Can't sleep on New Year's Eve. On a clear head: how not to fall asleep on New Year's Eve

Would you like to meet New Year 2015 at 12.00? Learn how to stay awake new year's eve and how to deal with sleep deprivation holidays.

Of course, you need to eat citrus fruits, drink invigorating drinks with ginger and cinnamon, and not alcohol in the morning, and at five o'clock eat something pleasant, drink tea and lie down to rest. For a couple of hours. From seven to eleven you will still have a lot of time to finish everything, and most importantly - you will not be woken up by the chimes. You can have fun all night long. If you can't relax, read our tips first and use them today and during the Christmas holidays.

During the holidays you will get rid of bad habit- constant lack of sleep. Understand its causes and learn our top 7 ways to fight sleep deprivation.

Mistake 1. Self-deception
It seems to you that you can do without sleep, coping with millions of cases. But you are deeply mistaken if you think that 5-6 hours of sleep is enough for healthy body. Review your routine.

Mistake 2. Mess in the bedroom
Our consciousness captures everything that surrounds us. If the last thing you see before going to sleep is a mess, then your thoughts will be chaotic, and your sleep will be restless.
What to do: keep order in the room, buy fresh flowers. The smell of lavender soothes the unconscious and helps you sleep well.

Mistake 3. Falling asleep on an empty stomach
A little food before bed will provide the body with energy to help you go deeper. restful sleep, says Robert Exman, director of the Missouri Sleep Institute. And he recommends eating carbohydrates (something nutritionists would certainly argue with), as they increase the amount of insulin in the blood and contribute to the production of the hormone serotonin, which improves sleep.
What to do: Eat a couple of tablespoons of pasta or whole grain porridge half an hour before bedtime. Evening snack should not exceed 150 kcal.

Mistake 4. Sleep fitfully
Taking a nap in the subway or minibus on the way to work or snatching an hour after lunch on the couch, you disorientate your brain: where and when can you go into a state of rest? Therefore, feeling sleepy when the time is not at all for sleep, -
stand up and stretch well. So you will increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues and improve blood circulation. This will help cheer you up.

Mistake 5. Hoping to catch up
If all week you slept for 4-5 hours and hope to get enough sleep on the weekend, having slept 9-10 hours or more - leave this hope. So you knock your The biological clock and prevent the body from establishing a proper sleep-wake cycle. Try to go to bed on time.

Mistake 6. Neglecting breakfast
“Having breakfast within an hour of waking up, we start our biological clock, which counts down the time until a night's sleep,” the doctors explain. "It's kind of like a timer that tells you when it's time to go to bed." Depriving yourself of breakfast, the brain begins to produce stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, and they can provoke insomnia.

Mistake 7: Thinking about morning awakening like a nightmare
Falling asleep with thoughts, how you don’t want to wake up early tomorrow morning and get out of a warm bed, you are already bringing your body into stressful condition. Muscles are tense, blood sugar levels are high - all this does not contribute to good sleep. Think better about the positive events of the coming day.

New Year's Eve - the most magical and expected - should leave behind the most pleasant memories. Sleeping through all the fun is a real disaster! But staying awake for a day is not easy. Forget about being half asleep on the main holiday of the year!

You decided a long time ago that you will devote half of the day on December 31 to sleep. But suddenly it turned out that you forgot to buy someone a present, that you can’t stand the planing of salads until the evening, that you just universally need new shadows ... as a result, the whole day is full of things again, and you can’t sleep. Fighting this is the same as fighting your absent-mindedness.
Make a to-do list in advance, carefully considering each item. And include in the schedule daytime sleep, even if you can’t fall asleep, a quiet rest will help the body transfer the night celebration.
Most well-known remedy sleep control - coffee. But this drink will really help someone wake up, and someone will only relax even more. In addition, the prospect of drinking coffee complete with Olivier is unlikely to appeal to you very much. But the smell of coffee will help to cheer up and return to reality - stock up on a few coffee beans. The smells of orange, eucalyptus, fir have similar properties. A good reason Fill your home with Christmas scents.

Overeating is a true ally of sleep. After dinner, so often pulls to sleep ... This principle works at any time of the day, no doubt. Therefore, do not gobble up the festive treat too zealously - after all, have fun with full stomach not very nice.

It is unlikely that you want to spoil your holiday makeup, but washing your face cold water great invigorating. Take note if other methods do not help.

Exercise is an easy way to tell your body that it's not time for sleep. Enter competitions with active movements, dance, or just do a couple simple exercises remembering morning exercises V kindergarten. In order not to embarrass others, of course, to complete the latter, you should retire - you have enough bathroom.
Feel the holiday! Do not let yourself relax - on a soft sofa you risk falling asleep almost instantly. Actively participate in conversations, listen to music (rhythmic and dance music relieves drowsiness), do not allow yourself to stay in one place for a long time. Find something to do - maybe you need help clearing the table?

And, of course, frosty air will make you forget about sleep. Do you feel that the whole company would have happily gone into the arms of Morpheus? Get out into the street - watch festive fireworks, play snowballs and feel the New Year in every passerby.

It is said that Napoleon slept 5 hours a day. And Peter the Great and, by the way, “ The Iron Lady» Margaret Thatcher - only 4 hours. Leonardo da Vinci in total was enough for two, since he mastered the technique short sleep: fifteen minutes every three hours.


Can you learn to sleep less? Then it seems that there will be no problems - neither on New Year's Eve, nor on any other. And how much can you do! For example, ascetic philosophers have long struggled with sleep: someone even put a stone under his head instead of a pillow. And the German mystic poet Novalis even practiced rest on the edge of a stake. Mankind has broken many spears to prove to itself: you can do without sleep. Some people even managed to do it. But not without consequences. The pioneer was New York radio commentator Peter Tripp. In 1959, he went on record and stayed awake for 8 days. But already on the fourth, instead of pens and glare of light on the desk, he began to see giant insects. Upon exiting the experiment, it was not a crowd of enthusiastic listeners waiting for him, but psychiatric care. In 1965, the world record was updated by 17-year-old Californian Randy Gardner. He didn't sleep for 10 days. Friends helped him. They entertained the guy in shifts with music, violent dances and a variety of roar. And Randy held on. But he became wildly irritable, and by the end of the experiment, he almost rushed at people.

Margaret Takvir from Pennsylvania sleeps the least in the world - 2 hours a day! Her brain, as scientists have found, is unusual. All stages of sleep seem to be compressed in time, and Margaret manages to get a good night's sleep in the "express mode". Most of us need at least seven hours of sleep. Because a chronic lack of sleep leads to a malfunction in metabolism (yes, they get fat from lack of sleep!), Disruption of work nervous system, shifts in the immune system, the occurrence of diabetes and even psychosis. So deliberately fighting sleep is completely wrong. Well, except for the New Year.

Most reliable way SPEND THE NIGHT in a powerful flow of ADRENALINE - just FALL IN LOVE»

Remember the old joke? On the eve of the holiday, our artist receives a call from Hollywood and is informed that the famous Steven Spielberg invites him to the main role. And he, instead of dying of happiness, replies: “What Spielberg ?! I have trees! There are many artists among my friends, and many of them have their own tricks on how to stay awake all New Year's Eve. One friend, a singer, on “Day X” will certainly get enough sleep, and then take cold and hot shower with orange gel. The other has her own trick: do not drink water! Firstly, she says, the eyes will not swell, and secondly, thirst does not contribute to sleep. The third, before going "to the machine", swims in the pool and eats exactly three bananas - to recharge with energy. By the way, “charging” with coffee and other caffeinated drinks - especially sweet ones like cola - does not make any sense: for jump vigor (as well as blood sugar) will very soon be followed by the same sharp decline - and you will fall asleep on the go. The same applies to alcohol and, in general, to a plentiful New Year's menu. Therefore, it would be most reasonable to do without excesses, and from invigorating drinks prefer, for example, unsweetened green tea: It has the most even stimulating effect.

Try the day before sleepless night allocate at least 20 minutes for a siesta, it is better - at the time of the natural decline in body activity - between 13 and 16 hours. In general, it is unlikely to get enough sleep in advance: our brain does not know how to accumulate rest for the future. But if you regularly go to bed before midnight, the body as a whole will come into good shape, and this will help it mitigate the effect of force majeure wakefulness. This is the notorious golden "rule of three eights": 8 hours a day - for work, 8 - for rest and 8 hours - for sleep.

And what can you do to cheer up in the midst of a festive night? For example, with the right fragrances - rosemary, grapefruit, lemon and other citrus fruits: just put a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief.

Try acupressure. On outside hands in a triangular hollow between the large and index fingers find an active (painful) point and massage it with a “screwing” movement for a couple of minutes - this technique relieves fatigue. Perhaps a simple breathing exercise: stand up straight and make full breath, hold your breath as long as possible. Then exhale forcefully through your mouth. So you saturate the blood with oxygen, and on exhalation, accumulated gases are removed from the lungs. harmful substances. There is also gymnastics for the face: rub your ears vigorously, and then try to squeeze and unclench your eyelids several times ... Well, then you can refresh your makeup.

Mystics will advise you to choose jewelry "with meaning." For example, it is believed that a diamond gives its owner firmness of mind, brings success and, by the way, protects against alcoholism. Sapphire develops clarity of thought; onyx and tiger's eye banish fatigue, while yellow citrine accumulates energy and keeps you awake. Believe it or not - the choice, of course, is yours. Personally, I know that I will wear only my favorite jewelry. And I will try to fall in love - this adrenaline will definitely not let you fall asleep on New Year's Eve!

Exactly! I do not plan anything else. I will cook a lot tasty food, eat and go to bed. I was exhausted by tests, preparing for exams. And all those who say, they say, are bored. It’s magical in childhood, it’s in childhood you look forward to it. I don’t care. I was disappointed in this holiday. For me, this is an occasion to eat deliciously, congratulate friends. Nothing more.

24/12/06, Sibilla Vain
Lamenta once asked me if I like NG. I said yes. I recently realized that it isn't. I don't even feel it coming. I just want to fall asleep in the old year, and when I wake up, it is indifferent to find that a new one has already arrived. there are 364 more nights like this one. but I want to sleep on this last one, the 365th.

24/12/06, Liki
I do not know why this is necessary and why, but I like the idea. I already did that 2 times. Once because of illness, and the other - just like that. The clock struck 12, then I watched a little more TV and that's it, go to sleep. But in the morning you wake up... And it feels so good for you, nothing hurts, there is no one on the street... And now many feel bad - they are moving away from the new year, but you feel good... and slept =)

27/12/06, Serg Maloy
What else to do at night? No, of course I meet NG with my parents, with friends, then I arrange a light show, and then everyone goes somewhere (I personally go to bed). Although, if I weren’t a pyromaniac (an extreme amateur pyrotechnician of a professional level), I would go to sleep right from the table ... You wake up in the morning, gifts under the tree ...)))

28/12/06, Constance
I have neither the desire nor, most importantly, the money to celebrate the new year. By the way, I have been wondering for a long time, why such queues in all sorts of ashanas and subways? It turns out that fellow citizens live very well ... Sorry for the digression. And according to the topic: it's so boring to go to bed already at 11 o'clock, when you know that the rest are having fun .. and it's very difficult to fall asleep - judging by last year - because there are fireworks, fireworks, screams and songs of drunken Russians outside the window. In general, it would be faster if it passed, this stupid praznik.

29/12/06, visitor
They say sleep at night is useful, not for everyone though, but still. And what kind of night it is: New Year's, white, full moon - it does not matter. It would be with someone. :)

29/12/06, jennymiller
Why don't you sleep on New Year's Eve? How is it different from other nights? Is it only because some ancient moron decided to divide time into 365-day intervals .. But is it really important to get drunk to shit in honor of this and go in the middle of the night to look at the same drunk to shit? ... In short, I don’t feel charm in this new year. In general, this ng is the first one that I plan to oversleep.

29/12/06, Bloom
I never slept in NG, but this year I will definitely fall off. Just sleep! No drinking or eating at night. The night was created for sleep and rest, and I will not spend it differently. Even if it's New Year's Eve

29/12/06, Costik
I try to sleep on the night of 31.12.xx to 01.01.xx + 1 somewhere from the age of 25, because I consider the onset of the new year to be an absolutely meaningless event for me. New Year's celebration in terms of importance, I can put it on a par with only such holidays as the 300th anniversary of the Russian balalaika, the 200th anniversary of the faceted glass, the Birthday of Chapaev's Horse, etc. I don't understand why people are referring to it? What, in the morning the Earth becomes square, or the Sun begins to shine in green? Yes, in addition, Christmas Lent in the yard, what can be Sabantu. Here is the opportunity to defend the Vespers on January 7, I consider myself a great boon, this is a truly significant occasion. By the way, I didn’t manage to get enough sleep last New Year’s Eve - at the beginning, the neighbors behind the wall happily set off fireworks, then happily congratulated each other, then happily ate and drank, then happily sang and danced, and then for some reason they got depressed, and at 4 hours of their holiday (including mine) ended in a showdown, squeals and hysteria ...

29/12/06, Someone in gray
If in common days I can sit on the Internet at least all night, then on this day I begin to stubbornly fall asleep already at 10 pm. I hate new year. Although now, it seems, hatred has turned into simple indifference. No one even infuriates anymore, it’s just that there is a new year, that it doesn’t exist ... In addition, I now had a overwhelming session, I was completely busy retaking the exam and rewriting the term paper, I had no time to even step on someone’s foot on the bus With good mood.) Now the session is more or less resolved, and again it's empty... I respect the session for the fact that at least some meaning in life appears during its period.

03/01/07, Eurydice
If I want to, I will sleep and I don’t see anything terrible in it!) If I fell asleep, then it was boring. Sleep on New Year's Eve is useful, but on the first of January, the head does not hurt and you can enjoy the silence - the streets are dying out, no one drives or makes a noise. Beauty.)))

05/01/07, Lamenta
Ha, for some reason, all my New Year's booze parties begin on January 1, so falling asleep after 12, when the Chimes did strike, is quite normal phenomenon for me. The funny thing is that it never worked! I don't want to sleep and that's it. And so .. well, New Year's Eve is no different from subsequent ones, so I don’t change my opinion)

06/01/07, Denis89
When there are screams, explosions, noise outside, and you are lying in bed, there is a feeling as if outside nuclear war, and you peacefully fall asleep in a cozy and safe bomb shelter.

09/01/07, bramacharya
because these "days of pyrotechnics", "shit with smoke" mean mass drunkenness and gluttony, cutting down coniferous trees, wasting electricity. The custom was introduced by the Freemason Peter the Great. Beneficial to traders and energy sales. I will quote my like-minded person ( up to 100 kg of especially harmful chemical substances. Phosphoric, phosphorous, phosphate, sulfuric and sulfurous acids in the form of fog settle on parks and gardens, houses and city residents. The smoke cloud after the fireworks contains oxides of metals such as manganese, strontium, cadmium, which settle as fine dust on all surfaces, enter the human body through the lungs and skin. The effect of a salute on people is equal to a chemical attack in combat. But they don't give us gas masks, they don't warn us about a chemical attack! It seems that the city authorities have signed up as enemies and poisoners of the people.

11/01/07, nrng
why not, after all, the holiday is on January 1, why is it necessary to celebrate at night after 31, you can celebrate the whole next day

08/01/09, Good
After all the celebrations on New Year's Eve, you can sleep! The forces are running out.

01/01/10, Margarita6599
I can’t even sit until 23:00, because I get up at 4-5 in the morning. To be honest, I don’t understand why it is necessary to wait for the New Year, when you can meet it in the morning.

22/10/10, Dorian Gray
I like to sleep on New Year's Eve, I went to bed at three in the morning that year, and then wake up on the first day in the morning, go outside, and there is NO ONE! What a thrill!

22/10/12, eyeepkln
I like to go to bed early on New Year's Eve, I have long loved to celebrate the New Year in this way! I think it's childhood romance. Making the bed, dressing up in pajamas and going to bed early is great! While my ancestors are watching musicals and concerts, I go to bed!

Are you planning to spend New Year's Eve fun and unforgettable? But your body is used to the fact that at night you sleep, and not actively awake, eat, drink and listen to loud music. How to negotiate with your internal clock so that immediately after the chiming clock you are not overcome by the desire to go to bed?

First of all, it is advisable to set aside a couple of hours for daytime sleep. Even if you can’t fall asleep, such a rest will give the body the strength to stay awake at night.

Drowsiness can appear even if on the last day of the outgoing year you woke up later or took a nap in the afternoon. The most popular invigorating agent is coffee. However, in order for the drink to work as much as possible, it is better to drink it not in huge quantities, and drink 1-2 cups a couple of hours before New Year's Eve. In this case, within an hour you can drink no more than one cup. If the body gets too large dose caffeine for a short time, the effect will be the opposite of what is expected - you will start to yawn and want to sleep. By the way, the smell of coffee itself helps to cheer up.

Use coffee beans and other uplifting scents. Help to drive away sleep fresh, harsh smells of citrus and exotic plants. Can be used essential oils lemon, rosemary. Put a couple of drops on your wrist or on a handkerchief and inhale the fragrance periodically.

Don't overeat. Traditionally, the New Year's table is decorated with various delicious dishes That's why it's so hard to control how much you eat. But it is physiologically determined that after abundant intake food tends to sleep. The same reaction is often caused by alcoholic beverages. In addition, certain foods increase drowsiness, such as fatty foods, starchy foods and sweets. A small portion of fish or a poultry dish will help maintain emotional activity.

Physical activity will help your body understand that now is not the time for sleep. Therefore, alternate a feast with movement, for example, with dancing or take a walk on fresh air Most importantly, don't stay in one place. If the “spirit of Morpheus” has appeared in your company, and stopping the holiday is not included in your plans, then go outside: watch the festive fireworks, play snowballs or find another active activity that everyone will like.

If you can’t go outside, then at least regularly ventilate the room in which the New Year celebration takes place.
If you are a non-smoker, try to stay away from smoking areas. Cigarette smoke can cause and exacerbate fatigue.

Pleasant, rhythmic and dance music will help relieve drowsiness, even if you are not dancing that night. But be aware that too loud music cause fatigue and lead to headaches.

The work of the internal clock directly depends on the lighting in the room. Turn on the light brighter. Due to this, the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls sleep and circadian rhythms, will decrease.

If you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, make contrasting water procedures They will help you get back to reality. For men, washing for two minutes with alternating cool and warm water and women can use contrast pouring hands (if it's not time to wash off holiday makeup). At the same time, any contrast procedures must end with cold water.

It is impossible to spend the New Year's Eve "peppy" without right attitude. The external paraphernalia of the holiday and even the clothes in which you celebrate the New Year are reflected in your mood. In the weather, for the beauty and originality of the outfit, do not forget that it should be comfortable. If your clothes are too warm, then you will certainly begin to fall asleep. An outfit in which it is too cool will not allow you to fully relax and tune in to the holiday. It is undesirable to celebrate the New Year in ordinary home clothes, even if you are going to celebrate all night in the company of your closest people. The fact is that home clothes set you up for passive rest and sleep.

Do not forget that after a sleepless night you need to get enough sleep to fun party did not end sadly for your health. You probably will not be able to fall asleep and rest normally at 9-10 in the morning. At this time, the body begins a period of activity, and attempts to put it to sleep can provoke irritability, a feeling of weakness, headache And Bad mood. The natural decline in activity occurs between 13:00 and 16:00. At this time, you can sleep with health benefits. But at the same time, you need to provide yourself with the maximum comfortable conditions- curtain windows, turn off phones. If you still can’t fall asleep, then it’s better to go to bed in the evening 2-3 hours earlier than usual. Then you can fully relax.



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