Keep your chin up! How rhinoplasty changed my life. For thinning with large wings of the nose, nostrils

The shape and size of the nose determine the character, age and habits of a person. But does the nose change with age? Comparing photographs of a person in youth and in old age, differences in the size of the nose are easily visible.

Why does the nose change with age?

In order to understand why the size of the nose changes with age, let's look at the structure of the nose.

How the face changes with age photo

The external nose (visible part) consists of bones, cartilage and skin. The external nose is based on the frontal process of the maxilla, the lateral cartilage and the greater pterygoid cartilage. The muscles covering the osteochondral structure of the nose compress the nasal openings. The skin of the nose is thick due to the concentration of sebaceous glands and lack of mobility.

With age, the muscles and skin of the nose lose tone, involutional ptosis (drooping) occurs, and the area of ​​the skin increases. As a protruding part of the body, the nose sinks over time due to gravity. In women, the functions of the sex glands fade, which provokes the development of masculine facial features.

Attention! To stop premature aging of the face and nose, anti-aging rhinoplasty is used.

During the aging process, not only the nose changes, but also the face. The nasolabial folds increase and the skin sagging. These changes “aggravate” the size of the nose, making it visually larger. With age, asymmetry in the structure of the nose also appears.

Anti-aging rhinoplasty will help delay aging of the face and nose

During the operation, the plastic surgeon corrects the tip of the nose and removes excess tissue. , the nose becomes again like in youth.

Ecology, improper or complete lack of facial skin care, lifestyle, and nutrition contribute to the early manifestation of the aging process. There are no other recognized methods for correcting the shape and size of the nose other than plastic surgery. For those who are attentive to their appearance, correction of the tip of the nose and anti-aging plastic surgery are a 100% solution in the fight against age-related changes in the nose.

How appearance changes with age photo

The indication for rhinoplasty, or surgical reshaping of the nose, is the patient’s desire. However, there are absolute indications for such operations. These are congenital and acquired deformities. Congenital deformities that also affect the condition of the nose include pathologies such as cleft lip or cleft palate. Acquired deformities or defects are mainly the result of injuries.


  • These are chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, bronchial asthma and drug allergies. In these cases, the person is offered to treat the underlying disease, and then proceed to rhinoplasty.
  • In addition, an absolute contraindication is the patient’s mental instability or mental illness.

The optimal age for such an operation is from 18 to 40 years. However, the lower age threshold can be shifted slightly. For example, in cases where the girl has matured and it is obvious to the doctor that serious changes in her face will no longer occur, rhinoplasty can be permitted. Typically, requests to have surgery before the age of 18 are associated with changes in the patient’s personal life (marriage, admission to university) and are taken into account by doctors.

After 40 years, doctors almost never agree to rhinoplasty. The fact is that at this age the skin begins to wither, its elasticity decreases, and metabolic processes are disrupted. The consequence of this may be postoperative deformities - rhinoplasty is based on changing the bones of the nose, the skin should “sit” on a new basis (surgeons call this process retraction). If the elasticity of the skin is impaired, then after the operation the nose will look unnatural, deformations and additional wrinkles may appear. In addition, at this age the rehabilitation period lasts much longer.

With a standard operation, complete rehabilitation and healing of internal tissues occurs no earlier than after 3-4 months. However, already two weeks after the operation, the nose and face have the same shape that will remain in the future.

Side effects

Rhinoplasty is a very serious operation; for plastic surgeons it is aerobatics. In general, there are about 300 plastic surgeons in Moscow, and only 20-30 can perform such a delicate operation fully and without unwanted complications.

The rarest forms of complications after rhinoplasty can be suppuration, even sepsis, severe bleeding and even death.

Main side effects:

  • The shape of the nose is unfavorable for the patient.
  • Deterioration of breathing.
  • Spikes.
  • Deviated nasal septum.
  • Loss of smell.

According to statistics, 25-29% of noses are remade. The most important reason for repeated visits is that the patient is not satisfied with the shape of the nose. However, there are also curious cases when the patient demands the elimination of the most insignificant changes and defects that are invisible to anyone or invented by him.

Almost none of those who have undergone rhinoplasty seek to restore the previous shape of the nose, even if the result was not as impressive as expected. Although restoring the original shape of the nose is a feasible task. However, this comes with many challenges. Typically, rhinoplasty is performed to reduce the size of the nose, and for reconstructive surgery it is necessary to either take osteochondral material from the patient himself or replace it with an artificial one.

How to see what the new nose will be like?

Rhinoplasty as such originated just over 100 years ago, when the German surgeon Joseph developed a method that is still partially used today. Then patients were shown what their face would look like after surgery in drawings. Later they began to make plaster models. Now it is possible to perform computer modeling of the face, in which the patient can examine his new face with millimeter accuracy.

What are noses made of?

The surgeon creates a new shape of the nose using the bones and cartilage of the patient himself, as well as using artificial materials, mainly silicone.

After operation

After surgery, patients are prescribed physical therapy, massage, taking antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor, immunostimulants, and vitamins. When such medical prescriptions are accurately followed, the likelihood of rejection is sharply reduced. However, rejections, although rare, are still possible.

The patient must remember that he will have to take care all his life not to injure the new nose, to prevent the development of sinusitis, infections in the nasopharynx, because the nasal bone, even after the most successful operation, will still not be “full”.

Fashion for noses

According to surgeons, noses, like everything else, are in fashion. Nowadays, so-called “European noses” have become fashionable, that is, short, straight noses without a hump, slightly upturned with narrow wings and a thin bridge of the nose.

Previously, the “Caucasian nose” was considered fashionable and more interesting - thin, narrow, with a slight hump. Unfortunately, now even owners of “classic” noses are trying to remake them.

The nose will change, but will the face change?

In recent years, doctors themselves have looked at rhinoplasty with a different perspective and approach this operation comprehensively. After all, beauty is not only the beautiful shape of the nose or the oval of the face, but the harmony of the face as a whole. Very often, to achieve this harmony, it is necessary, for example, to slightly extend the chin, remove bags under the eyes, enlarge the lips or change their shape, and raise the eyebrows. And if the patient is aged, then the surgeon performing rhinoplasty can slightly tighten the wrinkles and perform neck liposuction. In addition, protruding ears are sometimes eliminated along with rhinoplasty.

Change your nose, change your life

Almost always, after a successful operation to change the shape of the nose, patients’ lives change qualitatively. A new attractive appearance changes a person’s attitude towards himself, his psychology. Before surgery, some patients are so fixated on their shortcomings that it prevents them from studying, making a career, or starting a family. Often, patients, along with the shape of their nose, change their job, partner, etc.

Nose masters

Rhinoplasty is a piece of work; surgeons who successfully practice in this field are known by name. Having your nose done by Pavlichenko, Wulf, Rusakov, Tapia, Nerobeev, Osipov means receiving a kind of certificate of quality.

On average, rhinoplasty surgery costs from 800 to 2 thousand dollars.

Everyone has heard about rhinoplasty (and some have already done it). What about non-surgical correction of a hump or drooping nose tip or, for example, its reduction? You probably don’t know yet that these shortcomings can easily be removed with almost one injection.

New opportunities

According to statistics, every second person would like to change the shape of their nose. It is not surprising that rhinoplasty is among the top most popular procedures. And how many other people do not dare to transform themselves with a scalpel, realizing how much time it will take to recover. It turns out that not all changes require the participation of plastic surgeons! You can change the shape of your nose with injections! Non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose is the original injection technique of Dr. Olga Moroz. She found a way, with the help of properly selected components, to remove puffiness and hump, asymmetry and drooping tip of the nose by injection.

“The nose changes, sometimes not immediately suiting the owner with its parameters, and sometimes spreading over the years,” says Olga. “If you have a pronounced hump or a wide bone, then, of course, you need the help of surgeons, but correcting imperfections is my job.”

One injection instead of a thousand cuts

Essentially, non-surgical nose correction is an injection technique that is very similar to mesotherapy. During the session (one to three are needed), the doctor introduces special cocktails (which are always prepared individually) into problem areas. They reduce subcutaneous fat, remove swelling and excess intercellular fluid and, accordingly, change the nose.

“I first saw the idea of ​​non-surgical nose correction in France,” Olga Moroz reveals. “I liked the idea of ​​helping people become more beautiful without anesthesia, cuts and a scalpel so much that I decided to improve this service and developed my own method.”

“The main advantage of the technique, in my opinion, is that after the session you do not need to change your lifestyle,” Olga emphasizes.

There will be no side effects after the procedure. A slight swelling will disappear in a day, and the result will last for about two years.

New nose

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As I remember that moment now, I was 15 years old, I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. And then I look at my reflection and realize that my nose is a little long. And there is nothing I can do to make it shorter. Fortunately, at least it’s straight. But if you touch the bridge of your nose with your hand, you feel that on one side it is a little crooked. I remember falling as a child and breaking my nose, maybe my fall affected him. Don't know. But after studying myself in the mirror, I somehow left my nose alone and forgot about it. I considered myself pretty and didn’t have any complexes about my nose. I was also not deprived of male attention, and no one even teased me. But this is how this mass popularity began to manifest itself in photographs, when you can study yourself from different angles, and that’s when I caught myself thinking that I wanted a different nose. And with age, the tip of my nose began to look like a potato.

And then there’s Omorphia! I look at the girls who changed their noses and admire them. Lucky women and such beauties have become. I don't think changing the shape of my nose will have a big impact on my self-confidence, but I want to look in the mirror and see that I'm beautiful and like myself. So. I surfed the Internet and found photos of stars who changed their noses, and chose only photos where the difference was clearly noticeable. And of course I dabbled and did some modeling for myself. And to be honest, I really like what I got. Enjoy watching!

Well, my creativity

I made a slight bend for myself, removed the length, and made the tip smaller. I also changed my chin, so I think it looks prettier than what I have now. I would also like the surgeon to achieve what I had in mind. Thank you for your attention!



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