How quickly does lichen spread in dogs. Effective ways to treat lichen in dogs

If your pet has contracted lichen, then you should know that the disease is dangerous for others, and urgent action must be taken. Let's figure out what ringworm looks like and how to treat it at home in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Lichen and its types

Lichen is an infectious skin disease caused by a pathogenic fungus of various types, affecting the upper layers of the epidermis.

The fungus is resistant to various environmental conditions and can survive for several years.

There are five types of lichen that dogs can get.

Eczema, or weeping lichen manifests itself as a result of a general failure in the body. It can be caused by an allergic reaction, endocrine problems, or even poor heredity.

The disease is manifested by inflammation of the skin area, which can quickly grow and from which hair falls out.
The skin becomes loose, bright pink or red, covered with pustules and scabs, from which ichor or pus flows. This is accompanied by constant itching and burning.

Although this type of lichen is not transmitted to humans, it is so difficult to treat and so often prone to relapse that it will cause both the owner and the pet a lot of trouble.

Only a competent veterinarian will cope with eczema after a full comprehensive examination.

Recognized as the most harmless type of lichen in dogs, as it appears and disappears on its own and suddenly.
He got his name for the color of the spot, which appears sharply on the body and increases to 3 cm in diameter. After a couple of days, the same spots appear all over the body, only smaller.

As a rule, they peel off, and sometimes they can change color to yellow. You can show your pet to a doctor, but he will advise you to avoid the sun and water procedures.

If everything is done, then in 1.5–2 months the lichen will disappear, and new hair will appear in its place.

Important!You can wipe stains with vinegar 4-5 times a day. This will speed up the disappearance of pink lichen.

Ringworm, on the contrary, is considered the most common and dangerous for a dog and, importantly, for a person. Beige or light pink rounded or oval spots appear on the pet's body, mainly on the lower legs, around the tail, on the head and around the ears.

The speed of their spread throughout the body depends on the immunity of the animal.

All this is accompanied by severe itching and burning, as well as peeling of the skin. Wool in the foci of inflammation has a broken appearance, and after treatment - a new one does not grow for a long time. For this ailment and got its name.

Shingles appears as a result of infection of the dog with the herpes virus.
Mostly appears on the stomach, but not necessarily. It manifests itself in spots covered with bubbles, which eventually burst and turn into crusts on the skin. The disease is accompanied by itching.

This type of lichen is transmitted to humans, therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to protect the pet from children, and disinfect its places of residence with chlorine.

A common disease in dogs that begins as a small yellow-brown or pink spot on the body, which increases in size over time.

The site of inflammation is flaky, but it does not cause itching. May appear on different areas of the skin.
Lichen in a dog is displayed in the photo at the initial stage.

Whatever type of lichen your pet has, you can’t make decisions on treatment on your own, but immediately contact a qualified veterinarian for advice and prescribing the right treatment.

Did you know?A wet nose on a dog in order to recognize the direction of the air or where the smell comes from.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons why a pet can get this nasty fungus. At risk are animals that:

  • have been in contact with stray animals;
  • wore other people's collars or leashes;
  • eating from other people's bowls or sleeping on the bedding of an infected animal;
  • have a weakened immune system due to another disease;
  • are malnourished or malnourished;
  • bear offspring or feed them;
  • are sick with chronic or oncological diseases;
  • are young or old.
The risk of getting sick in warm, humid weather increases, so at this time the owners need to be extremely careful.

Signs of an infectious disease

The signs of lichen have been described separately above, but they all have common beginnings.

At the first active stage of development of the fungus, the animal develops a rash on the body, which, as a rule, the owner does not notice under the coat.

Further, spots of different colors begin to appear: from pink to brown. And then in the foci of inflammation, wool begins to fall out.
In parallel with this, the animal may become lethargic and lose its appetite. He also suffers from constant itching.

If you notice these signs - it's time to see a doctor because it can be dangerous for humans.

How to treat ringworm in dogs at home

You can try to overcome lichen in a dog with home treatment, but this requires a comprehensive approach to the problem.

We must not forget about good nutrition and daily walks.

Pharmacy funds

Before using any means for treatment on the affected area, cut out all the hair, capturing the healthy one. Then this place is washed with warm water and smeared with iodine.
In the future, you can use any of the antifungal ointments, such as Ketoconazole, Dermatol, Zoomikol or Mycozalon.

It is important that the pet does not lick off the applied product, and for this they put on a special collar that will prevent this.

To protect the liver from potent drugs, hepatoprotective agents can be given: Hepatovet or Hepatolux.
In case of severe damage, intramuscular injections with antifungal drugs should be used: Vakderm, Mentavak or Polivak.

We must not forget to give the animal fortifying vitamins and mineral complexes during this period.

Treatment with folk remedies

Not many folk remedies have shown their effectiveness in the fight against lichen in dogs. You can lubricate the affected areas with iodine as an independent remedy or apple cider vinegar.

Important!Iodine and vinegar contribute to necrosis, that is, the death of skin tissues, so in the future you may encounter dermatitis. But it is much easier to cure it than lichen.

Diagnostics and treatment in the veterinary clinic

Diagnosing a pet on your own is dangerous, so bring it to the clinic.

With the help of modern diagnostics, they will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  1. By using Wood's lamps highlight the affected areas on the skin in a dark room. If there is fungus, then the wool will glow green. But here the accuracy is about 70%. And if the lamp showed a negative result, then this does not mean that there is no infection.
  2. wool microscopy helps to identify spores of the fungus on the hair removed from the affected area. It is mixed with alkali, and if there is an infection on it, then the hair will glow with fluorescent light under the influence of this reaction.
  3. Bacterial culture- the most effective method of disease recognition, which gives a 100% result. Of the shortcomings - the duration of the procedure, which takes about two weeks. Take a small piece of the affected area of ​​the skin and sow it in a nutrient medium. After a couple of weeks, they look under a microscope to see what kind of fungus has grown from it.

Diagnosis is mandatory for the selection of the correct treatment and a quick recovery of the animal.

Did you know?Dogs are able to hiccup in the same way as humans - from overeating or when they drink water quickly.

Preventive actions

If you follow preventive measures in a timely manner, then no lichen to your pet will be terrible.

  • It is important to avoid contact with other people's dogs and other animals, especially stray ones.
  • The pet must properly and timely receive the food he needs.
  • It is necessary to regularly examine the animal for the appearance of spots and hair loss.
  • Monitor the condition and behavior of the dog.
  • Regularly clean its habitats and household items.
  • Take it to the veterinarian for a preventive examination and do not forget to do timely vaccinations.
Do not be afraid if your pet is struck by such an unpleasant disease. Contact your veterinarians and they will help you choose the right type of treatment. Follow all their instructions and your pet will be on the mend in no time.

During their lives, many dogs contract a fungal skin infection called ringworm. Active dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, where they can become infected through contact with other dogs and pets such as cats. In addition to the inconvenience and danger to the health of the dog itself, ringworm is easily transmitted to humans. For this reason, as well as for the health of the animal, one should be able to recognize signs of ringworm in a dog in time and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian to prevent further spread of the infection.


Ringworm detection

    Look for signs of itching and skin irritation. In this case, the animal can often scratch and bite its hair, which often serves as the first signs of ringworm. In any case, with these symptoms, you should carefully examine your pet.

    Examine the animal's skin. If you suspect your dog has a skin infection, you should examine any areas of skin that may have been infected. At the same time, push the hair apart so that it is more convenient for you to examine the skin. Pay special attention to the areas that the dog often scratches, as well as the head, ears and front paws (these are most susceptible to infection).

    Pay attention to the bald spots in the dog's coat. They most often occur on the head, ears and paws of the animal. Are these patches rounded? Are they surrounded by a bright red rim? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, the likelihood of ringworm increases.

    Observe the affected areas for several days. If you find infected or irritated areas of the skin, keep an eye on them. Sometimes it is not possible to identify ringworm immediately, in which case you should continue monitoring and see what happens next.

    • It is helpful to isolate the dog while the diagnosis is being made. Keep your pet away from other pets. Try to keep your dog in a room with a minimum amount of upholstered furniture - this way you can vacuum the room more easily, which will reduce the risk of infection. If it turns out that the dog does indeed have ringworm, isolating it from other pets will help prevent them from getting it.
    • Look out for insect bite marks and skin rashes that aren't round. This may be a sign of other conditions (such as allergies) that require a different treatment. Ringworm often affects the skin due to a weakened immune system, while other rashes can occur due to an overactive immune system.
  1. Look closely at the development of inflammatory processes. If the areas of damaged skin are enlarged and retain a rounded shape, and the inflammation grows, this is similar to ringworm. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian, who will prescribe a suitable antifungal agent.

  2. If the listed methods do not allow to establish an unambiguous diagnosis, the veterinarian will take a sample for culture and its analysis. The analysis will determine the presence of the fungus. To do this, the veterinarian will take a sterile brush (such as a toothbrush) and run it over the affected area. The bristles of the brush will then be placed in a container of fungal growth medium, this container will be sealed and left for some time long enough for the fungus to grow.

    • Many veterinarians use a test in which the culture medium changes color when fungus grows. Such a test allows you to unequivocally determine whether the animal has ringworm.
    • It takes an average of 4-5 days for the fungus to multiply and cause a color change, although the test is considered negative if the color of the culture medium has not changed after 2 weeks.
  3. Start treatment for ringworm. If your pet has ringworm, your veterinarian will prescribe an antifungal medication. Keep your pet in isolation during treatment to prevent the infection from spreading to other pets and even people.

    • To prevent your dog from swallowing topical medications, wear a wide, tapered collar (called an Elizabethan collar) during treatment.

Sometimes it happens that even pets surrounded by the care of their owners get sick. Some diseases are dangerous for humans, one of these is lichen in dogs.

Features of the disease

Lichen is an infectious nature pathology that affects the skin of dogs. The infection can be viral or fungal, depending on the pathogen.

Lichen causes damage to the skin of the pet with concomitant loss of hair and the formation of crusts. Sometimes the disease affects the claws, as a result they are injured and cracked, their integrity is violated. Often owners have a problem - how to recognize lichen in a dog. This will be discussed below, where it will be told how lichen looks like in a dog, depending on the type.

Lichen can also be transmitted to humans; children are at increased risk. Among animals, animals with a weakened immune system, pregnant and lactating bitches, aged and sick pets, as well as young individuals with an unstable immune system are at greater risk.

Sources of the disease

The greatest risk of infection is through direct contact with an infected animal. This is one of the reasons why dogs should be strictly avoided when walking with stray animals. Lichen in a dog does not appear immediately, there is an incubation period, different, depending on the species.

It is also possible to get an infection by contact with items that were in use by a sick animal, including bedding, bowls, wool brushes, and so on.

When the fungus enters the skin of an animal, it quickly spreads throughout the body of the pet, especially for such a dangerous and common disease as ringworm or trichophytosis in dogs.

Ringworm in a dog, the symptoms of which may vary, as discussed below, is not always the cause of a fungal infection. Sometimes it can be caused by viral lesions, such as the herpes virus.

However, not all types of lichen are infectious, the causes may also lie in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe endocrine system, as in cases with weeping eczema.

Signs of lichen in a dog

To the question: how does lichen appear in dogs, there is no general answer. Canine lichen occurs in many different ways, and the signs of lichen in dogs look different.

A characteristic sign of the manifestation of any of the varieties of the disease is the appearance of damaged areas of the coat of the animal's skin. And also the fact that the dog scratches or licks the damaged area, since the damage is often accompanied by itching.

A subtle rash may also appear, gradually increasing in size. The affected area may be more than one, most often problems begin near the ears of the animal, on the head, near the base of the tail and on the paws in their lower part.

The appearance of lesions is, in fact, the only point that describes what lichen looks like in dogs.

At the first appearance of any symptoms, which will be discussed below, the animal must be immediately isolated from other animals and people, especially from children, and shown to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Unfortunately, even in the case of the passage of external symptoms of any type of lichen in dogs, the animal may remain a carrier of the disease.

It is highly discouraged to try to diagnose the animal yourself for any ailment, especially for infectious diseases. Accurate diagnosis can only be carried out in a clinic with a referral from a qualified veterinarian. Even if the owner is familiar with how to determine lichen in a dog, the animal still needs to be shown to a specialist.

The following diagnostic methods are available:

  • examination of the animal using an ultraviolet wood lamp, long-wave range;
  • examination of the affected coat with a microscope;
  • wool samples for sowing in special environments.

Varieties of lichen in dogs

There are several varieties of the disease. The symptoms of lichen in dogs vary by species.


Pink lichen in dogs is not considered the most dangerous for a pet's health. The initial sign will be the appearance of small rounded spots about 2 cm in diameter with a characteristic color of a yellow-pink hue, from which the name of the disease arose.

A distinctive feature is the appearance of the so-called "maternal plaque", the main lesion. It is slightly larger than the rest of the affected areas. The plaques are pretty itchy and constantly peel off, causing discomfort.

Often the manifestation happens in a very unexpected way, and can disappear just as quickly. Often the disease goes away on its own, but it is better to check the final confirmation of recovery with a doctor.


Ringworm in dogs is quite common. The causative agent of ringworm is the same fungus from the Microsporum family, which causes damage to the skin.

At the same time, ringworm in dogs, the symptoms of which are easily recognizable, is a very unpleasant disease for the animal.

Trichophytosis in dogs is characterized by the appearance of round or oval spots about 2 cm in size. Most often, the initial foci appear on the head, tail, paws and muzzle of the animal. In this case, the infection spreads rapidly throughout the body.

The hair on the affected areas falls out, baldness occurs, which is why the disease got its name. As in the case of pink lichen, peeling and itching of the affected areas are expressed. However, the disease does not go away on its own and requires rapid intervention and intensive treatment.


Weeping lichen in dogs is eczema. Often the cause lies in the chronic condition of the animal or a genetic predisposition and it manifests itself differently from ringworm in a dog. This disease is not infectious, but rather allergic in nature, sometimes caused by a malfunction of the endocrine system.

A pronounced symptomatology is as follows: spots appear that look like a burn. The nature of the rash is inflammatory, a rash and small pustules appear throughout the body of the pet, from which the ichor is secreted. In places of damage, the skin also itches, itches and cracks, bubbles and redness appear.

A distinctive symptom of weeping eczema is pronounced swelling.


One of the most common types is pityriasis. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of a single spot or several in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back, paws or neck of the pet.

The spots are pink in color with a gradual change towards yellow or brown, the hair falls out in these areas, but there is no visible inflammation.


The cause of its appearance is the herpes virus. Foci of external viral lesions most often occur in the abdomen and between the ribs, where severe itching occurs.

Bubbles gradually appear, eventually bursting with the formation of crusts. Outwardly, it resembles the same thing that happens when a “cold” occurs on a person’s lip, since the pathogen is identical.

Gradually, skin lesions can move to the back and paws of the pet, forming in some way a belt around the animal, which is why the problem got its name.

The answer to the question of what to do if the dog has lichen can be found in this article.


So, lichen is diagnosed in a dog, what should be done to cure a pet?

Treatment of the animal will directly depend on the verdict of the veterinarian. Obviously, treatment for lichen in a dog will vary depending on the type of diagnosis, as fungal infections will be treated differently from viral ones. That is, how to treat lichen in dogs depends on what exactly the dog is sick with.

Local (ointments, creams)

So, how to treat ringworm in a dog. In the case of fungal infections, which include both pink and ringworm, it is necessary to carefully trim the hair around the affected areas of the skin. This is followed by treatment with warm water, then with iodine solution.

Topical treatment with creams and ointments is best done with disposable latex gloves to avoid contamination. Sheared wool, along with seals, must be disposed of immediately after the procedure is completed to avoid infection.

The question arises, how to smear lichen in a dog. After washing, the plaques are lubricated with antifungal drugs (Miconazole, Clotrimazole), salicylic acid solution. Ointment for lichen in dogs is prescribed by a veterinarian. Additionally, special sprays with targeted action against lichen and antifungal shampoos can be prescribed if the dog can be washed. To prevent the dog from licking ointments and creams from the skin, it is better to use a protective collar.

However, the local effect should not be the only one, the treatment should be complex, which will be discussed below.


Before the question arises of how to cure lichen in a dog, you need to remember the diagnosis.

With regard to the ringworm disease in dogs, the treatment is combined with a local effect, oral antifungal drugs are prescribed. The most popular is Griseofulvin. However, drugs when taken have a negative effect on the liver, to protect which hepatoprotectors are used.

The treatment of weeping eczema is different, since the root of the problem lies in a different area. Here it is important to find out the cause of allergic reactions and treat it in the first place. You may need to change your diet, eliminating foods high in fat.


One of the most successful treatment options is vaccination. Medicines are administered intramuscularly, 2-3 times a day for 10 days.

There is a risk of an allergic reaction to drugs, and therefore, antiallergic drugs may be prescribed in parallel with the use of the vaccine.

Immunomodulators can also be prescribed to strengthen the immune system and the body's resistance, as well as vitamin preparations aimed at restoring the health of the coat after an illness.

At the moment, there are enough funds to treat lichen in a dog, no matter what species it belongs to.

It is mandatory to observe personal hygiene in case of infectious diseases, along with the isolation of the patient. Immediately after contact with a sick animal, it is necessary to use disinfectants, it is possible to take vitamins and antifungal drugs.

It is necessary to carry out regular wet cleaning of the premises. Items that your pet has come into contact with should be disposed of whenever possible.

Nutrition should be balanced, the benefits of vitamins have already been mentioned above. It is advisable to approve the diet with your doctor.

Be sure to follow all the instructions of the veterinarian and monitor the sick pet.


A very important point is the prevention of lichen in dogs. First of all, this includes timely vaccination, which will protect the pet from the disease.

A complete and balanced diet with high quality feed is important.

Unfortunately, the most unpleasant types of lichen are dangerous for humans, especially for children. That is why isolation of a sick animal is important, even if a caring child wants to care for their pet.

Trichophytosis in dogs is the most contagious disease, according to statistics, it is the most common fungal disease among children, because they love communicating with animals and cannot always determine that an animal is unhealthy.


The video details the skin diseases of dogs and their treatment.


Many dog ​​breeders believe that lichen is the lot of homeless animals or animals that are not properly cared for. However, this opinion is erroneous, and domestic dogs are also prone to this unpleasant disease, just like street dogs. Carriers of pathogenic fungus are rats and mice. From them, spores fall on homeless cats and dogs, and they already pass them on to pets. Any contact with a carrier of the disease can lead to infection. Dog breeders need to remember that lichen is also transmitted to humans, young children are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, it is so important to be able to recognize this disease in the early stages.

Rash and redness of the skin in one or more places. At this stage, lichen is more like dermatitis or allergies. A dog breeder who finds such a rash on the body of his pet should be vigilant and carefully monitor the condition of the dog's skin and its behavior.

The appearance of pinkish or red spots on previously affected areas. Gradually, the skin there begins to coarsen and become covered with a hard crust. These crusts on the skin can be torn off along with the coat.

Itching. The dog becomes anxious, nervous, sleeps badly, constantly scratches sore spots. Initially, owners may think that the animal is having an allergic reaction to the food. It is possible to alleviate the condition of the animal with antihistamines. With frequent itching, it is necessary to exclude dermatitis, which is a consequence of flea and tick bites.

Hair loss in lesions. Bald spots appear with clearly defined boundaries, and pus can ooze from under the formed crusts. This sign says that the damaged skin of a dog is seeded not only with pathogenic fungi, but also with staphylococci. This can aggravate and prolong the healing process.

Usually, lichen begins on the paws, muzzle and ears, and then spreads throughout the body. Therefore, owners of four-legged animals should examine these parts of the body most carefully. Dogs with weak immunity, puppies or older dogs, as well as those suffering from cancer, are at particular risk.

As with any fungal disease, trichophytosis should begin with the appointment of potent antifungal drugs. Most fungi are hypersensitive to drugs that contain iodine. Therefore, drugs based on this substance are widely used to treat lichen. Also use such drugs as "Dermatol", "Yuglon", "Griseofulfin". Often, antibiotics are included in the course of treatment.
Before using ointments and other remedies, you should cut the dog's hair, treat the affected areas with clean water, and then with iodine. After that, an ointment is applied. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the dog does not lick the places on which it is applied. In addition, the dog is given vitamins that strengthen the immune system. The sooner treatment is started, the better it will be for you and your pet.

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If you suspect that your dog has lichen, then you should limit its contact with people and other animals and contact your veterinarian immediately.

Helpful advice

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Do not be too lazy to vaccinate your dog against lichen in a veterinary clinic on time, and the likelihood of her developing this disease will be significantly reduced.

Related article


  • Ringworm
  • how to treat lichen

Often dog owners notice that their pet begins to fall out in patches of hair. Places of hair loss turn red, fester and itch a lot. Perhaps your pet has picked up a contagious disease called, or, scientifically, trichophytosis or microsporia. Trichophytosis and microsporia differ from each other in some of the symptoms and fungi that cause these diseases. These diseases are similar to skin allergies, so it is important to recognize them by the first signs.

Lichen symptoms

It is important to know that lichen is important, because this disease is dangerous not only for animals that live with an infected dog, but also for people.

Lichen is an infectious inflammatory disease. It manifests itself in the pigmentation of the skin and in severe itching. The incubation period, when not yet noticeable, can last from 5 to 20 days.
The causative agent of this contagious disease will be microscopic fungi, the spores of which fall on the dry skin of the dog and grow into it. Inside the dermis, spores multiply rapidly, and the animal's body responds to this process with inflammation.

Microsporia is caused by a fungus of the species Microstropium canis, and it is characterized by symptoms such as:
- dry coat of the dog, which begins to fall off;
- the appearance of hairless areas of the skin;
- white coating at the base of the hair;
- red inflamed skin on bare areas, which;
- itching of the affected areas.

Trichophytosis is slightly different in symptoms, but it is also a type of lichen. It is caused by the fungus Trichophyton mentagroghytes. Its symptoms:
- wool falls out in places;
- hairless areas of the skin turn red over time;
- the affected areas are covered with brown scaly;
- these areas increase in size and often merge into one;
- dog all the time.

Lichen boundaries are clearly defined. Only that part of the skin where there is no hairline is always affected. Lichen most often affects the head and neck of the dog, then it moves to the base of the tail and limbs. Sometimes advanced forms of lichen can be found on the stomach and nose.
I deprive small and old animals are more susceptible; immunocompromised animals. If your dog spends a lot of time on the street alone, then he also falls into the risk group.

How to treat lichen

For successful treatment of lichen, first of all, limit the contact of the dog with people and with other animals. The veterinarian, having examined the dog, will immediately prescribe the right one. Most often, the treatment of lichen takes place in several stages.

First of all, the doctor prescribes an antifungal vaccine, then antimicrobial agents (ointments and sprays). It is important to treat wounds with an antiseptic every day. After ointments, the doctor may prescribe additional immunomodulators to restore the dog's immunity.

Wet cleaning of the apartment should be daily so that fungal spores do not infect the dog again. Disinfect the dog bed, his bowl, toys; wash yours and all the places where the dog likes to lie. Wash your hands every time you touch an infectious dog.

Prevention of depriving

For the prevention of lichen, there is a special vaccination that is needed periodically. But many owners do not want from this disease. They hope that the infection will bypass their pet. Of course, now lichen is quickly and easily treated, but it is more pleasant to prevent the disease than to treat it.
Ringworm in an infected dog may not appear, but the dog in this case becomes its carrier. The dog as a carrier of the disease will infect all weakened animals. She herself can get sick if the body also weakens.

Ways of infection

Ringworm appears as a result of contact with the carrier of the fungus. After playing with a sick pet, the dog becomes a carrier of the infection. The clinical picture may not appear immediately, the fungus during this period poses a secret threat. Lichen is dangerous to humans and other animals.

Lichen symptoms

The incubation period of infection can last from several days to several months. The dog first develops a rash, then a dry red crust appears on the skin, pus may ooze from it. The bald patch most often has clear boundaries. It's hard not to notice her. The behavior of the dog also changes. She begins to scratch the affected areas, to behave restlessly. Lichen most often appears behind the ears, on the head, at the base of the tail, on the bottom of the paws.

When the fungus enters the skin, it penetrates deep into the epidermis. If the environment is favorable for development, then the lichen grows and the first ones appear. Hair begins to fall out, because hair follicles are damaged due to lack of nutrition. An inflammatory process begins throughout the body, immunity weakens, the dog becomes lethargic.

dog treatment

Annual vaccination with the following drugs will help protect the dog from a terrible scourge: Polivak-TM, Mentavak and Vakderm. During the walk, you need to watch your pet so that he does not play or fight with stray dogs, which can be carriers of the disease. Fungus spores can even be found in street and house dust, so the dog is always at risk of infection. The infection lurks for a long time in upholstery, carpets, where dust accumulates. The person himself can suffer, having become infected from his pet. At the first sign of depriving the dog, it is necessary to protect it from communication with other family members, give it a corner and prevent it from spreading the infection around the apartment. You should take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

No need for a sick dog. There are ointments, vaccines to return the pet to its former life. During the period of treatment, it is necessary to properly compose the diet so that the dog receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals that will help restore the weakened body and overcome the infection. The house should always be wet cleaned and disinfected. Thoroughly wash bowls, toys and dog resting areas. Cleanliness should be taken care of with special care during the treatment of the dog so that the spores of the fungus do not penetrate again. Remember to wash your hands after handling sick animals.

Ringworm in dogs is a contagious skin disease that is difficult to treat and is fungal or viral in nature. If your pet suddenly begins to lose hair and incomprehensible red spots appear on the body, this is an alarming bell. It is possible that the dog has lichen, from which the animal may die if not treated promptly.

Symptoms of lichen in a dog

Each type of lichen has its own symptoms. It is important to pay attention to your dog in order to notice warning signs in time and begin therapy.

Common symptoms common to all species

  • changes in taste preferences, dogs beg for sweets;
  • apathy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excitability;
  • hyperthermia (except for shingles);
  • pale mucous membranes.

Shingles symptoms

  • the appearance of large hairless areas on the neck, muzzle, in the back of the head and in the area of ​​​​the auricles;
  • after a day, the spots swell and become inflamed;
  • after a few days, the bald areas begin to itch and peel off;
  • if the dog combs the bald patches, secondary infection occurs, suppuration and tissue necrosis is possible.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor

  • hyperthermia;
  • large bald patches on the entire body of the dog;
  • the skin of bald areas changes color to bright pink or brown;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • over time, the bald patches begin to get wet and inflamed.

Weeping lichen symptoms

  • the appearance of large hairless spots in the tail or head area;
  • severe itching, the dog itches;
  • ichor oozes from wounds;
  • over time, the wounds begin to bleed.

Ringworm - symptoms

  • the appearance of "bald" oval-shaped areas throughout the body of the animal;
  • severe itching;
  • combing the affected areas;
  • without treatment, bald patches begin to get wet and increase their area.

Pink lichen - symptoms

  • numerous hairless areas on the body of the dog, resembling a rash (size no more than 2 cm);
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • in the center of the spots, the skin is yellow and flaky;
  • without treatment, the area of ​​the spots increases, peeling and itching intensify.

Places of localization

Most often, lichen is localized in the head and neck, on the limbs and around the dog's tail. Usually the first foci appear on the muzzle and ears of the animal.

If the correct treatment is not started in a timely manner, the pet will comb itself, the area of ​​the affected skin will gradually increase.

Diagnosis of the disease

If one or more symptoms appear that indicate that the dog may have lichen, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Only in a clinical setting can the diagnosis be confirmed or refuted.

Diagnostic measures:

  • Primary inspection. The doctor examines the dog and examines the symptoms.
  • Wood's lamp diagnosis. Inspection of the animal under the glow of "black light" (Wood's lamp). Fungi and some other microorganisms emit a fluorescent glow under this light source.
  • Sowing a fungal culture. This study is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis. It is considered the most reliable. A scraping is taken from diseased areas of the animal's skin, which is placed in a special environment where lichen spores begin to grow actively.

What does ringworm look like in dogs

near the ear

on the head

on the stomach



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