Stars with a large nose. A nose with a hump is success

It's not just people who have flaws in their appearance. ordinary people, but also for many celebrities. Another thing is that it is much easier for the rich and famous to change something about themselves; they have money for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

Celebrities also have their favorite plastic surgeries, and these are rhinoplasty and breast augmentation. The nose is very important for public person. It is known that the video camera has such a feature as a slight increase in image size. So, if your nose is large, then on the TV screen it will appear even larger and more awkward. It's clear that famous person I don't like this arrangement at all.

But if we talk about specifics, then which celebrities have big and ugly noses?

Winona Ryder

A very beautiful actress, twice nominated for an Oscar. She had to have a nose job before starring in such popular films as “Edward Scissorhands” and “Beckham Stoker’s Dracula.”

Her surgery was extremely successful. It is impossible to see any traces of surgery on her face; her nose looks very beautiful and natural. But it so happens that Winona Ryder had rhinoplasty done at the dawn of her film career, so not everyone will remember her old nose.

Joan Rivers

Unlike the first actress, this rhinoplasty did not benefit her. But besides the nose job, Joan Rivers had several others. plastic surgery: abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, lip plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery.

Angelina Jolie

The recognized sex symbol of our time, Angelina Jolie, has also repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. She had rhinoplasty surgery before starring in the movie “Hackers.” That is, nose surgery was the first operation of the famous actress.

The actress always considered herself ugly, so she decided to turn to plastic surgeon. Her nose was corrected three times. In more detail, the actress underwent plastic surgery not only on her nose, but also on other parts of her body.

Kathy Griffin

Plastic surgery for this actress has truly become the key to beauty and femininity. To be honest, the image in which she appeared before the audience for the first time did not suit her at all. Rhinoplasty has benefited Kathy Griffin.

This actress has Greek roots and therefore had to have a nose job. Although Jennifer Aniston herself says that doctors advised her to undergo the operation.

Appearance for a celebrity is business card. This is why all celebrities take such careful care of themselves. For face and body care, the most modern techniques and technology.

You can often see truly dramatic changes appearing in the appearance of stars. For example, one of the most popular plastic surgeries is rhinoplasty - nose shape correction.

The list of celebrities who have had rhinoplasty is quite extensive: it’s easier to count those who haven’t had it done.

Why is this procedure so popular?

Everyone has their own reason, but the goal is the same - to become more beautiful and attractive, not to lose your youth and popularity.

Many artists and performers remove the wings of their nose that are too wide (Tyra Banks, Sarah Jessica Parker).

Some got rid of a hump (Tom Cruise, Abraham Russo), while others were prompted to undergo rhinoplasty by a serious injury (Kristina Orbakaite).

Secrets of stellar nose correction

One of the most successful operations to correct the shape of the nose among domestic show business stars can be safely called Kristina Orbakaite. It is worth noting that the actress’s natural nose did not cause disharmony with herself.

She got used to her masterpiece nose as a child - even the offensive nickname “Pinocchio” did not diminish her love for her own appearance.

She had to undergo surgery after receiving a serious injury to her star nose - according to rumors, Christina’s husband Ruslan Baysarov literally had a hand in this story.

To be completely confident in the successful completion of the procedure and not to regret it, the singer chose one of the best plastic surgeons. The chosen specialist repeatedly corrected the appearance of her mother, the famous Alla Pugacheva.

Other celebrities are also keeping up and are constantly changing their appearance with the help of rhinoplasty. Here are just a few examples of popular people who have changed the shape of their nose.

Aquiline nose

  • Katie Topuria is a Georgian by nationality, a talented singer and sexy girl I decided to say goodbye to my prominent nose because of my complexes. Now her nose has become “European”, as she boldly removed its feature - a prominent hump.

  • Ksenia Sobchak, a famous TV presenter and socialite, got rid of her hump to improve appearance. The nose began to look smoother and more neat, while the proportions and size remained unchanged.
  • Lady Gaga, a shocking, world-famous singer with an outstanding appearance, decided to have rhinoplasty quite recently. The reasons for what happened are still being discussed on the Internet, in print publications and other media. The Italian hooked nose has now become much thinner and smoother.

Wide nose

  • Mila Kunis, the famous super star, decided to get rid of her wide nose in favor of subtlety and unique grace. Now the beauty can boast of even greater attractiveness and beauty.
  • Britney Spears – experiments are clearly her thing. Britney had rhinoplasty twice: in 2008 and 2015. Both forms are the same, but last operation the size itself has decreased.

  • Kate Hudson completed her beautiful look (after breast augmentation) with excellent rhinoplasty. After the operation, the nose became narrower and its tip thinner. Now the look of the Hollywood actress has become more aristocratic, and the perfect correction emphasized the beautiful features of her face.

A long nose

  • Blake Lively is another actress who did not fail to fix her nose. She shortened the length, made it smaller and made it a little thinner. It is very difficult to notice the excellent work of a surgeon, which is what the young star sought.

  • Ashlee Simpson had surgery after an injury, so you shouldn’t judge the girl harshly for her plastic surgery. The result is a smoother, more ideally shaped nose that highlights large blue eyes.
  • Kim Kardashian's smooth, one might say perfect, celebrity nose without its original elongated tip has become a real reason for discussion on social networks. Many argue that Kim has undergone more than one rhinoplasty to achieve such an amazing result. But the main thing is the result?

Celebrities often turn to plastic surgeons to correct some of the flaws in their appearance. Special attention cause the noses of stars. However, some decided to distinguish themselves and refused the services of doctors, making imperfections their “highlight”. Seven stars with big noses or a hump on the nose - in the material.

The star of the Russian reality show “Dom-2” does not dare to undergo rhinoplasty. The celebrity believes that women who undergo rhinoplasty are heroines. In addition, Vodonaeva is convinced that the nose is a “trick” of appearance and shows the character of the owner.

The TV personality doesn’t like that today stars with a hump on their nose make exactly the same “doll” noses, so Alena Vodonaeva is not going to part with her hump anytime soon.

“The First Lady of World Cinema” in her youth wanted to change her nose, but now she realized that her nose shows her character. This is the highlight that distinguishes the actress from other women in cinema. Streep came to this conclusion after numerous transformations on the screen.

“I change so much in films that in reality I decided to leave myself alone. Today I look in the mirror, and what I see there suits me,” said Meryl Streep.

The American actress is literally “made of flaws”: a hump on her nose, not too full lips. But this does not bother the star. Kendrick looks good and is not going to see a plastic surgeon. This is what sets the actress apart from others in Hollywood. If Kendrick gets rhinoplasty, she will lose her “flavor of appearance” and may become less popular among directors.

There were many controversial situations involving participation. Thus, fans criticized the skater after the release of the glossy magazine L'OFFICIEL, in which it was obvious to the athlete. However, Plushenko said in an interview that he is not ashamed of his large nose.

"I - normal person. I have a big nose, but I'm not shy about it. I know that I am good athlete. That’s for sure,” the skater said.

She is considered one of the prettiest actresses in Hollywood, but the star is credited with a lot of plastic surgery, including rhinoplasty. Comparing old pictures of Roberts and her new photos, experts noticed that the tip of her nose became much more graceful and neat. Julia Roberts refutes these assumptions and claims that she was simply born beautiful.

The big nose doesn't interfere with the "potato" Russian actor in a career. Despite such imperfections, the artist often gets the roles of charming handsome men in films. Among these, for example, is the role of Andrei Zhdanov in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” The actor does not want to see a plastic surgeon; Antipenko is satisfied with his own appearance.

The Italian fashion designer has made a huge contribution to world fashion, but her own appearance does not suit the celebrity. Versace has undergone countless plastic surgeries, including rhinoplasty. The fashion designer removed the hump of the nose, but the difference before and after did not satisfy Donatella Versace. The celebrity's nose has acquired an irregular, crooked shape. Donatella did not dare to contact surgeons again.

12:30 30.06.2016

As children, we consider beauty synonymous with success in life. But over time we realize that we were wrong. Don't be born beautiful, but be born lucky - this is the motto of the new time. Our next heroes confirm this with their example.

Beauty has long been no longer the main thing even in glamorous show business. Gone are the days of dazzling blondes long legs and men with perfect chins. Nowadays the highlight is valued - who has what it has. And the more interesting the story of this “highlight” is, the more we empathize with the celebrity, and the closer it seems to us.

Actor Owen Wilson's signature feature is his crooked nose, which seems to have flown from outer space and couldn't find anything better than to park itself on the handsome blonde's perfect face. Alas, this nose has a very mundane and ordinary history: it was broken - not once, but twice. The actor could have corrected this flaw long ago - but he is afraid that he will lose his “I”. There are many handsome men - but Wilson is the only one.

Barbra Streisand

The legendary singer and actress Barbra Streisand played in the 1968 film “Funny Girl” - almost based on the story of her life. In her youth she was really funny: irregular shape face and a long nose with a hump. But very charming and talented. Having achieved success and received her first large fees, Barbara completely refused to fix her nose (although the producers insisted) - because she believed that it brought her good luck.

Sylvester Stallone is an amazing actor. He had no luck since childhood, but then he repaid fate many times over. The doctors injured Sly during childbirth. facial nerve. This left him partially paralyzed. underlip and half of the tongue. So the cynical crooked grin of this thug is not some kind of fashion statement, but a natural expression of his face. Which, coupled with a sad look (also a natural feature), produces a murderous effect on the tender hearts of women.

Peter Falk and Sammy Davis Jr.

Few mortals have managed to become a screen star with such a disadvantage as Peter Falk. At the age of three, he had his right eye removed, which was affected by cancer. For the rest of his life, Peter used a glass or plastic eye. This tragedy did not make him give up: he was actively involved in sports and even decided to try his hand at the stage - and very successfully. The actor has more than 160 films to his credit, among which the role of the incomparable Lieutenant Columbo from the series of the same name stands out. Peter Falk had good feeling humor: when he wanted to make someone laugh or shock, he simply pulled out his prosthetic and placed it in front of the interlocutor.

The famous American pop singer, actor and singer Sammy Davis Jr. also had a glass eye. At the age of 29 - at the peak of his career - the man was in a car accident and lost his left eye. He lived a long and successful life, continuing to perform, act and record. And he died of throat cancer at the age of 64 - he refused the operation because after it he would not be able to sing...

Well, if we're talking about eyes, let's remember celebrities with the most unusual organs of vision. What do David Bowie and actress Kate Bosworth have in common? That's right - eyes different color. True, each artist received this feature in different ways. Bowie - due to an injury to his left eye at the age of 15, which caused dilation of the pupil and a change in the iris: it became brown, and the other remained blue.

As for Kate Bosworth, these are her different colored eyes - congenital feature. Scientifically called “congenital sector heterochromia”: the left eye is blue, and the right is half brown. A number of other famous actors can boast of a similar genetic “zest”: Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour, Demi Moore and Dan Aykroyd.

A gap between teeth has long been considered a sign of the lower class. And at the same time it brought good luck to its owner. These stereotypes began to be actively broken in Hollywood in the 50s and 60s: remember Lauren Hutton and Brigitte Bardot. In the 80s, the flamboyant Madonna took over their baton. And now such a flaw no longer causes surprise, but, on the contrary, is considered a piquant detail of appearance. Just take a look at the French style icon Vanessa Paradis!

Scars adorn men - and certainly these ones. Scottish actor Tommy Flanagan plays tough guys and thugs, which is dictated by his unusual appearance: the actor has deep scars on both cheeks. He received them in his youth, when during a fight he was hit in the face with a broken bottle. These scars did not stop Flanagan from becoming an actor, and even made him more recognizable. He starred in films such as Braveheart, The Saint, Gladiator, Sin City, Alien vs. Predator, Sons of Anarchy, etc.

But the British soul singer Seal got his characteristic masculine appearance “thanks” to lupus, which he suffered from in early childhood. Since then, the musician has had deep scars on his face. This not only does not spoil his appearance, but also adds to the singer’s popularity.

Scars on the face varying degrees Harrison Ford, Joaquin Phoenix and Sharon Stone are prominent - and have you ever paid attention to them?..

The leader of the band Radiohead and a popular American actor, star of such films as “Platoon”, “ Good morning, Vietnam" and Forest Whitaker's "Bird", are united by a birth defect of the eyelid - the so-called " lazy eye" Scientifically, this is called amblyopia: atrophy of the eyelid muscle.

This feature did not prevent Forest Whitaker from winning an Oscar for Best Actor in the film “The Last King of Scotland,” as well as starring in hundreds of films as an actor and making several films as a director. And Thom Yorke - to become one of the most respected and beloved musicians of the 20-21st century by the public.

Jamel Debbouze is one of the favorite French comedians of the new generation. Everyone loves him - adults and children. Meanwhile, this most charming hero has a serious physical handicap. At the age of 14, Jamel was hit by a subway train, resulting in a hand injury. Since then, the limb has stopped developing and the actor cannot use it. That's why he hides it in his pocket all the time. This physical disability did not prevent him from gaining worldwide fame and becoming the star of such films as “Angel-A”, “Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”, “Amelie”, etc.

Sarah Jessica Parker and others.

Well, in the end, we’ll start a group of celebrities with bow legs. This is such a common feature of the figure in our time that no one pays attention to it anymore. This is what Sarah Jessica Parker, Christina Aguilera, Katie Holmes, Paris Hilton, Leighton Meester, etc. use. And no one refuses miniskirts!..

Wide hips, a plump tummy, a gap between the teeth, and a hooked nose are women’s “flaws” that men call sexy.

Contrary to the cult ideal forms, the stronger sex continues to fall in love with imperfect women. Moreover, “shortcomings” are the first to pierce men’s hearts with arrows of love.

Women's nature works differently. Even if a hooked nose was the culprit of a happy marriage, it does not make it any more beautiful.

With the determination of the Roman consul Cato the Elder (“Carthage must be destroyed!”), the woman unleashes a ruthless war against the “Roman” (“Greek”, “Akhmatovian”) profile. About, what to do if your nose is hooked, let's talk below.

A nose with a hump is success

First of all, stop being complex and try to love him. An “outstanding” profile can be a springboard to the pedestal of success.

Owners of hooked noses are Sarah Jessica Parker, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Barbara Streisand, Penelope Cruz.

Their extraordinary beauty only contributed to their career. None of these stars intend to argue with nature, which has so generously endowed their faces. They consider their shortcomings to be “highlights”.

Psychologists have established the reason why a hooked nose successfully guides destiny. A woman whose nose is adorned with a hump is subconsciously associated with passion, expression, and energy. The flurry of emotions that she is able to give ignites men's hearts.

Not only mere mortals prostrate themselves before such women, but also outstanding people- directors, artists, poets. If your “other half” critically examines your undoubted dignity, you should think about changing your partner, not your nose.

Masking a nose with a hump: makeup and hairstyles

If the appearance of a Roman goddess primarily bores you, that’s a different matter. And even in this case, do not rush to see a plastic surgeon, but try hide a hump on your nose with makeup.

Arm yourself with a sculpting kit (light and dark powder), bright lipstick and begin the sacred act of creating illusions.

  1. Using a sponge or brush, apply a dark-colored corrective agent to the bridge of your nose, and, on the contrary, lighten the wings of your nose.
  2. Carefully blend the border between light and dark areas.
  3. Paint your lips with bright lipstick that matches your color type. A bright accent will distract the eye from the hump. Attention will be focused on your passionate lips.

You can make your hump less noticeable using your hairstyle. Which hairstyles for nose with hump recommended by hairdressers?

  • Any cascading haircuts (so-called “ladders”) distract attention from the nose, dissipating attention. Strands of different lengths framing the face mask many facial imperfections.
  • It is worth abandoning straight bangs that hide the forehead. In this case, all the attention of others will be directed to the nose. If bangs are an integral attribute of your image, choose oblique and long ones.
  • Give up straight hair in favor of voluminous hairstyles - bouffants and curls. You will also have to forget about bob haircuts and ponytail styling.
  • Play with your hair color by coloring, bronzing or highlighting. Solid colored hair draws attention to the center of the face.

The most competent make-up and successful hairstyle will fail in the fight against the Roman profile if the eyebrows on the face are “in a thin thread”. Grow it straight away!

Thick eyebrows with a luxurious curve will balance the hump nose, recreating the desired harmony on the face.


Nose for demolition: rhinoplasty and fillers

When, instead of a luxurious Roman nose, the reflection shows a predatory bird’s beak that ruins your life, you should think about rhinoplasty. Ultimately, success is a result of your inner sense of self.

You can fight like a fish against ice, but still not achieve your plans and not realize what you want. And all because in the subconscious the belief “with such a nose” lives and lives successful person you won’t.”

In general, a hump is a congenital or acquired formation of osteochondral tissue. The main reasons for its appearance are genetics, trauma, surgical intervention, long wearing glasses with massive frames.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the structure of osteochondral tissue with massage and gymnastics, although they like to discuss non-invasive methods for correcting the shape of the nose on forums.

Today there are only two real ways straighten the profile - rhinoplasty and fillers.

Surgeon's scalpel against hump

Even though the hump is small, the operation to remove it is one of the most difficult in the arsenal plastic surgery. Concentrated in the nose area a large number of different tissues - skin, muscles, bones, cartilage, nerves. There is no such “plexus of bodies” anywhere in the body!

In preparation for surgery, the surgeon and client carefully plan changes using computer simulation of the result. The operation itself is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-3 hours, during which the surgeon expertly removes excess osteochondral tissue and fixes the remaining fragments in a new position.

The recovery period after rhinoplasty lasts several months, during which a number of restrictions apply - from taking hot baths to air travel. The quality of the new nose is judged after six months or a year.

There are contraindications for rhinoplasty, including age (less than 18 or more than 50 years), mental inadequacy of the client and a number of physical problems (heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, etc.).

The final verdict on the question of “cut or spare the hump” is made by the surgeon, who has unlimited decision-making capabilities. It’s good if they coincide with his talents in the field of plastic surgery.

Don't forget about fillers

You can correct the shape of your nose without a scalpel or anesthesia - with fillers. The essence of the technique is simple - a drug is injected into the area above and below the hump through a needle, which acts as a kind of implant.

The injected substance can be gyluronic acid, collagen, calcium hydroxyapatite, polymer gels (silicone) or even your own adipose tissue patient. Correction with fillers is carried out under local anesthesia, recovery period lasts several days, and there are almost no complications.

Along with the advantages, fillers have disadvantages:

  • dissolve (biodegradable) or require replacement (biondegradable) after 1-2 years;
  • they solve only one problem - they level the hump without changing the shape of the nostrils or the size of the nose;
  • after injections, the size of the nose is significantly enlarged due to the volume added by fillers.

Love yourself and your nose

Life according to the pattern

According to world statistics, about 30% of people after rhinoplasty require reoperation. Some people sculpt their noses into perfect shape with the fearlessness and tenacity of Roman gladiators.

The result of this frantic self-improvement sometimes turns out to be disastrous, as happened with the King of Pop Michael Jackson. The ideal that the singer strove for turned out to be unattainable, and sacrifices in the name of “beauty” turned out to be incompatible with life.

Nature is beautiful and unique, but by no means ideal. There are no clouds of the same shape, walking in an orderly column, just as there are no perfectly identical trees in a forest.

Don’t compare yourself – neither with others, nor with standards, nor with benchmarks. You are a creation of nature.

Respect the results of other people's work and get busy worthwhile instead of empty worries. Many people did this famous people with a hump on his nose, and their efforts were rewarded handsomely.



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