The horoscope for September 2016 for Cancer says that the world order has apparently gone crazy. Representatives of this zodiac sign will suddenly realize with surprise that everything they are used to, everything standard solutions, moves - all this stopped functioning.
The thing is that the gentleman's set of standard reactions is not enough. The stars advise Cancer to look at the situation from a different angle.
The horoscope for September 2016 predicts cardinal changes for Cancers in their lives (change of job, housing, social status). Cancer has no idea what this is about, but half or even a whole month can pass in dreams of a wonderful future.

Representatives of this zodiac sign for September 2016 will need patience and the ability to visualize utopian pictures of their wonderful future. Pinker glasses wouldn't hurt either.
Either thanks to or in spite of this, the energy of Cancer in September 2016 will be downright destructive for any technology.
In his presence, the computer will freeze, the coffee maker will break down, cars will get into accidents. Cancer, of course, will blame this on chance and coincidences.

Horoscope for Cancer men for September 2016

Cancer men in September 2016 will not grab stars from the sky: this is not so for him, and this is not that way. Take a capricious child, multiply it by 10. Get a Cancer man in September 2016. Miracles in the financial sector can only be expected from Cancer collectors (or promising heirs) - yes, yes, a Cancer man will not be able to work again.

Horoscope for Cancer women for September 2016

Cancer women, unlike Cancer men, will take care of business. Let your companion grumble in the evenings - in return, give him the comfort of home. Older relatives and friends are looking for your attention - give them what they want.
Be quieter at turns closer to the middle of the month (September 13-14), especially with your husband’s relatives: critical situations and conflicts are possible. The last 10 days of September will give a bit of bouquet and candy romance not only to single Cancer Women, but also to those who are safely ringed.

Finance horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

The financial horoscope for Cancers for September 2016 says that everything will be quite normal with money. However, the stars say that it would be nice to save a penny or two. By the end of the month, the need for this will dry up, but efforts are needed on the part of Cancer. Otherwise nothing will change.
And by the way: the stars warn Cancers against any borrowed money in September 2016. Under no circumstances, do not borrow, do not apply for a loan, and do not take out a mortgage for anything!
Remember, the stars say, you assess the current financial circumstances too rosy (even if you withdraw your money for the sake of money) pink glasses!). All borrowed money will have to be repaid. And it’s not a fact that you will have the strength and capabilities to do this.

Career horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

September 2016 is quite merciful to Cancer. Everything will be fine with your job (they might even get a promotion). Even incomes, unexpectedly, can increase.
In September 2016, a lot of opportunities open up for Cancers (the very ones that were so lacking in recent months).
Representatives of this sign, with surprise, may receive a promotion. If so, you can even expect an increase in your salary.
But don't think that everything is so rosy. September 2016 promises a clash with management and/or colleagues (some unpleasant story will come to light, and Cancer will be involved in it to the very top). Kick them out - they won’t kick you out, but they will spoil your nerves (and Cancer is so impressionable!), and quite a bit.
September 2016, unexpectedly for Cancer, will offer not just a promotion, but a jump in career career ladder. Moreover, several steps up. Motivated (either by a companion or by older relatives), Cancer, unexpectedly for everyone, will become something like a bulldog, tearing everyone’s throats in a fight for the most delicious bone.

Motivated Cancer - horrible power. Fear him, other zodiac signs.
No matter how cool everything is, but remember, dear Cancers, everyone and every action you take is closely watched (otherwise you wouldn’t have decided to promote!)
If Cancer works on a contract basis, then the main thing (in September 2016) is that the client believes in his own, personal, unique vision.
Then, perhaps, he will even pay Cancer what is due.
The Cancer boss in September 2016 should be very tough. Otherwise, no one will want to work.
Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Cancers: September 23 - 25.

Love horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

The amorous affairs (and personal life) of Cancer in September 2016 will take place away from annoying witnesses. You will be able to move out from (parents/relatives/friends - underline as appropriate).
The stars prophesy wild passion for lonely Cancers (they just advise not to advertise it!).

Health horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

If any of the zodiac signs is ready to be treated by healers and sorcerers, it is Cancer. But that's not funny. It turns out that in September 2016, Cancer will be right!

As for the zodiac sign Cancer, in September 2016 people born under this thoroughly positive and cheerful sign will experience a slight decrease in overall dynamics and vitality. Although in this case we're talking about about the natural and predictable features of a particular time stage, and this moment does not depend on you personally, even to a minimal extent. Regarding the star combinations that will form “around” your particular sign, we can say the following. Jupiter, the exaltant of Cancer, will maintain its position and continue to supply you vital energy. The Moon, the ruling planet of your sign, will be strengthened. But not enough to cope with the growing negativity of Saturn, which is responsible for the “expulsion” of Cancer. But for Mars, which in its usual position is responsible for the “fall” of this sign, the situation will be exactly the opposite. Firstly, he will change the modality of his energy flows. And secondly, it will easily “overpower” the influence of Saturn. The situation will not be the easiest to understand, but the important thing is that in general we are talking about clearly positive impact, which will be obtained after summing all the above points. There is no reason to panic or change anything radically, and even if at the beginning of the month you feel that you are losing ground, do not rush to resort to drastic measures. This is a general trend and it must be said that you, Cancers, are in a clearly advantageous position in this regard, because not all signs are so lucky with patrons.

At the same time, in the work area in September 2016, Cancer should be a little careful. However, this is not a rule at all, but rather a recommendation, desirable, but not at all mandatory. It is important to understand the specifics of the moment, positive side which is that you will know exactly your “enemies”, which is called “in person”. They won’t particularly hide, or rather, of course, they will, but nothing will come of it; they are bad conspirators, to say the least! But their actions will turn out to be much more productive - for them, and not for you. This means that you will have to act differently than usual. Cancer in general is a fairly straightforward, “simple” and largely trusting sign. In September, all these qualities, to put it mildly, will not play into your hands, from which the conclusion follows - you will have to quickly accept a fundamentally new experience and change your line of behavior for a while. You will not be required to undergo a total personality restructuring, and all this, I repeat, will be temporary. Just be more cunning than your opponents, act “one step forward”, but in no case use the dishonest methods that they use. It won't suit you.

Regarding the “love front,” it is worth definitely noting that the zodiac sign Cancer in September 2016 will become a participant in a number of funny situations that will not be erased from the memory of your friends and loved ones for a long time. Just be yourself and don’t try to prove something to anyone, even if they impose a similar line of behavior on you. Do not move in the same direction in which the general flow is carrying you, resist it with all your might, and even if in the end you find yourself in the same place as everyone else, you can rest assured that your efforts were not in vain. In relationships with your “other half,” be gentler. In general, perhaps you lack openness - you and your passion. Think about this, and also about the fact that you are not alone in this sign, and sometimes your selfishness takes on noticeable outlines. However, it’s never too late to fix everything, so, as they say, put your feet up and go ahead! Don’t be shy to apologize and show sincere feelings, sometimes it’s worth a thousand words and even a thousand deeds.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for September 2016 for the zodiac sign Cancer, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Cancer. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Cancer sign: Personal horoscopes for the Cancer sign:

In September 2016, the surprise of Cancers will know no bounds, because the proven schemes that they have been using for many years will suddenly stop working, and perhaps representatives of your Zodiac sign will simply want to try something new. The horoscope for September warns that Cancers may abandon many principles and habits at the beginning of autumn, since they have already outgrown their previous level. If a chance comes along the way to change everything, you should take it. On the love front, Cancers will be winners - romance and passion will be pursued throughout the month. Finally, there will be an opportunity to be alone with your significant other and sort things out. Work will not make Cancers bored: many interesting projects will appear that representatives of your zodiac sign will enjoy. This best time for any endeavor.

The first ten days of September 2016 will pass under the auspices of Jupiter in the zodiac constellation Virgo, so in the professional sphere everything will turn out favorably. Representatives of your zodiac sign will succeed in everything, perhaps increasing the chances of finding Good work or start earning decent money. Advancement up the career ladder will not depend on what level Cancer is at: an unexpected and lucrative job offer may come. Even if someone puts a spoke in your wheels, this will not affect your desire to rise higher. The month cannot be called easy, since the bosses will constantly monitor the work of Cancers, and businessmen will be tormented by inspections. But, if you don’t worry too much, September will end happily.

In the second ten days of September 2016, the opposition of Jupiter to Saturn will bring harmony to love life Rakov. Finally, you will be able to retire with your loved one - rent or buy an apartment, get rid of annoying neighbors. Now you can enjoy your life together, and no one will interfere with this. Single Cancers may get a chance to have a whirlwind romance - they will not bring the relationship to the public eye yet, but no one forbids enjoying life. A family Cancers will be able to cause dissatisfaction in their loved one with constant jealousy and manifestation of the possessive instinct. Don’t worry if your loved one stays with friends – these are circumstances, not a pattern.

The third ten days of September 2016 will pass under the auspices of the planet Neptune - the health of Cancers will not cause concern. It's time to get busy unconventional methods treatment or start strengthening the immune system, hair, nails with the help of herbs and infusions. If representatives of your zodiac sign are accustomed to such a practice, there is no need to abandon it - every day their health will only improve. On September 26 and 29, it is better to take care of yourself - you can catch a cold or get injured. If Cancers haven’t been on vacation before September, then now it’s definitely not worth taking it, because the time has come for important things. If you need a rest, a weekend out of town will suffice.

In September 2016, the life of Cancers will resemble a walk under a bird's nest. It doesn’t matter at what speed, what shoes you’re wearing and what luggage you’re walking with, you still won’t be able to predict whether the birds will crap on you this time or not. At the beginning of autumn, little depends on us, but this is not a reason to despair and take root on the couch, trying to remain clean and unsullied. When circumstances require determination or risk, Cancer must, gritting his teeth, move forward, even if he is scared and uncomfortable. Lady Luck will not wait until you pluck up courage or buy a protective spacesuit; once you reject her offer, this frivolous lady will find herself a new favorite. Thank God, our horoscope knows how to turn a not-so-pleasant situation to our advantage. The answer is simple: the right attitude. Yes, you are not able to study the feeding schedule of birds, calculate the average flock size and calculate optimal time and route, but you can calmly change your attitude to the situation. If something unpleasant drips onto a freshly ironed shirt, then think that this is a sign from above, promising money, a wedding, or a gift in the form of a cute raccoon. In September, children of Water should install a limiter in the brain on the production of negativity, because it increased content in the body can poison the brightest days. Cancers who continue to overreact to current events (be it a breakup with a loved one or a hole in the last clean sock) risk ending up in social isolation, because the rest of the zodiac signs will not want to communicate with such a gloomy and pessimistic type.

People who will meet their love at the beginning of autumn should not trumpet this at all corners, putting a photo of their partner on the phone display and choosing romantic statuses in in social networks. Excessive sentimentality is frightening in our time, reminding us of films about maniacs, where main character at first he is all sweet, gentle and caring, but at the first refusal he gets out of his pocket sharp knife and begins to chase his beloved around an abandoned house. If you do not want to scare your loved one with excessive assertiveness, then do not rush things. The second danger that awaits hasty Cancers is human gossip. Believe me, any flaw seems larger when viewed through a microscope with a couple of dozen eyes, and this is exactly what outside observers do with novels. In September 2016, do not let strangers interfere with your feelings and do not discuss personal issues with them.

In work, the horoscope advises Cancer to try on the role of a stone idol. No, we do not call on representatives of this zodiac sign to demand worship and sacrifices from those around them, but we are talking about the impartiality and endurance of the ancient gods. The coming month is full of temptations and temptations, but every third apple at the beginning of autumn will turn out to be wormy. If you do not want to dilute your diet with half a worm, then do not swallow the offered gifts in two bites, but take a closer look at the giver. It is quite possible that behind the sweet promises of super-profits and fervent assurances of the stability of the enterprise lies an ordinary adventure or a financial pyramid. The goal of people is not to make you rich, but to get rich yourself, so in September, review the incoming offers a hundred times to make sure that you really have a share and your partner will not throw you overboard as soon as you invest in the project. Cancers who do not chase easy money and do not believe unfounded statements will be able to make good money at the beginning of autumn. Businessmen of this zodiac sign do not necessarily have to chase two hares throughout the forest; it is enough to choose the most well-fed one and, with the assistance of colleagues, surround the long-eared one from all sides. Believe me, Lady Fortune is generous, so there will be enough meat for all participants in the hunt. The main thing is that the children of Water do not lie down under the nearest bush, hiding from predators, ticks and the scorching sun, otherwise they will definitely be late for the division of the spoils and will not get a bone. At the beginning of autumn, show enthusiasm and inspiration in your affairs, then no one will doubt your right to a bonus and promotion. September 2016 is the time to play as a team, and our horoscope for Cancers is calm, because claw-shaped people know how to act in the collective interests with maximum benefit for themselves!

Attention, the Cancer horoscope for the month of September 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. To have full picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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The stars foretell a rather favorable month for Cancer's personal life. Until September 23, 2016, the planet of love Venus is in the Cancer family sector, so you will devote yourself to family worries and troubles. Great importance has communication with relatives; in love affairs they can play an important role.

The time is more suitable for privacy with your lover alone at home than for meetings in public or in noisy companies. In general, no upheavals due to love and relationships are expected during this period, but this is for the best, because Cancers do not like the unknown. Those of you who decide to try something new will think twice before taking further steps. But if you are ready for adventure, you need to act very quickly. Lady Luck favors the brave.

On September 9, 2016, Jupiter, known as the planet of great happiness, moves into the sector of the Cancer family. Jupiter will remain here until October 2017, its influence will be beneficial for everything related to the family. Together with your spouse or loved one, you can successfully resolve issues related to home and family: renovations, major purchases, renting a home, or even moving. Perhaps you will be working on plans for real estate. There is a possibility of receiving help from relatives in some form. The energies of Jupiter will bring more harmony to family relationships. Use this period if you need to discuss serious topics or find ways to reconcile.

After September 23, 2016, when Venus moves into Cancer's house of love, your personal life noticeably perks up. Opportunities for love and romance are becoming more frequent, and in many cases you will find it difficult to say no. If you are looking for love, take a closer look at the people around you; your soul mate may be closer than you think. Do not avoid new acquaintances and invitations; one of them may turn out to be exactly what you have been waiting for for so long.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for September 2016

The first month of autumn focuses on matters related to real estate, construction, and land. Eat good chances resolve them to your advantage. A successful period awaits those who work in these areas.

If you are planning to change your job or start a new career, then the time is not quite right, since the period promotes stability, but not change. The stars advise you to postpone this until the end of the year, then you will feel more confident in the future.

This month there are two eclipses that will affect representatives of your sign. Solar eclipse September 1, 2016 takes place in the Cancer house of communications, it begins the process of reviewing previous actions and completing previous projects. It is important to pay off old debts, both literally and figuratively, then you can bring your future goals closer. For success in your career and business, studies, connections and contacts with new people will play a decisive role.

The Lunar Eclipse on September 16, 2016 occurs in the ninth house of Cancer, expanding your views of the world. Perhaps you are going on a trip for business or educational purposes. Inspiring ideas may come to you, and everything seems within your power. However, the stars advise you to remember that you are the same person as everyone else. Soar to new heights, but don't take on too much. Evaluate your new ideas rationally before you tell others about them.

The last ten days of the month will bring more openness, creativity and even more luck. At work, you will be able to stand out and make a good impression on management and colleagues. A particularly successful period awaits those who are engaged in creative activities and work with children.

The financial situation for Cancer is not bad, although in the days close to the eclipses of September 1 and 16, it is not recommended to make serious financial transactions, make large purchases, etc. There is a possibility of deception in financial matters, but Cancers, who have fine intuition, will not have any difficulty in unraveling the intentions of dishonest people of people.


Your state of health can cause concern, because Mars and Saturn are located in your house of health, which is not a good omen. It is recommended to be more cautious than usual. Not excluded acute diseases and injuries due to haste and carelessness.

There is a wide variety of options awaiting you, but you don't have to use all of them. Choose your priorities!

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