Consequences of vaccination of children. DTP vaccination: complications and possible consequences

In recent years, there has been an irreconcilable struggle between supporters and opponents of vaccination. Each camp has its own truth, supported by numerous arguments. In the article, we have collected facts and opinions of doctors about the benefits / harms of vaccinations. Also, from the material below, you will learn how vaccination is carried out in foreign countries, and why abroad have refused to use some vaccines that are still used in Russia.

Vaccination: more harm or benefit?

Table 1. Harms and benefits of vaccination of children

Statement Arguments for" Arguments against"
Vaccination helps reduce the number of infectious diseases With the help of the vaccine, for many years there has been a successful fight against rubella, measles, hepatitis B, as well as tuberculosis, whooping cough, tetanus. Mortality from tetanus before the advent of the vaccine reached 95%, and 100% of children suffered from whooping cough. After vaccination, the incidence rate decreased by 20 times . Poliomyelitis is still widespread in the world. Only In the United States, poliomyelitis has been completely eradicated. This was achieved by vaccinating residents. In the United States, 98% of the population is vaccinated against polio. Every year in our country, almost 9,000 children are exposed to pneumococcal sepsis, almost 85,000 children suffer from pneumonia. Mortality from pneumococcal meningitis reaches 40%. Around the world, about a million children under the age of five have died from it. It is no coincidence that vaccination against pneumococcal infection is done in 36 countries of the world. According to scientists, more than five million people will be saved with the help of the vaccine in the future. Improving the quality of medicine and the life of the population has led to a decrease in the number of infectious diseases without vaccination. The action of the vaccine does not provide lifelong protection against infectious diseases, in contrast to lifelong immunity acquired due to illness. So, for example, in England, “measles parties” were common, when guests came to a sick child to get infected from him and gain strong immunity against measles.

Vaccination effectively protects weak and frequently ill children from infections Often ill children are most in need of immunoprophylaxis. They are most susceptible to infections, and their diseases often occur with complications. For weakened children, “additional” vaccinations are provided according to indications. For example, pneumococcus is the cause of 70% of infections in the respiratory system. Therefore, a special vaccine has been developed for children prone to respiratory diseases.

After vaccination, angina, otitis, and tracheitis are exacerbated in frequently ill children. In addition, there may be complications after vaccination: the child may stop talking, sitting or walking.

Complications after vaccination in children are very rare. After vaccination, an increase in body temperature, weakness, and allergies may occur - this is the body's reaction to outside interference. It is usually short-term and does not require medical intervention. Severe complications after vaccination are isolated cases. Each such case is analyzed in detail by specialists. Vaccination suppresses the immune system, so the child's body becomes vulnerable and prone to various kinds of diseases. In addition, after vaccination, various complications can occur. For example, it is not uncommon for DTP to be followed by deafness and autism. And a perfectly healthy child turns into a disabled person.
Foreign vaccines are harmless Modern medicine uses completely new vaccines, in which dangerous components are either reduced to a minimum or completely eliminated. Domestic and foreign vaccines do not have a fundamental difference. The baby is harmed by aluminum, formaldehyde, phenol, mercury and other components contained in them.

What vaccinations are given in Russia and in other countries

Each country has its own national vaccination calendar.

For a long time, vaccinations in Russia were mandatory for everyone, with the exception of only babies who had a medical exemption due to contraindications. Since 1998, a law on voluntary vaccination has been adopted, but doctors still insist on vaccinations.

Complications from the side of the central nervous system (central nervous system) include the crying of a child that does not stop for several hours. The frequency of this reaction is 1 in 200 cases. The reason for such crying can be a headache, fever and severe pain at the injection site. In addition, convulsions may occur, accompanied by loss of consciousness, vomiting. Complications after vaccination require immediate medical attention .

Complications also occur after other vaccinations. But the worst thing is that cases of child deaths after vaccinations have been recorded around the world.

Sad statistic:

  • In 2006, cases of severe complications after vaccination of children against influenza were registered in nine regions of Russia.
  • In 2009, a six-month-old girl died in Omsk after being vaccinated against hepatitis and polio.
  • In 2009, a teenage girl died in the UK after being vaccinated against cervical cancer. Three more of her classmates sought medical help.
  • In 2013, a three-year-old girl died in the Perm Territory after being vaccinated against the flu.

Prevention of complications from vaccinations

Only a healthy baby can be vaccinated. In addition, parents and relatives who come into contact with the child should not get sick.

Before vaccination, the child must:

  1. pass a general urine test;
  2. take a general blood test;
  3. be examined by a pediatrician or an allergist-immunologist.

Is it dangerous to vaccinate children: expert opinions

Evgeny Komarovsky— children's doctor, candidate of medical sciences, author of popular books and TV programs dedicated to children's health, and the Komarovsky Club social network:

“As a person who has worked in an infectious diseases hospital for quite a long time, I can state with confidence: with regard to all diseases against which vaccinations are made, the probability of the disease remains very real. Children get sick with these diseases, and the outcomes are, to put it mildly, different. Therefore, for normal, sane and prudent parents, there is not and cannot be any discussion about whether vaccinations should be done or not. Be sure to do it!”

Maria KRYUK, pediatric infectious disease specialist:

As a pediatrician, I really dislike vaccination in the first year of life, because every vaccination slows down the development of children. After each vaccination, any child within 2-3 weeks can get sick with any disease more easily than not vaccinated. Because, by intervening in the immune system in a rather decisive way, we, as the founder of vaccination E. Jenner, said, “by vaccinating against one disease, we open the way for others.” It really makes sense to vaccinate only if an epidemic is approaching. And when there is no such risk, then it is better to stop vaccination. According to my observations, children vaccinated in the autumn-winter period with routine vaccinations get sick a lot. But, as a rule, doctors do not associate this with vaccinations. And I keep track of children who are not vaccinated, and I see that in general these children get sick several times less, and if they get sick, they are easier to treat and recover faster.

Director of the Research Institute of Pediatrics, Professor Maria Shkolnikova:

Vaccination against pneumococcal infection is a major breakthrough in national health care. The fact that it is included in the national vaccination calendar will allow us to extract an additional resource for reducing child mortality and serious morbidity.”

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya, professor-virologist:

It is impossible to "eliminate" any infectious disease "only with the help of vaccinations." Like, get grafted - and you will be safe for yourself and for everyone around you. It’s not enough to say that it’s a myth, it’s a utopia about another “universal happiness” in a bright, infection-free paradise, allegedly achieved only with the help of vaccines. The illusion that all infectious agents will be defeated, one has only to vaccinate "everyone in a row", i.e. one problem - one solution, gives rise to the Criminal approach to this preventive medical intervention in human nature. However, it is precisely such a system “because of convenience from an organizational point of view” that continues to be promoted by an army of doctors and health officials who are involved in one way or another in vaccinations, but not in vaccinology with the basics of immunology. A diabolical obsession arises: without vaccination, the child seems to be inferior, although in fact it is quite the opposite.

In our country, immunoprophylaxis of a child is voluntary and requires parental consent to vaccination. The main thing to remember is that not only health, but also the life of children in the future depends on the decision made today.

There is a huge amount of talk and debate about whether it is worth vaccinating yourself and your children. And there is simply no clear answer to this question. Both supporters and opponents of vaccination have strong enough arguments to defend their position. Therefore, the choice for today is exclusively for the parents.

About DTP

Probably, all mothers know that this is one of the mandatory vaccinations that are necessary for kindergarten and school. But what does this abbreviation mean? And from what, in fact, are they vaccinated the baby? DPT - this This vaccination is done intramuscularly - in the ass or leg of the child. Terms: the first - in three months, again in 4 and 5 months. Next comes revaccination.


But why are parents so afraid of DTP? Complications after vaccination are the first and, perhaps, the most important reason. Most often, if complications arise, they do not go further than a small temperature and the baby's anxiety. But this is also unpleasant. The child may not sleep well, be capricious while awake, and have a slight temperature. The injection site may also be disturbing - seals, redness, soreness - that's what can happen after vaccination. But what do doctors say about this? If the consequences of vaccination are just that, it is absolutely not scary. On the contrary, it is even good to some extent, because every normal organism is simply obliged to respond to the introduction of a foreign substance.

Severe consequences

But there are situations when it is not so easy to pass Complications are quite severe. If the baby's temperature rises to 40 degrees, do not waste time, you should immediately seek medical help. This is an atypical reaction of the body, and doctors are simply obliged to report each such case to a special committee that controls the quality of vaccines. In addition to the temperature, the child may experience anaphylactic shock - a sharp drop in pressure, varying degrees of complexity may also occur. Complications after DPT vaccination are also possible, such as damage to certain organs - the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, disruption of the central nervous system. But it is worth noting that they happen extremely rarely. And they are caused rather by unprofessional administration of the vaccine, improper storage conditions, possibly by the addition of various kinds of infections. It should also be noted that the child will also need DPT revaccination. Complications after these vaccinations practically do not occur.

Preparation for vaccination

According to the advice of doctors, it is worth preparing for vaccination. Especially if these are complications from which - not news. Parents must first find out what kind of drug they will be. Today, there are many different vaccines with different composition. It is not worth saving if it is possible to buy the desired vaccine on your own, with which the child will be vaccinated. Here you can take into account the characteristics of the baby's body, as well as the composition of the drug. Parents should first make sure that the vaccine was stored correctly, whether it will be administered by a good specialist, etc. Only after all these manipulations can you not be afraid to make such a vaccination as DPT. The risk of complications in the post-vaccination period in such a situation will be minimized.

Any vaccination is a direct intervention in the human immune system. The effect of vaccinations is obvious, and thanks to them, many epidemics around the world have already been prevented. But before sending children for vaccination, it is advisable for parents to know about possible adverse reactions. What they can be, you can find out in the article.

Types of vaccines

Children in the first years of life are faced with many pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Most of them pose a serious threat to health. To protect the body of children from possible infection or complications of the disease, vaccination is used. Protective antibodies are produced in the body, and the risk of getting sick is significantly reduced. Immunity from many drugs persists into older years.

For successful vaccination, it is necessary to make injections correctly, take into account all contraindications, pay attention to the quality of the vaccine, compliance with Russian medical standards, its correct storage and validity. In recent years, different manufacturers have used different technologies in the manufacture of drugs. The degree of purification, the amount of antigens, the substances used, the biomaterial and preservatives may vary.

The basis for vaccines can be of different types:

  • live microorganism;
  • inactivated (that is, with a killed virus or bacterium);
  • toxoids;
  • recombinants (the result of genetic engineering);
  • associated or combined vaccines;
  • synthetic virus recognizers.

Each drug has its own schedule of use, contraindications and indications, method of administration. There are also primary vaccinations and revaccinations in subsequent years. The usual vaccination schedule in Russia for children looks like this:

  1. in newborns. BCG in the first week of life, with revaccination at 7, 14 years. Vaccination against hepatitis - on the first day, then revaccination in a month and six months;
  2. in the third month, prophylaxis against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria with DTP is usually started. Then you need a three-time revaccination in subsequent years;
  3. after a year of life, vaccinations against measles, rubella, mumps are made, and from 6 years old - revaccination.

The above vaccines in Russia have actually been mandatory for many years. Only upon a written refusal in the maternity hospital, kindergarten or school they will not be made to children. Additionally, you can optionally get vaccinated against less dangerous diseases, such as influenza, whose epidemics occur every few years. Also, if the children did not have time to get chickenpox before going to kindergarten, they are vaccinated against it.

Depending on the type of disease, vaccines can be with different bases. For polio, tuberculosis, rubella, mumps and measles, live preparations are used. Inactivated vaccines are used against hepatitis, whooping cough, meningitis, and rabies. Toxoids are used for tetanus or diphtheria.

Consequences of vaccinations and vaccinations

Any vaccine is an immunobiological preparation, and can cause two types of reactions: post-vaccination reactions and post-vaccination complications from vaccinations. In the first case, reactions are usually typical and are observed in most children. The second are side effects, more dangerous and less common.

Post-vaccination reactions - changes in the condition of the baby, which usually disappear in a short time. Such reactions are unstable, they do not pose a threat to health. Complications from vaccinations are persistent changes in the body of children after vaccination. They are longer and can lead to health problems.

Side effects after vaccinations usually occur for the following reasons:

  • due to the poor quality of the drug, improper storage and use after the expiration date;
  • administration of the drug in the presence of contraindications;
  • improper procedure;
  • individual characteristics and reactions of the organism;

Video "Popular myths about vaccination"

Skin reactions

After DTP, complications from vaccinations, according to statistics in Russia, occur in about one child in 20,000. Skin reactions may include allergies, swelling of the injection site, severe enlargement or induration. Reddening of the skin may also occur. Usually within a few days, skin side effects disappear.

The tetanus vaccine can cause redness at the injection site, an allergic rash. The diphtheria vaccine is statistically less aggressive. There may be pain at the injection site or in the entire limb, and allergies. The combination vaccine Pentaxim (pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae, tetanus, diphtheria, and polio) rarely causes lumps and bumps at the injection site in children.

The hepatitis B vaccine is very reactive in terms of its effects on the body. Of the skin manifestations, one can note pain, swelling and redness, induration, which disappears after two days. Up to 3 days, urticaria or Quincke's edema may persist.

Depending on whether a live or inactivated polio vaccine is used, external reactions may vary. In Russia, live is produced and more often used. Skin reactions from it are weak, but from inanimate there are: swelling, redness, pain and induration of the injection site. In rare cases, an allergy may begin (Lyell's syndrome, urticaria, Quincke's edema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome).

Vaccinations against measles, chickenpox, rubella, the Priorix vaccine and MDA from local reactions can cause severe swelling (more than 50 mm), redness (from 80 mm), induration (from 20 mm). The reaction lasts for a day. A non-allergic rash is possible, up to two weeks, as well as typical allergic reactions up to 3 days.

internal reaction of the body

If skin complications from vaccinations or after vaccinations pass quickly and are rarely dangerous, then more attention should be paid to internal reactions in children. In DTP, these can be afebrile and febrile convulsions, migraine, digestive upset, fever above 39 degrees, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure and muscle tone.

From tetanus in children, high fever, sleep disturbance, migraine in the first two days are possible. Bowel and appetite disorders can last up to 3 days, as can convulsions. Of the dangerous complications, neuritis of the optic and auditory nerve, as well as encephalitis or meningitis, should be noted. They can last up to a month.

In rare cases, there are reactions to the Pentaxim vaccine in the form of convulsions, severe pain in the limb, and poor digestion. It is noted that the most severe internal reactions are precisely to the second vaccination.

There are many internal complications after the anti-hepatitis vaccine. These are high fever, migraine, poor sleep, runny nose, muscle pain, low blood pressure and fainting, convulsions, up to 3 days. Up to 5 days, digestion may be disturbed. Of the dangerous reactions, there are: arthritis and polyradiculoneuritis up to a month, meningitis and encephalitis up to a crescent.

Live polio vaccine can cause in children: flaccid paralysis, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, digestive upset, headaches. The temperature usually rises after an inactivated type of drug. After BCG, there are: fever, osteomyelitis and osteitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, generalized BCG infection.

Post-vaccination reactions

Unlike post-vaccination skin or internal complications, these reactions are absolutely normal and do not pose any threat to the health of children. On the contrary, they indicate that the drug has been absorbed by the body and the production of antibodies has begun. Normal reactions are:

  1. from BCG - a papule at the injection site, which erodes and leaves a small scar;
  2. vaccinations against rubella, mumps, measles - soreness at the injection site;
  3. DTP - body temperature up to 38 degrees for 2-3 days, slight swelling and pain at the injection site;
  4. hepatitis B vaccine - mild pain at the injection site for 2-3 days.

Video "Reactions and complications from vaccinations"

Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician from Kharkov, will try to tell caring parents how dangerous vaccinations can be, and whether it is worth resorting to them in principle.

- various persistent or severe health disorders that have developed as a result of preventive vaccination. Post-vaccination complications can be local (abscess at the injection site, purulent lymphadenitis, keloid scar, etc.) or general (anaphylactic shock, BCG infection, encephalitis, meningitis, sepsis, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, etc.). Diagnosis of post-vaccination complications is based on the analysis of clinical data and their relationship with a recent vaccination. Treatment of post-vaccination complications should include etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic general and local therapy.

The individual characteristics of the child's body, which determine the frequency and severity of post-vaccination complications, may include a background pathology that worsens in the post-vaccination period; sensitization and changes in immune reactivity; genetic predisposition to allergic reactions, autoimmune pathology, convulsive syndrome, etc.

As practice shows, a frequent cause of post-vaccination complications are the mistakes of medical personnel who violate the vaccination technique. These may include subcutaneous (instead of intradermal) administration of the vaccine and vice versa, improper dilution and dosage of the drug, violation of asepsis and antisepsis during injection, erroneous use of other medicinal substances as solvents, etc.

Classification of post-vaccination complications

Among the pathological conditions that accompany the vaccination process include:

  • intercurrent infections or chronic diseases that have joined or worsened in the post-vaccination period;
  • vaccine reactions;
  • post-vaccination complications.

Increased infectious morbidity in the post-vaccination period may be due to the coincidence of the disease and vaccination in time or transient immunodeficiency that develops after vaccination. During this period, the child may experience SARS, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, etc.

Vaccine reactions include various unstable disorders that occur after vaccination, which persist for a short time and do not disrupt the vital activity of the organism. Post-vaccination reactions are of the same type in terms of clinical manifestations, usually do not disturb the general condition of the child and pass on their own.

Local vaccine reactions may include hyperemia, edema, infiltration at the injection site, etc. General vaccine reactions may be accompanied by fever, myalgia, catarrhal symptoms, morbilliform rash (after measles vaccination), salivary gland enlargement (after mumps vaccination), lymphadenitis ( after vaccination against rubella).

Post-vaccination complications are divided into specific (vaccine-associated diseases) and non-specific (excessively strong toxic, allergic, autoimmune, immunocomplex). According to the severity of the pathological process, post-vaccination complications are local and general.

Characteristics of post-vaccination complications

Excessive toxic reactions are regarded as post-vaccination complications if they develop in the first three days after vaccination, are characterized by a pronounced violation of the child's condition (temperature rise above 39.5 ° C, chills, lethargy, sleep disturbance, anorexia, possibly vomiting, nosebleeds and etc.) and stored for 1-3 days. Typically, such post-vaccination complications develop after the introduction of DPT, Tetracoke, live measles vaccine, anti-influenza split vaccines, etc. In some cases, hyperthermia may be accompanied by short-term febrile convulsions and hallucinatory syndrome.

Post-vaccination complications occurring in the form of allergic reactions are divided into local and general. The criteria for a local post-vaccination complication are hyperemia and swelling of tissues that extend beyond the area of ​​the nearest joint or to an area of ​​more than 1/2 of the anatomical zone at the site of vaccine administration, as well as hyperemia, swelling and soreness that persist for more than 3 days, regardless of size. Most often, local allergic reactions develop after the introduction of vaccines containing aluminum hydroxide sorbent (DPT, Tetrakok, anatokisny).

Among the post-vaccination complications, there are also general allergic reactions: anaphylactic shock, urticaria, Quincke's edema, Lyell's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme exudative, manifestation and exacerbation of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis in children. Immunization can cause the initiation of immunocomplex post-vaccination complications - serum sickness, hemorrhagic vasculitis, periarteritis nodosa, glomerulonephritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, etc.

Post-vaccination complications with an autoimmune mechanism of development include lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system (post-vaccination encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, polyneuritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome), myocarditis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, etc.

A peculiar post-vaccination complication in children of the first six months of life is a piercing cry, which has a persistent (from 3 to 5 hours) and monotonous character. Usually, a piercing cry develops after the administration of pertussis vaccine and is due to the associated change in the microcirculation in the brain and an acute attack of intracranial hypertension.

The most severe in their course and consequences of post-vaccination complications are the so-called vaccine-associated diseases - paralytic poliomyelitis, meningitis, encephalitis, the clinical symptoms of which do not differ from those diseases with a different mechanism of occurrence. Vaccine-associated encephalitis can develop after vaccination against measles, rubella, DTP. Proved the likelihood of developing vaccine-associated meningitis after receiving vaccination against mumps.

Post-vaccination complications after the introduction of the BCG vaccine include local lesions, persistent and disseminated BCG infection. Among the local complications, the most common are axillary and cervical lymphadenitis, superficial or deep ulcers, cold abscesses, keloid scars. Among the disseminated forms of BCG infection, osteitis (ostitis, osteomyelitis), phlyctenular conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, keratitis are described. Severe generalized post-vaccination complications usually occur in children with immunodeficiency and often end in death.

Diagnosis of post-vaccination complications

A post-vaccination complication may be suspected by a pediatrician based on the appearance of certain typical clinical signs at the height of the vaccination process.

Mandatory for the differential diagnosis of post-vaccination complications and the complicated course of the vaccination period is a laboratory examination of the child: a general analysis of urine and blood, virological and bacteriological studies of blood, urine, feces. To exclude intrauterine infections (. Differential diagnosis of post-vaccination complications in these cases is carried out with epilepsy, hydrocephalus, etc.

The diagnosis of a post-vaccination complication is established only after all other possible causes of the violation of the child's condition are excluded.

Treatment of post-vaccination complications

As part of the complex therapy of post-vaccination complications, etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment is carried out; a sparing regimen, careful care and a rational diet are organized. In order to treat local infiltrates, local ointment dressings and physiotherapy (UHF, ultrasound therapy) are prescribed.

With severe hyperthermia, abundant drinking, physical cooling (rubbing, ice on the head), antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracematol), parenteral administration of glucose-salt solutions are indicated. In case of allergic post-vaccination complications, the amount of assistance is dictated by the severity of the allergic reaction (administration of antihistamines, corticosteroids, adrenomimetics, cardiac glycosides, etc.).

In the case of post-vaccination complications from the nervous system, post-syndromic therapy (anticonvulsant, dehydration, anti-inflammatory, etc.) is prescribed. Treatment of post-vaccination BCG complications is carried out with the participation of a pediatric phthisiatrician.

Prevention of post-vaccination complications

Prevention of post-vaccination complications provides for a set of measures, among which the first place is occupied by the correct selection of children to be vaccinated and the identification of contraindications. For this purpose, a pre-vaccination examination of the child by a pediatrician is carried out, if necessary, consultations of children's specialists who observe the child for the underlying disease (children's allergist-immunologist, pediatric neurologist, pediatric cardiologist, pediatric nephrologist, pediatric pulmonologist, etc.). In the post-vaccination period, vaccinated children should be monitored. Compliance with immunization techniques is important: only experienced, specially trained medical staff should be allowed to vaccinate children.

Children who have had a post-vaccination complication are no longer given the vaccine that caused the reaction, but in general, routine and emergency immunizations are not contraindicated.

Vaccines are not holy water. This is an immunobiologically active drug that causes certain changes in the body - desirable, with the aim of forming the immunity of the vaccinated to this infection, and undesirable, that is, side reactions.

Adverse reactions

The term "adverse reactions" refers to reactions of the body that are not the goal of vaccination and resulting from vaccination. In the case of vaccinations, adverse reactions are divided into local, occurring at the injection site (redness, soreness, induration), and general, affecting the body as a whole (fever, malaise, etc.).

Adverse reactions during vaccinations are a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign substance. As a rule, this is a reflection of the process of developing immunity.

Naturally, an increase in body temperature to 40 ° C cannot be a favorable sign, and such reactions are classified as severe adverse reactions. Along with complications, they are the subject of strict reporting and are subject to reporting to the authorities that control the quality of vaccines. If there are many such reactions to a given production batch of the vaccine, then this batch is removed from use and subject to repeated quality control.



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