Ears below eyebrows. Self-development and self-improvement esoteric, personal growth psychology of relationships read

Small ears

If a person has too small ears (Fig. 8.3), then this may indicate his activity, energy and independence. Most often, the label “made self” is firmly attached to such personalities, that is, “made yourself”.

Rice. 8.3. small ear


In some characteristics, small ears are considered not a very positive sign. At the same time, physiognomists believe that a person with small ears, in order to achieve success in life, will have to work long, hard and painstakingly.

This ear size, despite some negative characteristics, nevertheless, as a rule, indicates positive person, which has stable and a good relationship with others and who is valued at work as a competent and competent specialist.


Some physiognomists believe that one should also consider the “luck / bad luck” of a person with small ears, taking into account their location: high, low or in the middle. The higher the ear, the more likely successful careers and personal life.

At the same time, stability and constancy are of great importance for owners of small ears. They can hardly endure any changes taking place in their lives.


David Beckham is an English footballer, midfielder (Fig. 8.4).

To achieve recognition and fame, he had to work hard and go through losses and failures. But energy and self-confidence made him one of the highest paid football players in the world.

Rice. 8.4. David Beckham

He was never seen in scandalous love affairs. Beckham is married to Spice Girls vocalist Victoria and has three sons.

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Based on numerous observations, scientists have developed funny ways with which you can determine by the appearance of a representative of the stronger sex what his personality is like. male sexuality.

You can use these techniques anywhere: at a party, on the street, at a party. However, it is best to use them in restaurants and cafes, where right men invite ladies on a first date. If there is a desire to get a complete picture of his sexual abilities, then you need to come a little earlier than him, forgetting about the rule that it is decent for a woman to be late, and take a seat (preferably opposite the entrance).

External signs of male sexuality

Body type

From the point of view of anatomy, a sexual giant is considered a full, short man. It is plump, not greasy - overweight, like thinness, are signs of reduced libido. It is also of little importance psychological factor. A tall and slender man does not need to impress his partner. If something does not suit a woman, then he will find another.


It is hard to disagree that the older the partner, the more experience he has. He owns certain tricks, knows how to excite a partner. However, experience is actually not so simple. For example, an elderly man has already had many partners, he knows well how to please a woman. But the amount of testosterone in him is at zero, since after 30-40 years it decreases by 1-2% per year. And if a man also smoked, drank alcohol, ate little and slept, then this figure doubles at least. He knows what he needs to do, but he lacks the youthful fuse. Therefore, scientists advise to look at younger men.


Mostly brunettes enjoy the glory of sexual craftsmen. The point is that for dark color skin and hair respond dominant genes and, consequently, a man with such characteristics is generally better adapted to life, and in particular to erotic games leaving light-skinned redheads and blondes behind. The brown-haired are on the golden mean. Very sexy are men who speak in a low voice, have a beard, down on their bodies, and on whose heads a bald spot begins to appear.

The size of the limbs in relation to the body

It is believed that the shorter the limbs in relation to the body, the hotter the man manifests himself in sex. This indicator sexual constitution, depending on the length of the legs, is called the trochanter index. You can determine it by eye, but those who prefer accuracy can take a centimeter and measure height first, and then the leg (from hip bone to the foot), then divide the results one by one. If the indicator is from 1.85 to 1.91 or less, then the man has a low sexual temperament, 1.92-1.98 - medium, 1.99-2 - strong.


On the nasal mucosa there are sensitive receptors that register external signals about chemicals and transmit information to the brain. The larger the nose, the longer the process will take. If a man has a long nose, then in sex, most likely, he himself will try to have fun and will not forget about his partner. An excited male is also known to have greatly inflated nostrils. Therefore, if a man wide nose, then this also speaks of his good sexual characteristics.


The human iris absorbs and transmits certain light fluxes, so the perception of the world in people, depending on the color of the eyes, varies. For example, men with brown eyes see in yellow-red light. And according to psychological observations, warm shades excite. Therefore, a dark-eyed partner will be more passionate than a light-eyed one.


People with big ears have a well-developed brain, and it is easier for them to explain what you prefer. A man with such ears will try to guess the desires of his partner at the slightest hint and embody her wildest fantasies. However, big ears speak of intellectual giftedness, which can interfere with quality sex. Owners of small ears are not the best interlocutors, but in bed they give themselves to instincts.


Plump and slightly pushed forward lips testify to the passion of a person. Curved lips or lips with a bow indicate that their owner is slightly selfish, ready for experiments, but can be demanding and cruel in bed, calling for what the partner is not ready for.


Usually, ring finger macho is longer than the index, and the more, the brighter the temperament, better potency and stronger craving for the fair sex. In men with a weak sexual constitution, the longest is thumb legs, in partners with average abilities, the thumb is approximately equal to the second, and in sexual giants it is 3-10 millimeters shorter.


If a man has bumps in the back of his head between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, then he is a good sexual partner. Ideally, if they are slightly larger than yours.

These sexual signs should be treated with caution, since male sexuality is determined, in addition to the above, by about 50 more parameters. And if you use them all, then there will be no time left to impress your partner. It is better to take them into account and if anything, postpone sexual relations until the next date, but for now watch the man some more.

External signs of hypersexuality

The nature of the ears is easy to determine, because their shape and size are individual, cannot be corrected with makeup, and they can be corrected only with the help of plastic surgery, which not every person will decide. Consider the possibility of determining the nature of the ears of a person.

To determine the character of the ears, it is necessary to study all the features of their structure and location on the head.

Location, structure and color of the ears and character

  • Ears set high. If top part the ear is located above the level of the eyebrows, its owner is endowed with intelligence, often with talent, most likely will live long life, can make an excellent political career.
  • Ears set low In this case, the earlobe is located below the end of the nose. It is believed that people with such ears are very persistent, stubborn, purposeful, and they also live a very long time. The first part of their life is full of difficulties, but the second is illuminated with happiness.
  • If one ear is located higher than the other, then such asymmetry gives out a passionate, but illogical person, able to argue over trifles and prove his point of view at all costs.
  • The ears are considered normal, slightly pressed to the head. Protruding ears can be a sign of sexual promiscuity.
  • If left and right ear slightly different from each other, then we can talk about the inconsistency of character.
  • The ears should have a lighter tone than the skin of the face. The normal skin tone of the ears is white-pink. Too red ears give out a person prone to anger and aggression, pallor, yellowness or blueness is a sign of malaise.
  • If there is a transverse wrinkle on the lobe, or even two, then this may indicate excessive fatigue. Such a wrinkle is a kind of health detector: the greater its depth, the more stress a person experiences. He needs to rest and sleep well. As soon as a person rests as much as his psyche and body need, the wrinkle will disappear.
  • Ear hair. In ancient times, this was considered evidence of the increased sexuality of their owners.
  • A hard ear is a sign of health.
  • The presence of some defects on the auricle indicates a violation of brain activity.
  • The beautiful shape of the ear at the top indicates intelligence, middle part speaks of the high spiritual development of the individual, Bottom part- about the state of health and sexuality of a person.
  • The structure of the outer edge auricle testify: if the edge is thin, then a lack of sexual energy in a person is possible, and vice versa, a fairly wide and moderately fleshy outer edge of the auricle indicates the presence good health and the potential for longevity.
  • The inner edge of the auricle is responsible for the emotionality of a person. If it is turned outward, then this is a sign of the sociability of a person, if inward - a desire for solitude.
  • Ears rectangular shape Ears are considered rectangular, having corners at the top and bottom. This is an indicator of strength, health, lust for power and the ability to achieve one's goals.

Ear shape and character

Big ears, "lop-earedness"

The beauty of big ears is debatable, but from the point of view of physiognomy, to have such ears is great luck. Among the owners of such ears, Dmitry Pevtsov, Kate Hudson, Will Smith can be distinguished. Such ears testify to the good character, sharpness of their owners, the ability to do business, prosperity and power. They may seem large compared to the ears of other people, but for specific person they can be quite harmonious and balanced by other parts of it - cheekbones, chin, jaw. In addition, the owners of such ears are endowed with musical abilities. Too protruding, thin and large ears, as a rule, are those who have great talent and musical abilities. Here importance has the attention of parents who should pay attention to this sign and send their child to a music school. Fortune loves such people - they are lucky in life, therefore, if they want to become singers or musicians, they will definitely succeed and, at one point, become famous!

Large ears with a protruding inner edge of the auricle. Having independent character, owners of ears of this type find it difficult to find their place in the business world. Their path is art, trade, advertising, where they can remain independent and realize their abilities to the fullest, showing their bright individuality.

large, fleshy ears with long lobes. Ears large sizes with long lobes testify to the wisdom, spirituality and nobility of their owner. Chinese physiognomists believe that people with such ears are destined for a long and happy life, in which there will be both money and comfort. Owners of this type of ears can become mentors, teachers, judges, even healers.

Pointed ears, pig ears, fox ears

People with pointed ears at the top have inner flair and cunning, the ability to quickly grasp the essence of the problem and make profitable deals with maximum benefit for themselves. Their character is impulsive, they are prone to inconstancy and changeability, often come into conflict with others. Due to the distrust of others towards the owners of this type of ears, it is better to cover them with hair.

These ears speak of difficult childhood, pain, thrift, prudence (sometimes to complete unscrupulousness). Any overexertion of forces leads such people to a hospital bed - they have very fragile health. Therefore, if they survive an unfavorable average age, they can live up to old age, but many die precisely in middle age.

It also speaks of a stubborn and tough personality. Any trouble can be expected from such people: they are very smart, cunning and act solely in their own interests. Remember how, on old lithographs, artists painted sorcerers and vampires, and in general, all kinds of evil spirits with such “triangular” ears. These people do first, and only then think, which often leads to failures in their personal lives. hallmark these people - they are usually very well developed physically.

Small ears

The owners of small ears are active, competent in many areas of life people who achieve success in middle age due to their own efforts. Having a sociable and kind nature, these people have a stable and warm relationship with their surroundings.

But about people with thick and small ears that fit snugly to the head, as a rule, they say that “a bear trampled their ear”.

Round shell, no lobe. Ears without lobes are small, neat and look beautiful. People with such ears are usually idealists: they believe in love at first sight, and so on. They are able to adapt to change and improve business relationship with partners, which allows them to stay afloat.

Small uneven ears, no earlobe. People with this type of ears have an impulsive, restless, rather irresponsible character. They often change their place of work and residence, are often distracted from their goal or do not have it at all, they do not know how to maintain contact with people, preferring loneliness. Males with small ears without lobes are prone to default.

Small ears with prominent lobe O round shape, may be a sign that their owner is able to control himself in any circumstances. For people with such lobes, an occupation is characteristic, which makes it possible to communicate with others. They are quite receptive to even the smallest details in personal relationships, in addition, they know how to understand people. Of great importance for such people, when solving cases, are not emotions, but careful planning and analysis. In this case, the mind wins feelings. And this is quite understandable, since the lobe, from a physiological point of view, is a kind of projection zone of the head. If the lobe is not only pronounced, but also large, the owners of such ears have natural wisdom, and the best occupation for them is philosophy.

Ears wide and narrow

Ears with a wide opening. A passage is considered wide if 1-2 fingers can be put there. wide passage speaks of intelligence, generosity, nobility, openness and long life. People with such ears like to receive new knowledge, they are very sociable, by nature they are democratic leaders. The ears are considered the best, in which hairs grow.

Ears with a narrow opening. A narrow passage is considered if even one finger does not enter there. It is believed that the owner of the ear is dumb, secretive, conservative and stingy. Businessmen often have such ears. But people with such ears do not live long, because they are constantly in a state of stress. Softening features can be a large distance between the eyebrows, eyes of good shape.


Ears with large earlobes. In eastern physiognomy, the lobe always shows vitality and good luck. People with long fleshy lobes are blessed with happiness. In the family, their relationships develop harmoniously, but because of their increased sexuality, they need many partners. Therefore, they change or lead a bachelor wild life.

The firm, round shape of the earlobe promises prosperity and a happy life.

Long - testifies to the longevity and vitality of its owner. At the same time, a very long lobe indicates excessive scrupulousness and delicacy.

A fleshy large lobe is a sign of a strong-willed character and powerful physical strength.

Ears with small earlobes. These ears have short and thin earlobes. It is believed that vitality a person has very little and is unhappy. These are people from complex nature, they do not get along well with other people, often quarrel. They have to work hard for little money. They rarely make a career.

fused type lobe- you won't get bored with such people. Ears with fused lobe characterize their owner as an active, self-confident person with a lively character. Such people are resolute: if it is required to “cut off”, then they are unlikely to “measure” seven times. As a rule, they have excellent health, high stress resistance and strong energy. But, nevertheless, these people are characterized by impulsiveness, rash acts, they are easily turned on, which quite often causes quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. They need not only to be more restrained, but also to learn to listen to the opinions of others. Usually, these are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything. In childhood, many of them cause a lot of problems to their parents and teachers. Due to the pronounced childish beginning, such people have a unique charm.

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The ear in the anatomical sense is represented by the auricle in the form of a skin duplication covering the elastic cartilage. Like the skin pattern of the fingers, the configuration of the ear is strictly individual. Front of outer ear canal there is a protrusion - a tragus, and behind it another - an anti-tragus. At the top of the auricle there is a bend, wrapped anteriorly - a curl, and down from it there is a bifurcating roller - an antihelix. The lower edge of the ear has no cartilage and is called the lobe. Like the iris of the eye, the auricle has a neuro-humoral and energy connection with all organs and systems, and is widely used in reflexology for an indirect effect on them with the help of acupuncture. Circulatory system featured on outer area ear, nervous system in the middle, and digestive - in the inner part of the auricle (Fig. 14).

An American dentist from Las Vegas, Norman Nurda, once noticed that one of his patients did not experience pain on the side of his face where his earlobe was amputated. The search for the cause of this phenomenon led the doctor to a lecture by an acupuncturist, where he learned that, along with the knee and heel, the earlobe is one of the three main places where acupuncture is performed to relieve severe pain. This is how the “Nurda method of pain relief” was born. Before filling the tooth, the doctor clamped the patient's earlobe with an ordinary clothespin from the side where the treatment was supposed to be. The patient, as a rule, behaves as calmly as if he had been given an anesthetic injection. Subsequently, they began to produce special clips for these purposes, and in our country the Inaan-3 electric anesthetic device was developed, which connects to the earlobe before painful dental procedures.

The auricle has long been the object of close attention and decoration. It was decorated not only with crafts and jewelry, but under the influence of local customs and customs, its natural forms were changed beyond recognition: they stretched the earlobe to the shoulders, made holes all over the auricle, hung jewelry in the upper or lower part of the ear, or simultaneously in different ear parts. Under the influence of the weight of the jewelry, the elastic cartilage of the auricle was deformed and acquired the most unexpected forms. Ear decoration was considered a sign of good taste.

The most ancient and popular type of piercing is earlobe piercing. He came to us from the ancient pirates, who in this way marked their ranks and merits. They judged by how the hole in the ear was pierced, its location, what was pinned to it and by the number of punctures.Rice. 14 Areas of the auricle and their correspondence to body systems.Long lobes are more common in people who are cheerful, careless and vulnerable. Slightly expressed lobes speak of commercialism, stinginess, thrift. Thick, large lobes are more common in smart, but phlegmatic people. In the East, people with such lobes were considered sages.In shape, the auricles are divided (Binder) into four types: elongated - oval, long, wide and triangular. In size: long - more than 7.5 cm, medium - 6.5 - 7.5 cm and small - less than 6.5 cm (Fig. 15).Rice. 15However, there are racial and individual differences in the structure, size, shape and position of the auricles. The equality of the length of the auricle and nose has been statistically proven, but in mountainous Tajiks and Buryats, the length of the auricle is approximately 2 cm longer than the length of the nose. age aspect ear growth occurs up to 15 years, then lingers and accelerates after 30 years. The beauty of the face and its harmony, in addition to size, are affected by the ear - head angle and the angle of the earlobe (Fig. 16). Rice. 16 Angles of auricles.According to physiognomists, the shape, size and location of the ears carry rich information about a person. Analyzing the appearance of representatives of various nationalities, historical figures and comparing the structure of the auricles with other parts of the face, with the character of a person and his behavior, physiognomists, ancient and modern, made amazing and reliable conclusions. So, Buffon considered small ears to be beautiful. They are characteristic of stubborn and persistent people who seek the triumph of their views and beliefs. The owners of such ears are musical, sensual, sincere and emotional.

Massive ears with rounded and clear outlines are more often inherent in phlegmatic people, obese and large people, and fleshy ears - rude faces. Too fleshy, thick ears are most often found in people who are gloomy, hard, with a heavy character, severe disposition. narrow, oblong, long ears give out an envious and stingy person, but in combination with a complex and delicate pattern of the inside of the shell, they are observed in people endowed with great abilities.

Ears pointed at the top are a sign of moderation and restraint, and pronounced convolutions in the ears are an indicator of musical abilities. In artistic, talented and gifted people, the auricles, as a rule, are deep and expressive.

Ears pressed to the head, about stubbornness, caution, endurance, cunning, composure and hypocrisy. Mercantile and cunning people are given out by large, protruding ears.

Even the color of the skin of the auricles carries certain information. The ancients believed that people with large and brightly colored ears have a rough mind and live long. But brightly colored ears on a paler face are a sign of aristocracy, good health and prosperity.

Beautiful ears are inherent in people who are irritable, quick-tempered and bashful. Dark purple, yellowish or bluish color of the skin of the auricle occurs in people with bad health prone to depression and laziness. Indifferent, unsociable people are characterized by more light color ears than complexion. Ears healthy, Pink colour give out kind, sincere and sympathetic person in good health.

Rich information about a person and individual traits of his character is carried by the outer rim of the ear. If it is round in shape, without protrusions and depressions, then it belongs to a smart, energetic person, with strong character(Fig. 17a). If the outer rim has one or more protrusions, then most likely the owner of such an ear is a very stubborn, uncompromising, neat and diligent person (Fig. No. 17b).

A person who has a cavity on the outer rim of the ear (Fig. 17c) is distinguished by benevolence, patience, but, often, is subject to increased attention surroundings and environment. The quadrangular shape of the rim (Fig. 17d) is typical for intelligent, analytically thinking and responsible people, with a pronounced love of life. The triangular shape of the rim is inherent in people of a harmonious, peaceful nature, easily converging with people (Fig. 17e).
Rice. 17 Forms of auricles.According to the location of the upper edge of the ear lobe relative to the eyebrows, physiognomists receive information about the level of a person's intelligence.If the “landing” of the ear above the eyebrows is a sign of high intelligence, great potential of the mind; below eye level - intelligence may not be too high, but if at eye level - a harmonious personality, with developed intellect and faith in their own strength.

Scientists have long proven that a person's ears are as special and unique as his fingerprints. It is believed that this part of the body is far from the last value in determining the nature and inclinations of the individual. Every detail in the features of the structure, location or size of the ear is responsible for certain - good or bad - qualities of a person.


Physiognomists - specialists who determine the spiritual qualities of a person based on the analysis of facial features - have learned to determine intelligence by the position of the upper line of the ears. Everything here is quite logical and simple: if the ears are above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence; at eye level - medium; below eye level - low intelligence. However, you should not run after everyone you know with the ruler and stigmatize the owners of low ears with narrow-mindedness. On this moment physiognomy is not recognized as a scientific method, so it's just a guess.

Making a new acquaintance, special attention should be paid to the symmetry of the ears. For example, if a person's ears are very different from each other, this indicates his spiritual and physical disharmony. It will be very difficult to communicate with such a person.


The subtle mind of a friend will be hinted at by the ears, which are very tightly pressed to the head. Protruding ears are also good. People with such ears are usually inquisitive and open, but their analytical thinking is weak.

Size and shape

Considering the ears of the interlocutor, one should not always adhere to the rule “the more the better”, but there is still some truth in this statement. Large ears with clear contours are always found in active people. A smooth, neatly shaped shell speaks of logic and intelligence. People with such ears are among those who can be trusted.

If the ears of the interlocutor are small and thick, then, most likely, in front of you is a deceitful and changeable person. With "fat ears" it is better not to start talking about art - this person will not be interested in them.

Small thin ears are a sign of refined taste. But if the ears are very thin, almost transparent, then in front of you is a passionate person, but nervous and quick-tempered.

Long and narrow ears are usually possessed by people who find it difficult to concentrate on something, to decide in life. If the ears are pointed like a cat's, this indicates an inconsistency in character. It is difficult for such people to make acquaintances, to trust others.

Ears with an unusually thick edge always indicate an extraordinary sense of rhythm, strength and skill. This can be expressed, for example, in sports achievements, excellent ability to play the musical instrument or ability to any craft.


Pay attention to the earlobe as well. If it is almost absent, this is evidence of a tough character, which can sometimes be covered with quite soft and polite, sweet communication. It is believed that the longer the lobe, the longer the life span of a person. In the East, people with long earlobes are revered as sages. An elongated, slightly curving lobe is a sure sign of sincerity. With such a person you can chat heart to heart.

To believe in all these conclusions or not is only your choice. It is possible that they will help you quickly get to know the interlocutor and build a dialogue with him correctly. The main thing is not to get too carried away looking.

Text: Svetlana Maksimkina



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