Which dog in the year signs. Year of the Yellow Dog (2018): characteristics, forecasts of astrologers

We all have repeatedly heard such a word as chakras, but not many people know what it really is and how it relates to our lives. So, the chakras are, in turn, the energy centers of a person, it is through them that he takes part in various energy processes, both private and global. Chakras interact with electromagnetic field earth and contribute to filling us life force from space, which in turn is called prana. Energy, in turn, through the chakras enters the nerve plexuses, and then into the organs of the body, through special channels called nadis.

  • The meaning of the chakras

    It is worth noting the fact that it is very important that the chakras are always kept in absolute order. The more they are open, the more energy will flow through them into the body, respectively, the person will be much healthier and more fulfilled. It should also be noted that each of the chakras is endowed with a strictly assigned function, and the chakras are a window for us to a certain energy level, which in turn affects us, our life, health, abilities, behavior, relationships with other people, our strength. direct influence.

    The chakras are mainly defined in a number of Hindu treatises, many of the researchers believe that the doctrine of the chakras is quite ancient, and refers to the global knowledge of our ancestors associated with the cosmos much more and closer than modern humanity. The names of the chakras are quite common in both mystical and fiction as well as in books on psychology and medicine. Including quite often, many authors of esoteric works and various theories about the origin of the world and humanity as a whole resort to the concept of chakras.

    In general, there are seven centers, seven chakras, they are directly located in astral body, but are associated with channels in ethereal body and exert their influence directly on the mental body. In addition to the main chakras, there are also many smaller ones.

    Types of chakras

    The first chakra is Muladhara (Kundalini)

    Muladhara is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is responsible for base health, survival, instincts, basic vitality, care for their physical existence: about food, protection, housing, reproduction of offspring. It controls the health and functioning of the legs, genitals, the ability to reproduce.

    Signs of a harmonious chakra that is directly good physical health, liveliness, activity, courage and self-confidence. Signs of a blocked chakra are feeling like a victim of circumstances, fears, a sense of danger, avoiding physical reality, nervousness, selfishness, self-doubt, greed, arrogance, excessive tension in the body, lust, bruises, frequent injuries problems with legs, feet and bottom spine.

    Chakras are basically closed in all people. The moment it opens, it is directly accompanied by a literal explosion of energy, which in turn enters the body. This happens when there is a signal mortal danger. In this case, the chakra automatically opens and gives out a fairly large supply of energy to the body. It is in this chakra that an inviolable storehouse of energy is stored, which is directly intended to save our lives.

    Kundalini is connected directly to the next chakra and feeds it. The vibrations of this energy are quite low. Therefore, the less developed a person is, the less energy he is able to perceive, and the more the survival instinct finds manifestation in his mind. And the more developed a person is, the less all instincts are manifested in his mind, including this directly concerns the survival instinct.

    Second Chakra - Svadhistana or Sacral Chakra

    Svadhisthana is located about five centimeters below the navel. This chakra is responsible for emotions, a sense of pleasure, sexuality, self-esteem and relationships with other people, flexibility (physical and physical), attractiveness, physical sensations. This is the chakra of interpersonal relationships and pleasure. Governs directly health and functioning lower divisions spine and intestines, ovaries.

    Signs of a harmonious chakra are attractiveness, harmonious relationships with people, energy, sexuality, self-respect, good self-esteem, developed taste, love for your body. Signs of a blocked chakra are low self-esteem, sexual problems, problems in the family in relations with other people, a sense of ownership, jealousy, frequent feeling guilt, despondency, irritability, resentment, voluptuousness, indulgence bad habits, diseases of the reproductive organs.

    Since this chakra is located near the Kundalini chakra, as a result, the sexual energy here is the most powerful, as it is signed by the Kundalini energy. The sacral chakra, like the rest of the chakras, can only perceive and radiate low vibrations. Consciousness of the energy that this chakra directly perceives and radiates, manifests itself in turn as an instinct for procreation, this is directly love for a child, the desire for sexual satisfaction, sexual attraction to another person of the opposite sex, low negative emotions and the feelings that arise when this instinct is unsatisfied - anger, envy, etc.

    With the direct development of a person, the function of this chakra is reduced, since the direct supply of its energy stops, the person no longer perceives low energies, which in turn correspond to the vibrations of this chakra. In this case, the manifestation of envy, jealousy, and sexual intercourse cease.

    Third Chakra - Manipura or Vital Chakra

    Manipura is located in the solar plexus - under the sternum, where the ribs are located. Manipura is responsible for the individual Self, willpower, influence on the world, power, perseverance and concentration in achieving goals, significance, self-confidence, optimism. In her diocese - success, social status, charisma, career, financial sphere. Manages the health and direct functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, middle spine, adrenal glands.

    Signs of a harmonious chakra are self-esteem, optimism, self-confidence, a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits goals, perseverance in their immediate achievement, career success and financial well-being. Signs of a blocked chakra can be considered difficulties with money, conflicts with business partners, anxiety and complete uncertainty in the financial field, increased aggressiveness, abuse of power, workaholism, suppression of others, fastidiousness, criticality, great demands, excessive control, timidity, indecision, nausea, weakness in the body, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, dizziness.

    Next to Minipura is the spleen, which in turn is the gate of the etheric body, directly through it the energies enter the spleen and saturate the physical body through numerous channels. Consciousness of the energy that is received through this channel and radiated manifests itself as a herd instinct, that is, the desire to be like everyone else.

    As for the active perception of energy by this chakra, it enhances the destructive tendencies of the personality, the desire for violence, the feeling of one's animal strength, this happens if the personality is not yet developed. Having a high level of spiritual development in a person, the consciousness of this chakra, in turn, manifests itself as a desire to manifest itself in this world, a desire for activity, for creativity, for organizing this life.

    Fourth Chakra - Anahata or Heart Chakra

    Anahata is located in the center of the chest, exactly between the nipples. This chakra is responsible for feelings, love, sympathy, sympathy, compassion, joy, acceptance, a sense of harmony and grace, delight. Governs directly the health and direct work of the heart, chest, upper division spine, arms, shoulders, lungs.

    The signs of a harmonious chakra are harmony in love, a feeling of kindness, joy, happiness, caring, empathy, benevolence both towards oneself and towards people around. Signs of a blocked chakra: feeling that life is gray and faded, lack of joy, problems in love, callousness, indifference to people, inability to sympathize, or vice versa, too much manifestation of compassion and sacrifice, the desire to please others, dislike for oneself, self-pity, a frequent feeling of antipathy towards others, dependency, capriciousness, diseases of the heart and other organs, for which Anahata is directly responsible.

    This chakra is able to both perceive and radiate high vibrational energy. And the direct opening of this chakra is the main task of all spiritual practices. At the moment when this chakra opens and begins to perceive highly vibrating energies, a beautiful astral body begins to "build up". The person, in turn, becomes loving, benevolent, cordial. All these states arise precisely when the high vibrational energy is perceived precisely by the heart chakra.

    In this case, the human body itself begins to vibrate similarly and very high. A person transfers this vibration as a corresponding highly emotional state.

    Fifth Chakra - Vishuddha or Throat Chakra

    Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat. This chakra is responsible for speech, creativity, the ability to form thoughts and feelings into words, the ability to convince and evoke authority (organizational, leadership skills), learning, self-expression, authority. Governs directly the health and functioning of the throat and neck.

    Signs of a harmonious chakra include: successful communication, the ability to harmoniously present oneself to the world, a constructive impact on other people using words, speech, the production of ideas, the successful realization of one's potential. Signs of a blocked chakra: difficulties in communication, problems with self-realization, self-expression, inability to clearly and convincingly express one's thoughts, inability to speak convincingly, insecurity in one's opinion, arrogance, arrogance, snobbery, stagnation of thinking, dogmatism, unreliability, deceit, increased appetite, frequent sore throats.

    This chakra tends to perceive the energy of mental planes. It can also be called the chakra of creativity. The throat chakra perceives the high energies of the mental and spiritual spheres of the Universe. Consciousness of the energy of this chakra allows a person to manifest his abilities for higher creation, as well as for individual manifestation in the fields of art and science. The consciousness of this chakra, in turn, manifests as genius. Very few people have this chakra open, active. To open it means to reach highest point spiritual development.

    Sixth chakra - Ajna or third eye chakra

    Ajna is located on the forehead at a point between the eyebrows. This chakra is responsible for inner knowledge, intuition, memory, wisdom, understanding of the situation as a whole, operating with images, superconsciousness, global vision, awareness of being, clairvoyance, conscious perception. Ajna governs the health and functioning of the nose, eyes and ears.

    Signs of a harmonious chakra are good intuition, wisdom, subtle feeling of other people and their moods, understanding, developed mental abilities. Signs of a blocked chakra: no complete picture life, feeling that your life has no meaning, fears, feeling like a failure, misunderstanding of the goal, anxiety, foggy consciousness, illusions, confusion in the head, authoritarianism, pride, shyness, insomnia, timidity, headaches.

    This chakra perceives the energy of the spiritual worlds, this is the energy of the intuition plane. In the case when this chakra is open, it begins to perceive the energies higher worlds. It is then that a person gets the opportunity and ability to perceive information that comes from the higher worlds, from the higher sub-planes of the mental world and the plane of intuition. The consciousness of this chakra finds such manifestations in a person as prophecy and clairvoyance. It is revealed directly in a person who has reached a very high level of development, but not at all in everyone who claims to have clairvoyant abilities. Genuine clairvoyance is the result of a fairly high level of human development.

    Seventh Chakra - Sahasrara or Brahma Chakra (Lotus)

    Sahasrara is located in the region of the crown. This chakra is responsible for the disclosure of spiritual potential, spirituality, discovery and trust in the world as a whole, comprehension of the essence of things, insight, connection with the deity, with the energies of the Cosmos, with fate and life's purpose. Sahasrara controls directly the health and functioning of the pituitary gland, brain and skull.

    The signs of a harmonious chakra are the feeling of one's connection with God, unity with the world, with other people, awareness of one's uniqueness and place in this world. Signs of a blocked chakra can be considered: a feeling of loss, depression, abandonment, loneliness in the crowd, isolation, unwillingness to communicate with other people, loss of taste for life, fear of death.

    This chakra perceives the energies of the highest cosmic spheres. The consciousness of this chakra makes a person a God-like being.

    Features of the chakras

    Each chakra is characterized by the perception of a certain frequency of vibrations. In the event that only the vital or predominantly sacral chakra is open, then a person perceives energy only of the corresponding frequency and he manifests himself in accordance with the consciousness inherent in the energies of these chakras.

    It is worth noting the fact that we mainly perceive the energies of ten planets, that is, the energies of the small cosmos, which most influences earthly life. They are directly perceived by the chakras of a person, affect the vibrations of his astral and mental body, thereby causing certain feelings and thoughts, depending on which chakra is most open. It is very important that chakras are not only centers concentrating energy, but also centers of consciousness. When a chakra begins to perceive energy, a certain energy accumulates in it, and this, in turn, means that consciousness begins to form a subplane of the astral body that corresponds to these vibrations.

    Many of us are used to thinking that consciousness is in the head, but this is an erroneous opinion. The brain is only an instrument of the physical body, which, in turn, has the ability to automatically regulate the functions of all physical organs. The brain only gives orders. This is to some extent a computer that has a screen, a display that reflects the activity of the mental body, shaping into words and actions. Since our astral body is directly connected with the mental body, we comprehend our feelings, emotions and states, characterize them with words, our thinking is colored by one or another characteristic feeling.

    It is worth noting that not everything that we feel in the world around us, we can convict in words, we simply do not realize much. In the case when the vital chakra perceives the energy of Mars, for example, there is a feeling of irritation. We cannot always understand the reason why we suddenly become angry. If the energy of Mars was taken up by the sacral chakra (this energy is lower vibrational), then in this case a strong sexual desire. We, in turn, simply respond to external influence.

    We feel quite a lot of things, we react to a lot, we perceive a lot, we manifest ourselves in unison with many influences, but we cannot realize and understand. Consequently, we cannot regulate, consciously manage these processes, which means that we are simply blind pawns, devices that have the ability to turn on and off without our knowledge, against our will.

    The average person uses two chakras, the vital and the sacral. The Kundalini chakra is closed, the Anahata heart chakra is also not opened. These two chakras, in turn, are directed horizontally and thus capture mainly the vibrations of the environment. We can feel the mood of the people next to us, to some extent we vaguely feel a sexual appeal or, on the contrary, rejection, we feel anger, envy, but we do not always understand this.

    The spiritual development of a person indicates that he begins to perceive more wide range vibrations, is able to perceive energies by vibrations related to the higher chakras. As far as a person is developed spiritually, he begins to perceive more and more subtle vibrations. And not just to perceive them, but also to radiate them. At the moment when the heart chakra opens, the astral body begins to be created, which in turn consists of the energy of higher subplanes. astral world.

    In this case, a person radiates energy that people around perceive with great pleasure. This energy to some extent calms the surrounding people, while making them more peaceful and benevolent. The energies that such a person radiates harmonize the world and also improves people. Those around him say that he is kind, cordial, calm to sympathy, compassionate. They begin to love him. So it appears more high consciousness, heart chakra consciousness, level human development is to develop from the sacral to the heart chakra. Above this level is only the consciousness of the superman.

    Between the main chakras there are seven more subplanes. This is a conditional division. A person gradually learns to understand more subtle vibrations. In some cases, we perceive subtle vibrations. And they find manifestation in us as a feeling of bliss, love, ecstasy and delight. But this happens to us very rarely. At an average level of development, a person cannot always be in a state of love, compassion and tenderness. Meditation helps us learn to perceive more subtle energies, therefore, it helps us build a more perfect astral body and open higher chakras.

    What does the state of ecstasy mean? When the etheric body is overflowing with energy, it causes a state of sexual ecstasy. This happens directly during sexual contact, as there is an overflow of sacred and vital energies from partners. In the case when both partners are developed approximately equally, that is, the energies of the sacral and vital chakras of each partner vibrate at the same frequency, then their etheric bodies are saturated to the same extent, and they also experience ecstasy directly to the same extent. If one of the partners is more developed, then he gives more energy and more subtle energy in contact, while the second one cannot transfer energy adequate to him in terms of vibrations, a more developed spiritually sexual partner in a state of ecstasy will never be in such a partnership.

    When the sacral chakra is overflowing with energy, there is an ecstasy of the so-called first degree. This is a condition that occurs as a result of sexual intercourse. If higher chakras are overflowing with energy, then the state of bliss intensifies, a feeling of power arises. In the case when the heart chakra is filled with energy, there is a joyful perception of life, love for everything. The state of delight, ecstasy can also cause beauty, art, nature, love for the highest ideal.

    What does the state of nirvana mean? It is an unspeakable delight, bliss. A person experiences such a state when the higher chakras, starting from Ajna, are filled with energy. The more the chakra is filled with energy, and the higher the chakra itself, the longer the state of ecstasy will be.

    If we look at an example, how our consciousness manifests itself, depending on which body it is concentrated in. For example, in the morning you got out of bed and felt weak: something hurts somewhere, you directly listen to this pain and are not able to think about anything else. your consciousness in this moment is in physical body at the level of the Kundalini chakra. In this case, the survival instinct begins to manifest itself quite strongly.

    There is a feeling of anxiety, you can hardly think about anything other than your physical condition. After the pain subsides, a feeling of hunger appears, a desire to eat, this, in turn, manifests the consciousness of the etheric body, it needs energy replenishment. Eat and relax. Next, we experience a sense of satisfaction. The supply of energy necessary for our life is replenished. The survival instinct is satisfied.

    But suddenly a friend came and told you some bad gossip about you. You will already perceive this information negatively. It will affect your astral body. There is a feeling of indignation, anger and irritation. In this state, you radiate energy from the sacral chakra, from the level of the astral body. Then you calm down and start thinking about how to influence your boss so that he would raise your salary - the consciousness is located on the vital chakra.

    Then you remember that soon the child should return from school - consciousness in this case is concentrated in the heart chakra, on the astral level. In this case, a state of tenderness arises. Thus, our consciousness is concentrated in one or another body, manifesting itself from the level of different chakras. It is quite important to know from which chakra you radiate energy at any given time and the energy of which other people's chakras directly affects you. Knowledge about the chakras, the vibrations that they emit, allows a person to understand much more deeply the principle of interaction and relationships with other people, to live in this world more harmoniously and intelligently.

  • Description of the main and extended set of human chakras. Relationship of diseases with them, table.

    Everything around us is energy. And yes, we are made of it. Therefore, the world is in a state of energy exchange every second.

    It is believed that a person has more than 80,000 chakras. Those who are interested in esotericism really know about seven.

    It so happened that this science has attracted a lot of false teachers who confuse people, robbing them energetically. Then things do not go well for the latter, dreams do not come true, life as a whole passes without positive changes.

    Let's talk without diving into the depths of esotericism on the topic of human chakras, their number, meanings.

    What are chakras in humans: concept

    human chakra icons and their color

    Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. This is a neuro-energy node located in a specific place in the body or outside it to generate energy.

    Man has a central channel. And all the chakras are located in the center of the body. That is, not on the spine, and not on the skin.

    Most chakras are paired. They radiate, that is, they are included together, for example, Sahasrara with Svadhisthana, Ajna with Muladhara, bones, knees and feet.

    When you do something on the upper chakras in the process of meditation, the lower chakras are set, and vice versa. Because the top part the human body represents consciousness, and the lower one represents the subconscious, it turns out that your desires / thoughts are the same there and there.

    The main human chakras for beginners: location on the human body, meaning, color, what they are responsible for

    a picture with the inscription "where are the human chakras located?"

    Various schools of yoga and esoteric knowledge are unanimous in that a person has 7 main chakras. There are differences in the exact location of some of them.

    Consider an interpretation that subjectively corresponds to reality.

    • Sahasrara is located on the crown. Responsible for ideas.
    • Ajna is located in the center of the forehead. Responsible for volitional potential.
    • Vishuddha is a point in the middle of the neck. The throat center is responsible for communication.
    • Anahata is the center of the chest. Responsible for the love of people.
    • Manipura is located 2-3 fingers below the navel. Responsible for ancestral plans, relatives.
    • Svadhisthana is located in the center of the pubis. Sexual chakra.
    • Muladhara is a point on the coccyx. Responsible for survival physical strength, leg strength.

    The figure below lists the main human chakras with their color designation and description.

    table describing the location of human chakras, their colors

    All 40 human chakras: location on the human body, meaning, what they are responsible for

    diagram of the human body and head indicating the location of more than 30 chakras

    In fact, the number of chakras in a person exceeds 40. However, different schools and approaches give slightly different knowledge in this matter. Some focus on the upper chakras, others partly complement the well-known seven.

    Read more about the chakras with their names and descriptions below.

    • Zarzha-chakra.
      It is located at the top and bottom of the body - 4 fingers above the head, just below the middle of the thighs.
      The dead go up and the living go down through this point.
    • Chakra settings on stones, other planets, asteroids. It is double, has a similar point on the legs.
    • The chakra is connected to mushrooms, mosses, lichens, their spores. Double chakra, the second is located on the legs.
    • Chakra is a connection to the world of insects. Has a reflection on the legs.
    • The Dinchel Chakra is also reflected in the middle of the thighs.
      Located a finger above Brahmolai.
      It turns on through attunement with Mercury, dinosaurs, reptiles. Responsible for the resonant work of both hemispheres of the brain at the solar-galactic frequency.
    • Chakra for connecting to migratory birds.
    • Brahmolaya.
      It is located 4 fingers above Sahasrara.
      When this chakra is highly developed, the structure of the human skull changes. It forms a bump, a bone growth. A number of nationalities recognize a person with a similar feature on his head as a “saint”.
    • Sahasrara or thousand-petalled lotus.
      Its place is on the crown.
      It is turned on by concentrating on Brahmolai or after the lower consciousness is completely turned off.
      Responsible for the development of super-knowledge, the ability to penetrate and get along in the cosmic worlds.
    • Protomonad.
      It is located one finger below the previous chakra. This includes the soul. The chakra is tightly connected to the umbilical cord.
      Knowing how to tune in to his first cell, to return to the pure source of his origin, a person is able to correct the shortcomings of the past years, and also become a long-liver.
    • Tsarcha.
      The level of the edge of the forehead, where the hair begins, is the point of its location.
      Balances the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Responsible for social power, the will of the system.
      The esoteric nature of the chakra lies in the fact that people working with it consider themselves "masters of the world."
    • Ajna.
      The position is the center of the forehead. It creates a personal volitional mentality that a person uses in ordinary life to realize your destiny, to develop your karma.
    • Animal.
      Located between the eyebrows. Includes animal mode, human combat potential.
      It enhances the radiation of the Ajna center, as well as physical strength, if a person knows how to connect to the egregore of his individual totem animal, bacteria.
    • EBEJ.
      Located at eye level. This is the point of physical birth and death of a person.
      Responsible for personal destiny, karma.
    • The middle of the nose is a connection to lizards, pterodactels, dinosaurs, snakes, turtles.
      Needed for the treatment of diseases, for example, varicose veins veins.
    • The tip of the nose is a connection to the Neanderthal plan. It works especially brightly in drunken alcoholics.
    • Amba plan - this is the zone of the jaws, mouth.
      Controlled by the Neanderthal plan.
    • Karma Chakra.
      Its location is in the oral cavity between the tongue and palate. Responsible for physiology and health.
      This point connects the mental with the astral.
    • Azhvira.
      Located in the middle at the top of the neck. Associated with Venus. This includes viruses.
      Works powerfully in stressful situations. Responsible for acts of spontaneous unconscious thinking. Closely associated with auricles person, interacting with people.
    • Vishuddha.
      Located in the center of the neck. Harmonizes the work of the astral and mental, if a person knows how to activate it correctly.
    • Selma.
      The point is located at the level of the clavicular notch, at the base of the neck.
      It nourishes with energy from the first ancestors, if a person knows how to consciously turn it on.
    • Zverpra, or thymus, or animal anahata.
      It contains the immunity of a person, his love for animals, dead ancestors. Responsible for human health and vitality.
    • 2 chakras - one above the heart, the second - symmetrically to the right. Responsible for the love of the animal world.
    • Right astral heart.
    • Anahata is located in the center of the chest.
      Responsible for love for people, a specific person, normal work hearts.
      It is revealed with relaxation, acceptance of the right to life of all living beings.
    • Suryajiva.
      Centrally located solar plexus. This is a personal astral of a person, his egregor.
    • 2 chakras, one under the heart, the second symmetrically on the right - are responsible for the love of birds, the flying world.
    • Astrapura is the point between the solar plexus and the navel.
      Responsible for connecting to the ancestors.
    • Manipura is located 2-3 fingers below the navel.
      Responsible for communication with the family, father and mother.
    • Svadhisthana is a point in the center of the pubis.
      This is the sexual center of man.
    • Muladhara is located at the level of the coccyx.
      Responsible for survival, physical strength.
    • Linganha is located just above the middle of the thigh. General sexual chakra of all mankind.
    • The chakra at the level of the middle of the thighs is the connection to the general sexual energy of reptiles.
    • The Ham Chakra is located at the level of the knees.
      Responsible for volitional potential, vitality.
    • Rajimaya is at the level of the ankles.
      Responsible for the unidentified creative flow.
    • The chakra at the level of the feet is responsible for connecting to the core of the earth.

    location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 1

    location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 2

    location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 3

    location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 4

    Chakras and diseases: table

    anatomical diagram human body with the designation of chakras and zones of their influence on internal organs

    Ideally, all chakras in a person should work harmoniously. However, in real life Almost every one of us has distortions and deviations.

    Understanding the connection with the internal organs and the zones of action of the chakras, you can assume the causes of certain diseases in yourself and your loved ones.

    Below we add a table for clarity.

    two tables of the relationship of diseases with human chakras

    The interaction of the chakras of a man and a woman

    the scheme of interaction between a man and a woman at the level of their chakras

    Most esotericists and sites with similar topics claim that the chakras in men and women work differently:

    • revolve in different directions
    • have more or less power, energy
    • some only give energy, while others only receive

    Thanks to this order of things, harmonious relations are formed between a man and a woman. So, the second feeds the first with sexual energy and the heart, and the first feeds the second - from the rest of the chakras.

    • Note that disc-shaped chakras work with holy personalities. For the rest, they are more like balls of different diameters.
    • The second point is that ideally, all chakras in a person should work without reference to gender.
    • The third - when a man and a woman dock at each other, all the chakras should work in the ideal case.
      At a minimum - sexy, cordial and Ajna.
      Although there are couples and with docking only one chakra. Then they will either not be together for long, or they will take the path of development in a pair.

    Physical sensation of the chakras

    a girl meditates on the shore of a pond to feel her chakras

    To feel the chakras at the level of body physics, consider a number of initial parameters:

    • degree of body control
    • the level of recognition of its signals
    • your state of health
    • muscle tone
    • cleanliness of the body, in other words, the absence of toxins

    Concentrating on a particular chakra, you can feel:

    • pressure
    • cold
    • warm
    • goosebumps
    • numbness
    • ripple
    • vibration

    Frequent cases when a person feels his nerve nodes brighter or weaker.

    Sometimes, instead of the location of a particular chakra, a person is pulled to the side or straight / backward, up / down. This indicates distortions in the movement of energies, the occurrence of diseases in the future.

    So, we got acquainted with the basic human chakras, their characteristics and zones of influence on the work of internal organs. We also briefly reviewed an extended list of chakras. Determined the nuances of interaction ganglions paired between a man and a woman. met with physical sensations chakras in the body.

    To believe in all this or not is up to you. Always use logic and critical appraisal information about esoteric knowledge. So you save your energy and peace of mind of loved ones.

    Video: 40 human chakras - where are they located and how to work with them?

    They can not be seen in the mirror or in the photo, they can not be touched. Chakras out of bounds physical world. These are the centers of energy in the etheric body. But, despite the intangible nature, the chakras have an impact on a person. health, illness, emotional sphere and relationship with environment- all this is a certain indicator. Perhaps, for a harmonious attitude and the operation of all systems, a person may need to clean and work out problems, work focused on restoration, disclosure and removal of blocks.

    Chakras for beginners can be thought of as bundles of energy that are in motion. These are a kind of funnels that serve as connecting bridges of higher planes with physical layer. There are photos of diagrams and a textual description of the chakras in the form of circles, spheres or moving wheels, through which information, energy flows into the cells of the body, thereby saturating it. Specialized books and music can help clarify how to open the chakras. Work on the chakras consists in performing an exercise or a whole set of trainings aimed at developing and clearing the centers of energy accumulation. Meditation and the study of each chakra separately helps a lot with this.

    The chakra system is expressed not only at non-material levels. There are seven main points of energy located near the glands of paramount importance. In a photo of a person, they could be distributed along spinal column. So, the location of the root chakra is in the lower segment of the spine and is responsible for the sex glands. The sacral is positioned in lower region abdomen and regulates the adrenal glands. The energy center of the solar plexus is located under the 12th pair of ribs and affects the pancreas. The heart chakra is in the chest and its zone of influence is the thymus. Throat chakra, located, according to the name and is responsible for the work thyroid gland. The pituitary gland is the zone of influence of the brow chakra, which is located at a point in the middle of the forehead. The location of the parietal energy center is at the top of the head and it is he who regulates the work of the epiphysis.

    There are several views on the chakra system, where the number, location and name of the energy centers are different, but the functions and essence lie in the accumulation and distribution higher energy for every cell in the body. Therefore, chakras for beginners should begin with an introduction to the basic views on the human energy system.

    The chakra system of the Eastern man

    It consists of 7 basic points, their location is vertical, along the line of the spinal column. It is believed that the central energy channel, Sushumna, flows through it. In the photo, it would look like a straight line of multi-colored spheres, because each chakra is painted in its own colors. The description and color of all centers depends on the frequency of vibrations of the energy they absorb from the surrounding world. The absorbed energy is separated into components and transferred from the chakras to nervous system, glands and, then, dissolves in the blood. Usually, in graphic schemes and in the photo, symbols of lotus flowers are used for the image, with a varied number of petals. At the same time, each chakra and its petals have separate sounds that generate opening and activation.

    1. The first chakra is red and its name is Muladhara. Modifies the received flows and energizes the body for physical work. It concentrates in itself everything that is connected with natural needs and the ability to survive.
    2. The second is called Svadhisthana and its colors are orange. She is responsible for base pleasures, a sense of security, the instinct to procreate and preserve the family, the compatibility of female and male energies.
    3. The third is yellow, Manipura. This is an intermediary between the lower energy centers and the upper ones. It brings compatibility between the instinctive and the spiritual. Manipura accepts vital energy and produces creative inspiration, well-being and abundance.
    4. Fourth - Anahata in the photo and diagrams it is depicted as green. The area of ​​responsibility is the harmonization of the sphere of conscience and morality. Its energy balances negative and positive flows, pacifies and balances a person.
    5. The fifth is Vishuddha, her aura is depicted as blue. Serves as a guide to the sensual positive world of energies. Its meaning is inspiration, self-expression and communication.
    6. The sixth is blue, called Ajna. The sphere of activity is intuition, through which the perception of figurative forms occurs. The development of Ajna opens the organ of vision of the non-physical plane, known as the "third eye".
    7. Seventh - Sahasrara is embodied in purple. In the photo, it can be seen as a lotus with one thousand petals. It brings enlightenment, awareness of the highest level and is of primary importance in uniting with the divine principle.

    Western view of the chakra system

    The main difference of the Western system is the direction energy flow movement. If in the teachings of the East it comes from below and goes up into space, then it is the other way around for a Western person. It receives energy through the first center at the crown and out through the lower ninth dual chakra.

    1. The first energy center is located in the sphere of the crown chakra. It connects with information field and space.
    2. The second chakra is located in the middle of the forehead, between the eyes. It brings a sense of independence, stimulates brain activity and increases willpower, gives the possibility of telepathy and perception of information in the form of images.
    3. The third is the throat chakra, covering the neck area. Responsible for communication with the world.
    4. Fourth - heart center, is localized in the solar plexus, in addition to the work of the heart, regulates the exchange of gases in the body.
    5. The fifth is responsible for the proper functioning of the stomach, kidneys, gallbladder and pancreas. Its location in the photo and images is the upper abdomen, below the twelfth pair of ribs.
    6. The sixth chakra is located at the junction of the body with the umbilical cord of the mother. At the highest levels, it is responsible for providing energy, at the physical level, for the functioning of the intestines.
    7. Seventh - is positioned at the base of the spinal column. Determines the functioning of the reproductive system. In a balanced state, it gives a person a sense of peace of mind.
    8. The eighth and ninth centers are paired. The eighth chakra is located in the region of both knees. Ninth - on the feet. leg area highest level is interconnected with the human race and is responsible for the interaction of the entire chakra system with the Earth.

    Slavic chakra system

    According to this direction, the flow is constantly moving along the cross energy points, thereby being in a state of circulation. The system is being built at nine main energy centers and four additional ones.

    Four more are added to the nine main ones. Eye chakras - in the photo they are located above each eye, the point of contact is between the eyebrows, their union forms a "perception triangle". two chakras hip joints that carry the energy of changes in living conditions or a change of place of residence.

    Three Dan Tiens

    In addition to the concept of chakra systems, in Eastern and Slavic culture there is a concept of three zones that collect, accumulate energy and perform its regeneration. These are 3 kind of storages, in the photo and diagrams they are located along the length of the central energy channel. They are called three minds or three Dan Tiens.

    Upper Dian Tien (Active mind) - hides in itself the reserves of the energy of the spirit, and if they are full, then the brain begins to work to its full potential. The Upper Dian Tien is the Light of Higher Knowledge. It includes the frontal, parietal and throat chakras.

    Middle Dian Tien (Conscious Mind) - contains the heart and thymus chakras. In it, through Reason and Consciousness, a metamorphosis of personal qualities and emotions takes place in pure love and Compassion.

    Lower Dian Tien (Aware mind) - accumulates all the energy of life and covers the chakras of the solar plexus, tanden and the root center.

    How to open chakras? For this, it is necessary to regularly conduct meditations and cleansing of energy zones. It is mandatory to work with your own units in order to restore the normal operation of all systems. There are many different photographs and video materials, which describes the methods by which you can independently study the techniques of harmonization and regeneration of problem areas. Usually these techniques are based on meditations, where certain music and sounds are used - mantras, exercises are performed aimed at cleansing and activating energy centers, and their work is diagnosed.

    What open chakra

    Opening and clearing the chakras

    Chakra colors

    Human chakras are invisible energy centers in the astral body. Chakras carry religious, spiritual and cultural significance for all mankind. This teaching came to us from India, and the Hindus themselves often use images of chakras, they look especially bright and original on jewelry.

    The use of the color and symbol of a particular chakra in clothing helps the wearer discover the desired

    Human chakras. Meaning

    Not everything that exists in the world can be seen with one's own eyes. Beyond the visible perception are 7 chakras:

    1. Muladhara;
    2. Svadhisthana;
    3. Manipura;
    4. Anahata;
    5. Vishuddha;
    6. Ajna;
    7. Sahasrara.

    Each of the 7 chakras is responsible for the physical, mental and emotional processes in the human body. Each chakra has its own internal organs. The first, root chakra is the rectum and colon; second, sacred genitourinary system and kidneys; third, solar - spleen, liver, stomach and small intestine; fourth, cardiac - heart and lungs; fifth, guttural - throat; sixth, frontal - the brain; seventh, crown - the brain. The chakras are the same for women and men.

    Analyze the main life problems and understand which chakra to start with

    What are open chakras and how it works

    The opening of the chakras is not a myth. Spiritual teachers say that where it hurts, it is blocked. Each organ belongs to a particular chakra and when the means traditional medicine do not save from problems, help comes from meditation. The opening of the chakras is the cleansing of energy blocks, memories, resentments, clamps and old unnecessary prejudices. When a person works with one or another chakra, does special yogic exercises, concentrates his attention on points inside the body, wears and eats properly, the flow of energy in the body resumes and the chakras open. Over time, real pain in organs and muscles disappears.

    Energy body - complex structure made up of seven major chakras

    It is believed that energy comes to man from outer space. It enters the Sahasrara and flows down, passing through all the energy centers. In the lower chakra, it twists and tends back up. This cosmic energy is called prana, and the channels are called nadis. There are three of them in the human body: left, central and right. If the energy stops in some part of the nadi, it means that there is a blockage there. Blocks, as a rule, are psychosomatic in nature, but they are manifested by quite real and tangible pain, discomfort.

    Cosmic energy is available to everyone at any time, you just need to open the chakras

    For example, if a child is not allowed to cry, express emotions, or speak openly about his thoughts - Great chance the appearance of a block in Vishuddha, the throat chakra. This is the same “lump in the throat”. Later, such people are afraid of self-realization, public speaking can't talk about their problems and dissatisfaction.

    Both pranayama and mantra chanting are used to activate the fifth chakra.

    If a child is not loved, they do not say warm words to him, do not hug him and do not accept him with all his shortcomings, a block appears in Anahata. This is later manifested by pain in the heart and diseases. of cardio-vascular system, as well as the inability to express their love, and even cruelty.

    A blocked Anahata spoils the life of not only a person, but also the people around him

    There are countless examples of blocks, but you can identify the root of the problem and fix it.

    By removing the block from each chakra, you can put in order almost all areas of your life.

    Opening and clearing energy centers

    How to get rid of blocks? How to open chakras? How to make the cosmic energy flow evenly throughout the body, from head to toe and back? Here are the key practices for clearing the chakras:

    Working with the mind, concentration, thoughts and emotions. Set a goal: get rid of a specific disease or suffering. Concentrate on one chakra, working with color and sound, look for clips, childhood memories in this area and direct the energy of love there.

    Chakra meditation is one of the most quick ways their discoveries

    Yoga. A set of Kundalini yoga exercises is aimed at activating the human energy centers. Schedule yoga classes for a week: Monday - Muladhara, Tuesday - Svadhisthana, and so on. The 7 days of the week correspond to the 7 chakras of a person. Pick up and go to practice!

    Yoga is a powerful way to clear and open the chakras

    Pranayama. Breathing exercises will help to carry out special work with that point in the body that needs attention and purification. Enrichment with oxygen rejuvenates the body.

    Breathing practices effectively open the chakras, so pranayamas are also very popular.

    Each chakra has its own sound. You can sing it, say it or repeat it to yourself - this is how you concentrate on the right center and the answers to exciting questions come by themselves.

    Each chakra has its own mantra

    Working with crystals Each chakra corresponds to a specific stone. Talismans have certain vibrations, change the energy field and are able to heal.

    Working with crystals and stones is a good way to harmonize energy body and chakras

    Right actions. In addition to spiritual practices, it is necessary to do work in everyday life: to tell others about your love, to do good deeds, not to let aggression rule you, not to be greedy, not to offend others, to eat right, to work.

    Thanks to good deeds, blocks from the chakras go away much faster

    Each chakra has its own color

    Each chakra has its own color. These are her vibrations, her individual trademark. Sacred geometry and mathematics reign in the universe, even if we do not always notice it. 7 notes, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 chakras and 7 colors of the rainbow. The outstanding scientist Isaac Newton broke the continuous spectrum into 7 colors, and, surprisingly, they correspond to the human chakras. People who meditate regularly note that the light and color of a chakra can actually be seen if you focus your attention on it for a long time.

    Each chakra has its own color and, accordingly, properties.

    Chakra colors:

    • Muladhara is red. The color of life, strength, stability and courage;
    • Svadhisthana - orange. The color of emotions, pleasure, youth and health;
    • Manipura is yellow. The color of lightness, smiles and the ability to overcome difficulties;
    • Anataha - green. The color of love;
    • Vishuddha is blue. The color of creativity and self-expression;
    • Ajna - blue. The color of wisdom, logic, good memory;
    • Sahasrara - purple. The color of the cosmos, spirituality and the desire for awareness.

    If you are looking for how to become better, how to live better, how to feel better - you are on spiritual path. Do not pay attention to the fact that interest in the 7 chakras has increased so much that now everyone who is not lazy is speculating with this information. It still remains a sacred teaching that came to us from ancient india and it really works.

    With this article, we open a series of publications about chakras, where we will tell you more about each of them, their meaning, as well as how an open chakra changes a person’s life and how to activate it.



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