Different locations of knee pain. Pain in the knee from the outside to the side - causes, methods of treatment Acute pain in the knee when bending from the side

The patella is a bony formation that has a rounded shape and, located in front of the knee, protects against damage to the joint tissue. Dislocation of the knee occurs due to injury, and therefore occurs more often in people who are actively involved in sports. In this state, the mobility of the injured leg is completely lost. and requires immediate medical attention. Acute pain on the back of the knee from the side is an obligatory symptom of the phenomenon, which also manifests itself in a visible change in the shape of the knee.


The reduction is performed by the surgeon using local anesthesia. Next, a plaster cast is applied to the area of ​​injury. It is left for a period of 1 to 1.5 months, depending on how strong the displacement of the patella has taken place.

After the injury, the knee hurts on the side for another 2 weeks, and at the beginning the pain can be intense. In this case, it is recommended to take painkillers.

2. Hemarthrosis of the knee joint

This pathology is a hemorrhage into the articular cavity, which occurs due to a rupture of the vessel that nourished the internal structures of the knee. Among all the joints, it is the knee that suffers from the disorder most often. This is due to the fact that serious loads are placed on it, so injuries to this area are always possible. Non-traumatic causes of pathology are conditions in which there is increased fragility of blood vessels and impaired blood clotting.


The development of hemorrhage in the joint cavity can occur for many reasons. The most common factors that cause hemarthrosis are as follows:

  • bruised knee, especially at the time of the fall;
  • torn ligaments or meniscus;
  • knee fracture;
  • surgical interventions in the knee joint - in this case, the phenomenon is considered the norm and a natural complication after surgery;
  • hemophilia.

Often the patient cannot always remember the trauma that led to the violation.. This phenomenon is observed if there was already a weakness of the vessel, and a slight impact was enough to rupture it.


The symptoms of a joint disorder increase as the volume of blood in its cavity increases. Pain under the knee on the side, localized from the inside, at first not strong. Gradually, it grows and becomes intensely expressed. Also, the disease is characterized by such manifestations:

  • joint swelling;
  • soreness of the knee on the inside when touching it;
  • swelling of tissues around the knee;
  • visible violation of the contour of the knee joint;
  • cyanosis (but not a bruise) of the skin in the area where the vessel ruptured;
  • severe weakness of the knee joint.
If symptoms of intra-articular hemorrhage occur, urgent medical attention should be sought. Without this, severe inflammation and degenerative changes will begin to develop in the joint.


Treatment of pathology is carried out mainly on an outpatient basis. Only with severe damage to the joint, when it is seriously damaged, hospitalization is necessary.

The main therapeutic actions for articular hemorrhage of the knee are:

  • puncture to remove accumulations of blood;
  • injection of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs into the joint cavity;
  • fixation of a sore leg with a special splint.

In the event that the patient has a bleeding disorder, the use of synthetic agents is required to stop bleeding. In patients with hemophilia, bleeding into the cavity of the knee joint is always treated in a hospital.

Often, pain on the inside of the knee joint on the side can persist for several weeks after the injury. This is a natural reaction of the body to the fact that the tissues of the joint bag were stretched by the accumulation of blood.

3. Hoff's disease

Goff's disease is a lesion of the fatty tissues of the knee, which are necessary for the softness of the movements of the joint. Against the background of pathology, the degeneration of this tissue develops, which causes problems during movement.


There are a number of reasons that can lead to knee problems, the main ones being listed below:

  • Traumatic knee injury. Due to injury, tissue edema occurs, which provokes pinching of fatty tissue. As a result, it becomes inflamed and the disease develops.
  • Excessive stress on the knee. If prolonged overloads of the knee joint occur, then due to regular, albeit not strong, compression of adipose tissue, inflammation develops against their background, which only worsens in the future.
  • Sharp hormonal changes during the climax. Due to hormonal changes, there is an increased growth of adipose tissue in the knee joint. For this reason, it begins to be infringed and a pathological change occurs.
  • Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system which develop degenerative processes in the joints.

In the absence of therapy, the replacement of adipose tissue with scar tissue and the transition of inflammation from an acute form to a chronic one occur. As a result, processes develop that lead to irreversible destruction of the knee joint.


The symptoms of the disease are quite specific, and therefore it is almost impossible to confuse the problem with another disease. The presence of changes in the fatty tissues of the knee is evidenced by the following manifestations of the disorder:

  • swelling of the lower part of the knee joint;
  • the inner side of the knee hurts from the side, and the pain increases significantly with active movement;
  • loss of the ability to fully extend the leg at the knee;
  • a decrease in the volume of the femoral quadriceps muscle;
  • severe instability in the knee;
  • persistent pain in the lower part of the knee joint.

When the knee is palpated, painful seals are determined from the sides of the patella and a slight crunch is heard.

As the disease progresses, the functioning of the diseased leg is also impaired. She loses the ability to bend and unbend, and in the future, the patient is completely deprived of the opportunity to use the affected limb.


With timely seeking medical help, it is possible to cope with the problem with the help of conservative methods of therapy. If the pathology is severe, then surgery is required.. General recommendations for individuals with Hoff's disease are as follows:

  • minimizing the load on the sore knee;
  • maintaining a normal body weight;
  • prevention of prolonged stay on the legs;
  • restoration of the hormonal background, for which women are prescribed phytoestrogens;
  • refusal to engage in active sports, which increase the risk of developing injuries;
  • regular visits to the doctor.

The earlier therapy is started, the higher the likelihood that the disease can be completely eliminated and the changes in the joint that have arisen against its background will pass.

4. Arthritis of the knee

Arthritis of the knee joint is a fairly common disease that occurs at any age and is caused by many reasons. Most often, people who lead an active lifestyle and often face knee injuries suffer.


Many factors can trigger the development of knee arthritis. The disease often develops against the background of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the joint. Without them, the problem appears due to a severe bruise, due to which intense tissue compression develops, which causes inflammation. The main causes of arthritis, in which the patient is forced to suffer from pain on the side of the inside of the knee, are:

  • closed knee injury, in which there was intense swelling; or open, infected, opening access to the joint to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases in the body that are not treated in a timely manner;
  • degenerative diseases of the joints, in which friction occurs incorrectly, due to which, due to constant tissue injury, inflammation occurs;
  • various systemic autoimmune diseases affecting the joints.

Most often, inflammation develops due to injury and further infection of the tissues around the joint, from which the causative agents of inflammation, with insufficient activity of the immune system, penetrate the knee.


Arthritis of the knee presents with a range of specific symptoms, including moderate to severe pain in the side of the knee on the inside. Several manifestations of the pathology indicate the presence of acute inflammation in the joint:

  • sharp temperature increase 3-4 days after the knee pain appeared. The heat is strong to critical levels. In such a situation, doctors note the presence of a threat of the transition of knee arthritis to general arthritis.
  • Swelling and redness of the affected knee. Touching the sore knee at this moment causes an acute attack of pain, which is similar to that which occurs in the tooth with pulpitis.
  • General intoxication. It develops at the same time as the temperature rises. In such a situation, the patient suffers from severe weakness and persistent muscle pain. If the inflammation has affected only one, for example, the right knee, then the victim walks, limping heavily. When it is observed in the left knee, affects both, then the pain does not allow the person to even move his legs.


Treatment of inflammation is carried out complex with the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. It also always includes:

  • course of intoxication of the body;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • massage;
  • physical therapy course.

In severe cases, surgical intervention is required. What kind of treatment is needed for a particular patient is determined by the attending physician. They also decide the possibility or impossibility of outpatient therapy.

5. Torn knee ligaments

Rupture of the ligaments of the knee joint is a common injury, which is the reason why the knee hurts on the side. It occurs at any age, especially often in people actively involved in sports, for example, after running. The detachment of the ligament from the attachment point can be complete or partial.. In the latter case, the injury is not very severe and is defined as a tear.


A gap is provoked by various types of movements that are performed with excessive force. A rupture can also occur with very severe inflammation in the knee. There are several ligaments in it, and damage to only one of them or several at once can occur. If the lateral ligament is damaged, it will hurt on the inside of the knee on the side when bending.


Symptoms of injury appear immediately after it is received. The victim first of all feels a sharp pain in the knee from the inside. Other signs of damage include:

  • audible crackling at the moment of injury;
  • sharp pain in the knee joint, which quickly shifts and is localized in a certain area corresponding to the site of the damaged ligament;
  • swelling of the injured area;
  • severe limited mobility of the knee or complete loss of its control;
  • inability to step on a sore leg;
  • excessive unnatural mobility of the patella during probing.

It is not allowed to ignore the rupture of ligaments. The disease requires mandatory treatment with the involvement of a doctor.


Causes of knee pain such as major injuries that require surgery are not common. Therefore, in most cases, the knee can recover on its own, however, under certain conditions. To treat a torn or torn ligament, the following is required:

  • fixation of the knee;
  • application of cold on a sore knee in the first 3 days after the rupture;
  • providing the sick knee with a position above the body;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy.

After the damage heals, it is necessary to conduct massage courses and physiotherapy exercises to restore the full functioning of the leg. At first, it is recommended to wear a special knee brace.

6. Broken knee

The damage is quite frequent, requiring medical intervention for treatment. Fracture is the most severe knee injury., which occurs most often in athletes and children. The causes of the problem are always a blow or a sharp pressure on the knee area.


The damage is acute. The patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • acute pain on the inside of the knee that develops at the time of injury and does not go away for a long time;
  • the formation of intense hematoma in the area of ​​the knee joint;
  • visible external change in the shape of the knee;
  • disturbed relief of the knee;
  • swelling of the knee, and with the most severe damage - of the lower leg.

If there is only a crack in the knee, then the patient complains for several hours after its occurrence only that aching pain is felt on the side of the knee from the inside.


If there is no mixing of bone fragments, then it is possible to do without surgical intervention. With a simple fracture of the diseased leg fixed in the correct position with a plaster cast or a special splint. In order to fully understand how the process of restoring damaged tissues is going on, an x-ray is taken to the patient in the middle of the recovery period.

Surgical intervention is required if it is necessary to combine bone fragments and fix them in the correct position with screws or plates made of a special medical metal. Such treatment significantly accelerates the period of tissue recovery and prevents the occurrence of most complications of injury.

7. Meniscus tear

The most common internal knee injury, in which pain appears on the side of the knee from the inside when walking. The phenomenon occurs not only in athletes, but also in persons who, due to their professional duties, are forced to overstrain their knee joints and overload them. Most of the patients are in the age group from 15 to 40 years.


Most often, damage occurs due to a direct blow to the knee. Less often, an injury can occur if you had to bend or unbend your leg too sharply. With prolonged overloads of the knee joints, there is a risk that the rupture will be provoked by a sharp turn of the leg.


When a problem occurs, pain on the inside of the knee occurs immediately and is particularly intense. In many patients it is unbearable. Other manifestations of trauma include:

  • swelling of the sore knee;
  • a pronounced decrease in the mobility of the affected knee;
  • crunch at the time of squatting and severe pain in the knee.

If the treatment of pain in the knee on the side of the inner side was not carried out in a timely manner, then the damage passes into an old form, which is accompanied by less intense symptoms. In this case, it will hurt in the knee on the side when walking only with a prolonged load on the leg.


If the doctor prescribes conservative treatment, then its main stages are physiotherapy. More often, surgery is used to remove the damaged meniscus.


If you experience pain in the side of the knee from the inside, medical intervention is always necessary. No serious injury or disease of the knee joint can be cured on its own.

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The patella joint is the most vulnerable place in the musculoskeletal system of the human body. Daily stress, sports training and walking cause traumatologists to resuscitate patients daily with complaints of pain on the inside of the knee.

Everything under attack

Statistics show that knee pain can be experienced not only by the elderly and athletes, but also by children. Aching pain of a pulling nature, an unpleasant crunch, annoying discomfort - these are the first signal symptoms, "lighting" that the help of a specialist is still needed.

To determine the focus of the disease, to identify the causes that contribute to the appearance of pain in the area of ​​the knee joint is not an easy task. The pain sensations on the side of the knee are very similar to the pain that occurs in diseases, both of a chronic nature (arthritis and arthrosis, inflammation of the tendons, rheumatism), and in injuries (for example, meniscus injury).

Knee pain: varieties

There are many causes of pain, but conditionally they can be divided into two groups:

  1. Injuries or complications
  2. Inflammation of the joint (pathology)

Knee joint: internal structure

In order to more accurately establish the cause of the pain, it is necessary to study in detail the structure of the knee joint from the outside and from the inside, and understand how this bone node is arranged.

The knee joint is an articulated structure consisting of the connection of two bones. The patella is attached to the front of the femur and tibia. The knee consists of two sides - external (lateral) and internal (medial). The articular capsule serves as protection for the connection of bones when walking. A special cartilage tissue that covers the bones reduces their friction. A so-called thickened platform (meniscus) is formed, which evenly distributes the load force on the knee and prevents the appearance of pain during friction. On both sides of the knee joint: external and internal, there are liquid bags that perform a lubricating function and have a softening effect on the friction of the tendons from the side. Such a "well-coordinated mechanism" provides easy sliding of the bones when walking.

Side knee pain: causes and symptoms

What causes knee pain on the inside? There are a number of injuries and inflammatory processes that are the “push”, the driving force for the appearance of pain in the knee from the side.

The main and primary pathologies and their symptoms

Ligament tear in the knee joint

  • The knee becomes swollen
  • Sharp pains appear even with the slightest movement of the leg
  • There is a "dangling" of the joint

Injury to the meniscus (occurs with a sharp turn of the torso with a fixed foot)

  • Strong pain
  • The leg is practically not straightened
  • Movement without assistance becomes impossible

Chronic luxation of the patella

  • The area of ​​the joint hurts constantly
  • Visible changes in the shape of the knee joint occur

Injury to the lateral ligament (occurs with a sharp deviation of the lower leg from the side)

  • Sharp pain on palpation
  • Sometimes the mobility of the limb is lost

Traumatic hemarthrosis (when bruised, bleeding occurs in the knee)

  • There is swelling of the knee
  • Possible local inflammation
  • Discomfort when moving

Inflammation of the tendons of the kneecap (tendinitis)

  • The epicenter of severe pain is the calyx on the outside or the front of the joint
  • Limited mobility with tendon rupture
  • When probing in the area of ​​the affected tendons, sharp pains

Synovitis (acute inflammatory process due to abnormal metabolic processes)

  • Severe unbearable pain
  • Possible cystic formations on the side
  • Joint enlargement in volume
  • Deformation of the articular contours

Baker's cyst (tumor disease of the joint from its inner side)

  • Pain inside the knee
  • Difficulty bending limb due to accumulation of fluid
  • Cystic formations
  • When the cyst bursts, suppuration is possible

Hoff's disease (the disease is difficult to diagnose, has symptoms similar to inflammation of the meniscus)

  • Pain inside the knee joint (due to the renewal of the fat layer)

Arthrosis (disease (pathology) of the knee joint - cartilage damage)

  • At the initial stage of the development of the disease, you can experience mild discomfort when walking up the stairs.
  • If treatment is not prescribed on time, severe pain, loud crunches, sharp clicks and numbness of the entire knee appear.


  • Increase in joint size
  • knee pain
  • If untreated - complete immobility of the limb

When to contact the doctor?

Several signal factors that are decisive for contacting a qualified specialist:

  • The pain experienced is permanent
  • Swelling, edema, swelling found on the side of the knee, behind or inside
  • Unable to lean on the leg
  • The knee deformity is visible to the naked eye
  • Redness in this area is noticeable, fever is present

Diagnosis, treatment, prevention

A correct and accurate diagnosis is the key to a successful recovery.


  • will conduct a thorough examination
  • perform test manipulations
  • prescribe X-ray, magnetic resonance or tomography
  • make a diagnosis
  • prescribe medications (antibiotics, analgesics)
  • prescribe procedures to restore the functioning of the limb (physiotherapy, a complex of special physical activity).

We hasten to help

Advice. To alleviate pain in the area of ​​​​the inner side of the knee and before contacting a specialist, try to give yourself first aid at home.

  • Keep your feet calm
  • Use a support when walking (stick, crutch, cane)
  • Apply a cold compress, limit limb flexion
  • Use anti-inflammatory ointments or pain medications

Who is at risk

There are factors - the primary sources of the appearance of pain in the knee

  • increased body weight
  • exhausting sports
  • hard labour
  • age
  • untreated injuries
  • low muscle flexibility

Uniform distribution of the load, developed muscle tone, proper metabolism are the main methods of prevention for the prevention of diseases of the knee joint.

The structure of the knee joint is anatomically complex. The vascular system, menisci, cartilage and other components are located close to each other, and the most experienced doctors will not immediately diagnose where exactly. People at different ages complain of pain in the knee from the side on the outside, but the symptom can be a sign of various injuries.

Let us consider in more detail what pathological phenomena cause pain symptoms, which are localized from the outer part of the joint.

To understand the causes of the pain effect in the knee, it is necessary to understand what parts the joint consists of.

It is important to know the functionality of each element in order to provide first aid to the injured person in time and correctly.

The knee organ is made up of three bones:

  • tibial;
  • femoral;
  • Patellar bone.

The bones of the knee joint are connected by hyaline cartilage. Inside the joint are capsule bags. Ligaments and tendons connect other elements of the knee and are responsible for its mobility. Inside there are natural arch supports - menisci. The entire knee is permeated with nerve endings and the vascular system.

The rounded shape of the knee is given by two tubular bones, in the middle of which there is a cup. The surface of the bone tissue of the joint is covered with condyles. The bony condyles on the femoral part look like a small hill. The condyles of the tibia are flat and form a small groove. The cup of the joint moves along the deepening from the condyles.

The epiphyses of the knee bones are covered with cartilage. They provide cushioning for falls and prevent one bone from rubbing against another when walking. Normal cartilage tissue should not exceed 6 mm in thickness.

Synovial bags are located in each knee joint. Their number varies with the age characteristics of the organism, but the total number is always at least five. The capsules are fixed between and under the tendons. On top of the bags with capsules are protected with tendons that completely hide them. Synovial bags with capsules protect the joints from damage. The liquid from the capsules lubricates the cartilage of the knee, and prevents the cartilage from being worn away when moving.

With the help of external ligaments, the knee is fixed on the right side. Internal ligaments prevent it from bending forward. During walking, the movements of the knee joint stabilize the menisci. These are cartilaginous formations that are located on the outer sides and inside the joint of the bones.

The popliteal nerve gives the joint sensation. It is located in the popliteal fossa. Further, the nerve is divided and passes along the back and side of the lower leg.

With any damage to the joint, the vessels can be injured. The largest veins are located under the knee. If the blood vessels are damaged, the nutrition of the foot and lower leg on the injured leg stops.

Ligament injury

A pain symptom from the outer part of the knee manifests itself after a severe bruise. Ligaments can be stretched and torn when injured. The most dangerous situation is when the damage caused the ligament to tear and the integrity of the meniscus to break.


After a severe bruise and injury to the joints, the victim has symptoms:

  • Hematoma and swelling of the joint on the injured side;
  • Acute pain effect, which increases during physical. loads;
  • The knee partially loses mobility, the person cannot fully bend the leg.

If the internal ligament is damaged, then the pain will increase when the limb is bent from its inner side. This is due to the location of the internal ligament.

Ligament sprain and rupture occurs both in active people and in a person far from sports. With hypodynamia, not only muscles, but also ligaments weaken.

Often the injury occurs in adolescence, if the young man is inactive.

With an increase in the load, in a physical education lesson, the ligaments are torn or stretched. Injury can also happen during a sharp jump or while running.

Diagnostics and therapy

In case of injury to the ligaments and the appearance of pain on the outside of the knee, rest and a cold compress are recommended. The injured leg must be immobilized, an ice pack should be applied to the diseased part of the knee. After providing first aid, you must consult a doctor.

The doctor will find out the mechanism of damage in the patient, study the anamnesis and send the victim for examination:

  1. Fluorographic photograph. Helps prevent knee fractures.
  2. ultrasound. Reveal stretching and rupture of ligament tissue.

When diagnosing a slight sprain, the patient is prescribed rest of the leg, a fixing bandage, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs: Nise, Ketons. Accelerate the healing of ointments: Troxevasin, Nise Gel. The patient is advised to wear an orthosis. If the examination reveals a rupture of the ligaments, then the patient will need surgical intervention.

The therapeutic effect is complemented by a rehabilitation course:

Ligaments that are not severely injured heal within 1–2 months; after a rupture, a long recovery period will be required.

meniscus injury

Damage to the meniscus is possible with a sharp movement of the foot or with a blow to the knee from the side. There are several types of meniscal injuries:

  • Tearing off;
  • Bias;
  • Tearing;
  • Squeezing.

The meniscus, which is located on the outer part of the joint, is most often damaged. The inner meniscus suffers less often, but if damaged, it can tear or tear off. Damage to the meniscus is a serious injury, but pain on the side of the knee can be confused with sprain and the patient does not always go to the doctor.


Already at the first, you should contact the specialists. The victim should be alerted by the following symptoms:

  • Sharp pain on the outside of the knee;
  • The zone of localization of damage becomes hotter than the rest of the body;
  • The limb swells and turns red;
  • When moving in the knee there is a click.

In the area where the menisci are located, the blood circulation is insufficient and without timely contact with specialists, the cartilage tissue will not be able to recover. If timely treatment is not started, the meniscus tissues change and subsequently the patient will need surgery. The tissues of the meniscus are reborn, cysts form in the joint, cracks appear. The meniscus loses its function as a natural shock absorber and over time, a person develops a pathology - arthrosis of the joints.

Diagnostics and therapy

Meniscal injury is diagnosed with the help of research:

  • x-ray in two projections;
  • MRI of the knee.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor chooses a treatment regimen. With minor damage without rupture, the patient is prescribed rest, anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets: Nimulid, Nise, Troxevasin. Chondroprotectors are effective in conservative treatment: Chondrogar, Mukartrin, Teraflex advance.

If, after research, a meniscus rupture is detected, then the patient is prescribed a meniscectomy. During the operation, the damaged part of the meniscus or the entire cartilage is removed. A pinched meniscus is treated with knee traction.

Inflammatory processes

Pain from the outer side of the knee joint can provoke tissue inflammation:

  • Synovitis - inflammation in the synovial tissues of the knee;
  • Bursitis is an inflammation inside the synovial sac of the knee.

With bursitis and synovitis, fluid accumulates in the tissue - exudate. At the initial stage of the development of inflammatory processes, there are no obvious signs of synovitis or bursitis. A person experiences aching pain from the outside or from the inside of the knee.

With bursitis, a swelling appears on the patient's knee, which can reach 10 cm in diameter.

Among the causes of the development of inflammatory pathologies, metabolic disorders in the human body and an allergic reaction are distinguished. If the disease is not diagnosed in time, then the person develops pathologies:

  • Hydroarthrosis or as the disease is also called dropsy of the knee - causes synovitis;
  • Purulent arthritis - causes untreated bursitis.

Diagnosis and treatment

To diagnose the inflammatory process, the patient undergoes research:

  • Joint puncture;
  • Exudate analysis.

Treatment of bursitis and synovitis is carried out by eliminating the cause of the inflammatory process. Initially, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. If the inflammation is accompanied by purulent discharge, then an antibiotic is injected into the cavity of the knee statute.

Drug therapy is supplemented by hardware procedures:

  • Shock-wave impact;

All inflammatory processes that occur in the knee joint and cause pain from the outside are called gonitamitis or arthritis. In arthritis, fluid accumulates inside the joint cavity. Arthritis develops as a pathological phenomenon, which was preceded by tonsillitis, venereal disease, tuberculosis.

Also, persecution occurs after an undercooked knee injury. Arthritis pain spreads throughout the knee, it is difficult to determine the specific localization from the outside or inside. Arthritis is often accompanied by a slight hyperthermia - up to 37.5 degrees.


If, when walking, the knee hurts from the outside and a crunch appears at the same time, then this sign indicates the erasure of the cartilaginous protective tissue. A person develops gonarthrosis. The depletion of cartilage tissue occurs without pronounced symptoms, and before the onset of pain, a person does not pay attention to the development of pathology. After the cartilage is depleted, the bones begin to deform. Gonarthrosis can develop at any age.

The risk group includes people with overweight and endocrine changes, the elderly.

Therapeutic impact

It is impossible to completely restore cartilage tissue. Your doctor will take steps to help slow the erasure process. Hyaluronic acid is used as an artificial joint lubricant, which is injected into the knee joint. The patient is prescribed chondroprotectors.

As a result, a patient with gonarthrosis will need surgical intervention.

It is no longer possible to completely restore the knee, and the person will have to take analgesics all his life.

Simple rules will help prevent the disease:

  1. You need to watch your weight;
  2. You can not eat heavily salted dishes;
  3. Once a day there are walks in the open air;

Other causes of pain symptom

Pain on the side of the knee is not always associated with changes in the joint. Among other reasons that can affect the manifestation of a pain symptom, there are:

  • Flat feet. With flat feet, there is an additional load on the leg while walking. Muscles and ligaments are always in tension. This causes pain in the knee. Treatment of flat feet, wearing special insoles and shoes will help eliminate the symptom.
  • Coxite. The inflammatory process in the hip part can provoke pain that radiates to the knee.
  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar. Pain in the lumbar region is transmitted along the nerve endings to the neural fibers, and the pain symptom manifests itself in other parts of the body, including the knee.
  • Varicose veins. Large blood vessels pass through the legs and with varicose veins, the walls of the vein expand, plaques form. With varicose veins, a person experiences pain in the legs.

Do not worry if the pain in the knee came and went without taking any action. But if a person has the following symptoms, then you should immediately contact a specialist:

  1. If the pain symptom does not go away, but only intensifies;
  2. If the symptom is exacerbated by walking, bending the leg, during physical activity;
  3. When the color of the skin on the limbs changes;
  4. When bleeding or hematoma occurs;
  5. With an increase in body temperature.

Only complex studies will help to establish the cause of the pain symptom in the knee. It is possible to eliminate the pain symptom only by eliminating the underlying disease. Analgesics and a relaxing massage will help temporarily relieve the pain symptom.

Pain in the knee area is a common phenomenon, familiar to both children and adolescents, and the older generation. The knee joint is forced to withstand the weight of the human body, and when playing sports and an active lifestyle - to experience increased loads. Pain in the joint is caused by various reasons, the clarification of which requires knowledge of its anatomical structure.

In the knee, large bones are connected by ligaments and tendons, placed in an articular bag with many vessels and nerves. Between them are interarticular cartilages - menisci, due to which the joint is able to move freely when flexed. Cartilage is lubricated with the help of joint fluid, which is in special sacs (bursae). This design has good shock-absorbing properties.

Pain classification

Pain that occurs in the knee for no apparent reason or periodically makes itself felt indicates certain problems, the diagnosis of which begins with determining the nature of the pain. In the presence of identical symptoms, the nature of the pain will help to find out the cause of the disease.

It hurts in the cup, under it and on top:

At rest

Tendinitis. It occurs when tendons are damaged, with prolonged heavy stress, injuries, infections, rheumatic diseases, allergies to certain drugs, and also due to certain anatomical features, weakened or improperly developed tendons, and posture disorders. It is characterized by persistent long-term pain, sometimes sudden, but more often increasing along with inflammation.

Meniscus injury. Its rupture is often difficult to diagnose and occurs both as a longitudinal lesion and from the inside to the outside. Sometimes the cartilage is torn off or crushed by the bones of the joint. The injury is accompanied by hemarthrosis and the inability to straighten the leg at the knee when flexing. If the rupture process occurs gradually, then there is a pulling pain and slight swelling. Often, hemarthrosis resolves within a week, and the person does not resort to medical help, but periodically repeated infringement causes deforming arthrosis, in which the removal of the meniscus is ineffective.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Expert opinion

Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

Neurologist - City Pokrovskaya Hospital. Education: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after A.I. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

If an injury is suspected or an appeal to a traumatologist, an x-ray of the knee joint is mandatory, since this type of injury is often associated with intra-articular fractures.

In move

Bursitis. Occurs with inflammation of the articular bag and manifests itself in swelling and redness of the knee, sensitivity and pain above the knee, limited flexion. The chronic form of the disease is dangerous due to the occurrence of adhesions that are removed only with the help of surgery.

The cause of the pathology is an increased load or damage, accompanied by tension of the patellar ligament. It often occurs in adolescent athletes from 13 to 15 years of age. It manifests itself in the form of pain and swelling in the region of the tuberosity of the tibia.

iliotibial tract syndrome

It manifests itself in the form of pain on the outer surface of the knee from above due to inflammation of the place of attachment of the tibia. The tract is not activated when the leg is flexed, but acts as a stabilizer to prevent inward rotation of the limb.


Ligament injuries. Occur after injuries and falls. Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament is characterized by a crunch in the knee area, followed by severe pain, swelling, hemarthrosis, and limited movement during flexion. As a rule, one knee suffers - left or right. With a complete break, stability disappears, the knee loses its ability to support body weight and takes on an unnatural position.

Knee Expansion. With this pathology, there is an expansion of the knee and its flexion in the opposite direction. Accompanied by edema and dangerously torn ligaments.

Septic or rheumatic. Causes deformation of the joint, in which there is a persistent malaise, fever and stiffness of movements.

. Its appearance is associated with age, while the cartilage loses its elasticity, the joint ceases to function normally and hurts with varying intensity.

It is characterized by a sudden increase in pain, hyperemia, signs of edema with bright red skin above the knee. The pain is often unbearable on bending, and unbearable on any touch. The condition can last from several hours to 5-10 days, after which the symptoms subside. It is caused by a violation of metabolic processes, due to which there is an excessive concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Left or Right

Displacement of the patella, which departs to the outer side of the articulation in a position perpendicular to the natural state, which causes difficulty in extending the leg and is characterized by severe edema.

Chondromalacia patella- a condition characterized by pain in the center of the knee, to the left or right of it, and which is the result of a violation of the structure of the cartilage - it softens and loses its physiological elasticity. Often this type of pathology occurs in professional athletes or with congenital features of the body - a high position of the patella or weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.


There are many causes of knee pain, and at the first manifestations of it, you should consult a doctor. For a correct diagnosis detailed information about the localization of pain will be required. After determining the nature of the pain, the doctor may resort to to the following diagnostic measures:

  1. X-ray. The main research method for pain in the knee. It reveals specific changes that characterize a particular disease - deformities, fractures, cracks, dislocations, ruptures and damage to the ligaments, the presence of cysts, arthritis and arthrosis, osteoporosis and other changes in the knee joint.
  2. CT scan. Allows you to establish arthritis, oncological diseases, arthrosis, the state of the joint space and the characteristics of knee injuries.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). It allows you to accurately examine the bone tissue for tumors, bruises, fractures and the presence of infection, to show defects in cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
  4. Blood analysis, which includes the following studies:
  • General analysis, which reveals leukocytosis, elevated ESR in the case of rheumatoid arthritis or Bechterew's disease, possible anemia.
  • Biochemical, revealing an increase in the level of uric acid in gout.
  1. Joint puncture. It is carried out by inserting a needle into the joint cavity and extracting a small amount of exudate to examine for transparency, protein content and blood cells, specific microorganisms.


Regardless of the cause of knee pain, you need to immediately reduce the load on it. In most cases, with acute pain, the patient is recommended bed rest, and the use of a cane or crutches and orthopedic shoes. Often the problem is solved with the help of conservative treatment, which performs the task of relieving pain and eliminating swelling during acute manifestations of the disease, after which they restore the stability and mobility of the joint.

Conservative methods of treatment involve the use of the following methods:

  1. Medication, in which the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, which with severe pain, which ensures long-term elimination of discomfort and preservation of joint functions. If the pain manifests itself when bending, applications and local remedies are used together.
  • . They are introduced inside the knee in order to restore the elasticity and integrity of the meniscus.
  1. Physiotherapy

Regardless of the cause of the pathology in the knee joint, physiotherapy is an integral part of complex treatment and provides the following therapeutic effects:

  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anesthetic;
  • Improves and normalizes blood circulation in the affected area.

For this apply:

  • Phonophoresis and ultrasound treatment;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Laser and magneto-laser impact;
  • UHF treatment;
  • Magnetotherapy.

When is surgery necessary?

Treatment of the knee with the method of surgical intervention is carried out after injuries, the consequences of which cannot be eliminated by medication, or after ineffective conservative methods. As a rule, this is necessary in the third stage of osteoarthritis with the following indications:

Signs that you urgently need to see a doctor

At the first sign of discomfort or pain in the knee, you need to take the load off your legs and give them more time to rest. But certain types of pain indicate pathologies or injuries of the knee that require medical attention. A doctor should be contacted immediately in the following cases:

  1. If there is pain when bending the knee or if it does not allow stepping on the foot.
  2. When a tumor of the joint is detected.
  3. With joint deformity.
  4. When your knee hurts all the time.
  5. With pain, redness and swelling in the knee area with the presence of fever, which indicates the infectious nature of the pathology.

Who is prone to joint pain?

The main risk factors and causes of damage and disease of the knee include the following:

  1. Age. For each age category of people, the occurrence of certain pathologies in the knee joint is characteristic: for adolescence, these are tendonitis and Osgood-Schlatter disease, and for older people, gout and osteoporosis are characteristic.
  2. Body weight Exceeding the norm, increases the pressure on the knee joint when bending or moving in a standing position, which causes problems with cartilage tissue and various deformities to the left or right of the patella.
  3. heavy loads. Any type of activity that requires regular tension of the muscles around the knee ligaments can cause excessive stress, to which the body will react painfully. This can cause illness only in case of insufficient rest.
  4. Passive lifestyle. It causes congestion in the joint and weakening of the ligaments and muscles, which, in turn, lead to the risk of injury and the occurrence of knee diseases associated with metabolic disorders.
  5. Diseases of the spine in which gait is disturbed. The knee joint receives unnatural loads and hurts, which provokes injuries and the development of pathologies. A similar negative effect is observed when wearing uncomfortable shoes that do not support the foot well.
  6. Old knee injuries. Increase the risk of re-injury.

According to the statements of traumatologists, of all the joints of the human body, none brings such severe suffering as with problems in the knee joint. This should motivate to especially careful attitude to this part of the body. It is necessary to take into account all the risk factors that lead to problems in the knee, and in case of injury or pain, immediately consult a doctor, which guarantees a shorter and more costly treatment.

Pain on the left side of the knee is a common symptom that may indicate an injury or warn of a developing pathology of an inflammatory or degenerative nature. In order not to miss the time, you should visit a therapist and undergo a scheduled examination.

Why does my knee hurt on the left

Causes of knee pain on the left side:

  1. bruises. Characteristic for active people. They differ in impact strength, so they affect the knees in different ways.
  2. Damage to the external ligament of the knee on the side. The ligament is injured during sudden and unexpected movements of the lower leg inward.
  3. Injuries of the knee meniscus. Tears occur during sharp bending and side impacts. Damage leads to swelling and blue skin.
  4. Gonarthrosis. The disease is characterized by degenerative changes in cartilage tissue. There are pain sensations on the side of the knee joint, most acutely manifested during vigorous activity.
  5. Drives. Inflammation of the knee leads to pain and limited movement. Often, the inflammatory process develops due to an infectious lesion of the joint through damaged skin.
  6. Osteocondritis of the spine. The pain usually radiates to the hip or knee.
  7. Fracture of a nearby bone.
  8. Knee displacement. Trauma is usually caused by a strong blow that damages ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and nerve endings. The kneecap of the leg is displaced with a strong and unnatural straightening of the leg. People who are overweight are most susceptible to injury.
  9. Chronic pain is usually indicative of rheumatoid or infectious arthritis, bursitis, iliotibial tract syndrome, tendonitis.

Any cause of knee pain on the left side deserves special attention, but self-diagnosis is strictly prohibited.

Features of the manifestation of pain

Pain under the knee on the side manifests itself in different ways, the nature of the pain syndrome allows you to make an accurate diagnosis.

  1. When the knee hurts or pulls, an inflammatory process, the development of arthrosis or rheumatoid arthritis is possible.
  2. Sudden and pronounced pain syndrome is usually associated with injuries, ruptures of tendons and ligaments, fractures.
  3. Acute pain below the knee joint is a sign of meniscal damage or referred pain in radicular syndrome.

Constant discomfort indicates the need for a mandatory visit to the doctor for an examination and an accurate diagnosis. If the knee hurts to the left of the calyx and there is a feeling of stiffness, mobility is impaired, immediate action should be taken.

The pain syndrome is often accompanied by other adverse signs: redness of the skin, hematomas, swelling, and incorrect position of the joint.

Symptoms requiring medical attention:

  • low-intensity pain that persists for 3-5 days;
  • increasing pain, which is accompanied by fever, general weakness;
  • inability to step on the foot, impaired motor function;
  • swelling of the knee joint;
  • acute pain syndrome;
  • knee deformity;
  • severe pain when descending or climbing stairs.

Which doctor to contact

If the right knee hurts on the left, the symptom cannot be ignored, since inflammation or degenerative changes in the advanced stage are difficult to treat.

  • A rheumatologist specializes in diseases of the knee joints.
  • A traumatologist helps to deal with traumatic injuries of the knee joints.
  • A physiotherapist helps to restore the functionality of the knee joints: he draws up a program of exercise therapy and physiotherapy.
  • The manual therapist conducts a course of massage procedures.

If the knee hurts to the left of the cup when walking, it is recommended to do an ultrasound or CT scan.

Principles of treatment of knee pain on the left side

Acute pain in case of injury will be relieved by a cold compress

Treatment is selected on an individual basis after diagnosis. The cause, localization, nature of the pain syndrome, accompanying symptoms are taken into account.

Drug therapy is required for inflammation and injury. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are prescribed.

Injuries require a special approach. Initially, ice is applied to the injured knee to eliminate swelling and prevent hematoma. The leg is immobilized.

Torn menisci usually require surgery. If possible, the arthroscopy method is used, as it is the least traumatic.

Knee inflammation is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are selected by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the condition of the knee joint.



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