Restoration of cartilage tissue of the knee. The best drugs for joints and cartilage

Nutrition during protrusion is based on the principles of providing intervertebral discs with substances to maintain structural integrity and normalize the water balance of the nucleus pulposus.

Intervertebral discs do not have their own blood supply, and all nutrients enter them by diffusion (absorption) from adjacent vertebrae. As a result, any damage to the vertebrae leads to a violation of the trophism of the discs.

The principles of nutrition of the spinal segment

  • The principles of nutrition of the spinal segment
  • Useful products for protrusion of intervertebral discs

As a result of numerous clinical experiments, it was found that the only way to increase the supply of nutrients to the intervertebral disc is a dosed physical activity (for example, walking). It is "dosed".

As a result of experiments, scientists were able to find out that strong physical activity has a negative effect on the spinal column, disrupting the nutrition of the spinal discs.

Features of nutrition of spinal discs:

  • Active diffusion of substances in them begins only 20 minutes after a quiet walk and lasts about 2 hours. This time interval is sufficient to cover the daily needs of the spinal discs in nutrients;
  • Classes on simulators and bicycle paths do not activate the diffusion of nutrients into the intervertebral discs, which has been established as a result of many experiments;
  • The occurrence of degenerative-dystrophic changes in one of the sections of the spine (impaired blood supply and nutrition) gradually leads to similar changes not only in the spinal column, but throughout the entire musculoskeletal system. A vicious circle is formed, in which the pathology of the spine progresses against the background of changes in the lower extremities;
  • Nutrition should be designed not only to strengthen cartilage tissue, but also to stabilize bone tissue.

The main links in the organization of proper nutrition of the intervertebral discs:

  • Activation of the regenerative abilities of cartilage tissue;
  • Removing the load from the damaged disk, but maintaining the physical activity of a person;
  • Restoration of the biomechanical features of the functioning of the spinal column;
  • Selection of drugs, taking into account the biochemical uniqueness of each person.

Nutrition to activate the regenerative abilities of cartilage tissue should include the structural components of cartilage (chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans), as well as a large amount of fluid to normalize the state of the nucleus pulposus.

Removing the load from the damaged segment can be ensured by the use of corrective corsets, as well as the appointment of muscle relaxants (mydocalm). Simultaneously with these procedures, experts recommend the use of funds to normalize blood supply (pentoxifylline, eufillin, actovegin).

Restoration of the biomechanical features of the spinal column can be achieved with the help of underwater and "dry" traction. Only it should be prescribed by specialists, taking into account the characteristics of the pathology.

The selection of medicines must be made on the basis of the uniqueness of the biochemical metabolism in the body of each person. The individual characteristics of protein metabolism, the concentration of hormones in the blood, and the activity of enzymes should be taken into account by the doctor in the treatment of protrusion.

In case of prolapse of the vertebral discs without damage to the fibrous ring, some foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • Sugar and flour of the highest grade are products that are useless for health, since vitamins and minerals are removed from the composition during their processing;
  • Industrial meat products contain a large amount of dyes, flavor enhancers and stabilizers that adversely affect the spine;
  • Glucose-based sweets disrupt blood supply in peripheral vessels;
  • If the products contain a large amount of salt, it is deposited in the vertebrae. Salting food is better right on your plate after cooking;
  • Fatty and spicy foods activate inflammatory changes;
  • Store-bought smoked products contain harmful substances for the spine, as they are treated with a special solution;
  • Cigarettes and alcohol destroy cartilage tissue and contribute to the contraction of blood vessels.

Useful products for protrusion of intervertebral discs

Useful products for protrusion should contain components to restore the structure of cartilage, as well as a large amount of water. Their substances must be delivered with the blood and well absorbed by the tissues.

  1. Sesame milk is rich in calcium. To preserve its nutrients, it is necessary to grind the fresh product in a coffee grinder and dissolve 4 tablespoons of the powder in 1 liter of water;
  2. Nutritionists have a negative attitude to calcium in store-bought dairy products, since after industrial processing of this trace element, there is practically no left in them;
  3. Chondroprotectors are important structural components of cartilage tissue. There are pharmaceutical preparations based on chondroitin sulfate and glycosaminoglycans that contain enough of these substances to be absorbed by the body. The drugs are characterized by a high price, so they are not available to most patients for permanent use (alflutop, terraflex, donna). Together with them, with protrusion, doctors recommend taking pork and beef cartilage in the form of jelly;
  4. Fish is rich in phosphorus, which is part of the bone tissue. With protrusion, daily consumption of salmon, herring and marel is recommended;
  5. To absorb calcium and phosphorus, you need to take vitamin D3 or spend more time in the sun.

In case of prolapse of intervertebral discs without rupture of the fibrous ring, doctors recommend observing other important principles for organizing the diet:

  • Refuse vegetarianism. Every cell in the body needs proteins and amino acids to function properly. They are found only in animal products;
  • A constant supply of energy to a person is provided by cereal products. Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables;
  • In a small amount, food should include fats, vitamins of groups A, B, E, D. These ingredients help fight oxygen peroxide forms that are formed as a result of inflammatory reactions;
  • Smoking negatively affects human health. If you can't quit smoking, at least try giving up cigarettes after eating. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, so nutrients are not delivered to the vertebrae;
  • Eliminate caffeinated drinks from your diet. They contribute to the narrowing of peripheral vessels.

In conclusion, we recall that in order to assimilate nutrients after eating, it is necessary to walk for 2 hours. Only in this case, it is possible to guarantee the nutrition of the intervertebral discs through the active diffusion of nutrients from the vertebrae.

How to restore cartilage tissue of the joints

Joint diseases are quite common. The main cause of pain and inflammation is the destruction of cartilage. Such a process causes inconvenience to a person and requires timely treatment.

Cartilage is part of the connective tissue. They are found in some parts of the human body and consist of a dense intercellular substance. This makes them very rigid and flexible. But, despite this, they can be damaged very easily.

Cartilage functions

Cartilage tissue plays an important role:

  • eliminates friction between the joints and serves as a cushion between them;
  • allows you to keep your body weight while running, walking and bending;
  • helps keep the bones of the skeleton together;
  • individual parts of the body are entirely composed of it;
  • in newborn babies, the ends of the elongated bones are made of cartilage, which transform into bones with growth.


  1. Elastic is the most flexible and resilient. It consists of the ears and nose on the outside.
  2. Bone the most rigid, can bear heavy weight. It is present between the vertebrae and bones of the pelvis and thighs.
  3. Hyaline medium in elasticity and rigidity. Available among the ribs and joints.

Each of these cartilages is capable of being destroyed. This results in pain, inflammation, and difficulty moving. Restoration of the cartilage tissue of the joints (for example, knee cartilage, spine) is required.

The reasons for their destruction

For the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment, it is necessary to find out the source of wear. Changes can be triggered by both lifestyle and trauma.

The main factors contributing to the destruction:

  • trauma;
  • malnutrition, poor in trace elements and vitamins;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • heredity;
  • impaired blood supply to the joints and damage to nerve endings;
  • bad habits;
  • excess body weight;
  • professional sports;
  • constant hypothermia;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes.

All of the above factors affect the wear and tear of cartilage and their destruction. To maintain health, negative factors should be minimized.

How to relieve symptoms

When damage occurs, severe pain appears, which makes it difficult to move. To relieve or alleviate such symptoms, special techniques are used:

  1. Physiotherapy helps relieve pressure on the joint and thereby relieve pain.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve inflammation, swelling and reduce pain (for example, drugs Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, etc.).
  3. Special fixtures will provide support during movement and reduce the load (cane, crutch).
  4. Decreased motor activity also helps relieve pressure on cartilage and prevent further breakdown.

How to restore cartilage tissue

Regeneration takes a long time. The complex of treatment includes several types of exposure, which should be agreed with the attending physician and be sure to follow all his recommendations.


The basis of restorative treatment of the cartilage structure is the use of various drugs. These include tablets, ointments, gels, etc.

The main drugs are chondroprotectors. They are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, ointments and injection solutions. Treatment with such means lasts up to six months.

The action of chondroprotectors:

  • normalize nutrition in the structure of cartilage;
  • restore their structure;
  • remove inflammatory processes.

According to their origin and composition, drugs are divided into the following types:

  1. Chondroprotectors of the first generation are made from biological materials - extracts of animal cartilage. They have a side effect in the form of hypersensitivity. To date, only one remedy of this group is used for the treatment of cartilage - Alflutop.
  2. Chondroprotectors of the second generations- These are products with chondroitin or glucosamine. Means of this group regenerate the cartilaginous structure, strengthen and protect it, restore joint mobility. The most popular are Chondrolone, Chondroxide, Dona, Artron.
  3. Third generation chondroprotectors- combined products containing both chondroitin and glucosamine. As part of individual drugs in this group, there are also anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines have an analgesic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect on cartilage. These include drugs such as Teraflex, Artron complex.

joint injections

The fastest and most effective way to relieve pain and improve mobility are injections. For these purposes, there are three types of drugs that are used in the form of injections:

  1. Corticosteroids- emergency care for severe pain. They relieve pain and swelling, but are not able to eliminate the cause. The most popular means of this group are Hydrocortisone, Flosteron, Ketorolac, Dispropan. All drugs have side effects and should only be used as a last resort.
  2. Hyaluronic acid- a natural substance that helps relieve pain and facilitate motor activity. Acid gives elasticity, nourishes with useful trace elements and protects against friction with the joint. The following drugs are used - Ostenil, Synocrom, Fermatron, Viskolsil. Treatment takes place in courses of 3-5 injections 1 time per week.
  3. Chondroprotectors- contain chondroitin and glucosamine, which contribute to the regeneration of the cartilage structure. Two main components nourish and strengthen cartilage, accelerate the process of tissue renewal. Preparations of this group can be used only when the swelling and pain are removed. Among them are Alflutop, Hondrolon, Arteparon.

The type of drugs for injection should be selected by the doctor based on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition.


Exercise therapy occupies one of the main places in the treatment. As a result of regular physical exercises, there are noticeable improvements in the patient's motor activity.

The main task of gymnastics is to stop further destruction of cartilage tissue and slow down the process of weakening joint mobility.

Directed action of physical education:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improved nutrition in tissues;
  • speeding up the recovery process;
  • strengthening of surrounding tissues.

After a few sessions, the patient begins to feel improvements. All exercises should be performed smoothly, without jerking. Exercises that contribute to overload are excluded. The optimal training time is 30-40 minutes.

The most suitable physical activity is provided by such types of activities:

  • water aerobics;
  • swimming;
  • bicycle lying on the back;
  • stretching;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • walking.


It is an additional way to restore cartilage. With an integrated approach, physiotherapy allows you to speed up the process and enhance the effectiveness of drug treatment.

The most suitable procedures for restoring the condition of the joints are:

  • warming up;
  • reflexology (in particular acupuncture);
  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetotherapy.

After the procedures, metabolic processes and nutrition in the cartilage tissue are improved, the regeneration process is accelerated, pain is relieved and motor activity is facilitated.

Physiotherapy is carried out in courses of 10-15 sessions. The procedure takes place in a specially equipped room in the hospital, the patient can go home after the session.

Folk ways

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for solving this problem. The most popular are various tinctures, compresses, ointments and decoctions.

Traditional medicine:

  1. Lilac excellent for relieving pain and regenerating damaged cartilage. Flowers and olive oil are used to prepare the ointment. The ointment is used at bedtime for 2-3 months.
  2. Ginger Great for relieving inflammation and pain. Fresh ginger is insisted and taken orally until the pain is relieved.
  3. Bay leaf often used for joint pain. An infusion of bay leaves is taken orally.
  4. A compress of their honey, oil and mustard effectively helps relieve pain. The mixture is heated and applied to the affected area.
  5. Fir oil also helps with pain. You need to heat the oil, lubricate the painful place, sprinkle with salt and wrap for a couple of hours.

Recovery of synovial fluid

Human joints are filled with synovial fluid. Their work depends on its quantity. There are cases when the volume of synovial fluid decreases, resulting in strong friction between the joint and cartilage, and pain occurs. In such situations, drugs are used that increase fluid production and restore joint functionality.

The main drugs to activate the production of synovial fluid:

  1. Fermatron- a drug that is prescribed in the form of injections into the joint. It relieves pain, reduces inflammation and helps increase the production of hyaluron. Treatment is carried out in courses of 3-4 injections once a week.
  2. Synocrom- This drug is also used in the form of injections. It increases the amount of synovial fluid and the motor ability of the joint. Has side effects. The course of treatment consists of 5 injections every 4-6 months.
  3. Gialurom- a drug that replaces synovial fluid. It improves motor activity and anesthetizes. An injection is made into the joint. The course of treatment consists of 3 injections once a week. The effect lasts up to six months.

In addition to medical treatment, synovial fluid can be restored with nutrition. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on its quantity.

Some physical exercises also help to make up for its lack. Rotational, flexion movements and limb swings are very effective.


Proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of the whole body. A balanced menu also helps to quickly restore damage when the joints begin to deform.

Products that have a beneficial effect on the condition of cartilage include:

  1. Foods high in vitamin C- pepper, citrus fruits, currants, rose hips, sea buckthorn, etc. It is vitamin C that contributes to the formation of collagen, which is very important for ligaments, cartilage and joints.
  2. Fish- salmon, sardine, trout, mackerel. These varieties of fish are rich in calcium and fatty acids, which are necessary for the musculoskeletal system of the human body.
  3. Eggs will help replenish the supply of selenium and sulfur, which are very important for the formation of collagen.
  4. Aspic rich in trace elements useful for cartilage.

It is important to exclude junk food from the diet - fatty, salty, spicy, preservatives. And increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts and dairy products.

Prevention of wear and destruction of cartilage plays an important role. It is the observance of precautionary measures that will help maintain health and avoid serious consequences.

  • regular physical education will help to keep in good shape not only the muscles, but also the joints and reduce the load on the cartilage;
  • full nutrition, replenishing the necessary supply of all elements;
  • additional intake of vitamin complexes;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • maintaining optimal body weight, getting rid of extra pounds that create additional stress;
  • minimization of traumatic situations;
  • timely treatment for injuries;
  • avoiding overload and sudden movements, performing movements smoothly;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • periodic intake of chondroprotectors to maintain health;
  • at the first signs of destruction of the joints, consult a doctor.

Prevention activities should begin as early as possible to minimize the risk of developing serious diseases. From an early age, you need to monitor your lifestyle and maintain health.

Chondroprotectors for arthrosis of the knee joint are just such drugs that are designed to affect the structure and function of the joint. Arthrosis occupies a leading position among the pathologies of the joints. These are socially significant diseases, as they often lead to disability and disability. Scientists believe that arthrosis begins with destructive changes in cartilage and bone tissues, so the main scientific research is aimed at finding drugs that can stop the progression of processes or restore existing damage.

Characteristics and description of the group

Chondroprotectors are a group of drugs used to protect and restore the structure of the cartilage tissue of the joint. The mechanism of action is based on the stimulation of the processes of metabolism and growth in the tissue, the restoration of cartilage. The effectiveness of the use in the treatment of joint pathologies is currently being argued not only by scientists, but also by physicians. There are diametrically opposed opinions - one group considers their use in the treatment of arthrosis completely useless, the other - a miracle remedy. And both camps argue their point of view. This division of opinion is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the joint and the structure of the cartilage tissue.

Cartilage tissue does not contain blood vessels, the blood supply to the joint is carried out by a network of small branches of arteries passing near the joint. Therefore, the transport of funds into the cartilage tissue is difficult. There is a natural problem with the selection of such drugs that could affect the state of the tissues inside the joint. Scientists have created a type of drug that stimulates the nutrition and regeneration of cartilage, affecting the growth and recovery zones. But this process is lengthy, so many patients, having not received an instant effect, talk about the uselessness of chondroprotectors.

Scientists explained early studies of the mechanism of action of chondroprotectors by the fact that they supply the missing substances to the joint for synthesis processes (glucosamine) or block the function of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue (chondroitin sulfate). The substances that make up chondroprotectors are identical to endogenous ones. They slowly “embed” into the tissue structure, act on chondrocytes, stimulate the synthesis of synovial fluid, and start the process of cartilage restoration.

In addition to increasing the anabolic activity of tissue cells, chondroprotectors reduce the pathogenic effect of inflammatory agents on cartilage. This explains the protective and analgesic properties of drugs.

The current theory of the mechanism of action states that these drugs influence the course of the inflammatory process. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine have different effects on three inflammatory factors:

  • infiltration into the intercellular space;
  • release of inflammatory mediators;
  • formation of new blood vessels.

It is believed that the anti-inflammatory properties of chondroitin sulfate can be explained by its effect on receptors located on the outer side of the cytomembrane.

Glucosamine is able to change the activity of proteins in cartilage tissue.

General classification

Preparations of the group of chondroprotectors are usually classified according to the active substance and the time of their introduction into practical medicine. So, for example, chondroprotectors are divided into 3 generations:

  • the first generation - obtained as a result of processing and purification of natural raw materials (cartilage of animals, plants);
  • the second generation - monopreparations based on chondroitin, hyaluronic acid or glucosamine;
  • the third generation - complex drugs that combine various combinations of active ingredients, sometimes with additional compounds.

Of the first-generation drugs, only Alflutop (a combined drug based on a bioactive concentrate of marine fish, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and proteoglycans) continues to be used today for the treatment of arthrosis of various localizations. There are no analogues of the drug with the same composition. On a natural basis, the Rumalon medicine was also created from cartilage and bone marrow of calves.

The treatment of arthrosis is still a difficult task, however, the substances included in second-generation drugs have the following effects on the joint:

  1. Derivatives of glucosamine. Monopreparations Don, Elbon, Artron flex and Artiflex correct the metabolic processes occurring in bone and cartilage tissue. Research has proven that glucosamine sulfate is more effective than hydrochloride. The preparations provide an increase in the permeability of the joint capsule, normalize metabolic processes in the cells of the hyaline tissue and synovial membrane, promote the mineralization of bone tissue, inhibit degenerative processes in the cartilage of the joints, and have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  2. Derivatives of chondroitin sulfates. Chondroxide, Chondrolon, Artron Chondrex, Artra, Mucosat, Supplex and Structum improve the quality of synovial fluid, initiate sulfur fixation, regenerate articular cartilage, promote the formation of hyaluronic acid, improve the condition of the ligamentous apparatus, relieve inflammation and pain, increase hydration and strength of connective tissue.
  3. Preparations containing hyaluronic acid. Ostenil, Synvisc, Adant, Fermatron, Gyastat, Synocrom, Gialgan, Singial, Dyuralan, Noltrex and Hyalubrix make it possible to restore the natural volume of the synovial fluid, increase its density and buffer properties, provide nutrition to the intra-articular cartilage, and glide even deformed surfaces. Hyaluronic acid preparations are called "liquid prostheses" because they replace the lost synovial fluid.

Additional funds

Today, doctors recommend the use of new generation complex drugs, as they are more effective, less aggressive and have fewer side effects. This generation of chondroprotectors includes the following complexes:

  1. Glucosamine + chondroitin-Artra, Artrovert, Kondronova, Teraflex, Artradollong, Tazan, Chondra-Sila, Honda Forte.
  2. Chondroitin + glucosamine + methyl sulfate methane - Doctor's Best, Triactiv Artron.

Some scientists call fourth-generation drugs - complexes, which, in addition to chondroprotective substances, include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. Such funds are Advance, Movex Active, Teraflex or mucopolysaccharide preparations - Arteparon.

Which chondroprotectors can effectively cope with arthrosis of the joints, only a doctor can decide. Some patients, after reading rave reviews about the effectiveness of chondroprotectors, self-medicate. But, like any medication, chondroprotectors require control, accurate dosage and the development of an individual regimen. Moreover, the drugs are produced in different pharmacological forms, the use of which requires professional knowledge.

Application of various forms

The result of therapy for gonarthrosis of the knee joint or coxarthrosis of the hip joint depends not only on the composition of the drug, but also on the method of delivery of the active substance to the lesion. Various forms of release of chondroprotectors act differently on the cause of the pathological process:

  • drugs in the form of tablets and capsules, powders for oral use - Movex, Artra, Artradollong, Artradol, Teraflex, Kondrova, Tazan, Artron, Khondra-Sila, Artron Triaktiv, Structurum, Advance;
  • funds in the form of a solution for intramuscular injections - Adgelon, Alflutolp, Chondrolon, Chondrogard, Dona, Rumalon, Elbona;
  • drugs for injection into the joint cavity - Synocrom, Ostenil, Fermatron, Synvisc, Giastat, Adant, Gialgan, Singial, Dyuralan, Hyalubrix;
  • forms for external use - Chondroxide gel, Chondroart, Toad stone balm, Chondroitin-AKOS, Artrin.

Chondroprotectors for coxarthrosis of the hip joint or gonarthrosis are prescribed in the form that will best correspond to the stage of the disease.

At the initial stage of the pathological process, preparations for oral administration and for topical use are of great help. At the second stage of progression, tablet forms and intramuscular injections are combined, since external preparations no longer help.

The third stage is accompanied by progressive degradation of cartilage and bone tissue, therefore it is indicated to combine intramuscular and intraarticular injections.

With complete destruction of cartilage and immobility of the joint, it is better not to prescribe treatment with chondroprotectors, since its effectiveness is minimal.

Proven quality of therapy

Chondroprotectors for external use have the lowest efficiency. The penetration of active substances through the skin and periarticular soft tissues is low and is less than 20%. In order for the result of treatment to be higher, local drugs and physiotherapy are combined, for example, electrophoresis, which increases tissue permeability. Preparations with the addition of transport substances have been developed. The introduction of titanium hydrocomplex into the complex preparation Hyalgel made it possible to increase the penetration depth of active substances during external application of the gel to the knee up to 8 cm.

The next most effective form is the oral form. A little more than 30% is absorbed into the systemic circulation, partially metabolized or bound by blood proteins. Due to the fact that the cartilage tissue does not have its own blood supply, drugs in tablets, capsules and powders only work with long-term use. Efficiency increases with complex therapy using chondroprotectors in various forms.

The effectiveness of drugs, if an injection is made into the muscles, depends on the size of the molecule of the substance. This affects the overcoming of the hematobarrier substances. Therefore, the best result of treatment will be with the introduction of the drug directly into the joint.

Various results of therapy are observed with a combination of intramuscular and intraarticular administration of drugs in the treatment of arthrosis. According to the results of clinical studies conducted on a large sample of patients with pathology from 3 to 10 years, intramuscular injection of the chondroprotector gave a positive effect in 76% of patients, intraarticular - in 80%, and with complex administration - intramuscularly and intraarticularly - up to 86 - 92%. The general introduction increased not only the chondroprotective properties of the drug, but also anti-inflammatory.

Benefits of funds

The best chondroprotectors for arthrosis of the knee include "liquid prostheses" that are injected directly into the joint. Research carried out at the University of Pirogov and Research Institute of Rheumatology. Nasonova confirmed the effectiveness of the treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint with Synvisc. Improvement was noted after the first injection of the drug. After 21 days of treatment, a noticeable improvement in the condition of the joint was noted in 59% of patients, and pain disappeared in 87% of patients. These indicators persisted one year after the course of treatment. Moreover, the result did not depend on the degree of the disease and the age of the patients. The use of intra-articular injections can significantly reduce the use of NSAIDs.

Chondroprotectors are a relatively new group of drugs that have been used in the treatment of arthrosis for 15 years. Therefore, for such a short period of time, the evidence base for the effectiveness of chondroprotectors has not been accumulated in sufficient quantity. Therefore, the opinions of experts differ so diametrically.

Improvements in formulas and production technology have made it possible to create new-generation drugs that are strikingly different in their properties from first-generation drugs.

Such rapid progress in the field of creating chondroprotectors and developing schemes for their use allows us to hope that soon the treatment of arthrosis will not be difficult, as it is at present.

When choosing a remedy, you should consult with your doctor. Experts advise to preliminarily study all possible information about chondroprotectors, but leave the choice of the drug itself to the attending physician. They insist that the result of scientific experiments and the practical use of drugs may differ. Therefore, even having information about research, you should not prescribe treatment for yourself. This applies to drugs for external use and tablets. A patient who takes these forms on his own may miss the initial stage of the disease, at which adequate therapy leads to the most impressive results.

In everyday life, a person is faced with a number of tasks, as a result of which a person can get injured. Among the most common sites of localization of such injuries is the knee. The bone structure itself, tendons or cartilage can be injured. How to restore cartilage tissue of the knee joint? There are a lot of provoking factors, and often the very lifestyle of a person leads to such symptoms.

Damage and wear of the articular cartilage can occur as a result of the following reasons:

  • bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • too active sports;
  • progression of other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • poor diet;
  • hypothermia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infections.

The cartilage tissue of the knee joint is damaged equally often in both men and women.

Symptoms of cartilage destruction

The first clinical manifestations are a sudden decrease in the mobility of the knee joint. The person begins to limp slightly. But these mobility restrictions are not permanent, but permanent, and therefore few people find time to visit a doctor. By the way, by a limping gait, you can determine in which particular knee there are problems with cartilage tissue.

When walking, a person will try to lean more on a healthy leg. It turns out that the one that is less involved in walking is the real source of this problem. In the meantime, pathological processes not visible to the eye occur in the knee joint. The cartilage becomes thinner, and due to its decrease in size, the bones are erased. The cartilage in the knee joint is additionally injured, and a strong inflammatory process is often formed here.

The man feels pain in his knee. He may also notice that this joint is like swelling, swelling, increased in size. The skin in the knee area became red, stretched. At the last stage, osteophytes are formed - bone growths between the articular parts of the knee joint. They interfere with movement, flexion and extension of the knee. Is it possible to restore cartilage tissue and feel lightness in the knee again? It all depends on the degree of damage.

Modern medicine has a lot of opportunities and methods that improve cartilage tissue, although its condition does not always return to normal. All methods of treatment can be conditionally divided into two main groups: traditional and non-traditional. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and therefore it is impossible to talk about the obvious benefits of one and the low efficiency of the other.

Treatment with traditional methods

So, first, the doctor determines if there is inflammation in the knee joint, and in the vast majority of cases, the answer is yes. Inflammation is traditionally treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. They can be taken orally, orally (tablets, capsules), as well as in the form of injections. The latter method of administering anti-inflammatory drugs is used for severe symptoms and severe pain.

Analgesics will help the patient forget about the pain. Restoration of the cartilage of the knee joint is impossible without the use of special preparations, which contain components related to the cartilage tissue itself. These are the so-called chondroprotectors - modern means for the regeneration of destroyed cartilage structures. They can be of different types.

Based on chondroitin

This component is present in all articulation structures, and without it, not a single joint will simply work normally. The body receives it from the outside and delivers it through the bloodstream directly to the bones and cartilage.

Over time, the absorption of all substances necessary for the body, including chondroitin, decreases, and it becomes necessary to obtain it with the help of special pharmaceutical preparations.

Most common trade names:

  • Hondrolon;
  • Structum;
  • Atrin;

Preparation for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the joints

Based on glucosamine

This component contributes to the growth of cartilage tissue, and as a result, strengthens it. Here are the following medicines:

  • Sustilak;
  • Elbon;
  • Don;
  • Glucosamine sulfate.

Based on animal components

The components of these products are not created in a chemical laboratory, but are isolated from the cartilage and bones of animals. They have a serious drawback - they contain a foreign protein, which is fraught with the possible occurrence of allergic reactions. However, doctors and patients note an undoubted effect after therapy with such drugs.

So what can you find in a pharmacy? Rumalon. Its high efficiency is also due to the fact that the drug is injected directly to the site of the destroyed cartilage tissue. Shark cartilage. This is a food gel that allows you to quickly restore the structure of the cartilage. The structure of cartilage is very complex. If it is badly worn out, then it is impossible to restore it with a single medicine.

Combined funds

Combined drugs may also be included in complex therapy. They help simultaneously reduce the activity of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins, as well as relieve a person of pain and reduce swelling (Teraflex, Advance).


They stimulate the synthesis of fluid in the interarticular space and thereby help restore the functionality of the knee joint (Arteparon).

Hyaluronic acid

This component is synthesized by the body itself, and therefore it cannot be called alien to tissues. Hyaluronic acid is good because its molecules attract a huge amount of water, which contributes to local hydration. With the introduction of injections with hyaluronic acid directly into the area of ​​the diseased cartilage, an increase in the amount of synovial fluid can be achieved, and this is the best prevention of abrasion of the articulation elements.

Also, hyaluronic acid has a positive effect on the structure of the cartilage itself: it becomes more elastic, which means that its shock-absorbing function increases.


In fact, these are vitamins, minerals and other biological components isolated from plants, beekeeping products and other gifts of nature. They will really help in cases where the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the knee joint was caused by a poor diet (Stop Arthrosis).

homeopathic remedies

Until now, experts in different countries argue about their benefits. As a rule, homeopathic remedies do not cause harm, but their effect appears much longer than other medicines. In a word, they can be prescribed to those patients in whom the situation with the cartilaginous tissues of the knees is not yet very serious, but there is still time to restore the structure (Traumeel S).

Injections of drugs with hyaluronic acid can quickly improve the condition of the cartilage tissue in the knee joint, and also contribute to the activation of regenerative processes

Physical exercise

Restoration of cartilage structures is impossible without growth hormone, and it is released only in response to physical activity. The more it is, the higher the concentration of the hormone in the body will be. After therapeutic physical culture, a person will feel lightness, joy, uplift and cheerfulness. Therapeutic training should be performed under the supervision of a trainer, at least for the first time.

Subsequently, when the condition of the knees improves, and the patient masters the correct technique for performing exercises, you can practice at home. What sports are preferable for knee joint cartilage restoration? Of course, nothing compares to the benefits of swimming. Plavnie is a real balm for the joints. In water, mass is reduced and fragile knees do not have to support the body.

In addition, the load on muscle structures increases, because for movement it is necessary to overcome the density of water, and the friction force here is much higher than in air. Weightlifting, dancing, running, jumping and some other sports should not be present in the life of a person with sore knees. These types of physical activities put too much stress on the knee joint and contribute to its destruction rather than repair.


Changing the diet is included in the mandatory standard of recommendations that the attending physician will prescribe to the patient. So, it is necessary to give up a large amount of fatty, fried and spicy foods. It worsens the composition of the blood, and therefore has an extremely negative effect on the nutrition of the joints. What should appear in the diet of a person with diseased knee joints? First of all, food should be saturated with vitamins, microelements and biologically active components.

Particular attention should be paid to lemons, kiwi, rosehip broth and greens. They have a high content of vitamin C, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of tissues in the body. If the damage to the knee joint is not associated with gout and the deposition of salts in the joint, then the patient can use more rich broths.

A long method of boiling meat with bones allows you to isolate from them substances that are very similar in structure to cartilage, but doctors still argue about the appropriateness of this method of restoring joints. Finally, it is necessary to limit drinks such as tea, coffee, alcohol in your diet. They are diuretics, as they are especially strong in leaching calcium salts from the body.

Recovery by folk remedies

Non-traditional methods are an excellent and proven way to restore the cartilage tissue of the knee joints. They are not only useful, but also available to almost everyone, because their preparation requires those ingredients that, as a rule, are available in every home. So, the following recipes can be used for recovery.

Bay leaf infusion

Take 2-3 large leaves of dried laurel, pour 300 ml of boiling water over them and insist for half an hour. This drink must be taken during the day, between meals, two sips. The duration of the course is 3 months, after which you need to take a break for a month. If the knee joints still require attention, the course can be repeated.

Bay leaf acts as an internal antiseptic, and also activates metabolic processes, as a result of which blood microcirculation in the joints becomes much more active. In addition, laurel is a source of the most valuable trace elements and vitamins, due to the lack of which many diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop.

There is a bay leaf in every home, and therefore the preparation of an infusion according to this recipe will not be ruinous for a patient with sore knees.

Plantain compress

Once upon a time, all children knew that if you put a plantain leaf in a sore spot (knee or elbow), then all the pain will come to naught. Later, experts substantiated this effect by the unique restorative effect of plantain on the joints. So, the plantain leaf should be slightly crushed in order to break the cellular structure and release the plant juice.

Now it should be lightly smeared with honey, applied to the sore knee, fixed with an elastic bandage and covered with a warm scarf. Such a compress should be kept for about an hour, after which gently clean the skin in the knee area from the remnants of honey.

Garlic tincture

Take 3 peeled heads of garlic, chop thoroughly, pour a liter of vodka, and then put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to periodically shake the drink to make the tincture more saturated. After 3 weeks, the composition is filtered. They need to lubricate the sore knee at night, and also, if possible, during the day.

Home warming ointment

To prepare it, you need to mix 3 tbsp. l. lamb fat with 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard. This composition should be applied with soft rubbing movements on the knee, then covered with a plastic bag and insulated with a thick scarf.

chestnut tincture

300 g of fruits and 100 g of flowers of this tree are taken, which are poured with a liter of alcohol, and then infused for a week in a dark place. With this tincture, it is necessary to wipe the sore knee several times during the day. Such a drink speeds up local metabolic processes, which means that medicines and nutrients quickly reach all tissues of the joint.

The cartilage tissue of the knee joint is the basis for all movements of this joint. Without its normal functioning, bending and unbending the knee would be very difficult, and sometimes completely impossible. Doctors urge to immediately come for a consultation at the first unpleasant symptoms, and then a long active life will be ensured for a person.

In everyday life, a person is faced with various tasks, in the course of which he can get injured. The wrist, knee and are most often injured. Trauma leads to damage to cartilage tissue. In addition, this tissue can also be damaged as a result of aging of the body, since metabolic disorders begin as early as the age of thirty.

All of the above leads to the occurrence of pain syndrome, a gradual limitation of mobility. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the health of the musculoskeletal system. How to restore the cartilage tissue of the joints? We will talk about this further.

To know how to deal with degenerative cartilage changes, you need to know the cause of these changes. So what is the cause of cartilage destruction? The following factors can lead to this:

  1. Injury to the joint area.
  2. Wrong nutrition.
  3. Metabolism disorder.
  4. hereditary predisposition.
  5. Violation of the innervation and blood supply of the articular cavity.
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Overweight.
  8. Professional sports.
  9. Inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals.
  10. Hypothermia.
  11. autoimmune processes.
  12. Professional hazards.
  13. Hard physical labor.
  14. infectious diseases.

Joint pathology is equally common in both women and men.

How is cartilage repaired?

Cartilage tissue is injured even with heavy physical exertion, due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus that holds the joint in a certain position. The cartilage may lose its strength and smooth surface. The thinner the cartilage is, the more often friction occurs between the articular surfaces, which causes even more trauma to the cartilage. The progression of the process can lead to the formation of osteophytes (bone outgrowths).

The lack of the required amount of synovial fluid also leads to the destruction of cartilage structures. To strengthen and restore cartilage, it is necessary to provide a high concentration of chondrocytes - the cells that make up the cartilage structure. This can be achieved through proper nutrition and increased physical activity. The latter is due to the fact that a small amount of oxygen and nutrients enter the joint cavity, with insufficient movement.

For cartilage to regenerate, the joint must be in motion as much as possible.


What should be used to restore cartilage tissue? This question is asked by most people suffering from articular pathology.

To restore the functioning of the joints, first of all, it is necessary to exclude preservatives, carbonated drinks, fatty foods and fast food, as well as fried foods. Limit your salt intake. Eliminate or reduce to a minimum the consumption of carbohydrates, glucose.

In addition to reducing gastric acidity, these products interfere with the synthesis of growth hormone. Meals should be at least 6 times a day, fractionally. What is there to restore joints? The ration should be as follows:

  1. Daily use freshly squeezed juice, fruits.
  2. Eat lean meat (at least 100 g), red fish (at least 100 g), milk or kefir (at least 400 ml), cottage cheese, cheese.
  3. To provide the body with a supply of vitamins, you can drink currant tea.
  4. Fruit jelly.
  5. Marmalade from natural ingredients.
  6. Nuts, raisins, dark chocolate.
  7. Aspic.

Physical exercise

The concentration of growth hormone increases with physical exertion. The higher the intensity of training, the more this hormone will be produced, and cartilage regeneration will occur faster. But you need to understand that you can not train to exhaustion. After performing physical activity, a person should have a feeling of lightness, vigor and a lift in mood.

In addition, it must be remembered that some sports subject the joint to destruction even more, in particular, weightlifting. Swimming is suitable for restoring joints and cartilage. This sport can be practiced at any age and at any stage of joint disease. Before training, warm up by doing a few simple exercises.

Restoration of joints with folk remedies - recipes for tinctures, decoctions, compresses

Below are folk recipes that will help in the regeneration of cartilage tissue.


Popular recipes for compresses:

  1. Make a gruel of their horseradish and radish. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected joint.
  2. An effective remedy is a compress of oil and salt. To prepare it, you need to heat fir oil and moisten gauze or a rag in it. Place salt on the cloth and apply it to the affected area with the side on which the salt is placed. Put polyethylene, elastic bandage on top and leave overnight. This procedure is recommended to be repeated daily for a week.
  3. With joint diseases, burlap soaked in propolis, which must be applied to the affected joint, will help.
  4. Mix 30 g of St. John's wort flowers, sweet clover and hops with 50 g of butter. Only unsalted butter is allowed. Apply the mixture to the lesion, hold for 2 hours.


Bay leaf helps in the restoration of cartilage tissue and the treatment of joint diseases. Prior to treatment, it is necessary to clean the intestines. The effectiveness of the use of bay leaf in this case increases.
To prepare the broth, put 5 g of bay leaf in a thermos and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave the infusion overnight. Use the infusion throughout the day, in small portions, and so be treated for three days. Then stop taking it for 3 weeks, then repeat the course. In the first year of treatment, an infusion of bay leaves is used in a course every three months, in subsequent years - 1 time per year. Such treatment may be accompanied by increased urination, urine staining in pink, which is not a pathology.

Another great recipe. In equal quantities, take hawthorn fruits, eucalyptus leaves, pine buds, thyme, aspen bark, violet, mint and St. John's wort. Place 30 g of the mixture in a thermos, add a liter of boiling water. Take 100 ml 5 times a day for 2 months.


Here are some tips from traditional medicine:

  1. Add four liters of boiling water to 1 kg of chopped horseradish root. Boil for 5 minutes. Cool down. After straining, add a pound of honey and place the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 100 g of the mixture daily before meals.
  2. After consulting with a specialist, you can drink diuretic teas. They will help get rid of swelling in the joint area. Dandelion root, corn silk, nettle, kidney tea, horsetail have a diuretic effect. To prepare a drink, you need 30 g of grass to pour 200 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to use the infusion daily, three times a day.
  3. Boil chicken cartilage and chop them. Eat 10 grams of cartilage every day. You can also make broth based on chicken cartilage.
  4. Chicory and lingonberry tea will help prevent the disease.
  5. Eggshells will help regenerate cartilage and speed up its strengthening. It must be cleaned of the film, washed and placed in the oven in order to destroy pathogens. Then grind in a coffee grinder. Take 5 g orally once a day with water. Treatment will be more effective if, in addition to the shell, take a small pinch of gelatin.
  6. In the same amount, take elderberry branches, juniper, nettle, horsetail, willow bark and calendula flowers. Add a liter of boiling water to 30 g of the resulting collection. After 12 hours, the infusion can be taken 100 ml three times a day for two months.
  7. Dry the root of the devil's claw, then finely chop, place 30 g of the root in a thermos and add a liter of hot water, leave for 2 hours. Take 200 ml four times a day. The decoction must be warm.

Tablets, ointments, gels, creams that can restore the cartilage tissue of the joints should not be taken on their own. To prescribe the right treatment, you need to consult a doctor. Folk remedies do not always help to cope with the disease, they serve only as auxiliary methods in the fight against articular pathology. It is also necessary to remember that the earlier treatment is started, the more effective the therapy will be.

Cartilage in our body is designed to perform several functions: cushioning under heavy loads and ensuring normal mobility in the joints. They are located on the inner surfaces of the bones and prevent their wear at the points of contact, and their task is to nourish the joint by absorbing the necessary substances from the synovial membrane and periarticular tissues. Therefore, to ensure the normal functioning of the knee, it is necessary to restore the cartilaginous tissue of the knee joint if it is damaged.

Cartilage consists of cellular structures - chondrocytes and an extracellular substance called the matrix, its amount is predominant. The regenerative abilities of any tissue in the body are determined by the possibility of cell reproduction. And in cartilage, due to the predominance of the matrix, this happens with great difficulty. Damage to the knee joint, which results in a violation of the structure of the cartilage tissue, can be for the following reasons:

  • age wear;
  • injuries during sports or heavy physical labor;
  • degenerative-dystrophic processes.

Medicinal ways to restore cartilage

In the treatment of diseases or injuries that lead to violations of the structure of the cartilaginous tissue of the knee joint, chondroprotectors are the most effective means. These include chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Each of these substances performs its task, in combination, their use allows you to normalize the properties and structure of the lubricating fluid, as well as start the production of the main elements of cartilage with further prevention of their destruction. In addition, chonroitin sulfate has the ability to neutralize enzymes that act in a destructive way on cartilage tissue.

Taking these drugs makes sense only in the initial stages of the process. The presence of pronounced degenerative changes with the complete destruction of cartilage or deformation of the bones makes the use of chondroprotectors useless for recovery to occur, since they are not able to return the bones to their previous shape or grow new cartilage.

It should also be understood that it is impossible to restore the cartilage of the knee joint with the help of these drugs very quickly. For a successful process, their long-term and regular use is necessary. Therefore, effective treatment with this kind of drugs includes:

  1. Complex use. The joint intake of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine enhance each other's action and complement it.
  2. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the duration of the course (at least 3-5 months) and timely admission. There is no point in using such substances on an occasional basis.
  3. An important point is also the adequacy of dosing. The required dose of glucosamine should be at least 1000-1500 mg, and chondroitin sulfate - 1000 mg.
  4. The degree of effectiveness of such drugs in order for the restoration of cartilage tissue to occur is also determined by the manufacturer. You should not buy medicines from little-known companies at an attractive price for the consumer, it is possible at the same time to acquire a completely ineffective or even dangerous substance for health, especially for bioadditives.
  5. A positive point is also the fact that chondroprotectors have practically no side effects and almost no contraindications.

High efficiency in the restoration of the cartilage of the knee joint in the course of numerous experiments was proved by the use of STH - somatotropic hormone. Many times stronger results can be obtained with a combination of the introduction of STH and thyrocalcitonin into the body. This hormone is produced by the thyroid gland and is responsible for reparative processes not only in cartilage, but also in bones. These two substances are able to enhance the processes of division of chondrocytes and increase the volume of the matrix.

The disadvantage of such treatment may be the anabolic effect of STH, which can cause a disproportion in the structure of the skeleton.

Anabolic steroids are in second place in terms of the possibility of cartilage restoration. It is they who are able to reduce the processes of destruction and enhance regeneration. However, their undesirable effects on the body during systemic use, as well as their classification as doping substances in sports, make long-term studies of their effectiveness for the treatment of cartilage difficult.

Within the limits of pharmacological dosages, some types of vitamins can significantly affect the production of somatotropic hormone, enhance the processes of collagen synthesis, and improve the condition of the matrix. These are nicotinic acid, vitamin K, ascorbic acid in combination with amino acids alanine, proline and others.

A significant improvement is observed with the intra-articular injection of polyvinylpyrrolidone, which temporarily acts as a "prosthetic" substance, reducing the friction force and removing the main load from the knee joint.

Modern techniques

In many European countries, in particular in Germany, new and unique techniques have been developed to restore cartilage after damage. Let's consider some of them.


With this option, it is possible to partially remove the edges and other areas of minor damage by endoscopic means, followed by surface polishing. In the same way, the meniscus is sutured and some sections of the synovial membrane are removed. This method helps to prevent further tissue destruction and speed up the healing process.

Use of stem cells

There are several ways in which new cartilage tissue is formed from stem cells. One of these techniques is the treatment of the surface of the joint by the surgeon with the help of a special tool with the formation of a microscopic network of cracks. At the same time, stem and blood cell elements penetrate through these formed holes and form a completely new and compacted fibrocartilaginous tissue.

If there is a more serious damage to the knee joint, then it is necessary to first carry out sanitation, and only then proceed to the above method.

Sometimes good results are obtained by the method of transplantation into the damaged area of ​​bone marrow cells.

A relative disadvantage of this method is the imperfection of the resulting structure, since it contains few chondrocytes and does not have sufficient strength for another 3-4 years. At the slightest load, it can not withstand and collapses again. Nevertheless, the presence of even a fragile tissue is better than its complete absence.


There are several types of transplantation for this pathology. In one of the options, pieces of tissue are taken from intact places and transplanted to where the defect occurs. This is a rather complicated method, especially when using an arthroscope.

The second method, which is already used in Germany, is the transplantation of cells into the diseased area, which are cultivated from several taken healthy elements in the laboratory. The use of this technique is especially effective for cartilage detachment.

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs. It manifests itself as a pain syndrome of varying intensity, which depends on its stage and the degree of destruction of the fibrous ring. At the initial stage, to restore the cartilaginous tissue of the spine, it is enough to remove the pathogenetic factors of influence and the health of the musculoskeletal system will quickly recover naturally. In the second stage of osteochondrosis, when stable forms of disc protrusion are formed, recovery is possible only with an integrated approach to therapy.

Here it is required to use all the possibilities of manual therapy and modern pharmacological preparations. In addition, the patient will be required to make efforts in terms of abandoning the lifestyle that, in fact, led to such a disease.

In fact, disc protrusion is a borderline condition between osteochondrosis and disc herniation. Therefore, when typical signs of this condition appear on radiographic images, it is important to begin treatment immediately. In this case, the patient is insured against a severe neurological disease associated with rupture of the fibrous ring, the release of the nucleus pulposus and infringement of the radicular nerves.

Preparations (drugs) in injections for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the spine

Modern pharmacological preparations for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the spine are made on the basis of chondroitin and glucosamine. These are structural basic substances that are involved in the nutrition, formation and restoration of any cartilage. This is, so to speak, its basis. With arthrosis and chondropathy of large joints of the upper and lower extremities, these drugs are injected directly into the joint cavity and give excellent results.

It is very difficult to use such drugs to restore the cartilage tissue of the spine. The effectiveness of such therapy is usually zero. And there are objective reasons for this:

  • transportation of any medicinal substance to the focus of pathological changes does not occur completely, but within 10-15 percent (even with intravenous administration, let alone injection into the gluteal muscle);
  • if we talk about the cartilaginous tissue of the spine, then with osteochondrosis, and even more so protrusion, the medicine does not come in principle, since it can only be delivered through diffuse metabolism, and muscle tissues are blocked by the inflammatory process;
  • chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis to a certain extent act positively on areas of damaged large joints, but do not treat the spine;
  • to ensure the transportation of these pharmacological agents to the intervertebral cartilaginous discs, it is necessary to connect manual therapy to the treatment;
  • with the help of osteopathy and massage, reflexology and therapeutic exercises, doctors will be able to ensure a high degree of bioavailability of chondroitin and glucosamine from intramuscular injection (bioavailability with manual therapy is 20 - 25%).

The following injections are most often prescribed to restore the cartilaginous tissue of the spine:

  1. "Alflutop" 2 ml intramuscularly 1 time per day for 20 days;
  2. "Chondroitin sulfate" and "Glucosamine hydrochloride" 2 ml 1 time per day for 5 days;
  3. "Meloxicam" 6 mg (1 ml) intramuscularly every other day for a course of 20 injections;
  4. "Artrocelsus", "Struktum" and others.

When conducting a course of treatment, it is also advisable to use intramuscular injections of "Nicotinic acid" or "Nikospan" in order to improve capillary blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected intervertebral discs.

Spinal cartilage restoration with manual therapy

It is most effective to restore the cartilage of the spine using manual therapy techniques. They contribute to the natural process of tissue regeneration. Helps improve the overall health of the patient.

In our clinic of manual therapy, the following types of influence are used to restore the cartilage of the intervertebral discs:

  • traction traction of the spinal column in order to eliminate compression of the radicular nerves and increase the intervertebral spaces to provide space for the full expansion of the discs;
  • massage to relieve excess tension from the muscular frame of the back and increase local blood circulation in the area of ​​pathological changes;
  • osteopathy to improve the condition of muscles, facet joints and restore the position of the vertebral bodies;
  • reflexology and, as necessary, pharmacopuncture (introduction of drugs into biologically active points in minimal dosages) to start the process of tissue regeneration due to the hidden reserves of the body;
  • kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscular frame of the back, correct posture defects, etc.

In addition to manual therapy methods, the patient will be offered a full accompanying consultation on lifestyle changes in such a way as to start the reverse process in the area of ​​pathological changes.

Nutrition for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the spine

Proper nutrition for the restoration of the cartilage tissue of the spine allows you to provide several aspects at once. Firstly, the patient will be able to reduce body weight and tighten muscles with the help of diet and dietary modifications. Secondly, properly organized nutrition will energize and allow you to effectively engage in therapeutic exercises. Thirdly, with the help of certain foods, you can speed up the process of cartilage tissue repair. Such products include small breeds of marine fish, gelatin, kelp, cartilage tissues of cattle (used to prepare jelly).

In addition to nutrition, drinking balance should be restored. You need to accustom yourself to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This will enhance the hydrophobicity of the cartilage tissue and its cushioning properties.

Avoid sugary soda, coffee, black tea, and chocolate whenever possible. All these drinks include extractive substances that can destroy cartilage tissue in the human body.



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