Tale of clover and white lily. red clover

The clover plant belongs to the legume family. Clover can reach up to 50 cm in height.

Clover is both annual and perennial. The flowers are white or red and are collected in the form of heads. The leaves are trifoliate, rarely found with 4 petals. Very often you can hear about the symbol of good luck - if you find a clover with 4 leaves. Roots can sometimes become woody.

Genus: Clover

Family: Legumes

Class: Dicotyledons

Order: Legumes

Department: Flower

Kingdom: Plants

Domain: Eukaryotes

A distinctive feature of clover is that only bees and bumblebees pollinate it. After the flowers have faded, the fruit remains - a bean, which contains 1 or 2 seeds. Clover is a fodder plant, but there are also several types of ornamental clover.

Special bacteria live in the roots of clover, which help to saturate the earth with nitrogen. The most common varieties of clover are red clover (meadow) and white clover (creeping), which outwardly differ in the color of their flowers. There are also rarer types of clover.

Where does clover grow?

The clover plant can be found on all continents of our planet, except Antarctica. Feels good in the temperate zones of the continents, in northern Africa and even in Australia. Most often you can find it in glades, edges and meadows. It grows well in cities. Few people are not familiar with this plant since childhood.

Medicinal properties of clover

Clover has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, hemostatic, expectorant, astringent properties and is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Clover is both consumed internally in the form of decoctions, and lotions are made. This plant helps to relieve inflammatory processes in the body, purify the blood, relieve swelling and remove excess liquid from the body. helps with colds, with headaches, with atherosclerosis. And lotions can be used for wounds, burns, as well as skin diseases.

Clover honey is also very useful. at the same time it is very pleasant in taste and smells fragrant.

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Natalya Plakhteeva

Program content:

Introduce children to clover;

Tell about the types of this flower, the features of its structure and pollination, about its

benefits for humans, animals, insects and soil;

Arouse in children the desire to convey the beauty of blooming clover in creativity.

Integration educational areas"Cognition", "Artistic and aesthetic development"

preliminary work

consideration blooming clover for a walk

Drawing clover flower with colored pencils

Manufacturing herbarium "White meadow clover"

Reading a fairy tale "Good Clover"

Materials for the lesson:

Multimedia presentation "Meadow clover";

Sea pebbles tinted with white paint;

Paint gouache pink and green;


Lesson progress

Educator. Guys, do you remember how recently we looked at clover flowers on a walk, and then drew it?

Children's answers

Educator. Do you want me to tell you about this beautiful flower?

Children's answers

caregiver. One old legend says that once, a very long time ago, God forbade all living beings to work on Saturdays. But the bees and meadow clover disobeyed him. For this, the angry God punished the plant, and hid its nectar in the very depths of the flower. Since then, it has been very difficult and sometimes impossible for bees to get it. Therefore, bumblebees pollinate clover flowers.

Let's talk today about this "naughty" clover plant and you will learn more about it.

Every spring, pink, red and white round fluffy flowers bloom in the meadows. They are very visible on the green meadow. It blooms and smells very pleasant meadow clover. That is the name of this flower. Listen to a poem about clover

Clover in forbs

pink blossoms,

A flicker in the air

Butterflies flight.

In a whirlwind circling merrily

color carousel,

Hearing caresses the song

I'm a buzzing bumblebee.

(L. Gromova)

We are used to clover, and sometimes we do not notice it. And it grows on lawns, and on the edges, and on roadsides, and on the banks of rivers, and along the outskirts of fields.

(The teacher's story is supplemented by a slide show of a multimedia presentation)

You saw him on the territory of our walking area.

Another name for clover is shamrock. Do you know why? Because a clover leaf necessarily consists of three small leaves.

(Children look at clover leaves)

Now let's turn our attention to the clover flower. In red clover, the flower head is round and consists of small, long flowers. Clover loves the sun very much. In the evening, its flowers rise up and fold. So they are saved from the night cold.

The nectar is hidden in the middle of a large round clover flower. It is available only to bumblebees. Thanks to their long proboscis, bumblebees can extract nectar from flowers and collect pollen. A bumblebee will land on a clover head, grab onto it with its paws, and begin to check all the flowers one by one with its long proboscis: which flower has a lot of sweet nectar. Bumblebees collect this nectar to feed their babies.

The riddle about clover

The hungry bumblebee sighs heavily:

I would love to eat porridge.

The flowers were barely touched by the wind.

And the bumblebee noticed that hour. (Clover)

Small bees fly to the blooming red clover - they are very attracted nice smell colors. Bees fly, fly, circle over the flower. There is nectar in the flowers, but it is hidden too deep for a short bee proboscis. The bee cannot get the nectar from the bottom of the red clover flower with its proboscis.

(View slides of a multimedia presentation)

Guys, you saw white clover on our site. It is not as tall as the red one, and its head is smaller than that of the red one. Therefore, above the meadow where white clover grows, I always have bees. A short bee proboscis is enough to get to the sweet nectar.

Clover honey belongs to the best varieties, does not dry out for a long time.

Clover is very useful not only for insects, but also for humans. Dried and crushed flower heads are used by the hostess as a dressing for soup. Young stems and leaves of clover can be added to vegetable salads. Here, in the Kuban, and among our neighbors - the inhabitants of the Caucasus, young clover flower heads are fermented like cabbage and added to green salads. Clover is also a very valuable medicinal plant.

But clover is useful not only for humans and insects, but also for animals. Pets need to be fed, and clover gives a lot of tasty green mass. Clover is one of the most valuable forage grasses. The plant is widely used for green fodder and for making hay for pets.

Clover has long been considered one of the most useful meadow herbs also because it gives the earth a lot of useful "vitamins", from which the earth becomes fertile and other plants grow well on it.

Artistic and creative activity

Drawing on sea pebbles "Pink meadow clover"

I brought sea pebbles from the Black Sea coast

We put on them white paint for the background of the composition. Then the children painted a pink clover flower with gouache paints on these sea pebbles.

Summary of the lesson. Questions for children

What wild flower did you find on the territory of our site?

Where else does clover grow?

What is the shape of a clover flower?

How many leaves are on a clover leaf? What is another name for clover?

What insects collect nectar from clover?

What is useful clover for humans and animals?

There are almost 300 varieties of clover all over the world.
The most common is red clover.
Red clover - perennial herbaceous plant, reaches a height of 15-55 cm.
The leaves are trifoliate, the flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences.
Blooms in June - September. The fruits ripen in August - October.
Seeds are small, spherical.

Clover for household needs began to be grown in the Mediterranean as early as the Neolithic era.
In Russia, clover has been cultivated everywhere, for more than 200 years.
The plant is characterized by high productivity and unpretentious care.
Now it has become widely used as a replacement for lawn grass.


Clover is very important in animal husbandry. The plant is widely used for green fodder and hay.

The nitrogen accumulated in the roots remains in the soil after plowing, which contributes to the increase in the fertility of the fields.

Hives are often placed near fields with clover to obtain fragrant and healing clover honey.

Salads are prepared from the leaves, green cabbage soup is seasoned with them. Dry, crushed leaves were added to flour in baking in the past. rye bread, and also used for the preparation of sauces and in the production of cheeses.
In the Caucasus, young unblown flower heads are fermented like cabbage and added to green salads.


Clover Soup. Cook regular lean soup, but 5 minutes before cooking, add a mixture of clover leaves and sorrel leaves (about 100 g per serving).

Roast with clover. Boil the meat until half cooked, then fry. As a side dish, serve clover leaves stewed in water with spices (for young people - in broth) and seasoned with vegetable oil.


flower heads and leaves used in traditional medicine as an analgesic, cough suppressant and appetite enhancer.

Infusion of red clover (meadow) for colds:
Pour 2 cups of dry raw materials into an enamel bowl, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist, strain. Take 2-3 times a day to prevent and treat colds.

Superstitions, signs:

All over the world, people believe that the Four Leaf Clover is a symbol of incredible good luck.
Since ancient times, dried clover leaves have been carried with them as a talisman. It was believed that a person who has a trefoil or quatrefoil with him becomes a magnet for luck.
Clover was depicted on various objects in the house. They served as amulets.

Even now many large companies use the image of a three or four leaf clover in their logos. The shamrock clover is the national emblem of Ireland.

And so that everyone would have a lot of good luck and happiness in the small island state of Palau, they decided to give it by releasing a funny gold coin in the shape of a four-leaf clover.

Poems about clover:

- Mu, - the calf mumbles in the morning, -
Clover gives me strength.
Without him I'm in the meadow
And I can't for a day.


red lumps,
How cat paws.
flower balls,
The smell of the field is sweet.
Clover for sure
Knows young and old
Hay for the cow.
Nectar for bees.

Riddles about clover:

hares love
Triad leaves
From weed-voles,
Red head.

In the field by the ravine
Red porridge.

Fairy tale
"Good Clover"

Once a peasant bought a cow in the market.
- For a cow, clover is the best vitamin delicacy. Add clover to the feed and you will always have a lot of milk, the seller advised him.
The farmer returned home and sowed clover in the field to feed the cow. A few years later, he decided to sow wheat in a clover field, and moved the clover to another field. Wheat brought an unprecedented harvest like never before.
- Miracles, never before in this field my wheat has grown so much, and the weeds do not drown it out at all, - the peasant was surprised.
He began to think about it for days on end, but he didn’t think of anything.
One day he was mowing clover in the field and suddenly he heard:
- Hey peasant, next year sow me in another field: I have already worked on this.
The peasant realized that it was the clover talking to him, he was surprised and asked:
- So how did it work?
- Enriched the soil with nitrogen. I have nitrogen nodules on the roots. They perfectly glue the humus, and it becomes more durable and does not wash out with water. After me, nitrogenous substances remain in the soil. Over the years, old man, I have completely restored the fertility of this soil and am now ready to work in another place.
Then the peasant understood who helped his wheat to grow, and bowed to the ground to the good clover.
So humble meadow grass best friend turned out to be a farmer.

// April 3, 2013 // Views: 32 404

A poem about clover:
So that the cow has
Milk by the river
She needs food
Field clover.


useful information and interesting facts

Clover - perennial belonging to the legume family. It has trifoliate leaves and flowers in the form of a head. From huge amount(about 190 species) of clover growing in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet, use the 3 most significant species: red clover (meadow), white (creeping) and pink (hybrid). The average height of a clover is usually 10-30 cm.
Clover is a honey plant pollinated mainly by bumblebees. All types of this plant contain a lot of protein and are the best nutritious food for animals. Varieties of clover can be found in almost all meadows and fields of the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus.

For medicinal purposes, both leaves and clover flowers are harvested. The collected plants are pre-dried in a dark place.
A decoction is made from clover flowers, which is used for chronic bronchitis, colds, feverish conditions, bronchial asthma, diseases genitourinary system, rheumatism and general physical weakness. For the treatment of scrofulous rash in young children, juice is squeezed from fresh clover and the skin is washed. The eyes are also washed with juice if they fester. For patients suffering from atherosclerosis, prepare a tincture (half a liter of vodka or alcohol per 50 g of raw materials) and give the patient 15 ml twice a day for two to three months.

clover found wide application and in veterinary medicine. Steamed flowers treat inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines in a large cattle, since the decoction has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Clover can be very different in appearance, inflorescences, leaf shape:

Clover angustifolia.
Scaly clover.
Clover pale-flowered.
Meadow clover.
Rough clover.
Clover meat-red.
Clover hard-hairy.


Anna Alferova

By the road clover
Fluffed out his fan.
Playing with the wind
The song sings:
- Butterflies and wasps,
Bees and dragonflies
get together
And fly to me.
I, a young man,
Very tasty pollen.

Riddle Clover

Valentina Chernyaeva

I am pink and white
Meadow flower
with round leaves
And round head
Attracts bees
My fragrant juice.
biology student,
What flower am I?


Galina Nazarenko-Umbdenstock

Sweet clover, colloquially - "porridge",
Not every insect drinks your honey:
You need a very long proboscis,
To have just one sip.


Gusarova Tatiana

At least half the world go around
You are from south to north,
But you won't find a flower
Sweeter than pink clover.

They fly in a friendly swarm
Both bumblebees and bees are frisky.
Feeding on pollen
Very tasty and healthy.

Away, anxiety and despondency!
The feast goes by the mountain at the clover.
After all, the flower is more hospitable
None from south to north.


Elena Kirgizova

Red clover, white clover -
Quiet river nearby...
curly, tanned,
In the breeze.

Clover - a small porridge,
Amazing flower.
colorful muzzle
On the beaten paths.

Run through the sky wind
And pat on the head...
Red clover shines at night
Beacon all over the earth...

field clover

Zinaida Trubitsyna

In a field outside the village
Among fragrant porridge,
Blooming clover -
Chamomile's best friend.

red lumps,
Like cat paws.
flower balls,
The smell of the field is sweet.

Clover for sure
Knows young and old -
Hay for the cow.
Nectar for bees.

To have a cow
Milk by the river
She needs food
Field clover.

Let the bees circle
Above the clover flower.
We are with you later
Let's drink tea with honey!

How red clover smells like childhood...

Irina Zhuravka

How clover smells like childhood! ..
When the city gets bored - a cell, a cell,
Where are you sitting, as in a debt hole,
In eternal worries ... where is worth a penny of fun,

Where there is a "limit" on the growth of grass,
Where the janitor burns fallen leaves -
Run into the forests: there at night - the cry of an owl,
And in the morning - a homeless cuckoo,

Answering the question again...
There you will hear the wind laughing
Touching gently silky hair...
The kids are having fun playing tag...

Happy, weave wreaths
From a pink airy soft porridge,
Fumbling with each other like puppies -
And in fear insects crawl...

Well, why not heaven? Expanse and peace.
The phone is discharged: everything is up to the limit!
I sit down in the grass... and clover hand
I touch ... and it smells of ripe childhood ...


Lyubov Achelova

In a clearing of clover, apparently invisible ...
The bees are rushing about, buzzing over me,
As if I offended someone among the bees ...
Pink clover balls hang,

And tender heads sway among the grass.
And a tart aroma spreads around.
And the honey air is so pleasant to breathe ...
Little roses caught my eye.

I will weave a delicate pink clover wreath,
I will insert white daisies on the sides ....
I will enter the birch forest as a forest queen
And I will give a wreath of clover to the trees.


Ludmila Rubina

Clover, like a fluffy carpet,
Spreads out like a meadow.
Its scent is fragrant
sweet and a little spicy

Turns his head like a dope
Fills life with fun.
Clover will become a talisman
On a clear May day in spring.

The breeze shakes the flowers,
The bees are working, buzzing.
Clover attracts bees.
Delicate, wonderful fragrance.

honey plant

Nadezhda Savelyeva 2

Honey plant - fluffy clover
It almost became urban.
He's raging in the alley
The bee is circling over him.

Brings the leaves to the sun
A little light rises
He only misses the field
Where he lived for many years ...


Olga Yakukhina

Shamrock - green fan
Blooms all summer long in the meadows.
Such an unpretentious clover
Grows in the suburbs.

Carpet of pinkish lumps
He covered the meadow.
And thousands of colorful flowers
As if on the grass flooring.

And the bees rush for nectar,
And we see a bumblebee we fly.
They fuss around for nothing.
And their whole secret is honey!

Honey flowers - bait,
Insects are called nectar!
We are fragrant honey jars
We will receive from clover as a gift!

Ruddy flower. clover red

Raisa Trostyanova

Clover is also from Legumes.
SAM gathered his flowers
He is in inflorescence-heads
Or did the fairies help?!

Red balloon-"bouquet"
He flaunts all summer
Attracts all bumblebees:
Their proboscis is longer!

They can only pollinate
Get nectar from flowers!
We will be left without honey ...
Clover will give us tons of seeds!

Sow them for haymaking,
There will be more hay-fodder;
For the sake of wonderful nodules,
To make the earth kinder later! ...

Red Pompoms Riddle

Regina Novikova

Red flowers grow in families.
Loose heads can be seen here and there.
Pom-pom balls are everywhere in the clearing.
Peasants respect that grass very much.
Hay will be prepared and stored for the winter.
(There are many benefits, vitamins in that grass).
So that the cow has a large milk yield,
Needed for top dressing (clover) field.

Red clover

Regina Novikova

blooming clover,
Dark red flower.
The stem is strong and branched,
On the stems in triplets - leaves.

(Earlier they guessed by the flower:
The leaves counted him.
If there are four of them together,
You will be happy in this world

Well. and if you meet - five,
So happiness is not to be seen.)
And clover flowers -
Spherical balls.

Each round flower
Fragrant, fluffy, juicy.
Tearing bunches from inflorescences
And children often suck them.

Delicious sweet juice
Accumulated a flower
You will sow clover in the garden,
You will be able to raise the harvest:

He enriches the earth
And saturates with nitrogen.
He is a good sederate.
You will be happy with the harvest.

Clover is called porridge
Add to livestock feed.
This food is irreplaceable.
It contains vitamins

He needs medicine too.
And cosmetics will serve.
They love clover and bumblebees -
They drink nectar from a flower.

Although the flower is rather modest,
Its benefits are enormous.


Tatiana Turbina

In the clearing clover-color,
there is no more inconspicuous flower.
Eyes didn't see
brought to him by a goat.
The flower itself is inconspicuous,
many secrets are hidden in it,
what he hides in himself -
will not show the appearance.

If there is frost in the head,
memory will steal - sclerosis,
clover you need to pick,
brew and insist.
Drink its infusion more often -
you will be friends with the head.

It's sad for everyone
if he forgets.
Clover strong honey plant
he will reveal the secret of the stars.
You, summer time,
for yourself - open it.

Can you make kvass health:
200 grams - will make a clover,
pebbles in a bag - flint,
so that he settles on the bottom,
A couple of spoons of sour cream -
insisted - drink yourself
and share it with your friends
get well with us.

pink clover

Tatyana Headquarters

Pink clover blooms by the path
A flower is collected in a tight head.
You don't trample on clover, boots.
How he decorated the fields with a handkerchief!
And by the path it is assembled with a border -
Modest canvas pattern.
You bloom, clover, vein -
Pink call to winter.



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