Vaginal contraceptives: creams, gels, aerosols. Effective contraceptives - creams, gels, foams

Modern life is very difficult. Work plays an important role in it. Because of the work, there is little free time. This contributes to the fact that people entering into interpersonal relationships tend to develop them faster. When it comes to intimacy, people sometimes forget about the most important thing - contraception. However, this should always be remembered, because during protection, people not only protect themselves from undesirable consequences, but also take care of their loved one, future children.

Modern ones are varied. They are divided into several groups (non-hormonal, hormonal, emergency, etc.). One of the contraceptives is a spermicidal cream. What is it, how does it work and how effective is it? Let's try to find answers to these important questions.

What are spermicides?

Spermicides are contraceptives related to chemical methods of protection. They are substances that have a negative effect on spermatozoa that enter the vagina, destroy them, and prevent their penetration into the uterus. This effect is explained by the presence of a special chemically active component in the composition of spermicides.

Spermicides have been around since ancient times. Women used to make soda, injected lemon slices, aspirin tablets into the vagina. Modern spermicidal agents are presented in different forms. There are tablets, suppositories, foams, tampons. One of the remedies is a spermicidal gel (cream). Consider its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of spermicidal cream

One of the main advantages of this contraceptive is its availability. The drug in the form of a cream can be easily bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. The tool is relatively inexpensive, which is considered a definite plus. The benefits of spermicidal cream include its safety. The product does not contain hormones. It can be used by both women who have given birth and those who have not given birth.

Spermicidal creams are easy to use. They are inserted into the vagina 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse and usually act within 1 hour. The effectiveness of these contraceptives is not high enough. According to statistics, out of 100 women, 25-30 get pregnant.

Disadvantages of spermicidal cream

The disadvantages of modern spermicidal creams are associated with the presence of side effects. Partners after sexual intercourse may feel burning and itching in the vulva, face manifestations of an allergic reaction. Another disadvantage of spermicides is that their use does not exclude the possibility of infecting partners with sexually transmitted diseases.

Another disadvantage of contraceptives is the inability to use spermicidal cream often or constantly. This drug belongs to chemical contraception. With frequent or constant use, irritation or damage to the vaginal mucosa may occur. This, in turn, can lead to the transmission of HIV infection.

Composition of spermicidal creams and a list of common products

The composition of spermicidal agents contains certain active ingredients:

  1. Surfants. These substances include benzalkonium chloride, menfegol, octoxynol, nonoxynol-9. The first of them is considered the most effective. Studies have shown that benzalkonium chloride destroys sperm entering the vagina within 20 seconds. Its advantages include not only high efficiency, but also the ability to kill bacteria and viruses.
  2. Active enzyme inhibitors. This group of substances includes A-gene 53 (A-gen 53), Sin-a-gene (Sin-a-gen).

In the manufacture of spermicidal creams, the active substance (benzalkonium chloride or some other) is introduced into its future carrier - into an agent that promotes the distribution of the component in the vagina and gives an enveloping effect.

It is known about the existence of different spermicidal creams. Here is their list:

  • "Pharmatex";
  • "Dolphin";
  • "Conceptrol";
  • "Coromex";
  • "Ortho";
  • "Ortho-Ginol";
  • "Ramses";
  • "Rendell";
  • Alpagel.

"Pharmatex": description of the drug

An effective spermicidal vaginal remedy is Farmateks with a lavender smell. The composition contains a 50% aqueous solution. Auxiliary substances are citric acid, lavender oil. Spermicidal cream quickly destroys the membranes of spermatozoa. It also protects against certain diseases, infection with gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia.

Vaginal cream "Farmateks" is convenient to use. The manufacturer has created a special dispenser with which you can take the right amount of the product from the tube and insert it into the vagina. It was said above that spermicidal agents act within 1 hour. The spermicidal cream "Farmateks" has a different effect. The instruction indicates that it is valid for 10 hours.

Other drugs

The spermicidal agent in "Delfin" and "Concepttrol" is nonoxynol-9, in "Alpagel" - benzalkonium chloride, in other preparations - octoxynol. It is known that "Alpagel", as well as "Pharmateks", acts within 10 hours, and other spermicidal agents - within 1 hour.

These active ingredients make contraceptive creams effective. It is impossible to name prices for drugs, because all of them are not available in modern pharmacies. The exception is Pharmatex. It can be bought at any pharmacy, ordered on the World Wide Web. Its price is about 400 rubles for a small tube. Pharmatex is on sale not only in those who wish can purchase this drug in other dosage forms that are most convenient for them (for example, in the form of vaginal tablets or capsules).

When using it, you need to follow certain rules in order to maintain its effectiveness:

  • 2 hours before sex and within 2 hours after intimacy, soap should not be used to wash the genitals, as it has a destructive effect on the spermicidal cream;
  • before each repeated sexual intercourse, a new dose of the drug is introduced;
  • after sexual intercourse, it is only allowed to carry out the external toilet of the genital organs with clean water;
  • after applying the spermicidal cream, you can not take baths, swim in the pool, the sea.

If some disease occurs or a chronic illness worsens, then the use of spermicidal contraceptives is temporarily abandoned. Re-start using vaginal creams only after the effective completion of the prescribed course of treatment.

About barrier contraception

So, we have considered spermicidal creams. It was said above that these drugs belong to chemical contraception. In turn, it is included in a large group of barrier methods of protection. Their principle of action is simple and can be seen from the name. The bottom line is to create an obstacle on the way of the sperm to the egg.

Barrier contraception consists not only of chemical methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It also includes mechanical methods that are realized through the use of:

  • condoms
  • diaphragms;
  • cervical caps;
  • femidons (female condoms).

Condom use

The most famous and popular means, which includes barrier contraception, are condoms. They have been used by mankind for a very long time. Their history goes back to the time of the Roman Empire. In this state, people used to use the bladder of animals to prevent pregnancy and venereal diseases.

Today, condoms are made from thin latex. They are made with different relief, treated with special lubricants. Condoms are the most common because they have many benefits:

  • they are easy to use and affordable;
  • protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV;
  • relieve the unpleasant symptoms that occur in women with

Which is better: spermicidal creams or condoms?

People who are thinking about using contraceptives are faced with a difficult choice. They do not know which method of protection to focus on - to choose condoms or spermicidal cream. The composition of the latter can adversely affect the genitals of partners with constant use, therefore, it is recommended to use the remedy only for those people whose sexual intercourse is rare. Also, an indication for the use of creams is a break when using combined oral contraceptives (hormonal agents).

Regarding condoms, it is worth noting that they protect against most sexually transmitted infections. This is an important advantage of these funds over spermicidal creams. However, the contraceptive effect of condoms is very low. Thin latex can tear. To reduce the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to use condoms in combination with other contraceptives - with combined oral preparations.

Thus, it is impossible to give a specific answer to the question of which contraceptive is the best. Both spermicides and condoms have specific advantages and disadvantages. It is worth making a choice of means taking into account your lifestyle, age, personal preferences.

To modern contraceptives there are many requirements: they must be highly reliable, easy to use, harmless to health. There is no ideal contraceptive on the pharmaceutical market, but production does not stand still. One of the most optimal means of protection is the drug Benatex. In addition to protection against pregnancy, this remedy has an antifungal and antiseptic effect.

The action of the drug is based on the fact that the active substance thickens cervical mucus; destroys spermatozoa; forms a barrier through which the pathogens of gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, candidiasis, staphylococcus cannot pass. Benatex suppositories are used with a lack of intimate lubrication, and tablets - with its excess.

A huge plus of the drug is that it is allowed to be used by women in the postpartum period during breastfeeding; and during menopause.

The effectiveness of the drug is quite high, although inferior to the effectiveness of hormonal oral contraceptives.

An analysis of the reviews of women who used this spermicidal contraceptive shows that this is a fairly comfortable and reliable contraceptive, but it is better to use it after consulting a gynecologist.

Myths about spermicidal contraceptives

1. Low efficiency.
Spermicidal contraceptives sometimes show slightly less effectiveness than hormonal, but, nevertheless, the difference between the effectiveness indicators is not critical. In addition, their action is multi-stage, which provides additional protection: which is part of Benatex benzalkonium chloride first destroys the flagellum and the head of the sperm, then thickens the cervical mucus, preventing passage into the uterus.

2. The use of spermicides is difficult, they must be used just before sexual intercourse, when sexual partners are not up to it.
It is easy to introduce a candle or tablet of Benatex, and you can do it not even in 10 minutes, as recommended in the instructions, but in an hour. You just need to keep in mind that the effect lasts 3-4 hours, therefore, if you injected the drug an hour before sexual intercourse, then the effect after sex will last an hour less. With irregular sex, it is convenient to use Benatex, because it does not need to be taken every day at the same time, as, for example, an oral contraceptive drug.

3. Spermicides after insertion into the vagina foam, or flow, or irritate the mucous membranes.
Candles and Benatex tablets do not flow or foam, unlike other drugs. In some cases, burning of the mucosa really takes place.

4. After sex, you can not carry out hygiene of the genital organs, which is inconvenient.
After sex using Benatex, you can wash yourself with water without soap - often this is enough for hygienic post-coital procedures.

5. Prolonged use of spermicides leads to vaginal dysbacteriosis.
The contraceptive in no way affects the normal flora of the vagina, respectively, does not cause an imbalance in the beneficial and conditionally pathogenic flora.

6. Spermicides are only an additional method of contraception.
Benatex is a complete barrier method of contraception, and it is recommended for women of the reproductive period. Often, only it can be used by those women who, for some reason, are not suitable for oral contraceptives. In addition, it is also a reliable protection against genital infections.

Composition and dosage form

The main active ingredient of the drug is benzalkonium chloride.
  • Vaginal suppositories ( candles) - the package contains 10 pieces. Vaginal tablets - the package contains 15 pieces.
  • Vaginal gel ( cream) 1.2% 50g.


The drug belongs to local contraceptives. Shows antiprotozoal, antifungal, antiseptic properties; neutralizes the herpes virus; is active against Escherichia coli, streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci. May affect bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

5 minutes after intravaginal administration, benzalkonium chloride begins to act. Spermicidal action is manifested due to the ability to damage the membranes of the spermatozoa ( first - the flagellum, and then the head). Fertilization with damaged sperm is impossible. The drug is effective in preventing sexual infections, and does not affect the hormonal cycle and the vaginal lactoflora.


Absorption of the drug is practically not carried out, which means that the active substance does not enter the systemic circulation. The remnants of a candle or tablet are removed using ordinary washing.

Indications for use

Local contraception:
1. For breastfeeding women.
2. For women of the childbearing period.
3. For those who need occasional protection ( irregular sex life).
4. For those who missed taking their regular oral contraceptive.
5. For those who are contraindicated in taking oral contraceptives ( in vascular diseases such as).
6. Prevention of genital infections.

Candles (suppositories)

They have a lubricating effect - that is, they can act as a lubricant when there is insufficient lubrication from the female vagina. The candle is administered five minutes before sexual intercourse, in the supine position. The effect lasts 4 hours. In the case of repeated sexual intercourse, it is necessary to introduce another candle. True, a side effect may appear: burning in the genital area of ​​​​partners. The frequency of use is limited by the individual tolerance of benzalkonium chloride and the frequency of sexual intercourse.


Recommended when developing an excessive amount of intimate lubrication. The tablet is administered ten minutes before sexual intercourse, in the supine position. The effect lasts 3 hours.

Gel (cream)

It is introduced into the vagina in the supine position using a dispenser-applicator. The action of the drug begins immediately and lasts 10 hours.

Side effects

  • Burning in the genital area.
  • Allergic reaction.

special instructions

Careful observance of the instructions increases the effectiveness of Benatex. The drug can be used in conjunction with intrauterine contraception. Immediately after sexual intercourse, douching with soapy water should not be done, because the soapy solution destroys the active component of Benatex and, accordingly, the contraceptive effect is reduced. However, it is not forbidden to conduct an external toilet of the genital organs with water without soap.


Iodine solutions inactivate benzalkonium chloride. Any drug that is administered intravaginally reduces the contraceptive effect of Benatex.


  • Benzalkonium chloride C14,
  • Countertex,
  • Farmaginex,
  • Dettol benzalkonium chloride,
  • Gynecoteks,

Contraceptive creams and gels - a list, benefits of use and instructions for use. Such funds in the modern market of contraceptives are very popular. Leading positions are given to contraceptive creams Benateks and Farmateks. Let's talk about them in more detail in today's article.

Benatex contraceptive cream - price, pharmacological action, benefits.

The wide popularity of this drug is due to the fact that the active ingredients that make up the cream do not significantly affect the hormonal balance of the female body. The principle of action of Benatex is the destruction of the protein membranes of male spermatozoa. Initially, the outer shell is destroyed, after which the entire head of the spermatozoon, due to which successful fertilization is completely excluded. Benatex cream should be used only when necessary. This means that if your sex life is irregular, you have contraindications to taking hormonal pills and using a spiral, then it is best to use the contraceptive cream Benatex. Reviews of doctors testify that this remedy does not affect the sexual libido of both partners. In addition, a woman can use it discreetly. The cream has a long duration of action (up to ten hours), however, one dose is enough for only one contact.

Contraceptive cream Pharmatex - price, principle of action, features of use.

Pharmatex is a contraceptive that is both an antiseptic and a spermicide. The spermicidal effect of the cream is due to the fact that the drug is able to damage the membranes of male spermatozoa: first the flagella, then the heads. As a result, fertilization becomes impossible. The cream must be injected into the vagina using a dispenser - applicator, preferably in a supine position. The action of Pharmatex develops instantly and lasts about ten hours.

Interesting on the net:

How to use non-hormonal contraceptive creams correctly? Features and nuances of application.

It should be taken into account that the creams begin to act almost instantly, for this reason they should be applied immediately before intimacy. It is necessary to introduce contraceptive creams with a special dispenser (at its end there is a convenient applicator). It should be remembered that not regular use of these contraceptives is allowed.

Creams are extremely easy to use, but it should be borne in mind that under the influence of water and detergents, the properties of the drugs are significantly reduced, and therefore the risk of pregnancy increases. It is not advisable to take a bath and swim in the pool. Even a very weak soapy solution adversely affects the preparation, it destroys it. Remember that birth control creams provide protection against some sexually transmitted infections like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gonorrhea, E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, chlamydia, proteus, and more.

Precautions on the use of contraceptive creams.

The active component of the drugs is benzalkonium chloride, which is extremely quickly excreted from the female body. To be sure that the body perceives the drug, a test should be done. Apply a little cream to a small area of ​​the genitals. If after a while there is no burning sensation, itching or swelling, then you can safely use the cream. Such contraceptives receive multiple positive reviews from women.

Modern contraception is very diverse. And if earlier for most women the most acceptable type of contraceptives were various hormonal drugs, today spermicide-based drugs are gaining more and more popularity.

Spermicidal contraceptives belong to the category of female contraception and are chemical agents whose main active ingredient kills spermatozoa in the first 60 seconds after they enter the vagina. This speed of action is necessary because spermatozoa have high mobility - in a maximum of 2 minutes they are able to penetrate the uterus and reach its tubes, and after that, conception can only be prevented by hormonal drugs or.

Typically, gynecologists do not recommend that patients use spermicidal contraceptives as an independent means of protection, since such drugs themselves are not highly effective (about 80% on average). To increase reliability, they are combined with other methods of protection, for example, with hormonal oral preparations or condoms, using spermicides as a lubricant.

Types of spermicidal contraceptives

Spermicides include:

  • suppositories (vaginal suppositories) that dissolve in the vagina when exposed to body temperature;
  • jellies, foams and gels;
  • soluble films;
  • foaming tablets;
  • sponges.

Candles and dissolving tablets

They are used both in combination with condoms and separately, although this does not provide sufficient protection. The effectiveness of dissolving tablets and suppositories is about 82%. The drugs begin to act only after dissolving inside, and this takes about 15 minutes, so it is necessary to administer contraceptives before the onset of sexual intercourse, 15–20 minutes before.

If the candle is not completely dissolved, the contraceptive effect is significantly reduced, and the remnants of the candle can cause a lot of discomfort during sexual contact. The action of vaginal tablets or suppositories usually lasts for an hour, but it must also be remembered that a new contraceptive should be introduced before each act, even if intercourse is repeated within an hour.

Jellies, foams and gels

Quite often, such spermicidal contraceptives are used together with cervical caps or, which together provide the maximum effect. Aerosol foam has a high efficiency (about 95%), so it can be used independently, but its introduction requires a special container for aerosols with an applicator.

Creams and gels are usually packaged in tubes and are applied either with a clean finger or with a special applicator. The gel is often used as a spermicidal lubricant.

Spermicidal gel-lubricant, foam and creams begin to act immediately after administration, maintaining the contraceptive effect for about an hour, but if the product is used together with a cap or diaphragm, its effect increases to 6 hours. The contraceptive effect is also enhanced.

Gels are used as an additional lubricant and to moisturize the vagina in case of excessive dryness. Spermicidal lubricant not only perfectly moisturizes, but also enhances the effect of other contraceptives, creating protection against infection. The contraceptive effectiveness of creams and gels does not exceed 82%.

Soluble films

Spermicidal films are often used with a diaphragm, but they can also be used on their own, keeping in mind that the effectiveness of the product does not exceed 83%. It is necessary to introduce the film into the vagina to the maximum possible depth, 15 minutes before the start of sexual contact, since this time is necessary for the film to dissolve and begin its action. The films retain their contraceptive effect for about an hour, but with repeated sexual intercourse, the introduction of a new product is required.

Foaming tablets and suppositories

Foaming suppositories and tablets, like dissolving ones, require insertion into the vagina about 15 minutes before intercourse. You need to enter the candle as deeply as possible, using a special applicator. The effectiveness of the product is about 85%.

Often, when using this type of contraception, women notice a burning sensation in the vagina during the dissolution of the pill or suppository, which is a normal reaction to the spread of spermicides by foaming.


A spermicidal contraceptive of this type is a means that combines two types of protection at once: chemical and mechanical. It creates a barrier for spermatozoa, preventing them from entering the uterus. In this case, the sponge not only catches the spermatozoa, but also releases the spermicidal substance contained in it, which kills them in the vagina. Such sponges are made from polyurethane, which is impregnated with benzalkonium chloride or nonoxylon-9.

The effect of the injection persists for 24 hours, which does not require the reuse of spermicidal contraceptives during subsequent sexual intercourse. The effectiveness of the product is about 87%.

The sponge should be inserted before the onset of intercourse, but it should not be removed immediately after it. Before extracting the product, it is better to wait about 6 hours so that all spermatozoa lose their viability.

Pros and cons of spermicidal contraceptives

  • easy to use;
  • the hormonal background in the body is not disturbed;
  • drugs reduce the risk of spreading infections, including sexually transmitted ones;
  • can be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy (as protection against infections);
  • can be used as a lubricant if additional moisture is needed;
  • You don't need a doctor's prescription to buy.
  • as an independent means, spermicidal contraception is usually not used due to low efficiency;
  • most drugs require application (introduction) 10 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse, which is not always convenient;
  • can cause side effects and allergic reactions in some women, subject to individual intolerance;
  • you can take a shower after intercourse only after the time specified in the instructions attached to the product has elapsed.

The use of spermicidal contraception as an independent means of protection may not give the expected result, so it is best to use it as an addition to other contraceptives. This will ensure high reliability and confidence in protection.

Specialist consultation

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Let us pay attention to the question of what contraceptive films and sponges are as effective contraceptives.

Effective contraceptives - variety

Contraceptive film as a contraceptive drug

The contraceptive film has a size of 2x2 cm. It is treated with one or another spermicide, most often nonoxynol-9. It is introduced into the posterior fornix of the vagina 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Contraceptive creams and gels, aerosol foams are available either for single use or for use in combination with a diaphragm or a cap. For their introduction, a conductor is used, into which spermicide is collected from a standard container. The contraceptive is then squeezed into the vagina. Contraceptive aerosol foam is formed during the extrusion process.

Aerosol and cream for contraception

Aerosol and cream are distributed faster than gel and suppositories through the vagina and form a barrier in front of the cervix. Sexual intercourse can be performed immediately after the introduction of foam, cream or gel. In this case, there is no need to wait for a certain time interval necessary for dissolution, as when using suppositories and tablets.

Senior. This reliable, highly effective means for preventing unintended pregnancy contains nonoxynol-9 spermicide. Sterile has no unpleasant taste or smell. Dissolving in the vagina, the drug exhibits lubricating properties and is therefore almost invisible during intimate relationships. Sterilin should be injected into the vagina 15 minutes before sexual intercourse, and it remains effective for one hour.

In our country, the pharmacy network has Delfen cream and gramicidin paste.

Cream "Delphen"- white ointment containing 12.5 weight percent of nonoxynol-9. When applying this cream, there is a rapid and uniform distribution of the drug.

Gramicidin paste. Composition: 2% solution of gramicidin - 9.89%, 40% solution of lactic acid - 0.51%, emulsifier - 15%, distilled water - 74.6%. The paste has a spermatocidal, bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against streptococci, pneumococci, anaerobic infection pathogens.

Contraceptive sponges as an effective contraceptive

Natural sea sponges have been used as contraceptives for centuries. In 1970, natural collagen sponges and synthetic sponges impregnated with spermicide were created. This contraceptive has both mechanical and chemical effects. The contraceptive sponge prevents sperm from entering the cervical canal by retaining the sperm in itself and releasing spermicide into the vagina. Sponges are made of polyurethane, interspersed with nonoxynol-9 or benzalkonium chloride. Therefore, when using such sponges, there is no need to introduce additional spermicide during repeated sexual intercourse.

Sponges are packed in individual sealed containers that provide the necessary moisture. They are produced in one size and do not require individual selection. A sponge soaked in spermicide is inserted into the vagina just before intercourse and is placed over the cervix. Due to this, it provides some protection against penetration into the cervix of infection and reduces the risk of diseases of the pelvic organs and the development of disorders in the mucous membrane of the cervix.

It is recommended not to remove the sponge within 6 hours after sexual intercourse to be sure that the spermatozoa that have entered the vagina have lost their viability. Reuse of the sponge is not recommended, as rinsing the sponge removes a significant amount of spermicide and therefore reduces the effectiveness of the protection. The sponge can also be inserted a day before sexual intercourse, leaving it in the vagina for up to 30 hours.

When using a sponge, pregnancy occurs within 1 year in 18% of nulliparous and 36% of women who have given birth. With constant and proper use, pregnancy occurs in 9% of nulliparous and 20% of women who have given birth.

Pharmatex tampons are on sale, which are a sponge impregnated with a spermicidal substance in the amount of 5 g. The composition of the substance: benzalkonium chloride - 1.2 g, boric acid - 2.0 g, flavored base.

To increase the effectiveness of contraceptive films and sponges, it is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of the cycle (they will be discussed in the chapter on natural methods of contraception) and, on the most dangerous days, either refuse intimacy or use additional barrier methods of contraception (condom, diaphragm).



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