Sitting position. The road will be mastered by the walking

Take a sitting position, take a place intended for sitting.

A forced sitting position and mucopurulent sputum of a grayish-green color with blood spots, with grains of a grayish color and a dense consistency are characteristic. Fungi are found in these grains and sometimes in the urine.

The human operator in a sitting position controls the manipulator with the help of a setting mechanism and a control handle. The operator's station can be installed on a platform that rotates with the manipulator, as in fig. 8.49, or removed from the platform. It can be protected by a transparent shield or located in the cab. When the operator is removed from the seat, the entire machine stops automatically.

Measured in a sitting position, unable to stand due to ankylosis (joint stiffness due to adhesion formation) of the knees and hips.

Working in a sitting position with a bent back and outstretched arms makes breathing difficult and disrupts normal blood circulation. In order for the driver to be able to sit in the car for a long time without experiencing discomfort, he must develop the correct fit, which makes it possible to relax certain muscle groups to improve blood circulation. With circulatory insufficiency, the nutrition of the cerebral vessels worsens, the person quickly gets tired. Since fatigue sets in gradually, without visible reasons, then the driver is often surprised by the sudden onset of fatigue.

The human operator in a sitting position controls the manipulator with the help of a setting mechanism and a control handle. The operator's station can be installed on a platform that rotates with the manipulator, as in fig. 8.49, or removed from the platform. It can be protected by a transparent shield or located in the cockpit. When the operator is removed from the seat, the entire machine stops automatically.

K in a sitting position; h - when working in a semi-sitting position; and - when working la lap; to - when working standing on one knee; l - when moving on all fours; m - when working in a semi-lying position; to - when working in a bent position; o - when squatting on your haunches; l - when working in the supine position.

When working in a sitting position, the air shower is arranged in the form of a funnel that supplies air to a person from above. When moving a worker within limited limits, air showers with Baturin nozzles are used.

It is a mistake to assume that the sitting position in itself does not cause fatigue. In a seated person, the muscles of the body are also in tension, and the uncomfortable position of the seated body causes rapid fatigue and unpleasant, and sometimes even painful sensations. In such cases, the seated person begins to get comfortable.

When performing light work in a sitting position, the maximum air movement in the working area should not exceed 0 2 m / s at an air temperature in the room C and 0 25 m / s at a temperature of 20 C.

When working in a lying or sitting position on metal surface an electric welder must have a rubber lining, knee pads and under-kzhotniki hemmed with felt, and when working in damp places - rubber boots.

Sitting position

It would seem that a person sits at a computer in a relaxed position, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, hence the excessive load on the spine, osteochondrosis, and scoliosis in children. In those who sit a lot, a kind of heat compress forms between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in pelvic organs, as a result - prostatitis and hemorrhoids, diseases, the treatment of which is a long and unpleasant process. In addition, few moving image life often leads to obesity.

A set of exercises for the spine

The greatest risk during prolonged sedentary work is primarily cervical and thoracic spine - it is on them that the main burden falls. The muscles of the back and neck, which support the head and back in a vertical position, experience increased tension - and the blood flow in them during a static load, on the contrary, is reduced. Worse still, tense muscles compress nerve fibers coming out of the spinal cord, disrupting conduction nerve impulses. And as a result, after a while, the hands, neck, and back begin to numb or go numb.

Sitting position

The person at the computer sits in a relaxed position, however, due to static nature, it is forced and unpleasant: the muscles of the neck, head, arms, and back are tense. The result of muscle tension and relative static posture can be osteochondrosis, and in children - scoliosis. When sitting at a computer for a long time, the effect of a thermal compress develops between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. The consequence of this may be hemorrhoids and prostatitis, i.e. diseases that require long-term and unpleasant treatment. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity.

The most great danger is that the human body quickly gets used to any position. If this posture is incorrect, then constant pressure on the muscles and spine can lead to quite unpleasant consequences, up to displacement of the vertebrae and pinching of the nerves, leading to back pain and headaches. Alas, you will notice this only after a while. Therefore, it is best to immediately listen to your body and choose the height of the chair and table so that you feel comfortable sitting at the computer from the very first minute and for several hours.

Working at a computer often absorbs all the attention of a working person, and therefore, such people often neglect normal nutrition and work hand to mouth all day. Improper nutrition leads not only to disruption of the digestive tract, but also to the occurrence of mineral and vitamin deficiency. It is known that not a lack of vitamins and minerals adversely affects the metabolic process in the body, which leads to a decrease intellectual abilities person. Reduced work efficiency, which in turn causes the need to spend even more time at the computer. Thus, a kind of "vicious circle" is formed, in which prolonged work at the computer is the starting point that determines all subsequent violations.

hypodynamia, stress, bad habits And malnutrition are the main causes of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Why the sitting position is unnatural for a person

Despite the progress, the change of eras and times, the body of a modern person is arranged in the same way as that of his ancestors from the Stone Age. Evolution stopped on this option for a reason as the most optimal for representatives of the species homo sapiens. All the achievements of science and technology have not yet been able to contribute to transferring human consciousness into some more durable shell. Why do we care so much about what nature gives us?

Of course, the modern way of life is far from the way of life of our predecessors. However, one of the main dangerous changes of the last decades is the mass sedentary lifestyle, which is only gaining momentum.

A brief excursion into history

The human body was created by nature not adapted for permanent sitting. The sitting posture suggests that the person is giving himself a temporary rest. The rest of the time a person should spend in motion, on his feet or in a horizontal position.

The ancient Greeks and Romans even ate lying down for a reason. The main furniture in the houses of that era were special beds, on which they also conducted business, read, wrote, received guests. In the Middle Ages, only rich people could afford to have a chair or an armchair in the house. This piece of furniture was something of a symbol of power. That is, only those who had power could afford to sit permanently. For example, the ruler on the throne.

Dangerous diagnoses

Our ancestors were not so stupid. When we sit, the load on the spine increases, the vessels are pinched, the metabolism is disturbed, the blood circulation of the pelvic organs worsens. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to depressed mood and sleep disturbances.

Lack of physical activity is a significant risk factor today noncommunicable diseases- stroke, diabetes and cancer. Physical inactivity is the main cause of a quarter of breast and colon cancers, 27% of diabetes, and approximately 30% of coronary disease hearts.

And this, unfortunately, is a global trend. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), 23% of adults and 81% of adolescents attending school experience a lack of physical activity. Every third person on the planet is overweight. 600 million people are obese.

What is "physical activity"

Do not confuse physical activity with exhausting sports. Physical activity includes seemingly mundane things: walking, dancing, housework and gardening, walking, and cycling.

The WHO recommends that children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 should engage in moderate or vigorous activity for at least 60 minutes a day. physical activity. For people aged 18 to 64, the norm is 150 minutes per week.

Why did we stop moving

Urbanization is cited as one of the main causes of physical inactivity. The urban way of life allows a person to travel even for short distances by transport, and not on foot or, for example, on skis or on a horse, as was the case before in the villages. In addition to the growth in the number of "sedentary" jobs, the number of homework requiring mobility. Citizens do not go (at least on a regular basis) to cut hay and graze cattle.

In addition, if a person, for example, does not have the need to regularly leave the house on business, he can completely close himself in four walls. Nobody likes a jam and a crush in public transport, many are afraid of crime stories and prefer to stay at home in front of the TV.

Movement is life

Certainly, there are many people who will now think about how much they need their sitting position. workplace that they do not have the time, money and energy for regular trips to the fitness club. Such excuses are false in themselves. After all, neglecting their health, a person, on the contrary, reduces the time allotted to him. And there are not so many such jobs where it’s really impossible to get on your feet for several hours.

The road will be mastered by the walking

And here is just the time to remember about walking. More specifically, hiking. This is perhaps the only type of physical activity that has no contraindications. Walks are available to people of any build, different levels physical training and at any age.

In addition, this type of physical activity is extremely budgetary. All you need is a pair of comfortable boots.

Regular walking helps to keep all body systems in good shape, and also has a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state. Walking is unlikely to help you lose weight dramatically, but it will help maintain muscle tone and develop endurance. Hiking also improves sleep and is a great way to get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Here are a few simple tips how to start the fight against insufficient physical activity:

If you regularly drive a couple of stops to the subway - give up land transport in favor of walking. If you are afraid to be late, then do it in the evening when you return home.

If you live near a metro station or public transport stop, get off one stop early and walk it.

2. Go shopping on foot.

If you need to make small purchases in your area or a neighborhood, forego your personal car or public transportation. Put on your running shoes and go for a walk with your backpack. At the same time, do not buy too much. In addition, in many cafes and restaurants there is a discount for the purchase of takeaway food. Also save money.

3. Try to move more during the working day.

You shouldn't call internal line or write in a work chat to colleagues from a neighboring office. Come and talk in person. Don't spend your entire lunch break chatting with co-workers or surfing social media—eat and walk the rest of the time. If it is possible to take breaks during the day, there is no point in wasting them on kerchief solitaire and other useless activities. It is better to go outside, walk a little and listen to your favorite song in the player. And, of course, instead of pressing the elevator buttons, it is much better to walk up the stairs - such an express workout will disperse the blood through the body and invigorate you.

If you spend your free time at home, try not to literally sit. If you are dead tired, lie down and read a book or watch a movie while lying down.

You should not spend a day off or an evening with your family, sitting all together at the table or watching TV. If you have children, they are probably already fed up with the playground in the yard. Put a bottle of water and fruit in your backpack and head to the nearest forest or park.

6. Get busy seasonal species sports.

It is clear that not everyone has the money and time for regular trips to a good fitness club. However, do not give up those sports that are available to all people who do not have serious health problems. Play badminton in the yard if the day is clear and windless. If there are good bike paths in your area, take a bike ride in the evening. When the weather is good for at least a couple of days in winter, go skiing or skating.

7. Find something that interests you personally.

A big city in the 21st century provides a lot of opportunities for leisure! Open dance lessons, free tours, games, quests, courses are held daily, new parks and exhibitions open. Do not be lazy and regularly look through posters of events in your city. Then you will definitely find something that will interest you and make you tear yourself away from the sofa.

After all, improving the quality of one's own life is something that is available and necessary for each of us. Not to mention, walking is a great way to make a small contribution to improving the city's environment.

Hypodynamia: a sitting position for a person is unnatural

Work - transport - home ... And so on in a circle. Almost everywhere we sit for a long time, which contributes to the development of a number of diseases, but also.

It turns out that in order to neutralize the consequences of hypodynamia, it is not necessary to spend money on a fitness club. But first things first.

Unnatural posture

According to statistics, people who spend most of the day in a sitting position most often complain about the following problems: overweight (in particular, a large belly), osteochondrosis of the lumbar and cervical spine, sciatica, constipation, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Men are also warned specific problems with the prostate.

Doctors explain this by the fact that the sitting position for a person, in general, is unnatural. Long centuries of evolution have adapted us to either lie down or walk-run, well, in extreme cases, stand! When we sit, the spine and muscles cannot properly hold the body, and the organs (intestines, internal genital organs, lungs, etc.) are squeezed and therefore suffer. That's why old saying that it is better to walk than to stand, and it is better to lie down than to sit, has its own historical confirmation.

Even sport is not a panacea

Nevertheless, until now, it seemed to all of us that no one had yet died from sitting at a desk. And almost all people have diseases after 40 years, and this seems to be already in the order of things.

American doctors were the first to sound the alarm. They even began to demand changes in the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Because it turns out that prolonged sitting leads to the fact that hemorrhoids turn into colon cancer, and excess weight - into diabetes and strokes. According to doctors from the American Cancer Society, even physical activity cannot reduce the harm from sitting for a long time. They believe that you can run for an hour every morning or every evening, but if you spend the remaining 6-8 hours glued to a chair, then such loads will not reduce the risk of disease in the least and will not prolong life.

Who's longer?

More recently, scientists from University College London have stated that people who sit for a long time not only feel bad, but age on average 10 years faster than their mobile peers. They figured it out exactly by examining 2,400 pairs of twins and measuring their telomere lengths (these are the end segments of chromosomes). By the way, for the discovery of telomeres, scientists were awarded Nobel Prize. Twins were studied because each person from a pair has the same genetic material as a fellow. So, studies have shown that those twins who moved a lot had longer telomeres, and their genetic copies, which were sitting more and more, had shorter chromosome tips. And now about what it means.

Let's remember school biology: chromosomes are special structures located in the nucleus of each cell. They contain hereditary information in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, which looks something like a rope ladder twisted into a spiral). DNA is made up of many sections, each of which is a gene. Initially, the basis of the chromosome is one DNA, but as it develops, it doubles and thus gradually develops from a single cell into a whole person.

So, at the ends of chromosomes are telomeres - several pairs of protein structures (nucleotides). When a person grows, DNA reproduces itself, due to this, viable cells divide, and old ones die off - this is how the development and renewal of the body occurs. However, with each cell division, the length of the telomere decreases. The shorter it is, the older the body and the closer to the end life. That is, today the length of the telomere is the most important feature aging.

Get up - get younger

According to modern science, the length of the telomere is reduced by about 21 base pairs per year. However, they are shortened not only due to DNA division, but also due to the fact that DNA is damaged. inflammatory processes, free radicals and other adverse factors. Including the seat.

A study of twins found that those who were on their feet for less than half an hour a day had telomeres 200 base pairs shorter than those who were on the move for 3 hours and 19 minutes. In fact, the more active twin had the same telomeres as a person 9-10 years younger!

The researchers found data that suggested the following. Many sitting people's DNA is more susceptible to DNA damage free radicals and subsequent inflammation. And an active lifestyle helps to cope with this inflammation.

But after all, at the very beginning of our conversation, we already found out that even regular physical exercises will not help prolong the life of those who sit for many hours without a break! What to do?

Stop spreading diseases!

The answer came from the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences. Her scientists found that the body begins to sound the alarm only after you sit for 4 hours. After this time, in particular, the work of the genes responsible for the metabolism of glucose and fats in the body fades. Hence weight gain, diabetes and cardiovascular disease! Based on this, the Swedes give recommendations to absolutely everyone, regardless of age and health status:

● Control the amount of time you sit without a break. Try to warm up every 2-3 hours - get up, walk around the office or apartment. Even something as simple as sipping or pulling a book off a shelf will do. If you are at home, you can feed the dog or bring the cat from the kitchen, make yourself a sandwich, after all.

● Take short walks during your lunch break. When you watch TV at home, get up from time to time and walk around the room (you don't have to take your eyes off the TV screen to do this).

●  Make it a rule not to call children and household members, but to approach them - and vocal cords save and benefit the body.

● Fitness classes, walking and jogging only make sense if you don't sit all the time in everyday life. To spend more than 4-5 hours in a row on the fifth point means to nullify the entire beneficial effect workout.

The advice to get up and go about your business more often, even if you have a sedentary job, is nothing new. However, until now, neither specialists nor the patients themselves have thought that in this way it is possible to activate the work of the genes responsible for metabolism, and thereby stop the aging process. In general, if you want to live longer, lift yourself out of your chair and sofa more often.


Every day we are confronted with the action of the computer: this is a personal computer at home, and a computer in the workplace, and other forms of manifestation of universal computerization. Not every one of us knows that the computer is a source or may predispose to the development a large number diseases. And even more so, not every one of us knows the preventive measures against these diseases. Meanwhile, behind the seeming daily routine work at the computer, we can acquire a whole bunch of diseases, the cure of which is difficult, and sometimes not at all possible. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a set of measures to avoid "computer" diseases.

The main harmful factors when working at a computer

The main harmful factors when working at a computer include: sitting position for a long time, exposure to electromagnetic radiation monitor, strain on vision, overload of the joints of the hands, impaired normal flow pregnancy, stress of various origins, respiratory diseases, allergies.

Sitting position for a long time

It would seem that a person sits at a computer in a relaxed position, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, hence osteochondrosis and scoliosis in children. For those who sit a lot, a heat compress forms between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result - prostatitis And haemorrhoids. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity.

Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the destruction of intervertebral discs occurs, which can lead to disc herniation (protrusion in any direction). A herniated disc can damage both the spinal cord and the nerve processes emanating from it. The consequences of such injuries can be very different: from pain in the back, limbs and internal organs, to paralysis of the limbs and death. Osteochondrosis can begin to develop both in youth and at a later age, although it more often affects the elderly. One of the main reasons for the development of osteochondrosis is the malnutrition of the intervertebral discs, this can be caused different reasons, however, the main one is the dystrophy of the back muscles, with the help of which the metabolism in the disks is carried out. Thus, a person leading a mostly sedentary lifestyle, and no matter how he strengthens his back muscles, may well already have osteochondrosis. Signs of the presence of this disease can be: there was either a feeling of discomfort in the back, pain in the head, limbs, or disruption of work internal organs.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate). Symptoms of prostatitis include moderate heat, pain in the perineum and groin, in the area anus, painful urination and defecation. However, prostatitis is more often chronic and does not cause much concern in men. Ultimately, this can lead to infertility, the treatment of which will be extremely difficult and long, if at all possible.

Hemorrhoids - this is a "shameful" disease from a generally accepted point of view - one of the most common. 40% of visits to doctors about the intestines are associated with hemorrhoids. Proctologists believe that 70% of people sooner or later experience hemorrhoid symptoms. And if you sit in front of a computer all day, the likelihood of getting hemorrhoids becomes even higher.

What is hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are in the body of every person. These are mucosal folds anal canal. In addition to the action of the muscles, they provide retention of fecal masses. At rest, hemorrhoids are involved in the overlap of the anal canal of the intestine. During bowel movements, the tubercles should be smoothed out so as not to interfere with the passage of feces. Stagnation venous blood and excessive straining violate the position of the nodes, they slide down along with the mucous membrane. Then there is a restructuring and a violation of the blood supply, this leads to an increase in the size of the hemorrhoids, their protrusion outward.

Risk factors for the disease include: a sedentary lifestyle, incl. computer work, constipation, obesity, overuse smoked, spicy, salty, spicy foods; anal sex; inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area; engaging in serious sports such as lifting the barbell, shot put or jumping. The manifestation of hemorrhoids is characterized the following symptoms: bleeding during defecation, admixture of blood in feces itching, burning in the anus, sensation foreign body, a feeling of heaviness, prolapse of nodes from the rectum, pain during defecation, walking, in a sitting position, soreness of hemorrhoids to the touch.

Another formidable complication of long work behind the computer is obesity. Obesity has become a serious problem in developed countries. Being overweight causes many diseases. Obesity appears due to a violation (weakening or slowing down) of metabolism. Main causes of obesity: malnutrition ; lack of mobility, low physical activity; inadequate response to stressful situations; excessively long sleep daytime ; the use of hormonal drugs.

The main impact of obesity comes down to overloading our body with dietary fats. In this case, the following changes occur: in the liver - progressive damage to hepatocytes, and this in turn leads to steatosis, the formation of gallstones; in erythrocytes and leukocytes, the activity of Na - K - ATPase decreases and defects in metabolic, transport and other functions occur; the pumping function of the heart decreases due to a change in its position in chest and increase in load (change in the configuration and position of the heart in chest cavity occurs as a result of the accumulation of adipose tissue in the epicardium, fatty infiltration of its cells and the high standing of the diaphragm; an increase in the workload on the heart is associated with an increase in plasma volume, an increase in venous return and cardiac output). In addition, if fat metabolism is disturbed, the content of exogenous cholesterol in the blood increases, as a result of which it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which will ultimately lead to the development of such a disease as atherosclerosis. The increased accumulation of fat inside the chest cavity, in addition to affecting the heart, also affects the function of the respiratory organs, which leads to shortness of breath and increasing hypoxia of organs and tissues.

sitting position

New Russian-English Dictionary. 2013 .

See what a "sitting position" is in other dictionaries:

seated - adj., number of synonyms: 1 sitting down (45) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

seated - adj., number of synonyms: 1 seated (43) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

BODY POSITION - during work, it can cause health problems and is occupational hazard in cases where it is forced (i.e., inevitably connected with the requirements of the production or labor process), long and monotonous. In these ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

CEREBELLOW-BRIDGE ANGLE - (Klein hirnbruckenwinkel, angle ponto cerebelleuse, for some angle ponto bulbo cerebelleuse) occupies a peculiar place in neuropathology, neurohystopathology and neurosurgery. This name denotes the angle between the cerebellum, oblong ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

Climb - carry. 1. Move, move up. ott. Swim against the current. ott. Appear above the horizon, ascend (about heavenly bodies). ott. Spread over something (about smoke, steam, etc.). ott. trans. Achieve a higher social ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

GYMNASTICS - (from the Greek gymnos naked) in the modern sense of the word represents one or another system of specially selected bodily exercises that have a certain target setting and certain effects on the body. Depending on this ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

PRINTING PRODUCTION - PRINTING PRODUCTION, the production of various kinds of printed publications, covers a number of diverse production processes that differ significantly from each other in the nature of production and their characteristic prof. hazards. The number of workers ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

Subjective premises - Verbs TO BE / TO BE / TO BE / TO BE in what, to insert / to be / to insert / to twist into what, to enter / to / to enter / into what, to be / to be / to be / to be / to be, to be / to be / to be / to be, unfold . get in / t / get in, colloquial. squeeze in / shove / shove / shove, colloquial. vti / succumb / vti / sleep. ... ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

Rise - rise, rise, and (colloquial). I will rise, you will rise (forms from the verb to rise), past. got up, got up; risen, owl. (to lifting (1)). 2. Ascend, fly up. "For the clouds the eagle to the top Caucasus mountains got up." Krylov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

sit down - SIT down1, carrying. (owl. sit down). To be located (located) where l., having taken a sitting position, in which the torso is supported vertically, leaning on the buttocks; occupy a place intended for sitting; Syn.: sit down)



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