The most protein-rich foods. Protein rich foods

A healthy lifestyle and an athletic fit figure are at the peak of popularity. Incredible diets are being developed, all sorts of new types of fitness are being promoted.

Useful properties of proteins for the body

In order not to get confused in countless information and approach the issue of healthy eating wisely, it is important to clearly understand what products are, what components they consist of. Proteins are a key element that plays an important role in weight loss.

Squirrels(or proteins) are substances of organic nature, created by the high-molecular interaction of alpha-amino acids, which are a chain based on the bond of peptides. Which products are among the proteins, is given below in the "Slimming Table".

Proteins in the body are, in fact, a key building block.

It is impossible to overestimate their importance, because they perform the following functions:

  • actually create new cells, taking an active part in the process of cellular synthesis;
  • supply all organs and tissues with vital vitamins, minerals and lipids;
  • amino acids, constituent proteins, activate metabolic processes and help the production of hemoglobin, participating in the formation of red blood cells and some hormones;
  • form general immunity;
  • stimulate brain activity;
  • strengthen not only internal organs, but also hair, nails.

The primary role of proteins is the regeneration of any tissues in the body. Therefore, they are the first assistants for athletes and people with increased physical activity. It is proteins that restore muscle fibers damaged during training, maintain a healthy muscle volume.

Note! Proteins are involved in the synthesis of about 30 different amino acids, 22 of which are not produced in the body on their own, therefore, proteins are their only sources.

The general effect of proteins on the body:

  • maintaining a normal growth rate in children;
  • ensuring the full functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilization of the hormonal background;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • maintenance of endurance and ability to work;
  • elimination of avitaminosis.

Is it possible to eat only proteins

Moderation is the main principle of a healthy lifestyle. Any nutritionist will tell you that eating only one type of food, even the most correct, will do more harm than good. A sense of proportion should be both in use and in limiting anything.

For weight loss, the use of only protein products is very popular, but proteins are such substances, the excess of which in the body cannot be stored for a rainy day, they must be processed.

What difficulties this brings to the body is presented in the table.

Refusal to take fats and carbohydrates leads to a sharp deterioration in mood, because proteins are not able to synthesize serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Another unpleasant aspect of exclusively protein nutrition is bad breath, which occurs due to increased burning of internal fats, accompanied by the aroma of acetone. Plus, problems with digesting food and emptying the intestines add notes of rot to the breath.

With a mono-diet based on the intake of only proteins, there is a significant threat of a rapid return of weight after the restoration of the usual diet.

Animal and plant foods rich in protein

Proteins are what products?

Table for weight loss and sports nutrition, leading the most protein-rich foods, will necessarily contain 2 main categories:

  • proteins from plant foods;
  • animal proteins.

The first group includes vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and mushrooms. Their significant advantage is a low fat content with a high level of fiber. The leader in protein content is soy, followed by peanuts, sunflower, lentils, peas and white beans.

Important to remember! Legumes and nuts do not belong to dietary products, having a high calorie content.

Of course, meat belongs to the animal group of proteins. This includes game, poultry, and cattle. Dairy products: from milk itself to cheese, they are also a source of a large number of animal proteins. This includes eggs and fish.

Assimilated products with animal protein are much better than vegetable ones, but contain a high level of fat.

Protein diet, its features

Note! Whatever products make up the diet, would not be limited to a weight loss table, the body needs all the elements. These are proteins, and vitamins, and fats, and acids, and carbohydrates!

There is a myth that a protein diet is a gourmet feast when you eat your fill and lose weight at the same time. But everything is not so simple, there are pitfalls.

Key points of the diet:

  1. Reduced carbohydrate intake and increased protein intake. This is the main "trick" of the diet! The body is no longer provided with the usual energy from food and is forced to produce it from internal reserves - years of accumulated fat. There is a complete redistribution of metabolic processes: to maintain life, not external, but internal fats are burned.
  2. Lack of hunger. Proteins are foods that are presented in the nutrition table for those dreaming of losing weight, which obviously do not cause hunger. A protein diet does not imply restrictions on the amount of protein consumed: you can eat often, plentifully, though without overeating.
  3. No sudden increases in appetite. Since the intake of glucose from carbohydrates into the body is reduced, especially with simple sugars (buns, buns), then the insulin hormone is practically not produced, which keeps sugar at a constant level. This insures a person from a sharp desire to eat.
  4. Time limit - no more than 2 weeks. Such nutrition is unnatural for the human body, abrupt changes in the digestive system begin very quickly, and there is an acute shortage of carbohydrates. There is a "drying of the body", when the subcutaneous fat is split, with intense loads, a muscular relief is formed. But for a beautiful body, the liver and kidneys are paying, trying to cope with excess protein.

Why you can lose weight on a protein diet

The main driver of weight loss is not an excess of proteins, but the absence of carbohydrates:

Proteins (what products are these): weight loss table

For the convenience of forming a protein diet, the main products - sources of protein are presented in tabular form. In the first form, animal proteins are considered.

Product Content Percentage Percent digestion Degree of assimilation
Protein (proteins) fats


Carbohydrate (carbohydrates)
Eggs12,71 11,5 oh 796,9 1, oh
Cheese25, oh2o-3o- 93,1 1, oh
liquid dairy products2,3 3,o3,6 93,9 1, oh
Cottage cheese16,7 5,0 - 93,1 1, oh
Chicken meat2o,33,3 - 98,9 0,92
Beef13,9 12,4 - 95,1 0,92
Fish fillet21, oh7,3 - 94,9 0,9
lean pork16,41 27,9 - 93,1 0,63

Energy indicators of the main vegetable proteins.

Product Content Percentage Percent digestion Degree of assimilation
Protein (proteins) fats


Carbohydrate (carbohydrates)
Soya34,7 17,5 26,6 91,1 oh 91
Peas23, oh1,7 57,7 3ooh 67
Beans22,4 1,6 54,5 3ooh 64
Rice7, ohoh 673,7 36,1 oh 55
Buckwheat12,6 2,6 63 34,9 oh 67
Corn3,3 1,1 75 35,1 oh 6
nuts26,2 45,3 45,2 36,9 oh 51

Protein diet: menu for the week

There are enough protein-rich foods to make a very varied and tasty meal plan. The table shows only one of the many options.

Proteins are what products. The table for weight loss, as well as an approximate menu are given below

Sample weekly protein diet menu table

Days in order Eating episodes A variant of dishes containing proteins (which products are these): weight loss table
First1 protein omelet,

a glass of low-calorie kefir (low fat),

unsweetened coffee/tea

2 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
3 boiled chicken breast
4 orange
5 baked fish fillet,

a glass of yogurt

Second1 a couple of boiled chicken eggs,
2 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
3 steamed meat,
4 apple
5 canned tuna or sardines

green salad of cabbage leaves and cucumber,

a glass of yogurt

Third1 muesli,

unsweetened coffee/tea

2 bread with low calorie cheese
3 steamed chicken fillet

handful of dark rice

tomato and bell pepper salad

5 steam fish
a glass of boiled beans liqueur/yogurt 2oo ml
Fourth1 low fat cottage cheese

tea, preferably green

2 a few nuts
3 low-fat chicken and vegetable broth,
4 apple
5 baked meat or fish,

vegetable salad

Fifth1 vegetable salad
2 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
3 chicken and broccoli mousse soup,
4 dried fruits - a handful
5 cabbage and green pea salad,

chicken fillet cooked with cheese and tomatoes

sixth1 ham omelet,

unsweetened tea/coffee

2 arbitrary fruit, banana is an exception
3 steamed fish fillet,

a handful of boiled rice and a tomato

4 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
5 vegetable stew with meat,

a glass of yogurt

seventh1 low-calorie cottage cheese with dried fruits,
2 nuts
3 a third of a glass of buckwheat with meat
4 orange
5 baked meat

Who is not suitable for a protein diet: contraindications

Any food restriction has its own prohibitions.

For a protein diet, there are the following contraindications:

  • advanced age;
  • obesity of the last stage;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • gout.

How to get out of the protein diet

Any diet is a test for the body both physiological and psychological. When embarking on any restriction, you need to clearly understand that this is only the beginning of the journey: after a couple of weeks of giving up your favorite foods, it will be the turn of the long-term stage of consolidating the results.

The protein diet is very effective, but if you get out of it incorrectly, the kilograms return right before your eyes.

The basic principles of consolidating weight loss after a protein diet:

  • Daily rate carbohydrate consumption - 60 g. This meager figure should be kept for at least six months, respectively, no buns and pasta for a very long time.
  • gradual increase consumption of vegetables and fruits, and optimally boiled.
  • Constant physical activity- Requires at least 3 hard workouts per week.

Proteins are undoubtedly important for the body, a protein diet will really help you lose weight, but it is dangerous to forget about the limitations and consequences of such nutrition. It is important to competently approach the issue, and if you are already engaged in your figure, then seriously and for a long time.

Proteins are what products? Products for weight loss on a protein diet in this video:

What foods contain proteins and how to lose weight on a protein diet (except for the Table), see here:

Protein is important building material our body. Every cell of the body consists of it, it is part of all tissues and organs. In addition, a special kind of protein plays a role enzymes And hormones in a living organism.

In addition to the building function, the protein can also be source of energy. And in the case of an excess of protein, the liver "prudently" converts the protein into fats, which are stored in reserve in the body (how to get rid of such fat?).

The human body contains 22 amino acids: 13 amino acids the body can synthesize on its own from the available building material, and 9 of them it can only get from food.

In the process of assimilation by the body, proteins break down into amino acids, which in turn are supplied to different parts of the body to perform their basic functions. Proteins (in the form of amino acids) are part of the blood, are components of the hormonal system, the thyroid gland, affect the growth and development of the body, regulate the water and acid-base balance of the body.

Protein rich foods:

The approximate amount is indicated in 100 g of the product

+ 40 more protein-rich foods ( the number of grams in 100 g of the product is indicated):
Turkey 21,6 Halibut 18,9 Brynza 17,9 Boiled sausage 12,1
chicken leg 21,3 Veal 19,7 Herring 17,7 Millet 12,0
Rabbit meat 21,2 Beef 18,9 Beef liver 17,4 Oatmeal 11,9
Pink salmon 21 pork liver 18,8 Pork kidneys 16,4 Pork fat 11,4
Shrimps 20,9 Lamb liver 18,7 Hazelnut 16,1 wheat bread 7,7
chickens 20,8 chickens 18,7 Pollock 15,9 Sweet pastries 7,6
Salmon 20,8 Almond 18,6 Heart 15 Rice porrige 7
sunflower seed 20,7 Squid 18 Walnut 13,8 Rye bread 4,7
small saury 20,4 Mackerel 18 Doctor's Varenka 13,7 Kefir low fat 3
Mutton 20 Low-fat cottage cheese 18 Buckwheat 12,6 Milk 2,8

Daily protein requirement

The recommended protein requirement for an adult is 0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight. This indicator can be found in the tables for calculating ideal body weight. The actual weight of a person in this case is not taken into account, due to the fact that amino acids are intended for cellular body mass, and not for body fat.

According to the rules of nutrition, protein foods should be about 15% of the total caloric content of the daily diet. Although this figure may vary depending on the type of human activity, as well as the state of his health.

The need for proteins increases:

  • During illness, especially after surgery, as well as during convalescence.
  • During work requiring strong physical exertion.
  • In the cold season, when the body expends more energy on heating.
  • During intensive growth and development of the organism.
  • During sports competitions, as well as preparation for them.

The need for proteins is reduced:

  • In the warm season. This is due to the chemical processes in the body that occur when exposed to heat.
  • With age. In old age, body renewal is slower, so less protein is required.
  • In diseases associated with the digestibility of proteins. One of these diseases is gout.

Protein digestibility

When a person consumes carbohydrates, the process of their digestion begins even while they are in the mouth. With proteins, it's different. Their digestion begins only in the stomach, with the help of hydrochloric acid. However, since protein molecules are very large, proteins are difficult to digest. To improve the absorption of proteins, it is necessary to consume foods containing protein in the most digestible and light form. These include egg white, as well as the protein contained in fermented milk products such as kefir, fermented baked milk, feta cheese, etc.

According to the theory of separate nutrition, protein foods go well with various greens and leafy vegetables. Modern nutritionists claim that protein is better absorbed in the presence of fats and carbohydrates, which are the main sources of energy for the body.

Since protein foods are retained in the body much longer than carbohydrate foods, the feeling of satiety after eating proteins lasts much longer.

Useful properties of protein and its effect on the body

Depending on their specialization, proteins perform various functions in the body. Transport proteins, for example, are engaged in the delivery of vitamins, fat and minerals to all cells of the body. Catalyst proteins speed up various chemical processes in the body. There are also proteins fight various infections, being antibodies to various diseases. In addition, proteins are sources of important amino acids, which are necessary as a building material for new cells and strengthening existing ones.

Interaction with essential elements

Everything in nature is interconnected, and also everything interacts in our body. Proteins, as part of the overall ecosystem, interact with other elements of our body - vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, in addition to simple interaction, proteins are also involved in the transformation of one substance into another.

As for vitamins, for every gram of protein consumed, you need to consume 1 mg of vitamin C. With a lack of vitamin C, only that amount of protein will be absorbed, which is enough for the vitamin contained in the body.

Dangerous properties of proteins and warnings

Signs of a lack of protein in the body

  • Weakness, lack of energy. Loss of efficiency.
  • Decreased libido. Medical studies may reveal a lack of certain sex hormones.
  • Low resistance to various infections.
  • Violation of the functions of the liver, nervous and circulatory system, the functioning of the intestines, pancreas, metabolic processes.
  • Muscle atrophy develops, growth and development of the body in children slows down.

Signs of excess protein in the body

  • The fragility of the skeletal system resulting from acidification of the body, which leads to the leaching of calcium from the bones.
  • Violation of the water balance in the body, which can also lead to edema, and indigestibility of vitamins.
  • The development of gout, which in the old days was called "the disease of the rich people", is also a direct consequence of excess protein in the body.
  • Being overweight can also be the result of excessive protein intake. This is due to the activity of the liver, which converts excess protein for the body into adipose tissue.
  • Bowel cancer, according to some scientific sources, may be the result of an increased content of purines in food.

Factors affecting protein content in the body

Composition and amount of food. Since the body cannot synthesize essential amino acids on its own.

Age. It is known that in childhood the amount of protein necessary for the growth and development of the body is more than 2 times higher than the need for protein in a middle-aged person! In old age, all metabolic processes proceed much more slowly, and, consequently, the body's need for proteins is significantly reduced.

Physical labor and professional sports. To maintain tone and performance, athletes and people engaged in intensive physical labor require a 2-fold increase in protein intake, since all metabolic processes are very intensive in their body.

Protein food for health

As we have already said, there are 2 large groups of proteins: proteins that are sources interchangeable And indispensable amino acids. There are only 9 essential amino acids: threonine, methionine, tryptophan, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine. It is these amino acids that our body especially needs, since they are absorbed only from food.

In modern nutrition, there is such a thing as full And incomplete protein. A protein food that contains all the essential amino acids is called a complete protein, while a food that contains only some of the essential amino acids is considered an incomplete protein.

Foods that contain complete, high-quality protein include meats, dairy products, seafood, and soy. The palm in the list of such products belongs to eggs, which, according to medical criteria, are considered the gold standard of complete protein.

Incomplete protein is most often found in nuts, various seeds, cereals, vegetables, legumes, and some fruits.

Combining in one meal products containing defective protein with a complete one, you can achieve maximum absorption of defective protein. To do this, it is enough to include only a small amount of animal products in your diet, and the benefits for the body will be significant.

Protein and Vegetarianism

Some people, due to their moral and ethical convictions, have completely excluded meat products from their diet. The most famous of them are Richard Gere, the Blue Lagoon star Brooke Shields, the magnificent Pamela Anderson, and the unsurpassed Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov.

However, in order for the body not to feel deprived, a complete replacement for fish and meat is necessary. For those who consume milk, cottage cheese, eggs, of course, it is easier. Those who have completely abandoned animal proteins have to be very ingenious so that the body does not suffer from a lack of protein. This is especially true for children's fast-growing organism, which, with a lack of amino acids, is able to slow down growth and normal development.

Through certain studies related to the study of the absorption of vegetable protein by the body, it became known that certain combinations of such protein can provide the body with a complete set of essential amino acids. These combinations are: mushrooms-cereals; mushrooms-nuts; legumes - cereals; legumes-nuts, as well as different types of legumes, combined in one meal.

But this is just a theory and it will take time before it is fully confirmed or refuted.

Among plant-based protein foods, the title of "champion" in terms of protein content goes to soy. 100 grams of soy contains more than 30% of complete protein. Japanese miso soup, soy meat and soy sauce are not all the delicacies that are prepared from this amazing product. Mushrooms, lentils, beans and peas contain from 28 to 25% of defective protein per 100 grams.

Avocados are comparable in protein content to fresh cow's milk (it contains about 14% protein). In addition, the fruit contains omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber. Nuts, buckwheat, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and spinach and asparagus round out our list of plant-based protein-rich foods.

Proteins in the fight for harmony and beauty

For those who want to always stay fit and beautiful, nutritionists recommend adhering to a certain diet before and after training:

  1. 1 In order to build muscle mass and get a sports figure, it is recommended to eat protein foods an hour before training. For example, half a plate of cottage cheese or another fermented milk product, chicken breast or turkey with rice, fish with salad, scrambled eggs with oatmeal.
  2. 2 To get a sports figure, it is allowed to eat within 20 minutes after training. Moreover, protein and carbohydrate foods should be consumed, but not fats.
  3. 3 If the purpose of the workout is get slim and grace, without building muscle mass, then protein foods should be consumed no earlier than 2 hours after the end of classes. Before training, do not eat proteins for 5 hours at all. Last meal (carbs) 2 hours before class.

Every day we must eat enough protein foods to ensure the normal functioning of the body, the production of adequate amounts of energy and the maintenance of sugar at the proper level. When using protein, not only its quantity is important, but also its quality.

Protein compounds (that is, proteins) are used by all cells of our body, they are important for building muscle mass, the activity of the nervous system, normalizing digestion, and regulating hormonal balance.

Protein foods are useful in the fight against excess weight, since high-protein foods make you feel full, and protein digestion requires more effort from the body compared to the absorption of simple carbohydrates.

Why is protein food so important?

Proteins are made up of amino acids - compounds that are important for our metabolism. Amino acids are present in many types of food. There are many of them in a number of plant products (nuts, legumes, etc.). However, their highest concentration is characteristic of animal foods (meat, dairy products, fish, eggs).

Without an adequate amount of protein in your diet, you run the risk of not getting certain essential amino acids. The body has a daily need for proteins, as they are used in almost all parts of our body.

Eating too little protein can lead to a number of problems:

  • slow metabolism;
  • overweight problems;
  • difficulty building muscle mass;
  • deterioration of energy production in the body;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased concentration and ability to absorb new information;
  • mood swings;
  • pain in muscles, bones and ligaments;
  • jumps in sugar levels;
  • slow wound healing;
  • deterioration of immunity.

What distinguishes some types of protein foods from others?

Our body is able to synthesize some amino acids, but a number of these compounds must be supplied to the body with food. These are the so-called essential amino acids. However, even non-essential amino acids are best obtained not through their synthesis in the body, but with food, as this reduces the burden on the body.

In developed countries, people rarely lack protein in their diets. However, the diet of many is too monotonous to provide them with essential amino acids. Thus, it is important not only to consume enough protein, but also to diversify your protein food.

People on a low-calorie or plant-based diet are at increased risk of not getting enough essential amino acids. This is due to the fact that animal foods are more balanced in amino acid composition than plant foods.

You can, of course, combine different types of plant foods to get a combination that contains all the necessary amino acids. For example, this can be achieved by combining rice with legumes or eating whole grains in combination with a variety of vegetables.

However, nutritionists generally believe that it is better to fully provide the body with amino acids, it is necessary to consume high-quality animal protein.

What protein sources are the most complete?

Some of the best sources of protein are eggs, quality beef, non-powdered milk, and wild sea fish. .

  1. Meat from wild-range cows is rich in healthy saturated fats and cancer-fighting linoleic acid.
  2. Wild marine fish contain a complete set of essential amino acids, as well as important fatty acids that are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
  3. Eggs and quality dairy products from unreconstituted milk contain a complex of nutrients and a balanced set of amino acids.
  4. Lactic acid products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk and probiotic yogurts, not only supply the body with essential amino acids, but also improve the intestinal microflora.

When eating animal protein foods, you should try to choose organic products, as they contain a minimum of toxins, hormones, dyes and preservatives.

How much protein should be consumed daily?

The needs of each person for proteins are very individual and depend on the characteristics of metabolism, body weight, age and other factors. For example, people involved in sports need an increased intake of protein, as they actively use it to build muscle mass.

  • 56 g - men;
  • 46 g - women.

The amounts of protein given above are minimums. It is generally recommended to consume 0.8 g for every kilogram of body weight. Some nutritionists recommend consuming up to 1.1 g of protein for every kilogram of body. We are talking about the weight of not the product itself, but the protein contained in it. For example, 100 g of beef contains 17-20 g of protein.

On average, it can be recommended that each meal include a significant amount of quality protein. This will help you get enough nutrients and avoid excess consumption of simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.

It is more rational to consume small portions of protein throughout the day than to accept the consumption of the daily protein requirement in one sitting.

Taking protein in small portions throughout the day allows you to better satisfy the body's needs for this compound.

The body cannot store protein, it must be used immediately, otherwise it will be directed by the body to form fat deposits. It is important to consume protein in sufficient quantities before training, as well as an hour and a half after them.

8 Health Benefits of Eating Protein Rich Foods

1. Helps Build Muscle

Eating the right amount of protein helps build and maintain muscle mass, and also maintains the health of ligaments, tendons, and other body tissues. In the case when there are few amino acids in the diet, muscle atrophy can develop, which is quite dangerous. At the same time, muscles and tendons are already used for energy needs, which is highly undesirable.

Eating an adequate amount of protein is especially important after training. Physical activity significantly changes the structure of muscle tissues, leads to microdamage, which must be compensated by consuming additional amounts of protein at the end of the workout.

While protein alone may not improve athletic performance, studies show that eating protein-rich foods before and after workouts can help repair and build muscle and mass.

2. Promotes the normalization of body weight by giving a feeling of satiety

Studies have shown that the combination of a balanced, low-calorie diet and a high protein intake helps maintain normal body weight.

A meal rich in protein creates more satiety after consumption than a meal rich in simple carbohydrates. This helps to combat constant snacking throughout the day, which can lead to excess calorie intake.

Digesting protein causes the body to use more energy than digesting other compounds, which also contributes to excess calorie intake.

3. Stabilization of blood sugar levels.

Much more insulin is required for the absorption of carbohydrates than for the assimilation of proteins and fats. The main factor that determines blood sugar levels after eating is the glycemic index.

Due to the fact that it is much lower in high-protein foods than in foods rich in simple carbohydrates, after eating foods rich in proteins, sugar levels change significantly less.

Studies have shown that eating protein foods can interfere with the absorption of simple carbohydrates in the digestive tract, which also helps to normalize sugar levels.

Eating protein foods helps normalize sugar levels, prevent type 2 diabetes, and improve energy production in the body.

4. Promotes normalization of mood

Many people whose diet lacks essential amino acids begin to experience weakness, mood swings, increased anxiety, and depression. A number of amino acids contained in high-protein foods are required to ensure normal hormonal balance.

Adequate hormonal balance is an important condition for good mood and well-coordinated work of the nervous system. Proteins play a role in making neurotransmitters work. They are also involved in the synthesis of "pleasure hormones" (dopamine and serotonin), which play an important role in the fight against stress.

5. Improving brain function and cognitive abilities

Studies have shown that when there is a lack of amino acids in the diet, a number of problems with the functioning of the brain can develop, such as memory loss, impaired attention, and so on.

Proteins are required for the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters that play a key role in cognitive functions. The normal functioning of the brain requires a constant supply of amino acids.

6. Maintain bone health

Many studies show that there is a direct link between high protein food intake and bone health. The effect of protein foods on bones is also related to what kind of foods are consumed, how much calcium and other trace elements are in them.

A diet rich in high-quality proteins promotes bone tissue regeneration, its recovery after fractures and in various diseases.

7. Promoting heart health

A number of studies have shown that there is an inverse relationship between the risk of developing heart disease and protein intake. Replacing high-carbohydrate foods with protein-rich foods helps lower low-density (bad) cholesterol.

8. Prevents the aging process

Eating a diet rich in protein favors the synthesis of glutathione, which is one of the most important antioxidants. Glutathione is stored inside our cells and helps detoxify the body by reducing the effects of free radicals.

The lack of this compound leads to an increase in oxidative stress, which plays a significant role in the aging process.

Studies show that a diet rich in proteins can help fight sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass that is common in older people. A diet rich in proteins counteracts muscle loss, bone weakening, degradation of cognitive and immune functions.

A high-protein diet helps to combat visual impairment in the elderly, partly due to a lack of amino acids in the diet.

Can protein intake be excessive?

Some believe that the functioning of the kidneys and liver will be hindered by a high protein diet. However, there is no strong medical evidence to support this view.

Most experts take the position that in healthy people, the consumption of medium and moderately high amounts of quality protein cannot lead to health problems.

However, protein intake should not exceed reasonable limits. Absorption of excess calories can lead to weight gain by converting excess protein ingested into body fat.

Excessive protein intake can lead to constipation, changes in sugar levels, and an imbalance in the bacterial community in the gut. Any diet should be nutritionally balanced and include an adequate amount of animal and plant foods.

Everyone needs protein, from paleo or vegan dieters to macronutrient counters to build muscle. We have prepared a complete list, which includes the highest quality protein-rich foods with a full range of amino acids, which can be included in the diet for any nutritional purpose, which will accelerate muscle growth, control hunger, lose weight and diversify the menu.

All the cells of the body are composed of it, it is responsible for muscle growth and a feeling of satiety. This is the perfect tool for any purpose! It is very important to consume enough of it, but we must not forget about the variety, since each species has its own amino acid composition. Find out which foods are high in protein and add something to your diet beyond chicken and protein powder with these great sources.

6 g in 1 large egg

Egg whites are one of the best sources of protein. Eggs are cheap, can be cooked in a variety of ways, are low in carbs, and are rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Stick to eggs with added omega-3 fatty acids: they will make your morning scrambled eggs even more nutritious.

Hard-boiled eggs are the most convenient protein-enriched food to take with you everywhere. Also in the necks, you can replace whey protein with egg.

high protein dairy products

Greek yogurt

23 g per 227 g

Greek yogurt is notable for being almost twice as high in protein compared to other yogurts. It is also rich in calcium for bone health and probiotic bacteria for intestinal health. Choose yogurt without fillers to control your sugar intake and your weight.

14 g per half cup

Eat cottage cheese at night as a healthy protein snack. It is high in casein, a milk protein that takes longer to digest than whey. Slow-digesting protein provides your muscles with nutrients throughout the night, preventing catabolism. Plus, you won't wake up hungry at 3am.

Swiss cheese

Swiss cheese saturates the body with protein like no other cheese. Therefore, the best muscle-building component for sandwiches and burgers cannot be imagined. Those who are worried about the calorie content of fatty types of Swiss cheese should pay attention to dietary ones: they have only 1 g of fat per 8 g of protein, and they taste just as good.

2% milk

8 g per glass

You can choke on nasty and watery skim milk, or you can instead enjoy milk with 2% fat and rich taste. The fat contained in milk will ensure better absorption of vitamin D, and help to achieve the norm of macronutrients.

Organic milk contains a record amount of nutrients and Omega-3s. Mix it with protein powder for a championship shake.

Whey or casein protein powders

on average 24 g in 1 scoop

Whey protein is free of impurities, digests quickly, and nearly all of its calories come from protein. It is easy to use: you just need to mix it with water in a shaker. Protein powder will help you out when you need to quickly refresh yourself with a ready-made product with the highest amount of protein, for example, at the end of a training session, having breakfast on the go, or when you eat a low-protein meal.

Replace whey protein with slow-digesting casein protein to stave off hunger for longer. Although it does not reach the muscles as quickly, casein powder will provide a long feeling of fullness, and will help you break down fat without sacrificing muscle mass.

You can also make protein pancakes with protein powder. If you are tired of necks, eat these pancakes as a pre-workout or post-workout snack.

If you're sensitive to artificial sweeteners, look for unsweetened or stevia protein powder.

an average of 16 g per glass

Supercharge your usual protein shake with vitamins by pairing casein or whey protein with fruit. You can also buy pre-made smoothie drinks, but make sure they have enough protein (minimum 20g per 300-400ml bottle) and not just fruit or you won't avoid the extra sugar.

For plant-based smoothies, use vegan protein powder instead of casein and whey, which include animal proteins. A mix of rice and pea proteins is great for stimulating muscle growth.

Frozen Greek Yogurt

6 g per half cup

Frozen Greek yogurt has a crunchy, creamy texture similar to ice cream. But at the same time, it contains almost twice as much high-quality protein. Compare products from different brands, and look for yogurt with the lowest sugar content (or make your own). Some manufacturers in the composition indicate fruits first, and then sugar, which, in fact, is a big plus.

high protein seafood

The next type of food with the most protein, after chicken eggs, is seafood, which is not only healthy, but also very tasty, which is important when the diet has not lasted for the first week and the food simply does not go down the throat.

yellowfin tuna

25g per 85g serving

This fleshy inhabitant of the seas and oceans is a storehouse of easily digestible, high-quality protein. It is extremely beneficial for health, as it is exceptionally rich in vitamin B and a powerful antioxidant - selenium. Try to buy tuna caught with a hook or lure: it is considered the longest stored.

23 g per 85 g serving

Along with varieties of white fish, halibut plays a leading role when it comes to protein sources for building impressive muscles. An 85-gram serving of this fish contains less than 2 g of fat. The Pacific halibut is able to retain its nutrients longer than the Atlantic halibut.


25g per 85g serving

This seafood is gaining in popularity among fishmongers. So looking for the right way to build granite-hard muscles, you'll be the last fool to lose sight of this quintessential protein in its purest form. Frozen octopus is even preferable to fresh, because as a result of freezing, the meat becomes softer.

23 g per 85 g serving

Wild salmon, which includes sockeye salmon, not only have a brighter taste compared to their artificially grown relatives, but also boast a large amount of protein. In addition, you get access to a huge supply of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which are famous for their fat-burning properties. Choose fish with skin, so the taste and aroma will be even more expressive during cooking.


21 g per 85 g serving

Available at most fish stores, protein-packed tilapia is mild in flavor and will provide your muscles with all the essential nutrients. Look for American-raised fish as it is much safer than imported Asian products.


24 g per 85 g serving

Surprisingly, it is anchovies that occupy the first place among canned protein products. Because of their small size, they accumulate less toxins than larger fish. You can get rid of excess salt by holding anchovies for half an hour in water. Then you need to drain the water and dry the fish.

Longfin tuna

22 g per 85 g serving

Rejoice budget shopper! Inexpensive canned albacore has a higher protein content than expensive canned whitefin tuna. To avoid consuming extra calories from diluted vegetable oil, opt for oil-free canned foods.

Canned tuna is a low calorie food. To prolong the feeling of fullness, combine it with a fat-containing meal, such as olives.

21 g per 85 g serving

Modest canned sardines are back in fashion! This high-protein fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. It also contains less mercury because it is small and at the bottom of the food chain. To dilute its harsh taste, mix it with mashed potatoes or cauliflower.

High protein meats

The best high-protein foods are animal-based foods because they are the only ones that have the full complement of amino acids (essential and non-essential). If you want to get your daily allowance from plant foods, then you won't be able to limit yourself to just one type. You will have to combine several products at the same time in order to nourish the body with all the amino acids.

Beef (top or bottom round)

23 g per 85 g serving

Together with steaks from this less fatty meat, you consume 1 g of protein for every 7 Kcal. At the same time, rib eye boasts approximately 1 g of protein for every 11 kcal. Moreover, the steak round belongs to a more economical category. Thin cuts of meat, such as round steak and loin, are easy to dry out, so they are recommended to be quickly fried over high heat to medium rer.

Ground beef (10% fat)

18 g per 85 g serving

The use of 10% fat ground beef ensures that your burgers or meatloaf are full-bodied. In addition to proteins, this red meat also contains the notorious creatine. If you have money to spare, you can opt for grass-fed beef, which is more nutritious than its factory-made alternative.

Pork chops (boneless)

26 g per 85 g serving

Pork chops are easy to prepare, and the abundance of amino acids in their composition gives you every right to gorge on them like a pig. Tip: To soften the chops, dip them in a salt solution of 1/4 cup salt and 4 cups water. Soak the meat in the resulting marinade from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Chicken breast (boneless and skinless)

24 g per 85 g serving

Chicken breast has long been a universally recognized cliché in bodybuilding and weight loss. It is this part of the chicken carcass that is the optimal source of protein with the highest protein content without fat and carbohydrates, and should always be present on your menu. To save money, stock up on chicken breasts during sales periods when prices are reduced.

Turkey breast

24 g per 85 g serving

Similar to chicken, this big game will saturate your body with protein, with virtually no effect on the calorie content of the diet. Like pork chops and chicken, turkey breast is recommended to be pre-marinated in saline. Those worried about the use of antibiotics in mass-produced poultry farms can look for turkeys marked "no antibiotics."

Corned beef

24 g per 85 g serving

Corned beef is high in protein and tastes amazing. Try sautéing corned beef and minced vegetables with a side dish of rice. You can put the resulting stew on rye porridge, generously seasoning the dish with mustard.

canned chicken

21 g per 85 g serving

Minced white chicken meat will load up your sandwiches and salads with high-quality protein. Use it in the same way as canned tuna. Compare manufacturers and look for low sodium canned foods to help prevent water retention.

Roast beef

18 g per 85 g serving

Roast beef is not as fatty as you might think, and has a richer amino acid profile than other delicacies. As with steak, pasture-raised beef is more nutritious. Use roast beef to make a spinach and red onion sandwich, or eat it just like that.

Canadian bacon

15 g per 85 g serving

Canadian bacon is the best protein product compared to regular bacon because it contains about 6 times less fat. And yes, you just got permission to eat bacon.

21 g per 85 g serving

Looking for a good protein product for breakfast? This savory pork sausage will turn an ordinary scrambled egg into a fragrant gourmet dish. It will also brighten up your lunch or dinner as an addition to pastas, soups and salads. The Spanish sausage is cured and completely ready to eat. But Mexican chorizo ​​is a semi-finished product.


18 g per 85 g serving

The extraordinarily high dose of protein in pepperoni makes this type of salami a wonderful addition to pizza or salad. The amount of sodium in them can vary, so compare products from different manufacturers to find the lowest sodium content.

Roasted turkey breast

18 g per 85 g serving

Sliced ​​turkey will fill you up with almost fat-free protein, so don't hold back. Avoid flavored turkey and other delicacies, because they contain a lot of unnecessary: ​​salt, sugar, synthetic flavors.

Beef jerky

13 g per 28 g serving

Proper nutrition means avoiding potato chips and microwave popcorn. However, you can still enjoy beef jerky jerky, a salty treat that won't derail your fitness goals. You can keep a couple of packets of this snack on your desk at work for an after-dinner refreshment. Choose products from manufacturers that do not use glutamic acid and nitrites.

Plant foods rich in protein


20 g per glass

Heart-healthy beans are a fantastically cheap vegetarian source of protein. Of all the legumes, it is the beans that are most often found in the form of canned food. It contains a lot of fiber, which plays an important role in proper nutrition.

Bean puree with garlic and lemon is a good alternative to the usual hummus.

dried lentils

13 g per 1/4 cup

Cheap dried lentils will help boost your intake of protein, fiber, and a range of essential minerals. What distinguishes lentils from other legumes is that they do not need to be soaked for a long time and tediously. It is enough to simmer it for about 20 minutes on low heat until softened. For a balanced lunch, toss boiled lentils with minced chicken breast, chopped vegetables, and lemon dressing.

Peanut butter

8 g for 2 tbsp. spoons

Although not the most popular among nut butters, like almond, for example, peanut is the leader in terms of protein content. However, be sure to check the labels for the presence of sugar. The ideal option would be a natural oil made from peanuts alone. Some stores may allow you to grind nuts yourself to your taste.

If you're trying to control body weight, look for powdered peanut butter. It is also rich in protein, but less fatty. You can even add it to baked goods.

Nut mixes

6 g per 57 g serving

With the help of nuts (peanuts, cashews and almonds), you can easily enrich your diet with protein and healthy unsaturated fats. Keep a pack of assorted nuts in the glove box just in case you're hungry. To lower your sodium intake, look for packages labeled "unsalted."

bean chips

4 g per 28 g serving

If you want to crunch on chips, you won't find a better option than chips made from protein-rich black beans. Plus, they can be dipped in Greek yogurt.


12 g per 85 g serving

If you decide not to eat meat, tofu will provide you with soy protein. Firm slices of tofu can be cooked in the stir-fry process. They can also be grilled to give the cheese a smoky flavor. A good marinade is everything. You can even add tofu to smoothies instead of protein powder.


8 g per half cup

Another great vegetarian product. These nutritious green soybeans will fill your diet with vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. To keep the edamame from getting boring, you can cook frozen shelled beans according to the recipe from the package, using lemon juice, paprika and salt as a seasoning.

Green pea

7 g per glass

It's hard to find high-protein vegetables, but green peas have enough protein to make you want to always keep them in your freezer. Peas are also high in fiber, which can help control weight and fight junk food cravings.

wheat germ

6 g per 28 g serving

A grain of wheat has three components: kernel, bran and sprout. The latter has the highest nutritional value, and is rich in vegetable protein. This is a great protein addition to oatmeal, pancakes, and even necks.

soba noodles

12 g per 85 g serving

These rye Japanese noodles are the best protein alternative to any wheat pasta, so don't hesitate to go for them when you want to have a pasta night. What's more, these noodles cook twice as fast as regular whole grain wheat pasta. To remove excess starch that makes noodles sticky, rinse noodles after discarding in a colander.


8 g per glass

Compared to other cereals, South American quinoa (which is technically a seed) is a completely unique product, featuring a complete set of amino acids. This makes it a complete protein that stimulates muscle growth. Pre-frying quinoa in a dry frying pan or in a saute pan before stewing in water can enhance its natural nutty flavor.

Hello friends! Today we are looking at protein-rich foods. From it you will learn everything about the usefulness and necessity of this nutrient, learn how to choose the right protein products, and also get acquainted with ... I will not reveal all the cards in order to save some intrigue.

So, everyone pricked up their ears and prepared to absorb megabytes of useful information.

Protein-Rich Foods: Theoretical Foundations

It just so happened that bodybuilding is not only a blunt pulling of glands, but also a responsible approach to nutrition. However, the vast majority of people who visit the gym are negligent (not clothes :)) regarding nutritional issues, and in particular to the main building element for muscles - protein. You should not blame them (you), this is a normal phenomenon, and it is due to the fact that initially the human diet is depleted in this nutrient. And the introduction of a new habit - to eat more foods rich in protein, is a rather unpleasant and unhurried process.

In general, if we raise the statistics, then the majority (about 80% ) "simulators" and fitness young ladies do not grow (in terms of increasing muscle volume), because their diet lacks quality (high protein and low fat) protein products. The answers to these and many other questions are the subject of our today's note.


Before diving into the theory powerfully, I would like to remind the “new” and already experienced visitors and readers that our pantheon already has one entry dedicated to building and nutritional issues, and it sounds like this. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you first familiarize yourself with this creation, and only then proceed to its logical continuation.

So, I would like to start with a brief "historical" information about the protein.

Protein Rich Foods: The Truth About Protein

Protein (protein / protein) from the point of view of a bodybuilder is a building block for creating new muscle structures. It is a fundamental nutrient in the nutrition of an athlete (and not only), on which the muscles are based. In food sources, protein is in the form of amino acids. (raw material for building proteins), which are interchangeable, irreplaceable (not synthesized by the body) and conditionally essential.

Visually, the classification is as follows.

Very common in literature (especially foreign) you can find the following image of essential amino acids.

Those people who want to gain “good” weight (not fat), build muscle or just lead a healthy lifestyle should include protein-rich foods in their diet. This is due to the fact that protein is one of the main factors for muscle repair and growth. A diet consisting (including) of high-protein foods is the basis for building a harmonious body.

Therefore, it is very important to understand, especially for beginners, that before thinking about: “how to build muscle?”, You must first consider your diet, replacing various simple carbohydrates (bread, cookies, rolls, etc.) for protein.

Most begin their training adventures from the bulldozer (I was impatient and went) and in the end (after the lapse of 2-3 months and no visible results) on classes with iron clogged. And this happens because, even after a well-conducted workout, it’s not building material that is thrown into the furnace of the body, but the usual diet. (potatoes, sausages, bread, etc.). Or is the quality (percentage of protein) and the amount of protein consumed does not reach the bar for triggering growth mechanisms.

Protein rich foods: how to choose the right one

Now let's look at how to choose the right protein-rich foods. Not many people know how to wisely buy groceries in stores or supermarkets. The following tips will help you stay properly full all the time.

Council number 1. Protein mix

When choosing a building nutrient, always aim for a combination of animal and vegetable proteins. If you are actively engaged in the construction of your body, then you should consume 1,5 gr (women) and 2 grams (men) of protein per kilogram of body weight. Always remember that:

  • animal proteins are more complete proteins. They contain all the necessary amino acids to create new protein structures in your body. Animal proteins include: poultry, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products (kefir, ryazhenka, varenets), cheese and milk;
  • Protein sources from vegetables, grains, fruits, and nuts are incomplete. They lack one or more of the amino acids needed to make new proteins. The body uses them by breaking them down into individual amino acids. The latter are then combined with other amino acids (from other products) to create new building blocks;
  • always read the information about the composition of the product (the nutritional value) On the other hand, sometimes the most expensive product does not mean the most useful. Position “amount of proteins in 100 gr” - the larger the value, the better (at low fat content).

Compare two products that were on the same fish store shelf.

Council number 2. Soya

Soy is a complete form of protein, a good alternative to animal protein from red meat. Include foods like soybeans or tofu in your diet. This will significantly increase your protein levels.

Council number 3. Food rating

Many types of protein (e.g. nuts, beans, whole grains) include dietary fiber (fiber). It helps to digest food better and gives a longer feeling of satiety. On the other hand, some protein foods (whole milk, beef) contain saturated fats, which lead to clogged arteries. Choose healthier protein alternatives such as lean meats (poultry) and skim milk.

Council number 4. bypass

In every possible way avoid various semi-finished products rolled up in cans or in vacuum packaging. Often, to extend their service life, various chemicals are added there. (preservatives, class E additives, etc.). Also avoid various sausages and sausages. In fact, there is much less meat (protein) in them than stated by the manufacturer.

Council number 5. Balance

Keep a balance between the amount of carbohydrates and protein consumed. On average, the latter should account for 25-30% , and for carbohydrates - about 55-60% . Food rich in protein allows you to control weight, pushing back the feeling of hunger.

Council number 6. Changes

It is very problematic to take and change the usual diet for so many years at a time. Therefore, smoothly and gradually introduce new eating habits. For example, substitute ground beef for turkey or sausage for chicken breast. Change the ways of cooking - instead of frying, simmer on water or cook on the grill, microwave and double boiler will also help you. Use only egg whites instead of whole eggs, excluding bad cholesterol from the diet.


In fact, concerns about excess cholesterol from chicken eggs are greatly exaggerated. You can calmly, without a second thought, use up to 3-4 eggs every day.

Council number 7. Meal Schedule

All your efforts to choose foods rich in protein will be in vain if you do not learn how to manage your diet. To do this, you need to keep a food diary in which to prescribe at what time and what dish you have to hamster. Such a system will exclude various snacks and long breaks between meals.

Tip #8. Ingenuity

Whatever strong-willed person you are, sometimes there come moments when you want to quit eating right and eat to the fullest :). To avoid such breakdowns, periodically experiment with your diet - try new foods (combinations), new recipes and dressings.

So, everything seems to be here, let's move on to the highlight of the program, namely ...

Protein-Rich Foods: What Are They?

I don’t know about you, but I am very scrupulous about nutrition, and I always devote the most time to choosing the right products, including protein ones. In fact, now my choice is always predetermined, because. I know which gastronomy contains the most protein, but in the past I pored over studying the packaging and reading the ingredients.

In general, it is customary to isolate the following sources of protein (presented in descending order of value).

Now let's go through the highest protein foods of each protein source.

Protein Rich Foods: Protein Sources

No. 1. Meat and poultry

Many consider meat, due to its fat content, to be a poor source of protein, on the one hand it is. But on the other hand, who is stopping you from choosing low-fat varieties of it. Include the following types of meat in your diet:

  • lean beef (steak, beef stroganoff);
  • chicken (breast, fillet);
  • turkey (fillet);
  • rabbit meat;
  • deer meat.


In all further figures, the following designation is adopted: through a fraction, the protein content / fat content in 100 gr product.

No. 2. Fish and seafood

Fish is perhaps the best source of essential amino acids needed for muscle repair and growth. It contains six times more protein than dairy, making it one of the richest sources of building material. Keep this in mind and include the following types of fish and seafood in your diet:

  • tuna (natural);
  • salmon (fish fillet);
  • sardines;
  • mackerel;
  • anchovies;
  • mullet;
  • tilapia;
  • shrimps;
  • squids;
  • lobsters;
  • milk.

No. 3. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of protein and other essential nutrients. They contain fiber and many vitamins that the body needs to function properly. However, it must be remembered that many vegetables (like potatoes) contain a large amount. Therefore, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of such products.

Include the following types of fruits and vegetables in your diet:

  • Chinese fuzhu (soy asparagus);
  • tofu;
  • soya beans;
  • beans;
  • brown rice;
  • spinach;
  • asparagus;
  • avocado;
  • banana.

No. 4. Nuts and seeds

In addition to being relatively high in protein, nuts and seeds are also rich in fats that are good for the brain and nervous system. And since before 60% The human brain is made up of good fats, so include the following types of seeds and nuts in your diet:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • (peanut butter);
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

No. 5. Eggs, cheese and dairy products

Eggs are an excellent source of protein (egg white) for muscle building. High in calcium and vitamin D, dairy products are the perfect post-workout snack.

Include in your diet:

  • eggs (chicken, quail);
  • cottage cheese (low fat or up to 5% ) ;
  • kefir (fat-free);
  • milk (cow fat-free);
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • cheese (Oltermani 9% , Adam).


Protein-rich foods and their effects on the human body have been the subject of numerous studies and many scientific reports. Even though meat has more protein, some research suggests that it's better to eat more fruits and vegetables because they contain fiber and other vital nutrients.

When compiling your food basket, it is important to remember that your diet should be balanced in all nutritional nutrients, not just protein. Therefore, always rely on the base - and you will always be properly and usefully fed.

Well, in conclusion, as promised, a little scientific.

Protein Rich Foods: What the Science Says

IN 2012 In 2008, Pennington Research Center (USA) conducted one scientific study on protein, calories and weight gain. In the course of it, unusual results were obtained, which said that weight gain depended on the number of calories consumed, and not on the amount of protein consumed.

Most nutritionists believe that the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in the human diet are more important for weight gain than the number of calories consumed with food. This study proved otherwise.

During it 25 experimental rats of brave people were imprisoned in the metabolic ward for a period 12 weeks. The volunteers had to eat about 1000 extra calories per day over and above what they needed to maintain their weight. Their diets contained 5% , 15% And 25% calories from protein, respectively.

All volunteers gained weight (which is not surprising), although the low protein group ( 5% ) recovered slightly less. Most of the extra mass is fat. In the medium and high protein groups, people also gained muscle mass. The low protein group lost muscle.

All differences in weight between people are most likely due to different energy expenditures for activities and keeping warm. (protein causes higher heat loss).

Results Say Low-Protein Diet Caused Loss of Muscle Mass (which is bad for an athlete). In addition, there is not much difference between a diet containing 15% protein and above 25% ) . The study also showed that higher protein diets won't help a person lose weight unless they cut back on their calorie intake. Calories matter most in weight gain, and their reduction is consistent with other studies. Of course, the quality of the diet also matters: it is easier to reduce the number of calories consumed if a person eats a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains.


Another note written, today we continued to deal with nutritional issues and talked about high protein foods. After reading, you only have to do one thing - hit the grocery store and stock up on the full right products. Well, with this you will already be fine without me, bon appetit!

PS. Whoever writes a comment will perpetuate himself in history!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.



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