Consequences of an overdose of Trigan-D. Trigan-d - the pills that caused a terrible epidemic of drug addiction among schoolchildren

Many parents do not even suspect that their home medicine cabinets contain painkillers, which modern youth have “learned to swallow” instead of drugs. When you come to the pharmacy and, without a second thought, ask the pharmacist to give you something for muscle pain or headaches, you may be offered the cheap Indian drug Trigan D with the accompanying phrase - Try it, it helps everyone. Helping helps, but not only...

The pills have caused a terrible epidemic of drug addiction among schoolchildren, which no one talks about out loud. Its popularity is due to its availability and low price, a little more than 100 rubles per pack of 20 tablets.

Reference: Trigan-D is an antipyretic, analgesic, antispasmodic drug. The active ingredients of the drug are Dicycloverine and Paracetamol. Available in the form of white, round, flat, smooth tablets with beveled edges and a score line on one side.

In pharmacies you can find an analogue of this drug - combispasm. This medicine has a similar composition and effect.

The combination of dicycloverine and paracetamol allows you to enhance the effect of the first active ingredient several times. But this same combination, as it turned out, in most people, if the prescribed dosage is increased, causes an effect similar to a narcotic, which, by the way, quite quickly causes mental addiction. And from the point of view of the physical effect on the body, Trigan D is even worse than soft drugs.

Visions in teenagers most often manifest themselves in the fact that they are catching some objects or collecting them, hiding or being afraid of something. In this state, the heart rate increases to 160 beats per minute. An increased amount of atropine is found in their urine.

People who abuse anticholinergic drugs eventually become patients in drug dispensaries and are forced to undergo treatment for acute poisoning. Therefore, you should avoid getting Trigan-D into the hands of adolescents; the instructions for use contain precise information about the therapeutic dosage, which should be followed for treatment. Proper use of these tablets guarantees their safety.

It remains unclear why a drug that has such a dangerous effect from taking only 4 tablets instead of the prescribed 2, successfully passed clinical trials and went on sale over the counter.

Trigan D and alcohol pose the greatest harm to the body. Why? The fact is that the paracetamol content in these tablets is 500 mg, which corresponds to the maximum single dosage for adults, and to achieve a pseudo-high you need to drink at least 4 tablets. Taking even a small amount of alcohol (0.3 beers) and extremely high doses, and in this case an overdose of paracetamol, leads to toxic irreversible damage to liver cells and end-stage renal failure.

If the drug is not used medicinally, side effects may occur:

Hallucinations, which can be olfactory, auditory and visual in nature;
- dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, constipation, thirst, dry mouth, taste disturbance, ulcerative lesions of the gastric and intestinal mucosa);
- from the hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems - bradycardia, arrhythmia, tachycardia; hematopoietic disorder;
- from the central nervous system - dizziness, swaying, headache;
- allergic reactions, redness of the skin;
- other disorders - tinnitus, anorexia, lethargy, increased intraocular pressure, photophobia, urinary incontinence, nephrotoxic effects.

Trigan-D should be used with caution in patients with high sensitivity to NSAIDs and analgesics, with severe impairment of renal and hepatic function, with a tendency to bronchospasm, as well as in elderly patients and in persons with alcoholic liver damage.

Concomitant use with other atropine-like drugs, NSAIDs, non-narcotic analgesics, anticoagulants and drugs that affect the central nervous system is not recommended, as their side effects may increase. When using barbiturates, rifampicin, zidovudine and alcohol, toxic effects on the liver increase. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary when taking drugs such as metoclopramide, domperidone,

Overdose of Trigan-D

An overdose of the drug may cause liver failure. With excessive use of Trigan-D, the following effects are observed: nausea, vomiting, jaundice, bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite, irritability, lethargy, pain in the hypochondrium on the right side, abnormal stool consistency. An overdose of Trigan-D can lead to severe disturbances in the functioning of the entire body and to death..

According to online reviews, some young people, in pursuit of euphoric intoxication, swallow 10 to 20 tablets at a time, and consuming this amount is already fatal. If in the case of a one-time use of 5-8 tablets we can still talk about severe poisoning, then the consequences of 9-10 or more tablets are, at best, a reversible coma.

"Trigan-D" is strictly contraindicated and can lead to serious consequences, these include:
- acute or chronic renal failure;
- impaired liver function, insufficiency of this organ;
- allergy to medication components;
- the patient has acute or chronic gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), peptic ulcer;
- gastrointestinal bleeding;
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
- cardiovascular failure;
- children under 15 years of age;
- increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma;
- myasthenia gravis;
- prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

First aid and treatment for overdose.

If signs of overdose are detected, you should call an ambulance. This must be done because it will be difficult to provide first aid in case of poisoning with signs of drug addiction, for example, to rinse the stomach. The poisoned person will behave inappropriately or be unconscious. In the latter case, before the specialists arrive, the person should be placed on his side so that he does not choke on the vomit.

As antidotes, intravenous administration of methionine is used - after 8 hours, and after 12 hours - N-acetylcysteine. Treatment of an overdose with Trigan D occurs only in a hospital setting. If necessary, a psychiatrist is involved.

Trigan D is a drug with combined action (analgesic and antispasmodic), which is a non-narcotic substance, but causes severe dependence and numerous side effects. The main active ingredients are paracetamol and dicycloverine. The forms in which Trigan D is produced are tablets and ampoules (they contain only dicycloverine hydrochloride and water for injection).

The medicine is produced in India and is widely distributed in the Russian Federation. Due to its low price, availability (Trigan D is sold without a prescription) and pronounced analgesic effect, it is often purchased without knowing about the negative side of taking the drug. The combination of potent components in it gives an effect reminiscent of a narcotic - euphoric “intoxication”, hallucinations, changes in consciousness, which is why doctors warn about the dangers of the drug. For example, St. Petersburg narcologist Evgeny Rysin comments on the situation as follows: “The drug is quite strict in its pharmacological action, it belongs to group “B” and must be dispensed with a prescription from a specialist.”

Without directly saying that Trigan-D is a drug, experts insist on its strict control and prescription. The combination of paracetamol and dicycloverine greatly enhances the effect of the second component - a strong antispasmodic that blocks receptors. Taking it in large quantities (to achieve a narcotic effect) threatens addiction and severe toxic damage to the liver and other internal organs. It is caused by a huge dose of paracetamol received - Trigan D tablets contain 500 mg of this well-known antipyretic. The liver is irreversibly damaged when receiving 10-12 grams. drug, and by taking Trigan D as a drug in large doses, the addict exposes his health to great danger.

Why is Trigan D used in medicine?

Trigan D is a medicine that has a long-term analgesic, antispasmodic and sedative effect. It is prescribed for irritable bowel syndrome, pyloric spasms, colic in the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, and dysmenorrhea. Thanks to the presence of paracetamol, an antipyretic effect is achieved; the drug relieves unpleasant symptoms of colds. The analgesic blocks COX in the central nervous system, blocks pain centers and reduces the manifestations of neuralgia, sciatica, myalgia, and pain after interventions.

Dicycloverine, which contains trigan, is a substance related to tertiary amines. He:

  • suppresses the secretory activity of glands;
  • dilates bronchioles;
  • reduces spasms by relaxing the smooth muscles of blood vessels and the walls of the digestive tract.

In a combination of drugs, the effect is accelerated and intensified, causing a narcotic effect when taking Trigan D.

Trigan D effect and the emergence of drug addiction

The main effect of the drug and its analogues is analgesic. When the therapeutic dose is exceeded, mild euphoria is observed; in severe cases, hallucinations are observed, which outwardly look like schizophrenic delusions. Drug addicts call the effect that Trigan D causes a “trip” - by analogy with synthetic hallucinogenic drugs.

Dicyclomine is maximally concentrated in plasma one to one and a half hours after taking the tablets, and paracetamol after 30 minutes. The peak effect is observed 2 hours after receiving the drug. Drug addicts who take Trigan “see” realistic pictures, not always positive and colorful. People addicted to the drug talk to non-existent interlocutors, they begin to become paranoid and panic.

Trigan is a drug that is common among teenagers, among schoolchildren (there it is called “trigande”, “triganda” or “trigana”). It is easy to get, it is inexpensive, and is sold in almost all pharmacies. Dicycloverine (the drug has an effect primarily due to its presence) is isolated from tablets in home or “clandestine” conditions to enhance its effect. This is how addiction is formed, which inevitably destroys the organs and psyche. Trigan D is a potent anticholinergic that affects neurotransmitters in the brain, and the consequences of its use are unpredictable - including mental illness, liver failure and coma.

Consequences of overdose and help with it

Trigan D tablets are a drug that is especially dangerous in overdoses and long-term abuse, but side effects also occur when taken in therapeutic doses. The instructions for use indicate the consequences of taking it:

  • difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, thirst;
  • constipation, decreased gastrointestinal tone, vomiting;
  • tachycardia and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • dizziness, drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions, dry skin;
  • urinary incontinence and so on.

If you take Trigan D uncontrolled, the consequences can be much worse. The drug causes chills, fever, visual and auditory hallucinations, convulsions, and paralysis of the limbs. Trigan D is a drug that in severe cases causes renal necrosis, which is fatal. If symptoms of poisoning are detected - “glassy eyes”, wandering pain in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting, euphoria followed by drowsiness - you must urgently seek medical help. Doctors rinse the stomach, prescribe enterosorbents, intravenous drugs to increase conjugation reactions and the formation of glutathione. An overdose of Trigan D is treated in a hospital setting.

The drug is especially dangerous in combination with alcohol. Due to the ultra-high content of paracetamol (Trigan tablets contain it in the maximum permissible concentration), even a small bottle of beer provokes irreversible toxic damage to the liver and end-stage renal failure. With the development of psychological and physical dependence, the patient’s life is constantly under threat. That's what trigan D is.

How to get rid of drug addiction

All forms and analogues of Trigan D are drugs that are dangerous due to their imaginary harmlessness. Because of it, psychological dependence on the drug develops, which cannot be completely eliminated by traditional drug courses of treatment designed for 12 or 28 days. The Narconon program is radically different from them. Drug addicts taking Trigan D do not receive drug treatment, which is especially important for psychological dependence. The program includes stages that eliminate the effects of detoxification of the body and return the patient to normal social life:

  • non-drug weaning from trigan D. For this, special assist techniques are used;
  • “New Life” - with the help of special nutrition, running, visiting a sauna, taking complexes with niacin, vitamins and microelements, the toxic effect caused by taking Trigan D is eliminated;
  • “Objective processes” - communication skills are restored, a clear outlook on life is acquired;
  • “Overcoming ups and downs in life” - the patient leaves a harmful social circle, leading to a return to addiction;
  • “Personal values” - the patient realizes his obligations, stops looking for a return to the past, feels the desire to get Trigan D, buy it;
  • “Changing conditions in life” - the skill of creative problem solving in life is formed.

After completing the last stage of Life Skills, the patient receives the tools that will allow him to quit the drug forever. The technique helps overcome addiction and maintain the positive effect forever.


We will help motivate a person so that he has a desire to get rid of addiction.
We will give recommendations on how to communicate with a drug addict.

Trigan-D is a combination drug that is used to relieve pain and inflammation of various localizations. Poisoning and overdose with this drug most often occurs as a result of taking it without prior consultation with the attending physician. This article discusses an overdose of Trigan-D, its main causes, symptoms and manifestations, the basics of first aid and treatment components.

Description of the drug, indications for its use

Trigan-D is available in tablet form. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • paracetamol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance. It is able to lower body temperature during the development of fever and relieve pain of mild or moderate severity. Paracetamol also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dicyclomine hydrochloride is an antispasmodic that acts on smooth muscle. It relaxes and relieves spasms in the walls of internal organs and blood vessels. Particularly effective for pain localized in the digestive system.

Indications for taking the drug "Trigan-D" include:

  • painful menstruation;
  • intestinal, renal and hepatic colic;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • pain syndrome of various localizations, for example, head, muscle, joint;
  • elevated body temperature during ARVI, influenza.

In pharmacies you can find an analogue of this drug - combispasm. This medicine has a similar composition and effect. Its dosing and administration rules may differ from Trigan-D.

Please note that you should consult your doctor before taking this drug. The doctor will prescribe the dosage of the medicine you need and will be able to identify contraindications to it.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

The components of the drug "Trigan-D", paracetamol and dicyclomine hydrochloride, are potent substances. They are excreted from the body through the kidneys and neutralized by the liver. There are conditions in which taking the drug Trigan-D is strictly contraindicated and can lead to serious consequences, these include:

  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • impaired liver function, insufficiency of this organ;
  • allergy to medication components;
  • the patient has acute or chronic gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), peptic ulcer;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

The main reasons for the development of overdose

An overdose of Trigan-D can lead to severe disturbances in the functioning of the entire body and to death. This medicine should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. Overdose and poisoning with Trigan-D can develop for a number of reasons, described below.

  • Self-medication with medication or failure to comply with the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • Taking large doses of the drug to speed up its action. For example, during an attack of renal colic, a person, due to severe and unbearable pain, cannot adequately calculate the amount of painkillers and takes all the pills in a row, wanting to quickly get rid of the pain syndrome.
  • Use of the drug by a child. Children love to taste everything. Therefore, all medications should be stored out of the reach of children.
  • Combining Trigan-D with alcohol or other drugs. If you need to take other drugs in parallel with the use of Trigan-D, you should check with your doctor about the possibility of combining them.

Clinical manifestations of overdose

An overdose of Trigan-D appears during the first two hours after taking it. The more medicine a poisoned person takes, the more severe his condition will be. The effects of an overdose are manifested by disruption of the central nervous systems, heart and internal organs.

Below are the symptoms of Trigan-D poisoning.

  • Visual impairment. The ability of accommodation is impaired. The pupil of the eye expands, the gaze becomes “glassy”.
  • Bradycardia is a slow heartbeat. The pulse rate becomes less than 60 beats/min.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Heartburn and pain in the stomach.
  • Hyperthermia, in which body temperature can rise to 40 degrees.
  • Chills, headache and severe general weakness.
  • Paresis and paralysis in the upper and lower extremities.
  • Dizziness.
  • Loss of consciousness, the patient may fall into a coma.
  • Hallucinations, which can be olfactory, auditory and visual in nature.

Please note that the effects of an overdose can be very severe and serious for the affected person. He may develop memory impairment, acute renal and liver failure, and encephalopathy.

Providing first aid in case of overdose

When the first clinical manifestations of a Trigan-D overdose appear, an ambulance team should be called. It is dangerous to treat this pathological condition on your own. Before doctors arrive, the victim must be given first aid. In case of severe poisoning, the patient’s survival depends on it.

Before the ambulance arrives, you should:

  • Give the patient a liter of plain water in one gulp and induce vomiting. This procedure will help clear the stomach of drug residues that have not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream and increase the severity of poisoning;
  • take sorbents (atoxyl, smecta, activated carbon, sorbex);
  • Give a person a drink with plain or mineral water. Liquid is needed to speed up the elimination of the medicine by the kidneys. It is better to drink little and often, for example, a sip every 5 minutes.

If a poisoned person has lost consciousness before the ambulance team arrives, you need to lay him on a flat surface. To prevent tongue retraction and choking on your own vomit, you should turn his head to the side. Monitor his breathing and pulse. When they stop, begin performing closed cardiac massage.

First medical aid is provided by the ambulance team. They administer medications that normalize heart function and blood pressure, stabilize the patient’s condition and take him to the hospital. Treatment is carried out in a toxicology or intensive care unit. It consists of:

  • diets;
  • hemodialysis;
  • droppers with drugs to reduce intoxication;
  • eliminating complications.

Trigan-D is a modern combined drug with a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Although you do not need a prescription to purchase it, it should be taken after consultation with your doctor. An overdose of Tigan-D is dangerous for humans and can lead to death. Her treatment is carried out in intensive care or toxicology. The sooner a patient seeks medical help, the greater his chances of recovery.

Trigan D - has a narcotic effect or not?

On the Internet you can come across articles that the accessible and well-known drug TriganD can be used as a drug. Naturally, the appearance of such information caused a surge of concern among parents of teenagers, and many fathers and mothers would like to know - can Trigan D from the family medicine cabinet be taken as a narcotic substance by an unintelligent son or daughter? In this article we will try to give a detailed answer to this important question.

To understand whether Trigan D is a drug or not, let’s study the instructions for use of the drug.

Instructions for use of Trigan D indicate that this product has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. That is, it can be used to eliminate headaches and toothaches, feverish conditions due to colds and viral diseases.

Trigan D does not contain any narcotic substances. The formula of the drug consists of regular paracetamol and dicycloverine. Trigan D is available in most pharmacies without a prescription.

So where do the stories about the use of Trigan D for a narcotic effect come from? We'll look into this in the next section of the article.

Professional narcologists answer the question of using Trigan D as a drug as follows. This substance can indeed be used by adolescents to obtain a state of drug intoxication, since with an increased dosage, taking Trigan D causes hallucinations and a feeling of euphoria. Therefore, even though Trigan D is not a drug, its use can be equated to taking narcotic drugs.

What happens if you take Trigan D and the consequences of an overdose?

Taking Triganad in abnormal doses is fraught with serious intoxication of the body and the development of addiction to the drug. A person taking Trigan D as a drug may experience the following consequences of addiction: loss of vision, epileptic seizures, tissue destruction and necrosis. Pathologies of the liver and kidneys are actively developing. If you combine Trigan D with other psychotropic drugs (for example, Lyrica), the consequences can be even more dire: falling into a deep coma and subsequent death.

A lethal dose of TriganaD is taking more than four tablets of the drug at a time.

If you suspect that your child is taking TriganD or another drug without justifiable need, immediately seek the help of a narcologist.

Medicinal drugs, absolutely legal, are sold in every pharmacy, arousing great interest among teenagers. The fact that they are sold over the counter creates misconceptions about certain medications. Trigan D, Pentalgin N, Baklosan - it’s worth taking these medications out of your home medicine cabinet and hiding them more reliably if teenagers live in the apartment. The pills have caused a terrible epidemic of drug addiction among schoolchildren, which no one talks about out loud.

Paracetamol and dicyclomine are the two main components of Trigan D. Narcology indicates the active component of dicyclomine - dicyclomine hydrochloride - as the cause of the effects of euphoria and hallucinations. This substance is an anticholinergic, the use of which can lead to a delirious state.

In itself, this substance is not a narcotic or psychoactive. When it enters the body, it replaces the brain receptors responsible for transmitting neuromuscular impulses. The medicine deceives the body. The source of pain never goes away. The pain goes away for a while or weakens if it is acute chronic pain, or disappears.

One tablet has a therapeutic effect. This is the essence and purpose of the medicine - to alleviate the human condition. But the reason why schoolchildren eat pills in packs is clearly not a severe headache, which only half a package of medicine will help get rid of.

Trigan D gained popularity among schoolchildren for the same reason as. Just save a couple of times from breakfast, and after school run to the pharmacy near your house - a “good” evening is guaranteed. It costs just over 300 rubles, is sold in every pharmacy without a prescription, and can cause hallucinations. That's the whole recipe for popularity.

Then word of mouth comes into play. The person who tries it tells his peers about the sensations, and a rumor begins to spread about a legal way to get high. Children want to try something new and unusual and end up in drug addiction, which is not the worst outcome.

Mixing pills with energy drinks, pursuing the goal “so that you can drink more,” will not give you a high. At best, it will cost you acute poisoning, after which the body will have to recover for several weeks. In the worst case, this will lead to coma and death. It is not clear why more and more people are becoming hooked on Trigand, a pill whose effect is so damaging to the body.

Trigan D effect

Looking through the list of side effects, one may be horrified that someone could use Trigan D in tenfold doses, the effects of an overdose of which appear after only 5 tablets and include:

  • Inability to concentrate on anything.
  • Nausea, vomiting bile.
  • Tired, dizzy.
  • Impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system - decreased heart rate.
  • Respiratory system depression.
  • Hallucinations of various types - auditory, gustatory, olfactory, visual.

It was hallucinations that became the reason for the popularity of pills among children. The opportunity to watch cartoons without a TV, to see a flying dragon - it’s so interesting. Only from the outside it looks unpleasant, if not scary. A glazed look, causeless laughter, more reminiscent of howls, are the hallmarks of those who are under the influence of Trigan D. A dragon that has just been flying far can turn around and fly towards a young drug addict, who will consider going out the window the only way out of the current situation.

Due to the high content in tablets, drug addicts carry out filtration, removing one of the components from the tablet. After all, such a high content of paracetamol in 10 tablets can lead to rapid liver destruction. Extracting paracetamol is called “beating off” in drug addict slang. The beating process occurs as follows: the required number of tablets is taken, then they are crushed and filtered, which leaves pure dicycloverine at the output, which is used by drug addicts.

According to the person’s stories, you won’t get any pleasure from the pills. It’s hard to move, as if knee-deep in a swamp. Yes, you can see a penguin in the bathroom washing your T-shirt, leave the house because you had a fight with the dog. Or you may hear an inner voice that orders you to do something bad.

You'll be lucky if it's just bad. You'll be lucky if you don't like the sensations. In this case, the child will most likely no longer take pills. But in another scenario, a big problem arises. Either it will end in an overdose, or it will transform into drug addiction.

Contraindication due to age raises many questions. If health care providers know about the effects of this drug, why is it on the market? Why can’t age restrictions be introduced, because those who buy it for the purpose of “having fun” often have not yet reached the required age.

The use of Trigan D is not recommended for people who suffer from liver problems. Paracetamol contained in tablets has a detrimental effect on this organ. Persons suffering from alcoholism, glaucoma, viral hepatitis should refrain from using this medicine.

When using Trigan D with alcohol, you should take a maximum of two tablets a few days after the previous dose. Otherwise, the hepatotoxicity of the drug will increase, which can lead to side effects or death.

But the children don't care what might happen. They want to know what Trigan D is, how to persist. They don't realize the consequences. While the body is young and strong, it seems that problems will pass by. But this is an exception. One strong blow can cause chronic diseases. Taking a couple of unfiltered tablets can lead to hepatitis. It happens that one unsuccessful technique can cause terrible hallucinations that can lead to harm to yourself or others. And most importantly, a springboard from which a teenager who used Trigan D yesterday will jump to a new hobby - smoking mixtures, or worse.



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