What does birch chaga look like. Chaga mushroom: useful properties, use in folk and traditional medicine

Coffee invigorates, gives strength and energy, stimulates work nervous system and raises the pressure. All this known facts but not everyone chooses to start their day with this drink. In this case, increase mental performance, get rid of the effect of drowsiness will help the use of a simple medicinal product Caffeine-sodium benzoate. However, first you should find out: what are the optimal dosages, contraindications or side effects, interaction with other drugs and average cost.

What is caffeine sodium benzoate

A xanthine derivative, a good psychostimulant nootropic agent - all this is about a simple medicine. Caffeine sodium benzoate. The drug is rapidly absorbed from digestive tract, transforms, and then moves through the body with blood flow, due to which the drug can achieve effectiveness within 30 minutes after ingestion. The maximum concentration of caffeine in the lymph is maintained for 3-5 hours, after which the metabolites are excreted along with the urine.

pharmachologic effect

Caffeine tablets are used as an effective stimulant of the nervous system. They act on excitation receptors, which increases mental and motor activity, drowsiness and apathy disappear. Caffeine benzoate reduces exposure drugs, reduces efficiency sleeping pills. After taking it, there is also an increase in cardiac activity, a rise blood pressure, increased heart rate.


The main active ingredient is a derivative - caffeine benzoate, the mass fraction of which is 0.2 grams. How auxiliary components added to the composition: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, calcium stearate, corn starch and povidone. If we consider the drug in solution, then it constituent parts will be:

  • caffeine sodium benzoate 200 mg;
  • sodium hydroxide solution pH 6.8-8.5 to 0.1 m;
  • liquid for injection with a mass fraction of up to 1 ml.

Release form

Caffeine is released in tablets strictly according to the doctor's prescription, and comes on the counter in several variations:

  • Small round tablets white color, in the center of which there is a dividing line. Packed pills of 10 pcs. or sold in blisters of 20 pcs. in a cardboard box.
  • For wholesale sales as a white powder packed in paper. Available in 3-5-10 kg.
  • As a solution for injection. Ampoules are located in plastic cells, the box is completed with a separate instruction for use.

Why take

As a rule, the drug is prescribed by doctors in case of deterioration in performance, complaints from the patient about lethargy or excessive drowsiness. However, the instructions for use say that caffeine sodium benzoate will help in the presence of the following diseases or violations:

  • severe migraines;
  • cardiovascular hypotension;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • low rate of reactions to external stimuli;
  • general weakness organism;
  • oppression;
  • persistent headaches (in combination with other medicines);
  • decrease in peripheral activity of the brain;
  • drowsiness;
  • child with enuresis.

For weight loss

However, on this positive properties medications are not running out. It is often used as effective remedy for weight loss. With this use, caffeine benzoate acts as a fat burner, which has a quick analeptic effect. Due to this property, coffee tablets are often used by athletes in bodybuilding, athletics or weightlifting or other power types sports, when the gained fat mass is not critical.

Under reduced pressure

Caffeine affects respiratory center, eliminates shortness of breath, facilitates the processes of gas exchange. However, the main advantage of its mechanism of action is the effect of stimulation of the vascular regions of the brain: sodium benzoate expands the walls blood vessels, tones and helps to reduce cerebral blood flow. Due to these properties, at low pressure, a noticeable increase in blood pressure is recorded, due to which it is recommended to drink the drug with hypotension.

Instructions for use Caffeine-sodium benzoate

Before using sodium benzoate, it is advisable to additionally consult a doctor. He will tell you in detail: how to take caffeine tablets, what doses to follow and how long to continue treatment. If this is not possible, then you should use general recommendations by application:

  • To improve performance, impact on the central nervous system, you need to drink 50-100 mg of Caffeine two to three times a day. The course of therapy is from two weeks to a month.
  • In the presence of severe headaches, spasms of cerebral vessels or migraines, it is necessary to drink caffeine sodium benzoate in the same dosage, but not longer than 2-3 days.
  • To eliminate unexpressed arterial hypotension adults are prescribed 50-80 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day.

Side effects

It should be clearly understood that caffeine sodium benzoate is not a universal drug, so you can use it strictly on the advice of a doctor and in limited doses. Otherwise, an overdose of the drug can lead to the appearance of:

  • dehydration;
  • pain in the intestines or stomach;
  • confusion of speech and consciousness;
  • arrhythmias;
  • frequent urination;
  • the appearance of increased anxiety;
  • increased headaches;
  • convulsions and spontaneous twitching of the limbs;
  • the occurrence of nausea, vomiting with blood;
  • ringing in the ears.

Besides, long-term use inside tablets Caffeine can be addictive, and if you refuse sodium benzoate, you will experience the following symptoms:

  • depression and apathy;
  • general state weaknesses;
  • muscle weakness;
  • the appearance of headaches;
  • drowsiness and irritability;
  • convulsions.

Subject to the prescribed doses, the effect of Caffeine is insignificant, passes without significant changes for the body. However, sometimes sodium benzoate can cause adverse reactions, among which:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • tachycardia;
  • sweating;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach;
  • increased headache;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle tension.


Among the indications, it is first worth noting a categorical ban on the intake of caffeine sodium for people with hypertension or children under 12 years of age. In addition, benzoate is not recommended in the presence of:

  • excessive excitability;
  • serious disorders of the central nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases of organic nature;
  • with increased individual sensitivity to caffeine;
  • tachycardia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hyperplasia;
  • insomnia;
  • glaucoma;
  • epilepsy;
  • if you are already taking cardiovascular tea or other blood pressure drinks.

With caution and only under the supervision of the attending physician, you can take the medicine during pregnancy, nursing mothers, people old age. During treatment with caffeine benzoate sodium, it is worth considering that simultaneous reception taking caffeine-containing drinks can lead to overdose or overstimulation of nerve endings in the brain.


The drug sodium benzoate is well combined with many drugs: atropine, bronchodilators, glycosides, analgesics, bromides. drug interaction is.

Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate- stimulant of the central nervous system.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. Caffeine enhances and regulates excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, enhances positive reflexes, and increases motor activity. This influence is transformed into an increase in mental and physical performance, reducing fatigue and drowsiness. The action of the drug in to a large extent depends on the type of higher nervous activity. In addition, the noted effects are dose-dependent, and in large doses caffeine can deplete nerve cells. The drug weakens the effect of hypnotics and narcotic drugs, increases reflex excitability spinal cord, excites the respiratory and vasomotor centers. Cardiac activity increases, myocardial contractions become more intense and become more frequent. The hypertensive effect of Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate is observed only in shock and collaptoid states. Diuresis under the influence of Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate is slightly increased (mainly due to a decrease in the reabsorption of electrolytes in the renal tubules). The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the inhibition of the phosphodiesterase enzyme by caffeine, leading to the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate inside the cells. The latter enhances glycogenolysis, stimulates metabolism in organs and tissues, including the central nervous system and muscles. An important link in the mechanism of the stimulating effect of the drug is the binding of caffeine to purine receptors in the brain.

Pharmacokinetics. The drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract. Easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. In the process of biotransformation, it undergoes demethylation and oxidation. It is excreted from the body with urine in the form of metabolites, a small part (about 8%) is unchanged. At healthy people after ingestion of 0.1 g of caffeine, the half-life is 3.9-5.3 hours, the maximum concentration is 1.58-1.76 mg / l. After 24 hours, caffeine is completely eliminated.

Indications for use Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate

Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate is used in diseases accompanied by depression of the functions of the central nervous system and of cardio-vascular system, hypotension, asthenic syndrome, with spasms of cerebral vessels (migraine), with (in combination with other drugs, for example, acetylsalicylic acid). The drug is prescribed if necessary to mobilize the reserves of the body, to increase mental and physical performance, eliminate drowsiness. In children, Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate is used for enuresis.

Dosage and administration

Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate is administered orally. Doses of the drug are selected individually. Apply 2-3 times a day. A single dose for adults inside is usually 0.1-0.2 g; for children from 5 to 14 years old, administered orally at a dose of 0.025-0.1 g 2-3 times a day. Higher doses for adults: single - 0.5 g, daily - 1.5 g.

Application features

In case of prolonged use, mental dependence may develop.

Side effects

When using (especially long-term) the drug may develop insomnia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, palpitations.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug is combined with cardiac glycosides, atropine, bronchodilators, analgesics, ergot alkaloids, bromides. Incompatible with MAO inhibitors (nialamide). It is an antagonist of narcotic, hypnotic and other substances that depress the central nervous system.


Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate is contraindicated in case of increased excitability, insomnia, pronounced increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis, organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, in the elderly, and in children under 5 years of age, with glaucoma.


In case of overdose, agitation, dizziness, rapid breathing, vomiting, trembling are observed. In cases of drug poisoning, the stomach is washed with a mixture of activated charcoal, oxygen therapy is prescribed; convulsions are eliminated with sibazon (diazepam).


Caffeine (Cofleinum)


Psychostimulant and analeptic , a derivative of methylxanthine.
Competitively blocks central and peripheral A1 and A2 adenosine receptors.
Inhibits PDE activity in the central nervous system, heart, smooth muscle organs, skeletal muscle ah, adipose tissue, promotes the accumulation of cAMP and cGMP in them ( this effect seen only at high doses). Stimulates the centers medulla oblongata(respiratory and vasomotor), as well as the n.vagus center, has a direct stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex.

In high doses, it facilitates interneuronal conduction in the spinal cord. enhancing spinal reflexes.
Increases mental and physical performance, stimulates mental activity, motor activity, shortens reaction time, temporarily reduces fatigue and drowsiness.

In small doses, the effect of stimulation predominates, and in large - the effect of depression of the nervous system.
Accelerates and deepens breathing. Usually it has a positive ino-, chrono-, batmo- and dromotropic effect (since the effect on the CCC consists of a direct stimulating effect on the myocardium and a simultaneous excitatory effect on the n.vagus centers, the resulting effect depends on the predominance of one or another action).
Stimulates the vasomotor center and has a direct relaxing effect on vascular wall, which leads to the expansion of the vessels of the heart, skeletal muscles and kidneys, while the tone cerebral arteries increases (causes vasoconstriction of the brain, which is accompanied by a decrease in cerebral blood flow and oxygen pressure in the brain).
Blood pressure changes under the influence of vascular and cardiac mechanisms of caffeine influence: with normal initial blood pressure, caffeine does not change or slightly increases it, and normalizes it with arterial hypotension.

Has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle(including bronchodilating effect), on the striated - stimulating.
Increases the secretory activity of the stomach.
Renders moderate diuretic action , which is due to a decrease in the reabsorption of sodium and water ions in the proximal and distal renal tubules, as well as the expansion of renal vessels and an increase in filtration in the renal glomeruli.
Reduces platelet aggregation and release of histamine from mast cells.
Increases basal metabolism: increases glycogenolysis, increases lipolysis.

Indications for

Diseases accompanied by depression of the central nervous system, functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems(including poisoning with opioid analgesics, infectious diseases);
- spasms of cerebral vessels;
- Decreased mental and physical performance;
- drowsiness.

Mode of application:

Enter s / c or take orally.
Adults- 100-200 mg 2-3 times / day; children- 25-100 mg 2-3 times / day.

Side effects:

From the CNS: sleep disturbance, agitation, anxiety; at long-term use possibly habituation.
From the side of the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, arrhythmias.
From the side digestive system : nausea, vomiting.


Arterial hypertension;
- organic diseases cardiovascular system (including severe atherosclerosis);
- glaucoma;
- increased excitability;
- sleep disorders;
- senile age;
- Children under 12 years of age.

other medicinal
by other means:

At simultaneous application the effect of sleeping pills and anesthetics decreases.
With simultaneous use, it is possible to enhance the action of antipyretic analgesics, salicylamide, naproxen.
With the simultaneous use of estrogens (hormonal contraceptives, HRT agents), it is possible to increase the intensity and duration of caffeine action due to inhibition of the CYP1A2 isoenzyme by estrogens.

With the simultaneous use of adenosine caffeine reduces increased heart rate and changes in blood pressure caused by adenosine infusion; reduces vasodilation due to the action of adenosine.
With simultaneous use, it is possible to increase the bioavailability, absorption rate and plasma concentration of acetylsalicylic acid.

With the simultaneous use of mexiletin reduces clearance of caffeine and increases its concentration in plasma, apparently due to inhibition of caffeine metabolism in the liver by mexiletine.
Methoxsalen reduces the excretion of caffeine from the body with a possible increase in its effect and the development of toxic effects.

Due to the induction of microsomal liver enzymes under the influence of phenytoin, with its simultaneous use, the metabolism and excretion of caffeine are accelerated.
Fluconazole and terbinafine cause a moderate increase in plasma caffeine concentrations., ketoconazole - less pronounced.

The most pronounced increase in AUC and decrease in clearance are observed with simultaneous use of caffeine with enoxacin, ciprofloxacin, pipemidic acid; less pronounced changes - with pefloxacin, norfloxacin, fleroxacin.
With simultaneous use, caffeine accelerates the absorption of ergotamine.


Carefully the drug should be used during pregnancy and lactation
Excessive use during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortions, deceleration prenatal development fetus, fetal arrhythmias; possible violations of the development of the skeleton when using large doses and slowing down the development of the skeleton against the background of lower doses.
Penetrates into breast milk in small quantities, but accumulated in infants and can cause hyperactivity and insomnia.


Symptoms: abdominal pain, agitation, anxiety, mental and motor agitation, confusion, delirium (dissociative), dehydration, tachycardia, arrhythmia, hyperthermia, frequent urination, headache, increased tactile or pain sensitivity, tremor or muscle twitches; nausea and vomiting, sometimes with blood; ringing in the ears, epileptic seizures (with acute overdose - tonic-clonic convulsions).
Caffeine in doses of more than 300 mg per day (including against the background of coffee abuse - more than 4 cups of natural coffee 150 ml each) can cause anxiety, headache, tremor, confusion, extrasystole.

Treatment: gastric lavage, use of laxatives, activated carbon.
If the patient has hemorrhagic gastritis, he is injected with antacids medicines and wash the stomach with a solution of sodium chloride 0.9%, support artificial ventilation of the lungs.
If convulsions occur during an overdose, diazepam, phenytoin, phenobarbital are administered intravenously, and water-electrolyte balance is maintained.

Release form:

Caffeine solution for s / c injection 100 mg / 1 ml, 200 mg / 2 ml, 400 mg / 2 ml in ampoules of 10 pcs.
Tablets 100 mg 6 or 10 tablets in a blister pack or 10 tablets in a blister pack. 1 or 2 blisters, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

At room temperature.
Keep out of the reach of children.

1 ampoule of Caffeine solution for s / c injection contains - caffeine sodium benzoate 200 mg.

1 ml caffeine-sodium benzoate solution for s / c and subconjunctival injection contains - caffeine sodium benzoate 200 mg.

1 ml caffeine-sodium benzoate solution for s / c injection contains -caffeine sodium benzoate 200 mg.

1 tabletCaffeine-sodium benzoate contains:
- active substance: caffeine sodium benzoate - 100 mg;
- Excipients: potato starch - 15.77 mg, calcium stearate - 0.23 mg.

Caffeine is probably the most well-known remedy to help fight fatigue. It is a strong psychostimulant that excites the nervous system. Caffeine is found in many medications, energy drinks, and energy drinks. Sodium caffeine benzoate is a derivative of methylxanthine. When it enters the body, it acts as a kind of brake on the activity of PDE enzymes - phosphodiesterases in adipose tissues, major organs, the central nervous system, and the heart. It also accumulates in high doses as cAMP and cGMP, special derivatives of adrenaline. Synthetic drug, which we are considering, available in tablets, is made from coffee seeds and tea leaves.

What is caffeine used for?

When using the product, it should be remembered that its small doses stimulate the NA, and large ones depress. It is taken to:
  • increase mental excitability;
  • improve mood;
  • reduce fatigue and delay its occurrence;
  • concentrate attention;
  • activate the fat burning process;
  • stimulate excretion more adrenaline;
  • increase muscle activity, maintain the potential of muscle membranes, accelerate calcium metabolism;
  • allow the muscles to more actively use such a source of nutrition as triglyceride during particularly intense workouts.
Usually, after its use, breathing quickens, becomes deeper, arterial tone increases and blood vessels dilate. Reduced pressure in the arteries returns to normal and may even rise slightly. The drug promotes the production of gastric juice, has a weak diuretic effect, dilates blood vessels in the kidneys, which increases filtration, slows down the process of platelet aggregation.

Instructions for use of caffeine tablets

In the instructions from the manufacturer and according to experts to drink this remedy possible throughout the day. The only exception is the evening for highly excitable people and the time before bedtime. Since after using this medicine it will be difficult to fall asleep. As for the dosage:
  1. Adults and adolescents can take the drug three times a day, 50-100 mg. The course of treatment from two weeks to three months It will help to increase efficiency and eliminate drowsiness.
  2. If you want to eliminate a sudden attack of headache and prevent its recurrence, then children over twelve years of age and adult patients are advised to drink 50-100 mg of the drug twice a day for three days.
  3. In the case of using a drug for the treatment of hypertension, it is recommended to take 50-100 mg for 2-3 weeks a day, three times.
In order to avoid unpleasant consequences that usually accompany an overdose, it is imperative not to exceed the maximum allowable daily allowance. Maximum dose, which can be taken at a time is 300 mg, you can drink no more than 1000 mg per day.

caffeine for weight loss

This drug is quite popular in the fight against excess weight, they speak positively about it. It allows you to achieve quite good results, especially if you take it, following a certain diet and playing sports. It is known that the dose that is recommended for NS stimulation will not be very effective for weight loss. To overweight gone, increase it. In order for the work of the heart to accelerate and the metabolic processes to become more intense, it is worth taking the medication no more than once a day before training. When using, follow these rules:
  1. Before each regular physical activity, drink 9-20 mg per kilogram of weight.
  2. For the most efficient Reception takes place half an hour before class.
In order not to arise undesirable consequences, but the result was visible, before starting the course it is worth consulting with a doctor or a professional nutritionist. Today, doctors advise basically starting a course with 2-3 milligrams of caffeine-sodium benzoate per kilogram of body weight, gradually increasing the rate and monitoring your well-being.

Side effects and contraindications of caffeine tablets

Before the beginning full course You should carefully monitor your reaction to the first use. If none negative consequences did not occur, then you do not have hypersensitivity or allergies to the components and you can continue therapy. TO side effects include:
  • feeling of anxiety, groundless anxiety;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disturbances, nightmares, general insomnia;
  • fatigue and feeling unwell;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • nasal congestion;
  • exacerbation of gastritis.
If you are in the middle of the course, its abrupt cancellation can lead to fatigue, depression, inhibition of reactions.

Apply this medicine not possible when:

  • acute diseases and chronic nature in the heart and blood vessels;
  • sleep problems and excessive excitability;
  • anxiety, regular stress;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergies and caffeine intolerance;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia.
It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and caution is advised for older people who have eye disease, signs of epilepsy, a tendency to seizures or convulsions. Nursing mothers and pregnant women at any time can drink this product only with a medical prescription.

Compatibility of caffeine with other drugs and substances

In general, these tablets are perfectly combined with various medicines, without affecting their properties in any way and keeping their own, but there are some exceptions:
  • Together with oral contraceptives, the activity of contraceptives remains the same, and caffeine decreases. It accumulates in the blood and is much more slowly excreted by the liver.
  • It shouldn't be taken with coffee. or other CNS stimulants. This can lead to hyperstimulation.
  • Calcium with a simultaneous course, it is worse absorbed in the stomach, which reduces its effectiveness.
  • sleeping pills and narcotic substances in combination with caffeine-sodium benzoate give a lesser effect. Thanks to him, cardiac glycosides are more actively absorbed, and lithium is excreted in the urine.
If for any reason you have overdosed or notice backfire from use, doctors advise urgently to wash the stomach, drink a laxative, then a large number of activated charcoal, it will help to remove the drug from the body.

The price of caffeine in tablets in Russia is 70 rubles, and in Ukraine an average of 20 hryvnia. More information about the stimulator in the video below:

Translate into Russian:



fluffy speech: caffeine-benzoate sodium;

1 tablet of sodium caffeine-benzoate (for 100% dry speech) - 200 mg;

additional speeches: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, povidone, calcium stearate.

Pharmaceutical form


The main physical and chemical authorities: tablets are round, white in color, with a flat surface, bevelled edges and a notch.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Psychostimulants, used for zastosuvannya in the syndrome of impaired respect and hyperactivity (ADHD), and nootropic diseases. Get rid of xanthine. ATX code N06B C01.

Pharmacological authorities


Caffeine-sodium benzoate is important as a stimulant of the central nervous system.

The mechanism of this drug is based on the inhibition of the caffeine enzyme phosphodiesterase, which leads to the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the middle of cells. The rest potentiates glycogenolysis, stimulating metabolism in organs and tissues, including the central nervous system and m "sense. An important note in the mechanism of the stimulating effect of the drug is the stimulus of caffeine with purine receptors in the brain.

Caffeine influences and regulates the process of awakening in the cerebral cortex, strengthens positive reflexes, promotes ruddy activity. These effects are dose-dependent, to reduce the increase in rosum and physical activity, the change in volume and drowsiness. In high doses of caffeine, it can lead to the exhaustion of nerve cells.

The drug weakens the effect of sleep and narcotic effects, increases the reflex wakefulness of the spinal cord, stimulates the distal and vascular centers. Under the injection of the drug, the heart rate increases, the frequency of the heart rates rises.

Under the influence of caffeine-benzoate sodium, diuresis is increased (the main reason is through a change in the reabsorption of electrolytes in the nirk tubules).


The drug is well absorbed from the herbal tract. Equally rozpodіlyaєtsya in organisms. Easily penetrates the blood-brain crisis. It penetrates the placenta and is excreted in breast milk. During the process of biotransformation, demethylation and oxidation occur. The period of drinking is 3-7 years. looking at metabolites, a small part (about 8% ) - at the imminent look.


  • Infectious and other illnesses that are accompanied by depression of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • spasm of vessels of the brain;
  • drowsiness;
  • promotion of pink and physical practicality.


  • Increased sensitivity to caffeine, other xanthines (theophylline, theobromine) or to any component of the drug;
  • increased alertness;
  • sleeplessness;
  • manifestation of arterial pressure increase, arterial hypertension;
  • organic disease of the cardiovascular system (including hostile myocardial infarction, paroxysmal tachycardia, atherosclerosis);
  • glaucoma;
  • a century later 60 years.

Interactions with other medical procedures and other types of interactions

One-hour infusion of caffeine-benzoate sodium from:

  • ;MAO inhibitors, furazolidone, procarbazine і selegiline- can cause the development of unsafe cardiac arrhythmias or a pronounced increase in the arterial pressure;
  • ;barbiturates, primidone, anti-sudoma drugs (similar to hydantoin, especially phenytoin) - increased metabolism and increased clearance of caffeine;
  • ;ketoconazole, disulfiram, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, enoxacin, pipemidic acid- can cause increased caffeine intake and an increase in its concentration in the blood;
  • ;cimetidine, hormonal contraceptives, isoniazid- stronger di caffeine;
  • ;fluvoxamine– increase in caffeine level in blood plasma;
  • ;mexiletin– reduction of caffeine intake by 50%;
  • ;nicotine– increased freshness of caffeine consumption;
  • ;methoxsalen- a change in the excretion of caffeine from the body with possible exacerbation of the yoga effect and the development of toxic disease;
  • ;clozapine- increased concentration of clozapine in the blood;
  • ;theophylline and others xanthines- reduced clearance of these drugs, increased risk of additive pharmacodynamic and toxic effects;
  • ;β-blockers- can lead to mutual aggravation of therapeutic effects;
  • ;thyrotropic methods- improvement of thyroid effect;
  • ;opioid analgesics, anxiolytics, sleepy and sedative methods- reduced effect of these drugs;
  • drugs lithium- zbіlshennya vyvedennya litіyu z section;
  • drugs calcium- reduced absorption of these drugs;
  • ;cardiac glycosides– accelerated soaking, increased dilution and increase in the toxicity of cardiac glycosides;
  • ;analgesics-antiretics– strengthening their effect;
  • ;ergotamine- reduction of the soaking of ergotamine from the herbal tract;
  • ;go away xanthine, α- and β-adrenergic agonists, psychostimulants– potentiation of their effects.

Caffeine as an antagonist aids for anesthesia and others preparations that affect the central nervous system, competitive antagonist preparations for adenosine, ATP.

Drink the same drugs that avenge caffeine, with a total intake of the drug, can lead to supramundane stimulation of the central nervous system. High doses of caffeine can cause trembling and palpitations. Patients should follow the uniqueness of supra-world living kawi or tea.


When the drug is ingested, it is necessary to avoid the supraworld administration of caviar, mycium tea, other tonic drugs, alcohol and medicinal drugs, which should be avenged by caffeine.

In the mood of a trivial zastosuvannya to the drug, a possible development of mental staleness. Rizke pripinennya likuvannya lead to a stronger galvanization of the central nervous system (drowsiness, depression).

It is possible for the drug to lie in a significant world depending on the type of nervous system, and it can manifest itself as an awakening, as well as a galvanization of the greater nervous activity.

Caffeine can be the cause of a toxic increase in blood sechoic acid, which is determined by the Bittner method.

Caffeine can increase the levels of 5-hydroxyindolocytic acid (5-HIAA), vanillylmigdalic acid (VMA) and catecholamines in the section, which can lead to positive results in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and neuroblastoma.

To save the drug for patients with a history of dyspepsia and duodenal ulcer.

The drug is to eliminate lactose. Patients with rare spontaneous forms of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome should not take the drug.

Stagnation in the period of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The drug is contraindicated in the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Zdatnіst vplivat on shvidkіst reaction when keruvannya motor transport or other mechanisms.

Docks will not be explained by the patient's individual response to the drug, which should be minimized by motor transport or by other mechanisms, healing, which can lead to side reactions from the side of the central nervous system .

Method of stosuvannya that dose

Stop internally 2-3 times for extraction. A single dose for grown-ups should be 100-200 mg.

Vishcha single dose - 500 mg, vishcha dobova dose - 1 g.

For children of age 12 years old, it is indicated at a dose of 100 mg 2-3 times per day.

The main additional dose for children is 500 mg.

The dose of the drug and the course of treatment are set individually depending on the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy.


Caffeine-benzoate sodium in tablets is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age.


Symptoms: gastralgia, agitation, anxiety, anxiety, confusion, confusion, delirium, fever, tachycardia, arrhythmias, hyperthermia, increased frequency of secretions, headache, increased tactile abo painful sensitivity, tremor or m'yazovі smikuvannya; boredom and vomit, sometimes with houses of blood; dzvіn vuhah, sudomy attacks (with acute overdose - tonic-clonic sudomi).

Likuvannya: rinsing of the hose, recognition of enterosorbents, support of ventilation of the lungs and oxygenation; with sudominny attacks - intravenously diazepam, phenobarbital or phenytoin; support for the balance of radin and salts; hemodialysis. There is no specific antidote.

Side reactions

Nervous system: agitation, anxiety, tremor, restlessness, headache, confusion, m'yazovі smikuvannya, judgment attacks, increased reflexes, tachypnea, sleeplessness; in case of raptovіy vіdminі - aggravation of galvanization of the central nervous system with the appearance of a noticeable increase in somnolence, drowsiness, m'yazovy tension, depression.

Cardiovascular system: visible embossing at the breasts, visible heartbeat, tachycardia, arrhythmias, arterial twitching.

grass tract: boredom, vomit, diarrhea, disease of the disease.

Sechovidilna system: an increase in the frequency of intercourse, an increase in creatinine clearance, an increase in sodium and calcium excretion.

Immune system: can show reactions of hypersensitivity, incl. shkirnі hanging, sverbіzh, kropivyanka, angioedema, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Laboratory indications: possible increase in blood sicic acid, as determined by the Bittner method, hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia, insignificant increase

5-hydroxyindoloctic acid (5-HIAA), vanillylmigdaleic acid (VMA) and catecholamines in section.

Other: nasal congestion, with trivial congestion - a decrease in the effect of caffeine, which is associated with the establishment of new adenosine receptors, drug staleness.

The term of appurtenance

Wash away the savings

In original packaging at a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Take away in a place inaccessible to children.


10 tablets per blister, 1 blister per pack; 10 tablets in a blister.

Admission category

For a prescription.


Public joint-stock company "Science and chemistry center "Borshchagivsky chemical-pharmaceutical plant".

Partnership with a fenced-in supply "Agrofarm".

Mіstseznahodzhennya virobnik i yogo address mіstsya provadzhennya dіyalnostі

Ukraine, 03134, m. Kiev, st. Mira, 17.

Ukraine, 08200, Kiev region, m. Irpin, st. Central, 113-A.


By medical use medicinal product




active substance: caffeine-sodium benzoate;

1 tablet contains caffeine-sodium benzoate (in terms of 100% dry matter) - 200 mg;

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, povidone, calcium stearate.

Dosage form. Pills.

Main physicochemical characteristics: pills round shape, white, with a flat surface with bevelled edges and a risk.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Psychostimulants, agents for use in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and nootropics. xanthine derivatives. ATX code N06B C01.

Pharmacological properties


Caffeine-sodium benzoate is used primarily as a stimulant of the central nervous system.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the inhibition of the phosphodiesterase enzyme by caffeine, leading to the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate inside the cells. The latter enhances glycogenolysis, stimulates metabolism in organs and tissues, including the central nervous system and muscles. An important link in the mechanism of the stimulating effect of the drug is the binding of caffeine to purine receptors in the brain.

Caffeine enhances and regulates excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, enhances positive reflexes, and increases motor activity. These effects are dose-dependent, improve mental and physical performance, reduce fatigue and drowsiness. In very high doses, caffeine can deplete nerve cells.

The drug weakens the effect of sleeping pills and narcotic drugs, increases the reflex excitability of the spinal cord, excites the respiratory and vasomotor centers. Under the influence of the drug, cardiac activity increases, the heart rate increases.

Under the influence of caffeine-sodium benzoate, diuresis is slightly increased (mainly

due to a decrease in the reabsorption of electrolytes in the renal tubules).


The drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract. Evenly distributed in the body. Easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. It crosses the placenta and is excreted into breast milk. In the process of biotransformation, it undergoes demethylation and oxidation. The half-life is 3-7 hours. It is excreted from the body with urine and feces in the form of metabolites, a small part (about 8%) is unchanged.

clinical characteristics.


  • Infectious and other diseases accompanied by depression of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • drowsiness;
  • increasing mental and physical performance.


  • Hypersensitivity to caffeine, other xanthine derivatives (theophylline, theobromine) or to any of the components of the drug;
  • increased excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • pronounced increase in blood pressure, arterial hypertension;
  • organic diseases of the cardiovascular system (including acute myocardial infarction, paroxysmal tachycardia, atherosclerosis);
  • glaucoma;
  • age over 60 years.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions.

Simultaneous use of caffeine-sodium benzoate with:

  • ;MAO inhibitors, furazolidone, procarbazine and selegiline- can cause the development of dangerous cardiac arrhythmias or a pronounced increase in blood pressure;
  • ;barbiturates, primidone, anticonvulsants (hydantoin derivatives, especially phenytoin)- increased metabolism and increased clearance of caffeine;
  • ;ketoconazole, disulfiram, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, enoxacin, pipemidic acid- may cause a slowdown in the excretion of caffeine and an increase in its concentration in the blood;
  • ;cimetidine, hormonal contraceptives , isoniazid- enhancing the effect of caffeine;
  • ;fluvoxamine– increase in the level of caffeine in the blood plasma;
  • ;mexiletin- 50% reduction in caffeine excretion;
  • ;nicotine– increase in the rate of caffeine excretion;
  • ;methoxsalen- decrease in the excretion of caffeine from the body with a possible increase in its effect and the development of a toxic effect;
  • ;clozapine- an increase in the concentration of clozapine in the blood;
  • ;theophylline and others xanthines- a decrease in the clearance of these drugs, an increase in the risk of additive pharmacodynamic and toxic effects;
  • ;β-blockers– can lead to mutual suppression of therapeutic


  • ;thyrotropic agents- increased thyroid effect;
  • ;opioid analgesics, anxiolytics, sleeping pills And sedatives - reducing the effect of these drugs;
  • drugs lithium- increased excretion of lithium in the urine;
  • drugs calcium- reduced absorption of these drugs;
  • ;cardiac glycosides- acceleration of absorption, increased action and increased toxicity of cardiac glycosides;
  • ;analgesics-antipyretics- strengthening their effect;
  • ;ergotamine– improved absorption of ergotamine in the digestive tract;
  • ;xanthine derivatives, α- and β-agonists, psychostimulants- potentiation of their effects.

Caffeine is an antagonist drugs for anesthesia and others drugs that depress the central nervous system, a competitive antagonist drug adenosine, ATP.

Drinks and medicines containing caffeine, when used together with the drug, may lead to excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. High doses caffeine can cause tremors and palpitations. Patients should avoid overuse coffee or tea.

Application features

When using the drug, avoid excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea, other tonic drinks, alcohol and medicines containing caffeine.

In the case of prolonged use of the drug may develop mental addiction. Abrupt discontinuation of treatment leads to increased inhibition of the central nervous system (drowsiness, depression).

The action of the drug largely depends on the type of nervous system and can be manifested by both excitation and inhibition of higher nervous activity.

Caffeine can cause a false increase uric acid in blood determined by the Bittner method.

Caffeine can increase urinary levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), and catecholamines, which can lead to false positives in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and neuroblastoma.

Use with caution in patients with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in history.

The preparation contains lactose. Patients with rare hereditary forms galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome should not use this drug.

Use during pregnancy or lactation.

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy or lactation.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms.

Until the patient's individual response to the drug is clarified, one should refrain from driving motor vehicles or other mechanisms, given that adverse reactions from the central nervous system may occur during treatment.

Dosage and administration

Apply inside 2-3 times a day. A single dose for adults is 100-200 mg.

The highest single dose is 500 mg, the highest daily dose- 1 year

Children from 12 years of age should be prescribed at a dose of 100 mg 2-3 times a day.

The highest daily dose for children is 500 mg.

The dose of the drug and the course of treatment are set by the doctor individually, depending on the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy.


Caffeine-sodium benzoate tablets are not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age.


Symptoms: gastralgia, agitation, anxiety, restlessness, confusion, delirium, dehydration, tachycardia, arrhythmias, hyperthermia, increased frequency of urination, headache, increased tactile or pain sensitivity, tremor or muscle twitching; nausea and vomiting, sometimes with an admixture of blood; ringing in the ears, convulsive seizures (with acute overdose - tonic-clonic convulsions).

Treatment: gastric lavage, administration of enterosorbents, maintenance of lung ventilation and oxygenation; at seizures- intravenous diazepam, phenobarbital or phenytoin; maintaining the balance of fluid and salts; hemodialysis. There is no specific antidote.

Adverse reactions

Nervous system: agitation, anxiety, tremor, restlessness, headache, dizziness, muscle twitching, seizures, increased reflexes, tachypnea, insomnia; with sudden cancellation - increased inhibition of the central nervous system with the appearance of a feeling fatigue, drowsiness, muscle tension, depression.

The cardiovascular system: feeling of squeezing in the chest, palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure.

Digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Urinary system: increased frequency of urination, increased creatinine clearance, increased excretion of sodium and calcium.

The immune system: possible manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions, incl. skin rashes, itching, urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Laboratory indicators: Maybe false boost uric acid in the blood, determined by the method of Bittner, hypoglycemia / hyperglycemia, a slight increase

5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and catecholamines in urine.

Other: nasal congestion, with prolonged use - a decrease in the effect of caffeine, which is associated with the formation of new adenosine receptors in brain cells, drug dependence.

Best before date

Storage conditions

In original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.

Keep out of the reach of children.


10 tablets in a blister, 1 blister in a pack; 10 tablets in a blister.


public Joint-Stock Company"Scientific and production center" Borshchagovsky chemical-pharmaceutical plant ".

Limited Liability Company "Agrofarm".

Location of the manufacturer and its address of the place of business.

Ukraine, 03134, Kyiv, st. Mira, 17.

Ukraine, 08200, Kiev region, Irpen, st. Central, 113-A.



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