Does the name love decline in cases? The history of the name and the correct spelling: how the name Love is inclined

“All the words have been sung about love for a long time ...” Whenever I meet a person named Love, I want to sing this song. But seriously, Love is a very beautiful name that sounds harmoniously with almost any patronymic - Viktorovna, Gennadievna, Anatolyevna, Sergeevna, etc. This name is continuously associated with a common noun - love, in the meaning of a wonderful feeling that makes your head spin and your heart wants to break out out.

Brief description of the name

I would like to draw attention to the fact that Lyubushka, as a proper name, is so ancient that since the time of the baptism of Rus' it has been derived from the Greek word for "love". Therefore, people confuse the correct pronunciation of the name of the woman Luba with the strongest feeling on the planet.

Since ancient times, certain characteristics have been attributed to names. It is believed that the name "endows" its owner with some character traits, strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, when you come across information about your name, you get the impression that a lot of what has been said coincides with the real thing in life. But, unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, the fate of a person does not always coincide with what was destined.

The girl Lyuba is often associated with a simple Russian beauty. who has a golden character, a kind heart and a pure soul. Lyuba is "attributed" with such characteristics as:

  • inspiration;
  • attraction;
  • passion;
  • determination;
  • categorical.

Girl name Luba can be compared with the great human feeling. However, on hearing this name sounds beautiful, but the bearer of this name is a little difficult. The difficulty, first of all, lies in the pronunciation of the name Love when declining in cases.

And now, a situation happens when a person himself is mistaken about what or whom he is talking about. As a result, he begins to remember the great and mighty Russian language in order to understand how the name Love is inclined and which case to use.

Declension Features

There are six cases in Russian - one direct (nominative) and five indirect. Changing the names of nouns by cases is carried out using a system of case endings (inflections).

  1. The nominative case answers the question - Who?
  2. Genitive - Whom?
  3. Dative - To whom?
  4. Accusative - Whom?
  5. Creative - By whom?
  6. Prepositional - About whom?

There is nothing complicated in the situation with the nominative case. We pronounce this name by addressing directly the mental question belonging to this case. And how to transform and express it in the genitive case?

We decline this name on the issue of the genitive form of the word and get: Love (Whom?). And from that moment on, we digest in our head the correctness of what was said. After all, it seems like something awkward sounds. This explains the complexity of the declension of the name Lyuba.

Guided by the rules of the Russian language, female names ending in a soft consonant do not lose the letter "o" when declining. This is the difference between proper nouns and nouns. Such names can be compared with such nouns as night, daughter, rye. After all, we are used to pronouncing these words correctly? Therefore, we do the same with female names of this kind.

Continuing to talk about the declension of a name with a soft consonant at the end, we use the dative case (To whom?). And in the accusative (Who?), this name will again sound like a noun.

Pronouncing the name in the instrumental case (By whom?), We do not lose the cherished letter “o” in the name and produce the form of the word - love.

Speaking about the prepositional case (About whom?), There is practically no confusion in the word formation of this name, since we have already sorted out the necessary rules and refreshed the laws of the Russian language in our memory. Now, it will become easier to deal with such incidents, and if we are talking about the girl Lyubushka, then do not forget to pronounce the letter “o”.

Examples of incorrect declension

Very often, instead of: “Give Lyubov Stepanovna what is expected in the office,” we hear the expression: “Give Lyubov Stepanovna” or similar phrases. However, we do not express ourselves in this way, for example: "Give Valentina Stepanovna what is expected in the office."

We do not speak like this because we are used to saying simple names correctly. The name of Luba is a simple and at the same time complex variant of names. Therefore, some female representatives may be offended by the “mangling” of the name Lyuba or any other name ending in a consonant soft letter.

Indeed, it becomes unpleasant if your name is pronounced incorrectly. Usually such incidents occur in adolescence, when we are all in school. But it is from school that the misunderstanding of the Russian language begins. And teachers are to blame for this, who at one time did not pay due attention to some issues. Now these children have grown up, many work in high positions, but they don’t know how to pronounce proper names and don’t want to learn.

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Declension of the female name Love by cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. Convenient search for declensions for words, more than 50098 words in our database. Watch the tutorial on how to decline words correctly.

It is important to know about the declension of words

The change of nouns in cases is characterized by a change in their endings, which are called case forms. In total, there are six cases in Russian, each of which has its own auxiliary question.

In order to determine the case of a noun, you need to try asking one of the auxiliary questions to it.

There are also indeclinable nouns, i.e. those that have the same form in all cases. Indeclinables include both common nouns (for example, "coffee" or "cocoa"), and proper names (for example, "Goethe").

As a rule, indeclinable nouns are words borrowed from foreign languages. They can belong to all three genera.

The declension of numerals does not have a single pattern, it is represented by several types:

  1. The numeral one is declined as an adjective in the singular: one - one (new - new).
  2. The numerals from five to ten and the numerals -twenty and -ten are inflected as 3-declension nouns. The numerals for -ten have two endings, since both parts change: fifty, fifty.
  3. The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half and one and a half hundred, changing in cases, have only two forms: the nominative and accusative cases - forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred; genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional cases - forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred.
  4. Numerals from two hundred to four hundred and from five hundred to nine hundred are declined according to a special type.
  5. Collective numerals are also inclined according to a special type. Numerals both, both have two different declensions.
  6. Simple ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives: first (new) - first (new). Complex ordinal numbers have only one ending. For compound ordinal numbers, only the last part changes.
  7. For fractional numbers, both parts change during declension.

Hello, I often use the word "Love" as a female name in documents. Please tell me how the name Love is inclined in cases. Best regards, Natalia.

In genus., date. and suggestion. cases - love, in creativity. case - love.

Question #289560

Hello, my surname is Root, I have many relatives with the same surname and everyone claims that our surname is not inclined, is it?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Male surname root bows, the female does not bow.

Male surnames ending in a consonant, whether soft or hard, are declined ( Brockhaus encyclopedia, Mickiewicz poetry, dictionary written by Dahl). Female surnames ending in a consonant are not declined (to Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok, memoirs of Nadezhda Mandelstam).

Question #285215

Good afternoon Help me to understand. My husband and I have a German surname Strukshtein. All my life no one bowed my last name. At work, there were difficulties with the chief accountant. I can't prove that my last name isn't inflected.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is such a rule: male surnames ending in a consonant, indifferently - soft or hard, are inclined (Brockhaus encyclopedia, Mickiewicz's poetry, dictionary written by Dalem); female surnames ending in a consonant are not declined (to Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok, memoirs of Nadezhda Mandelstam). Therefore, your surname is declined when referring to a man, and not declined when referring to a woman. For more information about the declension of surnames, see " Letterbook".

Question #278693
Hello! Tell me, please, if this is a name, then there is no Love or Love. Thank you in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: no Love.

Question #270693
Does the female surname Geran decline: Lyubov Geran or Lyubov Gerani ?????????????????????

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Female surnames ending in a consonant are not declined. Right: Love Geranium.

Question #267979
Please tell me, is it necessary to write the letter ё in such a surname as, for example, Chernysheva? (We are talking about the ballerina of the Diaghilev ballet Lyubov Chernysheva).

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, in this case the letter Yo desirable to write.

Question #264736
Please tell me!
Does the name Vera Mayorga Lyubov Alexandrovna decline? In the genitive case: Vera Mayorga or Vera Mayorga (not inflected)?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The surname Vera Mayorga should be declined. Genitive case: Vera Mayogra Lyubov Alexandrovna.

Question #263268
Is it spelled correctly: Lyubov Yaroslavna

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #260932
Proper name Lyubov Vladimirovna. How to say correctly: under the leadership of 1) Lyubov Vladimirovna 2) Lyubov Vladimirovna 3) Lyubov Vladimirovna

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: under the direction of Lyubov Vladimirovna.

Question #260518
Good evening! Tell me, please, which is correct: is Lyubov Andreevna not in the office or is Lyubov Andreevna not?
Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: Love.

Question #257711
Good afternoon Tell me, how correctly does the name Love sound in the dative case? Lyubov Sergeevna or Lyubov Sergeevna?
Thank you in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: Lyubov Sergeevna.

Good afternoon. Tell me, please, how to write the name Love in the genitive case? Love or Love?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

R form. n. name Love - love.

Question No. 249087
Hello, please tell me how to write:
For Lyubov Mikhailovna or for Lyubov Mikhailovna

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: for Lyubov Mikhailovna.

Question #248056
How to put the name Love in the genitive and dative cases?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct: Love, Love, Love.

    Very beautiful name Love associated with the most beautiful feeling in life. But inclining this name is not so easy in practice. I heard how a person’s tongue stutters slightly, just pronouncing the ending. In order not to fall into the mud with your face, incline the name Love as follows:

    Im.p - Love (who?),

    Rod.p. - Love (who?),

    Data p. - Love (to whom?),

    Win.p. - Love (of whom?),

    Tv.p. - Love (by whom?),

    Ex. - Love (about whom?).

    Personally, I myself sometimes find it difficult with this name

    Let's recall the rules of the Russian language when declining the name Love by cases:

    1. Nominative case - who? - Love
    2. Genitive case - whom? - love
    3. Dative case - to whom? - love
    4. Accusative case - whom? - Love
    5. Instrumental case - by whom? - love
    6. Prepositional case - about whom? - O love
  • The nominative case is Love.

    Genitive - Love.

    Dative - Love.

    Accusative - Love.

    Creative - Love.

    Prepositional - Love.

    It should be remembered that the word Love and female name Love decline in cases differently. If in the word love (feminine, 3rd declension) the letter o falls out during declension (love love love), then when the female name is declensed, the letter o does not fall out (Love - Love - Love).

    This is due to the fact that the names of personal names, toponyms, hydronyms are more conservative than common nouns. By the way, in ancient times, the word love did not fall out when declining about. And it was just like a woman's name: love - love - love. Compare: carrots - carrots - carrots. But in modern Russian it has already become the norm: love - love - love.

    Here is the final declension plate for the cases of the female name Love:

    Women's names that end in b (soft sign) are declined as follows:

    • Nominative case: Love
    • Genitive: Love-and
    • Dative: Love-and
    • Accusative: Love
    • Instrumental case: Love-yu
    • Prepositional: about love

    According to the same rule, names are inclined: Esther, Ninel, Aigul.

    The beautiful Russian name Love in Russian in different cases is inclined as follows: Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love.

    When pronouncing this name, you need to remember that the letter O should not be pulled out of it.

    Russian name Love declines in cases like this:

    • Nominative (who?): Love
    • Genitive (of whom?): Love
    • Dative (to whom?): Love
    • Accusative (of whom?): Love
    • Creative (by whom?): Love
    • Prepositional (about whom?): Love
  • The declension of the name Love looks like this:

    Them. p. - Love.

    Genus. p. - Love.

    Date p. - Love.

    Vin. p Love.

    Tv. p. - Love.

    Etc. p. - Love.

    The main mistake in declension is the rejection of the letter O - Love, but so wrong!

    Fine Russian the name Love is inclined like this: Love, Love, Love.

    Name Love differs from the noun love in that from it when declining the letter O will not fall out: Love - love.

    Nevertheless, this name reminds and itself speaks of the love that rules the world:

    Decline captivating, affectionate and gentle - probably the most feminine name Love need so

    • Nominative case (who smiles?) - Love
    • Genitive case (ask from whom?) - from Lyubov
    • Dative case (gift to whom?) - Love
    • Accusative case (who dreamed?) - Love
    • Instrumental case (only with whom?) - with Love
    • Prepositional case (I think only about whom?) - about Love.
  • Decline the name Love by cases, in this order:

    • in the nominative case it will be - Love;
    • in the genitive case it will be - Love;
    • in the dative case it will be - Love;
    • in the accusative case it will be - Love;
    • in the instrumental case it will be - Love;
    • in the prepositional case it will be - Love.

    So the name Love is correctly inclined in cases.

    I know how the name Love is inclined since childhood, because that is the name of my dear mother. The name, of course, is beautiful, but difficult for its bearers, because at one time it was very common, and the word love itself is very often on everyone's lips. Therefore, the soliton of the name is practically eaten.

    I.p. - Love

    R.p. - love

    D.p. - love

    V.p. - Love

    etc. - Love

    Meaning of the word Love everyone knows perfectly well, but not everyone can say with certainty how to use it in the genitive case. The high meaning of this word does not make it an exception to the rules according to which the spelling of nouns depends on their gender, number and case form. However, in literary texts and oral speech, along with the usual variant love meets another - love, and it doesn't feel like an error. What's the matter here?

    Noun Love refers to the III declension, the genitive case of which is formed from the basis of the initial form, that is, the nominative case of the singular, with the help of the ending - And:

    All these nouns retain the stem of the nominative singular, and it is logical to assume that the noun Love must also retain the stem of the initial form and be used in the genitive case in the form love. However, in modern Russian it loses the vowel [o] before the ending - And: love - love.

    Genitive form love is normative, commonly used and corresponds to orthographic rules of spelling.

    Along with the form love the art style preserves the form love, which is often found in literary works of the XIX century. As a rule, in modern language it is used as a means of artistic expression and a special speech technique that emphasizes the stylistic coloring of the text:

    You won’t get rid of your love at all ... (B. Okudzhava. Arbat)

    The same form has become normative for a proper name Love:

    At Lyubov Alexandrovna everything was ready for the arrival of the son.

    the site gives the following recommendations for using the forms of the noun love and love:

    1. The normative and common form is the genitive case love. In the shape of love the use of this word is allowed only in literary texts.
    2. Unlike a common noun, a proper noun Love in the genitive case has a normative form love.


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