Ovulation test - how to use it correctly. How to do an ovulation test correctly: time, which one is better to choose, positive, negative and false positive result

If the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, this does not yet indicate problems with the reproductive system. Fertilization occurs during ovulation, when the egg enters the fallopian tube after the follicle ruptures. This period is quite short and its duration does not exceed two days. To determine the most suitable time for conception, modern medicine suggests doing an ultrasound of the ovarian follicles or donating blood to determine the amount of luteinizing hormone.

However, it is not always necessary to contact medical institutions; it is possible to determine a favorable day for conception at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase an ovulation test, with which you can determine the peak level of luteinizing hormone or estrogen. This period is the most favorable for fertilization.

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    Essence of the question

    Ovulation occurs due to the "explosion" of a mature follicle, from which a released egg is released. The whole action takes only a couple of minutes. This process occurs once per cycle, and the life expectancy of the "hero of the occasion" - the egg - is only 24 hours. Its main task is to meet with the sperm for fertilization. Most of the eggs do not succeed, so they die.

    Before the rupture of the follicle, there is an increase in estrogen levels, which, in turn, provokes the release of luteinizing hormone. Usually a sharp jump occurs 1-2 days before the release of the egg. It is on the measurement of these two hormones that the methods for determining ovulation at home are based.

    In medical conditions, ultrasound diagnostics of the ovaries is carried out, with the help of which an increase in one of the follicles is observed. The change in size is quite significant - from 1 mm to 20 mm. After reaching the maximum size, the follicle bursts, and then it is absent on the next ultrasound.

    Of course, the use of ultrasound diagnostics gives a more accurate result. But this examination must be carried out more than once, which takes a lot of time and money. Therefore, women are increasingly choosing ovulation tests at home.

    Varieties of ovulatory tests

    Before you learn how to do an ovulation test correctly, you need to choose the right model. Your gynecologist can help you with this, taking into account your preferences. Ovulation tests are distinguished according to the principle of their action:

    • Urinary test. The most common due to its relative cheapness and ease of use. With it, it is easy to determine the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine. The maximum value indicates that ovulation begins in the next two days and the probability of fertilization of the egg is high.
    • Saliva test. It is a reusable diagnostic tool. Unlike the urinary test, in this case, the level of estrogens is determined, and not luteinizing hormone.
    • Temperature test. Based on body temperature measurement. Such a test must be held under the arm. With a maximum increase in temperature, which indicates the onset of ovulation, the device gives a signal to action.

    Also, ovulatory tests are divided into two groups:

    • single use;
    • repeated application.

    With an irregular menstrual cycle, it would be more correct to use multiple tests, since the number of diagnostics performed in this case is much higher. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered in each case.

    Favorable time for testing

    When to do an ovulation test depends on whether your menstrual cycle is regular. The countdown starts from the first "critical" day. And then it all depends on the individual characteristics of your body.

    With a standard regular cycle of 28 days, the test is applied on day 11. If your cycle lasts more than 28 days, the study begins 17 days before the start of the expected period.

    It is most difficult to determine ovulation with an irregular cycle. In this case, the shortest interval between periods for the last six months or a year is taken as a basis. An ovulation test should be started 17 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation.

    Often women are interested in what time of day to take measurements.

    The ideal time for the diagnosis is from 10-00 to 20-00. It is not recommended to transfer the study to the night. You can choose when it is best to do the diagnosis - in the morning, afternoon or evening. Before the study, it is necessary to exclude the use of liquid for two to three hours in order to avoid distorting the results.

    If you determine exactly which day after your period to test, you will not have to repeat the procedure more than five times. Therefore, make the calculation as carefully as possible so that you do not have to spend extra time and money.

    Instructions for use

    To learn how to use the ovulation test correctly, you need to read the instructions that come with each specific test. Since the assortment is quite diverse, we will focus on the most common cases. However, the description of the method of use does not cancel the reading of the instructions, but is provided for informational purposes only.

    1. 1. Disposable urine test strip.

    The simplest, similar in use to a pregnancy test. It is a strip of paper, on the tip of which a substance is applied that reacts to the luteinizing hormone in the urine. Can be inkjet or immersible. In the first case, the strip is placed under the stream of urine for 20-30 seconds; in the second, the test is lowered for 5-7 seconds into the urine collected in a container.

    When ovulation occurs, two bright stripes appear on the strip, if there is no ovulation, one control strip appears. The advantage of the test is its relative cheapness, the disadvantage is that such a test is less accurate than other varieties.

    1. 2. Reusable "cassette" or "tablet".

    The test consists of a rectangular plastic container with two control windows. The collection of the test liquid must be done in the first window, and in the second the results are displayed on the screen. The waiting time is about five minutes, and the effectiveness of such a test is much higher than that of test strips. Its sensitivity is 30 mIU/ml. The disadvantage is the high cost, but such a test is recommended for women with irregular cycles.

    1. 3. Electronic test.

    Both urine and saliva can be used as the test material here. The device consists of a control module and sticks that are inserted into it. After the signal "Ready for use" appears on the display, the absorbent, which is on a stick, is placed end down under the stream of urine for 10 seconds or immersed in a container with collected urine for 15 seconds. After approximately three minutes, the result will appear on the screen, which will disappear after 8 minutes.

    1. 4. Test microscope.

    It is based on the ability of saliva to crystallize in the form of fern leaves during ovulation. This phenomenon was discovered by Andreoli della Porta from Italy in the middle of the last century. The scientist found that with an increase in progesterone and estrogen, which is characteristic of ovulation, potassium and sodium accumulate in the female body, which affect the composition and density of saliva. With a high content of these elements, it has the ability to crystallize.

    Instructions for use are simple: drop a drop of saliva onto a glass slide and wait for it to dry. Typically, the waiting time is up to 20 minutes, which is much longer than with other methods. After drying, they begin to examine the crystallized residue. If saturated colors appear in patterns similar to fern leaves, then ovulation is already close. Before its onset remains from two to four days.

    The term of use of the device is 3-4 years. At the same time, it can be used to determine both suitable days for conception and safe days on which fertilization is impossible. The disadvantage of the method is its high cost, as well as different visual perception of an individual. At the same time, reusability and versatility of use, as well as ease of maintenance, attract their supporters to this method.

    Once you decide on the variety, doing an ovulation test will be very simple.


    If you, after conducting the test, waited for a positive result, then ovulation will occur in about a day. It is at this time that it is necessary to plan conception. Remember that spermatozoa are active for another three days, so it is not worth repeating sexual intercourse many times just for fertilization. Especially with frequent ejaculation, each time in the male sperm, less and less active tailed "tadpoles" are found.

    For the maximum chance of conception, provide yourself with a pleasant atmosphere. These days, try not to be nervous, so as not to reduce the likelihood of conception. And most importantly - do not be discouraged if you did not get pregnant this time. Believe that next time everything will work out.

    Sometimes diagnosing at the right time, a woman cannot wait for a positive result. What is the reason? It may be as follows:

    • Incorrect calculation of the menstrual cycle.
    • Delayed ovulation.
    • Low concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine.

    With an incorrect calculation, most likely, the test may simply come at the wrong time, but the delay is almost impossible to predict. In this case, you can either postpone the tests until the next cycle, or continue testing until the onset of ovulation.

    A low concentration of LH in the urine may be due to heavy drinking or frequent emptying of the bladder. Before the diagnosis, it is recommended not to urinate for four hours.

    Remember that any, even the simplest test, is capable of showing ovulation. Although some are more sensitive than others, at peak concentration they will give the same results. Therefore, you should not buy a large number of tests from different manufacturers in the hope of seeing the coveted result.

    False positive result

    False positive results are not very common. There are usually good reasons for this:

    • the presence of cysts on the ovaries. In this case, the hormones are "naughty", so the result will be obviously false. To exclude pathology, it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination of the ovaries;
    • treatment with hCG injections;
    • kidney disease;
    • a sudden change in nutrition, for example, switching to a diet;
    • recent withdrawal of oral contraceptives;
    • pregnancy. Immediately after fertilization, when the pregnancy test is still negative, an ovulation test may show a positive result.

    If you don't know the reason for the false positive, see your doctor. It may be necessary to do an additional examination to find out the reasons.

    Before taking an ovulation test, please read these general guidelines for best results:

    • Be sure to check the expiration date before purchasing the test. In case of delay, the results can be both false positive and false negative;
    • even if you theoretically know how to use the test, still re-read the instructions. Perhaps this test is different in use from the one described above;
    • Do not break the tightness of the packaging until the start of use. If liquid gets on the reagent, the test will be damaged;
    • if necessary, prepare a clean container and a timer in advance;
    • do not use morning urine for diagnosis, as after night it becomes more concentrated, which can cause a false positive result;
    • When taking hormonal drugs, consult your doctor. Some hormones may affect the result;
    • as a rule, ovulation occurs a day after determining the peak level of luteinizing hormone, and fertilization of the egg occurs no earlier than 6-12 hours after its release from the ovary. Since spermatozoa remain active throughout the day, conception is possible at the maximum level of LH. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this method as a means of protection.

    Price policy

    The range of prices for ovulatory tests is quite wide:

    • the cheapest are regular urine test strips. Their price ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles. The package usually contains 6 strips;
    • reusable "cassette" tests are more expensive - from 1000 rubles and more. Their advantage is multiple use, but you have to buy additional "cassettes";
    • salivary test microscope will cost much more - from 2500 rubles. However, it is worth noting that when using it, you do not need to buy anything, and you can use it for 3-4 years.

    Despite the range of prices, diagnostics will cost a lot. Under the condition of long-term tracking of ovulation, it will be more profitable to purchase a salivary test microscope. But remember that in the case of caries, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the results may be false.

    If your attempts to get pregnant are taking a long time, you should not spend money on tests. Contact your gynecologist for an examination. Sometimes conception does not occur due to a banal thrush or other genitourinary infection. Also, the doctor will tell you at what time of the day it is better to do an ovulation test, which method to choose, and calculate from what day to start doing the diagnosis. Despite the abundance of information on the Internet (which often contradicts each other), this will not replace a consultation with a specialized specialist.

A positive ovulation test is a signal to start active pregnancy planning. You can determine the favorable period in various ways. The method is selected individually, suitable for each individual patient. For conception, it is important to timely establish the release of a mature egg. Only during this period can pregnancy occur.

Ovulation is characterized by the release of an egg from a dominant follicle. The life cycle of the germ cell is one day. Cell maturation occurs by the middle of the menstrual cycle. Most women ovulate in the middle of their cycle. But it is not always the case.

Each ovary contains a certain number of cells. Under the influence of various hormones, one of the cells matures and prepares for the upcoming fertilization.

After the end of the next menstruation, the content of estrogen in the body increases. This hormone affects the functioning of the pituitary gland. The part of the brain is involved in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone. This substance contributes to the formation of neoplasms on the surface of the ovary. Also, under the influence of FSH, the cavity of the follicle is filled with fluid. An egg cell will mature and grow in it.

When the egg cell reaches the required size, luteinizing hormone enters the activity of the reproductive system. Two days before the rupture of the walls of the dominant follicle, the amount of luteinizing substance increases sharply. In this case, an increase in the volume of the follicular fluid is observed, which breaks the wall of the neoplasm and allows the egg to leave it.

After the rupture of the dominant, the egg enters the abdominal cavity. The contraction of the muscular frame helps the reproductive cell to move into the cavity of the fallopian tube. This time is 1-2 days. From these processes, we can conclude that ovulation occurs a day after the surge of luteinizing hormone.

It is for this reason that one should learn to determine the date of the onset of a favorable period. To this end, the following methods are proposed:

  • calculation according to the calendar of the menstrual cycle;
  • visiting ultrasound diagnostics;
  • observation of external manifestations;
  • building a graphic table;
  • use of ovulation tests.

The least popular among women is the calendar technique. This method is based on the duration of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The average duration of the progesterone phase is two weeks. With a constant cycle, 14 should be subtracted from the usual duration. The resulting number is considered the approximate date of ovulation. Since the rupture of the dominant does not always occur exactly at this time, it is necessary to subtract another 5. From this moment, the fertile stage begins. Many women believe that during this period you can quickly become pregnant. The hormonal background is not always stable. It is for this reason that the calendar technique may not lead to the desired result.

other methods

An accurate way to identify a favorable phase is to visit an ultrasound diagnostic. This technique consists in constant monitoring of the state of the ovaries and the growth of the dominant follicle. Examination is carried out by a doctor every other day. Such a survey allows you to detect ovulation on any day.

Not all girls have access to the listed methods. The reason may be an irregular cycle or lack of free time. In this situation, doctors advise monitoring changes in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Normally, every woman has cervical discharge. Under the influence of hormones, mucus is able to change its characteristics. After menstruation comes a dry period. At this time, the cervical canal is dry. Its walls are tightly compressed. With the advent of the follicle-stimulating substance, a slight opening occurs. At this time, the woman has a slight liquid discharge. Gradually, their volume increases. Mucus becomes transparent and viscous. Cervical secretions acquire this property with an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone.

In the absence of active secretion of the glands of the cervical canal, it is necessary to monitor other changes occurring in the body. Some girls notice pulling pains in the area of ​​the active ovary. These sensations arise due to the rupture of the follicle. In this case, planning is recommended to start from the moment the pain occurs.

In some women, a few days before ovulation, the breasts increase and swell. Edema occurs due to the active activity of prolactin. The hormone helps the mammary glands prepare for possible lactation. An increase in prolactin is observed two days before the fertile day. Planning can start on that day.

What else do you need to know

The lack of noticeable changes in the body makes it difficult to detect ovulation. Such patients need to use a different method. The exact answer allows you to get the construction of a graphical table of basal temperature indicators. This method must be carried out independently. Every day, the girl needs to measure the temperature in the rectum. The obtained data are entered into a table. Studying the schedule allows you to accurately determine whether there was an ovulation in this cycle.

The proposed method requires the patient to comply with a number of rules. The measurement is taken immediately after sleep at the same time. It is impossible to change position and actively move. You should also schedule alcohol intake or violation of requirements. If there are difficulties in studying the graph, you can show it to a specialist. The gynecologist will explain how the stages of the cycle are determined and ovulation is detected.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the last proposed method. It involves the use of special ovulation tests.

Varieties of test strips

You can determine ovulation at home using tests. You can buy them at your nearest pharmacy. When buying, women are offered various tests. Modern pharmacies can offer the following options:

The first type has the lowest cost. This test is produced by various pharmaceutical companies. The strip has two study zones. The first area is treated with a substance that stains upon contact with the urinary fluid. It has a bright color all the time. The second zone reacts only to the hormone that causes the rupture of the follicle. The growth of luteinizing hormone affects the intensity of staining of the zone. A positive test is the receipt of equally colored zones.

The modern instrument is the microscope. It is small in size and fits easily in a handbag. To study, salivary fluid is needed. A small amount of saliva is applied to the test glass. An image appears in the microscope. Ovulation is characterized by getting a picture that does not look like a clover leaf.

Plastic cassettes are more convenient to use. The package contains a special pipette for urine collection and a cassette. The principle of operation of the cassette is the same as that of a conventional paper test. But the box stays dry.

The jet attachment can be used anywhere. The liquid is taken in with a special material, which is closed with a protective cap. This test is placed under the stream of urine. Additional devices for testing are not used. But the price of such tests is high. They are not available to all women.

Some pharmacies have electronic tests. They are designed to be reusable. A smiley appears in the field under study. If the result is positive, a smiling image appears on the screen.

Testing Rules

An ovulation test must be carried out according to certain rules. Many girls mistakenly conduct research in the morning. This condition is necessary for a pregnancy test. Ovulation devices give accurate results at a later time. Use the test after 10 hours. During this period, the concentration of the luteinizing substance is maximum.

A few hours before using the test, you should not drink a lot of liquid. The last fluid intake should be 4 hours before. This will help increase the concentration of the hormone.

Also, the test results are affected by alcohol consumption and the failure of the daily cycle. With the abuse of alcohol, the walls of blood vessels narrow. For this reason, the concentration of LH decreases. The result will be invalid.

It is necessary to use the test according to all the rules prescribed in the instructions. It is necessary to evaluate the received answer no later than 10 minutes after use. If the study is carried out later, the data obtained should not be taken into account.

Urine should be collected just before use. Previously collected fluid is not suitable for testing.

The start of testing should take place on the second day after the end of menstruation. It is necessary to carry out the control daily at the same time. If the same strips appear, a control study should be carried out after 6 hours. This will allow you to get a reliable result. After such an answer, it is necessary to start active planning. Fertilization can occur in the next three days.

Examining the result

Most women get cheap paper strips for testing. They also allow you to get the desired result. A positive test for ovulation is considered to be uniform staining of both zones. If the field under study has a less intense color, such a test is considered negative. In some cases, there is no staining on the strip. This result can be obtained with a manufacturing defect or damage to the reagent.

Receiving a positive test should be accompanied by active actions. It is recommended to have sex within two days. Further sexual intercourse will not lead to fertilization.

Reasons for a negative or false answer

Some patients do not receive a positive test during the entire cycle. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • misuse of the test.

With all these pathologies, ovulation becomes impossible. The woman needs medical examination and treatment.

But there is another problem. The ovulation test was positive. Sexual contacts were on favorable days. And the pregnancy didn't come. In this situation, the reason is to obtain a false positive result.

A false positive response can be obtained for the following reasons:

  • stimulating treatment;
  • taking various hormonal drugs;
  • manufacturing defect.

Ovarian stimulation is required to produce ovulation or multiple eggs. For stimulation, drugs containing chorionic gonadotropin are prescribed. This hormone enhances the maturation of follicles. Chorionic gonadotropin is similar to a luteinizing substance. These hormones are classified as gonadotropins. For this reason, a woman may receive a false positive response.

Concomitant treatment may also affect the test result. Mistakes often occur in the treatment of diabetes. Medicines for its treatment contain hormonal substances. They promote the growth of follicle-stimulating hormone. It also belongs to gonadotropins. The test may respond positively to FSH in the absence of an increase in LH.

A common cause is a manufacturing defect. In this case, a large amount of reagent is applied to the area under study. The control reagent is rarely applied. In this case, even a small amount of luteinizing substance is accompanied by a positive response.

When to start planning

For pregnancy to occur, an egg must be present in the fallopian tube and sperm must be present in the uterine cavity. After sexual intercourse, spermatozoa are able to maintain their activity for three days. In a rare case, sperm live in the female body for 5 days. The egg is only capable of fertilization for one day. A positive test indicates a ruptured follicle. The egg will enter the tube only after 1-2 days.

From these data it follows that fertilization can occur only a day after a positive test. To increase the chances of conception, a sufficient concentration of healthy motile spermatozoa is necessary. In order for sperm to accumulate in the uterus, sexual intercourse must be performed within three days of a positive response. This method of planning will help you quickly get the desired result.

When planning a pregnancy, a couple can face many problems. To speed up the process, you need to track the date of ovulation. For this purpose, tests are used. According to them, a woman can accurately determine the date of growth of the luteinizing substance. If conception has not occurred within three cycles with fertility tracking, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of infertility and select the appropriate treatment.

An ovulation test is a special device that helps determine the time when a mature egg leaves the follicle. They appeared on the pharmaceutical market not so long ago, so not many people know about them. Thanks to the ovulation test, you can calculate the ideal time for conception, which is very important for women who suffer from infertility.

During each monthly cycle, one egg matures. In some cases there may be two or more. As it matures, the cells of the follicle produce female sex hormones - estrogens. The larger the follicle reaches, the faster the increase in the amount of estrogen in the blood.

Once estrogen levels are high enough for ovulation, the body releases LH. About 2 days later, the follicle ruptures and an egg is released from it. This is ovulation.

A mature reproductive cell comes out into the abdominal cavity, but soon it goes into the fallopian tube. There it must merge with the sperm. The life span of an egg after ovulation is 24 hours.

If conception occurs at this time, the resulting zygote, after 3-4 days, reaches the uterine cavity and implants there, and if not, the egg will die in the fallopian tube, and then leave the body along with menstrual flow.

The period for which the follicle matures is different for everyone. Even for one woman in different cycles, it can be different. That is why it is quite difficult to calculate the exact date of ovulation.


The date of testing will directly depend on the duration of the monthly cycle. In medicine, the first day of menstruation is called the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Most women have a cycle length of 28 days. In this case, it is recommended to start testing from day 11. It will be possible to complete the event if the ovulation test showed two strips.

The calculation of the date, in fact, is very simple: 17 must be subtracted from the number of days of the cycle. If the cycle is stable, but its duration exceeds 28 days, the first procedure should be started 17 days before the start of the expected menstruation. For example, in the case of a cycle of 34 days, this will be the 17th day.

Often women are interested in what day to do an ovulation test? With an irregular cycle, as the initial figure, you need to take the shortest cycle that was during the last 6 months of the woman, and then subtract 17 from this number.

If a woman has one cycle lasts for months, then it would be better for her to think about a medical examination. Using ovulation tests in this case can be an unjustified expensive pleasure. At the same time, a woman runs the risk of missing that very moment X. This category of patients should be given preference for ovulation control using ultrasound.

It is worth noting that sometimes even in healthy women, the date of ovulation with a regular cycle can change. This explains the fact that some women conceive on safe days. Lack of sleep, stress, strict diets, climate change, etc. can negatively affect ovulation.


At the moment, there is a huge selection of pregnancy tests, so every woman will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself.

For urine

These devices record the chemical changes that occur in the urine during ovulation.

In turn, they are divided into the following varieties:

  • strip tests;
  • jet tests;
  • electronic tests.

In order to conduct the study correctly and be able to decipher the results obtained, it does not hurt for a woman to get acquainted with the information about how the ovulation test works.

An ovulation test is a strip of carrier material, which is impregnated in one of the sections with a special substance that can react with LH. Moreover, it reacts only after the hormone reaches a high level.

LH is always present in a woman's body, but only before ovulation it becomes a lot. Moreover, an increase in the amount of the hormone is noted not only in the blood, but also in the urine. It is this hormonal surge that fixes the device.

The advantages of these tests include accurate results and a relatively low price.

Mode of application

The method of applying the test will directly depend on its type.

So, if this is a strip test, the action plan should be like this:

  • the test is dipped into the urine to a special mark and held in this position for 15-20 seconds;
  • the test is taken out and placed on a dry, flat surface;
  • the device is held for 5 minutes;
  • the result is evaluated.

In this case, the woman should evaluate how similar the shade of the second strip is to the shade of the control strip.

It is very important that such a test be used immediately after opening. If the device has been in contact with air for a long time, it will become unusable and may give a false result.

The urine that was used for testing can not be poured out immediately after it is over. With it, you can immediately repeat the study again. These steps will help ensure that the test is not defective.

As for inkjet tests, they are a modern option. They are more convenient to use. For testing in this case, you do not need to look for a clean container and collect urine in it.

After unpacking the strip, a woman can immediately substitute it under the stream of urine, and then wait a few seconds or minutes and evaluate the result.

When conducting testing, you need to follow some rules that will help to avoid false results.

Among the main ones are the following:

  1. You need to collect urine during the daytime. The fact is that morning fluid can be too concentrated and show ovulation, even if it is absent. With evening urine, things are exactly the opposite.
  2. You need to conduct research daily, at about the same time.
  3. Refuse to use drugs that have a diuretic effect.
  4. Do not empty your bladder for approximately 3-4 hours before the procedure.
  5. Collect urine (if required) in a clean, sterile container.

These rules apply to absolutely all types of tests, even if nothing is said about this in the instructions.


After the study, a woman can get the following results:

  • The appearance of a weak second strip.

This suggests that the concentration of LH begins to gradually increase. Most likely, with subsequent tests, the strip will become brighter. If after some time the strip became brighter, but at the same time it is still paler than the control one, it means that the woman needs to repeat the test after a few hours. Thus, she will not miss the right moment.

  • The second band became brighter than the control.

This indicates a significant increase in LH. In this case, the egg has either already left the follicle, or will leave it in the next 10-12 hours.

  • The band does not change in any way or is completely absent.

This phenomenon may occur if the test is corrupted. This happens when the package is depressurized, if the device was stored incorrectly or it has expired. A similar phenomenon can occur if a woman used the device incorrectly or it itself was defective from the beginning. Unfortunately, even the most expensive tests from well-known manufacturers can be defective. Nobody is immune from this.

To make it easier to decipher the results, you can see a photo of the ovulation test of other women on the Internet.

It is important to note that the device can give a false result if a non-standard LH content is observed in the woman's body (for example, with hormonal disorders). For this reason, experts recommend that patients, before using ovulation tests, first examine their hormonal background in a medical institution.

If a woman with a hormonal imbalance does a test, she will have a positive ovulation test after ovulation.

A woman can get a false result if conception has already occurred. This is due to the fact that the principle of operation of an ovulation test and a pregnancy test are similar. However, the first contains a substance that reacts to LH, and the second to hCG. These hormones are different, but their structure is quite similar, so a home test can easily confuse them.

In addition, ovulation tests are much more sensitive than hCG tests, so they can diagnose "interesting position" even before a missed period. At the same time, if a woman is ovulating, a pregnancy test will not show this, which is due to its lower sensitivity. According to some women, in the early stages of pregnancy, the ovulation test shows very bright stripes.

An ovulation test kit usually comes with several strips. In addition to them, some manufacturers also put pregnancy tests and sterile containers for collecting urine in the package.


If a woman does not want to independently decipher the results, then she can use a digital test to determine ovulation. After it, she will not need to check the strips, evaluate the degree of their brightness, etc. On electronic tests, the result is clearly indicated on the screen.

Source: baby.ru

The most popular digital test at the moment is Clearblue digital. In this case, the kit contains a special electronic device and 7 strips for it.

Testing with Clearblue digital should be done in the following order:

  1. One of the strips opens up.
  2. The cap is removed from the device.
  3. The strip is inserted into a special holder. In this case, the arrow on it should match the one similar to it on the device.
  4. View display. It should show "Test Ready". If the strip is set incorrectly, this inscription will not appear. In the latter case, the situation should be corrected.
  5. Substitute the device under a stream of urine for 5-7 seconds or dip it into a container with biological fluid for 15 seconds. During the study, it is very important to ensure that urine does not get on the electronic device.
  6. Place the test on a dry horizontal surface. It is not necessary to remove the strips from it. After about 20 seconds, the display of the device will show the inscription “test ready”. This will indicate that the procedure was performed correctly. If this does not happen, the strip should be removed and replaced with a new one, and then re-conduct the study.

With a correctly performed procedure, it will be possible to evaluate the result in 3 minutes. Usually, all this information contains instructions for an ovulation test.

In this case, one of the results will appear on the screen:

  1. "No LH release." This means that the release of the egg from the follicle is not expected in the near future, and the woman will need to repeat the test in the following days.
  2. Empty circle. In this case, there is an increase in LH, but it is not as large as during ovulation. In this case, a woman needs to continue to periodically conduct research so as not to miss the right moment.
  3. Smiley. It indicates the maximum content of LH in the blood. It appears when the egg is about to leave the follicle or, in recent times, has just left it.

The disadvantages of such tests include their price. It is much higher than that of inkjet tests or strip strips. After all the strips are over, the woman will need to buy the whole set again, while it would be much more convenient to purchase only the strips separately.

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose what you really need from a wide range. To simplify this task, a woman can look on the Internet for an ovulation test reviews. Or find the right fit through trial and error.


Today, a woman can purchase a special device that analyzes saliva.

It can be electronic or look like a microscope. However, regardless of the subspecies of the test, they have one principle of action - they analyze the salts that are present in saliva. As you know, during ovulation, a woman’s saliva under magnification forms a pattern that resembles a fern leaf in appearance.

It is worth noting that, despite this, there are still some differences between the tests. Using a microscope, a woman will independently examine and evaluate the drawing, while an electronic ovulation test will simply display the result on the screen.

The advantages of such tests include their high efficiency. They are reusable and as a result can be used for several years. Unfortunately, these devices are quite expensive. This is perhaps their only drawback.

Preference should be given to reusable devices for women whose menstrual cycle is not regular. In this case, the woman does not have to go to the pharmacy every time, look for a test and spend money on it. A reusable device will always be at hand. Most of these devices are small (no bigger than a powder box), so you can always carry them with you. For analysis, a woman does not have to look for a toilet. You can even take the test in a public place.

Conducting research in this case is very simple. To do this, put a smear of saliva on the glass, then insert the latter into a microscope and look at the picture under multiple magnification. If a woman has an electronic reusable ovulation test, a smear should be applied to a special window, and then evaluate the result on the display.

During the study, a woman can see the following types of drawings:

  1. Fern leaf, which is outlined by a dotted line. This usually happens in the first half of the monthly cycle. At this time, the egg only grows and develops.
  2. Transverse lines appear in the leaf image. This indicates a significant increase in estrogen in the blood. It is during this period that the follicle becomes mature.
  3. The fern leaf is clearly visible. This suggests that the egg has left the follicle and is already heading towards the uterus.

To get reliable ovulation test results, doctors recommend not eating 3-5 hours before the procedure. It would be ideal to take a smear immediately after waking up, even before hygiene measures in the oral cavity.

Thanks to reusable devices, a woman can not only understand that ovulation has occurred, but also follow the development of the germ cell. Moreover, by conducting tests constantly, a woman will gain experience, and in the future she will be able to predict the date of ovulation.


An ovulation test should be done in such situations:

  • if the spouses tried to conceive a baby for a year, but this did not bring results;
  • if the spouses plan to have children, but for some reason they cannot have an intimate relationship during the cycle (in this case, the test will help you choose the most appropriate moment);
  • if a woman is planning a pregnancy, but she has PCOS or endocrine disorders that negatively affect the regularity of the cycle.

As for the frequency of the procedure, it can be repeated at least indefinitely, if the budget allows it. Usually, patients who cannot become pregnant and are being treated for infertility are constantly doing tests and compulsively waiting for ovulation. In this case, it is better to let go of the situation and then the woman herself will be surprised when she sees 2 strips, only on a pregnancy test.


As such, there are no contraindications to the study, but there are situations when it makes no sense to do this. For example, if the patient is undergoing hormonal therapy or if she does not intend to become pregnant, but simply wants to avoid sex on "dangerous days". An ovulation test is not a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The test should also not be done by pregnant women. In this case, although it can show a positive result, it will not carry diagnostic value. The procedure is useless for women during menopause.


Many women do not understand if they received a positive ovulation test, when to conceive?

Two stripes on the test indicate that the egg is mature and after a few hours it will leave the follicle. At the same time, this cell lives for about a day. This means that you do not need to start conception immediately after receiving a positive result.

In this case, it is better to wait a few hours and wait for the moment when the egg comes out of the follicle. Ideally, this should happen 5-10 hours after the study. At the same time, it is also not necessary to delay sexual intercourse for the last hours of the life of the egg, because fertilization does not occur immediately after sexual contact, but only a few hours after that - when the sperm enter the fallopian tube.

Do not forget that an ovulation test can help determine the sex of the child. The fact is that if the egg is fertilized by a sperm that carries the X chromosome, then a girl will be conceived, and if Y - a boy. At the moment, it is already known that these spermatozoa are very different.

So, germ cells with the Y chromosome have a life expectancy of no more than 1-2 days, but at the same time they are very mobile. At the same time, spermatozoa with the X chromosome can live up to 5 days, but at the same time they move much more slowly.

This means that if unprotected intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation, the likelihood of conceiving a boy will be high. In this case, intimacy should be abandoned 4-5 days before ovulation. The penetration of the penis in this case should be deep.

If a couple wants to conceive a girl, then it is better for them to have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before the expected ovulation and refuse sex during ovulation itself and 2-3 days after it. For the conception of a girl, the penetration of the penis should not be deep.

Thus, we can summarize: if the ovulation test showed two stripes, when to conceive will depend on the desired sex of the child.

When to do a pregnancy test, women are interested. In most cases, pregnancy tests show that conception has occurred after 2-3 weeks. That is, to conduct a study, you need to wait for a delay in menstruation. If a woman does not want to wait so long, she can donate blood for hCG. In this case, pregnancy can be detected as early as 11 days after conception.

Conception does not always occur when the ovulation test is positive and sexual intercourse occurred at that time. There is no need to worry about this. The fact is that conception can be influenced by various factors that a person cannot always control. Normally, in healthy couples, conception occurs within a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraception.

If after the end of this period pregnancy does not occur, then it is time to sound the alarm. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a thorough medical examination of both partners. Based on its results, the specialist will prescribe (if necessary) the most appropriate treatment and thereby solve the problem.

Ovulation test is an effective assistant in . Many women who do not have problems conceiving are not even aware of the existence of these tests. But they are actively used by those who cannot get pregnant.

No second line may be overdue or a defective test.


A positive test is considered if the second line is the same in brightness, which is the first one. The egg has been released and can be fertilized.

A positive result lasts for 1-2 days.

Types of tests

Now pharmacies offer a large selection of tests - from the simplest and cheapest to expensive digital ones. In addition to the price, they differ in the percentage of accuracy..

Test strip (strip test)

This easiest and cheapest type of test. It does not have high accuracy. It is a paper strip with reagents. Usually there are 3-5 such strips in the package.

The strip is lowered into the container with urine for 30 seconds, then put on a horizontal surface for a few minutes and evaluate the result.

The second line may turn pink a few days before ovulation. You can reliably talk about the release of the egg when the color of both lines is the same.

Test tablet (test cassette)

Tablet considered more accurate but costs more.

It is a cassette with small windows.

Through the window you need to drip a couple of drops of urine, after a few minutes in another window the result will appear in the form of the same two or one stripes.

Inkjet test

It's a strip coated with a reagent. What distinguishes it from the strip test is that the inkjet is simply substituted under the stream of urine. After a few minutes, one or two lines appear on it. This type is considered the most reliable and reliable.

Reusable devices

This portable device with a set of test strips. The strip is placed in urine, then inserted into the device. The result is evaluated in a couple of minutes.


This device has the highest accuracy, zero error probability.

The device is presented in the form of a tube lipsticks with a built-in miniature microscope. It is not urine that is examined, but the saliva of a woman.

under the microscope you can see different patterns that appear at the time of ovulation. The instructions describe the meaning of each figure.

Important! The only disadvantage of the device is its high cost, however, it has no equal in accuracy.

When to start conception

All tests determine not ovulation itself, but a jump in LH, after which the egg will be released. This will happen within a few hours. Therefore, sexual intercourse should be, given this nuance.

Sexual contact is optimal after 6-8 hours after a positive result. The highest probability of fertilization remains for another day. It takes several hours for germ cells to overcome the distance between each other, being engaged in conception in the last hours of this day, you can simply not have time and the egg will die.

How to conceive a boy or girl

In males, the last pair of chromosomes has an X and a Y chromosome. If XX unites, then a girl will be born, if XY - a boy.

Y and X chromosomes have different mobility and life expectancy. X cells move slower but have more endurance. Y chromosomes are much "faster", but do not differ in survivability. They die within a couple of days.

Thus, if sexual contact occurred a few days before ovulation, sperm with X cells will wait for the egg, and there will be a girl. If the spermatozoa entered the woman's body on the day of ovulation, then the nimble Y cells will reach the goal faster, then there will be a boy.

To increase the chances of conceiving a boy, you must:

  • Avoid sex 5 days before ovulation.
  • Have sexual intercourse 5-8 hours after a positive result.
  • Choose positions with "deep" penetration to shorten the path of sperm.

If parents desire the birth of a daughter, they must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Have sexual intercourse no later than 1-2 days before the release of the egg.
  • Do not have intercourse after ovulation to give X sperm a chance to wait for their turn.
  • Choose positions with "shallow" penetration to increase the path for spermatozoa, in which Y cells "go out of the way."

How often can you test

Ovulation tests are absolutely harmless and can not cause any harm to a woman's health. Therefore, they can be carried out at least every day for a long time. Another thing is that on some days the study is absolutely useless.

Best Tests

To date, leading pharmaceutical companies produce many ovulation tests, varying in accuracy and price.

The most trusted are the following:

  • Frautest (Frautest) in the form of test strips. Suitable for those who have a regular cycle. The package contains 5 strips, which are placed in a container with urine and the result is evaluated. Price - 350 rubles. The same company produces a cassette test for irregular cycles. The package contains 7 cassettes. Part of the cassette is placed under the stream of urine and the readings are evaluated after a couple of minutes. The cost is 750 rubles.
  • Eviplan. This strip test brand has won the trust of women. There are 5 strips in the package, the use is similar to Frautest.
  • Clearblue. This is a digital test. It determines the two best days for conception with a probability of almost 100%. If ovulation is about to happen, a funny smiley appears in the test window. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  • Lady Q. Digital device for reusable use. Examines saliva. Comes with: microscope, drawings, glass, instructions. Price - 1900 rubles.

What does the number of stripes mean

Tests have a control strip with which to compare the second line. If the second strip is too pale, then the LH level is still too low, ovulation will not happen soon. Two bright lines mean an increase in the hormone to the maximum level, therefore, the egg will be released within a few hours. The complete absence of the second strip indicates that the test was spoiled.

Sometimes tests can give false results.. For example, positive - in the absence of ovulation and vice versa.

The fact is that the level of LH is influenced by other factors:

  • Depletion of the ovaries.
  • Postmenopause.
  • Impaired kidney function.
  • Lack of protein in the body (with a vegetarian type of diet).
  • Recent use of hormonal birth control.

In addition, the "redness" of the strip is provoked by other hormones, for example,. For this reason, a positive ovulation test occurs during pregnancy or after stimulating ovulation with hormones.

In some cases ovulation occurs but the test is negative. This happens when the instructions or rules for preparing for testing are not followed.

Ovulation tests - the greatest invention of mankind. They are completely safe, help to "catch" the moment of release of the egg with maximum accuracy, even with irregular menstruation. It is very helpful for women who have difficulty conceiving.

women can plan the time of sexual intercourse, in which the probability of fertilization is greatly increased. With the help of tests, following some recommendations, it is possible to plan the conception of a boy or girl.

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After all, there are special tests for this. However, not everyone knows how to do an ovulation test.

Today it is easy to determine, because there are special tests for this. However, not everyone knows how to do an ovulation test.

As you know, conception is impossible without ovulation, and therefore it is very important to know when it occurs. Each person must approach the issue of procreation responsibly. Pregnancy planning is a paramount and extremely important process. However, not in every case, conception occurs immediately, as soon as the family decides to have a child. Some couples have to wait a long time. Often this is due to health problems of one of the partners, but in some cases the cause is an incorrectly calculated time of ovulation.

If you do not know when exactly in the female body the egg will reach readiness and will wait for the sperm, you can try to conceive a child for a long time. In a month, or rather in one menstrual cycle, nature has allocated only a few days to get pregnant, so the favorable time should be determined in advance.

Every woman who is going to become a mother should know what ovulation is. This is a natural process for a healthy female body, without which it is impossible to conceive a baby. Ovulation occurs once a month, but the periodic absence of a mature egg in the menstrual cycle is not excluded. This can happen about twice a year. Rare is acceptable and is not considered a pathology. In young girls, this is almost impossible, but with age, women may experience a similar phenomenon.

At its core, ovulation is one of the stages of the menstrual cycle, during which the follicle develops, and after that the egg enters the fallopian tube for its further fertilization with male seminal fluid. The duration of ovulation directly depends on how long the mature egg will live. If during this time she is not fertilized, her death will occur. As a rule, this occurs 20-40 hours after the cell enters the fallopian tubes.

In nature, no one pays attention to such a process as ovulation. Everything happens by itself. However, for a modern woman, this process can play an important role in planning a pregnancy. A complex life rhythm, endless lack of time and catastrophic employment can lead to a malfunction in the functioning of the reproductive system. For this reason, the fair sex often has to rely on the biological clock and look for the most favorable periods for conception.

The best ways to diagnose

Given how responsible many couples are when planning a pregnancy, various methods have been created to determine ovulation. One of the most convenient and effective is the test.

In modern pharmacies, you can buy ovulation tests in various versions. They differ both in price and quality. The sensitivity of the tests may be different, but the principle of operation is practically the same. The action of pharmaceutical products for determining ovulation is based on the amount of luteinizing hormone, which is sometimes referred to simply as LH. In most cases, determining its level at home occurs when testing urine. The maximum concentration of LH in the urine of a woman is reached approximately one day before ovulation. The time from this moment is considered the most favorable for conception.

In addition to pharmacy products, folk methods are often used to determine ovulation. They are based on the length of the menstrual cycle, as well as changes in basal body temperature and other factors. For example, some of the fair sex are so sensitive that they are able to independently determine the period of ovulation. The maturation of the egg is accompanied by increased secretions, increased sexual desire and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

For a more accurate determination of the period of ovulation, you can contact the specialists. In this case, an ultrasound examination is performed. The disadvantage of this method for determining ovulation is that the ultrasound procedure is not cheap, and one session will not be enough. The exact results become known at about the second or third visit to the doctor.

Menstrual cycle

And yet, in our time, they are the most popular. They are very easy to use and give accurate results. It is important to know how to use the ovulation test correctly so as not to miss the favorable moment.

It is believed that ovulation should occur in the middle of the cycle, if the first day of critical days is taken as its beginning. Therefore, in order to determine when to do an ovulation test, you need to focus on the woman's menstrual cycle. If a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, then the maturation of the egg should occur on the 14th day. In this case, you can do an ovulation test for the first time on the 11-12th day.

If a woman with a menstrual cycle is all right, and it is stable, then there should be no problems. It will be much more difficult for those whose cycle is shifted to one side or the other.

Many experts recommend calculating the time for the rule of 17 days. In this case, exactly 17 days are taken from the menstrual cycle and the test is used at this time. In other words, if the cycle duration is 28 days, then it is better to start testing urine on day 11, that is, approximately 6-8 days after menstruation, and if, for example, the cycle lasts 32 days, then on day 15.

If the menstrual cycles have not been stable recently, it is worth choosing the shortest period for the last six months. Further, from the standard calculations, the day of the start of the use of tests is determined.

With a significant instability of the cycle, which is accompanied by a frequent delay in critical days, it is worth seeking help from a specialist. Here you can not do without additional control over ovulation. Otherwise, you can miss the most favorable period for conception.

Rules for using tests

It is not difficult for a woman to determine the period of ovulation at home. Modern pharmacy products are very easy to use, and any questions can be answered by the information in the attached instructions.

Qualitative tests can give very accurate results. Sometimes they are not inferior to ultrasound. However, in the case of the test, everything is much more convenient and profitable.

Sometimes a woman, for a greater guarantee, first goes for an ultrasound scan, and only after that she relies on the test results. The start of testing would be appropriate if the ultrasound showed that the size of the follicle is about 18 millimeters. From this moment, you can start using pharmacy products. With the right approach, a good result will be guaranteed.

The procedure for testing urine for LH at home is very simple. All questions that a woman may have are described in the instructions. To make the information more accurate, it is worth applying the tests at about the same time every day.

At what time of the day to conduct the test, the woman chooses herself, given her daily schedule. However, it is worth remembering that urine is required for testing. It is not recommended to go to the toilet 4 hours before this process. The accumulation of fluid in the body should occur naturally. You should not drink a lot of water during this period so that the test can accurately determine the amount of luteinizing hormone.

To carry out the procedure for determining ovulation in the body, it is necessary to collect a small amount of urine in a clean jar. Then a test strip is lowered into the liquid to the mark indicated on it.

Then the test must be moved to a clean, dry surface. A regular piece of paper will work just fine. Modern pharmacy tools for determining ovulation act very quickly. As a rule, the exact result can be seen after 15 seconds.

Nowadays, in pharmacies, you can purchase various means to determine the period of ovulation. The most common are tests in the form of strips and special devices. As for the latter, their use is somewhat different from the first option.

In this case, there is no need to use containers to collect urine, since the tip of the test can simply be placed under the stream. If this seems inconvenient, then the liquid can still be collected in a jar and lower the tip of the test there. In any case, keep the test in a downward direction. After about 20 seconds, the cap is put on the device. Test results can be seen in 2-3 minutes.

If there is only one strip on the test, then there is no ovulation yet, and the procedure is done again in a day. When two strips appear, the level of luteinizing hormone reaches the desired level, which indicates a favorable time for conception.

Getting results

If the use of the test was correct, then the result would be one of three options. A clear sign of ovulation is 2 clear and bright stripes on the test. In this case, the couple needs to act in the next 20-30 hours.

With a weakly pronounced second strip on the test, you still need to wait, because in this case we are not talking about ovulation in the coming days. You need to wait and try to repeat the test the next day.

Such options are not excluded when there is simply no second strip on the test. This is not a reason to think that ovulation did not occur. Here we are talking more about the unsuitability of the test, which must be replaced by another, better one.

Can there be mistakes

As a rule, ovulation tests give fairly accurate results, but errors are not ruled out here. For a number of reasons, pharmacy products for determining egg maturation can give incorrect results.

First of all, this applies to those women in whom the hormone is produced excessively intensively. In this case, even in the absence of ovulation, the test will show a positive result.

In some women, the body may produce too little luteinizing hormone, which again leads to incorrect test results. In this case, even with an egg ready for fertilization, the test will be negative.

Also, taking certain medications can also affect the test results.

When buying a drug for determining ovulation in a pharmacy, it is necessary to pay attention to the tightness of the package and the expiration date of the test.

Women should remember that an ovulation test cannot show a positive result if the pregnancy has already occurred. In expectant mothers, LH is not produced in the body.

If pregnancy has already been determined before, but urine testing for ovulation gives a positive result, this is an extremely dangerous sign. In this case, there may be a frozen pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage. All this is very dangerous and requires consultation with a specialist. The doctor should prescribe an ultrasound examination and find out what is the reason for such test results.

Medical statistics says that about 40% of women on the planet are diagnosed with missed pregnancy. In most cases, everything ends with an arbitrary miscarriage, the cause of which is the cessation of fetal development.



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