Why are Cancer men difficult in relationships? Relationship Cancer and Taurus

> Cancer in relationships

Cancer manifests itself differently with different partners. However, there are several striking qualities that are noted in all respects of the sign.

Common qualities of Cancer in a relationship

They are sensitive and caring people. They tend to give their all and focus on commitment. They are loyal and will not give up before the first obstacle, so they will do everything in the union to save love.

Loyalty and trust

Stands up for his loved ones and will fiercely defend their interests. Can be very sentimental if things go well. But if things get bad, he gets frustrated quickly. Cautious and tries not to show vulnerabilities when he first enters into a relationship. More and more attached every day. Blooms with love and respect and becomes faithful for life.

Strong foundation

Despite his sensitivity, he notices little things better than others. He is strongly attached to his things and people. He learns useful lessons from each relationship, which he applies to the next. Connects his memories with today and tries to build a solid base from which to start. Treasures his property, so as soon as you show interest in this, he will love you even more.

Respect and loyalty are incredibly important to him. He does not need curiosities and oddities. Appreciates peace and stable behavior, therefore it is attractive for the long term. This is a wonderful parent who supports emotional connection with the child and strengthens its alliance with a partner.

home atmosphere

He tries to educate his loved ones using housekeeping and cooking. Many of them get tremendous pleasure from doing household trifles together with their spouse, as well as from material and financial support. And not only takes, but also gives first. However, this should not be taken as something banal and mandatory. Appreciate his efforts!

It is pleasant to communicate with him, and sensitivity attracts even more. You want to protect him from the huge and evil world and he will appreciate such patronage. However, Cancer's concern is sometimes misinterpreted as suppression. But he can sacrifice a lot and change his environment in order to create a successful marriage.

Cancer's relationship with the signs

As already mentioned, with each representative, he will manifest himself in different ways. To view this similarly, go to the compatibility pages.

To compare the levels of harmony in different combinations, look at the Cancer compatibility charts. Men and women see things differently, so you might also want to check out the Cancer Man and Cancer Woman pages.

Cancer Articles

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Secrecy, sentimentality, melancholy, mood swings, vulnerability and a tendency to loneliness - all this characterizes men born under the zodiac sign Cancer. A Cancer man is a person with whom it is not easy for a woman to build a harmonious relationship, especially if you do not take into account the peculiarities of his character. But you can find an approach to such a person if you understand what personal qualities he possesses.

Characteristics of the sign

The Cancer man is a person whose first impression is deceptive. When meeting a representative of this sign, he jokes, behaves actively and tries to charm everyone. On the next date, he surprises his partner with silence, a look full of sadness, and a desire to talk about philosophical themes. But such behavior of Cancer in relations with women seems attractive to the latter, since he knows how to beautifully look after, talk about feelings. Cancer guys love everything that is connected with romance - unforgettable walks under the moon, beautiful music, love poems.

The representative of this zodiac sign loves sophisticated women. If the chosen one was embarrassed by demonstrating the absence good manners, or came on a date scruffy, then this can break the heart of an idealist once and for all.

Cancer does not like everything that involves risk, so he will not build a relationship with a girl who is prone to outrageous behavior or secrecy. A man representing this zodiac sign will prefer a sincere person with a predictable lifestyle.

In the field of career, Cancer men love conservatism, so it is difficult for them to change jobs and try something new.

A man in love

If the Cancer guy is in love, then you can understand this by the following features of his behavior:

  • showing optimism and good mood;
  • he always tries to get into the field of view of the girl he is in love with, but at the same time does not invade her personal space;
  • the talkativeness of a guy is characteristic only if he is carried away by a girl;
  • a man will be defiantly indifferent if his rivals are around a woman, thereby hiding a storm of emotions in his soul;
  • the guy immediately begins to introduce the object of sympathy to the people of his environment - friends, parents.

If a girl disappoints a Cancer man, he will immediately begin to behave as if he never had feelings for her. Representatives of this zodiac sign prefer not to explain anything in the end, as they do not tolerate showdowns.

Behavior in bed

Such a characteristic as perseverance describes the behavior of Cancer men in sexual relations. The representative of this sign always initiates intimacy with the chosen one and cares about her feelings. A man of this sign always wants to be the best for his mistress, so he shows ingenuity in close relationships.

Pushing the Cancer guy away from his partner in bed can be her excessive availability, unkempt appearance and coldness.

love horoscope

The behavior of the Cancer man in love depends on the zodiac affiliation of the chosen one. love horoscope will allow you to better understand your partner or know how to build a relationship with him:

  1. 1. Aries: The Aries woman is attracted to intense adventures and intense emotions that are alien to the Cancer man. The indelicacy of Aries hurts sentimental Cancers, so the couple will be mutually disappointed in each other.
  2. 2. Taurus: a man is attracted by the reliability and caring of the chosen one-Taurus. But this woman, mundane in terms of emotions, can be annoyed by the mental throwing of the chosen one. If partners learn to understand and accept each other's shortcomings, then a happy future awaits them.
  3. 3. Gemini: The mystery of the Gemini girl beckons the romance of Cancer. The woman herself will be pleasantly impressed by the thriftiness of her partner, so she will obey him with pleasure.
  4. 4. Cancer: harmony in this pair is real only if both partners are successful and financially independent.
  5. 5. Leo: A happy romance will only take place if the proud and independent Lioness submits to Cancer. In everyday life, quarrels are possible due to the secrecy of a man and his unwillingness to participate in fun activities that the Lioness likes.
  6. 6. Virgo: Virgo's restraint and sophistication will captivate a man. The chosen one will trust her beloved, especially if he himself will initiate her into his secrets.
  7. 7. Libra: partners different approach to life, although they are interesting to each other. However, both men and women tend to keep their distance.
  8. 8. Scorpio: Such women are impressed by the calmness and reliability of Cancer. The man himself finds attraction in the calmness of Scorpio.
  9. 9. Sagittarius: The fiery nature of Sagittarius will make the Cancer man feel constrained and insecure. This is an inharmonious union, despite the fact that both partners find each other attractive.
  10. 10. Capricorn: partners will provide each other with a sense of security and confidence in the future.
  11. 11. Aquarius: This couple is united by a penchant for dreams, romance, and vulnerability.
  12. 12. Fish: perfect union in which a man in his chosen one is attracted by sensitivity and romanticism. The girl will appreciate devotion and the ability to empathize in her chosen one.

Any woman who has seriously fallen in love with her chosen one can find an approach to the Cancer man, but on the condition that she accepts the secrecy, sophistication and emotionality of this person.

There are probably no more mysterious men than those born under the sign of Cancer. They were destined to be wards of the Moon, which explains the mysticism of this sign. In a new, still fragile relationship, Cancer can be somewhat cold and, as it were, fenced off by a shell. But under the coldness and inaccessibility of the Cancer man lies a real passion. Its sad magic lures hearts into the dark and mysterious captivity of the night.

The Cancer man can be a merry fellow and talker, but most often he is a serious gallant man with beautiful manners. Him good taste And he understands women. But Cancer has one big flaw - indecision. He does not go ahead, like Aries or Sagittarius, but approaches the goal carefully and slowly. Sometimes such accuracy is useful to him. It protects against rash acts and their consequences. But more often this behavior leads to defeat, because while Cancer doubts, someone bolder takes his trophy.

The man of the sign Cancer in relations with women is excessively closed. He trusts only trusted people, and sometimes people go to this check. long years. It may seem to his companion that he is hiding something, but it is so. The ward of the moon queen does not like to talk about ex girls and about the past in general. In a conversation, he is indifferent and this annoys the weaker sex, because women love to talk and the attention of the interlocutor is very important for them. In fact, he listens and studies a woman, because despite his isolation, he is quite cunning.

To conquer Cancer, you need to show him the best feminine qualities - prudence, modesty, tenderness and fidelity. Then you need to be patient and not rush things. You should not marry Cancer, let him make this decision himself. And if he leads you down the aisle, then you can be sure that he is only yours. The Cancer man is lazy enough to seek adventure on the side, and besides, he does a good job with male duties. It is unlikely that he will put problems on the shoulders of his wife, although he himself is endowed with feminine features.

Cancer itself female sign. Therefore, men born under this constellation are vulnerable and sentimental. They are terribly afraid of rejection, so they think a hundred times before confessing their feelings. It is difficult to get such a man, but much easier to keep.

Usually, Cancer is a faithful spouse and a caring father.

The element of Cancer is Water, so he can have a heavy phlegmatic character. At first it will seem to you that he is pulling you into the depths of sadness and hopelessness, but later you will get used to it, and in his gloomy abyss you will feel cozy and comfortable. But another major drawback is associated with the water element - a tendency to alcoholism.

The Cancer man is very attached to his mother. To justify his hopes, you need to like future mother-in-law. The Cancer man is able to sacrifice for the sake of his mother both the interests of his wife and his own. The only way to establish a balance in relations with Cancer - to become like his mother, but not overshadow her.

Unfortunately, among Cancers (especially in young age) a lot of sissy. You definitely shouldn’t get involved with such people, because instead of a reliable family support, you will get a notorious whiner who needs a nanny, not a wife.

k in love is the most predictable sign of the zodiac. If he sets a goal for himself, he will not go ahead, but he will not dare to retreat either. He will act carefully and carefully, moving slowly forward. Most likely, he will think for a long time before choosing the most appropriate way to overcome obstacles, weighing all the nuances.

Cancer tries to be prudent in everything. Before doing anything, he will select the most suitable moment for himself and begin to act. It is thanks to his prudence in making decisions and the habit of carefully considering every event in his life that Cancer very rarely makes mistakes. And at the same time, behind the achievement of his goal, there is not a desire to make a victorious sensation, but rather, to avoid the depression that covers him in case of failure.

Cancers in love and relationships always appreciate what they have and those they love. Especially if they have come a long and hard way to all this. People born under the sign of Cancer are very sensitive towards their loved ones, and in particular they become sensitive and emotional towards their soulmate. In marriage, Cancer will be "home", his family is his fortress, which he can only occasionally leave.

Cancer woman in love

She is unusual and mysterious, her mysterious nature is able to strike a man and arouse genuine interest in him. On the one hand, she is characterized by rationality and practicality, on the other hand, a romantic soul and a vulnerable heart.

Cancer Woman able to change his mood. Perhaps, but she will seem closed, and in reality, she is characterized by shyness and some secrecy. If a man has plucked up the impudence and expects her to make the first step, then he is wasting his precious time - she will never do this.

Girl born under the sign of Cancer, always tries to protect himself from pain, so he does not open his soul to the first comer. In order for her to open her heart to love, a man needs to be kind, sensitive, understanding, attentive. Then she is ready. But as soon as a man shows himself rude and tough, she immediately closes her heart from him.

Cancer woman in love and relationships - very caring and sensitive. She knows how to love truly, with all her heart and soul. She knows how to be faithful, gentle and attentive, and expects the same from her boyfriend in return. Cancer Woman not looking for fleeting novels and short-term entertainment - she is characterized by constancy. Very often, those born under this sign love one man all their lives.

IN sexual life women of this sign are not deprived of passionate and ardent qualities. A Cancer woman is able to surrender to her man completely, but this does not mean that he can count on "everywhere and always." She will feel most comfortable within the walls of her own home.

She is a romantic nature with a fragile heart that can break from indifference or betrayal. And at the same time, despite the softness and sensuality, cancer woman very practical. She knows how to raise children, manage the household wisely, spend money measuredly and save it for a "rainy" day. Despite how cancer woman married and relations is open to her husband, for many years he will not be able to unravel her soul completely - the riddle will always be present in her.

Cancer Women very caring mothers. Sometimes, even excessively. They listen to every breath of their baby in a dream, carefully monitor his every movement. Sometimes a mother born under the sign of Cancer does everything for her child that is possible until his wedding. Such excessive guardianship harms him, because it deprives him of the desire for independence and independence.

She never beats in hysterics because of failures, but experiences them in herself. Often it is easier for her to wait out trouble than to do anything. She is calm and stable in her character, but I cannot envy you if you offended one of her relatives - here she is able to turn into a predator.

Cancer man in love

Cancer Man is the dream of many women. And this is not surprising, because he has such necessary qualities in a relationship as tenderness, fidelity, caring. If you decide to get him, then your main trump card in your actions will be the ability to praise and encourage him. In this case, he will be an amazing gentleman, lover and lover.

Like the woman of this sign, men can appear withdrawn and silent. Do not think that this is one of the qualities of misers or hardened bachelors. It's just that he is less calm and impulsive than representatives of other signs. Cancer men unable to arrange an extreme date with the mass thrill or carry away some love adventure. Relationships are completely different.

Cancer Man knows how to appreciate superiority female beauty from the curves of her body to the depths of her soul. He is not stingy with compliments and, as a rule, his woman literally bathes in beautiful words and his admiration. He has bursts of emotions and nervousness, but they are compensated by feelings and passion.

He takes the choice of his life partner very seriously, so it can take him years to find her. And only after much thought, weighing the pros and cons, is he able to make a choice. After that cancer man becomes more active and self-confident: he surrounds his soulmate with care, attention, tenderness. He surrenders completely to his feelings and is ready to cover his beloved with them.

Nevertheless, Cancer man in love never ceases to be cautious and acts with an eye to the sides. If he is timid in expressing his feelings or behaves ambiguously towards a girl, she can easily verify his feelings using feelings of jealousy. Cancer is the owner, and jealousy is the best stimulus for his decisive action.

In bed Cancer man almost always excludes selfishness - it is very important for him to please his partner. But at the same time, he will expect from her full return and sensuality.

Strange as it may seem, but Cancer men often remain and ”- the parent will always be his authority. It is useless for Cancer's wife to fight this, she will have to put up with it. Or do everything the way mom does. If you want to save your marriage and relationship, then this should be accepted.

Cancer man married very caring and like a father. His patience is enough for everything that concerns his children, so he is happy to help his wife in caring for children and raising them.

Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs

Cancer and love according to the signs of the zodiac:

Cancer + Aries is a difficult union that begins with the first sensual impulses, and ends with conflicts and mutual hostility.

Cancer + Taurus - harmonious, wonderful relationship based on mutual understanding.

Cancer + Gemini - the duration of the relationship is possible only if Cancer agrees to the freedom and ease that Gemini needs.

Cancer + Cancer - stormy feelings, impulsive relationships: outbursts of emotions, scandals, tears, but, as a result, forgiveness and sensitivity.

Cancer + Leo is an interesting couple. The union is based on love and light mystery. But, as a rule, not very suitable for marriage.

Cancer + Virgo - a wonderful relationship, a successful marriage. Virgos are the easiest to forgive and accept the nervous and chaotic nature of Cancers. And those, in turn, are able to give the Devs the sensuality, tenderness and understanding they need.

Cancer + Libra - a successful marriage is possible. But on the condition that everyone has their own space and time for “themselves”. Often the success of a marriage depends on a successful financial condition and a worthy position in society.

Cancer + Scorpio - mutual interest, passion, feelings. But coexisting with each other will not be easy.

Gemini + Sagittarius - the union is quite common. But most likely, his sincerity is deceptive - in the brightness and versatility of feelings, there is often falsehood.

Cancer + Capricorn - relationships begin with mutual attraction. This is often followed by conflicts, repulsion, complete disappointment in each other and a break.

Cancer + Aquarius - like a union with Capricorn: attraction - repulsion.

Cancer + Pisces is a difficult relationship that requires one self-sacrifice from anyone. Under this condition, the marriage will be successful and happy.

Vika Dee

Cancer belongs to the element of Water, which governs emotions and passions. The Cancer man is fully endowed with them, but his psychology is so extraordinary and contradictory that sometimes it seems that different, sometimes opposite natures coexist in him.

What are the traits of a Cancer man?

Rational and romantic, withdrawn and cheerful, strong and vulnerable - and all this has the most direct relation to the Cancer man.

However, this description testifies not to duplicity, but to the versatility of nature, which is revealed only to a few close friends and family environment. In general, his father's house serves as a kind of fortress for him, where he finds protection from life's troubles, and by nature he is a homebody.

He carefully guards his inner world from rude intrusion and prefers to appear pragmatic, but if he feels sincere attention and warmth, then the sensitive strings of his soul will definitely respond.

Cancer - rational and romantic, withdrawn and cheerful, strong and vulnerable

A Cancer man can behave openly in a circle of relatives, not embarrassed to show emotions, but at work, especially if he is the boss, this is a completely different person - cold and rational. Before making an important decision he carefully analyzes difficult situation and calculates how it will develop further, in which the practicality and analytical mindset characteristic of the Cancer man help him.

Shortcomings are not alien to the character of the Cancer man: being under the influence of the Moon, he quickly moves from complacency to irritability, which is replaced by despondency, and all this negatively affects the mood of others. Another feature that can be considered a disadvantage is attitude to finance. The Cancer man is a prudent host, his family will always be well provided for, but he always tries to downplay high level your well-being.

Another flaw in the character of the Cancer man is that he immediately closes in on itself if you feel offended or negative attitude, and finding out the reason for this is almost impossible, he simply will not explain his reaction.

Excessive vulnerability and susceptibility often drive him into depression, and then he prefers loneliness.

And all this combined with a great sense of humor, generosity and kind heart.

To be happy, a Cancer man needs to feel cared for. , sincerity and kindness on the part of relatives and a narrow circle of friends, the choice of which he is very careful.

The Cancer man has a great sense of humor and a kind heart.

What kind of women does the Cancer guy like and what signs does he have compatibility with?

Cancer man has no idea family life without home comfort, strong rear and financial stability. He needs a strong, strong-willed woman who will not only help him survive life's troubles, but also become protection. However, loving Cancer man Same ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of maintaining relationships.

In relations with women, the Cancer man shows great intelligibility, especially since the representatives of this sign understand women's nature like no one else. As for appearance, the ideal girl in their perception should have a number of advantages.

What appearance of a girl does a Cancer man like? She should be well-groomed, neatly, but not defiantly dressed and at the same time look sexy. As for the character, the Cancer man need a strong girl, self-confident, sociable and at the same time possessing spiritual subtlety to satisfy his need for understanding and accept him as he is.

A girl for a Cancer man should be well-groomed, neatly dressed

So, who is suitable for a Cancer man and what is his compatibility in love and marriage with other zodiac signs?

Partners by zodiac signCancer Man

Compatibility 43%

Aries has a too domineering character for the relationship to reach marriage, maximum - romantic relationship and passionate dates.

Taurus Compatibility 76%

This pair will make Good friends, but a successful union is also possible if they make every effort for this. True, Cancer will have to be responsible for everything related to the family: financial security, children, etc.

Twins Compatibility 40%

The signs are completely opposite in relation to life, and they will not have a successful union either in love or in marriage.

Cancer Compatibility 33%

Their relationship will not stand the test of time, as they are too similar, they require the same thing from a partner - attention, care, support and cannot receive them in full.

a lion Compatibility 28%

They do not suit each other either in temperament or in life aspirations, and although it is interesting for them to communicate, the marriage will not be strong.

Scales Compatibility 19%

Although they are interested in each other, but too different tempers and temperaments will not become the basis of true intimacy and harmonious marriage.

Capricorn Compatibility 23%

Despite the strong physical attraction, they differ too much in interests and needs to make a successful union.

Scorpion Compatibility 74%

In this union, Cancer will have to give more than receive, as the partner needs constant support. But they are very attracted to each other, so there are chances for a strong union.

Aquarius Compatibility 40%

The unpredictability of Aquarius and the vulnerability of Cancer will not allow them to create a harmonious union.

Fish Compatibility 86%

Both are signs of Water, they understand well, complement and support each other, they are not capable of long-term conflicts.

Virgo Compatibility 82%

Well complement each other in many ways, take care of the partner and understand him. A harmonious union is quite real.


Compatibility 51%

They attract each other with their opposites, but have little in common, since their goals and desires in love and life are different, so there are reasons for strong union No.

What is a Cancer Man in bed

The Cancer man is an excellent lover, sensual and emotional, who cares about satisfying not only his desire, but also the needs of his partner.

However, she will have to come to terms with the fact that he loves in bed not an experienced seductress, but rather an obedient student who will follow his explanations and instructions in everything.

Cancer prefers a cute shy girl in bed, not a bitchy girl

How to win a Cancer man and what tactics to choose

To please a Cancer man and fall in love with herself, a woman will need a lot of tact and tactical abilities. By flirting with him, she will draw his attention to herself, and flirting with another man, if this is the beginning of a relationship, will further strengthen this attention. However, do not overdo it: Cancer man well versed in female psychology and can figure out your maneuver. In addition, this sign is characterized by excessive jealousy, in love it is the owner.

A grateful response will find in him a woman's interest in him as a person, her ability to be an attentive listener. But if a woman wants to attract for Serious relationships Cancer man, then she will have to overcome many obstacles. Cancer men are very attached to their family. and are in no rush to get married. Moreover, in their opinion, it is the girl who should court them, and not vice versa.

However, it is worth fighting, because Cancer men are considered very good husbands and fathers

You need to show all your best qualities : charm, femininity, sense of humor and, not in last turn, their economic abilities, since Cancer really appreciates home comfort. And, of course, all the time to tell him about your love and about his exclusivity.

Cancer men are very attached to their family and are in no hurry to get married.

And one more point worth paying attention to: the Cancer man values ​​his family very much, parents and relatives, so do not immediately try to "recapture" it from the family - this process can take a long time, even after marriage.

Signs of falling in love with a Cancer guy and how they are expressed

How to understand that a Cancer guy is in love? Without any regret, he can leave a girl who does not suit him, because he is sure that others will immediately turn up. But if he falls in love, then the behavior of a lover cannot be confused with anything: he does not just confess his love, he shows his love, attention and sometimes excessive care in every way. The way the Cancer man takes care of his chosen one, other girls can only envy. However he doesn't like throwing money around, so even if he truly loves, he will not shower his chosen one with gifts, but she will still feel loved.

The Cancer man takes care of his chosen one very beautifully

How to behave with a Cancer man so as not to push him away

Those who are used to judging a person's character by appearance, it may surprise you what vulnerability and sensitivity are characteristic of Cancer men, outwardly so self-confident. The girl needs to behave in such a way that he is not offended by a tactless remark or a desire to certainly get into his soul.

The Cancer man reacts very painfully to criticism, so any critical remark should be made as tactfully and gently as possible.

If a Cancer man is offended, he will simply withdraw into himself, but if this happens regularly, then he may wonder if his chosen one suits him? more often give him attention, even small ones, it can not only surprise, but also touch him.

If a Cancer man is offended, you should show him signs of attention

The Cancer man wants to see next to him not " iron lady”, but a gentle, affectionate woman, as romantic as he is at heart. It is very important for her to try at the stage of courtship find mutual language with his parents because they occupy a special place in his soul, and he is very devoted to them.

How to keep a Cancer man

Because of his controversial nature, the Cancer man is prone to abrupt changes moods, but do not try to extort their reason from him - he simply ignores such questions, and his partner will have to guess about them herself.

To keep the Cancer man maximum delicacy is required and sensitivity. But a woman should also behave in such a way that he feels that there is some kind of mystery in her, so that she is not an open book for him.

Cancer man does not accept hysterical girls

If the relationship is already strong enough and, apparently, is moving towards marriage, and he suddenly began to disappear and does not call, you should not be shy, it is better to call yourself, but not to ask why he changed his attitude, but to tell about his emotions.

But it’s also not worth it to beat on pity, he loves women who are persistent and balanced, not prone to violent showdowns and scandals

How to get a Cancer man back? You can just wait until changeable mood black line will pass. If a woman feels guilty, then it is better for her to boldly admit it. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent a break in relations by arranging a showdown; the Cancer man cannot stand this.

What will marriage with a Cancer man be like?

If the Cancer man managed to find his soul mate, then marriage with him will be successful, unless, of course, the wife begins to take into account all the “pitfalls” of his character: sensitivity, resentment, emotional instability. Married Cancer - wonderful family man and caring father, which will provide the family with the financial stability they value so much.

He is a homebody and loves to eat deliciously, albeit without frills, so his wife definitely needs to master this area well household. He generally prefers that she take care of her family and home, rather than a career. To him psychological comfort is also important- mutual understanding, respect, sincerity and sincere affection, but he absolutely cannot stand scandals.

The Cancer man is very committed family values, among which parents, and especially his mother, occupy an important place

So you just need to get right with it right away. a good relationship and never speak negatively about her.

Cancer man will be a good father

However, the Cancer man has one unpleasant trait, which paradoxically gets along with the fact that he himself is very jealous and will not forgive betrayal. Himself he can easily change, but does not consider it something special - it is of interest to him physical proximity, but he loves only his wife and invariably returns to her. It's hard to come to terms with it, but that's how it works.

What to give a Cancer man so as not to disappoint him

A gift to a Cancer man must necessarily take into account his interests, as well as his status and occupation, at the same time it must be practical. It is best to give him something that he liked in the past, even if it's just a men's perfume. He will certainly be touched by hand-made - something that is made with his own hands, for example, a scarf or a sweater knitted with his own hands.

A good gift for a Cancer man will be an expensive perfume

Given the romantic string of his nature, as a gift, you can present a certificate for something unusual, or you can simply limit yourself to a good feast at a family celebration. The main thing is that he fully feel the love and care that he needs so much.

February 10, 2018


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