An effective ointment for lichen. What ointments are effective against lichen on human skin? Ringworm - symptoms

Rash, scaly patches, nodules, scabs, inflamed blisters, disgusting sores, ulcers. This is what skin diseases look like in the photo: common name And for various reasons. Among the causative agents of lichen are zooanthropophilic, anthropophilic, geophilic microscopic fungi and viruses. Decreased immunity, internal functional disorders serve as favorable factors for them. A special ointment will help you recover from this scourge. Important: but with pityriasis rosea and others there is no different types This pharmacological drug is not used.

How to treat lichen in humans

TO characteristic features This type of dermatosis includes: redness, pigmentation disorder, itching, peeling. at home? The first step is to consult a doctor. Amateur activity and under-treatment of the disease are fraught with chronic forms with periodic exacerbations. Medications local application are considered effective method treating fungal infections at home. Dosage, frequency of use, and other recommendations are described in detail in the instructions for the drugs:

  1. "Miconazole" - has antifungal, anti-inflammatory properties broad action, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, causing their mutation.
  2. "Mycozoral" - has a mycostatic effect, inhibits biosynthesis in the fungal membrane. The drug is good for pityriasis versicolor.
  3. "Mikoseptin" - suppresses fungus when ringworm. Zinc salt of undecylenic acid soothes irritated skin, which quickly regenerates after healing.
  4. "Clotrimazole" - recommended for ringworm and tinea versicolor, it destroys microorganisms, preventing them from multiplying.
  5. "Acyclovir" is an antiviral agent that blocks the synthesis of viral DNA in herpes zoster.
  6. Tebrofen ointment – ​​has antiviral effect, used in the treatment of herpes zoster and lichen planus.
  7. Sulfur ointment - used for scabies and as an antifungal agent. Is good antiseptic, but toxic, requires precise dosage. Ointment is recommended for evening treatment of plaques ringworm(in the morning they are applied water solution iodine).
  8. Natural ointments with combinations of sulfur, iodine, tar, salicylic acid - popular with pediatricians.
  9. Yam ointment is used in veterinary medicine, but also heals people with weeping lichen. It has an antiseptic, antacid effect, and is slightly toxic.


The causes of dermatosis are not completely clear to doctors. The body attacks an unknown pathogen when weakened internal protection, stress, hypothermia. There are flaky spots in the middle of the body. light spots with darkish edging. For this dermatosis, a local remedy is not prescribed. The affected surface of the body is treated with “Tsindol” - a drug with anti-inflammatory, drying effects. Smear with sea buckthorn and peach oil. The disease goes away in one or a couple of months.


Red flat

Doctors disagree about the causes of this dermatosis. Prescribe antivirus local remedies. Women over 40 years of age, people under prolonged stress, or with a viral infection are especially susceptible to the disease. diabetes mellitus, problems in the gastrointestinal tract. After a few years, the rash may recur. They develop red, itchy nodules on the affected areas, which then coalesce into large plaques. Nails are peeling. Tubercles appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals. They hurt and bleed. Rashes are divided into:

  • ring-shaped;
  • erythematous;
  • warty;
  • erosive-ulcerative.


Also called colored or multi-colored, solar lichen. It is fungal in nature. The lesion consists of flaky spots from whitish to brownish shades - on the chest and neck. Common in southern regions, more common in people with hyperhidrosis, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases. Treat with ointment. Relapses do not occur.


This shingles lesion is caused by herpes. In children it manifests itself as chickenpox. In adults in incubation period headache, fever rises. The skin in the area of ​​one of the sensory nerves begins to itch, go numb, and ache. Then vesicles appear and the affected area turns pink. Gradually the bubbles dry out and become crusty. Treat with antiviral ointment. Recovery time is 2-4 weeks. Relapses do not occur, but neuralgic pain may persist.

Video: treatment of pityriasis rosea


Ilona, ​​32 years old

Last summer, in a friend’s garden, an unattractive-looking cat rubbed up against me. After some time, I discovered an unpleasant “symptom” on my head – redness with brittle hair. I quickly ran to the doctor. The treatment turned out to be simple. They prescribed Clotrimazole, and also made compresses from cranberry juice. The stain soon went away.

Maria, 28 years old

We had layoffs at work, I experienced severe stress. One day I saw a rash on my body, the next day it was already pink spots. I decided it was pityriasis. But I was wrong. The dermatologist said it was pityriasis versicolor. I was cured quickly with Mycozoral ointment. I followed all the recommendations to avoid becoming chronically ill.

Galina, 45 years old

In the fall, watery blisters appeared on my back. I've never seen lichen like this before. My clothes chafed my skin and it became painful to walk. I went to the doctor, she prescribed Acyclovir - antiviral ointment. The disease was cured after 3 weeks.

is a skin disease that causes allergenic-infectious nature. The reasons and nature of its appearance have not yet been fully studied. This disease is also known as roseola exfoliating and pityriasis. varied, both with ointments and tablets.

Pityriasis rosea appears pink spots that appear on various parts bodies. They have different diameters, sometimes more than two centimeters. Stains very itchy And peel off. After some time, the stain acquires a yellowish tint.

An effective cure for this disease has not yet been invented. Stains pass on their own after some time. However, since they itch a lot and cause discomfort, anti-inflammatory ointment is widely used. pityriasis rosea in a person, the names of which we will analyze further.

How to treat pityriasis rosea in humans - ointments

At pityriasis rosea appoint corticosteroid ointments, they help relieve itching and irritation. What ointment to use for pityriasis rosea?

Pityriasis rosea in humans treated with Akriderm ointment

This ointment must be used twice a day, applying it to damaged areas of the skin. The duration of treatment is individual. If there is no improvement after two weeks, it is necessary to change the treatment regimen.

The product should not be used for children under two years of age, for tuberculosis, skin manifestations of syphilis, chicken pox, open wounds.

Sulfur ointment for pityriasis rosea

This ointment prevents the development of microbes. Besides this, she reduces inflammation. It must be applied 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until the lichen spots are completely eliminated. Often sulfur ointment combine salicylic acid and birch tar.

Salicylic ointment for pityriasis rosea on the body

This product has antiseptic, drying, and anti-inflammatory property. It is applied twice a day to damaged areas of the skin. It must be used before complete cure. Usually, after a couple of days, the lichen spots turn pale and blend in with the skin in color. The drug, despite its effectiveness, is very affordable.

This ointment should not be used to treat children under 1 year of age if renal failure and hypersensitivity.

Sinaflan ointment for pityriasis rosea

used in the treatment of pink and red lichen planus. This tool can be used for the treatment of children over 2 years old. The ointment is used in several courses of 1 week.

Zinc ointment for pityriasis rosea

The ointment has anti-inflammatory And drying effect. Promotes skin regeneration, quickly eliminates traces of lichen. Its undoubted advantage is low price. The product should be applied to the skin quite often - up to 6 times a day.

Uniderm ointment for pityriasis rosea

The drug has anti-inflammatory And antipruritic property. It should be applied once a day. This ointment can also be used for small children. Contraindication are the following diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis, fungal and bacterial infection. This ointment should not be used for a long time during pregnancy and lactation.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea with Clotrimazole ointment

The principle of action of the ointment disruption of fungal activity, destruction of their membrane. Apply this product to previously cleansed skin. It is applied thin layer and rub twice a day. The course of treatment is quite long, usually lasting from 3 to 4 weeks. Among side effects there is swelling, blistering, redness.

You can use Gistan ointment for pityriasis rosea

Gistan ointment is used to treat inflammation And itching for dermatoses. You can also use this ointment against pityriasis rosea. The product must be used once a day. The course of treatment can last from a week to a month. If no improvement is visible after two weeks, treatment should be stopped.

Ointment for pityriasis rosea for children

Pityriasis rosea in children, treatment with ointments is carried out drugs with natural composition . Among the active ingredients there should be iodine, sulfur, salicylic acid , tar, sulfur. These substances have antimicrobial and soothing effects, as well as do not cause serious allergic reactions.

Before deciding which ointment to apply for pityriasis rosea in a child, consult your doctor.

Should not be used folk remedies or self-medicate, in childhood such experiments are dangerous.

What ointment is needed for pityriasis rosea during pregnancy

If you get pityriasis rosea during pregnancy, it is possible application of complex treatment. In addition to pills, doctors most often prescribe various ointments. Among them, zinc-based products are considered the safest: zinc ointment , salicylic-zinc paste , Sudocrem with zinc.

Many people who are faced with this problem for the first time are interested in the question: what ointment to treat lichen? Any pharmacy has enough products to help get rid of lichen. But how can you make the right choice among the variety?

Etiology and types of lichen

The term lichen refers to skin lesions manifested by the formation of limited inflamed colored spots (nodules), itching and peeling. Depending on the type of pathogen, the nature of the rash and its location, there are the following types lishaev:

  • pink;
  • red flat;
  • pityriasis;
  • shearer;
  • encircling.

The main reasons for the occurrence of data skin diseases are fungal or viral infection, and less often - internal system disorders.

To treat each type of lichen, certain ointments (creams) with different active ingredients are intended. However, their incorrect choice, violation of the treatment regimen and dosage can lead to deterioration of the condition of the skin and the transition of the disease to chronic form, which is much more difficult to deal with. Self-medication can only make the situation worse.

The first thing necessary in treatment is to make a correct diagnosis.

And for this you need to contact a dermatologist. This is very important because, for example, other types of dermatoses are often mistaken for pityriasis rosea, because initial stage All diseases are pink in color. But unlike others, it is not treated with ointments, especially corticosteroids. The affected area is treated with cindol mash, and then lubricated with sea buckthorn or peach oil to soften it. Contact with water and soap on the affected area is kept to a minimum. In 1-2 months cutaneous manifestation goes away on its own. You can speed up recovery by using oletethrin ointment, a combined antibacterial drug.

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Sulfur-salicylic, sulfur-tar and yam ointments

Fungal agents cause ringworm and pityriasis versicolor. They get rid of them using antifungal therapy. It can be local or systemic.

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Other antifungals

The following ointments and pastes have proven effective in the treatment of lichen:

  1. Sulsena paste with the active ingredient selenium disulfide. It is applied for external therapy dermatomycosis: foot fungus, seborrheic lichen on the scalp and seborrheic dermatitis on smooth skin.
  2. Mycoseptin is a product based on undecylenic acid and zinc undecylenate. Recommended for . Astringent action zinc reduces irritation and speeds up the healing process of the skin.
  3. Mycozoral, Mycoket, Nizoral, Dermazol with the active ingredient ketoconazole inhibit the fungi of trichophytosis, microsporia and the fungi that cause seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor. Available in the form of ointments, creams, shampoos.
  4. Exoderil, which has a strong antifungal effect and effectively relieves itching and inflammation. The active ingredient is naftifine. Used in the treatment of ringworm and tinea versicolor.
  5. Mikonorm, Terbix and creams Lamisil, Terbinox with active substance terbinafine having wide range antifungal activity.

A dermatologist can also prescribe a course of taking tablets and capsules - ketoconazole, terbinafine, itraconazole.

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Antiviral therapy

Shingles is called herpes infection, which is caused by the herpes zoster virus. Its treatment is based on antiherpetic and antiviral local therapy. In some cases, it is supplemented by oral medication.

Most recommended products contain the active ingredient acyclovir. These include herperax, zovirax, acigerpin, vivorax, herpetad. If you find it difficult to choose which ointments to treat lichen, Indian-made drugs are considered the most effective for shingles.

To treat this type of lichen, you can also use Viru-Merz Serol and Panavir (antiviral gel).

The drugs ibuprofen and ketoprofen will help relieve neuralgic pain, which is often present with shingles.

Used to stimulate tissue regeneration auxiliary drugs, such as panthenol, d-panthenol, dexpanthenol and bepanthen. They contribute fast healing skin lesions any etiology.

For red flat dermatosis, tebrofen ointment is used.

The name “lichen” combines a number of dermatological diseases, which have different etiologies. Some of them are caused by viruses, immune system failure, stress - they are not contagious. Others are caused by microscopic fungi that are transmitted healthy people. It is impossible to get rid of this pathology on your own - first how, it is important to identify the causative agent of the disease.

Types of drugs for lichen

The choice of medication depends on the type of pathology, the causes of which are different:

Type of lichen Pathogen/Cause
Pityriasis (multi-colored) Yeast-like fungi Pityrosporum orbiculare, Pityrosporum ovale, Malassezia furfur
Shearer Dermatophyte fungi Trichophyton, Microsporum
girdling Varicella-zoster virus
Pink Presumably an allergy, a virus.
Red flat It is unclear exactly: stress, infections, allergies, metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition.

All remedies for ringworm belong to two groups:

  1. Local preparations: sprays, creams, suspensions, ointments, solutions.
  2. Oral medications: capsules, drops, tablets for internal use.

First, external medications are used; if they do not work, tablets are prescribed. Depending on the type of lichen, apply the following groups drugs:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antihistamines;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • bacterial antibiotics.

Vaccinations against skin pathologies are not given to people; the vaccine against lichen is used only to treat animals in order to speed up the course of the disease. It is used only in Russia; other countries have refused vaccination.

Antifungal drugs

Medicines for ringworm

This type skin infection treated with the following drugs:

  • "Griseofulvin" Tablets for lichen: stop the proliferation of fungi, the active component accumulates in the skin, nails, and hair. Dosage depends on weight. Initially, take 3 times a day, wash down with a spoon vegetable oil. If scraping analysis shows negative result, then the dosage is reduced. Treatment is long-term – up to 2 months. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 2 years of age.
  • “Orungal” The medicine destroys the membranes of fungal cells, accumulates in the upper layers of the skin and is removed along with keratinized particles after exfoliation. Available in the form of capsules and solution. Take 2 capsules 1 time per day. The course lasts 1 week. Not prescribed to people with liver, kidney, or heart diseases.
  • "Fulcin" Antifungal antibiotic. Before how to treat lichen in humans with this drug, check allergic reaction for medicine. The daily dose, 500 mg, is taken whole or in parts. The duration of treatment depends on the location of the lesion: from 2 weeks to 6 months, in severe cases up to a year.
  • "Lamisil" Acts on different types of fungus. Active ingredient– terbinafine. The daily dose of 250 mg is taken once a day at night. The duration of therapy depends on the degree of damage and the type of fungus: from 2 weeks to 3 months. Not recommended for children weighing less than 12 kg. The medicine is also produced in the form of a cream: rubbed twice a day until recovery.
  • "Thermikon" More cheap analogue"Lamisil"

Medicines for pityriasis versicolor

This kind skin pathology is also activated by fungi. Some drugs from the previous list are suitable for its treatment: Orungal, Lamisil, Thermikon. Other tools are also no less useful:

  • "Itraconazole" Destroys many types of fungus. The daily dose is 200 mg - taken daily in one dose. Course duration is 1 week.
  • "Mycozoral" The active ingredient is ketoconazole. Complex effective remedy for lichen: destroys yeast-like fungi, pathogens of microsporia and trichophytosis. Take one tablet 4 times a day, the duration of administration is determined by the doctor. The medicine is also produced in the form of an ointment: it is applied once a day. Treatment lasts up to 4 weeks.
  • "Fluconazole" Available in capsules. Stops the proliferation of fungi. Take 2 capsules (300 mg) per week for 2 to 4 weeks. The medicine is contraindicated for women during pregnancy.
  • "Nystatin" An antifungal agent that is prescribed for cases of infection of the skin, mucous surfaces of the mouth, and pharynx by yeast-like fungi. The course lasts 10–14 days. Take 3-4 times a day, the dosage is individual - depends on the location of the lesion. They also produce an ointment that is approved for use during pregnancy.
  • "Pimafucin" The drug is destructive to many fungi. Treatment lasts a week: take a tablet 4 times a day. In the form of an ointment it is medicine for ringworm allowed for pregnant, lactating women and newborn children.

The duration of treatment in each case is determined by the doctor. It is not recommended to abandon the prescribed drug immediately after the first signs of improvement.

Antiviral drugs

Used for pink and herpes zoster. If medications are taken no later than 72 hours after the onset of the disease, then it is possible quickly cure lichen and avoid complications.

  • “Acyclovir” acts selectively only on cells infected with the virus. The course lasts 5 days: take 4 tablets every 6 hours, taking a break at night. For children, the dosage is individual, depending on body weight. Acyclovir is also available in ointment form.
  • "Valtrex" Take 1000 mg 3 times a day for a week. The medicine is not recommended for people with kidney and liver diseases.
  • "Valacyclovir" Take for a week: 1000 mg every 8 hours. Duration of taking the drug is 1 week. Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated; older people are advised to drink plenty of fluids.
  • "Famvir" The daily dose, 750 mg, is taken immediately or in parts throughout the day. The duration of taking the medicine is 7 days. Analogues: Minaker, Famciclovir-Teva, Famacivir, Familar.

Ancillary drugs

The causes of pink and red lichen planus have not been precisely established - there are only assumptions. Some medications help to significantly alleviate a person’s condition and faster remove lichen.

Antihistamine tablets.

They relieve allergy symptoms if the lesions are accompanied by itching and irritation. These include:

  • Loratadine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Cetrin;
  • Cetirizine;
  • Fexadine.

Take the tablets before bed, in courses of 2 weeks.


These drugs do not treat lichen; they are prescribed for severe cases of the disease, when ulcers form and there is a risk of infection. Antibiotics are commonly used wide range actions, they stop the proliferation of bacteria, relieve inflammation, swelling:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Metacycline;
  • Oletherine.

The dosage and duration of therapy is determined only by the doctor. If you do not follow the specialist’s recommendations, the antibiotic will stop working and the treatment will be in vain. It is usually advised to take the medicine at a certain time.


Prescribed as an adjuvant that helps faster cure lichen in humans. Drugs increase the body's resistance or, on the contrary, smooth out Negative consequences immune response to disease:

  • "Polyoxidonium" Used as an immunostimulant for fungal, viral, bacterial infections. Application: dissolve 1 tablet (12 mg) 3 times a day.
  • "Cycloferon" Promotes the production of interferon, which speeds up recovery. The daily dose is 450 mg - 3 tablets taken at one time. Course – 40 tablets.
  • "Delagil" The active ingredient is chloroquine. Used as an immunosuppressive anti-inflammatory drug from a person. Daily dose 0.4 g
  • “Immunal” A remedy for strengthening the immune system based on echinacea. Take a tablet 3 times a day for at least a week. Analogues: Immunorm, Echinacea, Estifan,
  • "Likopid" A new generation immunostimulant drug. Use 2 mg 2 times a day.
  • "Planquenil" Anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressant for the treatment of lichen planus. At the beginning daily dose 400 mg, after improvement it is reduced to 200 mg. Take in 1 or 2 doses.


They are used only externally for different types of lichen. Active ingredient Most of these drugs are terbinafine, which destroys dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi. First, the skin is cleaned and dried, then deprivation remedy spray on the affected areas, covering healthy parts of the skin. Among adverse reactions Most often there is itching, peeling, irritation, redness, which disappear after stopping use.

In pharmacies you can find sprays with the following names:

  • Lamicon;
  • Lamisil;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Fungoterbin;
  • Thermikon;
  • Miconazole;
  • Kanesten.

The dosage of the drugs is not specified exactly, most often ringworm spray Spray until skin is damp. Usually used 2 times a day. The improvement is noticeable in the first days, but the drugs should be used until full recovery. Not recommended for women during pregnancy, people with kidney and liver diseases.

Auxiliary external preparations

Solutions, pastes, and suspensions are used not only to destroy lichen pathogens, but also as antiseptic and regenerating agents. Preparations in the form of solutions are convenient for treating lichen on the head - unlike creams and ointments, they do not contaminate the hair and are quickly absorbed. On smooth areas of the skin they are used before applying other external products.

  • Clotrimazole. Antifungal solution: used to treat pityriasis versicolor, ringworm. Rub a few drops into the affected areas 2 times a day.
  • Yodicirin. A solution based on iodine and glycerin peels off scales, restores the skin, and leaves no marks. Apply a swab moistened with the medicine for half an hour.
  • Vokadin. Antiseptic solution based on iodine, used for damage to mucous membranes. Dilute 5 ml of the product in half a glass of water and rinse your mouth.
  • Fucoricin. Antifungal, antimicrobial solution: wipe the affected areas 1 – 2 times a day before applying the ointment. Not prescribed to women during pregnancy. Treat ringworm on the face This drug is not very convenient - it turns the skin red.
  • Sangviritrin. Antimicrobial solution. Wipe 1 – 2 times a day.
  • Tsindol. Antiseptic, drying suspension, used in the treatment of pityriasis rosea.
  • Pasta Lassara. Complex remedy against dermatological diseases, which is more than 100 years old. The active component, salicylic acid, eliminates inflammation and promotes skin restoration. Apply 2 – 3 times a day.
  • Lamisil. Gel, lotion against fungi. After application, it forms a film that lasts for 3 days.

Pharmacies provide a huge selection of drugs to combat skin diseases, but only the doctor determines how to treat lichen. Independent actions This will not help, but will only harm.

Ringworm is a large group of dermatoses, united by a common name due to the similarity of symptoms. On the skin of a person suffering from shingles, limited spots are formed, covered with flaky skin. The appearance of rashes may be accompanied by pain or itching.

Despite the similarity of symptoms, the nature of the diseases designated general term, can be completely different. Most often, it occurs lichen fungus. There are types of diseases that are caused by a virus. Some types of lichen have non-infectious nature, the cause of their development is an autoimmune reaction, allergies or other internal factors.

Since the nature of lichen is different, there is no medicine that is suitable for treating all types of the disease. A specific ointment for lichen can be recommended only after diagnostics and identification of the type of pathogen.

In almost all cases, it is carried out using medicines local action using ointment, cream, solution, etc. In the initial stage of the disease in children, they try to get by only with external treatment, since systemic drugs have side effects. External medications are prescribed after installation accurate diagnosis. Using unsuitable ointments is not only useless, but can also cause significant harm to health.

Treatment with ointments depriving fungal nature

Microscopic fungi are the causative agents of the most common types of lichen in humans - ringworm and pityriasis versicolor. Fungal dermatoses are especially common in children, since children love to play with animals and come into close contact with each other during communication.

For the treatment of diseases of this type are used antifungal agents. This is first of all antifungal ointments, shampoos, gels. At severe course diseases, systemic antifungal drugs are also prescribed - tablets, capsules, etc.

Modern antifungal drugs fail healing effect both with the shearer and with pityriasis versicolor. To select the most effective means conduct cultural research. The material taken from the diseased skin (scraping) is placed on special nutrient media and wait several days until colonies of the fungus grow. By the type of colonies, you can accurately determine the type of fungus, and also check which antifungal agents effectively destroy the pathogen.


The drug clotrimazole is used in the treatment of many fungal diseases. When the drug is applied to the lesion, the active substance destroys the membranes of the fungi, leading to their death. Greatest efficiency Clotrimazole is indicated in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor caused by fungi of the genus yeast.

How to use clotrimazole? Treatment with this drug is very simple. The following rules must be observed:

  • Thoroughly clean the areas of skin to which the ointment will be applied using soap;
  • apply a thin layer of ointment or cream, trying to gently rub into the skin;
  • use clotrimazole 2-4 times a day.

Clotrimazole should be used for a long time in the treatment of fungal forms of lichen. The course can last from 3 to 9 weeks. Clotrimazole can be used to treat children of any age. The advantages of the drug include its affordable price. Contraindication for use is individual intolerance.

Other antifungals

There are other antifungal agents that are used to treat pityriasis versicolor or ringworm in humans. Here is a list of the most commonly used means:

  • Mycoseptin. Active ingredient is undencylenic acid and the zinc salt of this acid. This remedy is effective against fungi that cause ringworm. When carrying out treatment, it is necessary to smear previously cleansed skin twice a day; you can apply ointment under the bandage. The course of application is 3-6 weeks, the ointment is not used to treat children under two years of age.
  • Mycozoral (others commercial names– Nizoral, Mycoquet, Dermazol). The product based on ketanozole is available both in the form of an ointment and in the form of shampoo and cream. This drug effective against all types of fungi that cause lichen. When carrying out treatment, it is necessary to smear the lesions, going 1.5-2 cm beyond the boundaries of the spot. The course lasts 5-7 days. Ketanozole-based drugs are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and pregnant women.
  • Castellani liquid or fucorcin. This combination remedy, which contains resocin, phenol, boric acid, acetone, fuchsin and water and ethanol. The drug fukortsin effectively fights against fungi and bacteria, and also has a drying effect. The color of the drug fukortsin is crimson, the smell is quite pungent. Fucorcin is used in complex therapy depriving, it is necessary to smear the lesions on the skin up to 4 times a day. After the solution has dried, cream or ointment can be applied to the area of ​​lichen. Fukortsin is used for adults and children over one year of age.
  • Sulfur-tar ointment. Tar has a disinfecting and healing effect, sulfur has an inhibitory effect on the vital activity of fungi. The ointment is used in the treatment of ringworm. It is recommended to smear the lesions with iodine in the morning, and apply sulfur-tar ointment at night.

Treatment with ointments for vesicular lichen

Tinea vesica is viral disease caused by infection and reactivation of the herpes virus. Therefore, antifungal agents are useless to treat this type of disease. For external therapy of lichen viral nature The following ointments are used:

  • Acyclovir. Available a large number of ointments containing acyclovir, the commercial names of these drugs are Herperax, Vivorax, Zovirax, Gerpetad, etc. During the treatment process, it is necessary to smear the rash areas up to 6 times a day. It is recommended to take protective measures against further spread of the virus and touch the elements of the rash only with gloves (finger caps) or use cotton swabs.
  • Panavir. This antiviral agent, produced in the form of a gel, which has an antiviral and immunomodeling effect.
  • Viru-Mers. The drug is effective against manifestations in humans. It is necessary to smear the rash 5 times a day, the course of use is no more than 5 days.

As aids, helping recovery skin To stimulate regeneration, they use products such as Panthenol, Bepanthenol, Dexpanthenol, etc.

Treatment with ointments for pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea is a dermatosis, the nature of which is not entirely clear. The disease is considered infectious, however, the degree of its contagiousness is many times lower than in nature.

Pink shingles will go away and without special treatment after a few months. Therefore, the main goal of therapy is to eliminate itching and prevent secondary infection of the skin.

The drug of choice for the external treatment of pityriasis rosea is Tsintol. This product dries and disinfects the skin, reduces the intensity of itching. If the rash causes intense itching or spreads very quickly throughout the body, the dermatologist may recommend an ointment containing glucocorticosteroids - Fluorocort, Lorinden, etc.

Self-apply hormonal ointments should not be done as they may make the situation worse. The fact is that steroid hormones sharply reduce local immunity, and if used incorrectly, the infection can become chronic.

So, recommend effective ointment only a dermatologist can treat lichen after examining the patient and conducting a series of tests. Uncontrolled use of ointments, especially those containing hormones, can lead to the development of complications, so you should not self-medicate for any type of lichen.



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