Collar zone in humans. Massage of the cervical-collar zone: indications and contraindications

Often people are limited in intensive loads. Many people work at the computer in a sitting position, incorrectly located at the workplace. Over time, this leads to ailments in the spine and all kinds of deformities in its departments, especially in the cervical and spinal.

To solve such a problem, and sometimes completely get rid of symptoms such as headache and swelling, it is often considered effective to massage the cervical collar zone, which can be performed even at home. This type of massage can be easily performed by a master who has undergone special training. All he needs is an accurate diagnosis.

What is the massage technique of the cervical-collar zone?

If we consider the massage technique of the cervical collar area at home, we can see that it is not so complicated. Initially, you will need to warm up the neck with circular movements. In this case, you can use a terry towel to rub the cervical region and back.

Further The procedure consists of four steps:

All types of massage contribute to the activation of nerve endings. Applying them in sequence leads to the achievement of the desired effect. already after a couple of procedures.

It is also important to know that after the first procedures, redness of the skin, pain in the massage area and even general malaise can be observed. This is considered normal, so the massage should not be stopped. After all, the problem area has been accumulating for years and some patience is needed to eliminate such deposits.

Indications for neck massage

Of course, any massage can be used only if necessary. Massage the cervical spine with frequent headaches, dizziness, frequent stress loads. It will help to establish the circulation of blood flow to the brain, which will have a beneficial effect on the autonomic system. In addition, the massage technique will help correct various curvatures in the spine and prevent osteochondrosis manifestations and other disorders.

As for contraindications, they can be: temporary, local and absolute.

  • the appearance of acute febrile conditions and inflammatory foci;
  • the occurrence of bleeding and infectious skin lesions;
  • manifestation of hypertonic and hypotonic disorders, cerebral disorders;
  • the occurrence of allergic rashes and edema;
  • the appearance of acute pain in the abdomen, vomiting;
  • occurrence of heart and kidney failure.

Local contraindications are observed with:

  • the defeat of some parts of the body with fungal and viral diseases, warts, herpes, eczema formations;
  • the presence of tumor formations in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • with mastopathy;
  • with cystic-fibrous formations in the pelvic area;
  • varicose-venous lesions and moles in places of massage.
  • with menstruation and pregnancy, stones in the bile ducts and kidneys.

The following are considered absolute:

How is a neck massage done at home?

Now almost everyone can learn how to perform massage. After all, not everyone can afford the services of a massage therapist. To perform this procedure at home, it is important see video courses who will teach the ways and methods of massage of the cervical collar zone.

To perform the procedure, you must prepare all the necessary accessories. Especially useful is the presence of a chair that will have a high back and a pillow so that the patient is comfortable. In addition, you will need a cream for massage, especially with very dry skin. The chair is set so that the patient can comfortably accommodate for a massage. Usually, the patient's face rests against the back, freeing the neck and collar area for the procedure.

The sequence of actions for massage of the cervical-collar zone

You need to start the massage from the back. It is better to wash your hands before the massage. First you need to make stroking movements, starting from the bottom and smoothly moving up. Such strokes are performed on each side of the back about 10 times. After that, they need to be repeated only in the opposite direction: from the neck to the middle of the back.

Next, rubbing is performed with the palms of your hands. They need to be produced at least 15 minutes. This helps the muscles to warm up due to the blood rush. After this technique, spiral movements are made with the fingertips. It is especially important to pay attention to the trapezius muscle, massaging it from the bottom to the top and vice versa. Each side should be massaged for one minute. It is also necessary to warm up the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades on both sides.

The next stage involves massaging the hole above the bone on top of the spine. It is performed on the side of both shoulders in a spiral motion closer to the neck. These movements are done with the fingertips. The warm-up of each shoulder should be about one minute. After shoulder therapy, it is necessary to apply vibrational movements that are directed from the upper back to the lower.

All movements must be alternated. Vibration should be replaced by tapping with fingers. Moreover, the neck is kneaded only with the help of fingers, and palms can already be applied to the ribs. The end of the massage is done by slowly stroking the entire cervical-collar part of the back. All movements are repeated about 15 times.

Massage of the neck and collar section can also be done in the supine position. At the same time, it is important that the entire back area is available for the massage therapist. At the same time, self-massage is not allowed, as it is simply inconvenient. The muscles of the neck and back of the patient should be relaxed, then the effect of the massage will be greater.

If the massage is performed in compliance with all the rules, then after the first procedure the person will receive significant relief and feel lighter in movement. But, if the disease is advanced, then the initial sessions can cause pain in the muscles, which disappear after 3 procedures. One session should not exceed 20 minutes in time. Massage techniques should be applied gradually increasing with each procedure. The entire course should be at least 10 sessions.

Of course, it is best that the massage of the cervical collar area is performed by an experienced specialist with a medical education who knows all the intricacies of this procedure and the structure of the spine. But this is now a very rare occurrence. Therefore, it is enough for the massage master to be trained in special courses. The most important is the compatibility of the master with the patient. Not every patient is suitable for the technique used by this master. And a positive result also depends on this subtlety.

Hypodynamia, which has become the norm for many, leads to the appearance of frequent migraines, a person feels uncomfortable tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, in the evening it is not possible to fall asleep for a long time, and in the morning, on the contrary, it is difficult to wake up on time.

As a result - a decrease in efficiency, fatigue, weakness, constant negative thoughts that do not leave our head, and finally frequent mood swings, susceptibility to colds, as a result of a decrease in immunity.

Benefits of neck massage

You have already guessed that a panacea for all these listed unpleasant symptoms that make up indications can be a massage of the neck and shoulders. Of course, if the decrease in the patient's performance is associated with inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, it is foolish to hope for a massage. But as an additional method of improving well-being in general, this therapy option is quite suitable.

The physiological benefits of a massage course are obvious:

  1. Power manipulations aimed at the collar zone perfectly relax it.
  2. On the massaged area, there is an improvement in blood circulation, which allows you to get rid of the pain that occurs after a draft.
  3. The internal organs and systems, as well as the brain, work better.

Indications for massage

Massage of the collar zone is considered therapeutic, therefore it has contraindications and indications.

The main indications for massage include the following conditions:

  • weakness, loss of strength, tension in the muscles and shoulder girdle due to long sitting (if the work is office or the person is studying);
  • pain symptoms that occur in the upper back, neck, if during medical examinations it is revealed that the pain is not caused by inflammatory processes, but is localized exclusively in the muscles;
  • osteochondrosis, located in the cervical region;
  • injuries and injuries received in the neck, when the acute period has already passed;
  • unconditional indications for massage - lack of movement during the day;
  • sleep disorders, depressive disorder, apathy, decadent mood.

Massage of the collar zone in children and adolescents also suggests its indications:

  • incorrect posture and scoliosis, confirmed by an orthopedic doctor, at the initial stage of education and development;
  • failures in the hormonal device of the body.

In this case, massage will help only in conjunction with other means and therapeutic measures.

We have listed the main indications for the use of massage of the collar zone. But if you feel stagnation in the neck and at the same time do not have chronic diseases, do not deny yourself the pleasure of a relaxed state, which will allow you to feel much better, both physically and mentally, get an additional charge of vivacity and energy.

Contraindications for neck massage

Why do contraindications to a session conducted in the area of ​​the collar zone require careful study and attention? It's simple - the neck area contains important structures and points that have a direct impact on mental activity, brain function, a person's ability to focus and concentrate. Any pinching of a site that is not in the best condition and is characterized by an acute pain syndrome can lead to consequences. The latter then need to be treated, doing this for a long time.

Massage of the collar zone includes the following contraindications, in most cases, which are newly diagnosed diseases and chronic ailments:

  1. If you are tormented by hypertension, and at the time of making the decision to go for a massage of the collar zone, the tonometer showed high blood pressure values, refuse therapy. It is better to lie down, relax and try to sleep, if necessary, take medicine for pressure surges.
  2. If a diagnosis of decompensated heart failure has ever flashed in your medical history, postpone any experiments with stroking and force massage of the collar zone, because this disease leads the contraindications to the procedure.
  3. Wounds, redness, rashes and neck injuries can also become an obstacle to the course.
  4. Contraindications also include a wide range of infectious diseases that are characterized by an acute course and bacterial origin.
  5. It is impossible to carry out massage if, through research, the cause of poor health has been established - a neoplasm, growths.
  6. It is forbidden to resort to massage therapy in the presence of malignant tumors at stage 4 of the course of the disease.

The collar zone is the back surface of the neck, chest up to the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra and the front surface of the chest up to the level of the 2nd rib. Irritation of the skin receptors of this zone causes a reaction of the cervical and vegetative apparatus, has a regulatory, normalizing effect on the most important organs and systems located within the spinal cord.

Massage of the cervical-collar zone is used for:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • hypertension,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • diseases of the nervous system, neurotic conditions,
  • consequences of strokes
  • cerebral atherosclerosis,
  • cervicothoracic osteochondrosis,
  • headache, insomnia,
  • chronic nonspecific lung diseases, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma,
  • SARS,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • chronic gastritis, colitis,
  • climacteric disorders,
  • acne,
  • temporary hair loss, scleroderma,
  • in diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.


planar surface- an easy, sparing technique that requires maximum relaxation of the patient's muscles. The palm glides easily, lightly touching the skin. This technique begins and ends the massage procedure. It is performed both according to the lymph flow, and against it.

planar deep- a more intense technique for influencing the receptors of muscles, tendons, blood vessels. The brush rests on the radial edge. To reduce the force of impact, it can rely on the elbow.

Embracing Continuous- deep effect, enhancing the flow of blood and lymph. The hand and fingers take the form of a gutter, the freely relaxed thumb is maximally set aside and opposed to the rest.

Separate-sequential- when one hand finishes, the other starts after it.


pincer- is produced by the terminal phalanges of the 1-3rd or 1-5th fingers when massaging small muscle groups (girth with fingers like tongs).

Comb-shaped- produced by bone protrusions of the middle interphalangeal joints (brushes are gathered into a fist).

Sawing- produced by the ulnar edges of the hands, the palmar surfaces of which are facing each other. The palms are at a distance of 1-3 cm from each other and move in opposite directions. A roller of massaged tissues is formed between the palms.

Hatching- is made with pads of the 2-4th or 2-5th straightened fingers, which are at an angle of 30 degrees to the working (massaged) surface. Fingers make reciprocating movements longitudinally or transversely.

Spiral rubbing - carried out in a spiral, circular- round.


transverse- the muscle is tightly grasped by the palms and fingers of both hands, located in relation to one another at an angle of 45-50 degrees, so that the first fingers are on one side, and the rest on the other. In this case, the brushes are installed in a diagonal position with respect to the longitudinal axis. The first and second fingers almost touch. The muscle is pulled up with both hands, squeezed and squeezed with one hand towards itself, with the other hand away from itself. Then, without moving the hands, the same movements are made in the opposite direction. Hands move slowly throughout the muscle.

Longitudinal- straightened fingers with the 1st finger retracted are superimposed on the massaged area so that the 1st finger is on one side of the muscle, the rest on the other. Then the muscle is lifted, pulling it away from the bone, and with progressive pressing movements they knead it longitudinally towards the center. The brush should, as it were, “stick” to the tissues, without air gaps. In the first phase, the fingers lift the muscle, press on it towards the first finger, in the second phase, the 1st finger rushes towards the rest.

pincer- performed longitudinally and transversely. With a transverse muscle, it is grasped in a forceps-like manner with the fingers of both hands at a distance of 1-2 cm, pulled upward and kneaded by the movements of the brushes alternately from oneself and towards oneself. With a longitudinal muscle, they are grasped with the fingers of one hand, pulled up and, as it were, passed between the fingers, making semicircular movements.

shift- the muscle is captured by the fingers and with short rhythmic movements is shifted from the bone bed in the longitudinal and transverse directions. For example, when shifting from bottom to top, the first fingers are at the bottom and slide continuously over the skin, the remaining fingers (from above) make small, quick “scraping” movements.


Punctuation- performed with pads of 2-3 or 1-5 fingers. Finger strokes follow in sequence, as when typing on a keyboard.

tapping- produced by the palmar surfaces of the 2nd-5th straightened fingers, alternately, as when hitting the keys.

Pat- performed with palms with slightly bent fingers, which at the moment of impact ensures the formation of an air cushion between the palm and the massaged surface.

Quilting- represents tangential blows with one or more fingers.

Collar zone massage: video lesson

The initial position of the patient is sitting at the table, with emphasis on the forearms of the hands, the head is lowered down, the muscles of the neck and back are completely relaxed. The masseur is at the back.

  • Massage begins with stroking along the lymph flow, movements go to the armpits, 8-12 times on each side. In the neck area, stroking is done from top to bottom.
  • Longitudinal rubbing with fingertips from bottom to top, gradually moving away from the spine to the outer border of the massaged area and returning to the spine. Reception is performed similarly on both sides of the spine for 10-20 seconds, ends with stroking 2-3 times.
  • Longitudinal rubbing with the ribs of the palms along the same trajectory, also ending with stroking. Reception takes 10-20 seconds.
  • Combined longitudinal rubbing: one hand works with the edge of the palm, the other with the fingertips. The pace can be a little faster. Reception takes 10-20 seconds.
  • Spiral kneading with fingertips along the bundles of the trapezius muscle, capturing its upper part and returning back to its original position. Reception takes 30-60 seconds.
  • Spiral kneading with fingertips along the paravertebral muscles, from bottom to top, then from top to bottom. Reception takes 30-60 seconds.
  • Spiral kneading of the supraspinous fossa with fingertips. Reception is performed within 30-60 seconds on each side.
  • Vibration - shaking from top to bottom for 5-10 seconds, then puncturing. Tapping, chopping, patting and tapping in the collar zone alternate with puncturing on the back of the neck.
  • The massage ends with a light surface stroking.

The collar zone, shoulders helps to improve the condition of a person suffering from this pathology. Without massage, it is impossible to quickly relax the muscles, relieve tension, pain. With aging, this therapy will be needed by all people, without exception, in order to prevent the rapid progression of spinal problems. The article will discuss the techniques and techniques of massage, the benefits and contraindications for implementation.

Changes in osteochondrosis relate to different organs, body systems. In the neck area, against the background of circulatory disorders and lymph stagnation, an accumulation of excess lactic acid in the muscles occurs. This occurs with regular muscle spasms, as a result, seals form under the skin of the neck and shoulders. Massage of the cervical-collar zone with osteochondrosis is designed to break up deposits of salts, protein and fibrin, which bind muscles and prevent the neck from fully relaxing.

Massage also has a symptomatic effect - it seriously relieves pain that debilitates a person that appears during exercise, in an uncomfortable position or for no reason. Also, the procedure is not without reason called "passive physical education" - it strengthens the muscles, increases the strength of the muscle corset, which will continue to support the spine.

During the massage, muscle fibers relax, while the load, unlike physical education, is minimal. It is for this reason that massage is ideal for people with disabilities and elderly patients.

Other effects with regular and correct massage of the collar zone:

  • Elimination of spasms of muscles and blood vessels;
  • Improvement of blood microcirculation and general circulation in the treated area;
  • Reduced pressure on the nerve roots;
  • Removal of the inflammatory process;
  • Acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • Improving the nutrition of intervertebral cartilage;
  • Optimization of the removal of decay products;
  • Relief without drugs;
  • Slow down the course of the disease;
  • Recovery of working capacity, sleep;
  • Elimination of headache, numbness of hands, dizziness, weakness, nausea.

Of course, such effects are achievable only when undergoing a full course of massage (10-15 sessions) of the collar zone, but even one self-massage procedure can help a person with pain and spasm.

Indications, contraindications for the procedure

Massage of the collar zone with osteochondrosis is useful for everyone. In the absence of prohibitions, it is allowed to be performed even by healthy people, but leading a passive lifestyle or falling under the influence of risk factors (computer work, obesity, etc.). But more often, vertebrologists recommend performing massages that already have osteochondrosis at any stage. Caution should be observed in the presence of protrusions, hernias, with an unstable variant of the disease. Massage is also shown for pain in the neck, shoulders against the background of overwork.

Do not be zealous with massage of the collar zone with a strong exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Inept, rough, abrupt movements lead to aggravation of pain.

Usually, in this stage, pain is relieved with the help of medicines - NSAIDs (tablets, ointments, injections). Only then proceed to the course of massage. Other contraindications to the procedure are as follows:

  • Tumors in the body that tend to grow;
  • Tuberculosis in an open form;
  • Acute infections, including venereal;
  • Some pathologies of blood, hemostasis;
  • Inflammation on the skin at the massage site, skin diseases, large moles, papillomas.

Performing a massage of the collar zone on your own or with the involvement of loved ones should be careful: a non-specialist can harm fragile cervical vertebrae. It is better to limit yourself to light self-massage to relieve pain, inflammation, and entrust a full course to a professional massage therapist.

The harm of vigorous neck rubbing can be significant. If you press the muscles too hard, the increase in blood flow to the area will be large, and this can aggravate inflammation. Due to the increase in blood flow, swelling will increase, therefore, the nerve roots will be shackled, clamped.

It is better to use gentle but effective techniques so that the treatment is successful.

Massage rules for osteochondrosis

You can use any of the techniques for massaging the cervical-collar zone as needed, for example, when pain, stiffness appear. It is best to conduct a session before going to bed, then to fully relax on the pillow. The procedure is carried out in a sitting position on a chair, while the back is straight (periodically the massage therapist asks to tilt your head forward).

The session rules are as follows:

  1. The duration of the first massage is 10 minutes;
  2. In the future, the duration of the procedure can increase up to 30 minutes;
  3. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you need to use a massage cream, oil;
  4. The intensity of movements during the session also increases - at first you can only lightly stroke the skin, make vibrating movements, by the end of the session - gently rub, pinch, press.

Usually, the back of the neck is worked out first - from the hairline from top to bottom. Then knead the back of the head up to the ears (circular, stroking movements). Subsequently, they move to the front of the neck and shoulders, and at the end of the massage, they work out the surface of the collar zone in a circle.

Classic massage for osteochondrosis of the neck

If the collar zone is warmed up during the back massage, then the session can be performed in the prone position. Otherwise, a person should sit on a comfortable chair with a high back to her back, legs clasp this back.

Hands should be laid on the forehead, elbows rest on the table next to it. Relax your shoulders, lower them down as much as possible. Press the chin to the neck so that the curve evens out. Only in this position, the massage therapist will be able to work out the area. Classical massage begins with transverse strokes (for each area - 7 times). Then perform 3-5 times on all sides:

  1. "Strokes" with fingertips;
  2. Comb-like movements;
  3. intersections;
  4. Push-ups;
  5. Circular movements;
  6. Movement with the edge of the palm;
  7. Muscle kneading with rolling under the skin.

On the front surface of the neck in the region of the collarbone, the muscles do not pull back, as this is unpleasant. Particular attention is paid to the tubercle on the basis of the seventh vertebra, which appears in people with obesity and osteochondrosis with age. Massage will help to dissolve this bump, but the skin is preheated with a hot wet towel. After that, tweaks, pressures, circular strokes and rolls are carried out in the area of ​​fat and salt deposits.

Upon completion of the procedure, light stroking of the skin of the collar zone should be carried out. Then the person is covered with a warm blanket, allowed to rest for 10 minutes or more. It is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the spine itself, so as not to disturb the location of the vertebrae!

Other types of neck massage

Relief for a person is a point massage procedure. Everyone can do a massage, it is impossible to harm by influencing the points. But the search for points is difficult, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the video of massage of the cervical-collar zone with osteochondrosis.

A soft vibrating effect is carried out on such points:

  • Paired at the base of the skull under the tubercles on the back of the head;
  • Paired at the junction of the spine and skull;
  • Points around the seventh cervical vertebra.

The optimal state for the spine is considered to be standing or lying down. When you have to sit for a long time, at work or study, the blood flow is disturbed. The result is pain in the neck and shoulders. Massage of the neck and collar area will help get rid of the problem.

The effect of SHVZ massage

With a long stay in an unnatural position for the spine, the muscles begin to become inflamed and the whole body becomes numb. The blood flow to the brain area decreases, which causes weakness, drowsiness, and muscle pain.

Massage of the cervical collar zone can be used not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure. Performing massage movements has the following effective effects:

  • eliminates puffiness;
  • helps to increase muscle tone;
  • muscle spasms go away;
  • eliminates excess fat of the cervical region;
  • mobility in the cervical region is restored, pain disappears;
  • posture improves;
  • efficiency increases. It is considered the most important point when it comes to the benefits of massage of the cervical collar zone;
  • relieves muscle tension.

You can learn how to massage the cervical collar area at home. The procedure is not too complicated. It is only important to decide on the massage technique, the variety of which we will talk about later.

Indications for the procedure

Collar massage for the neck and shoulders can be done for children and adults. When children sit at their desks for a long time in the classroom, and even in the wrong position, they, like adults, begin to have headaches, and muscle swelling appears in the neck.

SHVZ massage is useful to do at any age. The procedure will give the best effect in the evening, when you can relax after work or study.

Massage of the cervical collar zone is indicated in the following cases:

  • colds, occurring in an acute form;
  • hair problems, including hair loss;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • colitis;
  • autoimmune pathologies. This is a lesion of the skin, connective tissue, vascular problems;
  • pathological processes in the lungs, resulting in breathing problems;
  • various problems that arise in the menopause;
  • pathological processes associated with digestion.

Massage of the collar zone of the neck will help if headaches are constantly bothering you, or if you often feel dizzy. Indications for the procedure are frequent nervous disorders. You can perform a massage of the cervical collar area to normalize blood supply. With the help of a well-performed procedure, it is possible to correct the curvature of the spinal column, prevent the occurrence of various pathologies.


There are several types of contraindications to massage of the cervical collar area. Allocate temporary, local and absolute contraindications to the procedure.

Temporary contraindications for massage of the cervical collar zone include the following points:

  • when a catarrhal disease manifests itself in an acute form and is accompanied by a feverish state. In this case, there are foci of inflammation;
  • infectious processes on the skin. Skin lesions, accompanied by bleeding;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • pathological processes occurring in the spinal cord;
  • swelling, allergic reactions;
  • soreness of the abdomen, accompanied by nausea;
  • renal pathologies and malfunctions of the heart muscle.

Among the local contraindications for massage of the cervical collar zone:

  • the presence of warts, herpes, eczema spots, fungal infection on some areas of the skin;
  • tumors of a different nature in the places where massage movements are performed;
  • tubercles that occur with mastopathy;
  • cysts in the pelvic region;
  • birthmarks;
  • varicose veins in the areas of the procedure;
  • with clogging of the bile and renal ducts;
  • you can not do massage on the cervical collar area during menstruation;
  • bearing a fetus.

Absolute prohibitions include the following situations:

  • formations on the skin of a malignant nature;
  • structural change in tissues or bones caused by tuberculosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • osteomyelitis in any form;
  • any disorders associated with the work of the heart muscle;
  • problems with blood flow;
  • bleeding of the skin;
  • vascular changes caused by atherosclerosis.

Knowing the information about the indications and contraindications, you can begin to massage the neck and collar area.

It is important to choose the right type of procedure. There are the following, the main types of massage of the neck and collar area and head:

  1. medicinal performed according to certain medical indications;
  2. relaxing, indications for which are anxiety, fatigue, stress and other pathologies caused by nervous disorders;
  3. cosmetic. The procedure is carried out to correct the skin of the cervical region and decollete, eliminating muscle flabbiness;
  4. prophylactic variety massage of the back and neck-collar zone is performed if increased loads are expected;
  5. diverting variant procedure helps to normalize the blood flow of the brain, eliminates salt deposits and swelling.


Therapeutic massage of the cervical collar zone differs from other types of procedures in the execution technique, in which all basic movements are performed.

Usually massage of the cervical collar zone consists of 10 sessions, and contains the following manipulations:

  1. stroking should be done at the beginning and at the end of the session. This method accelerates blood and lymph, from the neck and ending with the shoulder blades;
  2. rubbing movements performed with fingers or palms are usually done in the neck. So the skin is warmed up;
  3. kneading manipulations can be transverse, longitudinal, and in the form of gripping forceps. Kneading movements make up the main part of the session, and normalize blood flow;
  4. vibration manipulations relax muscle tissue. Performed in the form of pats and tapping without the use of effort;
  5. sliding movements complete the session.

How is the session performed?

To get the desired effect from the procedure, it is necessary not only to correctly perform massage movements, but also to properly prepare for the session. It is necessary to completely relax the muscles, and sit correctly.

To find points for massage of the cervical-collar zone, it is advisable to sit down for a session, lying on your stomach. It is convenient to conduct a session while sitting, leaning your hands on a chair or on a table. You can put your head on your hands, crossing them.

During the session, a special cream or oil is used to prevent injury to the skin.

To do massage of the cervical collar zone, they begin with stroking manipulations. Then gently knead and rub the muscle tissue. Each manipulation ends with stroking to relax the muscle tissue.

During the procedure, special attention is paid to the neck, back and side areas.

The duration of one procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes.

You can massage the cervical collar area yourself, as shown in the video below. The neck can be massaged with hands without any problems. And to get to the lower parts of the neck area, special massagers are used in the form of studded wheels, or devices that run on electricity.

Massage for pregnant women

Many women are interested in whether it is possible for pregnant women to massage the cervical collar area. Women who are carrying a fetus are usually contraindicated in taking many medications. But, during pregnancy, the head often hurts, especially in the first trimester.

Important information: when carrying a fetus, do not massage the back area. There may be a risk of miscarriage. But, there are still indications for massage of the cervical collar zone during pregnancy. The head hurts a lot, the cause is sometimes osteochondrosis.

In order not to harm, a professional massages the cervical-collar zone for pregnant women only in the neck and shoulders, without affecting the lower back.

For women in position, sessions are done only by specialists. The average price of one session is about 600 rubles.

The procedure is performed in a sitting position. The head is on folded hands. It is better for pregnant women to use olive oil instead of massage creams.

As for the movements used during the session, they are similar to the movements of the therapeutic type of massage, which was mentioned above.


A diverting massage of the cervical collar area is performed to normalize blood flow, eliminate swelling, remove or prevent salt deposits.
The benefits of massage of the cervical collar zone are as follows:

  • the muscle tissue of the cervical region is strengthened;
  • muscle spasms are eliminated;
  • blood flow in the tissues is normalized.

The technique of abducting massage of the neck and collar zone, as in the case of a therapeutic variety of the procedure, begins with stroking movements. The session then goes like this:

  1. stroking is carried out from the shoulders, with further advancement to the cervical base;
  2. rubbing manipulations are performed in different directions. It is convenient to use two outstretched fingers of both hands;
  3. to eliminate muscle spasm, do kneading.

Important: after each movement, stroking is sure to be done. This is necessary for relaxation and rest of the massaged area, and a better perception of the procedure.

The duration of the course is usually 7 or 15 procedures. Each session lasts 15 or 20 minutes.


Relaxing neck massage can be performed lying down or sitting. The main emphasis is on the cervical muscles responsible for supporting the spine.

A relaxing massage of the neck and collar area is useful because it can restore the functioning of the intervertebral joints. As a result, the outflow of venous blood improves, and the blood flow of the brain normalizes.

As with any type of massage, for a relaxing session, stroking movements are first used to warm up the skin and muscle tissue.

Important: the procedure should be enjoyable. There should be no discomfort during the session. Start stroking from the back of the head, gradually moving to the trapezius muscles.

When the skin turns red, rubbing begins. Rubbing manipulations are performed with more force than previous movements.

The relaxing session ends with tapping and tapping. Manipulations are carried out with the edge of the palm or cam. You need to be careful with percussive movements in the middle and front of the neck area. Too much force can lead to loss of consciousness.


Thai massage of the cervical collar zone refers to express procedures that allow you to remove the barrier on the path of energy from the neck to the body.

Usually the cause of headaches is muscle tension. If you correctly massage the cervical-collar zone, then the tension goes away, and at the same time the spine is strengthened.

The Thai procedure is performed with a special balm. During the procedure, the muscles are very warm, which allows the specialist to penetrate deeper into the tissues.

During the session, acupressure of the cervical collar area is applied. The master performs pressing movements while exhaling on the occipital region, using the fingers of both hands. Next, the carotid artery is massaged pointwise. To do this, the artery is pressed against the spine with force for a couple of seconds.

To eliminate headaches, the temporal artery is massaged. Manipulation helps to get rid of even migraines.

After 3 sessions, the state of health improves, the posture is leveled, the flexibility and elasticity of the muscles are felt.



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