Is the dentist open on Sunday? Dental services on weekends

Most people experience psychological discomfort when they think about the need to visit a dentist, so they turn to a specialist at the very last moment, when there is no strength left to endure.

Many Moscow dentists are closed on Sunday, but acute toothache can occur at any time, even in the middle of the night, so it is advisable to choose a suitable 24-hour clinic in advance to contact if necessary.

If you urgently need dentistry on weekends in Moscow, use the services of the specialized ZUBIKI.RU clinic, where you will receive the necessary medical care.

Our qualified specialists acquired a solid practical experience in prestigious European medical institutions and work according to accepted international standards.

We offer high quality service and full complex dental services. At the same time, ours works for maximum convenient visiting.

24/7 dental care

In our capital, it is quite rare to find dentists working on Saturdays, so if you have a toothache, contact the ZUBIKI.RU clinic. You will be received at any time and will be provided with professional help, quickly getting rid of pain and eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

Acute toothache indicates the presence certain disease, our qualified doctors will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic examination, will put accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Even if you urgently need dentistry on Sunday, you can use the services of our specialists.

Advantages of our clinic:

  • innovative technologies and modern equipment;
  • a staff of qualified doctors;
  • full range of dental services;
  • use of European materials and proven techniques;
  • modern system for sterilization of used instruments;
  • Our specialized office is open on holidays;
  • quality guarantee and affordable prices.

Comfort and professionalism

Our dentistry is open seven days a week, so there is always a doctor on duty in the establishment. highest category, ready to quickly relieve you of toothache.

At the same time, all tariffs remain unchanged, because we do not charge additional fees for admitting patients outside work time. In addition, we practice European level services: competent and polite staff, cozy rooms, comfortable chairs and helpful doctors.

Our professional dentistry, open on Sunday, is specially equipped for a comfortable stay for clients.

What do we offer

Most people are constantly busy and do not have the opportunity to visit a dentist during working hours, so weekend dentistry remains the only option.

We are ready not only to implement quality treatment, but also to provide psychological comfort to your client. If the patient experiences negative emotions When visiting a dentist, our doctors will offer Laughing Gas and Sedation services, thanks to which the treatment will no longer cause anxiety.

If you need dentistry on Saturday or any other day, visit our clinic. We will relieve you of existing dental problems and restore your attractive smile.

Despite the day off, on Sunday the VITART dental clinic, located near the Taganskaya metro station in Moscow, provides the full range of services provided in the clinic on weekdays. By contacting us on Sunday, you will receive highly qualified assistance not only regarding dental treatment, but will also be able to use the services of an orthodontist if problems arise with braces. In addition, our specialists carry out measures aimed at preventing diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, hygiene procedures(tartar removal, hygienic cleaning tooth enamel, its remineralization and many others). It is worth understanding that no one is immune from the onset of sudden unbearable toothache on weekends, when it is simply not possible to postpone a visit to the dentist until Monday. Highly qualified dentists of the VITART clinic after a thorough examination oral cavity will explain to you the reason for the occurrence pain syndrome, will offer possible options dental treatment.

Where to remove a tooth on Sunday

Unfortunately, often, visiting a dentist is not always timely. After all, the need for medical care occurs only when the patient has subjective sensations, namely pain. Toothache usually appears when pathological process has already affected the pulp, and here tooth-preserving manipulations are not always possible. Then the patient is faced with the question: “Where to remove a tooth on Sunday?” VITART in Moscow, the most experienced specialists, if there are indications and there is no opportunity to carry out tooth-preserving treatment, remove teeth even on weekends. Using modern equipment, the most effective painkillers or local anesthetics Tooth extraction is performed quickly, efficiently and as comfortably as possible for the patient. After tooth extraction, the dentist will give further recommendations and recommend the method of prosthetics that is suitable for you.

A person’s health is his main wealth, but this becomes clear only after something starts to hurt. An unexpected toothache can disrupt your daily plans and deprive you of your night's rest. Most often it becomes a consequence of complications of caries. Acute pulpitis and periodontitis is what makes a person look for a dentist in the middle of the night who can help solve the problem. The pain is so unbearable that I can’t even wait until morning. And previously, such a problem was practically insoluble, because clinics and dental offices were only open in daytime and during business hours. This made visiting the dentist difficult as people could not choose convenient time to make an appointment with a doctor. Now the situation has changed - dentists have appeared that are ready to meet clients halfway and organize their work in such a way that it is convenient for them to visit the office, even if free time eat only late in the evening. "ZUBIKI.RU" - and holidays, here you will receive high-quality treatment at any time of the day or night.

Advantages of treatment at the ZUBIKI.RU clinic

Duties dental clinics there are in every district of the city, but at night and on weekends a limited number of specialists are on duty there. They will help in emergency, will relieve the pain, but full treatment They won’t be able to carry it out, they will offer to come on a weekday during business hours .

Dentistry open on Sunday, Saturday and holidays full staff - a rare event. ZUBIKI.RU provides a full range of services around the clock.

Emergency treatment

A patient with acute pain will be admitted to the clinic immediately, no matter what time he arrives. All specialists will be on site, and full treatment will be carried out. The person suffering from pain will be helped; the doctor will not resort to temporary measures so that the patient “holds out until the morning.” Everything will be done right away as needed.

Planned treatment

Domestic dentistry, open on Saturdays, for the most part does not provide routine treatment. People who are busy at work from morning to night find it difficult to find time to visit the clinic. Unfortunately, workaholics are unable to take care of their health simply because clinics are not open during their free time. At ZUBIKI.RU dentistry you can make an appointment for a routine examination at any time. The dentistry is open to visitors on weekends and at night. In after school hours the inspection will be no different from the usual one. They understand that clients have different rhythms of life, and some find it more convenient to have their teeth treated at night; all conditions have been created for this. Perhaps dentistry on Sunday is not the best interesting activity for a weekend, but it’s better to come to the dentist for a routine checkup than with acute pain.

I just have to ask

How often does this phrase, uttered near a doctor’s office, cause a scandal? If you are looking for a working dentist on weekends in Moscow and you have a question, enter your number in the pop-up window on the ZUBIKI.RU website, and in half a minute a specialist will call you and give detailed answers to all your questions. Perhaps timely advice from a specialist will convince you to come to the dentist on Saturday and thereby protect you from big problems with health.

A bad tooth can easily take you by surprise at the most unexpected moment. During the day, drowning out the pain with medications, everything seems more rosy, but waking up at night from extreme discomfort, sometimes you have to quickly look for the optimal solution. Here perfect choice will become 24/7 dental care in Moscow, offered by many modern clinics. Experienced doctors who are on duty at this moment are able to offer a full range of services aimed at effectively and quickly correcting the patient’s problems.

Inexpensive 24-hour dental clinics in Moscow – is this real?

Usually, despite the prevailing opinion that dentistry that operates 24 hours is overpriced for procedures, the price list for procedures differs little from the usual price tags. Standard prices for services and the absence of queues sometimes seem like an attractive option for visiting a doctor. Night dentistry for children is also available. You can never predict in advance when your baby will need the help of a doctor. Whether a tooth has broken or there is severe pain in the gums, 24-hour dentistry will help the child, saving him from the most unpleasant torment.

The rating of Moscow dental clinics will help in your search!

We have collected up-to-date information for dental services in Moscow clinics: prices, addresses, reviews of the work of doctors, contact numbers. With our help, it will not be difficult to find a suitable 24-hour dentistry!

Every person has a chance of encountering a situation where acute toothache occurs at night. People who do not have dental problems should know where to go when severe pain occurs. After all, a sharp toothache loved one will require knowledge of where to go with acute toothache.

Tooth pain often occurs on weekends. Then people tend to eat what they don’t eat on weekdays: sweets on large quantities, hot shish kebab or cold ice cream. Such products provoke pain if there is a damaged tooth in the mouth.

With a sudden severe pain in the area of ​​the tooth, contact the dentist on duty at the dental clinic he is visiting. In Russia, a territorial division is used, according to which a person is assigned to a specific clinic. If distribution according to registration for visiting is inconvenient, the person is assigned to the clinic at his place of residence. Attachment occurs through the registry during a person’s initial visit to the clinic or through the manager when detaching from a previous clinic.

The duty room of the dental clinic is open from morning until late evening.

But at night, most clinics are closed. If you have an acute toothache at night, you need to know where to go. The city's 24-hour telephone helpline will tell you which clinics are open 24 hours a day. IN major cities there are 1-2 dental clinics with daily duty. In case of acute pain, it does not matter which clinic a person is assigned to; they are obliged to help him in any working one.

Cities with developed medical care have dental emergency rooms. They work around the clock and are ready to see patients at night. Visiting such emergency rooms is free for holders of a compulsory medical insurance policy. If there are no 24-hour public clinics or specialized trauma centers in the city, patients go to a regular trauma center. The doctors of this institution do not specialize in dental diseases, but are able to remove sharp pain until morning.

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Does No-shpa help with toothache?

If the free telephone helpline could not tell you where to go with acute toothache, it is reasonable to call ambulance. The dispatcher will not send a team to the call if the cause of the pain is not a facial or skull injury. But he will be able to suggest places where you can go for toothache at night. Sometimes the dispatcher is able to tell you how to relieve the pain before the morning comes and you go to your clinic.

Often patients themselves decide to wait until the morning to go to their clinic. To alleviate the condition, they take painkillers (Ketorol, Ketanov, Pentalgin, Nise, etc.). Such drugs cannot be taken for a long time, but as a emergency funds They are suitable for a short period.

Some people are afraid to take strong painkillers or do not have access to a 24-hour pharmacy and do not keep such medications at home. Then they come to the rescue folk remedies pain relief. This is rinsing with a solution of soda or a decoction of sage leaves. 1 tbsp. of this plant is brewed in 1 tbsp. boiling water, infused and cooled. Rinse your mouth with the solution as often as possible.

Who to contact on weekends

State clinics are open only until Saturday, and teeth hurt on Sundays. A dental emergency room will come to the rescue of people who have a toothache over the weekend. It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This institution accepts compulsory medical insurance policy for free. But this type of emergency room is specific and is not available in every city.

But now there are private dental clinics everywhere. Many of them work seven days a week and holidays. A list of such clinics can be easily found on the Internet or by calling a free helpline. The ambulance dispatcher will direct you there when you seek advice by phone emergency assistance. They are not obligated to do this, but they always strive to help people who find themselves in a difficult situation in finding a clinic to alleviate their condition.

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Classification of anesthetics in dentistry

If the pain is tolerable or you have high pain threshold, then the appropriate solution would be to wait until Monday for an appointment at your clinic. The attending physician already knows you and the history of your illness and life. He will select the most suitable therapy and schedule a follow-up appointment.

If you decide to contact private clinic, a card is created for you, which the doctor uses to track your treatment. The card is kept in the clinic for several years, and when you return, the doctor will see what disease you were treated for and what therapy was successful. This will speed up diagnosis and allow you to get rid of painful sensations faster.

Some private clinics operating on weekends provide compulsory medical insurance services free of charge. You will be informed about this when you contact the registration office in person or when you call by phone. In this case, you will need to take out a compulsory medical insurance policy for your appointment. Some clinics also ask to provide SNILS, but this document is not mandatory. If they refuse to accept you without SNILS, call the clinic management. Usually these phone numbers are written on the consumer stand; there are such stands in every private clinic.

If you find out that the clinic accepts patients under the compulsory medical insurance policy, but the registrar refuses to accept you, you have the right to contact hotline City Health or Ministry of Health of Russia. This call helps you decide controversial issues, and you won’t be left alone with your pain on a day off, having a compulsory medical insurance policy.

If the pain finds you on a weekend trip or in a village far from the city, you need to use the simplest recipes traditional medicine. The solution helps relieve pain in the teeth area table salt. To prepare, take 1 tbsp. l. table salt and dissolve in 1 tbsp. boiled water. You need to rinse your mouth with this solution 1 ruble/15 minutes. If it is not possible to rinse so often, then apply a cotton swab moistened with the solution to the diseased tooth. lotions with saline solution will help you get through the day without medical care with minimal discomfort from pain.



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