How to tell a guy that we are not suitable. A blow to pride and self-esteem

Probably, each of us in childhood dreamed of a handsome prince on a white horse and fairy-tale love. So you grow up, meet a nice guy, go out with him and spend a lot of time. But at some point you realize that he is not the person you have been waiting for all this time. Unfortunately, this happens in relationships when love suddenly cracks, when feelings that lasted for a long time turn out to be wrong.

And then questions arise: “How to tell a guy that we are breaking up? How to tell him this sad news so as to cause minimal pain? In this post we will give you useful tips that will help you get out of this difficult situation.

What's the best way to tell a guy you're breaking up?

Of course, the easiest way to tell a guy about breaking up is via SMS or through a social network. This is really the most easy way, since you won’t have to look him in the eyes and tell him this sad news, while knowing that he will be upset and ask his own questions. You just need to type a text, send it to his mobile phone and turn off your phone. But we do not recommend doing this if the guy is very good and you are not indifferent to him.

Imagine the situation: a person great mood, he works and thinks about how good it will be when he meets you again on the weekend. He imagines that beautiful day and it makes him feel even better. But suddenly he receives an SMS message from a girl on his phone with the text: “Sorry, but nothing will work out for us. It's better for us to separate." Now you will probably agree with us that this option, although simple, is far from the best. It is well suited for situations where a couple has only been dating for a few days.

If the relationship was serious and sincere, then you can report the breakup over the phone. The young man will be able to hear your voice, intonation, and get answers to his questions. Phone conversation much better than one SMS message, but it is not the most suitable option.

The best thing to do is make an appointment with the young man and tell him everything as it is. When you meet, you will be able to talk face to face, discuss everything and understand each other. After this, the guy will know for sure that there is no longer any relationship. However, it is worth noting that only a brave and courageous girl can decide to do such an act.

When you meet, you shouldn’t immediately throw all your grievances at him. It's better to start the conversation with good memories, for example, tell him what attracted you most about him. If you think that looking into a guy’s eyes, you won’t be able to put two words together, then carefully prepare for this meeting: select the necessary expressions and words so that the young man can listen to you and understand. After the meeting, he will not have any questions left, but after the SMS message, the guy will not sleep at night, because the same questions will come to mind: “Why did everything turn out this way? Why didn't she tell me anything? Why did she leave me when I loved her so much? It’s better to immediately say everything as it is than to “hide in the bushes” and harass the person with it.


And remember, the sooner you tell the guy that you are breaking up, the better it will be. There are situations when a girl does not start this conversation because she does not want to upset the guy. But during this time the young man will get used to her even more, and therefore it will be more painful for him to part.

We wish you to meet that one and only person with whom you will live happily ever after! Good luck!

How many times have you made a wish, how many times have you dreamed of a handsome prince! And now - your wish has come true. You met a nice sweet boy. How to hint to him about your feelings? You spend all your time with him, you constantly think about him, but there comes a moment when you realize that this boy is not your destiny at all and you need to part.

How to tell a guy that we are no longer a couple

This is very easy to do if you have been dating for a very short time and have not yet become attached to each other. You can simply say over the phone that you have different paths in life and you should not meet again. Or you can completely ignore phone calls and text messages from your recent boyfriend, remove him from your friends list social network and stop communicating with his friends. If the guy is not stupid, then he will understand this very quickly and leave you alone. But what to do if the guy is dear to you?

Then it will be difficult for you to talk about this with him. Of course, the easiest way is to write him an SMS or message on a social network. There is no need to choose words and look away from him. sad eyes, you don’t need to answer his questions and look for an excuse. It is enough to write a dry text, send and turn off the phone or exit the social network. But this is very cruel. Imagine if they did this to you! Sometimes unanswered questions bring much more pain than the “bitter” truth.

Talk to him about the breakup

So, be brave and ask him on a date. Prepare carefully for this meeting, think through the phrases, choose the words that you will say to him. Don't start your conversation with accusations and complaints. Remind him of how you met, what exactly interested you in him. Tell him how wonderful he is and good man, remember all his good deeds. You can compose or find some beautiful poem about parting, arrange it beautifully and give it as a farewell gift.

Then you can move on to discussing the problems that were in your relationship. Try to explain to him that everything that happened between you was wonderful. life experience, but your relationship fizzled out and lost its shine. Explain that this happens in life, that no one is to blame and that people break up and nothing can be done about it. Remember, guys only perceive specific and substantiated words, so try not to allow any hints or double-meaning phrases that you can come up with. Speak in a calm and confident voice. Don’t drag out the breakup over several meetings, don’t take time to think everything over again. The main thing here is to break the relationship with one conversation once and for all.

How to say that you've fallen out of love

But it also happens that a guy simply refuses to believe in the breakup and does everything possible to get his beloved back. Do you know this feeling? Feelings of pity and hatred at the same time?! Your soul is tossing around, feeling guilty, you are confused, irritable, and your boyfriend does not hear your arguments. In this case, you need to act sharply and decisively. Don’t try to talk to him again and convince him, it’s better to ignore him. Don’t answer calls, avoid meetings, hide behind important matters, problems, worries. Find a new guy (or ask a friend to play along with you) and try to make your ex-boyfriend I learned or saw about you.

It is very effective and effective method show your ex that you stopped loving him and started new life. You can also try to constantly provoke him into quarrels. Do what he doesn't like. Well, for example, you can go to a nightclub with your friends and forget to tell him about it. You can start to be jealous of everyone and throw hysterics, scandals, showdowns. You'll see, he himself will begin to move away from you and stop tormenting you.

Once again about parting

In any case, parting is always painful and unpleasant. And you must be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to save friendly relations With ex-boy. But try to leave gracefully. Sunny, leave only a good memory of yourself, so that the young man remembers you only with a smile and never regrets that you were in his life.

It is very difficult to say the words “I love you”, because a person cannot always cope with excitement at such a moment. But it’s even harder and more painful, both for you and for your partner, to say “We need to break up.”

So you need to be able not only to start a relationship, but also to end it in a way that minimizes pain and suffering. But you can’t break up painlessly unless you came to this decision together, at the same time. How to tell a guy that you are breaking up?

Is this what you really want?

It is difficult to talk about breaking up, without a doubt, but it is even more difficult to correct the situation if you realize that you got excited and rushed. Although, of course, if a guy is crazy about you, he will forgive everything and happily embrace you. Have you firmly decided that you need to separate? Then first prepare your partner for such a serious conversation. If you do not live together yet, try to gradually meet less and less often, and also shorten your phone calls, and then skip them once or twice, answering more dryly and briefly.

Write him

It's certainly not fair to your boyfriend to announce that you're breaking up via text or email. Email, but if for some reason you cannot meet and talk, then you should finally end the hateful relationship and write, they say, I can’t do this anymore, our relationship has no future, I’m sorry.

Still, it’s better to say it in person

So, as described in the previous paragraph, girls who have not experienced feelings as such for a guy usually act. And if a girl is not attached to her partner, why should she try not to offend him? But you probably loved your boyfriend, so meet him in person. If you feel that it’s better to lie a little, say that he’s supposedly not the only one you have, and you simply can’t hide it from him. Perhaps after this he will disappear from your life. Yes, he will consider you a cheater, a traitor, but at least you will break up quickly.

Insert work here

In your Lately became more work? So tell the guy about this, embellishing the facts somewhat, saying that you have found another job that will take up a lot of your time, so much so that you won’t even have time to personal life. Tell them that if you perform well, you will be transferred to a more prestigious position in another city. Or imagine that you are moving to a neighboring city, where you will live and study in prestigious university. True, if he then accidentally sees you on the street, while you should, in theory, live in another city, you can’t even count on friendly relations in the future.

Show no pity

There is no need to show pity or sympathize with the guy in order to somehow calm him down. This, on the contrary, will only anger the guy, humiliate him, and perhaps even insult him.

Tell the truth and be prepared for any reaction

In a state of passion after your words, the guy can say and do anything. For example, he may start threatening to commit suicide, but this is most likely just a ploy to keep you from leaving him. Or he may become aggressive and say that, let's say, he will beat up all the guys you have in the future. Just tell him that your relationship has run its course and that his words are stupid and won't change anything, and then leave. If he simply remains silent, looking offended and unhappy, also turn around and leave. And don’t go back on your words, don’t give the guy false hope of renewing the relationship with your doubts.

How to tell a guy that we are breaking up without a scandal

How to tell a guy that we are breaking up without a scandal, hysterics and clarification of a relationship that no longer exists? To say once to a loved one and in many ways to a loved one Breaking up is very difficult, even if there is no point in being together, and the feelings have long passed. In addition, it is very difficult to fully calculate a man’s behavior after such news. Although there are several ways to reduce possible reaction former second halves.

How to tell a guy we're breaking up

Few girls decide to immediately chop it off the shoulder and forget it forever. Such behavior is not typical of female nature. Therefore, in order for the last meeting to go more smoothly, you need to prepare well for it. Stop giving your attention and time to the young man, reduce meetings to a minimum, and take more care of yourself. You should also change the timbre of your voice when communicating from gentle and affectionate to cold and distant. Such an attitude will let the guy know that a breakup is inevitable.

The main thing in this tactic of behavior is to keep the man at a distance all the time. The slightest weakness out of pity or for any other reason will reduce the whole preliminary preparation to zero. A young man may simply decide that your behavior is caused by another woman’s insult and soon everything will fall into place. Such alienation will help the girl herself to understand own feelings in relation to the partner. Perhaps the whole point is not about past love, but about the need to take a little break from your boyfriend. It’s not for nothing that after such a respite, many couples recover again.

Sometimes you simply don’t have enough strength, either moral or physical, to decide to have the last one-on-one conversation. In this case, the easiest way is to send an SMS or write an email online. But before writing such a letter, you should sensibly assess the man’s reaction. Suddenly, after reading it, he will immediately rush straight to you, because he cannot understand why the breakup occurred. Then it will be impossible to avoid the meeting, and you will still have to explain yourself to your ex. Therefore, we need to prepare for the last conversation. So how to tell a guy that we're breaking up?

It is necessary to think through every phrase, every word from the monologue. For full confidence you should write down key points, and maybe the entire speech. Breaking up doesn't just happen. Go through in your mind all the reasons why you decided to break up and choose from them those that you can tell the young man about. To be more convincing, take some of the blame on yourself. You can say that you are not yet ready for more serious relationship or simply don’t see a common future. The explanation should be composed of short and clear phrases.

During the meeting itself, do not descend into mutual reproaches, tears and scandal, speak calmly and without emotion, forget about feelings of guilt and injustice towards your partner. A fulfilling relationship cannot be sustained by pity. Be prepared for any reaction from a man and continue to stand your ground. If one of the partners is burdened and does not want to see the other, then no matter how much the other strives for general agreement and reconciliation, it is impossible to achieve it.

When the cute one is no longer cute. What should I write to my boyfriend about the fact that we are breaking up?

Distance is no obstacle today. It takes a second for words about separation to fly through thousands of kilometers. They can hurt, they can push you to something irreparable, or they can make you happy. How to write to a guy that we are breaking up and not leave a scar on his heart. How to force yourself to say in your thoughts not three cherished words, but a short phrase, crossing out a significant period of life?

Is it honest to write, why not say it?

The longer the relationship lasted, the longer you were tormented by the question of how to write to a guy about breaking up. Yes, just write it. Because it’s much more difficult to say by looking into your eyes. This requires not just desire, it requires willpower, perseverance, and courage. Surging emotions may prevent you from realizing your plans.

And the paper won’t reveal your worries. She can be merciless. It doesn’t matter on what note it all ends: you cheated on him, or maybe he cheated on you, you just don’t have a future or your initiative is dictated by his behavior... It’s important to do this in such a way as to achieve the desired goal and not provoke him into negative responses.

Writing to a guy about a breakup does not mean hiding or acting dishonestly. It is much more honest to tell him the truth than to harbor annoyance, resentment, indignation and reluctance to be together.

Letter of fate

What to write to a guy when breaking up? Which points to touch on and which ones to leave out? Should he point out his shortcomings and mistakes? Is it necessary to remember the worst moments in a relationship?

What you definitely don’t need to do is dump on him all the dirty laundry that has accumulated during your relationship. Think about what was the main reason that you decided to put an end to the relationship. Find the starting point of dislike for him and unwillingness to be in his arms. Was it one act or a series of small ones? unpleasant moments. Maybe your feelings for him have simply cooled down, or maybe they have flared up since new strength, but to another person or do you see that he likes someone else, and out of a feeling of love you don’t want to prevent him from being happy?


If the reason is his feelings for someone else, try to write nicely to the guy about the breakup, reminding him how good it was for you together. Remember the most romantic moments in the letter, his words spoken so sincerely, wish him good luck and let him go. Mention that you may be ready to forgive him over time and take him back. Leave him an escape route, but only if you really want it. Write that you are sorry that you could not give him as much love and care as no one else in the world could offer him.


When you have someone else, and you are afraid to tell the guy about it to his face, send a letter by e-mail. Try to explain that your feelings are at a crossroads and the magnet is, alas, not pulling towards your former chosen one. That you couldn't explain why this was happening, but telling him what was happening was the right thing to do. Complete the letter by saying that everything was almost cloudless, but, apparently, your time is up.

Maybe, but I don't want to

You feel that he is not your person, that the choice was made hastily and incorrectly... And he is too proud to accept your proposal to break up with dignity... How to write to a guy that we need to break up when you know for sure that he will be against it. You need to write concisely and categorically, and most importantly - the truth. Share your deepest feelings with paper or the monitor screen, but do not humiliate his importance and his actions. Extol him to the skies, let him be convinced of his perfection.

Tell me about yourself that ordinary girl and being with THAT guy is too much for you. Draw his attention to your completely different interests and needs. Write that your feelings for him could not withstand the pressure of the difference in worldview and needs.

SMS only in exceptional moments!

You can write an SMS to a guy about breaking up only if you have personally witnessed his betrayal or an extremely horrific act. Then the short phrase “We are breaking up” will be logical. In this case, there is no need to explain the reason and unnecessary words will also be out of place. Sometimes it’s too painful to argue for something, and it’s even harder to get through it and pretend that nothing happened. In other cases, take the trouble to explain to the person in more detail the reasons for your decision. At least out of respect.

When should you not write?

But how can you write to a man about a breakup if he is in the army or has gone on a long business trip? The problem comes down to the fact that being isolated from usual life, a man will perceive such a letter as a betrayal. This is fraught with consequences, especially when a weapon is at hand. Under such circumstances, it is better to refrain from making written statements and wait until he returns. There will be time once again to think carefully about your own intentions.

From what has already been written

There are many situations in which it is necessary to write to a guy that we are breaking up, and each of them is individual. Only we ourselves can choose the appropriate words. There is no single template for all cases. You need to write based on intuition and experience of coexistence. But in no case should you insult a man and make claims farewell letter. You've probably done this during quarrels.

As a visual illustration, we will offer you options on how to write to a guy that we are breaking up. Please note that you only need to address them by name, without affectionate nicknames or other endearments.

Sample 1

"Dima. I’ve already tried to tell you this several times, looking into your eyes, but you don’t let me. You interrupt. You probably feel what I want to talk about. That's why I'm sending an email. You will definitely read it. Three years is a long time, a lot has happened. Love gave way to complaints, then kisses returned again. We were thrown either hot or cold. During this time, we were never able to understand why we were together. Just to be a couple? This is too little for me. I'm not asking you to take me to the registry office, don't even think about it. I need a deeper and more truthful relationship in which I appear not only at your request. You are a wonderful person, I remember a lot of good things now, but I see no reason to continue the relationship. Habit is not a reason. Most likely, we need to move on without each other. No one will lose anything from this separation. Let's accept the right decision, which will take the weight off both of our shoulders.”

Sample 2

"Yaroslav. I do not know how to say it. I look at you and am speechless. Sorry. I need to confess something. It's hard to even write. I became interested in another man. We had nothing, but I think it’s dishonest to continue a relationship with you and love someone else. I waited and hoped that the feelings would pass. But they are just getting hotter. I am beyond my control. You noticed that we have become a little further away from each other, and I am running away from you too quickly. I'm ashamed to look you in the eyes. And it’s not that you stumbled somewhere, it’s all about me and the sudden surge of emotions. I ask you to understand my experiences and let me go without scandals or offense. Maybe I'm wrong now. But I can’t kiss you and think about something else. Find your happiness with another girl. You've always been a super guy. I don’t know why this wasn’t enough for me.”

How to tell a guy that we are breaking up?

    Say it straight to your face. Guys, these guys will survive.

    You can even say that we will remain friends, but the majority of separated couples, I am not generalizing, do not even want to talk, so this is purely a formality.

    If a girl directly says that they need to break up or remain friends, then this can embitter him. He will take revenge for being rejected. Therefore, in order to break up with a guy, the best way is to find him another girl.

    There is no need to be clever, no need to invent. Say that you are breaking up, but you can be friends. Don’t push him away, call him yourself in the first two weeks and find him a girl. Stay friends. Its rupture will not hurt very much, it will not be boring for you and will be useful in the future

    If the guy’s feelings don’t count, then just say that we are breaking up, we are not suitable for each other. That's all. Don’t say that you will remain friends, because it is very difficult, friendship most likely will not work out. Just leave.

    Just be honest and say that you don't want to be together anymore. And this must be done personally. Breaking up by phone, SMS, or the Internet is not decent. Imagine how easier it would be for you to be told?

    Tell him that you want to have an honest conversation with him. Tell him. that your feelings have faded away and you see no point in continuing this unpromising relationship. Ask the guy for forgiveness for everything and tell him not to hold a grudge against you, but to let you go and let you live your life.

    It’s probably trivial to tell him in a scandal to pack his things and leave. Apparently I am the kind of person that it worked out for me. And it's easier that way. But when a man is patient and self-possessed, when everything is quiet and smooth in a relationship, then it’s more difficult. I wouldn't be able to tell it to my face. I would write an SMS first, and then talk. I would say that inside I don’t feel anything for him and that the feelings have gone somewhere and it would be better to break up.

    Send an SMS - we’ll break up, I’ll send your toothbrush by parcel post! Take the SIM card out of your phone and install a new one! Be sad for two days and start a new life! You don’t have to send the toothbrush, just leave it as a souvenir trophy!)

    It’s better not to play around, but to tell the truth right away. Don't hide anything and don't avoid this serious conversation. The waiting and incomprehensibility of the situation will exhaust both you and him if you delay explanations.

    If the guy strong feelings to you, then there is no need to exhaust him with hopes about the future, it is better to cut him off right away. No friendship or calls after a breakup.

    Tell him just like that - we are breaking up.

    Long conversations to sort things out are useless here.

    Tell him that what is not being done is for the best, and he good guy and will definitely be happy.

    Guys are straightforward people, they won’t understand hints - you need to say it clearly and clearly so that they understand.

    Guys often avoid direct explanations, simply stop calling or disappear.

    They say they never slam the door so that they can return.

    It won't work the other way around. If a girl suddenly stops answering calls, a man will find her at the ends of the earth and demand specific explanations.

    Only a few manage to fool men.

    There can be any reason - there is no need to offend a person by saying that he is a failed person and a bore, a stingy person, impotent, etc. Offend him, he will spread unflattering rumors about you. It’s better to say it softly - I realized that we have different values. For example, I don’t want a family and children, but I dream of a career!

    Tell him that he is a good person and will still find the girl of his dreams, but unfortunately you are not her. Can you recommend someone to him if he has single friends? Just tell me directly, don’t delay, because there is nothing worse than uncertainty in a relationship.

Unfortunately, some relationships are doomed to failure from the very beginning, and people breaking up need to understand that there is nothing wrong with this, it is much worse to live with a person and understand that he will never become your soulmate.

If you are faced with the question of how to tell a guy that we are breaking up, think, perhaps this person will be an excellent match for someone. After all, you, like any person on earth, deserve love, trust, affection and care, but what are relationships worth that bring only mental anguish? Today we will tell you how to soften the pain of parting and what to say when the decision has already been made.

A balanced and correct decision

Having decided to break up with your boyfriend, remember the wise proverb “measure seven times...”. Sometimes events happen in life that are quite difficult to cope with, but upon closer examination, the problem does not seem so acute and critical. Sometimes, a decision made in an emotional, unstable state can change your life, and it becomes impossible to “take back” the spoken words in a fit of passion.

As we know, ideal people do not exist. And, of course, your young man is no exception. Some qualities that are not acceptable to you can tire and irritate you, but attempts to change anything remain unsuccessful. However, look at the situation from the other side and remember positive traits that made you fall in love with this person. Look at your boyfriend from all sides, noting not only negative, but also positive traits.

Be sure to think about the question: will it be easier for you without this person? Imagine your everyday life and holidays without him, live mentally for a few days, is it really all good qualities pale in comparison to the bad ones? Remember, the decision to end a relationship completely must be carefully weighed and thought through. If at this moment a storm of indignation is boiling inside you, then postpone this conversation for a few days.

If your decision is final, and you don’t know how to tell your guy that we’re breaking up, listen to our advice.

How to say…?

Parting is always painful for both. When deciding to end a relationship, say so tactfully, without hurting the feelings of your once loved one. He may have realized that there were problems in your relationship, but most likely your words will take him by surprise. If you are confident in your decision, after many unsuccessful ways to improve the relationship, do not give in to the persuasion that is likely to follow.

When parting, try not to be harsh, because human feelings not a punching bag, and relationships are not a battlefield. Try not to reproach, not to blame, you are already causing him emotional trauma by breaking up, so why aggravate the situation with already meaningless accusations.

If you treat your guy well and wish him happiness, voice the reason for your separation, explain where he made a mistake and what he was wrong about.

The best way to talk about separation is, of course, in private. If you explain the reason for the separation, you will help both yourself and him. He will be able to rethink his behavior and will not bother you with calls and demands to explain what is happening.

Be Relentless

Perhaps for some time, after breaking up, your boyfriend will call, come over, or ask friends to talk to you. Try to avoid this communication, ignore his prerequisites for making peace and try not to cross paths at friendly parties.

As for mutual friends, they should also understand that you are now not a couple, but two independent person. If talking about your ex young man are unpleasant to you, ask your friends not to talk “about him”.

In parting, it is important to put a period, not a comma, which will turn your parting into a long showdown. For a guy, any communication with you is hope for a revival of the relationship. The longer he lives in inspired dreams, the more painful the realization will be.

“How to tell a guy that we are breaking up,” many young girls ask themselves, and here it is important to understand that the end of a relationship is not the end, it is the beginning of something new and bright, which may be very close.

To make the breakup less painful, follow these rules:

  • Think carefully before making an important decision
  • Tell us about your decision when you are firmly convinced of it
  • The conversation should only take place in private
  • Soften the blow of separation, thereby avoiding some unpleasant moments
  • After separation, avoid communicating with your boyfriend
  • Start a new life and let him do the same.

It is very difficult to say the words “I love you”, because a person cannot always cope with excitement at such a moment. But even harder and more painful, both for you and for your partner, say "We need to break up".

So you need to be able not only to start a relationship, but also to end it in a way that minimizes pain and suffering. But you can’t break up painlessly unless you came to this decision together, at the same time. How to tell a guy you're breaking up?

Is this what you really want?

It is difficult to talk about breaking up, without a doubt, but it is even more difficult to correct the situation if you realize that you got excited and rushed. Although, of course, if a guy is crazy about you, he will forgive everything and happily embrace you. Have you firmly decided that you need to separate? Then first prepare your partner to such a serious conversation. If you do not live together yet, try to gradually meet less and less often, and also shorten your phone calls, and then skip them once or twice, answering more dryly and briefly.

Write him

It is, of course, dishonest for your boyfriend to declare that you are breaking up via SMS or email, but if for some reason you cannot meet and talk, then you should finally end the hateful relationship and write, they say, I can’t do this anymore, our relationship has no future, I’m sorry.

Still, it’s better to say it in person

So, as described in the previous paragraph, girls who have not experienced feelings as such for a guy usually act. And if a girl is not attached to her partner, why should she try not to offend him? But you probably loved your boyfriend, so meet him in person. If you feel that it’s better to lie a little, say that he’s supposedly not the only one with you, and you just can’t hide it from him. Perhaps after this he will disappear from your life. Yes, he will consider you a cheater, a traitor, but at least you will break up quickly.

Insert work here

Have you had more work lately? So tell the guy about this, slightly embellishing the facts, saying that you have found another job that will take up a lot of your time, so much so that you won’t even have time for your personal life. Tell them that if you perform well, you will be transferred to a more prestigious position in another city. Or imagine that you are moving to a neighboring city, where you will live and study at a prestigious university. True, if he then accidentally sees you on the street, while you should, in theory, live in another city, you can’t even count on friendly relations in the future.

Show no pity

There is no need to show pity or sympathize with the guy to somehow calm him down. This, on the contrary, will only anger the guy, humiliate him, and perhaps even insult him.

Tell the truth and be prepared for any reaction

In a state of passion after your words, the guy can say and do anything. For example, he may start threatening to commit suicide, but this is most likely just a ploy to keep you from leaving him. Or he may become aggressive and say that, let's say, he will beat up all the guys you have in the future. Just tell him that your relationship has outlived its usefulness, and his words are stupid and will not change anything, and then leave. If he simply remains silent, looking offended and unhappy, also turn around and leave. And don’t go back on your words, don’t give the guy false hope of renewing the relationship with your doubts.



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