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Obtaining winter garlic bulbs from bulbs.

Belongs to the oldest vegetable and medicinal plants which man began to use to his advantage. At first it was collected in nature along with other edible wild plants, and then they began to be specially grown near homes in gardens.

Due to its specific properties and potent phytoncides, garlic is currently used as widely as any other plant. It is eaten in fresh, it is used in cooking, for preparing food for future use, in pickles and marinades, in the vegetable canning and meat processing industries. Prepared from fresh garlic garlic oil and dry garlic powder.

This culture is a natural antibiotic that has the ability to stimulate cell growth and vital activity, one of the most popular means prevention colds. It has a restorative effect on all body systems, improves health and prevents diseases, and also dissolves cholesterol in the blood and stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins. "Opens" blood vessels and reduces blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. Garlic preparations are widely used clinically for the prevention and treatment of cholesterol metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis and its complications, and for the prevention of tumors. Its bulbs serve as raw materials in pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of medicines; garlic is used in folk and scientific medicine, veterinary medicine, in the fight against pests and plant diseases and to protect against spoilage of agricultural products.

Garlic - annual plant. In the process of long evolution, garlic as a cultivated plant has lost the ability to reproduce through seeds and reproduces only by vegetative means. Cultivated forms of garlic are divided into three groups: winter shooters, winter non-shooters and spring, usually non-shooters. The last two forms reproduce only by teeth, and in the arrowing forms, at the beginning of summer, a flowering shoot, or arrow, emerges from the center of the bulb, on which an inflorescence is formed. It simultaneously develops sterile flowers and bulbs(up to 500 pieces) - formations completely identical to onion cloves.

One of negative points when growinggarlic and othersvegetatively propagated crops and, in particular, their reproduction. With such management of culture, its degeneration often occurs. Degeneration is the result of the accumulation of the virus in the bulbs and a gradual increase in its concentration. This process has different speed flow - in unfavorable conditions it proceeds faster - one or two generations. Viruses, penetrating into plants, change the metabolism typical for a given variety and cause a decrease in yield and deterioration in the quality of the bulbs.

There is a way to rid plants of diseases - this is growing winter garlic from bulbs. Plants obtained from bulbs have greater vitality and productivity. They seem to be rejuvenated.

There are three ways to grow garlic from bulbs:

1) growing bulbs with transplanting sets (small single-toothed bulbs, reminiscent of onion sets);

2) growing bulbs without transplanting sets;

3) growing bulbs from bulbs in one year.

Harvesting of bulblets for seeds begins when 5-8% of plants experience cracking of the inflorescence cover. Arrow pruning is done 25-30 cm below the inflorescence. Bulbs can be sown in autumn and spring, depending on climatic conditions the year of their formation. Bulbs take longer to ripen than bulbs. Their ripening period is 30-40 days. Therefore, in Siberian conditions, it is best to sow bulbs in the spring. They are threshed immediately before sowing.

Before sowing, the bulbs are calibrated. The best bulbs for sowing are 5-7 mm in diameter. Small bulbs have a deep dormant period, and therefore they can sprout in the second year after sowing. Soil preparation is the same as for sowing with cloves. The planting depth is 3-4 cm, and if you still decide to blow it in the fall - 4-5 cm. Autumn planting is carried out in late September - early October and then the plantings are mulched with compost or peat with a layer of 2-3 cm, snow retention is carried out, and in the spring it is obligatory fed with nitrogen.

2. Growing bulbs from bulbs without transplanting sets. Sowing time is the end of April. The seeding rate is 0.3-0.4 kg/m2. The seed crop overwinters well, preservation is up to 88%. It bolts by 70-80%, produces bulbs weighing 20 g. Harvesting of bulbs is August next year.

3. Growing bulbs from bulbs in one year. The sowing time for bulbs is mid-summer. The seeding rate is 0.18-0.3 kg/m2. Pre-sowing and post-sowing watering is required. Plants grow well by autumn and overwinter with leaves. Bulb harvesting - August next year. Planting care is as usual as when planting with teeth.

S. Zharkova

Garlic is planted on almost every garden plot. This healthy vegetable is needed for preparing savory dishes, as well as for protecting family members from acute respiratory infections with the onset of winter cold. However, most housewives prefer to grow winter garlic. It is characterized by larger teeth. This is very convenient if you need to prepare dinner, but it is a significant disadvantage when selecting a future seed crop. There are only 7-12 cloves in the head, which means that a significant part of them will be planted in the ground again.

There is an exit

What to do? Should I plant seeds separately? Its heads are smaller, and the number of teeth reaches 25. But this is completely inconvenient. Nature itself suggests the way out. Garlic bulbs form in winter plantings. Housewives are well aware of his tendency to “go wild.” Only by cutting them off in time can you achieve the formation of a good head. What happens if you leave the arrow? It will bloom like a flower.

Puffed garlic bulbs

Growing them is a pleasure. Each seed plant will produce at least a hundred inflorescences. They are protected by a cover that protects the seed material from damage. You only need to leave 3-4 arrows, and you are guaranteed a harvest. As you can see, the savings are pretty good. Garlic bulbs not only help preserve the harvest. This is also excellent remedy to improve and improve the seed fund.

Simplifying the boarding process

Some will say that planting garlic is not at all difficult. This is true if you need a small garden bed. In order to plant large area, standard technique Planting one clove at a time does not work well. But garlic bulbs can be sown like seeds of other plants. If you use cloves, be prepared for bacteria to be transferred from the soil into the vegetable. Accordingly, next year the seed material will already be infected. Now the plant that comes out of it will have an even more difficult time fighting the disease. Year after year, the ability of the land to produce a good harvest decreases. And planting garlic in bulbs is considered more environmentally friendly, since there is no contact with the ground.

Obvious disadvantages

This method of reproduction is effective, but not ideal. He has negative sides, and first of all, a protracted result. That is normal size Bulbs can only be obtained in the second year. The garden bed you planted just takes up space for the first year. Because of this, some gardeners refuse further experiments. Some people sowed it incorrectly or at the wrong time, for others they froze or dried out, and still others say that the heads grew small. This means exactly one thing, such reproduction has its pros and cons.

Soil preparation

The site must be chosen to be sunny. If you know that in the spring there are melt water, then it is better not to use it. The garlic will get wet and spoil. If there is no choice, then raise the bed higher. This plant is unassuming, but loves fertile soil. Therefore, when digging, you need to add 40 g of superphosphate per m2. You can use compost, but you need more of it.

It is necessary to take into account and cannot be grown in one bed all the time. Pathogens tend to accumulate. Therefore return to old place Any crop is recommended once every 4-5 years. Cucumber or cucumber are ideal as predecessors. cauliflower. Garlic grows poorly after potatoes and onions. But feel free to plant a fragrant vegetable next to them. Legumes are bad neighbors.

We grow high-quality seed material

Propagating garlic by bulbs is not easy, but very interesting activity. First of all, you will need quality seeds. To do this, leave arrows on several plants that were grown from the largest cloves. The rest need to be broken out, otherwise you will get a flower garden when complete absence harvest. Left on the bushes, roll them into a spiral. This helps you understand when to collect garlic bulbs.

As soon as the arrows straighten, it's time to harvest. This concept applies to bulbs and heads. When harvesting, the plants are completely dug up with roots and hung to dry. During this process nutrients flock to the seeds and cloves. And only after drying is complete can the stem be removed.

Some secrets

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to collected material, select the largest bulbs. It is they who will be able to produce excellent seedlings next year, strong and healthy.
  • When planting, the grooves are laid at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The bulbs should be located no closer than 2 cm from each other. The planting depth is average, 2-3 cm. If it is less, the seeds can be squeezed out to the surface by frost.

There are two ways to grow plants. The first involves planting bulbs in a garden bed for two years at once. That is, after the first summer they are not dug up, but left for the second winter. Maybe some people actually do this, but most gardeners are in favor of traditional way much better.

The second method assumes that one-toothed trees need to be dug up in August, and only then used for winter planting. In this case, garlic seeds from bulbs will be additionally controlled. It should be noted that onions come in different varieties, from very large to very small. This way you have the opportunity to calibrate the harvest and leave only the highest quality seeds for reproduction. The secret to a higher and better harvest is that such planting material is larger.

Decide how to grow healthy vegetables, just for you. But practice shows that the second method works better under conditions. Therefore, you will have to dig up the crop in August, dry it well, and then lower it into the cellar for spring planting. In this case, it will be spring. Or you can plant it before winter.

Correct fit

Bulbs can be planted both in autumn and spring. But in any case, you need to prepare the site during the harvesting work after harvesting. To do this, the bed is loosened and mulched. Planting should already be done by mid-April. Not everyone wants to start so early gardening work. But winter planting also has its drawbacks, since part of the crop may freeze.

Each gardener decides for himself when to plant garlic bulbs. Before sowing, they are disassembled and kept in the refrigerator for two months. This way the seeds will begin to feel the change in time. Subjected to stratification, they will calmly wait for spring in the soil, produce friendly shoots and in early August will delight you with excellent heads - seedlings, from which you can grow garlic next year. They are usually called one-toothed. Under this name they will be sold in any store for gardeners and gardeners.

Harvest on time

This is the key to success. Dig it out when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow. This usually occurs in early or mid-August. Dry the garlic for three days using sunlight. Do not leave outside to prevent morning dew from getting on the plants. Then you need to tie it into bundles and put it in the attic. The one-toothed ones grown during the season will become an excellent seed material for the next year. From each of these a beautiful head will grow, consisting of 10-12 large cloves.

Instead of a conclusion

Planting with bulbs is justified in some cases. If you debug the cycle, you will have a constant supply of fresh, planting one-tooths. Of course, waiting for two years is not the best option, but to avoid such a break, you can sow bulbs in your garden, and buy seedlings on the market to grow the crop. Next year you will have your own cloves to plant and a good harvest of fresh garlic.

In fact, you don’t have to use the technique of growing seeds from bulbs at all. This is done by specialized agricultural farms. Therefore, feel free to choose the appropriate variety and purchase ready-made single-toothed ones. Even if the soil in the garden is not very good, they will produce an excellent harvest the first year.

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Ecology of consumption. Homestead: Garlic occupies beds in almost every garden. Still would! Garlic contains many vitamins...

Garlic occupies beds in almost every garden. Still would! Garlic contains a lot of vitamins, it is necessary for pickling, and many dishes without it would not have their attractiveness. But do we know everything about garlic?

What is the difference between winter and spring garlic?

Garlic can be winter or spring. At first glance, both have absolutely similar structures: head, roots, stem, leaves... But in fact, the differences are significant.

Winter varieties have one row of large teeth, and spring varieties have several rows, but smaller ones.

Winter crops can be planted in the spring and, more correctly, in the fall (during spring planting, they do not have time to divide into cloves); spring crops are planted exclusively in the spring and produce a harvest in the same year.

Winter garlic has more pungency, while spring garlic is better stored.

If you disassemble a bulb of winter garlic into cloves, you will find that inside it there is a remnant of the shoot (a kind of rod), around which the garlic cloves are located, but spring garlic does not have such a rod, since it does not shoot.

Why does winter garlic bolt?

Why does winter garlic shoot? And in order to have more seed material for propagation, because only 4 - 10 cloves are formed in its bulb, and this is clearly not enough to leave for planting and save for the table, but the bulbs (aerial bulbs) on one The arrow is loaded from 20 to 100 pieces at once.

In addition, the formation of aerial bulbs ensures the preservation of the quality of garlic, allows you to obtain healthier planting material, and grow a more complete crop that is highly resistant to diseases and pests.

Unfortunately, many amateur gardeners neglect the method of propagating winter garlic through bulbs, but in vain. This crop tends to become smaller over the years, so it needs to be rejuvenated at least every 5, and preferably 3, years. And for this there is nothing better than seed material collected from your own garden bed, belonging to your favorite variety.

How to grow bulbs?

Growing garlic from bulbs to full bulbs usually takes two years. However, there are cases when already in the first year the set forms a fairly large single-toothed onion, ready for use. By taste qualities and content useful substances it is in no way inferior to a two-year one, but if the goal is reproduction, it is better to be patient and grow good planting material from airy garlic cloves, and from it grow a crop for the table.

There are two ways to grow seedlings. The first is to plant bulbs before winter. However, during the period of frost there is a fair amount of young garlic falling out, partly due to cold weather, partly due to their being pushed to the surface by frozen soil. Therefore, a less risky method is the second method - spring planting.

To save the seed until spring, aerial bulbs are packed in newspaper and hidden in a dry, dark place, with a stable temperature from +18 to +20°C. But already a month and a half before planting (approximately February) they are transferred to a cellar or refrigerator, or placed in a fabric bag and buried in the snow to withstand for some time at a temperature of 0 to + 4 ° C. This allows the bulblets to go through a period of stratification, which ensures the maturation of tissues for germination and gives a kind of impetus to the beginning of the growing season.

Then the garlic cloves are dried, ventilated and disinfected in a light solution of manganese, and only after that they are planted in beds, to a depth of 3 - 4 cm, with a distance of 3 cm arcs from each other, forming rows every 15 cm.

After the seed is placed in the holes, upper layer The beds are carefully compacted and covered with mulch. This ensures good adhesion of the seeds to the soil, which provokes more vigorous germination, and allows moisture to be retained in the soil, which is very important for germination.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that Garlic cannot be planted in the same place for several years in a row., since this contributes to the accumulation of diseases, and should not be placed on predecessors that adversely affect the harvest (after onions, cucumbers, carrots), and after tomatoes, peas, early white cabbage or cauliflower.

When to collect grown bulbs?

The time to collect grown bulbs comes in early August. A clear sign What is already due is the yellowed foliage of the garlic. However, you should not wait until the leaves dry out completely, because if the above-ground part dies off, it will be difficult to find the shads in the ground.

When harvesting, you must remember that Under no circumstances should dug up garlic be left in the open sun., as recommended in the notes of many gardeners, since this crop tends to “glaze” on straight lines sun rays, and this significantly reduces the quality. Drying of one-toothed bulbs (as well as two-year-old bulbs) should take place in the shade, in a well-ventilated place.

Once the outer husks have dried, the planting material can be tied into bunches and hung in the shed or attic. In the fall, single clove garlic is ready for planting for the main winter planting. published

Has the garlic in your beds begun to produce a poor harvest, has become small and painful, and has lost its pungency? It is necessary to “refresh” the plantings. Growing garlic from bulbs, or seeds, will help with this.

Garlic usually reproduces vegetatively (by cloves). The gardener saves part of the harvest for planting, and in the spring he plants it in the ground. However, over the course of 3-4 years, the garlic in the garden gradually degenerates, becoming small, low-yielding, and less resistant to pests and diseases. The technology of growing garlic from bulbs comes to the rescue.

Bulbs (balls, nodules) are aerial bulbs or seeds that grow in the inflorescences of bolting (winter) varieties of garlic. They are the size of an oat or barley grain and have an elongated (less often round) shape.

A popular way to improve the varietal qualities of a crop is cultivation in three stages:

  1. Large 4-pronged heads are planted to obtain seeds.
  2. We plant large bulbs of the first year to obtain round heads (single-toothed).
  3. We plant single-clove garlic, from which we obtain high-quality, healthy, tasty multi-clove garlic.

This method of recovery seriously increases the efficiency and quality of culture.

Growing bulbs

We select large 4-clove garlic heads and plant them according to the winter type in due time.

We are waiting for bolting and the appearance of characteristic round inflorescences at the top of the arrow. When the inflorescence is fully formed or the film on it bursts, the bulbs are almost ripe. Now they can be collected for seeds.

After cutting the arrows 30-35 cm long, place them on a tarpaulin and leave for at least 30-40 days in a dark, dry room with a temperature of +18–20°C.

For better preservation of the nodules, leave them in the inflorescences for the entire storage period.

From 1 hectare you can get up to 10-15 quintals of aerated seed bulbs.


2 months before planting in the ground, transfer the seed to a colder room (from 0 to +4°C) - for example, to a basement, refrigerator. This is done to “harden” the aerial bulbs so that they quickly and successfully get used to the soil.

Before planting, you need to remove healthy large bulbs from the inflorescences and select them, ideally with a diameter of 3-5 mm or more. Experienced gardeners have noticed that air with a diameter of 5 mm produces high-quality single-toothed.

The finer the planting material, the lower the crop yield.

Small seeds (2-3 mm) are sown in a separate area. They will produce a non-standard one-toothed plant that can be replanted in the fall to produce a larger one. Very small bulbs are not suitable for planting - they are thrown away.

Site preparation

In the fall, before digging, the area where the garlic bulbs will be planted is fertilized - applied per 1 square meter. 3-5 kg of humus or compost, as well as 1 tablespoon each of potassium superphosphate, potassium sulfate, wood ash.

In the spring, the fertile area, cleared of weeds, is carefully leveled and sprinkled with a solution of 1 tbsp. copper sulfate for 10 liters of water. For every square meter you need to use 2 liters of solution. Then the beds are covered with black film for 2-3 days.

It is not advisable to sow garlic nodules in the ground where carrots, cucumbers, and onions grew in the previous gardening season. But pumpkin, legumes, cereals, tomatoes, and cabbage have a beneficial effect on subsequent plantings of garlic.

Do not plant garlic in one place several times in a row - this leads to an increase in diseases.

Airborne landing

Garlic aerial bulbs can be planted 2 times a year:

  • winter - 35-45 days before the onset of frost (between September 20 and October 10);
  • spring - in early spring, as soon as planting can begin.

The method of planting aerial nodules in a private garden is the standard line, the distance between lines (rows) should be 20-25 cm. The ideal sowing proportion is 40-50 bulbs per linear meter.

Planting depth:

  • for nodules with a diameter greater than 5 mm - 4-5 cm;
  • for nodules 3-5 mm - 3 cm.

Consumption of seeding material:

  • for nodules with a diameter greater than 5 mm - 300-500 kg/ha;
  • for nodules 3-5 mm – 200 kg/ha.

After planting, mulch the soil with humus, sawdust or peat 2-3 cm thick.

This is interesting: There is another interesting way to plant garlic seeds in the fall:

  1. Cover the prepared bed with 1-2 layers of wet newspaper.
  2. Punch rows of small holes in the newspapers.
  3. Plant the seeds in the holes, sprinkled with humus.
  4. Place on top of newspapers thin layer earth or sand.
  5. Add sawdust or peat mulch.

The method suppresses the growth of perennial weeds whose roots overwinter in the soil, saving effort and time on weeding.

Crop care

If you planted winter bulbs, make sure that there is always enough snow in the beds. If the zama has little snow, rake all possible snow onto the garlic plantings using a shovel. This will allow the spice to sprout early.

If spring (especially May) is dry, the beds need watering, always 1-2 times a month.

How to feed crops:

  • end of March - beginning of April - fertilizing with nitrophoska (15 g per 1 sq. m.);
  • the first 5 days of June - fertilizing with ammophoska (15 g per 1 sq. m.) and wood ash(5-6 glasses per 10 sq.m.).

Arrows that have grown to 5-8 cm must be carefully cut off or broken off under the third leaf - they reduce the yield.

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