Occupational hazards of the driver. Occupational diseases of drivers and rules

Each profession affects a person in a certain way and can make him unable to work. The work of a driver is no exception. What kind of occupational diseases of drivers quite often become a problem for those who spend most of their lives behind the wheel? What are they associated with, and how can this be avoided?

Drivers have a high chance of developing certain diseases

Many illnesses are associated with the fact that the driver spends many hours or even days in a sitting position and with virtually no movement. And this applies not only to truckers or drivers of public or freight transport. Many big cities dictate their own rules, and the car has already become far from being a luxury, but a direct one. For people, a trip to work due to constant traffic jams can last more than one hour, which means there is no traffic every day a common person sometimes stays for more than 4-5 hours.

Why do occupational diseases occur in drivers?

We can say that the driver's profession is a time bomb for human health and life. This happens due to:

  • too much strong tension muscles of the limbs and trunk;
  • long working hours;
  • vibrations vehicle;
  • availability of overtime hours;
  • responsibility for the lives of passengers;
  • constant noise;
  • responsibility for the safety of cargo;
  • working in a sitting position;
  • constant need to make urgent decisions;
  • harmful effects of the production environment;
  • frequent neuropsychic stress.

The combination of the above factors can cause various occupational diseases of drivers. , it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner.

The driver's body is constantly exposed to various kinds loads

Classification of diseases

Conventionally, all occupational diseases can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Radiculitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with prolonged sitting. All this is due to the fact that blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs. For men similar diseases threaten impotence and infertility. A feature in cars such as heated seats can speed up and aggravate these diagnoses.
  2. Cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, colitis, dysbacteriosis and other diseases that arise due to irregular and inadequate nutrition of the driver during work. Diseases gastrointestinal tract are perhaps the most common among those who for a long time spends driving. Many truck drivers also suffer from excess weight, big belly and polyps in the intestines. Snacking and eating on the go contribute to the accumulation of fat on the chest, thighs and abdomen. Changes in metabolism may be irreversible.
  3. Obesity and diabetes mellitus - these diseases are caused by disorders in the metabolic system, as well as in a sedentary manner life.
  4. Hypertension, arrhythmia and others cardiovascular diseases. They arise from exposure to prolonged stress on the human body. When the nervous system is constantly under tension, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases significantly.

Also, the driver is constantly surrounded by harmful toxic substances. Exhaust gases contain more than 200 toxic products. Because of them, a person may begin oxygen starvation, the symptoms of which are nausea, headache, vomiting, dizziness and high blood pressure. Subsequently, all this can cause lung disease.

Prevention of occupational diseases of drivers

In order to minimize everything Negative consequences from long periods of driving, it is necessary. Be sure to stop and stretch from time to time. You can do simple physical exercise or at least just walk around the car.

It would be useful to equip the driver's seat with a massage cape. It will partially disperse blood stagnation in the pelvic area. For those who work as drivers, it is advisable to visit the pool, walk in the park and play sports in their free time.

As for food, you should not eat chips, crackers, chocolate and soda on the road. It is better to take vegetables, fruits, boiled meat, tea, milk or compote with you to work. In some cases, it would be useful to have a full lunch at a roadside cafe.

In order to prevent osteochondrosis, get out of the vehicle every 3-4 hours, squat, bend and swing your legs. All this will take no more than 3-5 minutes, but will help you get rid of pain. Such walks also allow you to saturate the body with oxygen and reduce Negative influence toxic substances on it.

In order to reduce emotional and mental stress, you can use the services of a psychologist from time to time, take sedatives(outside working hours).

Remember, working as a driver should not harm your health!

Proper equipment and excellent health

Just as it needs timely technical inspection and repair, so does human body requires careful attention. By doing simple exercise and eating right, you can prevent heart attacks and strokes, as well as maintain the health of your respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems.

Do not put off visiting the doctor if you have health problems. Better on the most early stage identify the disease and completely get rid of it, rather than start the disease and permanently lose your ability to work. It is much easier to take preventive measures in a timely manner and prevent the formation of an occupational disease in drivers.

A car is not a luxury, but a provocateur of disease. Video

Those whose profession involves long trips - truck drivers, taxi drivers, etc. are well aware of this. It is all the more surprising that ordinary people Having bought a car, they don’t get out of it for almost days, getting behind the wheel even to go to the bakery on the corner. How this could turn out, says the doctor medical sciences Alexey Runov.

Occupational diseases Drivers can be roughly divided into three groups.

The first group of occupational diseases of drivers

These are diseases of the pelvic organs due to prolonged sitting behind the wheel, which causes stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvis. These include radiculitis, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids and prostatitis.

The second group of driver diseases

The second group of diseases is associated with increased emotional stress. Don't believe those who say that you are relaxing while driving. In fact, a person and his nervous system are under constant tension, which becomes the cause of cardiovascular diseases. Drivers often experience crashes heart rate, hypertension, heart attacks.

The third group of occupational diseases of those who drive

The third group is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with irregular and poor nutrition during work. But this is more the lot of professional drivers than amateurs.

What can be done to prevent these driver diseases from appearing, and even more so from developing? As trivial as it may sound, but first of all, diversify your physical activity. I'm talking about a daily set of gymnastic exercises, which should keep the heart, blood vessels normal and maintain tone nervous system.

This is the most common charging complex. But it must necessarily contain circular movements in lumbar region spine, all kinds of bending, flexion and extension.

Occupational diseases of drivers can be divided into several groups.
The first is diseases of the spine and pelvis. They are associated with an uncomfortable functional position behind the wheel, in which long time the driver is located. These include radiculitis and osteochondrosis. This bouquet is complemented by hemorrhoids and, of course, prostatitis, which is the most “representative” disease of this conventionally divided group.

Statistics say that 40 to 60% of men suffer from prostatitis. Different reasons contribute to the occurrence of this disease - here both smoking and drinking, but for the driver the first priority is stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvis, and I’m not afraid to repeat it, leads to uncomfortable position, in which there is always a person behind the wheel.
Of course, compared to hemorrhoids, prostatitis is more dangerous for a man, and the full effect of this component of the body is most important, since prostate disease, as a rule, leads to the development of impotence.
The second group of diseases is associated with increased emotional stress. Constant stress while driving causes cardiovascular diseases. That is why drivers have the most frequent heart attacks, hypertension, and heart rhythm disturbances.
The third group is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with irregular and poor nutrition during work. But these diseases are the lot of professionals, mostly truck drivers and, to a lesser extent, amateurs.

By and large, motorists are less susceptible to these diseases. It all depends on how much time a person spends behind the wheel and how attentive he is to his health.
What needs to be done to prevent the occurrence of diseases, and even more so their transition to chronic form?

No matter how trivial it may sound, these are a variety of physical activities, that is, a daily set of gymnastic exercises, which should keep the cardiovascular system, the tone of the nervous system, including blood circulation, normal. There is nothing supernatural in it, in general it is a normal set of gymnastic exercises, the only thing that must necessarily be present is circular movements in the lumbar spine, all kinds of flexion and extension. This is especially important when we talk about activating blood circulation in the pelvis.
There is nothing better for the prevention of professional driving diseases contrast shower. And at the same time, there is nothing simpler - in the morning after taking a hygienic shower, switch to a contrast shower. Moreover, you don’t need to immediately rush to the maximum temperature difference, enter this procedure gradually, especially if you have never done it - from cool-warm, bringing over time the difference to the maximum hot-cold, such that the skin can withstand for several seconds This temperature swing activates blood circulation in the skin, central circulation, normalizes the tone of the nervous system, and stimulates the immune system.

And the final chord of the regime preventive measures should be a daily walk. But a walk is not visiting guests, going to a store or market is just walking. You need to walk about five kilometers a day for 40 minutes. Whether you do this in the morning or in the evening does not matter.
These three components are enough to keep yourself in training mode and activate your vitality. important functions body.

I especially emphasize: it is good to do everything on time, it is important to prevent the occurrence of the disease, and even more so its transition to a chronic form. It is very important to find a doctor who will help you at the stage of microsymptoms, when minimal changes have occurred in the body or their occurrence is possible. In this case, you can put a person back on his feet, which medicine rarely achieves today due to the fact that people turn when, as they say, the end has come. It’s better to go to the doctor “for nothing,” that is, to play it safe, than to end up in a clinic.

Movement is life. Today, for many, driving means driving your car. But that’s not what they wanted to say with this everyday proverb. Nowadays, a car has ceased to be a luxury, but has become a means of transportation. Moreover, for many, the car has become an integral part of work. Taxi drivers, truck drivers, minibus drivers, etc. cannot imagine life without a car. These professions require drivers to be behind the wheel all day. , and what occupational diseases await drivers?

Top most common driver diseases:

  1. Prostatitis. One of the most frequent illnesses male genital area. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main and most common reasons occurrence . Being in a sitting position for a long time disrupts blood circulation and a stagnation process appears in the pelvic area, which leads to prostatitis.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused not only by impaired blood circulation in the pelvis. Frequent constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids in men. Unbalanced diet with insufficient fiber necessary for work digestive tract, is main reason constipation Therefore, it is necessary to consume foods containing fiber: fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds.
  3. Osteochondrosis. Caused by osteochondrosis sedentary life and incorrect position driving posture.
  4. Radiculitis. One of the most common causes of radiculitis is osteochondrosis.
  5. . Absence physical activity promotes deposition excess fat. This leads to disruption metabolic processes, after which the situation with overweight worsens even more. Doesn't make the situation worse proper diet food, part of which is fast food.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases. Men whose profession involves constant driving are susceptible to heart attacks for two reasons: strong emotional load and lack of physical activity. Emotional overload manifests itself due to constant stress while driving: you must always be focused and attentive so as not to get into an accident. Absence physical activity promotes weakening and atrophy of the heart muscle, which leads to various cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Male infertility. Seated position contributes to an increase in temperature and overheating of the testicles, which interferes with sperm maturation and release male hormones. The situation is aggravated by the heated and cramped driver's seat.
  8. Gastrointestinal disease. Applies to drivers who neglect healthy food and often do not have time to have a proper snack. For example, truck drivers.

Prevention occupational diseases drivers

So, what needs to be done in order to minimize the consequences caused by prolonged driving.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is physical activity. If possible, do hiking and play sports. If possible, take breaks. During the break, try to move more and, if the situation allows, do exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvis:

  1. Circular rotations of the pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other direction
  2. Bend your torso forward with your hands touching the floor
  3. Squats
  4. Bend the torso to the sides

If it is not possible to stand up, you can do the following exercise: while sitting, we begin to retract the area between the testicles and the anus, while the muscles of the buttocks should not tense. This exercise is used to train. The exercise is effective for the prevention of prostatitis, as well as diseases associated with blood stagnation in the pelvic area.

The second thing drivers should think about is equipping their driver’s seat with a special orthopedic mattress.

Prevention of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis

-maintains correct posture
-reduces fatigue while driving

Remember, prevention is easier than cure. Therefore, it is better to engage in disease prevention in a timely manner, otherwise occupational diseases of drivers may appear at any time.



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