It includes a hospital for 1020 beds with 24 medical departments, 17 profiles and 7 auxiliary departments and services, a consultative and diagnostic clinic.



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