Strong sweating treatment. When to Sweat is OK and When it's Not

Tired of excessive sweating? Are your clothes completely wet after a few minutes of training or a brisk run? Are your hands constantly sweaty and wet? Such situations in life give a person a lot of unpleasant moments and considerable discomfort. A person is unaware that sometimes a serious pathology causes excessive sweating. Consider to become causes of sweating and treatment options.

Excessive sweating causes the presence of diseases (pathology of the thyroid gland, diabetes, various infections). Being overweight or not physically fit can also cause signs of excessive sweating. Most cases of hyperhidrosis are harmless to others.

The information in this article should be helpful to a person who is deciding whether to go to the hospital to see a specialist about the symptoms of excessive sweating on the skin.

Excessive sweating and hyperhidrosis

Increased sweating is a natural reaction to environmental factors: increased ambient temperature, hot drinks, exercise. This is a normal reaction of the body in case of need to cool it down. In some, the process of perspiration begins faster, in others much later. This difference in reaction is explained by the difference in the rate of metabolic processes in people.

But it happens that strong sweating manifests itself under normal conditions. The room has a comfortable temperature, a calm atmosphere, no physical exertion, and a person sweats for no reason.
Such cases of formation of an increased amount of sweat on the skin is called hyperhidrosis. This process can no longer be attributed to the natural or habitual. It is a sign of pathology.

Hyperhidrosis can be of two types:

  • primary (localized)
  • secondary (generalized)

Primary hyperhidrosis

Manifestations of primary (or focal) hyperhidrosis are observed in a fairly large number of the population - from one to three percent of the inhabitants. Very often, patients say that they developed excessive sweating at an early age.

Primary hyperhidrosis is also called localized, since its symptoms are peculiar. They appear in certain areas, that is, locally: on the face, arms, legs, head, groin, armpits. It is characteristic that they are located on the human body strictly symmetrically.

A person who has symptoms of localized hyperhidrosis on the body can be considered healthy if:

  • it is not caused by any disease;
  • it was not a side effect of taking medications;
  • it was not a drug reaction.

Why does primary hyperhidrosis appear? ? There is no exact answer to this question. A possible cause may be the appearance of imperceptible disorders of the nervous system. There are also many arguments in favor of the fact that primary hyperhidrosis may have a hereditary factor.

Although a person with signs of primary hyperhidrosis is considered healthy, he may have problems communicating with friends, with employees at work. Children sometimes have problems in communicating with their peers, since not all children adequately respond to existing difficulties. The lack of understanding with colleagues and the impossibility of career growth also occurs due to the presence of excessive sweating.

Secondary hyperhidrosis

This type of excessive sweating is also called generalized and is quite rare. Its symptoms do not appear in certain areas, like primary hyperhidrosis, but throughout the skin of the body.

Hyperhidrosis is called secondary for the reason that it is a consequence of the development of a disease or pathology in the body.

The appearance of symptoms of generalized hyperhidrosis must be taken very seriously. According to doctors, they can be caused by a disease in the body that the patient is unaware of.

A clear indicator of secondary hyperhidrosis is excessive night sweats.

What can cause secondary hyperhidrosis? Increased work of the sweat glands can be the result of the following reasons:

  1. the presence of chronic diseases, such as: diabetes mellitus, various infectious diseases, Parkinson's disease, angina pectoris, arthritis, padagra, cancer, leukemia, lymphoma;
  2. various medical conditions such as: menopause, obesity, pregnancy, alcoholism.

Interestingly, people who show anxiety and anxiety very often develop profuse sweating. This condition is explained by the excellent work of the apocrine glands. And if a person sweats, then such a situation and such a condition are not classified as hyperhidrosis.

It should be borne in mind that there are a number of drugs that can cause excessive sweating, these include:

  • psychotropic drugs;
  • drugs for high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • remedies for dry mouth;
  • antibiotics;
  • Dietary supplements (food additives).

When and where to apply?

Should I worry the doctor about excessive sweating? You should contact a specialist if you have the following symptoms:

  1. Excessive sweating during sleep. After waking up from sleep, you may find that the pillowcases and sheets are wet, and the whole body is in a cold perspiration.
  2. Generalized sweating. There is profuse sweating on all skin integuments of the body.
  3. Asymmetrical sweating. The appearance of signs of excessive sweating in one place, for example, on only one arm.
  4. inappropriate changes. Sweating increased or worsened sharply.
  5. Sweating in old age. The manifestation of increased sweating in old age should alert, since hyperhidrosis for the most part occurs in childhood or adolescence.
  6. Taking new medications. The appearance of increased sweating is due to the use of a drug that is new in the treatment of the patient.
  7. The appearance of symptoms in which excessive sweating is felt.
    Appeared insomnia, thirst, fatigue, cough, frequent urination, which are accompanied by excessive sweating.

If there are no such signs, and excessive sweating is disturbing and inconvenient, then it is recommended to talk to a specialist. Be sure to inform him about all the medicines that have been prescribed to you, as well as about taking over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements (BAA). Such information will be very important for the doctor.

Sweating treatment

Primary focal hyperhidrosis does not provide any treatment, but there are ways by which you can correct the manifestation of excessive sweating. These are modern and already proven tools:

  • Antiperspirants. The use of roll-on antiperspirants, sprays, lotions help reduce excessive sweating. Currently, a large list of these products is being produced, having various aromas and smells.
  • Iontophoresis. The use of low frequency current helps to reduce the production of sweat by the apocrine glands and this relieves the symptoms of excessive sweating. This method has its limitations in application, since it is possible to act only on the area of ​​​​the palms, feet and armpits. The procedures are recommended to be used periodically, after a few months.
  • Medicines. The use of herbal remedies, tranquilizers, as well as special anticholinergic type medications to inhibit the function of the sweat glands helps to cope with excessive sweating. In each case, the doctor should prescribe the medication, taking into account the degree of the patient's disease.
  • Botox. Botulinum toxin injections block the work of the sweat glands for a long time. This drug is certified and widely used to reduce the symptoms of sweating. The effect of this drug lasts quite a long time - up to six months.
  • Surgery. In extreme cases, the sweat glands are partially removed to get rid of excessive sweating.

You can get rid of the symptoms of secondary hyperhidrosis by eliminating the causes or diseases that caused this hyperhidrosis:

  • elimination of the activity of the thyroid gland (using drugs or carrying out the necessary operation) helps to reduce the symptoms of excessive sweating;
  • strict control of blood glucose in diabetes reduces the manifestation of excessive sweating;
  • Changing the medication that causes sweating to another or reducing the dose helps manage hyperhidrosis.

Although there are such exceptional cases when the disease that caused hyperhidrosis cannot be cured, or there is a need to take a single medication that causes excessive sweating.

And in these cases, if there is no way to cure a chronic disease, it is necessary to treat the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. Medical practice has proven that in the treatment of secondary hyperhidrosis, modern remedies used in primary hyperhidrosis can be successfully used.

Excessive sweating - how to live on?

Manifestations of symptoms of sweating are usually treated irresponsibly by people, and this can last for years, and sometimes even decades. And this irresponsible attitude to one's health can affect in the future.

Increased sweating may be due to the presence of a serious illness, and timely diagnosis with prescribed treatment will help overcome this difficult life situation.

Because of this, many people have many problems: communication with peers at school, career restrictions at work, misunderstandings in their personal lives.

Even if excessive sweating is not the result of a serious illness or the causes of sweating are unknown, anyone can get qualified help. And you don't have to give it up. Proper and qualified treatment with modern means will change your whole life.

What is hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)- a serious pathology in which constantly sweaty feet, palms, increased sweating of the armpits, pronounced redness of the face during stress. Approximately 1% of the population suffers from excessive sweating.

Deodorants and other cosmetics to eliminate excessive sweating and bad breath are ineffective. Excessive sweating reduces the quality of life: there are difficulties in communicating with other people, shaking hands, especially many problems arise in intimate life.

The reasons for the increased function of the sweat glands are not known, but perhaps they lie in a local disorder of the nervous regulation of sweating. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is manifested by increased sweating in one or more areas of the body, usually under the armpits, on the palms and soles. Pathology occurs for reasons not yet understood and is more common in women.

Reasons for excessive sweating

Some scientists explain excessive sweating by a disorder of the autonomic nervous system that regulates the activity of the sweat glands, as well as accompanying these disorders by an increase in the concentration of stress hormones in the blood - adrenaline and norepinephrine. The theory is supported by the fact that hyperhidrosis often accompanies mental disorders such as neurosis or depression.

According to some reports, this condition is associated with hereditary characteristics and an increase in the number of merocrine sweat glands, according to others - with their increased sensitivity to common stimuli. As a result, at the slightest excitement, tension, fear, the sweat glands begin to produce sweat in an amount 10 times higher than normal perspiration.

Food related hyperhidrosis most often occurs after eating a certain type of food, such as peppers, garlic, chocolate, coffee, or any hot food. Increased sweating in the forehead and above the upper lip appears a few minutes after the start of the meal and disappears within 1 hour after it ends.

Excessive sweating due to hyperthyroidism

Increased sweating in hyperthyroidism is always general, caused by an increase in tissue metabolism and is a compensatory state necessary for the body in order to prevent an increase in body temperature. Along with excessive sweating, the patient is concerned about:

  • increased heartbeat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • general weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • increased appetite;
  • emotional instability;
  • nervousness;
  • slight slight trembling of the limbs;
  • menstrual irregularities.

The skin of the whole body is moist and, despite increased sweating, hot. As a rule, the higher the level of thyroid hormones in the patient's blood, the more pronounced sweating.

Sweating in diabetes

Generalized sweating in diabetes mellitus is associated with a disease-specific lesion of the peripheral nervous system and increased heat production caused by increased metabolism. Often, along with heat intolerance and general sweating, patients have especially pronounced sweating in the upper body, in the head and neck.

Increased sweating, combined with trembling and faintness, in diabetic patients may be associated with a sharp drop in blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia) that accompanies an overdose of insulin. Hypoglycemia can also develop in quite healthy people in a state of hunger, with intoxication with ethyl alcohol (drinking alcohol), and taking salicylates (aspirin).

Hyperhidrosis in menopausal syndrome

Hyperhidrosis in menopausal syndrome is one of the most characteristic manifestations of the disease and is combined with sensations of heat in the upper half of the body and face - hot flashes.

The causes of excessive sweating, as well as other disorders that accompany menopause, lie in the aging of the hypothalamic structures that control the work of the endocrine glands and the release of biologically active substances (bradykinin and histamine) into the bloodstream, causing a sharp expansion of skin vessels, and hence increased sweating.

Increased sweating in tumors

Increased sweating in malignant tumors occurs as a result of the production of biologically active substances by cancer cells that have a vasodilating effect.

Interestingly, skin manifestations can often be used to judge the localization of the tumor. Thus, cancer of the ileum is accompanied by excessive sweating in the face and neck, lasting only a few minutes, and malignant tumors of the bronchi - hot flashes that can last for days.

Excessive sweating associated with stomach tumors may be associated with blistering of the skin, especially on the palms or soles. Hyperhidrosis in carcinoid syndrome is always combined with other manifestations of tumors.

Increased sweating can be a symptom of diseases:

Treatment for excessive sweating

To solve the problem, modern aesthetic medicine offers a well-established method - the use of drugs based on botulinum neurotoxin type A. We are talking about lantox or dysport. The fact is that a muscle fiber is suitable for each muscle gland. When it contracts, sweat is released.

Often during a stressful or nervous situation, the sweat gland receives a false signal and releases too much sweat. Dysport and lantox injections block signals from nerve endings to muscles, preventing sweat from being produced. Before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a special test - the so-called Minor's test - to determine the zone of sweating and the degree of severity. Then the doctor proceeds to treat all areas of sweating.

The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes: first, a special cooling cream is applied to the skin in the injection area, and then the doctor gently injects small doses of the drug into areas of increased sweating. The number of injections is calculated individually. After the procedure, excessive sweating is blocked for 2-3 days and is restored only after 6-12 months, after which the injections can be repeated.

At the same time, thermoregulation is not disturbed, on the contrary, the condition of the skin improves, since the level of its hydration normalizes. With the help of injections, you can quickly, effectively and permanently improve the quality of your life, getting rid of always wet feet, wet palms and armpits. Within 10-15 minutes you can return to your usual way of life and enjoy freedom from the unpleasant smell of sweat!

Which doctors to contact with excessive sweating

Drugs for excessive sweating

Sweating feet

As a rule, sweating and smelly feet can be dealt with by following general hygiene rules and using various sprays and powders. However, in some people sweaty feet is a chronic problem.

Why do feet sweat

Sweaty feet are caused by sweat glands in the feet. Excessive sweating causes intensive reproduction of bacteria, which in the process of life decompose tissue particles on the surface of the skin, which leads to the formation of organic gases and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Leg sweating becomes more intense when:

  • high temperature;
  • physical activity;
  • excitement or other emotions.

With increased sweating, you should consult a doctor, as there are a lot of reasons for this condition. Sweating can occur with the use of salty foods, increased activity of the thyroid gland, diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular or nervous system.

How to get rid of sweaty feet

To get rid of sweaty feet, resulting in an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to reduce sweating and the growth of bacteria on the feet. To do this, you should carefully follow the rules of hygiene: keeping your feet dry will help changing socks several times a day, A washing feet with antibacterial soap will prevent the growth of bacteria.

In addition, you can use powders that absorb odor. It can be effective the use of drisol - a solution of aluminum chloride. If you apply drisol on your feet before going to bed, it inhibits the growth of bacteria and reduces sweating. However, the use of this drug may cause skin irritation.

The essence of another method is to apply iontophoresis- penetration of an ionized substance through intact skin under the influence of direct current. With iontophoresis, the skin loses its ability to sweat. Success from the use of iontophoresis is possible after training, so the possibility of using iontophoresis should be discussed with the doctor.

In addition, there are other types of therapy: the use of atropine-like substances, the use of antibiotics and glutaraldehyde, but they can cause unwanted side effects.

Treatment of sweaty feet with folk remedies

Questions and answers on the topic "Excessive sweating"

Question:Hello, my name is Sergey, I'm 22 years old. For the past five years, I have been suffering from generalized hyperhidrosis. Sweat not only armpits and palms, but many other parts of the body. How much does an endoscopic sympathectomy cost?

Answer: In generalized hyperhidrosis, endoscopic sympathectomy is contraindicated due to the risk of very severe compensatory hyperhidrosis.

Question:Can hyperhidrosis be treated at home?

Answer: At home, treatment can be carried out using iontophoresis and using aluminum chlorides. In principle, there is a practice of Botox injections also at home, which is not entirely correct from a medical point of view. If you mean home remedies, then I have to disappoint you. There are no effective home remedies for treating hyperhidrosis.

Question:Hello! Whether tell or say please there can be a local hyperhidrosis from a birth? My baby has sweaty feet and palms, and they are cold. The neurologist diagnosed him with vegetative-vascular dystonia and prescribed Cavinton to drink. I'm afraid to give him this medicine. The boy is 6 months old. I had hyperhidrosis at the age of 9-10 and still do. Also sweaty palms and feet. I'm afraid it's passed down from me. In general, the child is healthy, was born without pathologies. Maybe there are still signs of this dystonia, I didn’t want to give him extra medicine. I know there is no cure for hyperhidrosis. Help razobratsya that the child has dystonia or hereditary hyperhidrosis. Thank you in advance.

Answer: At 6 months, this may still be a reflection of the immaturity of the autonomic nervous system. I don't think it's worth the special treatment. If hyperhidrosis is transmitted (and this happens in half of the cases), then Cavinton will still not be able to cure it.

Question:Hello! I'm 20, about a year and a half ago I started having problems with sweating, wet armpits, palms and legs! I went through all the doctors, blood tests, hormones, heart, etc. But the doctors only smiled and said that I was doing nonsense. Although this problem kills my whole life. During the day I sweat, and somewhere from 12 at night I become dry and the sweat disappears, it is gone! I feel like a human! Then I go to bed, wake up and again wet armpits, palms, legs, and so on all day. Quit smoking - less. But sweat is not subject to laws. It sometimes pours like a bucket, and sometimes it is not there for 5 minutes. Then again. Dry at night. What could it be?

Answer: If sweating is limited to the armpits, palms, feet, absent at night, aggravated by excitement, reduced by alcohol intake, then obviously you are in the 3% of the population suffering from local primary idylopathic (without an obvious cause) hyperhidrosis.

Question:Good afternoon. About six months ago, he began to sweat a lot, especially his palms, armpits and feet. Repeatedly examined for infections, immune status, the state of internal organs - in general, everything is normal. Now increased sweating causes great discomfort at work - the constant sweating of the palms especially interferes. How can you get rid of this disease, or at least reduce sweating of the palms? I read that drugs like Maxim are quite effective, but will they work for me and what are their main side effects? Thank you!

Answer: You didn't state your age. This has some bearing on the definition of the problem. With regard to the palms, maxims will not help. It makes sense to try iontophoresis or Botox. With the particular persistence of hyperhidrosis, sympathectomy can be considered, but this is an extreme measure and in any case only after a detailed discussion.

Question:I fell ill with the flu, treated myself for a week - it did not help. Has addressed to the doctor. They pricked antibiotics, calcium intravenously, inhalation, etc. (it turned out to be tracheitis). I thought I recovered, but there was increased sweating after the illness. Tell me what to do? Thanks in advance!

Answer: Specify whether sweating is of a general nature (the whole body sweats) or local (only the palms, armpits, etc. sweat)? When is sweating more pronounced: at night or during the day? There are several main reasons for excessive sweating, including during recovery from a serious illness, after antibiotic treatment, and excessive sweating can indicate disorders of the nervous system, etc. We recommend that you contact a therapist or a neurologist.

Question:My 35 year old husband and 5 year old son sweat profusely after falling asleep for 2 hours (approximately). Is it connected with some kind of disease or is it just a feature of the vegetovascular system (passed on to the son from her husband)?

Answer: Most likely, excessive sweating is associated with the peculiarities of the vegetative system of your husband and child, but you need to check if sweating is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Question:Hello. I am 16 years old. I have excessive sweating of my legs, armpits, face. My feet sweat a lot. This greatly spoils shoes and air. Every day before school I wash my legs and smear with Teimur paste, my shoes, change insoles. Everything is useless. It's definitely not about shoes and non-compliance with cleanliness. My armpits are still very sweaty. Every day after coming home from school, large white spots remain on the jacket in the armpit area. I still have a constantly oily face, especially the nose, it already shines! Every morning I wash it, after 2 minutes after washing everything is greasy again, you might think that a person has not washed for a month. Please tell me how can I solve or mitigate this problem? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Hello, the cause of excessive sweating and oily skin is the increased function of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin (which in turn may be associated with some hormonal changes occurring in your body). It is likely that the symptoms you mentioned are temporary and will soon subside. We strongly recommend that you consult a dermatologist who will determine the exact cause of the disorder and prescribe treatment.

Question:Hello. I suddenly and strongly increased sweating. Please tell me how to get rid of this as quickly as possible and what it can be connected with? I don’t suffer from excess weight, but not so long ago I started jogging.

Answer: To combat hung sweating, you should use antiperspirants and try to wear lighter clothing so as not to overheat. In which parts of the body do you have excessive sweating?

Question:I am 23 years old, I have been suffering from the problem of sweating for a long time, when I walk, do something and just sit, I recently noticed that my body is constantly hot, I examined the work of the thyroid gland, everything is normal, but I often have a rapid heartbeat. Can the work of the heart affect the occurrence of my problems? Thanks for the answer!

Answer: The work of the heart does not affect sweating, but together profuse sweating and frequent pulse can be a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Have you tried using antiperspirants?

Question:My daughter is 4 years old, 2 days ago she began to cough, the cough is not strong, dry, mostly at night; there is no temperature, no runny nose, but these 2 days she sweats a lot, the skin is constantly wet and cool, the body temperature is exactly 36, she doesn’t complain about anything, what can this mean?

Answer: Judging by the description, it can be assumed that the child has a mild SARS. If over the next 3-4 days the child's condition does not improve, be sure to show it to the doctor. Before contacting a doctor, no treatment is necessary. Make sure your child drinks more.

Question:Recently, my feet have become very sweaty, which is accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor, no matter what shoes I wear. The skin of the legs is clean. What is it and how to treat? Thank you!

Answer: It is possible that you have a fungal disease of the skin of the feet. See a dermatologist.

Excessive sweating of the whole body (hyperhidrosis) can be caused by various diseases. , or sweat with a strange smell are often signs of health problems. Even serious ones like cancer, tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism.

Excessive sweating of the whole body is a common symptom for many diseases. But this is only one of the symptoms of the disease, below are additional ones that may more accurately indicate a specific ailment.

Diseases associated with sweating

  • Feverintramural diseases- those that are accompanied by a very elevated body temperature and are caused by the so-called pyrogens (most often viruses) entering the body. An increase in sweat production is the body's response to heat - this is how it tries to cool itself. The higher the temperature, the more we sweat. Most sweat is released when body temperature drops.
  • Obesity. In overweight people, every movement requires effort. The body easily overheats and sweats.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland(hyperthyroidism). Sweating increases during the day. In addition, the disease is accompanied by loss of appetite and weight, weakness, irritability, palpitations, hand tremors, and sometimes bulging eyes.
  • Tumors of the lymphatic system. Leukemia and lymphoma begin with weakness and loss of appetite. The skin becomes pale and the lymph nodes enlarge. At night there is a strong perspiration of the whole body.
  • Tuberculosis. Night sweats, persistent cough, weight loss, weakness, slight or fluctuating temperature.
  • . When blood sugar drops sharply (hypoglycemia), it is accompanied by heavy sweating. The patient turns pale, the heartbeat accelerates, the muscles tremble. There is dizziness, weakness and hunger.
  • Pancreas cancer. The same symptoms appear as with hypoglycemia: sweating, weakness, bouts of hunger, muscle tremors, nervousness.
  • Disorders of the central nervous system. Sweating is unbalanced - one side of the body sweats more. Alopecia can be observed - hair loss in some part of the body.
  • Parkinson's disease. Slow movement and profuse perspiration with a noticeable odor. Progressive rigidity and tremor of the muscles - their involuntary tension and trembling. Face with signs of seborrhea (pimples, oily skin, redness) and sweaty.
  • Acromegaly- a slowly developing disease of an adult, caused by dysfunction of the pituitary gland. Thickening of the fingers, lengthening of the legs, lower jaw, brow ridges, and profuse sweating.
  • heart attack. Burning pain in the chest, sweating, restlessness, shortness of breath, and sometimes nausea.

What disease is indicated by the smell of sweat?

Diseases that are accompanied by severe sweating often disrupt the chemical processes in the body. As a result, the smell of sweat also changes, which makes it possible to diagnose the disease itself.

Excessive sweating is a problem as common as it is unpleasant. Modern standards of human life do not approve of the presence in society of people exuding an unpleasant odor. And the explanation that this is not at all connected with cleanliness will hardly be understood and accepted. The problem needs to be dealt with. And for this it is important to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

The problem of extremely high has been known to medicine for a long time. There is even a special term for it - hyperhidrosis (Greek - a lot of water). At the same time, it must be said right away that the disease does not carry any direct health hazards - scientists classify it as a “social disease” - those due to which a person may have problems with being among others of their own kind. And then diseases associated with social rejection may already arise - nervous breakdowns, depression, in the worst case, everything can reach a suicide attempt.

However, all these gloomy prospects open up only if you do not fight hyperhidrosis and do not perceive it as a problem. Doctors and scientists are of a different opinion and argue that excessive sweating can and should be defeated. They even developed a classification of hyperhidrosis based not only on the volume and key areas of sweating, but also on the level of social rejection.

So, according to the severity, excessive sweating is divided into:

  1. Mild (sweating is increased, but this does not cause social problems);
  2. Medium (sweating is strong, there is little social rejection);
  3. Severe (permanent smell of sweat, wet stains on clothes, almost complete social rejection).

The prevalence of hyperhidrosis is divided into:

  • General (increased sweating is characteristic of the whole body);
  • Local (increased sweating is typical for certain areas of the body).

Both classifications do not contradict each other, for example, a person may have mild general, or severe local hyperhidrosis. Experts note that the common subspecies is extremely rare, more often people suffer from a local form. That is why it will be useful to understand the causes of increased sweating in different parts of the body.


There are a lot of reasons for excessive sweating on the head, but not all of them are associated with hyperhidrosis directly. First of all, we will separate those that are quite common, but have nothing to do with the problem:

  • SARS and colds.
  • Chronic infectious and oncological diseases.
  • As an allergic reaction
  • Side effects of certain medications;
  • Stress and nervous condition.
  • Metabolic disease.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons for hyperhidrosis. However, scientists consider the main increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, namely excitation. Thus, the key cause of excessive sweating is stress. Sensitive, nervous, touchy people are more prone to excessive sweating on the head.


As already mentioned, hyperhidrosis is not a disease in itself. However, diseases are often the cause of increased sweating of the whole body, namely:

As you can see, there are many diseases that affect excessive sweating. The reason for such a wide list is that scientists still cannot accurately determine the key cause of hyperhidrosis and compile a list of pathogens based on observations of patients with other pathologies.


Hyperhidrosis of the hands, especially the palms, is one of the most common types of increased sweating in principle. Long-term observations made it possible to identify the main causative agents of this problem:


From the point of view of hyperhidrosis, the legs are a special part of the body, constantly shackled by some kind of shoe. That is why the list of factors that affect excessive sweating in the feet is somewhat different from the rest of the body.

In addition to these specific causes, of course, increased sweating can be caused by stress, endocrine system diseases, oncological and infectious diseases, similarly to other parts of the body.

Main symptoms

Despite all the obvious external manifestations, it is not so easy to distinguish hyperhidrosis from ordinary sweating, especially during the hot summer months. And logically, this disease has its own symptoms that allow you to diagnose it in a timely manner.

Prevention and treatment

In some cases, hyperhidrosis is hereditary, and in this case, its prevention does not give tangible results. As for everyone else, if a person began to notice that the amount of sweat released is greater than usual, it is worth taking care of the prevention of the disease, especially since the basic recommendations are useful for everyone, regardless of the presence or suspicion of hyperhidrosis.

As for treatment, any procedures, no matter how effective they may seem, should be carried out only in consultation with the attending physician. However, it would be useful to describe the main methods of treatment.

If the case is not severe, then all therapy is usually limited to only regulating the amount of water consumed, naturally downward. This is combined with daily baths with the addition of oak bark and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, there are special solutions and lotions for wiping the affected areas of the skin on the body, as well as powders and powders for the feet and hands.

If the disease manifests itself in a severe form, complex therapy is usually used, prescribed by a professional neuropathologist. Together with it, the latest laser methods for the treatment of hyperhidrosis are often used, but their effectiveness has not been proven.

Excessive sweating is a problem familiar to many. Sometimes excessive sweating occurs for completely natural physiological reasons, but in some cases, the cause of excessive sweating may be the presence of any disease or the use of certain drugs.

Sweating is a natural function of the body. By sweating, your body performs a cooling function. As a rule, sweating manifests itself in conditions of elevated temperature due to physical exertion or an emotionally unstable state. However, in some cases, sweating exceeds natural norms, and without any objective reasons for that. Excessive sweating is medically called hyperhidrosis. The causes of excessive sweating can be very different.

Emotional disorders

In some cases, increased doses of sweat are released with mental disorders and emotional instability. For example, strong anxiety often provokes panic and, as a result, increased sweating. Often people sweat a lot in stressful situations, and even in a state of depression or depression. In such cases, you need to contact a specialist who is able to solve this problem. Most often, in such situations, drugs are prescribed that eliminate feelings of anxiety or depression and reduce sweating as a result of such conditions.

Health problems

Excessive sweating can be a sign of a disease, such as diabetes, lung or heart disease, Parkinson's disease, or even cancer. Sometimes excessive sweating accompanies the presence of a serious infectious infection, in particular tuberculosis. If you notice that you sweat a lot, regardless of the presence or absence of physical activity, changes in weather conditions or manifestations of emotions, consult a dermatologist. The specialist will help to establish the cause of excessive sweating and, possibly, to identify the disease that causes this condition. Proper treatment and following all the doctor's recommendations will help to leave the problem of excessive sweating in the past.

Hormonal disorders

Increased doses of sweat are often the result of hormonal changes in the body. Hormonal surges are usually observed in women during menopause, hot flushes are often accompanied by reddening of the skin and the release of increased doses of sweat. Pregnancy greatly affects the hormonal background, so excessive sweating in pregnant women is not uncommon. In addition to hormones, the work of the sweat glands is influenced by the presence of excess weight and increased blood microcirculation.

If hot flashes and excessive sweating are due to hormonal changes, try to wear lighter and looser clothing, spend as much time as possible in well-ventilated, cool areas, and drink plenty of fluids. During menopause, antidepressants and hormone therapy are very effective.

Medical preparations

Many over-the-counter medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can cause excessive sweating. If you think you're sweating more because of a drug, but aren't completely sure, seek the advice of a specialist who can make the correct diagnosis. Be sure to bring a complete list of medications you are taking with you to your doctor's appointment. If the cause of excessive sweating really lies in taking the drug, the specialist will prescribe you other means.

Excess weight

Being overweight and obese is another reason for excessive sweating. With excess weight, the body has a hard time, to support the mass of the case, a person has to expend many times more energy and strength than with normal weight. If in your case the cause of excessive sweating is overweight, try to change your lifestyle, start exercising, try to eat a balanced diet, and it is quite possible that by dropping a few kilograms you will get rid of excessive sweating. If you find it difficult to change your habits and diet, at least try to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics, ventilate the room and use special powders to absorb excess fluid.

Excessive sweating not only causes discomfort, but often causes feelings of depression and alienation. Fortunately, this problem is not eternal, do not hesitate to seek help from specialists, a professional will help identify the causes of your problem and suggest ways to get rid of it.



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