Swimming in an ice hole - rules, tips, recommendations. Winter swimming in an ice hole: the path to health or illness

Swimming in an ice hole is a long-standing tradition not only of Slavic peoples. Hindu sages in their holy books (which were written 1800 BC) said that bathing cold water gives ten benefits! Freshness, clarity of mind, vigor, health, beauty, strength, youth, purity, pleasant skin color and the attention of beautiful women.

Where did swimming in the ice hole come from in our country? Maybe the tradition originated from the time of the baptism of Rus'?

Swimming in an ice hole is an ancient pagan rite of “purification” - mass ablution. The roots of the Slavic traditions of winter swimming in icy water go back to the time of the ancient Scythians. Children were dipped in cold water, hardened, accustomed to harsh weather.

And of course, we took a dip in the ice hole after the bath!

In winter 1237, Batu Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) and his cavalry reached Moscow and saw small houses by the river. They ran out of them naked people and rushed into ice water.

“What are these crazy people doing?” he asked. He was told that the houses are called soap houses, and the inhabitants of Mushkafa (as the Mongols called Moscow) torture themselves there birch brooms, wash hot water and kvass, and then throw themselves into the ice hole with ice water. This is useful, which is why the Urusuts (as the Mongols called the Russians) are so strong.

The tradition of ice hardening has deep roots and has survived to this day. During times Soviet Union there were many hardening and winter swimming clubs. Unfortunately, they are not so popular now.

But the tradition of plunging into an ice hole after a bath has been preserved to this day. It has not been forgotten, has not gone out of fashion, and has not found another replacement. After a good bathhouse and a hot steam room, your feet go straight to the ice-cold water! The body itself knows what it needs and how it is useful for it.

The body's reaction to swimming in an ice hole

The heat of the bath, combined with swimming in ice water, causes alternating expansion and contraction of the capillaries. This kind of training makes the blood vessels elastic, and their work is activated. Nutrition of the body's cells, their activity improves and the metabolic process in the body occurs better.

Capillaries, our little helpers, become more efficient and their vital activity increases. They change the amount of blood flow to the skin, so our body can regulate heat transfer within certain limits.

After plunging into an ice hole and swimming in cold water, the body temperature returns to its original values ​​in about half an hour. Trembling occurs after 12-15 minutes if warming procedures are not done.

Bath and hot shower, intense exercise and massage will help cope with this problem.

Supporters of winter swimming need to know that the capillaries of the head (with the exception of the front part) cannot narrow under the influence of cold. At a temperature of -4 degrees, half the heat that the body produces at rest is lost if the head is not covered.

The brain is sensitive to a lack of oxygen; immersing your head in ice water for more than 5-10 seconds can cause a spasm of the blood vessels that supply the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your head from hypothermia, otherwise the blood supply to the brain can be disrupted.

Contraindications to swimming in an ice hole

Swimming in an ice hole is contraindicated for acute and chronic diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the nasopharynx, paranasal cavities, otitis media
  2. Cardiovascular system (congenital and acquired heart valve defects, ischemic disease with attacks of angina pectoris, previous myocardial infarction, coronary-cardiosclerosis, hypertonic disease Stages II and III)
  3. Central nervous systems s (epilepsy, consequences of severe skull injuries, cerebral vascular sclerosis, encephalitis)
  4. Peripheral nervous system (neuritis, polyneuritis)
  5. Endocrine system ( diabetes, thyrotoxicosis)
  6. Visual organs (glaucoma, conjunctivitis)
  7. Respiratory organs (pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma)
  8. Genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, inflammatory processes appendages, prostate gland)
  9. Gastrointestinal tract ( peptic ulcer stomach, cholecystitis)
  10. Skin and venereal diseases
  11. Extensive post-burn scars of the skin

To all of the above contraindications for swimming in an ice hole, I would add a few more important points: unnecessary excitement, undisciplined behavior, bragging, the desire to show off one’s prowess, to win an argument - all this can lead to sad consequences. Ice water knows how to be a healer, but it does not forgive mistakes and can punish hard!

What to take with you

Be sure to bring a change of dry clothes and a soft towel. Clothing should be comfortable to put on (no buttons or hooks). It is advisable to choose natural fabrics without synthetics - they are more pleasant to the body.

For swimming you need swimming trunks for men and a swimsuit for women, or a simple shirt. For ease of walking in the snow and slippery ice You need flip flops or flip flops. Shoes can be selected based on personal preferences, the main thing is that they should protect your feet from damage and frostbite.

Bring a thermos of hot tea with you, it will be a heavenly drink after leaving the icy water.

What should the hole be like?

The location of the ice hole should be located above the drainage of domestic waters, away from marinas, moorings and piers, oil loading facilities, and so on...

Optimally, the speed of water flow in a reservoir should be no more than 0.25 m per second. The bottom of the ice hole should be smooth and hard, preferably sandy and gradually deepening from the shore. Holes, cliffs, algae, snags and tree roots, large stones can cause injuries when swimming.

Before preparing the ice hole, the bottom must be examined and cleaned. Optimal size ice hole - 6 by 3 meters. 5 people can be in such an ice hole at the same time without the danger of collision or touching the ice edge. Such an ice-hole is usually prepared before swimming at Epiphany.

The minimum size of an ice hole is 3 by 3 meters; such an ice hole is easy to prepare and maintain in working order.

It is not convenient to swim in smaller ice holes; they are dangerous. The mini ice hole is only suitable for immersing the body in cold water.

The optimal depth of the ice hole should be at least 2-3 meters, in which you can not be afraid to touch the bottom, which may be clogged. In a deep hole the water is cleaner.

Small ice holes are for hardening beginners, older people and those who are poor swimmers.

The ice hole can be fenced off with a wall made of snow briquettes; it will protect from the wind. Any fencing of an ice hole is installed at a distance of 7-9 meters from its edges.

The edges of the ice hole can be lined with hay, making it comfortable to stand on bare feet without fear of frostbite.

How to enter the hole

Before entering the ice hole, you need to warm up.

Be sure to do some simple physical exercises and let the blood run through your veins and capillaries! The more you warm up the body, the better it will be - the hardening effect is increased due to the difference in temperature of the skin and water.

It is unpleasant for a cold person to enter ice water; there will be little benefit from the procedure...

If you go to the ice bath after a hot steam room, then the heat of the bath has already done this job for you!

You must enter the water decisively and keep your head above the water while swimming. During the first few seconds, act vigorously with your arms and legs. Try not to touch other people in the ice hole - careless touches in cold water are painful.

What to do after leaving the hole

Run from the hole to the bathhouse! Warm up in the locker room, douse yourself with warm water, rub yourself carefully with a terry towel, get dressed and drink hot tea!

If you plunge into an ice hole without bath procedures, then after the ice water you need to rub yourself with a towel, do a self-massage, and perform several physical exercise.

Remember that a wet body gives off heat 4 times more than a dry body. To prevent hypothermia muscle loads, rubbing and self-massage are necessary!

Security measures

Accidents and injuries can occur when swimming in icy water. If you decide to go extreme, remember that entering the ice hole is not difficult. It is much more difficult to get out of it.

Even in moderate frost, hands stick to wooden (not to mention metal) railings. To make it easier to get out of the water, you can hang a dry towel on the handrails of the stairs. The way out of a sticky situation can be ordinary snow - take a handful from the edge of the ice hole and, together with the snow, grab the handrails.

If several people are swimming in an ice hole, it is advisable to equip two ladders to exit the water. So that there is no delay for swimmers when leaving.

Coming out of the hole in vertical position more difficult and dangerous, so everyone swimming in an ice hole needs insurance and mutual assistance. Thus, swimming alone in a large ice hole is a bad idea.

If you feel uncomfortable, dizzy, weak, stiff in movement, tired, stop swimming and ask for help getting out of the icy water.

Conclusion and video story about swimming in an ice hole

There are very few people who engage in winter swimming and swimming in icy water all the time. There are no winter swimming sections with qualified coaches and mentors.

In order to begin to harden with cold, psychological attitude necessary.

An emotional shock when coming into contact with ice water is inevitable. It is at this moment that a person’s inner core manifests itself - can he do it?! And every time it’s a small victory over yourself! The icy water does not require you to set records for speed swimming and long stays.

I asked many who swam in the ice hole - how this happens, what you feel afterwards and what are the first words when leaving the icy water. And you know, there was not one negative feedback! Yes, there is initial fear and excitement. And after the release there was only one word – GREAT!

It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so I suggest watching a short video about a beautiful and brave girl Irina from Krasnoyarsk, who has been swimming in an ice hole for more than 20 years, swimming in an ice hole.

And here are her tips for those who decide to plunge into the ice hole:

  1. The list of contraindications for swimming is in progress. water mentions the central nervous system. Correct spelling: central nervous system. "th" at the end.
  2. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated during and at least 24 hours before. before swimming.
  3. You can't be afraid. Fear constrains everything and does not allow the body to react correctly to cold water. Interest, the unknown, the desire to try, I can or I can’t... anything in the sensations and in the head, but if a person is terrified of cold water, afraid to plunge into it, there is no need to convince him to try. The minimum will be a cold.
  4. If you feel any slightest discomfort, you should not dive into cold water.
  5. Cold water is deceiving! It doesn't allow you to feel pain. For example, if you push away a floating ice floe or an ice floe, even a small one, driven by the current, touches you, there is a high probability that you will cut yourself on its sharp edge. Blood will flow, but you will not be hurt. You won't feel anything at all. If you scrape your nail too hard, for example on a stone or a ladder, you won’t feel it either. If you float in the water longer than necessary, you will begin to fall asleep. And it doesn't hurt either. It is important to remember that cold water is ALWAYS fraught with danger and must be treated with attention and respect. You can't dive alone. There should be like-minded people nearby. At least one.
  6. Rubbing after cold water is not recommended. For the reason that skin sensitivity is greatly reduced. You're supposed to get wet.
  7. It is important to dive for the first time while inhaling. When approaching the water, you don’t need to think about it, you don’t need to try to imagine what it will be like, you don’t need to touch the water with your hands or try to get used to it with your feet... Distract your thoughts. Keep them occupied with something else as they approach the water. Cold water feels exactly the same as hot water. It's the same as going into hot bath. We go in quickly, approximately above the knee (to the level of swimwear). We INHALE deeply and quickly squat, plunging headlong for the first time. When your lungs are filled with air (we inhaled), you will avoid respiratory spasms. Dip the second and third time as you wish - you can even without your head. Don't rush to jump out of the water. Having sunk up to your shoulders, try to calm your breathing and breathe evenly. Then you can leave. Dry your body with a towel. Now you are no longer cold. There is a powerful movement of energy inside. Listen to it, feel it. However, do not stand outside for a long time, go indoors. Don't go into the bathhouse right away. Wait until the cold comes. As soon as you feel that you are frozen, it starts to shake, go to the steam room and warm up as much as you like). Before going into the water next time, you need to cool down a little after the steam room. Too large temperature changes are too much stress on the vessels, they may not be able to withstand it. You shouldn't experiment. Take care of yourself.
  8. Without a sauna, it is important to dive in a warm state. From a warm car, for example, or after MODERATE exercise. You shouldn't count on exercise after diving. All the blood rushed to internal organs, the muscles are cooled and drained of blood, you can pull them, tear or stretch them, dislocate your joints.
    We remember that cold water is deceptive. It’s better to blot your body and get dressed right away. The body will warm itself.
  9. And perhaps the most important thing: Take the plunge for the first time, after all, under the guidance of an experienced friend.
    This will help to avoid troubles, such as loss of consciousness, and therefore unpleasant experiences.
    It is after such unsuccessful, incorrect attempts that a person begins to think that this is harmful, it is not for him, etc.

Something like this.

Good luck and health!)

- this is very ancient occupation, which is becoming more and more popular every year. There are especially many people who want to plunge into the ice hole on Epiphany. But the debate about whether swimming in an ice hole is really good for the body does not subside.

Swimming in an ice hole: benefits

You can often hear that swimming in an ice hole is very beneficial for the body. Back in the middle of the last century, some scientists proved positive influence cold on the body. For example, cold and hot shower capable of activating all systems human body due to controlled temperature differences.

It is also believed that a decrease in temperature promotes the release of certain hormones that help a person adapt to changes external environment and activate defense mechanisms.

In addition, scientists believe that swimming in an ice hole and other hardening procedures help strengthen of cardio-vascular system and lowering blood pressure.

Besides hardening increases immunity. Scientists have found that the human body, which is constantly engaged in hardening, copes with microbes several times faster.

Swimming in an ice hole: harm

Most great harm the body receives precisely from a one-time bath in ice water. If you begin to harden yourself gradually, allowing your body to slowly get used to the drop in temperature, then swimming in an ice hole will most likely only bring benefits. But here For an unprepared body, a sharp drop in temperature can be disastrous.

Doctors do not advise swimming in an ice hole unless you have started to harden and prepare your body in the fall. Because swimming in an ice hole can lead to hypothermia for a prepared body. Besides, Swimming in icy water can cause the development of many serious diseases.

For example, when sharp decline temperature and immersion in ice water, the genitourinary system, pelvic organs, ovaries in women and testicles in men are most affected (which can lead to infertility). Various inflammatory processes may also develop.

It must be remembered that swimming in an ice hole is generally contraindicated for people with chronic diseases. Ice water may well provoke a heart attack. In addition, swimming in an ice hole is always extremely stressful for the body.

Swimming in an ice hole: basic rules

Doctors note that swimming in an ice hole is highest form hardening therefore requires precautions. Swimming in cold water is especially dangerous for the elderly, children and people suffering from any chronic diseases.

In addition, even if you are completely healthy, you still need to take all precautions. It is better to swim in cold water only in a familiar place and do not go to the ice hole alone. You should definitely take a travel blanket or newspaper with you so that you can lay it under your feet when dressing and undressing.

Also try to get out of the water immediately after diving. Clothing should be as loose and comfortable as possible, and preferably with minimum quantity buttons Besides, Do not smoke or drink alcohol before swimming in the ice hole.

If you gradually harden yourself and swim in the ice hole as carefully as possible, this will only strengthen your health. But if you are not confident in your health, then it is better not to take any unnecessary risks and refrain from swimming in ice water.

Having become a tradition over the centuries, swimming in an ice hole made in a reservoir during the ancient Christian holiday Baptism raises many questions among people of different confessions and non-believers. This is truly a way to physically and spiritually cleanse a person, or a beautiful tribute to fashion. What happens at the moment of immersion in an ice bath and who will benefit from such a procedure.

Traditions of the holiday of Epiphany

Baptism is on January 19 and the tradition of plunging into an ice font dates back to 988, from the time of the introduction of Kievan Rus Christianity. According to biblical history, Jesus, at his personal request, was baptized on this very day. During the ceremony of John the Baptist, Jesus was in the waters of the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove and a voice from above, proclaiming him the son of God. This event became the basis of the holiday. The word baptism itself, translated from ancient Greek, means direct immersion in water. It is believed that with his baptism God made the water holy, that is, having special healing properties. Considering that water in the Old Testament is considered the basis of all living things, the importance of this tradition becomes clear.

After the Divine Liturgy, water is blessed in all churches. At this time of the Blessing of Water, all water elements are also endowed with miraculous qualities. To conduct Epiphany bathing, crowded processions are held in the cross-shaped ice hole, which in Christianity are called the Procession of the Cross to the Jordan. It is believed that a body washed with holy water, like a purified soul that has believed in the Savior, will receive health and blessing, and will join the sacrament of the Holy Trinity. In addition to the Christian overtones, the tradition of such bathing has been known since the times of the ancient Scythians and earlier pagan rituals. In this way, newborns were initiated into warriors, healed, and hardened to adapt to the harsh climate.

Features of swimming in an ice hole

On the day of the Epiphany holiday, to make it accessible to everyone, water bodies are specially equipped in accordance with all safety rules; ice holes must be in the form of a cross. After the consecration of the ice hole, people can get water, wash, and the most determined ones can swim. If the body is relatively adapted to cold, then great importance has a mood before swimming. Living structure water can change under the influence of certain information, so when plunging into an ice hole, you only need to tune in to positive influence. Directly during a dive, many processes occur at lightning speed in the human body:

  • under short-term exposure to cold, the cerebral cortex and central nervous system are mobilized, which is positive for the body;
  • a stressful situation leads to a jump in immunity, pain relief, relief of inflammation, spasms, swelling;
  • released under the influence of cold water internal forces, body temperature can reach 40° for a few seconds, causing the death of pathogenic microbes, viruses, cells;
  • The thermal conductivity of water is 28 times greater than air, which gives a huge hardening effect.

Considering the listed advantages of the cold water immersion procedure, we can confidently speak about its benefits. Despite the fact that special physical training In principle, such bathing is not required; in some cases there may be a number of difficult moments. Dip without fear official medicine Recommends it for middle-aged men and women without complex pathologies. In any case, the sacrament of bathing at Epiphany is a deeply individual decision for each person.

How to properly bathe on Epiphany

In addition to the appropriate attitude, such bathing requires adherence to certain rules that help to carry out the ritual correctly and safely. The main point, especially during mass events, is the presence of a specially equipped ice hole. The ice hole should be located at a water depth of no more than 1.8 m, well fenced to avoid accidental falls, and equipped with steps and handrails for descent. Everyone who wants to plunge into the ice hole must have a swimsuit or swimming trunks, a warm robe, a towel, a set of dry clothes, underwear, slippers or woolen socks.

Before starting, it is recommended to warm up slightly, for example by jogging, doing squats or simple exercises. In this case, the body should not be sweaty, but only hot. To prevent a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain, there is no need to wet your head, but it is better to plunge only up to your neck. You cannot jump into the ice hole; you must begin the dive from your feet. Swimming is not recommended; after plunging three times, it is better to get out immediately and not stay in the water for more than 1 minute. Immediately after bathing, you need to dry yourself with a towel and immediately put on dry underwear and clothes. Often a towel may not even be useful, since the skin dries out instantly. But following the church rules, when swimming in the Epiphany ice hole, you need to plunge headlong three times. In this case, there should be a short sincere prayer addressed to God; according to the Orthodox belief, this charges the water with enormous power.

Contraindications for swimming

It is strictly forbidden to consume immediately before or after bathing. alcoholic drinks. Alcohol in the blood has a bad effect on the body's thermoregulation, sometimes with unforeseen consequences. Under its influence, the vessels expand, increasing heat consumption. For some time after consumption, a person may feel a surge of warmth, but then, suddenly, reverse effect and you can get a serious cold. You should also not smoke, as blood circulation is impaired. It is better to drink immediately after dipping herbal decoction or hot tea. Swimming in a cold ice hole on a full or empty stomach is harmful.

If the benefit is obvious Epiphany bathing Contraindications include the presence of chronic or acute diseases. These include disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems, as well as all kinds of inflammation genitourinary system, nasopharynx, otitis. It is not recommended to plunge into an ice hole if you have suffered injuries, encephalitis, epilepsy and other complex pathologies. To avoid harm and receive only benefits, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Hardening or, in other words, winter swimming is effective method, which helps improve the health and energy of the whole body. According to experts, hardening brings great benefits to a person. Generally any water procedures very beneficial for the body, especially swimming. At the same time, tension in the back is relieved, and all parts of the body begin to move.

Scientists have long proven the positive effects of cold on the human body. However, according to doctors, it is necessary to gradually prepare the body for swimming in an ice hole. It is advisable to start preparing in summer period. Effective preparation to swimming in an ice hole is wiping with cold water in the morning, gradually lowering the water temperature. It is necessary to allow the body to slowly get used to the drop in temperature and prepare it for winter swimming.

For rubdown use pieces fabrics from natural materials (linen, cotton) or sponges(natural or rubber). Rubbing begins with the feet, then rubs the arms, chest, stomach, and back with circular movements. After three to four weeks of daily rubdowns, you can move on to douches or contrast showers.

Pouring we need to start with lower parts body, gradually rising upward. Legs and arms must be warmed up (for example, rubbed) before the procedure. It is not recommended to douse if a person feels cold. It may cause harm blood vessels. Dousing can be replaced with a contrast shower.

Cold and hot shower, as a result of a controlled temperature difference, activates all systems of the human body. This procedure strengthens the immune system, increases blood circulation, cleanses the body of toxins and improves metabolism.

If you have already prepared yourself and want to plunge into the ice hole, you can do it at Epiphany, January 19. Winter swimming in an ice hole is connected precisely with this church holiday. Once a year, most of the people in the country become walruses for one day. Some plunge into the icy water with joy and delight, and others with fear and shudder. According to Holy Scripture, two thousand years ago on this day, Jesus Christ received Baptism in the waters of the Jordan River. It is believed that it is at Epiphany that people, by plunging into water, wash away all their sins.

The question arises: what effect does swimming in an ice hole have on the body? There is no consensus on this issue. Some experts believe that winter swimming has a positive effect on the body. Others warn about possible danger for good health. Undoubtedly, winter swimming has both benefits and harm.

The benefits of winter swimming:

Strengthens the immune system, the body better resists viral and colds;

Blood circulation improves;

Pain in joints, muscles and ligaments goes away; it is possible to get rid of rheumatism;

The condition of asthma patients is alleviated;

The skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Behind 1-2 minutes stay in the ice hole a person not only does not experience cold, but also feels internal heat (of course, after all, all body systems are aimed at producing energy!). Great The immune system and thermoregulation are trained, and the body prepares for stress. However, if the winter swimming procedure is delayed, then within 5-10 minutes the body will deplete its thermal resources, and dangerous hypothermia will occur.

As a rule, when walruses plunge into an ice hole, they begin to develop endorphins are hormones of happiness. As a result, a person who plunged into an ice hole for the first time does so constantly. According to experienced walruses, as a result of swimming in the ice hole, they got rid of a number of chronic diseases.

Contraindications for swimming in an ice hole

If a person has diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, allergies to cold, brain damage and coronary vessels, pulmonary failure, inflammatory processes, experts strongly do not recommend immersing yourself in ice water. Doctors strictly prohibit plunging into an ice hole after drinking alcohol. Also, this cannot be done under different colds. Pediatricians do not recommend immersing children in ice water. For a growing body, this is severe hormonal stress.

Rules for swimming in an ice hole

But all of the above advantages can only be obtained if you approach winter swimming competently:

Before plunging into the ice hole, you need to prepare: warm up light body gymnastics, walking;

You can't plunge headlong into it;

Swimming duration is 1-5 minutes. Beginners can stay in the water for no more than 15 seconds;

After swimming in an ice hole, you must immediately wipe your body dry and dress warmly.

According to experienced walruses, the main principle of such hardening is gradualism, regularity and systematicity. For those who are contraindicated this method hardening, you can use cool water rubdowns, douches and contrast showers. These methods, unlike winter swimming, are absolutely safe. They will only bring benefits to the body.

Happy hardening and good health!

This year, the whole of Russia, together with the capital, decided to celebrate the Epiphany festivities on an even greater scale than in past years. In Moscow alone, 70 baths have been prepared in 56 places in the city. Where there are no natural reservoirs with ice holes, tubs were installed there. In general, anyone who is brave should dive. And they dive, although unbridled courage has long been identified with stupidity...

Harmful or useful?..

Swimming in an ice hole in Rus' is an ancient activity. But in Lately not only the ritual in the baptismal font, but also the movement of walruses in general began to expand and multiply in its composition. And thus forced specialists to think about the benefits and possible harm pagan action.

There were few arguments in favor of swimming in ice water. Honestly, just one. The body really gets a hardening effect. Nobody argues with this. But, having calculated how much harm such hardening causes to the organs and systems of the body, the doctors quite rightly decided that we don’t need such goodness for nothing. And that's why.

Heart - stop!

Everyone has long known that even in summer you need to swim carefully. Most often occurs during bathing sudden stop hearts precisely because of the temperature difference.

If you immediately plunge into water, there may be a spasm of blood vessels throughout the body, muscles, skin, subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, blood circulation increases, and the heart simply may not be able to cope with this flow. And then a disaster occurs in the form of an angina attack, a heart attack, a stroke, and some may even have cardiac arrest. In such cases, it can be very difficult to start the heart again. Any ambulance paramedic will confirm this to you. But if during summer swimming we're talking about about the difference in temperature of only a couple of degrees, and above zero, then what can we say about swimming in ice-cold water, and even in the cold?

Moreover, if you consider that the cold does not encourage you to wait for a long time, but drives you to quickly take a dip and instantly get out of the water. The load on the body is enormous. And the stress is the strongest.

Cardiovascular accident is not the only danger that awaits divers in icy water.

ARVI and others

Big problems arise for winter divers with ARVI and other diseases. In general, in recent decades, domestic researchers have been monitoring the health of “walruses” quite closely in order to understand how exposure to cold affects the body.

And this is no coincidence. Most of the Russian population has constant contact with the cold, and in the most wide range, experiencing from one to several tens of degrees of frost. And winter swimmers are an excellent model for studying the state of the body and its reactions in cold conditions, since “walruses” expose themselves to extreme cold exposure.

Almost all researchers came to the same conclusions. “Walruses” get colds approximately 2-3 times during the year. This is not much, scientists say. However, it was discovered that colds The “walruses”, unlike ordinary mortal citizens, last much longer. Moreover, many of them had long-term residual effects after the postponed viral infection, such as weakness, fatigue. Moreover, women suffered from ARVI more often and more severely than men.

Many scientists have noted: yes, the incidence of disease in “walruses” is low, but they are thoroughly tormented bacterial infections. Moreover, such diseases do not occur in a typical manner, that is, they do not correspond to classical symptoms. And after an illness, “walruses” have large quantity complications than ordinary citizens. By the way, people get sick in the same way, for a long time living in cold climates, as well as indigenous peoples of the North.

The more experience the “walruses” have, the more trouble falls on their heads. For example, people who have been swimming in winter for more than 5 years are much more likely to get herpes. They have significantly longer than ordinary people, wounds and cuts heal. But beginners often have pustular diseases skin.

Men's ice hole

After swimming in an ice bath, you can become infertile. And this is not a horror story, but a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, this problem can occur in both sexes.

Due to the stress that the body experiences in ice water, men's sperm count decreases. This has already been proven. The American doctor Moskowitz reported this at one time, and Russian scientists also confirmed this. Moreover, domestic andrologists believe that stress should generally be placed in first place among the causes of infertility.

Upset male body In general, any sudden temperature fluctuations are capable.

The fact that a sauna is harmful to the reproductive organs is scientific fact. Moreover, interestingly, I literally took a steam bath once in a steam room, dangled in an ice hole, and the deterioration in the formation of seminal fluid continued for another 2 months after the dubious pleasure. Then comes the peak of deterioration in spermatogenesis, after which the recovery process begins. And normal sperm formation will be restored only 3 months after the peak. That is, at least in 5 months!

The next argument against swimming in ice water also applies to men, and it was already expressed by urologists. The prostate is a very delicate organ, fragile, and therefore brittle. And it can break from any sneeze. The prostate is especially afraid of hypothermia. An inflammatory disease that can be caused by hypothermia is a prelude to impotence. Now, in my opinion, even schoolchildren know about this. Chronic prostatitis in an ice hole can easily be obtained.

Flesh without flesh

Same troubles with reproductive organs“women walruses” also have: inflammatory diseases ovaries or appendages, tubal obstruction. And in the future - long-term treatment with an unpredictable outcome. True, women are a little luckier in this sense than men. Their bodies are stronger and they recover more successfully.

Do not cancel the tradition!

This raises a completely reasonable question: is tradition worth such torment? Why is it so necessary to plunge into ice water for ritual ablution? After all, it can be made safe for health. Bless water and sprinkle it on the people, for example; or simply wipe your face or hands. I believe that this will not reduce the holy effect of water, but it will be without extremes - without a heart attack or cardiac arrest, without herpes, chronic prostatitis, infertility and impotence.



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