Cheer up in the morning without coffee. The most effective methods to cheer yourself up if you want to sleep

Remember, the more light there is around you, the more alert you will feel.
If you sit in semi-darkness all day, it's not surprising that you feel sleepy.
Open the curtains, turn on the lamps and you will feel a surge of energy.

1. Go outside. Even for a few minutes fresh air will help you cheer up.
2. Massage your earlobes. Surprisingly, this simple procedure really helps get rid of drowsiness.
3. Tickle your palate with the tip of your tongue. You will feel a slightly strange but invigorating effect.
4. Call a close friend. Firstly, it will lift your spirits, and secondly, nothing invigorates you like live communication.
5. Raspberries, apples, oranges and grapefruits will fill you with energy, unlike meat and baked goods, so if you want to snack, choose better fruit and berries.
6. Listen to an energetic song. If you know the words, sing along, if you want, dance.
7. Stand on your toes and try to stay in this position for as long as possible.
8. Watch a video of your favorite artist, a cartoon you loved as a child, read a good book.
9. Devote time to what inspires you.
10. The best way to cheer up is to laugh heartily. Watch a funny video, read a funny comic. A good laugh will stimulate your mind.
11. Make sure that the room you are in is well ventilated.
12. Massage your neck for a few minutes.
13. If you are overcome by drowsiness, a mint candy or chewing gum will help. Even something so small physical action how sucking candy will invigorate you, and the taste and smell of mint will refresh you.
14. Even a two-minute walk will help you feel energized. If you work in an office, walk down the hallway, go outside, and jump in place. Any physical activity will raise your tone.
15. Occupy your brain. Make a plan for tomorrow or start doing a crossword puzzle. This will activate your mental activity and help you cheer up.
16. Drink cold water. You can also wet your temples and wrists. This will wake you up.
17. Plan your work well before starting it. When everything is in its place, you waste less energy.
18. Make a few deep breaths. Deep breathing increases oxygen levels in the blood and helps relieve stress.
19. Of course, nothing will cheer you up better than exercise first thing in the morning. They can be the simplest and most basic. To stay active and healthy person, it is enough to devote at least 30 minutes a day to exercise.
20. Eat healthy and do it at least three times a day. You must constantly replenish your body's strength if you do not want it to dry out.
21. Do you have any hobby? Doing something you love captivates you and quickly relieves fatigue.
22. Massage your temples.
23. Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and tired? Perhaps the reason is that nothing inspires you. Try yourself in the role of an altruist. By doing good deeds, you yourself will become kinder and happier.
24. The realization that your life is not wasted will give you many positive emotions and energy.
25. Do you like to aimlessly switch channels or scroll through web pages half the night? Better use this time usefully and get a good night's sleep.
26. Stretch. Stand on tiptoes and try to reach the ceiling with your fingertips. Let every bone in you, every muscle in you relax. Do bends to the right, left, back and forth, and any other stretching exercises you know. If there are none, then it’s time to learn them.
27. Take a 15-minute nap. Surprisingly, sometimes this short period of time is enough to feel rested.
28. Reduce the amount of energy drinks and coffee you consume. They create a short-lived illusion of a surge of strength, but as a result they only make things worse.
29. Don't forget about vitamins. They - main source energy for your body.

Fifth - no The best decision, if you need to stay in good shape for as long as possible. It doesn’t matter so much whether it’s due to a project, a meeting or an exam; caffeine is not the only thing (and, of course, not at all) that will help you “reboot.” In this material we have collected scientific advice for those who would like to drink less coffee without compromising cognitive functions. Ready? Then we suggest you start right now.

Drink more water

Dehydration is not only bad feeling(from increased heart rate to fainting), but also a large-scale loss of energy, reminds the American Chemical Society. This is explained by the fact that a person consists of 60% water, which, among other things, is necessary for the transfer nutrients, such as oxygen and carbohydrates, to different parts of the body, including the brain. A 2009 study from Tufts University found that even mild dehydration—losing 1-2% of water—can be associated with extreme fatigue and confusion, so it's definitely best to play it safe.

Take a walk

If you're feeling sluggish at work, daylight may be what you need to recharge. Research shows that screen time throughout the day makes us feel worse, while sunlight, on the contrary, promotes vigor and increased productivity (due to the activation of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for circadian rhythms). In a 2014 study, people who took a walk while working on a computer reported feeling less tired, had faster reaction times, and showed improved performance. top scores in memory tests.

Breathe deeper

It has been proven that calm and relaxed employees are productive employees. And it’s useful to keep in mind that stomach relief is one of the best ways to calm down. According to research, inhaling and exhaling for ten counts moves more oxygen to different parts of the body, which automatically increases energy levels and helps you feel “zen.” Let's add to this that deep breathing, reducing stress levels, strengthens immune system, allowing the body to resist bacteria and viruses even more effectively. A nice bonus, wouldn't you agree?

Listen to your favorite music

If you like working to music, just do it. And don't listen to those who say that extraneous sounds distracted. Scientists confirm that favorite music provokes a release in the brain chemical substances, which help you better cope with any tasks. A 2011 study found that when people listened to music for at least 15 minutes, their brains became flooded with dopamine, a hormone associated with pleasure. Other studies have shown that pleasant melodies help release serotonin and oxytocin, which can make you feel better instantly.

Chew gum

It turns out that chewing helps you work more intensely without being distracted by extraneous things. And if you don't have a healthy snack like an apple or carrot slices on hand, regular chewing gum can help. Some studies suggest that it can become an excellent remedy reduction daytime sleepiness, since the act of chewing improves blood circulation and activates certain areas of the brain (including those associated with alertness). Recent studies, writes Business Insider, have also shown that chewing gum helps students focus on the information they need to learn for an exam, reducing anxiety and increasing comprehension of what they've just read.

Cats may be unusually lazy, but scientists believe their furry antics not only improve our mood, but also help us fight sleepiness. How? A 2005 study of 7,000 volunteers found that most respondents perceived animal videos as something that “increased their energy levels,” “enhanced emotions,” and “helped combat negativity.” This may be because when we look at something funny or cute, oxytocin levels increase while levels of the stress hormone cortisol naturally decrease. Scientists suggest that this effect becomes even more obvious.

Take a nap

None of the above worked? Perhaps what you really need is . A 2008 study found that taking a 10-25 minute nap in the afternoon was better than caffeine for reducing mid-day energy levels. And other studies have suggested that taking a nap improves our ability to learn, stimulates memory and creative thinking. So it seems sleeping during university lectures wasn't such a bad idea.

Regular breakfast consisting of oatmeal, omelette and glass orange juice will help you not only wake up, but also maintain morning vigor for a fairly long period of time. In one of the posts, we have already listed some products that can be compared to coffee in their effect on the body. This time I found another longer list.

So, under the point number 1 on our list is, as always, chocolate. Why? Well, in addition to being delicious, it contains quite a lot of sugar and is an impetus for the production of endorphins - this is quite enough to get a boost of energy for a couple of hours, if not longer. I think that everyone remembers the rule “Before an exam it is better to eat a chocolate bar or drink strong and sweet tea”?

2. Cold water. Dehydration is one of the causes of fatigue. Drink more water, especially in the morning, and you will be happy. At least physically you will feel much better. Especially if you drink at least a glass of water in the morning only when you get out of bed.

3. Berries. Any berry is good and healthy. And even better if it is raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. These berries are full of natural stimulants!

4. Orange juice. Citrus fruits are a godsend for those who sleep forever! The juice itself is full of vitamin C, which fills the body with energy, and the smell of orange, lime and lemon stimulates brain activity. This is especially true in winter, when colds are always in the air. Lemon and lime are also suitable, but their juice is best consumed with plenty of sugar and slightly diluted with water. Tested from my own experience.

5. Something cold. About cold water I already wrote, but any cold drink is suitable here - soda, juice, etc. Cold is a shock to the whole body, which gets a shake-up and begins to work at full capacity.

6. Meat. The proteins contained in meat are processed slowly; accordingly, energy is released more slowly, but it is enough for more for a long time. Of course, you can’t eat a piece of meat instead of coffee and wake up immediately, but your energy supply will be replenished. The same applies to fish. If you have a difficult day ahead, it is better to eat a piece of chicken or fish than noodles or bread.

7. Nuts. They are also quite nutritious and will help recharge your batteries. But you shouldn’t get carried away with them either, especially at night, because the remnants of unprocessed energy are deposited, alas, not in the brain, but in other parts of the body. Problematic.

8. Green tea. Well, everything is clear here, because any tea contains caffeine. And green tea is also the healthiest. If you drink a cup of tea, I will be alert much longer than after a cup of coffee. Only if after coffee you almost immediately feel invigorated, then the effect of tea does not occur so quickly.

9. Apples. Apples contain boron, which increases the body's alertness. That is, attention to detail increases and you won’t miss another “-” in the equation. Plus there are many other things in apples useful substances, so chew for your health (it’s also good for your teeth).

10. Oatmeal. She's full complex carbohydrates and fiber. And if you add something sweet to it, you will get a wonderful energy breakfast.

11. Bananas. Bananas have a lot of sugar natural sugar, which is absorbed by the body much better.

12. Yogurt. It's all about magnesium - an excellent source of long-lasting energy. Just remember that yoghurts with fillings have much more sugar than they seem.

13. Eggs. Eggs can generally be considered a super food. They are full of proteins, vitamins and minerals (leucine among them), which the body needs for full-fledged work and recovery after physical exercise. Plus, you won't get tired so quickly.

So, the list contains quite accessible and healthy foods. I see no reason to eat not only tasty, but also beneficial for the body. Of course, they will not replace a fragrant cup of coffee, but you cannot always afford to drink it.

Don't feel like a person without a traditional morning cup of coffee? But, as anyone who leads a healthy lifestyle knows, this is not the most healthy drink. Coffee makes it dark tooth enamel, the caffeine it contains has a negative effect on cardiovascular system, and its abuse can lead the body to dehydration.

Experts do not recommend that children and pregnant women drink coffee, and scientists have found that lovers of this drink develop diarrhea. And that's all more people they also want its alluring aroma. Of course, if used wisely, this drink is not so dangerous, but why take the risk when there are tasty and healthy alternatives?

What can you drink instead of coffee?

Green tea

It's no secret that this refreshing drink is a storehouse of antioxidants, vitamins and microelements. He has many beneficial properties, which include removing toxins, inhibiting the aging process, and even reducing the risk of developing tumors. Green tea contains caffeine sufficient quantity, to provide tea lovers with vigor and, unlike coffee, does not cause side effects. In winter you can use it with ginger or, and in summer - cold with ice, lemon and fresh mint. By the way, it also makes sense to include ginger in your diet, as it contains substances that increase concentration, warms you, lowers cholesterol, and is even a natural aphrodisiac!

Nut smoothie

This dish is becoming more and more popular among devotees every year. healthy image life, which is not at all surprising, because it great way cook delicious and healthy breakfast saving every second. What a great way to start the day with an invigorating, hearty cocktail! You will need a blender, a handful of nuts (they contain fiber and proteins, B vitamins, phosphorus, iodine and much more - so nuts are necessary for productive brain function, skin elasticity and the fight against the syndrome chronic fatigue), banana, almond or any other milk, and a little honey. In principle, you can add anything you like to a smoothie - fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, and ice. The widest scope for experimentation, which is not limited by anything except your imagination.

The exotic drink, invented many centuries ago in India, does not have a specific recipe for preparation. But it always contains 4 main ingredients: tea, milk, sweetener and spices. You can use any tea, but it is better to give preference to black tea with a bright taste, since a large number of spices can overwhelm the taste of delicate teas.
It’s worth adding something sweet to the drink: after all, the brain needs glucose. The most common sugar will do, but you can diversify your diet with either brown cane sugar or any honey. You can try using condensed milk - it will immediately play the role of both sweetener and milk. Vegetarians prefer a natural sugar substitute – stevia leaves. They are not treated with chemicals, do not have the side effects of sugar, and at the same time are 15-20 times sweeter than sugar. In addition, numerous Scientific research This plant made it possible to identify a lot of beneficial properties of stevia, such as improving the condition of blood vessels and lowering cholesterol levels.
Whole milk is usually used for Masala tea. As spices you can add black pepper, fennel and licorice root.

Lemon water

Drinks containing caffeine large quantities, may cause an immediate burst of energy, but later you will feel lethargic and sleepy. To avoid this, replace your morning coffee with regular lemon water. Yes, it is the simple things that are often the best. Nutritionists advise adding the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of zest to the water. This drink will provide a refreshing and awakening effect, and will also serve as an excellent preventive measure. colds. Can be turned lemon water into real homemade lemonade, adding honey and fresh mint.


Are you feeling tired and apathetic in the middle of your working day?

A lot of things await you, but you wander from place to place like a “sleepy fly”?

Don't rush out to grab a cup of coffee or energy drink.

Use any of the following methods to invigorate your body and clear your mind.

1. Massage the earlobes.

Located on the human earlobe great amount nerve endings, which affect the blood circulation of the brain and sharply increase its tone.

You need to massage intensively, pressing the earlobe with your nail.

By the way, it has been established that even if a person is in a semi-fainting state, intensive rubbing of the earlobes leads to the fact that the person comes to his senses.

2. Breathing exercises Kapalbhati.

A very simple exercise.

You need to take a breath and then grin. Grinning, you exhale sharply and briefly. After this, there is a pause, during which an involuntary breath occurs. If you feel dizzy, it means you are taking too deep breaths. When you do the exercise correctly, you get the feeling that everything around you has become brighter, cleaner and fresher.

Hence the name of the exercise - Kapalbhati, which translated means “shining skull”. The wonderful effect of gymnastics on human body is explained as follows. Nerve receptors are located in the nasal passages. Due to sharp and rapid breathing, the receptors begin to send impulses to the brain, stimulating its work.

3. Rubbing your face with ice cubes.

This method is ideal for morning awakening. Take a few pieces of ice, press them to your forehead and start moving them left and right, then across your cheeks. It is very important to massage the area over upper lip. This zone affects trigeminal nerve, which acts as a counterweight to the vagus nerve. When a person wants to sleep, it means that he is nervus vagus active When we begin to irritate the trigeminal nerve by massaging the area above the upper lip with ice cubes, the vagus nerve stops being active. A person feels a surge of vigor and strength.

4. One minute of physical activity.

Squat down with your feet shoulder-width apart. Jump up like you're shooting a basketball. After the jump, immediately squat down. When performing this exercise, you should not be in a standing position - either sitting or jumping. When you perform very intense exercise for one minute, the body needs to quickly accelerate the entire circulatory and respiratory system. Adrenaline is released, which stimulates nerve cells. In fact, the body receives doping, but it is absolutely harmless to health.

Remember these four ways to get a boost without too much caffeine. Put them into practice and you will forget what fatigue and apathy are.



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