The name Galina in different languages ​​of the world. Galina - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Galina.

What does the name Galina mean?

The name Galina means - silence (Greek)

The meaning of the name Galina - character and fate

A woman named Galina is active and energetic by nature, she can do a lot if she plans the day correctly. Belongs to the number of real workers. Galina has time everywhere: at work, in the garden, in entertainment - and at the same time remains attractive and charming. When necessary, she is collected and decisive. Easier to get along with men. Does not tolerate intrigues and gossip, picks up friends with a similar character. For a woman named Galina, both family and career are equally important. But if Galina is faced with a choice, she will try to win back the right to do what she loves. She is prudent, clearly knows what she wants and how to achieve it. In each new acquaintance he sees his interest, he keeps useless friends at a distance, he is emphatically cold with them, date and polite. However, she is able to easily renew relationships with people who are useful to her, quickly restores in her memory who and how can help her. Galina's mood is too changeable, and therefore the attitude towards others is not the same. She is surrounded by many fans, knows how to use their services. For husbands, a woman named Galina chooses the most handsome, economic and accommodating man. The husband must unquestioningly recognize her authority, superiority. In the family, this woman is the undisputed leader. Living with Galina is not easy, often her first marriage ends in divorce. Galina knows a lot about housekeeping: economical, thrifty, thrifty. She goes shopping herself, knows how to bargain. She never complains that no one helps her, she relies only on herself. She likes to tinker in the ground, her garden plot is always a rich harvest. A woman named Galina loves to receive guests, the table is set in a matter of minutes. In everyday life is simple, open to all. She has many friends, and she treats everyone equally well. Her house is rarely empty. Friends can easily turn to her for a cup of coffee. However, Galina does not talk about her innermost things even with close friends, she is secretive, she experiences troubles alone, and does not like to bother others with her problems. "December" Galina is quick-tempered, starts up with half a turn and for nothing, but quickly cools down, does not remember petty insults. A woman named Galina often has sons.

The meaning of the name Galina for sex

Galina lives a dream of great love and sizzling passion, she is an idealist, longing for loyalty and selfless devotion. She comes up with an ideal lover for herself, which is often very far from the real man who is next to her. This does not allow a woman named Galina to live a full-blooded intimate life. Galina is freedom-loving, independent, unpredictable - she can suddenly, for no reason, break ties with a man, her sexual behavior differs in the same extremes. The purpose of sex for Galina is procreation. Stormy, passionate hobbies, love fever - not her element. She evokes strong sexual emotions in partners, but she rarely responds to them in the same way. With intimacy, a woman named Galina, as it were, rewards a man for tenderness and warm relations.

The nature and fate of the name Galina, taking into account the patronymic

First name Galina and patronymic ....

Galina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Nikitichna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna responsive, but you can’t call her disinterested. Modest, this prevents her from realizing her abilities. He loves money, prudent and thrifty, in some cases even stingy. Very excitable, but does not lose self-control. Has a clear mind and strong will. In relations with men, she is quite restrained, and more because she is not capable of violent attraction, her mind never leaves her. As a husband, she chooses a wealthy man, with a calm character, who will not require her to report on spending money, will allow her to be a full-fledged mistress in the house. However, Galina does not like doing housework too much, she often cooks in haste, she is more attracted to her favorite work. She cannot live without communication.

First name Galina and patronymic ....

Galina Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna very stubborn, selfish. Suspicious, believes in divination. Her life is not very happy. She is self-confident, ambitious, difficult to communicate with. Not everyone can find a common language, too demanding of others. It is hard to endure failures, believing that fate is unfair to her. He remembers grievances for a long time, he does not know how to forgive. Does not tolerate criticism. In the family - the leader, will not allow her husband to make comments to her. Marries early, but the first marriage is not always successful. The family is in conflict, a quarrel can start for any reason. The children get the most.

First name Galina and patronymic ....

Galina Bogdanovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna humble and good-natured, very responsive. Able to understand everyone, reaching out to her for advice or sympathy. She is unpretentious in everyday life, easily adapts to any circumstances, completely undemanding. Can be content with little. Knows how to please men, a good hostess, loves to cook, very hospitable. Such Galina marries a man older than her, with a position in society. Ready for any sacrifice to save the family. Her divorce is very rare. She is a great actress, not too sexy, but she knows how to create the appearance of a passionately loving wife. In sex, he sees a very clear goal - the continuation of the family, he loves children very much.

First name Galina and patronymic ....

Galina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Iosifovna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna freedom-loving, independent, stubborn and determined. unpredictable in action. A creative nature, all her life she is passionate about what she loves. He has many admirers, but chooses a friend of the heart for a long time and carefully. She is sociable, enjoys spending evenings with interesting people, but finds a common language with men more easily. She is able to turn anyone's head, but deep down she dreams of loyalty, devotion, passionate love. He has been looking for his ideal for a long time, but more often he gets married by calculation.

First name Galina and patronymic ....

Galina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Robertovna, Rostislavovna, Rubenovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna has a masculine character, stubborn, persistent and resolute. Does not tolerate objections, argues to the last strength. She gladly accepts courtship, but few people are allowed to cross the boundaries she has set. Selfish, prudent and practical, emotional and conflict. It is difficult to get along with "winter" people. He imposes his views on others, bothers with various plans and ideas. Powerful, striving for leadership. In family relationships, he will never allow his spouse to be the head of the family. The first marriage is most often unsuccessful, which makes her cautious and distrustful towards men. In sexual relations, he shows incredible energy and determination, tries to satisfy his needs and has little interest in the state of his partner. She is attracted to sexually strong men. Galina knows how to arouse passion in them, but rarely responds in kind. Only an unusually gentle, affectionate and patient person can hope for her indulgence. Galina with such middle names is born children of different sexes.

Numerology Of The Name Galina

It is too late for the armed to regret the war.

The meaning of the name Galina is "silence" (Greek).

Commemoration days: 11.02, 23.03, 29.04.

Personality. Warrior woman or wire frame.

Characteristics of the name Galina spelled:

G - half-cross, troublesomeness, fussiness;

A - industriousness;

L - the need for affection, harmony, love;

And - love for art, creativity;

H - selectivity of sympathies;

A is a repeat.

What does the name Galina mean in numerology:

GALINA = 414161 = 8 (Uranus).

The goal of the life of a person named Galina is set by Uranus, the planet of choice, innovation, freedom, unpredictability, reformism.

What does the name Galina mean in astrology:

4-1 (Mercury - Sun) - developed intellect, self-improvement, self-realization, the desire for creativity;

1-4, 4-1 (Sun - Mercury, Mercury - Sun) - strengthening of the aspect, additionally - clarity of mind, sociability, diplomacy;

1-6, 6-1 (Sun - Venus, Venus - Sun) - optimism, strong feelings, passions, but also whims, manias, phobias, extravagance;

8-1 (Uranus - Sun) - restless life, changeable fate, originality, ability to use a happy occasion. Women have early marriages.

Karmic lessons named after Galina:

4 (Mercury); 2 (Moon); 3 (Mars); 5 (Jupiter).

Characteristics of the name Galina, taking into account the analysis

Lack of methodology, which is very dangerous with such energy, inability to implement data due to superficial judgments. The ability to use a happy chance somewhat corrects inadequate situations. Rich intuition allows you to work in the field of the occult, magic. Galina is successful in business, creativity, art, she achieves power, wealth, happiness.

Scattering sometimes does not allow her to reach the heights of perfection. Her interests are diverse, but she can devote herself entirely to religion, philosophy, sacrificing many visible values. She is restrained, accurate in trifles; its activities are multifaceted. Marriage is often entered into by calculation, but true.

There are no problems with the fans. But out of many of them, she chooses the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most-most ... Her men often obey, obey her. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: George, Gabriel, Leonid, Nikolai, Elijah.

What does the name Galina mean? Of course, this information will be of interest to both future parents and happy owners of this name. After all, it is its meaning that tells about the nature of the bearer and its compatibility with other onyms. So, let's consider what Galina is remarkable for. The translation of the name and its meaning will tell a lot about the fate of the girl.

The influence of the name on its owner

For some reason, no one ever thinks about the impact the name has on its owner. But, perhaps, this is what predetermines some character traits. Let's analyze the name Galina. It sounds solid enough. However, in Russian pronunciation, the main pressure is on the soft sound "l". So it turns out that hardness and solidity seem to sag in the middle, creating some instability. Of course, this is just a subjective effect of the name on the subconscious of its bearer, but it greatly affects the character of the girl. At first, the girl very confidently strives for her goal, but after a while she begins to doubt whether she has the strength to cope with the task. However, such an impact is noticeable only in really serious situations. Otherwise, Galina is always faithful to the intended path.

Galina: the origin of the name

According to linguists and historians, this name has Greek roots. If you stick to this version, then the name Galina comes from the mythical creature Galene. It belongs to the feminine gender and has some resemblance to a mermaid. Ancient myths say that Galene was supposed to watch over the calmness of the sea. In this regard, many people will be interested in how the name Galina is translated. It means "peace" in Greek. However, some believe that this is not the most accurate description of the girl's character. Western linguists associate the meaning of the name Galina for a girl with a different origin. In their opinion, it was formed from the word "gallina", meaning "chicken", "chicken". And some old editions translate it as "cat". Ukrainian scientists, in turn, argue that Galina is a diminutive for Hann.

Name days, patron saints

What does the name Galina mean in the Orthodox faith? As a rule, it remains unchanged. This means that Galya is baptized exactly under the name that was given to her at birth, and it can also be used in any church sacraments. The patron of the name is the martyr Galina of Corinth, who died along with other martyrs for faith in Christ in 258. It is alleged that a holy spring appeared at the place of their death. This event is commemorated twice in the church clergy - on March 23 and April 29.


As a child, Galina, despite her ostentatious calmness, is an active, energetic and self-confident child. The girl is very cheerful, loves walks. Galina easily converges with all people, but she prefers to play in a circle of boys. However, she can hardly be called a tomboy, because she, like any other girl, loves to spin in front of a mirror, do her hair or admire a new outfit. What else is remarkable about little Galina? The meaning of the name, of course, left its mark on the owner. The girl loves to read, mostly adventure and historical literature. She enjoys playing sports and hiking, but Galochka is indifferent to dolls. As a gift for a girl, it is better to buy a good book or a sketchbook than to give girlish toys.

When communicating with her peers, Galya does not strive to be a leader, however, due to her hyperactivity, she is often the ringleader in the company. Despite everything, the girl grows up as an obedient child. Adults, even scolding her for leprosy, are not recommended to raise her voice, the girl will understand everything anyway, and the harshness of the tone can only scare the baby. As a child, Galochka has a very poor appetite, parents should try to feed her. Therefore, it is best to follow a strict regimen. Parents should not discuss any problems with the girl, because she is a very impressionable person who can get upset over any trifle. Little Galina grows up as an impressionable, timid, receptive child to someone else's grief. The meaning of the name also influenced the future fate of the baby.

Study and profession

Studying is given to Galina easily. She has an excellent memory, she likes to attend extra classes and clubs. The girl has perseverance and perseverance, which is rarely combined with activity. Galina, the meaning of whose name predetermines her serene nature, always strives to achieve her goal. She will try to do everything: study, work, and have fun. However, her work always comes first. The girl keeps her word, she is obligatory, she will never let her down, which she requires from others. It is this trait that her colleagues and partners do not always like. Galya is easily given both the exact sciences and the humanities. However, further career guidance is more often associated with the latter. A girl can make a great doctor, analyst, leader, artist. Galina is comprehensively developed. She can easily work as a teacher, dressmaker, art critic, journalist. Galya never succumbs to difficulties and loves to learn something new. Therefore, any profession is up to her.

Name Galina: origin and meaning

As mentioned above, the origin and meaning of the name have several versions. It is possible that it was this duality and uncertainty that left an imprint on the character of a woman. Adult Galina is an emotional impulsive woman, on whose mood her whole life depends. Now she can appear before you as a kind of affectionate gentle cat, charming and friendly, and after a few hours the sweet girl will turn into a real fury - cold, arrogant, unrestrained. Galina can equally impress with her temper and complaisance, incredible intelligence and unbridled recklessness, hard and soft character.

Galina, whose name sometimes does not coincide with her character traits, is quite prudent. She will think over each of her major expenses in advance. Sometimes her prudence borders on stinginess, which can cause dissatisfaction with her loved ones. Galina is distinguished by edifying and categorical judgments. A woman carries a not very strong, but constant source of tension and anxiety, which is the cause of many conflicts and disagreements. Galya has a strong will, but this manifests itself only up to a certain point, after which the girl's confidence in her abilities is rapidly falling. And to such an extent that it is very difficult for her to regain faith in herself on her own. Galina is a pessimist. As a rule, she reacts weakly to external stimuli, but there are times when a woman literally falls into a rage.


As a child, Galochka is not distinguished by good health. Colds and bronchial diseases are her usual companions. To avoid problems with female organs, parents should show the girl to a specialist in childhood. Galina is more attached to her father, she often has a strained relationship with her mother, which can lead to psychological problems. In adulthood, Galina may suffer from hypertension and polyarthritis.


Galina dreams of great pure love and sizzling passion. A woman by nature is an idealist, craving selfless devotion and fidelity. She independently invents for herself the ideal of a man, and represents each of her partners in this role. She is very graceful, always in sight, can easily win the heart of any man. The woman's behavior is extreme. She is free-spirited, unpredictable, independent. Maybe, for no apparent reason, break off relations with a man to whom she confessed her love only yesterday.

Galina is a magnificent temptress. But having achieved strong feelings from a partner, she herself remains cold to him. Her behavior with men resembles the game of a cat with a mouse. The main purpose of sex for Gali is procreation. Love fever, passionate violent hobbies are not for her. With intimacy, Galina simply rewards her partner for affection, tenderness and kindness.

Family and Children

Galya, as a rule, knows no shortage of men. There are always a lot of fans around her, ready to offer her a hand and a heart. Of these, she chooses the most attractive, able to earn and support a family. In relations with her husband, Galina strives to be a leader, as a result of which she often remains alone. Often a woman marries several times, usually stepping on the same rake.

Galina knows how to run a household. She is thrifty, thrifty, always goes shopping herself, knows how and loves to bargain. A woman always relies only on her own strength, never complains that her family does not help her, but purposefully manages the household. Galina loves the land, there is always a rich harvest on her plot. The woman is hospitable, loves and knows how to receive guests. She has a huge number of friends and buddies, so her house is rarely empty. However, Galina will never discuss personal relationships even with a close friend. Any family troubles she keeps to herself. More often Galina gives birth to boys. A woman loves children very much, she tries to give them everything.

Astrological characteristic

  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate.
  • The bird is a jackdaw.
  • Plant - sweet pea, pine.
  • Color - crimson.
  • Type - open.
  • The main features are the desire to achieve the goal.
  • Lucky day of the week - Wednesday.
  • Lucky season is spring.

Name compatibility

Galina has the maximum power of feelings with Alexander, Anton, Anatoly, Artur, Bogdan, Vladimir, Demyan, Denis.

A strong marriage with Anatoly, Alexei, Bogdan, Viktor, Gennady, Vlasiy.

An unstable alliance with Adrian, Arnold, Vladlen, Grigory, Daniel, Vitaly, Zakhar, Ephraim.

    bittersweet fantasies

    Galina Zinchenko Gladkikh

    (Oct-Dec 2004)

    The leaf freezes in the cold wind ...

    It trembles in anticipation, a moment - and it will become


    So I will surely leave

    Change of fleeting years and you are vulnerable!

    Rains in my soul sow melancholy

    And love only brings pain

    Oh, why, oh, I don't know why

    This autumn has wandered into my life!

    Feelings alive in ho-ro-nu...

    Let suffering, anxiety leave.

    Well, why do I keep this loyalty,

    Kohl betrayal - payment in the end !!!

    I'd rather hate you! - They say from love - only a STEP, THIS - a little!

    I dream of living without loving you, - So, it remains to take half a step!

    And I would say: "Not fate!" il "Trouble!",

    That they stole you, circled the roads!

    October is coming to an end and the cold is rushing

    And the gray winter awaits the turn on the threshold ...

    Like an aspen leaf - I'll break! I'll fly away!

    I'll fly away!

    No love - do not hold, let go! - everything is empty!


    And maybe I will return, I will not return to love

    to you, and to

    By spring flood:

    I will spill feelings in a seething stream!

    I drop a ringing knock on the window!

    I'll burst into the soul with a spring wind!


    I'm tired of pain! You are pain! be without you

    I want to be happy!

    ... And from ancient times, to this day,

    Evil misfortune diverting, branches of aspen

    Young, green foliage,

    Like lips, whisper to you hastily

    In oblivion, the outgoing NAME!

    Burn like lightning, heart!

    And melt the frozen ice in it!

    Your nerve-strings will tremble,

    Waves of memory suddenly disturb...

    The veil will fall from the eyes ...

    And you will understand...

    Too late you will understand: "only SHE" ...

    And then,


    Inevitably - your pain will turn into a boiling volcano

    This rustling and quietly pouring,

    A bittersweet name - - GALINA !!!



    Galina ZINCHENKO

    © Copyright: Galina Zinchenko Gladkikh, 2013

    Publication Certificate No. 113030305048

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    Girls, ticks my expensive! I'm glad I found this page. I read your comments, I realized that you are all my sisters !!! I was named after my great-grandmother, who was tortured by the Nazis. I am 33 years old, I look very good, I love to dress beautifully, I am always noticeable. Precious children first. I work in the police, I get everything I want. I pull everything - repairs, subsidies, new housing, repairs again. But I'm not quiet at all! At work, they call me the bell of inquiry, where I don’t go - everywhere there is laughter, animation. But you will laugh, what surname my husband gave me - Quiet! :) my friends, neighbors, colleagues are still laughing. But what I do not like about myself - I quickly forgive, and I am very impressionable. Show me the finger and I'll burst into tears, give me a slap in the face, I'll say hello to you the next day. And yet, I hate the song “Nese Galya Voda”, I live in the Kuban, I hear the song all the time :) about the right people - yes, I don’t know how it turns out, but I’m not interested in those people who can’t be useful to me, I help everyone myself, and I demand attention from those around me. Galuni, we are the best!!!

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    oo… read comments like: “FU… OLD… SHAME… ETC…” and laugh at those who wrote this :))))))… CHILDREN you wouldn't embarrass yourself!!! I'm ashamed of your parents who raised you so ignorant! Open a dictionary of names at least once ... your eyes will widen from how many inadequate names you will find there! name!!! There has never been someone ridiculing my name! .. there is one BUT in the article !!! I can't stand guys (men) weaker than me!!! Guys I know call me: Gala, Galochka, Galyunya, Lina, Galusya… and I LOVE it!!! My husband is the leader in my family ... but he doesn’t underestimate me either ... And he calls me Galyusha ... At work, I am Galinka or Galina Valerievna! And I want to kill when I hear GALUHA :) it sounds rude in my opinion, but these are trifles :))) ... So to everyone who was given the name Galochka, bird girls proudly wear your name ... it is very beautiful !!!

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    80-90% match. Daddy's daughter, friends in childhood - only boys, dolls were not particularly interested, but climbing trees, shooting from a slingshot, football, fighting - yes ... I have a calm character, I take everything too close to my heart, although I look cold and prudent - but this is wrong. I prefer to work alone. I love children and men. Since childhood, I hated the name, specifically the derivative of Galya. Named after grandmothers (one was an extrovert, the other an introvert, both kind and good). At the same time - Check mark, Galchenok, Galinka - liked it. Now I treat the name warmer, but I don’t have much love for it. I get carried away easily, I refuse pleasures hard. I love organizational activity, creative, but due to innate/acquired self-doubt and a number of stupid complexes, I prefer a calm, unmanned work. In the shower and in a close circle - an extrovert, in public and among unfamiliar people - an introvert.

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    Almost everything coincides, and it is interesting that after reading the comments, all Galinas write mostly the same thoughts, to which I fully subscribe.

    No, I'm not an angel! I am different…

    Earth woman, believe me.

    Who knows, maybe in Paradise,

    The door will be closed in front of me.

    Like all earthly people, I sinned

    And she wasn't always right.

    But if you decide something

    Then immediately the head is spinning ...

    I didn't betray anyone

    Can't stand flattery and lies.

    When I felt bad, I suffered

    And if it's scary, immediately - tremble!

    I was loved passionately, tenderly,

    And hated at times.

    Helped me inevitably

    And they set it up many times...

    I wasn't always calm

    I could break loose, scream ...

    But most of the time it's worth it.

    And proudly just keep silent.

    No, I'm not an angel! I am different…

    Earth woman, believe me

    How to know? It is possible that Ray

    The door will be closed for me...

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    And my mother is called that, she, like many here, does not like her name ... I try my best to convince her of the opposite, because this is a wonderful name, and most importantly, that it gives excellent characteristics. She is so kind to me, all my girlfriends have always envied me that I have such a mother. Therefore, I adore this name, it is dearer to me than my own. And I really don’t understand when every hamlo writes “fu” and they don’t advise calling children that, and even that parents should be ashamed that they chose such a name for their daughter ... and so people are different and among Galins there are not very instances, just like and among other names. And you should be ashamed of the boors and your parents, for the fact that you constructively and without rudeness cannot express your opinion that you do not like this name.

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    Probably, if my name was Lina, I liked it, but I often received Galych from my sister, and also this terrible ge-kanye (((. And to be honest, they rarely call me by name, sometimes I even shudder))) I asked my husband why , and he says that I'm more like "KISYA" (than a bird, probably). If a name makes a person, then thanks to my parents, because sometimes I myself wonder where the strength and will to do the impossible come from, I often shock strangers, because they don’t really expect anything prudent and tough from a white and fluffy (and it’s not so much about relationships with people, but in relation to life - in the end, sometimes, it's better to do it impulsively than not to do it at all.In general, there is no Galin in my environment AT ALL, so to all local Galins: don't give up!!!keep it up!!!

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    Gali Checkmarks Galchrka!!! Hi all. Oh, and we love ourselves beautiful We are here to beautify the world. (Joke) A lot of things coincide, especially in matters of relationships with men (only with those who are worthy, we really choose ourselves and there is something that cannot be argued from in our time) When it’s not interesting, I’m lazy, but I like to be in beauty and create like probably any woman. And I want to clarify about the earth: “digging” or creating beauty with my own hands - I discovered this quality in myself not so long ago and believe Galina Galina’s ticks, it’s wonderful when you see the results of your work in flower arrangements, etc. And I was named at the suggestion of my grandmother and I didn’t like my name either, but years passed and an understanding came,

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    My mother carried me under her heart

    And she asked for a daughter of God ...

    So that I grow up, quiet and innocent,

    The name was given to me - Galina.

    I was born, black as night,

    Long-awaited daddy's daughter,

    Coals - little eyes sparkled:

    Everyone called me a jerk.

    I grew up with tomboys - boys

    With bruises, bruises, bumps,

    With guns, bicycles,

    Scooters, skis, sneakers,

    I was the best at scoring goals

    Run fast, shoot well...

    Only made friends with the boys,

    And the girls bypassed ...

    I've done a lot in my life,

    But one day I accidentally discovered:

    Galina should be calm -

    Like stillness and silence.


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    Hey, it really does match! In a male society, I am like a fish in water, but in a female one, I am always surrounded by gossip, envy, intrigues ... The reason for this is the combination of a tough temper and a soft, but expressive appearance ... Only a very sensitive person with good taste can understand me. My friends are like times like that. So I consider myself lucky. Galina is a wonderful name and a reason to be proud! :) When they say at work: “Where can we find Galina (or Galina Sergeevna)? 7?”, then everyone immediately knows who they are looking for ... But if they asked Tatiana ... Everyone would be confused and find out who they are talking about for another hour.

    Be proud of your name, we are rare and beautiful! I wish harmony and striving for perfection to all Galins!

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    I, too, until a certain time could not stand my name, it seemed that Galya was only called any grandmothers. And only a few years ago I realized that this is a rather rare name among my peers. At the institute, Galya was in the next group, somehow it was even unusual for me.

    About the fact that I'm quiet, it's definitely not about me!))) The fact that it's easier and more fun for me to communicate with the male sex is a fact. And the fact that I like to chat is generally to the point, I still love it :))) And the rest is 50% to 50%, I am pleasantly surprised that I chose almost the right profession :)))

    Mom affectionately calls me Guslya, and my betrothed Galyuspek, Gagusik.

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    When I was young, I didn't like my name. So my older brother called me - Lyalya - he was 4 years old, and Galya was recorded. Now I consider it as beautiful as other names. It is not the name that makes the person, but the person the name. If a person is attractive, then the name seems attractive. I thought that now they don’t call Galina, but I was surprised when I met women with little girls with the name Galya several times. It seems to me that the negative attitude towards the name came from the 50s, when they released films with female engineers, resolute in character - unfeminine with the name Galya. (Janna Bolotova was filmed). Galina of the world - unite!

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    My name is so rare that if I suddenly hear that someone’s name is Galya, I shudder and am very surprised ... because I generally have the feeling that I’m the only Galina in the world. Everything I have here converges even though it’s not pleasant ... prudence ... men I can’t stand wimps, the only thing that didn’t match, but they write that my husband is weak ... well, my husband is not weak ... but if a little more ... and in general he was the best ... but for me he is the best when he doesn’t grumble))) about marriages ... while married once, soon 35 years together and plus 3 years of friendship ... I'm not going to do it a second time, but if something happens, there will be no problems with this)))

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    hello gals! I don’t like my full name, Galina. And since childhood, I didn’t love my name, it wasn’t customary (grandmothers and aunts were called that), in childhood I also drove only with boys - football, Cossack robbers, war games. and the girls seemed to not exist. then I start to remember, they were just left somehow unnoticed. then when they started to grow up and the boys began to call Gala, Galchenok, Pebbles - HEART FEATHERED WITH HAPPINESS. Much converges. I find it easier to find a common language. Now I will also introduce myself as Lina - I liked this abbreviation !!!

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    A lot of things coincide: “male” character, for this women don’t really like me, but men love me, I find a common language with them quite easily (in a good way). I really communicate only with those with whom I want and consider it necessary, I don’t like communication with people I don’t need. Hence, many people think that I am arrogant and evil, but this is not true. I just don’t want to let unnecessary people into my life. Very purposeful, almost always achieve my goal. As for the men in my life, there were different, but as a rule still weaker than me, even morally, but weaker. I have already come to terms with this.

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    My grandmother gave me the name. I didn’t like it. One day a young man came up to me at a disco and invited me to dance. a person cannot be judged only by his name without recognizing his soul. Now when I hear from a loved one GALINKA, GALYUSIK. It's great. And now I love my name.

    There are many coincidences, especially about a change of mood, and I Sergeevna, the twins. My weakness is no pride, I can’t be offended for a long time, no matter who it was. This is true.

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    My midwife gave me my name. who took birth with my mother. When I was born, the first thing she said was that she was as black as Galchonok ... To be honest, I didn’t like my name in childhood, I was always the only Galya, in the garden, at school, etc. I look like dad, but I can’t say that dad’s daughter is ... but in general a loner ... Strong character, yes! On the one hand, this is excellent, but on the other ... it's hard to find a man stronger than yourself ... I am autumn Galina Ivanovna (maiden and monkey) There are children, and they are from different men. In general, everything is rightly written about us)))

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    vot mi sebea real "no liubim :) toje mogu podtverditi chto pochti vsio pravda: D posle chtenia kommentov poneala - nado rojati sina chtob on potom vnuchku toje Galei nazval:) menea papa v detstve (da i seichas chasten" ko) Galionoi nazival. Da i k imeni svoemu vsegda neodnoznachno otnosilasi. Nazvali chastichno v chest "maminoi podrugi, no oshiushenie shto bolishe sveazi s babushkoi ch"ei posledovatel"nitsoi hochu sebea schitati. Imea u nas i vpravdu super, pravda interesno bilo bi uslishati pobol"she otzivov ne tol"ko ot Galiunikov :)

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    I don't like the name Galina. My parents thought for 2 weeks what to name me, they chose the name Galina! I do not like this name for its rarity, it is old-fashioned. When they call Galinka, Galchenok, Gala - they like it, but Galya - it sounds rude, not pleasant. Parents are offended when I start to criticize my name. I really want to fall in love with him, but so far it’s not working) Of course, I won’t change my name, I’ve gotten used to it for 33 years) I read all the comments, positive reviews contributed their results - it might turn out to reconsider our view of this old name)))

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    And what if all Galinas unite and meet regularly on a certain secret site with a fee (a purely symbolic registration, for example, 100 rubles - the greedy one will not pay, but the reasonable will learn a lot of useful things) to talk about what is happening in our "Galinna" life. If one Galina got out of some difficult situation, then the other will help. It turns out that the name determines the fate. Write to me with a note in the topic "Galina" and if many people support me, then I will make such a site. I will tell everyone who writes to me about this site.

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    • Hello Gala. I accidentally stumbled across the Internet on the site about the origin of the name and became interested in your review. You wanted to create a site where Galinas could communicate (although it was a very long time ago, you wrote on December 9, 2011). My name is also Galina and I was born in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

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      I really like my name Galina. I've been with him for 50 years! Especially when relatives call: Galchonok, Check mark, Galunya, Gala. It seems to me that everything depends on the person. What kind of person you are, so the name will sound! Either nice or not. Almost everything matched. Only she was never a spender, she did not look for benefits in communicating with people, and she chose a husband with a strong character, one and for life! I pity weak people, but I do not respect them. In general, I like rare names. My sons are Stanislav and Julian. I will name my granddaughters Vanessa and Marcella.

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      How interesting it is ... different ages, different countries, different horoscopes, and there are so many coincidences in the characteristics of the name! At 99% percent, everything is exactly the same and in all five options you can find something of your own) There are surprisingly many coincidences in the characteristics of names and me personally ... A name may not make a person, but it has a huge meaning and influence on our life ... and is not given by chance Everything in life is destined by fate! Galina-My name ... and no matter how much I didn’t like it before, I can’t imagine another for myself) Thank you dad)))

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      I didn’t like my name at all as a child, like many of you!!! And my grandmother wanted to call me that!!! And now I understand that it is very rare! And I really like it! I recently met one person ... so he asked me again: “Is it true that your name is Galina? A very rare name for your age (I'm 26)!!!

      So, according to the description, a lot of things match! I'm really a lioness! I can't stand weak men! And I don’t like it when they “GEK” (like with a hoarseness) !!!

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      I LOVE my multifaceted, polyphonic name!!! Who else can boast of such an abundance and variety of forms of pronunciation of a name!?

      Someone said old, they were wrong! it is ancient! and existed in pagan Rus', unlike many names !!! Nevertheless, it has not lost its relevance so far, although it has become rare! Ancient doesn't mean it's not beautiful! God did not create EVE yesterday either!!!

      I'll try to write my own poem below, if it fits in size!

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      Great name description! Almost everything coincides, except for the statement that Galina chooses weak men. It is not true! I choose men who can influence me in a positive way. They should be strong, but at the same time not put pressure on me. I go through weaklings like a tank. I live abroad and often introduce myself by a different name, because I think the name Galina is too official. But Galya, Galechka, Galochka, Galchonok I adore! Mdaaa we are strange Galinka :)))

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      Hello Geckos!!!

      99% in agreement with what was written, except for the love of digging in the ground. But I really like to do something alone, in silence, read, cross-stitch). As a child, I didn’t really like my name either, it seemed old and insipid to me, but now I adore it, one very individual and quite rare!

      The rest of the description of the name, one hundred percent I, neither add nor take away!

      Happiness and health to you all, Galinka, we are super!!!))

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      You know, as a child, I really was my father's daughters, even as a child I was taught to say that I was a panin's son) basically everything is really true, but one thing scares me, that children from different fathers are possible ... pipets, no words! you know, when I read it, I thought that it’s not we who choose how to live, but the name of each person chooses how this person will live, so I agree with my name and I don’t mind living my whole life as it is written here ... Your gale4ka b ... ..=)

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      I would like to change the name, but you can’t change the character. And the character, in general, is solid, sometimes tough, we don’t tolerate any nuances and understatements, and therefore it’s easier for us to be in the men’s team.

      It is interesting that almost all of us were given the name by our fathers either in honor of our grandmother or on her advice (I am no exception).

      And a great love for the visual arts, also pleasantly confirmed my inclinations (certainly not mathematical, or vocal!)

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      I'm my dad's daughter, I love it! All in it! They named after my grandmother (who, by the way, was the director of the school, and had a weakling husband with her). The boys in the yard walked with broken noses ... and were very respected! I don’t have a single friend, no matter how hard I tried, friendship didn’t work out. Mom calls me “iron Felix.” Flowers from fans don’t have time to wither. no one guessed :)

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      My grandmother called me Galina, my mother wanted to call me Marina ... I get along very badly with girls, women - they don’t like, they just envy everything and, even growing up, they do nasty things to me ... In the men's team I feel great, but I don’t let myself be offended, sometimes they they want too much, but they come to the conclusion that I choose, i.e. GALINA. Everything is correct and true about the name. The name is fate and you can’t change it! GALINA is a very rare name today.

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      In 2001 in the whole city only one girl was born with the name Galina. This is our daughter.

      And with full responsibility I can write:


      Haughty, cold, intolerant, charming, benevolent, very

      Impulsive and sensual, easily addicted to what comes to hand, immediately abandoning current affairs, SHE IS EVERYWHERE ...

      And that was at 3 years old, now multiply by 3.

      And I love it.


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      My mother wanted to call me Polina, but the folder said it would be Galya ... For some reason this name annoyed me ... I thought I would grow up, I would change ... But now I love him madly ... firstly, the folder called it that (I love my father more than life), and secondly, surrounded by Galin not enough, thirdly, my friends call me interestingly… Pebbles, Gagalyaga, Gala, Galaktika =) The only thing I can’t stand when they call me by my full name… it sounds menacingly. At the expense of calm, this is not about me)))


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      Lots of matches! But "daddy's daughter" was not! He wanted a son! I remember him faintly, my parents parted. The rest, as in the poem by Galina from Sterlitamak: cones, boys next ... But then I found out, the meaning of the name - it became more sedate and calm - you have to correspond! But she didn't stop talking. I work as a speech therapist! Who vomits on my behalf, let them read about their own! Most people around me call me Galinushka! I like!

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      I want to change my name because I don't like it. I just get angry when my name is Galya. Although they called me in honor of my grandmother (may she forgive me) Maybe it’s stupid, but I really can’t stand my name, despite its versatility. Many call me Lina. I even persuaded my sister to call my daughter Evelina, to call Linka, I really like it ... It’s a pity that they didn’t call me that, I’ll still change it to Elina, or something else.

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      Everything is as in the commentary of Galina Sergeevna from Beloretsk: a common language is easier with men, a sensual nature ... I am very vulnerable, but I forget insults instantly. Among women, there is incredible envy, gossip, dirt. I love strong, reliable and affectionate men. I love family, children very much I am 52, but they don’t give me more than 37. I don’t like the full name Galina, I love Galochka. And Polish friends and relatives still call Halinka. We have a beautiful name, girls.

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      oh, but I think that almost everything is correct ... I recognize myself ... I grew up with the boys, I was friends with them! my husband is weak - that's for sure ... I'm already used to being purposeful and achieving almost everything myself. Changes in mood are definitely about me ... I just cried ... and then I find it funny from all this. Men are my weakness ... I love my father! And at the expense of prudence, rather yes ... in most cases. We are strong GALINA and we all got used to it ourselves !!!

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      Hello to all Galins! I was also named after my grandmother, by the way, this is my dad's idea!!! I love pomegranate, raspberry color is closer to lilac, I am strong and bright… and recently I began to introduce myself as Lina!!! I work in high school! I have always liked my name, even if only because it is rare!!! And in Belarusian, galinka means a twig. So let's be strong, flexible and blooming)))


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      I am spring Galina Sergeevna, Aries. Much coincides, but not all. I don’t consider myself prudent and my favorite color is pink. I think that a man must be strong, a protector, it’s much more interesting to deal with such people. I wanted to call Anya or Katya. I’m very glad I didn’t. Classmates and classmates with such names are a dime a dozen. And I’m the only one :)

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      Half true. I have always been proud of my name and I really like it in terms of sound. And the thought of changing the name never crossed my mind. It is written that I am silence, this is not true, silence depresses me. I love society, painting. In a word - Life, this is a great gift of gifts and you should not scatter over trifles. Huge greetings to all Checkmarks, Galyushkas, Galyusiks and Gals. Love your name!!!

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      It's very interesting to read, especially the comments)))) I don't know how you can not love your name. named, like many in honor of my grandmother)))) I love her very much. coincides by 90 percent, I like to read very much, very impulsive, but absolutely not prudent. I can’t say that I love weak men, no, calm, but with character. I read the comments and got inspired, we are cool))))))

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      I am Galchenok Autumn))) I was also named after my grandmother)) She died when my dad was 6 years old (she was killed ((

      Well wow ((

      Also almost 79% coincided)) Cool))

      At first, I was also infuriated by the name, especially how they pronounce it. But right now, she has grown up and began to always call either Galchenok or Galinka)))

      In general, whoever bears the name Galinka should be proud)) ** We are super Galinka)) *

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      My older sisters and brother named me Galya. Basically, I like it. All friends and girlfriends call Galyunya and Galchonok, and her husband is Galichnaya's beloved (I like it that way too). It was unusual when I was walking down the street one day and I heard “Galya, don’t run fast!”, I turned around, and there was a little girl running there, such a pretty one. It was somehow nice for your name to be called kids.

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      It coincides exactly, except for the guests and daddy's daughter. Maybe, thanks to the name, she achieved everything, but she thought that there were prettier names, but she didn’t complex. She always introduced herself: Galya. happiness in life! For about 30 years, in my opinion, no one has been called this name, but girls would be successful! There are even poems about us!

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      And I have always loved my name. It is very rare, and at school I was very proud that I was the only one with such a name (among my peers, of course). I am a Sagittarius and, strangely enough, the characteristics of the name are very similar to the characteristics of my sign.

      And my friends call me a dove, I don’t understand how this is connected with the name, but it sounds very nice.

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      Almost everything matched. That's just not very purposeful. Especially relevant now: in my sixties I am trying to change my life radically. The name is beautiful, I always liked it. I don't understand how it could be otherwise. Not to love the name means not to love yourself and grow old ahead of time. I wish all Galins youth, love and long full years of life.

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      Hello everyone) I like my name very much, they call me differently and Galusya and Galinka and Galchonok. The name may not seem very good, but when you meet a person whose name is Galya, you already find a lot of pluses in him. Although, of course, like everyone else, too I didn’t like it before (I think other people don’t like their names either (But it’s not the name that makes a person beautiful)))

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      Galina, Gala - for colleagues and acquaintances, Galka (for girlfriends) and Borisovna (for friends) - I try to eradicate something else, I can’t stand it - Pebbles - I say in response “the cobblestone itself”, but I adore the joke “like a crocodile lay on Pebbles”. Galya - for me it’s very bonal and too oily-soft, I don’t like the same ...

      99.99% hit of the character in the name is super!!!

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      I have always been a perky girl, my father's daughter, and at home (mum and dad) they called me Coal:) Galin-malin, cool, and then I became Galinka, Galina. They rarely call me Galya. I didn’t like this name so much for the time being, somewhere until the age of 15, until the guy with whom I was head over heels in love told me that there was no more beautiful than this name.))

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      I read it. I decided to speak out about those Galinas that I know. Yes, active. Obviously, they will not do anything to their own detriment, they like to do something for their own benefit. They take care of themselves. They love to give advice and instructions. As hostesses, in my opinion, they are useless. These tips would be practiced at home. Houses can be dirty and messy, but this is normal for them.

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      and I was born on March 23, on the day of GALINA, my elder brother EUGENE called me. he tragically died in the Soviet army when he was 19 years old. Only at the age of 20 did I accidentally find out that my birthday coincided with the day of St. Galina. Here is a story with the name And my mother wanted to call me by a different name, but gave in to my brother and agreed with him.

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Galina's name day

Saints: Galina Kirinfskaya, martyr.

What does

Galina means "calm, serene."


Name mystery analysis Galina it makes sense to start with the origin. Name history Galina has ancient Greek roots and comes from the Greek. galene, which means calmness, serenity.

What does the name Galina mean according to D.N. Zima

Little Check mark in her early years is a calm and balanced girl. It is overconfident. Possesses cheerfulness and perseverance.

The nature of the name is such that in the event of conflict situations, its features make themselves quite significant. At first, she perceives difficulties calmly, but then she loses self-confidence, becomes gloomy, uncommunicative.

She needs to learn to perceive life with humor, and much that happens to her. And also more trust in Providence.

But if life spoiled Galya, then she will be a cheerful, sociable person until the end of her days. But in any case, you can be sure that Galina will be exclusively housekeeping at home, and responsible at work.

When communicating with her, you will not be able to provoke a conflict, even if you really want to. Galina is very peaceful. If you see a too strict Galina in front of you, then most likely it is superficial, she has no evil in her soul.

Characteristics according to L. Tsymbalova.

Galya is diligent and obedient. Already from an early age, Galya feels like a girl, she likes to preen herself in front of a mirror. However, he is most often friends with boys. Loves outdoor games.

She is easy going. She is fascinated by hiking, often she is engaged in several circles at once. The boys take her for their boyfriend.

With age, Galina is characterized by enviable perseverance, with him she goes along the chosen path. She can often be a participant in ordinary female gossip, but then she will come out of the most difficult situation with honor.

The owner of this name keeps pace everywhere. In any company, she needs to be a leader.

There is no hitch with Galina's gentlemen. As a rule, her husband becomes a man who does not have a soul in her, and agrees to be led. The strongest feature of her nature is an exorbitant love for children. This feeling of Galina is mutual.

In accordance with the interpretation of B. Higir.

As a child, Galya must beware of infectious diseases, she has a weak immune system.

In the company of the same age does not try to become a leader. She is interested in active games. Sometimes the initiative in the game comes from Gali. Parents should not yell at her.

Galya enjoys drawing, loves to receive guests at home and go to them. This is a sociable, friendly child. But at the same time, he is very vulnerable, cowardly, susceptible to everything bad. Parents can be advised to give Galya to some sports section. This will improve her health. Of Galya's toys, colorful books are more interesting than dolls.

Galina is a workaholic. Very active, both in business and in leisure. More often Galya has an attractive, even charming appearance.

According to the description of the name Galina according to E. Grushko and Yu. Medvedev.

By nature, Galina is exceptionally persistent in achieving her goal. She easily gets out of the most adverse situations. Galina is quick and accurate in her actions, but quite impulsive and sensual - she can easily get carried away, and then it’s too late ... Whether love for children, whether for men, is her big weakness. Galina has organizational skills. And not at all vindictive and not vindictive. As usual, the owners of this name are either talkative to the point of talkativeness, or you can’t get a word out of them. There is no golden mean.


Variants of the name Galina: Alya, Gala, Ina, Liina.

Diminutive pet names Galina: Galyunia, Galyusya, Galyukha, Galyusha Gasya, Gulya, Linusya, Linusha, Pebble, Galenka, Galonka, Jackdaw, Checkmark, Galchonok, Galchonochek, Glyunya, Gluka, Galipusya, Galipusenok, Galyunchik, Glincha, Glyuchok, Galchonka, Galchonok, Galchonochek, Galyulya, Galyushonok, Galinya, Galchunya, Galusha Galinusha, Pebbles, Galyoka, Galika, Galinka, Galinukha, 0, Galikha, Galisha, Galukha, Galya, Ghana, Ganya.

Different languages:

Bulgarian: Galina

Polish: Halina

Danish: Galina

Slovenian: Galina

Italian: Galina

Famous Galina:

Galina Zagurskaya (1905-1978) Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

Galina Ulanova (1909/10–1998) Russian ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR,

Galina Nikolaeva (1911–1963) Russian writer

Galina Vishnevskaya (1926) Russian opera singer.

Galina Polskikh (1939) Russian film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Galina Borisovna Volchek (1933) theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

The name given to the baby at birth not only determines the character of its owner, but can also significantly affect his fate and the attitude of other people towards him. That is why if a person is fatally unlucky, most magicians advise him to change his name. Currently, girls are called Galina infrequently. However, until recently, this name was among the ten most popular. What does it mean? Will the girl whose parents named her this affectionate, murmuring name like a brook be happy?

Origin of the name Galina

The origin of the name takes us to distant Ancient Greece, where, according to legend, there was a Nereid Galene, born by the oceanid Doris to the sea elder Nereus. Outwardly, she looked like a mermaid. And maybe that's why it was her responsibility to monitor the absence of unrest at sea. Sometimes Galena was called "sea surface", "serenity".

There is another version of the appearance of the name Galina, according to which it came from the Italian word "gallina", which in translation into Russian sounds like "chicken", "little chicken".

In Rus', the name Galina, like most other names of ancient Greek origin, appeared after the adoption of Christianity.

Galya, Galechka, Galusya

Forms of the name Galina:

  • shortened version: Galya, Gala, Ganya;
  • diminutive form: Galusya, Galechka, Galinka, Galyunya, Galyusha, Galinochka;
  • related names: Alina, Lina, Alevtina (Alya), Angelina.

Gallery: variations of the name Galina

Currently, the name Galina is considered rare Galya - the most common abbreviated form of the name Galina The name Galina is inherent in a calm and self-confident girl

Galina's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

In the Orthodox faith, the name Galina remains unchanged. The girl is baptized in the same way as she was named at birth. Galina Corinthskaya, a martyr who died with her brothers for the true faith in Christ in 258, is considered the patron saint of the name. According to historians, now a healing spring is located at the site of their death. The date of the memory of the saint, and, accordingly, the Day of the angel Galina, is celebrated on March 23.

Table: name Galina in different languages ​​​​of the world

Name transliteration

Name Galina for a bank card or passport: Galina

The owner of the name Galina is a real hard worker who always achieves her goal.

What middle name harmonizes with the name Galina

When choosing a name for a child, parents should think about how harmoniously it will be combined with a patronymic. For the name Galina, the most suitable: Alexandrovna, Anatolyevna, Andreevna, Valerievna, Viktorovna, Vladislavovna, Georgievna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Yurievna, Yakovlevna.

Nickname for social networks

  • Mermaid;
  • goddess of the seas;
  • exciting;
  • Fluffy kitten;
  • affectionate vixen;
  • Sweetka;
  • White gold.

The influence of the name on the fate of a person

The theory that the name of a person is interconnected with his fate is also supported by modern scientists. An example of this is Boris Higer, a professor of psychology, who, knowing only the name and patronymic, could tell not only about the character, but also about how the life of this person turned out.

Pavel Florensky studied the issue of the relationship between the name and character of a person for a long time and concluded that there is a secret and inexplicable harmony between the name of a person and the events of his life. In his works, the scientist analyzes historical facts, compares the character of people from different eras with one name and proves the correctness of his theory.

The spiritual essence of names was also mentioned by Pierre Rouget, a French theologian who published the book “The Influence of a Name on Human Life”. In his writings, he claims that each letter of the name is a kind of note, from which music is subsequently formed, which determines the character of a person.

In ancient Rome, black magicians believed that a person's fate could be drastically changed simply by writing his name upside down.

Video: Boris Higer - the relationship between name and fate

Galina in childhood

Little Galina, despite her ostentatious calmness, is an active, sociable and self-confident child. Loves outdoor games. He easily finds a common language with peers, but for games and friendship he often chooses the company of boys. Perhaps this reflects her resemblance to her father, because the girl is similar to him not only in appearance, but also in character. However, you cannot call Galinka a tomboy. She, like many other girls, loves to spin in front of the mirror, try on outfits, preen.

The baby is very vulnerable and impressionable. Parents should take this into account and try not to raise their voice at her for tricks and pranks. Thus, the girl will simply be frightened and withdraw into herself. It is better if adults calmly talk with Galina and point out her mistakes.

The tick is assiduous and obedient. Thanks to these qualities, the girl does well in all subjects and is the favorite of teachers. Galina is equally well versed in both the exact and the humanities. However, further career guidance is more often associated with the humanities.

Galina prefers reading and drawing to girlish games

Adult Galina

Galina is hardworking, does not like tricks and tricks. Therefore, he always achieves his goals in an honest way. The character of an adult Galina is not sugar. She is emotional and impulsive. Her actions depend on the mood of the girl. Now she can appear before you in the form of an affectionate, purring cat, and in a second she will turn into an arrogant fury, ready to demolish everything in her path.

Another distinguishing feature of Galina is prudence, which sometimes borders on stinginess. Galya thinks through each of her expenses in advance, with special care looking for ways to save money, although she rarely really needs money. A woman knows in advance what will bring her benefits and how to achieve success. As friends, she chooses only the "necessary" people. With them, she is friendly and helpful. With those who have exhausted their capabilities, Galina behaves arrogantly and even a little rudely.


Galina is a very gifted person, and if she chooses creativity instead of everyday life, she can achieve great heights. The owner of this name is most inclined to the professions of an artist, sculptor, writer, composer, actress or singer. However, the girl's determination and her extraordinary performance can help her become a leader in sports.

Business and career

Galina can become an excellent employee in any field of activity. However, she does not like to go to subordinates for a long time, so she will do everything to take a leadership position. Enormous willpower and diligence allow Galina to gain authority among colleagues and improve relations with her superiors. A woman is a real hard worker who puts work above all else, but also demands the same from her subordinates.

Galina also has the features of a gambling person. She is a risky and arrogant person who will never give up a game of cards or games on the stock exchange. However, fortune does not leave the girl. She often wins, which helps her to stand on her feet financially.

Galina has an attractive appearance and uses it with might and main


Little Galina is not distinguished by good health. She especially needs to beware of infectious diseases. In adolescence, Gali may start having problems with female organs. Therefore, at the first ailments, it will need to be shown to the doctor. In adulthood, a woman often suffers from polyarthritis or hypertension.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Love relationships for Galina are not limited to intimacy. A woman dreams of sizzling passion and great pure love. In partners, Galina appreciates determination and selfless devotion. Galina is pretty, knows what impression she has on the opposite sex and uses it with might and main. A woman belongs to the category of those ladies who allow themselves to be loved. However, it can be very difficult to kindle a fire of love in Galina herself. As husbands, a woman usually chooses the exact opposite of her lovers - a calm and shy man.

Family and marriage are not the main thing for Galina. Of course, she loves her husband and children, is an excellent housewife, but only as long as she herself needs it. Galya makes high demands on her family, but if something goes wrong, she will end the relationship that does not suit her without regret. However, he will do it in such a way that he will remain good friends with his former partner.

Galina is hospitable. She loves and knows how to accept friends. Everyone will feel welcome in her home. However, Galya never discusses her personal life with friends, all problems remain within the family.

Table: Galina's compatibility with other names

Significant years of Galina's life

In the life of Galina, some years are fateful and can radically change her future:

  • 23 years old - indestructible optimism and faith in one's own strength will help to achieve the first peak;
  • 27 years - a fateful meeting;
  • 30 years old - an enthusiastic attitude to life will haunt Galina precisely until this date, after which her emotionality will subside a little;
  • 42 years old - an event will occur that will make you change your attitude towards others;
  • 45 years - the conquest of the next peak;
  • 60 years - reassessment of values.

Galina is a creative person

In his youth, the author of this article happened to study with two girls - the owners of the name Galina. Oddly enough, but the name is the only thing that united them. One of the girls was serious and purposeful, the other was a cheerful laugher who loved entertainment most of all. 10 years after graduation, the author met again with both Galins. What was her surprise when she found out that the fate of completely different, as it seemed then, girls would be about the same. Both of them devoted themselves to creativity and achieved considerable success in this field: the serious Galya became a fairly well-known playwright, and the cute laughter girl became a theater actress.

Astrological correspondences

An astrological characteristic helps to choose a talisman that will bring happiness to the owner of the name Galina:

  • patron planet - the Sun;
  • Zodiac sign - Aries;
  • element - fire;
  • number - 3, 9;
  • color - crimson;
  • totem animal - jackdaw;
  • season - spring;
  • tree - pine;
  • plant - sweet pea;
  • metal - gold;
  • mineral - garnet;
  • lucky day - Thursday, Sunday;
  • the main character traits are the desire for a goal.

Analysis of the name Galina by letters

The name of a person is not just a set of letters. Each letter in it has a specific meaning:

  • G - troublesomeness, thriftiness;
  • A - industriousness;
  • L - harmony, desire to be loved;
  • And - love for creativity;
  • H - consumer attitude towards people.

Video: Valery Semin "Galina"

Characteristics of the name Galina according to the seasons

“Winter” Galina is categorical in her statements. A woman is the mistress of her word and will keep her promise even to the detriment of herself. By nature - a commander. The family also likes to dominate. As a wife, she is more suitable for a calm, balanced man who can cope with her explosive character.

Galina, born between March and May, is a more gentle and romantic person. She loves intrigue and often becomes their main participant. However, excessive importunity and talkativeness can sometimes do her a disservice. For the life of the “spring” Galina, she needs a person who will always admire her and prove her feelings every day.

"Summer" Galina is very sociable and friendly. It is quite difficult to quarrel with her, because the girl always feels that middle ground that cannot be crossed. Summer Galina can be compared to a perpetual motion machine that does not stop under any circumstances. For a girl’s life, a young man will go better, who will not infringe on her rights and provide enough freedom.

The character of Galina, who was born in autumn, is full of contradictions. In a foreign environment, she is quiet and shy, but as soon as she gets into a familiar environment, she immediately turns into an arrogant and domineering person. A strong family for “autumn” Galina can only be obtained with an incredibly patient spouse who can “look through her fingers” at her antics.

Rhymes to the name: Galina - raspberry, Galya - kralya, Galinka - mote.

Photo gallery: famous people in history named Galina

Galina Vishnevskaya - the pride of the world opera Galina Kulakova - Soviet skier, Olympic champion in 1972 Galina Polskikh - Russian film and theater actress Galina Ulanova - Russian ballet legend Galina Kiryushina - Soviet theater actress

Name horoscope

The character of the girl is also influenced by her inherent zodiac sign:

  • Aries is an open, sincere and sociable girl who dreams of making everyone around her happy. Fairly straightforward, can not play up and cunning. Never go to betrayal or deceit;
  • Taurus is a sympathetic and peaceful nature. He has a good sense of humor, which is why he is the soul of the company. A career is not the most important thing for her, so the girl stops at a profession that would simply bring her moral satisfaction;
  • Gemini is a charming creative and unusual person, whom others forgive for all her quirks;
  • Cancer - has a difficult character: principled, suspicious, touchy and terribly quick-tempered. A carelessly spoken word can infuriate her. Galina is aware of her shortcomings, but cannot control herself in any way;
  • Leo is purposeful and assertive, ready to go "over the corpses" in order to achieve the task set for herself. She is ambitious enough, knows her good and bad sides, which helps her in communicating with people. Often uses others for selfish purposes, but is very offended when they do the same with her;
  • Virgo - a girl lives according to a strictly planned plan. She is reasonable, scrupulous about any trifle. She does not know how to lose, therefore even the slightest defeat is perceived by her as a universal catastrophe;
  • Libra - arrogant, arrogant and prudent. She will never do anything just for the sake of friendship, unless, of course, it will benefit her. She does not tolerate discussion of her actions, although she herself is not averse to “washing the bones” even to close friends;
  • Scorpio is a temperamental and sensual person, demanding of herself and others. She has a difficult character, so not everyone can endure it for a long time, for some, communication with her becomes real hard labor;
  • Sagittarius is a disciplined, decent and purposeful girl. As a rule, he achieves dizzying success in professional terms and creates a strong family;
  • Capricorn is a sensible and generous lady who is slowly but surely moving towards her goal. He thinks about children and creating a family only when he is firmly on his feet;
  • Aquarius is prudent, self-critical, always "keeps abreast" and controls her emotions. Behaves kindly with others, always ready to help;
  • Pisces is a sympathetic, vulnerable, overly trusting girl. These character traits often complicate her life. The girl dreams of romantic meetings, beautiful love. However, he chooses a man as his wife who can provide her with a comfortable life.

Omens, superstitions

The people believed that if there is fog on Galina (March 23), then a good flax harvest can be expected.

Video: the secret of the name Galina

The name of a person predetermines a lot. It is it that helps to determine how the little man will grow up and how his fate will turn out. Parents who named their daughter Galya can be firmly convinced that the girl will always be an extraordinary person and will definitely succeed.



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