Read sleepy fairy tales for children online. Soul of a star

There is a small island in the ocean. For its rare beauty they called it Paradise. Local residents tell a legend that the Heavenly Goddess gave the people this beautiful island for their kindness and hard work.

Everything grew on an island washed by the warm waves of the ocean. Beautiful flowers exuded delicate aromas. Sweet bananas, ripe coconuts and much more grew on the island and gave people their delicious fruits. Early in the morning the men went out on boats into the ocean. And they always returned with a catch. Women and children worked diligently in the fields. Everyone knew: if you do your job well, the harvest will be rich. Everyone will be full and happy.

Night fell on the island unnoticed. The sun is shining, once... and beautiful night comes into its own. The moon appears in the sky and shines like gems stars. The heat is subsiding. And all people, young and old, come to the ocean shore. They light candles and make fires. Children play and adults sing songs and dance. Everyone is having fun. And then both big and small take candles in their hands and raise them high, high and hold them for a long time. This is how they thank the Heavenly Goddess for the beautiful island given to them.

People are tired. During the day they worked diligently. Then we had fun. It's time to sleep. Everyone goes to their houses made of reeds. A family lived in one of these houses. Dad, mom, grandma and children. Boy and girl. The boy's name was Aman and the girl's name was Asmita. Everyone loved them. They were kind and hardworking. They helped their mother and grandmother with the housework while their father fished in the ocean.

But it was time to sleep. Mom and dad, tired from the day, are sleeping. But the children don’t want to fall asleep. They are waiting for a fairy tale. After all, their old grandmother knows a lot of fairy tales. The grandmother patted the girl on the head, stroked the boy and began to tell a fairy tale.

- That was a long time ago. Then all the people on the island were friends with the stars. Each family had its own star, which they loved and revered. And the stars thanked people for this love with a rich catch of fish and a good harvest. But one day the father of one family began to return with fishing no fish. The fruits on the trees of this family became scarce. Everything grows poorly. But for other families everything is great, there’s a lot of everything.

The family gathered for advice. Everyone is sitting sad. Hunger is coming. They don’t know what to do. Then the father says: “We probably offended our star. So she’s not helping us. We need to appease her. Let’s go to the ocean shore now, light candles and sing songs of praise to the star. Maybe the star will take pity on us.”

The family came ashore. The ocean is agitated. The waves are big. Adults and children lit candles, raised them and sang songs of praise to the star. And - oh, miracle! A golden wicker staircase appeared in the night sky. And people heard a voice: “Let the children come up to me!” The children became scared - what can they do, the star itself is calling. And the children began to climb the stairs.

And on the star they were met by a beautiful woman with blond hair. Her outfit shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, on her head was a wreath of precious shells, and on her neck was a green necklace.

“I am the soul of a star, and my name is Tara.” I watched and listened to you singing songs of praise to me and asking for help. What's happened?

- Help us, Tara. We began to live badly. There is nothing to eat. No fish are caught, the trees are drying up, there is no fruit. Hunger is coming. We cannot understand what happened.

“I’m watching from above and I see: you children don’t listen to your parents.” You don’t go to sleep in the evening, you indulge. I do not like it. And I decided not to help your family.

“Have pity on us, Tara, because because of us the whole family is suffering.” Forgive us, we will go to bed with joy and fall asleep quickly.

“I see you have a kind, hardworking family.” I'll forgive you. But look, children, you made a promise. Now get down to the ground.

The children went down the golden stairs to the ground. They went to bed. Morning has come. There was a rich catch of fish that day. The trees are full of fruits. Everyone is full and happy. The star forgave the family.

The grandmother finished the story and looked at her grandson and granddaughter. The kids are sleeping soundly. And she also went to bed. A family is sleeping, a beautiful island in the ocean is sleeping. The stars are sleeping. Good night!


Thanks to everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute their work to such a pleasant publishing house...

01/18/2019 23:22:51, Zaur

Comment on the article "The Soul of a Star. A Tale for falling asleep quickly And good dreams"

How to help babies sleep. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. How to help babies sleep. Good night. Forum members, does anyone have weather dependent children???


I always rocked, otherwise it was useless. So until they were 2 years old they swung on their arms.

Children most likely have overtime. They should be put to sleep according to their waking hours. They usually sleep little because they are tired. Are you alone with them? Weissblut for starters, better the whole book. I don't have El. Versions, but I think you will find

At the age of 5, it is already very difficult to wean a child from sleeping with his parents and accustoming him to sleep alone; a lot of time has been lost. I put the beds next to each other and held my hand tightly until we fell asleep; now sometimes she even asks me to hold my hand. I got used to it quickly, my mother is nearby, I don’t need to run to her...


S&M)))))) has nothing to do with it)))))
You need to talk to a neurologist about your legs and arms, although that’s also nothing special.
Why does she have such a hard time falling asleep? You yourself answered this question. Perhaps the child misses you, or she is afraid of losing you (rope). How do you spend time with her? how much time? Who does she stay with when you're away? who else lives in the apartment with you? What is her relationship like with other family members?

At the age of 5, it is already very difficult to wean a child from sleeping with his parents and accustoming him to sleep alone; a lot of time has been lost. I put the beds next to each other and held my hand tightly until we fell asleep; now sometimes she even asks me to hold my hand. I got used to it quickly, my mother is nearby, I don’t have to run to her, but still separately, even if it’s just a stone’s throw away. When my son sometimes tries to sit next to me, the same thing happens as with you, it’s impossible for anyone to sleep. Nothing surprising. Many children are mobile in their sleep and often change body position. And when he sleeps alone, he still turns around, but doesn’t bother anyone, incl. to yourself. My IMHO, she's hot in warm pajamas(!), between 2 adult parents, ugh! It’s hot for me to sleep next to my husband, but if he tries to put his leg or arm on top of me, well, oh! The son sleeps without moving or running around the bed, when the room is fresh, the window is open, and when he is naked, under the sheet. As soon as you put something on him, he fidgets all night, then he can sweat and even have a nightmare in his sleep if he overheated at night and scream. Sometimes I feel sorry for him, he’s small, he sleeps alone, but I’m big, I don’t sleep alone, he’s right next to me warm soul, I go, lie down with him, fall asleep and wake up from the fact that in a dream they punched me in the nose with a sweaty hand or kicked me in the chest. Try placing the beds next to each other and holding your baby’s hand tightly before falling asleep. And also respect your good sleep, and teach to respect your good rest child, she’s not a baby. Good luck!

Moms, help! My son (9 years old) stopped sleeping. After a trip to the village, almost every evening - at first he cannot fall asleep, then he falls asleep. We live as four people (me, my husband and children) in a two-room apartment. There are children in one room (my daughter is 4, she, TTTCHNS, falls asleep and sleeps well...


Thank you very much for the advice!
Yesterday we went to a neuropsychiatrist, they prescribed Phenibut for us, we slept through the night (although in the evening I felt a little tired).
He's probably really nervous. We will get our nerves in order, first of all for ourselves, because we ourselves started shouting at him a lot, which led, I think, to his nervous disorder. And I will definitely take your recommendations into account.
Thanks again!
Best regards, Julia

I would also interrogate my brother about what they had there. Perhaps the child is so frightened that he cannot even talk about it.

We went to all the doctors, but it didn’t help. Grandma helped Belarusian village. It just happened and everything has been calm for 3 years now!!! Night tantrums. The child regularly wakes up at night, cannot fall asleep immediately and begins to scream like a wild one. We had a similar story when we were 1.5 years old, only...


My son (3 years old) has the same tantrums. We consulted with a sleep expert - this is normal, it does not affect the baby or his psyche, children outgrow it. Mode and quiet games 30 minutes before bed helps, a lot of physical activity in the first half of the day.

04/16/2018 00:57:22, Alexandra123

We had the same thing from 2 to 6 years old. We went to all the doctors, but it didn’t help. A grandmother helped in a Belarusian village. It just happened and everything has been calm for 3 years now!!!

He is 12 years old. - gatherings. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with children adolescence: adolescence, problems at school Last year I advised my daughter to read in bed to fall asleep, and if that doesn’t help, then anything is better than lying and crying, and...


Everything ingenious is simple. Maybe this is banal and everyone already knew it, but forgot. Not more than 3 days ago, my daughter herself found a remedy (she assures that it works) for quickly falling asleep and good sleep - a bath (before that she had somehow used a shower all her life).
And walking and being very active before bed did not help (previously, a year or two ago, this was sometimes possible).

IMHO, increase physical activity, preferably on fresh air. If the client agrees, of course...

how to help a child sleep? She's tired, but... Apparently he’s trying to master his body and not sleep.. Has anyone come across this? She laid her on her bed, held her hands and hovered over her so that she could not jerk. I fell asleep!


Sometimes this happens to us too. When nothing helps at all, I give him the breast, he sucks and dozes, although not for long, but he will rest a little, then he can play again.

Do you get 14-15 hours of sleep per day? This is enough at the age of 4-6 months.

For example, with the same bedtime, when the child wants to sleep (!!!), but CANNOT fall asleep, because... arms and legs do not obey. P.S. I tried something like auto-training with her - diving into a waterfall, etc. - the child became even more excited:((HOW TO TEACH TO RELAX???


I have a similar motor (hyperactive) and paid centers, neurologists, Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, wherever we have been. We already take glycine like vitamins at intervals, valerianahel, phenibut, etc. But the best thing that helps is warm baths with a soothing extract (pine needles). Badola has these, and that’s what we use. Try it, there definitely won’t be any harm, they are intended for babies, but we are also not very big yet at 3.5. Only I pour much more than 2 spoons into the bath; one jar is enough for 5-6 baths. But it is effective. Try it, good luck. If you have any questions, unfortunately I won’t be able to answer in the near future, for Dimul his seaside, sun visa, by the way, this is also very useful for such children.

How to put a child to sleep. Sleep of a child up to one year old. Print version. 3.5 5 (27 ratings) Rate this article. Contents: As the child begins to sleep, you think that it took so long to decide and tormented him and did not sleep. Now she has also been having trouble falling asleep for a week, but so far Phospholugel, Espumisan...


There is MELLISAL children's syrup, I give it to my daughter, it helps a lot, as part of Mellis.

12/17/2003 16:27:05, nataljka

This happens to us too. Sometimes it helps to just lie quietly in bed together. First we talk a little, and then just lie next to each other - it calms us down and we fall asleep quickly.

16.12.2003 14:54:22, 123

Does your child have trouble sleeping at night? How to put your baby to sleep during the day. How to wake up early? 5 steps for effective awakening. Most often, a child who has difficulty falling asleep during the day sleeps well at night for 11 hours or more. IMHO, of course, but dragging a child around all day...


This is a reaction to increased psycho-emotional stress, which is not surprising for a first-grader, plus vitamin deficiency plus deficiency sunlight. Adults often have winter depression, not to mention the children.
You can try to sleep during the day after school after lunch, when the sleepy wave hits. At least an hour when there are no additional classes. Also, if possible, reduce the amount of extracurricular activities at least for a while. Let your child do more of what he wants, for his own pleasure, so that he has the opportunity to relax. It is better to walk during daylight hours. Also serve good multivitamins for children (especially those containing group B) and the homeopathic drug valerianachel (for children over 2 years old) to restore sleep. Don't worry, everything will work out.
Good luck and health to you :)
PS: Once again I am convinced that under no circumstances should you burden your child in the first grade with anything else besides school. It’s hard for them to withstand such stress, even when they enjoy the classes. It's better to add all these sections, music. school later. She herself had similar problems with a child in first grade, after which I canceled the music. school.

With everyone non-drug methods I agree with those described below - baths - a day with pine needles, a day with sea salt (only without flavorings) - do 2 weeks, two weeks rest (but about the cycle, consult a neurologist or pediatrician), walks in the fresh air - the more the better, open the window more often - it’s better not to close it at night.
Herbal pads, oil baths.
Next, the child must sleep. since he's not sleeping. it means there is some discomfort. which bothers him and therefore it is most effective to eliminate this discomfort. What could it be? From personal experience -
stomach pain, colic, gas. Helps against gas formation long wearing column, fennel tea, massage, heat on the stomach, sub-simplex-espumisan. Signs - bending of the legs, swollen tummy. Colic can be caused by dysbacteriosis. Everything is clear here - get tested and take the results to the doctor. Colic may cause screaming - but this is usually a short-term sharp cry, and not a prolonged whimper. Check the frequency of his bowel movements - for example, we have constant constipation - and therefore we have to do an enema.
Headache - ICP or hypoxia. This is visible on the NSG (ultrasound of the brain). Symptoms - screaming when trying to put it in horizontal position(ICP), trembling of the arms, chin, profuse regurgitation, goggle eyes, bulging and painful fontanel. Let me make a reservation: everything except the first symptom may be the norm. It is treated differently depending on the severity. You can help yourself - by constantly carrying him in your arms and making his sleeping place not horizontal - i.e. In bed, place books under one corner of the mattress or under the legs of the bed.
Advice - find a good uzist. And here I’ll also make a reservation - the diagnosis of ICP is made only by three doctors - a pediatrician, a neurologist and an ophthalmologist.
This is why we did not sleep in the early periods. Recently more teeth were added.
Just in case, I also had my ears checked by an ENT specialist.
Further - if the child does not sleep for only a couple of nights - it may simply be a reaction to the weather.
Regarding the organization of child care. Ask your husband to help you. Yes, he goes to work, but you don’t give a damn either. He can easily rock the baby for 2-4 hours in the evening and at night while you sleep - let him choose a time convenient for him - when things were really bad for us - my husband took him away from me child from 9 pm to 11-12, plus in the morning before work from 7 to half 9.

Meditative tales for falling asleep


(Vera Spiranskaya)

Slowly the light goes away. On dark sky the stars light up. There are many, many of them. But only one shines so brightly and tenderly for you. After all, every person has their own star. You have it too. A little gnome lives on it. This is your Gnome. Him kind eyes and tender little hands. White beard, and a cap on his head. Blue, pink, yellow... There are as many colors as there are stars in the sky. At the end of the cap is a tiny silver bell. The blouse is belted with a strap, and the buckle shimmers with a mysterious moonlight. And on her feet are shoes with golden bows.

You go to bed. The head touches the pillow, and your star extends its rays to you. This is a star staircase along which your Dwarf is hurrying towards you.

Do you hear? Top-top-top... This is the Dwarf hurrying towards you along the star staircase. And his shoes bring sleep to you, turning your pillow into a white soft cloud. It gently rocks you on the rays of your star.

The Dwarf's small hands gently stroke your head, eyes, and cheeks. He loves you, whispers quietly in your ear all night good fairy tales. Quietly, quietly. Only for you. After all, this is your Gnome. He tells how during the day your star bathes in the golden rays of the Good Sun. What magical flowers grow in his starry garden, how many sunbeams run across their petals. What fabulous songs are sung by his friends - the birds. With what love and care he looks after you all day! And how patiently he waits for the evening to come down to you from the star, to hear your breathing, to feel the warmth of your skin... And to talk, talk to you...

And in the morning, when the star hides in the magic threads of the sun, only the quiet ringing of a silver bell will tell you: “I’m here, I’m waiting for you, I’m keeping you, I love you.”


Make yourself comfortable in the crib so that you feel cozy and warm.

Your breathing becomes quieter and quieter. Sleep will hear this and come.

The dream of the right barrel will come to you from the right, from the left - from the left, and straight towards you, slowly, a dream is floating, which will cover you with a warm fog, like a blanket, when you fall asleep. Close your eyes and look at your straight, straight road to sleep.

“Smoothing dreams” come from the right. They smooth their face on a smooth pillow and their right side on a smooth sheet. The barrel becomes larger and warmer, your warm body melts and spreads down and to the sides.

“Revelation dreams” come from the left. Colorful pictures come and fade away inside you. They go deeper, into grayness, into peace, into fog. Peace and fog covers your eyes. Your left side becomes larger and warmer, your body melts and spreads, melts and spreads down and to the sides.

And when you fall asleep on your back, peace comes to you both to the right and to the left, from the head and from the feet, and from above and from below. The bed becomes softer and softer.

Sleep, my dear.

Sleep is rushing towards you along all roads. Along the smallest paths, ants drag the straw of today's sleep. Warm streams of dreams flow to you, and you absorb them and spill into the warm lake of sleep. You overflow more and more, and more and more sleepy streams flow into you.

Forest animals bring you good dreams along animal paths. And their dreams, like themselves, are fluffy and warm.

Along the roads where people walk and cars drive, along the streets, streets, avenues and roads, dreams come and go towards you, they are directed and float.

Dreams descend from above on parachutes and arrive in hot air balloons, floating in clouds, and each cloud has its own fairy tale. And you fly like a cloud in your sleep. Without weight, in peace, cleanliness, coolness.

This is the happiness that only a dream can give you. Go to sleep, my dear. What if the dream shows you another way?

In a dream you can see whoever you want. You just need to sleep well. Not only at home, but also on the train, plane, bus.

Sleep moves cities, and the more you sleep, the closer they are.

It’s so good to sleep at the beginning of any road, on the go, and even when the crib is standing still. Let's go to sleep and see where your dream takes you.

Sleep, my dear.

This book contains special psychological tales from modern authors that will help parents put their child to sleep without tears and whims.

Quiet, meditative stories will calm the most agitated child. And fairy tales in which the main characters, like a baby, refuse to sleep, will teach that everything has its time and that sleep can be very pleasant and interesting.

This book is from RECH publishing house, I have their postcards, I really liked the quality.

The book is sold in various stores: available in Ozone , to myshop, And in the Labyrinth.

Sleepy tale

Fairy tale, pp. 7-10

A tale about a dream

Fairy tale, pp. 11-14

Magical forest

Fairy tale, pp. 15-17

Sleepy Sploosh

Fairy tale, pp. 18-20

Sleepy tale

Fairy tale, pp. 21-23

Brownie and the bear

Fairy tale, pp. 24-26

About Masha, the little bear and the star

Fairy tale, pp. 27-29

A tale about a crib

Fairy tale, pp. 30-35


Fairy tale, pp. 36-38

Zaykina's lullaby

Fairy tale, pp. 39-41

Bunny at sea

Fairy tale, pp. 42-43

Visiting grandmother

Fairy tale, pp. 44-46

Grandmother's treasury

Fairy tale, pp. 47-49

Night moths

Fairy tale, pp. 50-52

Uncle Tiktakl

Fairy tale, pp. 53-62

Most children have problems falling asleep. Ordinary fairy tales not very suitable for lulling - an interesting plot does not lull the baby to sleep, but, on the contrary, distracts and begins to wonder what’s next.

These fairy tales were written by child psychologists in such a cunning way to put the baby to sleep:

  • stories with a cyclical plot structure
  • fairy tales that contain soothing folk songs;
  • detailed descriptions (for example, of a forest clearing or the contents of a grandmother’s basket), they perfectly lull you to sleep;
  • soothing words: “mother’s warm barrel”, “the sun is slowly, slowly sinking”, “mother took him by the paw and sang a lullaby to him in a gentle voice.”

There are many little tricks that help your baby calm down and fall asleep.

What’s interesting is that the tales here are different in writing style and plot structure. This is good; Children don’t get tired of reading in an interesting way; you can choose your favorite fairy tale and always read something from this book before bed.

The book contains 15 fairy tales on 62 pages.

The stories are not very long, mostly 2-3 pages.

The most long tale- the last one, “Uncle Tiktakl”, 8 pages.

The book itself is very good and convenient - it is small, about 24x17 cm, the pages are thick, tinted different colors, high-quality offset printing.

The font is medium, designed for adults to read. But older children read the book themselves.

One daisy, two daisies, three daisies...

He counts and yawns, yawns and closes his eyes. He closes his eyes and stumbles.

Plop! Fell.

“Don’t count the daisies, or you’ll fall asleep,” the butterfly advised him.

Okay, thank you,” Splyuh nodded.

And he began to look for mushrooms. Searches and counts:

One mushroom, two mushroom, three mushroom...

He counts and yawns, yawns and closes his eyes. He closes his eyes and stumbles.

Plop! Fell.

“Don’t count the mushrooms, or you’ll fall asleep,” the snail advised him.

Okay, thank you,” Splyuh nodded.

And he began to hum a cheerful song.

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la! One la-la, two la-la, three la-la...

He sings and yawns, yawns and closes his eyes. He closes his eyes and stumbles.

Plop! Fell.

“Go home to sleep,” the hedgehog giggled. - It’s already evening anyway.

Hooray! - Splyukh was delighted.

He grabbed a basket of mushrooms and ran home. Sleep. Because more than anything else, Sleepy Splobbers love to sleep!

"Bunny at sea" (A. Berdnikova):

The bunny loves it very much when mom and dad have a vacation. If Bunny was asked to talk about his vacation, he would do it like this.

Most of all on vacation, Bunny loved to go to the beach. Warm sand pleasantly caresses your heels, they become just as warm and a little rough. It’s also great to hold the sand in your paw and then quietly begin to straighten your toes. The sand begins to fall out, as if in hourglass. They stand in the bathroom and measure the time for brushing their teeth. The sand falls and lightly tickles your palm. The grains of sand flow like a small stream. You can put sand in both paws and then there will be two streams. If you raise your paws higher, the stream will be longer. But mom doesn't allow it. She is worried that sand will get into Bunny's eyes.

If the sand is wet, then you can build houses from it, bake Easter cakes, and dig tunnels in it. It’s especially great when dad helps build. He knows how to build sand bridges. It’s okay, Bunny will learn soon too.

But the most wonderful thing on the beach is, of course, the sea. Gentle, warm, affectionate. The bunny likes to enter the sea like this: at first only her toes are in the water, one more small step into the sea, and now the water is gently stroking her heels. One more step, the water rises a little higher. The waves are already gently rolling over your knees: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh.

The wave seems to want to tell Bunny something. The water is already reaching her panties: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh. Here the wave rises to the tummy, affectionately, like a mother, stroking the back: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh; palms: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh; elbows: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh.

A wave rolls in and reverently touches your shoulders: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh. Here's Bunny all in warm water, only the eyes, ears and nose are not wrapped in a sea blanket. Now the Bunny is swaying along with the wave: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh. He himself, like a little fish, sways on the wave: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh...

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Denis. One evening he went into a magical forest. He walked and walked along a narrow path and came out into a huge magical clearing. All the inhabitants of the magical clearing were getting ready for bed. Beautiful colorful flowers folded their petals and closed their eyes. Pink, blue and yellow butterflies hid in the green silk grass at night to sleep and flutter over again in the morning. fragrant flowers. Multi-colored birds nestled comfortably on the branches of the trees surrounding this fairy-tale clearing. In the hollow of an old oak tree, with its soft fluffy tail under its head, a red squirrel fell asleep. And under the roots of a tall, tall birch tree, a little mouse drank tea before going to bed. A cheerful blue stream flowed through the magical clearing. He quietly gurgled and lulled the colorful fish, who were tired of playing and, together with everyone else, were waiting for the night to come. They were hiding among the colorful pebbles that decorated the bottom of the stream. A bright red Ladybug flew up to Deniska and sat on his arm:
“Deniska-Deniska, why aren’t you sleeping yet?” Come on, I'll put you to bed.
“I don’t want to,” Deniska said. – I haven’t played enough yet.
- Deniska, look around! – Ladybug whispered. - Look, there’s no one to play with, everyone goes to bed. The time for magical dreams is coming. Nobody wants to be late. You don’t like being late for the start of cartoons either, do you? And dreams are even more interesting, so everyone tries to fall asleep on time.
- I want to watch too magical dreams, said Deniska.
“Then come with me,” Ladybug smiled.
She led the boy Denis to a big, big daisy, laid him on the soft yellow center and covered him with delicate white petals. Then Ladybug flew to a green blade of grass, covered herself with a plantain leaf and also closed her eyes. Everyone was sleeping, and only at the edge of the magical clearing the nightingale sang its lullaby.
The sun looked at the sleeping clearing, smiled at the nightingale and called to the moon in a whisper:
- Moon! Everyone has already fallen asleep, it’s time for me too, come shine in my place and please bring more fairy-tale dreams for the boy Deniska.
With these words, the sun dived into a soft fluffy cloud behind the forest and fell asleep sweetly there, and the moon floated into the sky and lit the magic stars one after another. Each star was the mistress of some magical dream. They extended their thin rays to the sleeping fish, and the fish saw magical dreams about a delicious dancing bun and about a singing blue stream. A thin ray climbed into the hollow of the red squirrel, carefully touched her fluffy tail, and she saw a dream about magic nuts that played hide and seek, danced in circles, and then jumped into her mouth. A fairy ray climbed half a leaf where Ladybug was sleeping, gently touched her wing, and she dreamed of a delightful flower with large blue petals. On each of its petals there was a cup with nectar or sweet pollen. Stars were given to tiny birds funny dreams about yellow tasty grains. A cowardly bunny, hiding under a bush, dreamed of a sweet carrot the size of a bear: she cheerfully shook her green tail and sang a lullaby to him. And the tiniest star went down into the little mouse’s hole and gave her a dream about delicious, delicious cheese.
Luna carefully looked to see if everyone had enough dreams and, making sure that everyone was happy, and some were smiling sweetly, she went down to Deniska and gave him the most wonderful, most beautiful, most fabulous dream. She gave such dreams only to the obedient and good boys who closed their eyes and fell asleep along with all the inhabitants of the fairy-tale meadow.

Mom's fairy tales in pictures: sleepy fairy tale. Evening fairy tale for kids.

Mom's fairy tales in pictures: a sleepy tale about a fox

Dear friends! I continue to present to you the tales of the winners of our competition “ Mom's fairy tale» 2016. This competition was held as part of our traditional spring Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”

Sponsor of the fairy tale competition this year there was a portal of educational and developmental games for children from 2 to 9 years old, created by specialists - the Mersibo portal. Therefore, all three winners received a subscription to Mersibo games as a prize.

All fairy tales of the competition participants were illustrated in the Mersibo picture constructor. The Picture Constructor is a ready-made library of backgrounds, pictures on all topics and all sounds for creating pictures, illustrations for children's essays, and manuals in just a few mouse clicks.

I am pleased to present to you an evening sleepy tale that took second place in our “Mom’s Tale” competition. The author of the tale is Alisa Rokina

We read a sleepy fairy tale to the baby before bed:

Once upon a time there lived a fox in the forest. She lived, lived, and would have lived in that same forest, but she just became bored. And she went wherever she looked.

She walks, walks through the spruce forest. I found a lump. Yes, how she started playing with her: she rolls her with her paws, and tosses her with her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. She left the bump and moved on.

She goes, she goes into the very thicket. He walks past huge, old oak trees. It goes past a forest lake. It goes on and on... I found an acorn. Yes, how she started playing with him: she rolls her paws, and tosses her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. She left the acorn and moved on.

She moves on. I found an inedible berry. Yes, how she started playing with her: she rolls her with her paws, and tosses her with her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. She left the berry and moved on.

It takes a long time. The forest has already become lighter. Shrubs and thin hazelnuts began to appear. And the fox keeps going. She found a nut. Yes, how she started playing with him: she rolls him with her paws, and tosses him with her nose, and twirls her tail! She played and played, but it was boring to play alone. I left him and moved on.

A fox came out of the forest. I walked across the field and found a pea. The fox thought about playing with the pea, but changed his mind. Oh, and she ate it. She strengthened herself and moved on. Here she comes out from the field onto the road. Walking along the road. He walks along the crossing and stops at a traffic light. It goes and goes, it goes far.

Enters the city. Walking down the street. Here he turns into an alley. Here he comes to the house. He walks into the entrance and calls the elevator. Here it goes up: first floor, second... ninth. Here he comes through the door (the real floor is called and the child’s real place of residence is described)

I walked in the door, washed my paws and jumped into bed! The fox is lying there, lying down, whispering dreams to Vasilisonka.

You can compose your own fairy tale by analogy with the sleepy fairy tale about the fox, changing the plot. Not only a fox, but also others can go to visit a child and whisper a dream to him. fairy-tale heroes. They can go different roads and find different finds along the way! Thank you to Alice for sharing her “sleepy tale” with us at our fairytale competition!



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