Occupational diseases among drivers. How to prevent occupational diseases of drivers

Driver diseases

A recent survey of residents of several large Russian cities showed that almost a fifth of the population considers the car to be the most valuable invention of mankind. Millions of people do not enjoy their lives without an “iron horse”. But a car is not only a convenient means of transportation, but also a source increased danger for good health. How can a driver expect trouble, not counting, of course, the risk of an accident?

Most “occupational” diseases of drivers are associated with an uncomfortable driving position. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvis is disrupted and the load on the spine increases. Most often, drivers suffer from radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Unfortunately, these diseases are a “gift” for the rest of your life. Osteochondrosis, moreover, can generally lead to disability. Due to frequent drafts and running air conditioning, drivers often experience inflamed neck and chest muscles (this is called myositis). The bouquet is complemented by hemorrhoids and prostatitis.

Another group of diseases is a consequence of increased emotional load. Constant stress while driving increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases. That’s why drivers often have heart attacks, hypertension, and crashes. heart rate. Drivers, among other things, are exposed to increased toxic substances, which leads to decreased immunity, allergies, bronchial asthma and even cancer.

In first place in terms of danger are exhaust gases. Most cars run on gasoline, which releases more than 200 toxic products when burned. The most harmful to health are oxides of carbon (CO) and nitrogen (NO), hydrocarbons (formaldehyde, benzopyrene, phenol) and heavy metals.

Carbon monoxide (or carbon monoxide) is colorless and odorless, so humans may not be able to sense its presence in the air even at lethal concentrations. However, it is very rare for carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere to reach life-threatening levels. The insidiousness of carbon monoxide is different: this compound “prevents” the blood protein hemoglobin from carrying oxygen through organs and tissues. As a result, there may be oxygen starvation, which primarily affects the brain. At mild poisoning observed headache, heaviness in the head, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. In more severe cases, the person may even lose consciousness.

Nitrogen oxides are no less dangerous - the main cause of smog on busy highways. They irritate the respiratory system and eyes and may cause chronic diseases lungs.

Hydrocarbons, especially benzopyrene, are carcinogens, i.e. substances that can cause cancer.

Installing catalysts on exhaust pipes helps to get rid of only part of harmful substances, but they do not retain the most dangerous carcinogenic hydrocarbons. Therefore, in order to protect yourself and others from toxic substances, it is advisable to refuel with gasoline containing special additives that ensure more complete combustion of fuel.

Products emitted by car tires are hazardous to health. When braking hard, they emit a whole bunch of toxic substances: benzene, xylene, styrene, toluene; carbon disulfide, formaldehyde, phenols; sulfur oxides. When tires rub against asphalt, nitroso compounds are also formed, which are powerful carcinogens. International organization for Cancer Research included them in the list of so-called priority toxicants, i.e. substances that pose the greatest danger to human health.

Tire dust, formed when the tread wears out, causes allergic reactions when it gets into the lungs, bronchial asthma, and upon contact with the mucous membrane and skin - conjunctivitis, rhinitis and urticaria. According to American scientists, 900,000 tons of dust enter the atmosphere in the United States per year; no less of it is thrown out on Russian roads.

Another source of danger in a car is... brake pads. The fact is that they are made of asbestos, “communication” with which leads to cancer diseases(for example, it has long been banned from using in the construction of new houses, and in Germany they even demolish old buildings where this material was used). But greatest harm human health is harmed by phenol, which is released during braking when the temperature of the disc and pads reaches eight hundred degrees.

What should drivers do to avoid trouble? No matter how trivial it may sound, a variety of physical activity is needed, that is, a daily set of gymnastic exercises. Circular movements in lumbar region spine, all kinds of flexion and extension.
Very helpful cold and hot shower. Temperature “swinging” activates blood circulation and normalizes tone nervous system, stimulates the immune system. Vitamins won't hurt either, especially their balanced complexes.

Among other things, a daily walk is highly advisable. You need to walk about five kilometers a day (Whether you do this in the morning or in the evening does not matter). These procedures are quite enough to keep yourself in the necessary shape and resist “automotive” ailments.

Whose experience has “exceeded” 15 years, who would not have encountered back pain. “Old age is no joy,” says each of them. But no, the matter has nothing to do with old age. Let us note that this is not just one “sore” of the driver fraternity... Unfortunately, they prefer not to mention some others out loud.

Occupational diseases of drivers.

Where do they come from?

The driver's profession is something of a ticking time bomb. Sedentary lifestyle, little sleep, frequent stress(and they certainly occur during movement) will in no way affect human body in the desired favorable manner. What causes them?

  • constant ;
  • and limbs;
  • working hours are too long;
  • worry about the safety of the cargo;
  • overtime working hours;
  • concern for the lives of transported passengers;
  • work in sitting position;
  • making urgent decisions;
  • harmful effects environment and other.

All of the above together affects the health and well-being of drivers, who have to be on the road 5 days a week and only rest for two days (in best case scenario). Despite the fact that the work is sedentary and, in addition, it is really difficult not to incur some kind of illness. However, if you think that driving is your calling and under no circumstances will you give it up, spend preventive measures. Still, it is better to prevent initially than to treat later (this will be discussed in the article below).

We have developed a top list of occupational diseases of drivers that occur most frequently, namely:

  1. In the first place is prostatitis (such a hated word for all men). It occurs most often due to a sedentary lifestyle. How longer person is in a sitting position, the more blood circulation deteriorates, which ultimately leads to stagnation in the pelvic area. And this, naturally, leads to prostatitis.
  2. The second “honorable” place was taken so unpleasant hemorrhoids. Undoubtedly, just as in the previous case, it is caused by impaired blood circulation. But the main reason for this is poor nutrition, which leads to constipation and, naturally, hemorrhoids. To avoid similar troubles, you need to consume as much fiber as possible: nuts, fruits, seeds, vegetables.
  3. Radiculitis - how often do experienced drivers complain to each other about it (forgetting to mention the two above-mentioned sores).
  4. Osteochondrosis - a similar disease is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, as well as improper posture.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases. Known case, when men who spent half their lives behind the wheel suffered heart attacks, which is due to several reasons: low level physical activity And high level emotional stress. An insufficient level of physical activity leads to heart atrophy, and constant concentration during movement leads to emotional experiences.
  6. Excess weight. Very often, “large” men are associated not only with government officials, but also with “truck drivers.” What promotes deposition excess weight? Naturally, lack of physical activity. Violated metabolic processes, you want to eat even more... some more time passes, and you yourself don’t notice how you become a regular customer of fast food (which further aggravates your situation).
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This often applies to those drivers who, instead of healthy food They prefer tasty, but unhealthy fast food. And also for those who ignore time for lunch, “stuffing” “whatever” into themselves right on the go.
  8. Male infertility. Constantly being in a sitting position, men's testicles overheat, and this negatively affects the maturation of sperm. Tight underwear and a heated driver's seat also have a negative impact.


Occupational diseases of drivers can be prevented if you think about the existing threat in a timely manner. What needs to be done for this? First of all, take care of your body, and then your spirit. If in the first case you manage to cope with this, then in the second case it will work out much faster (after all, physical exercise has a positive effect not only on the body, but also on the soul). So, whenever opportunity arises, try to do the following actions(stimulating increased blood circulation):

  • lean forward, trying to touch your fingers to the floor;
  • make rotational movements with your pelvis;
  • lean from side to side;
  • squat.

Don't forget about walks - they have a very positive effect on the body.

Exercises in traffic jams

Sitting in the driver's seat, whenever possible, strongly squeeze your buttocks and pull in your stomach. Try to stay in this position for 30 seconds, then rest and repeat. The minimum number of repetitions per day should not be less than 10 times. Good helper when you feel great, it’s a contrast shower. Having finished the usual and customary morning hygiene procedures, go to the contrast shower. Start with minimal difference between temperatures, gradually increasing and decreasing the “degree”. Note that contrast showers have a positive effect on rectal diseases. In addition to physical activity and proper nutrition, you can protect yourself from the occurrence of occupational diseases of drivers by updating your work chair. Install a special massage pad on the driver's seat. Ventilation and seat heating should become familiar to you.

Mas Motors

I welcome you to the pages of our blog. A car is no longer a luxury. This is a vehicle where you can ride in comfort. But, no matter how strange it may sound, in addition to convenience, this also brings additional health problems. Let's talk about what dangers may lie in wait for drivers (especially professional ones), and how to deal with them?

What diseases are common among drivers?

The car, for many, has become an integral part, including in work. For truckers, taxi drivers, bus and minibus drivers, life without a car is simply impossible. These people are driving around the clock.

And such a sedentary mode creates conditions for occupational diseases among drivers. So what awaits motorists?

The most common occupational diseases of drivers.

Haemorrhoids. The main causes of this disease are circulatory disorders in the pelvis, unbalanced diet, resulting in constipation. They are main reason for the onset of disease. To prevent this, your diet should always include fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and legumes.

Excess weight. Deposition excess fat contributes to the lack of physical activity. Plus, a metabolic disorder, which further aggravates the picture. Also, Negative influence causes malnutrition. Everyone knows that a driver’s diet during work consists of fast food.

Osteochondrosis. Usually caused by a sedentary lifestyle and incorrect position posture when a person is driving. The situation is aggravated by sudden braking, jerking and vibration. Also, due to osteochondrosis, it may also appear radiculitis. Signs of sciatica are weakness in the legs and sharp pain, which does not go away even after analgesics.

Cardiovascular diseases. Those who constantly drive are more susceptible to hypertension and heart attacks than others. This is due to low physical activity and constant stress while driving. After all, you always need to be careful so as not to get into an accident. Moreover, you need to monitor not only your actions, but also other participants in the movement.

Small physical activity leads to atrophy of the heart muscle. This can lead to a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases.

Prostatitis. Sedentary image life is the cause of one of the most common diseases of the male reproductive system. While for a long time in a sitting position, blood circulation in the pelvic area is disrupted, and a stagnation process begins. All this leads to prostatitis.

Besides, poor circulation leads to damage to the kidneys, liver and lungs.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This affects those drivers (most often truck drivers) who cannot have a proper snack and neglect healthy food.

Infertility. In a sitting position, in groin area The temperature begins to rise, due to which the release of hormones and normal maturation of sperm is not possible. The tight situation is worsening underwear and a heated seat.

Prevention of occupational diseases among drivers.

A scary picture. However, there is no need to despair, all these diseases can be prevented. So what needs to be done so that the consequences of a long stay at the steering wheel can be minimized?

The main thing is more physical activity. As soon as the opportunity arises, be sure to go in for sports, or at least do walking. There is an opportunity to take a break from work, do some exercise, helping to improve blood circulation in the pelvis. These are the exercises:

1. Tilts the body from side to side.

2. Circular rotations of the pelvis, first in one direction, and then in the other.

3. Squats.

4. Tilt your torso forward, while touching the floor with your hands.

Also, walking and running are useful for those who smoke. This will reduce the risk cardiovascular diseases. And also for smokers. Never smoke in a car; the body consumes five to six times more nicotine in a confined space. It’s better to go outside, and even better to quit smoking altogether.

Proper nutrition- a guarantee of no problems with gastrointestinal tract. And besides this, another method of combating such diseases is a contrast shower. Lower the water temperature gradually to avoid catching a cold. In the future, these procedures will also bring pleasure.

It will be good if the driver's seat is equipped with a special orthopedic seat or just a mattress. This will help reduce the risk of osteochondrosis with radiculitis, prostatitis and hemorrhoids. It will help improve blood circulation in the pelvis, and simply, the driver will be less tired while driving.

And most importantly, without self-discipline it is very difficult to force yourself to do something, even a couple physical exercise. Any training brings many times more benefits if it is done with desire.

Preventing diseases is much easier than treating them. It is better to take preventive measures in time, because diseases can appear at any time, especially if you professional driver with great experience. Good health to you!

The driver's profession is far from the most favorable for taking care of your health. The features of this work lead to increased risk the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, sleep disorders, etc. But you can reduce your chances of such a development of events.

What prevents you from staying healthy?

First of all, this is the lack of a daily routine. The body has The biological clock, and the operation of many of its systems is designed for 24-hour changes. That is, at night the body brings all systems into calm state to sleep before lunch, on the contrary, the pressure rises, the pulse quickens and performance increases. This is only a small part of the changes that occur in the body during the day. Therefore, if you follow a daily routine, it works optimally. When today you sleep at 11 o'clock in the evening, and tomorrow you have a hearty dinner at this time, it is difficult for the body to cope with such different tasks equally well. In particular, this can be reflected in the accumulation of fatty tissue.

Drivers spend a lot of time driving without getting up. Lack of physical activity affects weight, heart and vascular health. It also often develops, and in this case, you should consult a doctor.is usually postponed again and again, and in the meantime the condition is onlyworsens and the problem can be difficult to cope with. Although in the earlystages of hemorrhoids can be cured quite simply and painlessly

With such a daily routine, it is very difficult to ensure healthy eating, especially considering that you may only have the opportunity to eat once per day. In such conditions there is no need to talk about a balanced diet.

A common consequence of this lifestyle is obesity. It contributes to the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, heart disease, back and joint diseases, stroke, cancer, and often obstructive sleep apnea(when breathing occurs during sleep).

Drowsiness while driving

Due to a disrupted daily routine and heavy workload, it is often not possible to sleep properly: the schedule is tight, insomnia is tormenting, or sleep is not of sufficient quality. In the latter case, the culprit may be obstructive sleep apnea.

If you need to take turns driving with a partner, this can also disturb your sleep. For example, because you don’t trust the other driver, or because it’s hard to sleep when the car is moving, or because it constantly stops. All this leads to daytime sleepiness (and an increased risk of accidents). Over time, fatigue is perceived as normal, and the person no longer understands the degree of danger. In addition, lack of sleep is associated with less effective use the main source of energy is glucose, as well as abnormal levels of cortisol (stress hormone).

Driver injuries and stress

The driver's work is also dangerous due to obvious reasons. If the driver participates in unloading, then he bears additional risks. Especially if you do it in incorrect posture. Exhaust gases can also be harmful to your health. When transporting liquid concrete, drivers exposed to chromium and alkali, which can cause skin allergic reaction, And chemical burn. Drivers transporting gasoline often suffer from headaches, dizziness and nausea due to fuel vapors. Exhaust fumes have been linked to lung cancer and various forms allergic inflammation.

Chronic stress, unlike acute stress, is harmful to health and has a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It often occurs among drivers - due to long working hours, separation from loved ones, difficulties on the road and requirements to follow a strict schedule, despite the fact that you can always get stuck in a traffic jam.

Any of these factors can lead to loss of ability to work and loss of your driver's license.

What can you do for your health?

Try to eat small portions. The Mediterranean approach to nutrition is considered the healthiest. The food should have minimal amount fatty meat and sweets. Instead of cola or juices (which contain a lot of sugar), it is better to drink water. The basis of the diet consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts and olive oil. You also need to eat at least twice a week sea ​​fish and seafood. Meat, butter, margarine, fried food - these are all sources unhealthy fats, due to which they are formed atherosclerotic plaques. They lead to strokes and heart attacks.


To avoid gaining weight, you need to expend as much energy as you receive. To reset, you need to spend even more. Therefore, to prevent and combat obesity, it is very important to be physically active. Of course, on a long-distance flight this is difficult. But it is very useful to warm up a little during short stops. And full-fledged training can be done at home.


Sleep and rest are no less important than proper diet and physical activity. For example, in the European Union, drivers are prohibited from driving more than 9 hours a day, and every 4.5 hours you need to take a 45-minute break. This mode is considered safe.

Normally, you need to sleep 7-9 hours a day, but studies show that truck drivers typically sleep no more than 4-5 hours a day while on the road. If this cannot be avoided, then at least the sleeping conditions should be as good as possible. It is better to choose a parking lot away from the road, and if it is still noisy, use earplugs. You need to close the curtains tightly or use a sleep mask. The mattress and pillow should be comfortable. If you don't have a mattress and only have a sleeping bag, you can use a mattress pad. Ask loved ones, employers and dispatchers not to disturb you unless absolutely necessary while you sleep.

If you have trouble falling asleep...

When a person goes to bed at different times, it is often difficult for him to fall asleep. To cope with this, you can use the same rituals every time: brush your teeth, wash your face, change your clothes. This is a signal to the brain that you need to fall asleep now. Insomnia may be caused by excessive consumption caffeine In a good way, you can’t drink coffee after lunch. Drinking alcohol before bed is also not very good good idea: It makes your sleep less quality.

IN as a last resort(when it’s not the first night you’ve been tossing and turning for half an hour, or even more), you can resort to the help of sleeping pills. Of the over-the-counter medications, the best studied antihistamines first generation. They were previously taken for allergies, but they caused drowsiness. Now this one by-effect began to be useful. However, antihistamines become addictive. In addition, they may have long lasting effect, and drowsiness will remain after waking up. Prescription sleeping pills should only be prescribed by a doctor, who will also explain how to take them so as not to become dependent on them. But there is such a possibility.

WITH daytime sleepiness You can fight it with coffee (the main thing is not to overdo it), as well as with short sleep breaks. But they should not be less than 20–30 minutes, otherwise you will want to sleep even more. It is important to remember that most accidents due to drowsiness occur between midnight and 6 am, and it is, of course, better to do everything possible to avoid being on the road during this time.

Of course, sleep is important, but if you only have the opportunity to lie down and relax, it’s better to take advantage of it.

Preventive medical examination of drivers

Unfortunately, despite all the dangers of the profession, few drivers reach the doctor on time. A predictable schedule does not always make it difficult to schedule a visit to the doctor. But, as cliché as it may sound, health should be the most important thing. And drivers have many occupational diseases that will not allow them to continue working in the future. However, the vast majority of these diseases are preventable.

You should definitely see a doctor if you experience any disturbing symptoms, and also go through a preventive examination. For example, often increased arterial pressure does not make itself felt in any way and is detected only when measured with a tonometer. Meanwhile, if it is not controlled, it poses a great threat to health: it increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

When is driving contraindicated?

After myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery, transient ischemic attack, stabilization of the condition with unstable angina You need to refrain from driving for a month.

If there was an arrhythmia with fainting, then after this episode 3 months should pass without repeated loss of consciousness. For the same period, it is necessary to stop driving if a stroke occurred (and then it was possible to restore functions) or several transient ischemic attacks occurred.

Installation of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator or resuscitation for persistent ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation leads to a driving ban for six months.

If you have diabetes, there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia (too low level blood sugar). In this case, the person may lose consciousness. If such a condition occurs without early warning signs, then you can drive only after 3 months without such episodes. Or after reliable measures have been taken to control blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled diabetes can also cause loss of sensation in the limbs, problems with vision, and an impact on the ability to drive.

That is why you need to pay attention to your health even when there seems to be no time for it.



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