Immune points on the human body. Performing acupressure according to the Umanskaya method

A few thousand years ago in China, people noticed that by acting on certain points on the human body, for example, pricking with stone or iron needles, one can relieve pain (tooth, headache, stomach, etc.), stimulate the work of internal organs and treat diseases.

In our time, this knowledge has been systematized, atlases have been compiled biologically active points responsible for certain bodily functions. Such an atlas is now freely available in a bookstore.

All these points are interconnected in lines - energy meridians, through which the vital energy "qi" circulates during the day. Every energy channel, or meridian corresponds to a pair of internal organs. For example, one meridian corresponds to the heart and small intestine, the other - the stomach and pancreas, etc.

The time when this or that channel is filled with vital energy "chi" corresponds to maximum activity these internal organs. By influencing biologically active points located on these channels, one can directly influence internal organs, activating their functions and improving their condition.

Now about 700 biologically active points are known on the human body, although no more than 150 are actively used. They cannot be seen, but can be found by sensations. When pressed on them, there is a slight pain.

The diameter of biologically active points varies depending on the state of the person: from 1 mm during sleep to 1 cm after waking up. In the region of the point, the temperature rises, the absorption of oxygen increases and the electrical resistance of the skin decreases. Under the microscope, you can see a large cluster of nerve endings.

Methods of influence on biologically active points:

1 - acupuncture (acupuncture)

2 – acupressure(acupressure)

3 - thermal (cauterization, heating, exposure to cold)

4 – cupping massage(creates a vacuum over the dot)

5 - electropuncture (exposure to electric current in the microampere range)

6 - laser

7 - ultraviolet

8 - infrared

9 - microwave

10 - exposure to magnetic and electric fields.

And .
  • hardening.
  • Physical activity and exercise.
  • Special treatments like massages and baths.
  • Refusal of bad habits.
  • At the same time, it is very important that there is a balance in everything: in work, in nutrition, and in rest - everything should be in moderation! But the most great attention should be referred to balanced diet (optimal daily ratioproteins, fats and carbohydratesshould be1:1:4 - A. A. Pokrovsky, 1977),which any person can replace all sorts of pills, and dietary supplements, and multivitamins, and diets, and immunostimulants with immunomodulators ... After all, in All medications undermine the immune system, replacing the work of the body.

    Each person has his own "favorite" and "unloved" products, but from them huge variety you can always pick up an assortment of useful and delicious food just for you. In case of any health problems, it is not difficult to introduce into your diet foods rich in vitamins and microelements prescribed for you, which will strengthen your immunity. So it is worth remembering that vitamin C rich in: kiwi, rose hips, peppers, citrus fruits, cranberries, black currant, onion, cabbage ...
    Modern treatment has become prohibitively expensive for most people and therefore you need not to be lazy and find time, strength and perseverance for physical education, hardening and useful procedures to protect yourself and your loved ones from any diseases.
    To be healthy, you need to sweat at least once a day! Physical exercise, accelerating blood circulation, strengthen immunity.
    Exercise of the Ancientsfrom Dr. S. Agapkin from TV showAbout the most important thing ”: No. 372 of 10/13/2011 - starting position - standing and leaning on your knees with straight arms:inhale - exhale - hold the breath and 10 times retract the abdomen - repeat 10 times. And in transmission No. 450 dated February 9, 2012 recommends products for immunity: yogurt - 100 g per day, 2 cloves of garlic per week, Sesame oil in the nasal passages, exercise 3-4 times a week.

    2. Strengthening immunity in children

    To improve the immunity of our children In the programs "About the most important thing "Dr. Agapkin recommends: Strengthening immunity in children No. 369 dated 10.10. 2011 And Physical activity in No. 372 dated 10/10/2011:

    9 bioactive points

    Point 1 is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, as well as with bone marrow. When massaging this point, coughing decreases, blood formation improves.

    Point 2 is associated with the mucous membrane lower divisions pharynx, larynx, as well as with the thymus (thymus gland), which regulates immune functions organism. Massaging this point increases resistance to infectious diseases.

    Points 3 are connected with the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx, with the carotid glomus and thyroid gland. When exposed to these zones, the chemical and hormonal composition blood, voice improves, hoarseness disappears.


    4 points are associated with the mucous membrane rear wall pharynx, larynx and upper cervical sympathetic ganglion, which regulates the activity of all vessels of the head, neck and trunk. The vegetovascular tone is normalized. Headaches and dizziness go away.

    Point 5 is located in the region of the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae. It is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, pharynx, esophagus, and most importantly - with the lower cervical sympathetic ganglion. Massage of this point normalizes the activity of blood vessels, heart, bronchi, lungs.


    Points 6 are associated with the mucous membrane of the middle ear, vestibular apparatus. When exposed to these areas, the ears stop hurting, hearing improves, speech development accelerates, stuttering is prevented and dizziness decreases in transport, on a swing.

    7 points are associated with mucous membranes frontal sinuses ethmoid bones of the nose, as well as the frontal parts of the brain. Decreases headache, strabismus passes. Improves memory, attention, work capacity.

    8 points connectedwith mucous membranes maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity, as well as with stem structures of the brain and pituitary gland. These zones can be called "zones of life". When exposed to them, breathing becomes free. Improves mood, behavior, character, normalizes height and weight.

    Points 9. Human hands are connected through the superior cervical and stellate sympathetic ganglia with all organs. The thumb and forefinger occupy the largest surface in the cerebral cortex. Impact on the zones of the hands lead to the normalization of many functions of the body and enhance the work of all of the above zones, stimulates the work of the brain and the whole body.

    Massage is performed with the tip of the index or middle finger - press on the skin until a slight pain appears. Medium exposure - for preventive purposes, enhanced - for therapeutic purposes. First massage yourself, and only then the child. Start by warming up your hands by rubbing your palms together. Then start from point 1 - do rotational (like screw) movement- 9 times to the left, and the same number to the right - and go to the next point. You can start counting "one and two, one and two" - this is exactly the range in which our autonomic nervous system works.

    Always start from point 1, then proceed to points 2, 3, etc. in sequence. The sequence is necessary because each system of the body must “turn on” in a timely and interconnected manner.

    Symmetrical points 3, 4 and 6 - 8 are massaged simultaneously with both hands.

    Problem areas should be massaged more often and to detect them, you can conduct an examination of the baby's body: Carefully, very gently press the areas of massage points. If the child behaves as usual, calmly, then we can assume that everything is in order in this area. If the child cries, tries to dodge, then no effort is needed. It is easy enough to touch one or another zone to understand whether it is really more sensitive than neighboring ones. Then Special attention with a massage - to her, until the reaction of the baby you understand that the pain has passed.

    There are more than 1000 bioactive points on our body connected with various structures and organs of our body. Every day we unconsciously influence them: when we wash ourselves, dry ourselves with a towel, comb our hair, when we think, we rub our forehead, etc. Each such impact activates the work of the organs associated with this point, makes the body once again pay attention to this organ.

    • What is the essence of this technique?

    It is on this connection that the methodology of Dr. Alla Umanskaya is based, under the editorship of which two volumes of the book “Shield from All Diseases” were published.

    What is the essence of this technique?

    Of the 32 most important bioactive points, the author of the technique selected the 9 most important (fundamental) points, by massaging which, you can improve your health, increase protective functions organism, getting rid of chronic inflammatory processes as well as stimulation mental capacity person. As the author himself says: “Influence on 9 point zones is not a massage! Figuratively speaking, the region of the sternum, neck and head is the body control panel, and 9 point zones are buttons on the remote control, by acting on which, a person activates the main systems and organs responsible for the vital activity of the body.

    Zone 1 - Region (middle) chest Zone 2 - Jugular fossa

    Zone 3 - Front of the neckZone 4 - Upper back department neck
    Put your fingers on both sides of the Adam's apple to clearly

    Zone 5 - Depression between the 7th cervical and 1stZone 6 - Nose area

    thoracic vertebra Located on the edges wings of the nose,

    Tilt your head forward, swipe across back side above the canine teeth, where dimples are foundMore on Medkrug.RU: More on Medkrug.RU:

    neck until you find a large protruding

    vertebra is the 7th cervical vertebra.

    The area between the 7th cervical and next

    vertebra is zone 5

    Zone 7 - The area where the eyebrows begin to grow (slightly belowZone 8 - Ear area

    Zone 9 - area of ​​the hands
    If pressed thumb to the palm, then top part the resulting ledge will be point 9

    How many times a day to massage bioactive zones?

    For the prevention and improvement of the body, it is recommended to act on the points 5-6 times a day, and as often as possible during the period acute stage diseases. Impact on point zones should be carried out systematically, that is, every day. A break of 1-2 days quickly leads to a decrease in efficiency. However, it is better to massage at least 1-3 times a day than not to do at all.

    Additional Tips

    In addition to influencing bioactive points, Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya advises performing daily sanitation of the mouth, nose, and pharynx. According to the doctor, such daily actions help the body fight bacteria, which frees up the body's reserve forces to fight various chronic diseases and leads to more speedy recovery. The first volume of the book "Shield from all diseases" is devoted to this topic.

    Eastern medicine has used acupressure since ancient times as a means to strengthen the vitality of a person, as an affordable and effective method recovery. After all, many internal organs are associated with points on our skin, and when exposed to skin are activated vitality, work of all systems of an organism is adjusted.

    If you have patience and are ready to devote 15-20 minutes a day to your immunity, then acupressure is for you!

    How to do such a massage? Press on the points without friction with the middle or index finger. Start with 8-9 pressures clockwise and then counterclockwise and gradually increase their number to 16 per point.

    Press lightly, slightly increasing the pressure at those points where pain is felt. Perform acupressure daily, you can 2 times a day - after waking up and before bedtime, but you can do it more often. First, warm up your hands by rubbing them together, and proceed, moving from point to point.

    1. The first immunostimulating point is located in the middle between the eyebrows (in the East it is believed that the third eye chakra is located there). Work on this point.

    2. Then work with both hands at the same time symmetrical points located in the middle of the eyebrows, or rather, right above them. Acting on all symmetrical points, rotate clockwise with the finger of one hand and at the same time counterclockwise with the finger of the second hand, and then vice versa.

    3. Now go to the dots in the middle lower parts eye sockets, under the lower eyelids.

    4. Act on the points located symmetrically on the wings of the nose.

    5. Press down on a point just under your nose.

    6. Find a point located in the center of the chin, as if on the border of the teeth and gums, and press on it.

    7. Tilt your head and look for a strongly protruding seventh vertebra. Impact on this point also improves immunity.

    8. Move on to the auricles, walking along them from the bottom up. After acupressure of the ears, rub the auricles, pull them to the sides, down, up, twist in different sides laying their hands on them.

    9. There are also dozens of healing and restorative points on the foot. To make the impact on them effective, purchase any massage mat or put it in a box, for example, pebbles, peas. In the morning, while you wash your face, trample on such a rug or on stones in order to properly massage the soles. This activates the huge reserves hidden in your body. And besides, you will finally wake up from such a massage and be ready to actively meet a new working or day off!

    Acupressure according to the system of Professor Alla Umanskaya - important way maintaining the internal stability of body systems.

    This form of self-regulation is used for control and prevention ARI and influenza, promotes the restoration and normalization of body functions, provides assistance during the rehabilitation period.

    For massage no special skills required. It can be used by anyone age category and any level of fitness.

    Bioactive point areas on the human body are a kind of control levers for the whole organism. The essence of Dr. Umanskaya's method is stimulation of nine active points through fingers.

    During a point massage session, the receptors of the skin, muscles and muscle ligaments, fingers are irritated.

    As a result, the impulses emanating from them enter the spinal cord and brain, contributing to revitalization all organs and systems.

    Massage procedure strengthens protective properties bodies respiratory system: lungs, nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi and larynx. When exposed to points in the body, an important link in the protection of immunity, interferon, begins to be produced. It is formed by blood cells and is a natural antiviral defense.

    Nine biologically active zones

    The methodology of Professor Umanskaya implies pressure on nine main points, each of which is responsible for the functions of a particular organ:

    • Zone 1 Located in the chest area (middle). Stimulation of the point enhances protective role respiratory membranes: nasopharynx, trachea, larynx. It is especially recommended to act on this area with a strong cough.
    • Zone 2 The jugular cavity, located on the front of the neck under the larynx. The region is responsible for immune system. Pressure on the point helps to normalize the activity of the thymus ( thymus) and improve the quality of its work.
    • Zone 3 Located on the anterior plane of the neck. To detect points, you need to put two fingers on both sides of the Adam's apple, clearly feeling the pulse. Raise your fingers up 1 cm - these are the points of the 3rd zone. Impact on the area improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolism.
    • Zone 4 Focused on the top posterior region neck, behind the ear a little above the lobe. Activation of points of the 4th zone increases blood flow in the head and neck.
    • Zone 5 It is located between the first thoracic vertebra and the seventh cervical. You can find points in the following way: tilt your head forward and feel for a protruding vertebra (7th cervical) on the back of the neck. The distance between this vertebra and the next one is zone 5. Point massage gives health effect in the form of improving blood circulation and brain activity, removing ear, head and neck pain. Helps relieve inflammation of the tonsils.
    • Zone 6 It is located in the nasal region along the edges of the convex lateral surfaces of the nose, above the canine teeth. Stimulation of the zone improves the functioning of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, maxillary sinuses and the lower cerebral appendage - the pituitary gland.
    • Zone 7 It is located just below the beginning of eyebrow growth. Pressure on points normalizes functioning frontal lobes brain and nasal mucosa.
    • Zone 8 Focused on auricle, in the region of the cartilaginous protrusion. Responsible for the activity of the hearing and vestibular apparatus.
    • Zone 9 Located in the area of ​​​​the hands. If you press your thumb to the palm, then on the upper part of the protrusion that appears, there will be a bioactive point of the 9th zone, which is responsible for vital important systems organism (for example, the brain).

    Carrying out acupressure according to the method of Dr. Umanskaya, you should know it basic moments:

    • Stimulation of points must be carried out in sequence, starting from the first zone and ending with the ninth.
    • Change of point zones in places during massage leads to incomplete results. from classes. Each system of the body needs to be activated at its own time in order to influence the rest of the systems and organs.
    • Massage movements are performed with fingertips and are screwing (rotational) in nature: 9 times clockwise and 9 against. It is necessary to do an equal number of movements in both directions. The duration of pressure on each point is 18–20 seconds.
    • Symmetrical points (3, 4, 6, 7, 8) need to be stimulated simultaneously.
    • When massaging 1st zone use the pads of four fingers at the same time.
    • When stimulated 4th zone a different technique is used - stroking from top to bottom.

    Attention! During acupressure of the 2nd zone, the pressure should be gentle. It is necessary to influence the 3rd zone weakly with extreme caution - the carotid artery is located there.

    The frequency of stimulation of biologically active points

    For the general improvement of the body and for the purposes of prevention, it is necessary to influence bioactive zones 5-6 times a day. During acute stage diseases, it is recommended to increase the frequency of stimulation.

    Massage of acupressure zones should be carried out daily. You should not interrupt even for a couple of days, the effectiveness of the procedure may decrease. In the absence of sufficient free time, it is better to reduce the frequency of massage from 6 times to 1-2 than not to do it at all.

    The Umanskaya technique does not guarantee an instant effect. The result will only appear with regular performance depending on the individual features organism. Often, massage begins to have a beneficial effect after 1-2 months of use, for others it may take longer.


    To strengthen the immune system, Professor Umanskaya recommends perform daily health-improving procedures to improve the body:

    • Sanitation of the oral cavity and pharynx in the form of rinses and washes.
    • Sanitation of the nose - cleansing the mucous membranes of the nose from dust, dirt, salts, viruses and bacteria, as well as accumulated particles of saliva.

    Dr. Umanskaya advises to wash and lubricate the nasal and oral cavity fintoncidal solutions and oils that inhibit the growth and development of microorganisms. This will allow the body to fight pathogenic bacteria and chronic diseases and enhance defensive forces organism.

    During the period of the technique's inception, many questions arose about its effectiveness. Years have passed, and now the acupressure of Dr. Umanskaya has firmly entered into medical practice How accessible and reliable method treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. When performed regularly, massage gives wonderful results.

    We invite you to watch a video about massage according to the method of Dr. Umanskaya:



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