Muslim stick for cleaning teeth. Teeth cleaning sticks from Egypt have a beneficial effect on the entire body

Miswak stick for cleaning teeth "Sewak Al-Falah"

Miswak or siwak (Arabic: سواك‎‎) is a toothbrush made from the branches and roots of the arak tree (Salvadora persica), when chewed, the fibers are separated and turned into a brush.

If you are looking toothpaste without SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) - this is what you need! Miswak is completely natural and environmentally friendly.

Miswak "Sewak Al-Falah" is produced in Pakistan. On our website there is also a miswak made in Saudi Arabia. Miswak reviews, of which there are a great many on the Internet, will help you choose which product to buy. For our part, we can say that both products are completely natural, the manufacturers have been carefully studied.

Miswak simply amazes with its properties:

Effective in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis and periodontal disease

The action of miswak lasts up to 2 days after its use (residues from the stick continue to kill new bacteria entering the oral cavity)

Prevents bacteria from developing in the edges of teeth (due to the content of sulfur and galvanic substances)

The extract of this tree has its own chemical properties similar to antibacterial and anti-caries substances such as triclosan and chlorhexidine - an excellent remedy

Contains fluoride, which helps in the prevention and treatment of caries in adults and children

Reduces gum bleeding and inflammation (due to tannin content)

Useful for inflammatory processes and the eruption of new teeth, due to the content of trimethylamine.

Reduces toothache

Recent research by Dr. Otaybi from Saudi Arabia has shown positive effect from using a miswak cleaning stick on immune system person in general

Miswak application:

Scrape about 1 cm of bark from the end of the miswak and chew the cleaned tip of the stick a little until the fibers separate and the root looks like a brush (if the miswak stick is dry, then soak the root in water for several hours to soften the natural fibers ). Then brush your teeth, moving the miswak up, down and to the sides, as if using a regular toothbrush. When the fibers become unsuitable for brushing teeth, cut off the used tip of the miswak and scrape off more bark and continue using it until it is completely used up. On average, 1 stick lasts about a month.

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Miswak or ancient and natural way cleaning teeth using a special wooden twig.

Blogging is not only about writing posts, but also about constantly communicating with my readers. This is why I love my hobby! One of the things I like is that not only I can share my knowledge, but also my readers very often advise or suggest interesting discoveries in the so-called healthy way life.

That’s what happened this time, when one of my readers (for which I thank her very much!) shared one interesting thing with me. Namely, the fact that she uses nothing but a wood stick to brush her teeth! I decided that I would definitely try this one. natural method for oral care and will write my review about it.

It turned out that Miswak is the oldest method oral care, partly religious and, importantly for me, backed by scientific research.

I’ve been brushing my teeth with Miswak for almost a month now and I can say for sure that I don’t plan to stop. Firstly, it is natural and natural! Secondly, you don't need any toothpaste. Thirdly, it is convenient; all you need to carry with you is a small wooden stick. And, fourthly, it’s even healthier than regular brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste!

What is Miswak?

This is a branch of a tree, traditionally an Arak or Miswak tree. It is also called Sivak - a traditional type of oral cleansing in the Muslim world.

Historically, twigs were used for cleaning teeth in ancient Babylon, Egypt, and Greece.

Useful properties of Miswak

Let me start, perhaps, with what Sivak contains and the extract that appears when brushing your teeth with it:

  • Silicon, which naturally helps remove stains from the surface of teeth, such as tea, coffee and cigarettes
  • Bicarbonate of soda- has a delicate abrasive property, cleaning teeth
  • Tannic acid has an astringent effect on the mucous membrane, prevents the formation of plaque and gingivitis
  • Alkaloids stimulate gums and have a bactericidal effect
  • Essential oils- antiseptic effect, stimulate salivation, which helps wash away bacteria from the surface of the teeth
  • Vitamin C Helps repair and heal tissue
  • Calcium responsible for the remineralization of tooth enamel

And now a little about how brushing your teeth with this wooden twig can restore the health of your teeth:

Fights plaque

Tartar is a disaster even healthy teeth. Sivak, according to, for example, this study, is able to remove plaque better than a toothbrush. Here is the same study, where a group of people used this special twig for just 8 days - reduced tartar by 75%.

Prevents and fights gum disease

Helps fight gingivitis, according to a study published in the Journal Oral Health in 2003. Miswak is more effective in combating gingivitis than regular brushing and toothpaste.

Naturally whitens teeth

Gently polishes and cleans the surface of teeth. Protects and strengthens enamel.

Prevents the development of caries

Possesses antibacterial properties, which reduces the likelihood of caries. Increases salivation, washes away bacteria from the surface of the teeth.

How to properly brush your teeth with Miswak

The first time I tried to brush my teeth with this twig, I thought it would be difficult. But it turned out that this was not at all the case. Of course, at first the sensations are quite unusual and it will take time to adapt to the new method of brushing your teeth. But after practicing a couple of times, I realized that Miswak would definitely stay with me!

So, let's begin:

  1. Clean the twig. To do this, peel off 1 cm of bark from any edge. I do this carefully with a knife.
  2. Place the cleaned side in water (for example, in a glass) for a couple of minutes.
  3. Remove and chew on the cleaned side for about 5 minutes until the so-called bristles become visible.
  4. Brush your teeth! Do this carefully! And avoid circular motions. It's best from left to right and top to bottom.
  5. You need to cut off the used side once every 5 days. And then repeat the method of cleaning the twig.
  6. You should store the stick in the same way as a regular toothbrush.

Note: Miswak can be used with or without toothpaste (ideally natural). I don't use toothpaste with Miswak, but I miss the freshness, so I literally put 1 drop of mint essential oil on the bristles and brush my teeth.

The problem of preventing oral diseases has faced humanity since the first centuries of its appearance. Today we compensate for the lack of teeth when they are lost by installing implants, but in the period when our ancestors lived, this loss was irreplaceable. And people have come up with teeth cleaning products that protect them. Who and when first discovered that the branches of the Salvadora Persian tree, growing in Pakistan, Iran and North Africa, have an anti-inflammatory effect?

Today it is difficult to name the name of the discoverer - it has long been forgotten. Dental sticks were first mentioned in the ancient verses of the Muslim holy Koran. The Prophet Muhammad recommends using a miswak (the so-called natural ancient brush) daily, cleaning teeth and gums after meals.

In this article:


Natural “brush” (another name is sivak) - has advantages comparable to useful qualities modern cleaning devices. Judge for yourself: miswak contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic substances, the presence of which makes applying paste or powder to the teeth unnecessary.

Among the “advantages” is the presence in the composition:

  • fluorine;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • fragrant resins;
  • essential oils.

Nice bonus: Miswak contains silicon dioxide, which whitens teeth. This occurs without damaging the enamel, which, unfortunately, is felt by patients after professional whitening V dental office. Silicon destroys pigmentation and fights soft plaque.

This is not all the advantages of the siwak. It is convenient for patients because:

A modest stick - a piece of a branch of an outlandish Asian plant - is inexpensive, but has so many advantages that it’s time for many of us to think about buying it. Many - but not all? Yes, there are contraindications.


If you have braces installed, you cannot use a wand. Reason: In preparation for use, the miswak is “fluffed,” that is, one end is separated into fibers. These woody “threads” slide along the front and back surfaces of the teeth, also getting into the interdental spaces and cleaning out food debris. If the thread gets stuck in the braces, it can damage them. It is difficult to extract the fibers yourself. You'll have to go to the dentist.

The second risk group is people with hypersensitivity teeth. They have thin enamel that wears off with rough impact. And the next stage is caries.

Difficulties also arise for those who took a stick that was too hard and poorly prepared it for “work.” Sharp fibers cause damage soft fabrics when pressed. As a result, instead of benefit, we get harm: small wounds are applied to the gums, it bleeds, and if an infection occurs, the first symptoms of gingivitis or periodontitis will appear.

Be especially vigilant if you are over 50 years old. At this age, periodontitis is common and leads to pocket formation, halitosis and tooth loss.

Sivak, as we see, is not a panacea for oral diseases. Therefore, remember to be careful when using it. In addition, some complain that it is difficult to reach the back row of teeth with a stick.

How to use

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Open the vacuum packaging (original products are stored and prepared for sale only this way to avoid damage).
  2. Wash the miswak.
  3. Remove the bark from one end. It peels off easily - with your hands or a knife.
  4. Chew the future “brush”. It will unfiber and be ready for use.
  5. Start cleaning.

Making it a miswak is more difficult and we need to adapt. Beginning with upper jaw, brush each tooth using a sweeping motion. The speed is slow at first. You will do it in 10–12 minutes. The procedure takes longer than simply using a brush. But there are “advantages”: sivak cleans the spaces between teeth and makes the enamel lighter. True, this effect will appear after 2-3 procedures.

Video review from Tatyana about her discovery:

After brushing your teeth, rinse the stick and put it in an open container.

How to store

Are you going to keep a miswak in the bathroom next to your brush? Okay, but then use it every day. Bacteria will not have time to “settle” on it.

Are you planning to bring out the “heavy artillery” a couple of times a week? Store the stick in the refrigerator in an open container. After two uses, trim the bristles, further cleaning the bark. And do the same if the bristles become sparse.

Use the miswak until it runs out.


The “tool” is available to anyone. Prices start from 80 rub. (if you place an order through the online store).

Do you want a flavored stick or one additionally treated with cleaning medications? The cost can reach up to 200 rubles. and more.

If you have any questions

Are you interested in a newfangled product, but not everything is clear about its application? Ask - we will answer!

  1. Can miswak be used by children? – There are no contraindications, just be careful not to damage the gums.
  2. At what age is it permissible for children to use miswak? – From 4 months, the mother can massage the baby’s gums with light movements. After teething, use a brushing stick. Adults do this, making sure that the child does not swallow the bristles.
  3. Is it allowed to brush “dead” teeth with a stick - without nerves? - Please. There will be a cleansing effect, but it will not be possible to whiten such teeth.
  4. Is it possible to brush your teeth with a stick every day? - Yes. But keep in mind that she doesn’t always reach the back sevens and eights well. Therefore, carry out this cleaning in addition to the usual procedure every other day.
  5. What are the consequences for the body of using a stick? – You will be surprised, but in a month or two you will notice an increase vitality. Cause: facial nerves have close connections with each other. Dental health improves and your vision may become a little sharper.
  6. Is siwak stick allowed during pregnancy? - Certainly. As with breastfeeding.
  7. Where to buy a fashionable “accessory”? – Ideally, in countries where Salvadora Persiana grows. But you can also order online.
  8. How long does a stick remain usable? – Duration – 2 months. If appeared sour smell, grey, yellow plaque– throw away the miswak, it is spoiled.
  9. Where on a stick white coating? Is it dangerous? - No. This is salt released as a result of the evaporation of moisture. Miswak does not lose its properties.

A sprig of Salvadora persica benefits people when correct use. But you can’t call it a panacea: it has a number of contraindications and does not completely replace a brush and therapeutic and prophylactic paste. Therefore, brush your teeth with a siwak from time to time, following the same principle as when using floss. Let it become an addition to hygiene procedures.

In this video you will see a clear example of using miswak:

Visit your dentist every six months to a year to make sure everything is in order. Not a single brush and Magic wand will not replace professional treatment. Take care of your dental health – the condition of your entire body depends on them!

Brushing your teeth is a daily procedure, without which modern people They won’t be able to get by even for a day. To carry this out, manufacturers, in addition to a standard toothbrush and toothpaste, offer a huge selection of different oral care products. At the same time, each manufacturer tries to present their product as high quality and as safe as possible. Such information is in most cases untrue. Are there any oral hygiene products that are truly healthy and effective in fighting plaque? Yes, they exist, one of them is Sivak.

What is a Sivak stick?

A natural brush made from the root of Salvadora Persica or the arrack tree can be safely called an alternative to the usual toothbrush and toothpaste. The device is better known as Miswak (Sivak).

Cleaning sticks were used in ancient times, and they are still used in the East today. Miswak does not contain fragrances, dyes or other chemical components. The naturalness of this product is 100%, because it is an ordinary root or branch of a plant.

Sivak is a small stick. One of its ends is split so that you can use it to brush your teeth. Miswak, depending on the length, is of two types:

  • 5 cm;
  • 15 cm.

To obtain a cleaning stick, you need to use a knife or teeth to remove the dense bark of the plant to get to its delicate fibers. They should be kneaded a little. Now your safety brush is ready. After numerous tests, it was proven that to prevent gum disease, it is better to use a natural Sivak stick instead of toothpaste and brushes.

Dried and fresh Sivak

There are two types of Sivak:

  • dried;
  • fresh.

What is the difference between them? A dried teeth cleaning stick does not require any special conditions storage Dried Miswak does not have much pleasant taste, besides, most of its beneficial properties are lost.

Fresh Sivak differs from dried Sivak in having soft fibers, thanks to which it does not injure the gums as much and is more beneficial for the mucous membrane oral cavity. It is characterized by the presence of a sharp, specific aroma and pleasant taste.

Fresh Miswak is an excellent remedy to neutralize unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity. Unlike dry cleaning sticks, fresh ones do not lose their beneficial properties and provide comfort in use. The only drawback is that they require special storage conditions. Finding and purchasing fresh Miswak can be very difficult, so it is used more often in its dry form.

Chemical composition and properties

The Miswak stick contains more than 25 natural ingredients, the main ones of which are:

Each of listed components provides special effect on teeth and oral cavity. Sivak, both fresh and dry, has a mass positive properties, among which:

Advantages and disadvantages of a dental stick

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

The main advantages of a teeth cleaning stick include the following:

Sivak has virtually no flaws. Are there exceptions to general rules, which include:

  • undesirable use in the presence of dental rhinestones or braces;
  • small surface area, which makes brushing your teeth time-consuming.

How to use Sivak for teeth?

Using a Miswak cleaning stick is no more difficult than using a toothbrush. First you need to remove it from the vacuum packaging, clean the tip of the stick from the bark, and disconnect the fibers from each other. The length of the cleaned area should be 0.5-1 cm. The bark is easily removed by hand, but it can also be planed with a knife. When cleaning, the bark does not fall off, but is removed in one solid piece. To make this easier, Sivak should be wetted with water.

After the tip of the teething stick has been cleared of bark, it needs to be chewed. After this procedure, the sivak will resemble a brush.

Cleaning your teeth with a natural Sivak stick is similar to regular brushing. Movements are made in horizontal direction, starting from the edge of the teeth and to their middle.

After completing the cleaning procedure, the Miswak stick should be rinsed warm water. After every 2-3 uses, the used fibers must be cut off, as they beneficial features are running out. The procedure prevents the accumulation of pathogenic microbes on the fibers.

Is there a toothpaste without synthetic ingredients with active cleansing properties? Certainly! Pay attention to the miswak stick – 100% natural product, replacing toothbrush and pasta. The original cleanser gives people the unique tree-shrub Salvadora Persica.

A simple Miswak stick for cleaning teeth removes plaque, refreshes the oral cavity, and fights pathogenic bacteria no worse than traditional toothpaste. Useful remedy By affordable price has many advantages. Find out more about the unusual Meswak stick, which perfectly cleans teeth and gums.

general information

Toothpaste and brush “in one bottle” - this is how you can describe unique product for oral care. The stick is the roots and branches of the Arak tree, growing in the vastness South-East Asia and the Middle East.

3-4 minutes is enough hygiene procedure rub your teeth, gums, chew the root to remove plaque, freshen your breath. This useful product supports oral hygiene at any age: the stick is recommended for adults and children.

What does a miracle teeth cleaning product look like:

  • inconspicuous in appearance, slightly uneven, stick;
  • the surface shade resembles the color of ginger root, sometimes the root is a little darker;
  • Inside the stick there is a lighter layer, which splits into fibers when chewed.

Useful properties and action

An ideal product for cleaning teeth - this is the name often given to the original stick made from the roots/twigs of Salvadora Persica. The miracle remedy has many names: Sivak, Arak, Salvadora, Meswak, Peelu. The healing root has a positive effect not only on the oral cavity, but also on the entire body.

Beneficial features:

  • cleaning teeth and gums from bacterial plaque;
  • gentle splitting, removal;
  • fight against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the miracle stick contains minerals that strengthen dental tissue;
  • Arak extract kills harmful bacteria, but does not upset the balance of microflora;
  • polishes, delicately whitens enamel;
  • prevents ;
  • has an original taste;
  • does not irritate mucous membranes and gums;
  • after using a natural Miswak stick, your breath remains fresh for a long time;
  • suitable for prevention inflammatory diseases gums;
  • reduces tooth pain;
  • restores the quality of enamel.


  • cleansing;
  • antibacterial;
  • pain reliever;
  • remineralization of enamel;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • minimizing the volume of hard deposits on teeth;
  • antimycotic.


The original cleanser has been known since ancient times. Many peoples of the East still use a stick made from Arak twigs/roots as their main oral care product.

Each time, a new surface is used to clean teeth and massage gum tissue (the used area is cut off with scissors). Bacteria never accumulate in the fibers of a natural “toothbrush”, because the bristles appear anew.

An inconspicuous-looking wand has many advantages:

  • ideally cleans teeth;
  • freshens breath;
  • strengthens dental tissue;
  • restores the quality of enamel;
  • there are no synthetic components or aggressive substances;
  • fights putrefactive bacteria, reduces the activity of Staphylococcus aureus;
  • contains fluorine, calcium, provides caries prevention;
  • The miracle wand is convenient to take on the road, to the country house, or on a hike. Enough to chew natural remedy within a few minutes, and fresh breath and clean teeth are ensured;
  • reduces inflammation of soft tissues, fights;
  • maintains quality beneficial microflora in the mouth;
  • prevents and eliminates loose gums;
  • gently removes from enamel dark spots, yellowness, silicon lightens the surface of the teeth;
  • essential oils dissolve soft plaque, keep teeth and gums clean;
  • the fibers gently and safely massage the gums;
  • gets rid of ;
  • normalizes the condition vocal cords with constant load on the speech apparatus;
  • increases body tone, strengthens the immune system;
  • improves digestion.

Note! If you can't get rid of nicotine addiction, buy yourself a Sivak stick. During cleansing of the dentition, substances are released that suppress the craving for smoking. Miracle product is inexpensive side effects No.

Find out about others effective means for oral hygiene. A list of fluoride-free toothpastes can be seen; look at Rox toothpaste review; There is an article about Listerine mouthwash. The benefits and uses of tooth powder are written on the page; Find out about Splat toothpaste at the address; We have an article about electric toothbrushes.


Scientists who studied the effects of traditional cleansers on the body did not find negative properties. The product is environmentally friendly, toxic substances none. A stick made from branches and roots of Salvadora Persica does not render harmful effects on the body.

During pregnancy, consult a gynecologist. The fibers contain essential oils, other active ingredients. Check with your doctor to see if you can use a natural product or prefer a traditional gentle paste. Use this oriental remedy only with your doctor's permission. The advice of a pediatrician or an Ayurvedic pharmacy consultant is important when purchasing a miracle stick for children: a specialist will tell you at what age the natural cleansing product can be used.

How to use a Miswak stick

Instructions for use:

  • Peel the tip of the Arak branch from the bark at a distance of 1 cm from the edge;
  • the top layer is soft enough, no serious effort is needed;
  • lightly press the cleaned part with your teeth so that the tip turns into a brush;
  • treat your teeth in the same way as with a regular brush;
  • There is no need to squeeze out traditional paste: the fibers contain a complex active substances, cleaning hard and soft tissues;
  • Gently massage the gums, move the stick over all areas of the dentition;
  • under the influence of saliva, the fibers soften and penetrate well into hard-to-reach areas;
  • don't worry: weakened, loose gums will not be harmed;
  • after the procedure, cut off the used part with scissors;
  • That’s it, the “miracle brush” is ready for the next use;
  • Reuse of softened fibers is prohibited.

If you are late for work, use traditional means for oral hygiene. The oriental Miswak stick is suitable for use in a quiet environment: you can’t brush your teeth in a minute.

Find out the quick and effective methods treatment at home.



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