X-ray of the nose: features of the procedure. What does a sinus x-ray show? Benefits of sinus radiography at the Miracle Doctor Clinic

Fluoroscopy is an instrumental method for studying the human body, including the state of the ENT organs. By examining sinusitis in the picture, what the pathology looks like can be established, as well as its nature and location. The information obtained will be taken into account when drawing up a treatment regimen.

An examination is scheduled as soon as the first signs of inflammation appear. Its purpose is to assess how affected the nasal cavity is and find out what caused the sinusitis. For adult patients, the basis for the appointment of the examination are:

  1. The appearance of discomfort in the nasal cavity after an infectious disease.
  2. Headaches that increase with every movement of the head.
  3. Chronic runny nose, bleeding.
  4. Deterioration of smell.
  5. Increased body temperature, lacrimation, photophobia.

All of these symptoms may indicate the onset of inflammation. In addition to sinusitis, X-ray makes it possible to determine ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, as well as to identify the curvature of the nasal septum, the appearance of tumor and cystic formations, purulent-necrotic processes of bone tissue.

To get the most informative picture of sinusitis, two projections are chosen for shooting: direct and lateral. When laying in the first case, the chin and nose are placed at the same level. When shooting in the second way, they are placed at an angle. Sometimes it may be necessary to check the condition of the sinuses in the supine position. The radiologist will be able to get the result and describe the sinusitis in the picture in a few minutes.

Preliminary preparation before the procedure is not required. The patient will be advised to get rid of all objects and jewelry in the area being examined.

The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, as radiation has a negative effect on the fetus. Research may only be permitted if absolutely necessary. In this case, the woman should be provided with additional protection. When breastfeeding, the study can be carried out at any time.

With caution, the procedure is prescribed for children and patients with oncology. This type of research is not recommended if the patient has metal-containing dentures or other foreign objects in the area under study. Due to their ability to reflect rays, the results of the study may be distorted.

Sinusitis on an x-ray with a description

Interpretation of the radiograph is carried out only by a specialist radiologist or a doctor who monitors the patient. If there are no deviations, the image will display:

  1. Nasal cavity. It looks like a light triangle with a partition in the middle.
  2. Nasal passages that look like shadows located symmetrically on both sides of the nasal cavity.
  3. Maxillary sinuses. They are displayed as triangular enlightenments with clear outlines located on the side of the nasal cavity.
  4. Frontal sinuses. They are displayed above the eye sockets as enlightenments, having a different shape and size.

Thanks to the features that each image has, it is possible to recognize the nature of the inflammation and determine its localization:

  1. The appearance of blackouts over the nose indicates the development of inflammation in the frontal sinuses.
  2. Darkening in several zones will be evidence of an inflammatory process in several places.
  3. Rounded shadows with outgoing threads will indicate the presence of polyps.
  4. Allergy is manifested by additional blackouts of different saturation.
  5. Catarrhal inflammatory processes of a chronic nature are depicted as thickening of mucous tissues.

Signs of sinusitis on x-ray

The accumulation of purulent contents in the sinuses of the nose with sinusitis will look like a bright spot in the photo against the background of the black sinus. If the amount of content is large, you can see its horizontal border.

The image of healthy sinuses looks like dark semi-oval niches that are located on both sides of the nose. Their colors and eye sockets match. This situation indicates the absence of any pathologies. The appearance of even small light areas will signal the onset of inflammation. The stronger the inflammation, the brighter the white spots. In addition, the image of the sinuses will change. The sinuses of the nose with sinusitis on an x-ray will be with jagged edges and thickened walls.

The development of pathology begins with inflammation of the lateral sinuses. Then the inflammatory process expands to the frontal zones. In the picture, this will show up as dark areas above the nose. Often, inflammatory phenomena develop simultaneously in the frontal and lateral sinuses. Similar signs indicate the development of several diseases - sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.

During the diagnosis, the doctor examines and evaluates the condition of the ethmoid bone. Sinusitis can cause the spread of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. They can accumulate a liquid of a different nature: catarrhal, mucous or purulent. On an x-ray photo, it will be visible as a bright spot with clear outlines against the background of a dark nasal sinus.

If, when photographing the nose with sinusitis, the photo captures the presence of clearly defined circles with even borders in the sinuses, then this indicates the presence of cystic or other neoplasms. With the development of pathology, a repeated study will be required, which will record an increase in their size, a change in shape and the degree of growth.

Is it necessary to do an x-ray with sinusitis

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an ENT doctor. The method of palpation determines the presence of pain in the nose. During a visual examination, an assessment is made of changes in the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the nasal passages.

If there is a suspicion of the onset of inflammation, the doctor will definitely recommend taking a picture for sinusitis. The radiologist deciphers, describes the image obtained in the picture and gives his opinion. Based on it, the doctor draws up a treatment plan.

With the development of sinusitis, blockage of the paranasal sinuses often occurs. Swelling may appear on soft tissues, in addition, congestion and congestion can develop. Due to the deformed nasal passages, the removal of mucus is difficult. Its increased concentration contributes to the further spread of infection.

Under these conditions, inflammation can provoke the appearance of various complications. The hearing aid is most commonly affected. Inflammation of the inner ear develops. This is explained by anatomical features. The maxillary sinuses and the middle ear are located close to each other.

Due to complications caused by sinusitis, there are:

  1. Pain in the ear, often convulsive.
  2. Nasal congestion, soft tissue swelling.
  3. Headache.
  4. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness.

In addition, hearing acuity is impaired, a large amount of thick exudate is formed, sometimes pus appears in it. Diagnosis of pathology and determination of the degree of damage require a number of studies, including X-ray.

How often can an x-ray be taken with sinusitis

X-rays of the sinuses with sinusitis should be performed at least two times. For the first time, the survey is carried out at the initial stage of the pathology. It is needed in order to confirm or refute the diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan. The second time - 10-12 days after the start of therapeutic measures. According to how sinusitis looks on an x-ray photograph, a specialist will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and, if necessary, change or supplement it.

In severe cases, when constant monitoring of the condition of the ENT organs is needed, fluoroscopy can be performed more often, since the harm from an unscheduled process may not be as great as from improper treatment.

If drug therapy does not give the desired result, a surgical operation is prescribed. After it is carried out, an X-ray examination may be recommended to assess the patient's condition.

X-ray of the sinuses of the nose: what is not visible in the picture

The X-ray shows the main signs of sinusitis - the presence of an inflammatory process and the place of its localization. However, it is impossible to get an idea of ​​what kind of fluid has accumulated in the sinuses - serous, purulent or catarrhal. In the image, the pathology at the initial stage and chronic sinusitis look the same.

For diseases of the nose and upper respiratory tract, doctors sometimes order x-rays of the nose and paranasal sinuses. This is done in order to help in determining the diagnosis and detect hidden symptoms in the sinuses.

Each disease of the sinuses has its own characteristics, which can not always be detected during an external examination of the nose. First you need to figure out what types of nose diseases exist, then consider what the symptoms look like on x-rays.

So an x-ray of the sinuses can reveal:

  • sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis);
  • cysts of the paranasal sinuses;
  • fractures and displacement of the nasal septum;
  • proliferation of tissues inside the nasal sinus;
  • nose tumors;
  • foreign objects in the nose (eg, in children);
  • thickening of the nasal mucosa;
  • unilateral or bilateral process in the sinuses.

X-ray of the sinuses also helps to ascertain changes in the process of treating the nose and observe the dynamics of the development of diseases.

Indications for radiography of the paranasal sinuses are:

  • nosebleeds;
  • prolonged runny nose with purulent discharge;
  • frequent fever;
  • headaches of unclear etiology (origin);
  • difficult nasal breathing.

Problems with the sinuses can occur after suffering a viral or colds against a background of reduced immunity. In such cases, it is recommended to make an x-ray of the nasal sinuses for a more accurate diagnosis and the degree of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses.

The specificity of X-rays is such that the rays are retained by the fluids in the sinuses and are reflected in the picture in the form of white spots. The larger the spot, the stronger the inflammatory process. Normal x-rays of the sinuses show healthy areas in a darker color. Such places are on both sides of the nose and on the frontal part. There are four in total. In a healthy state, all four sinuses are visible on an x-ray, have a clear outline.

If there are no dark places on the x-ray, then the sinuses are completely filled with fluid and the pneumatization of the upper respiratory tract is impaired.

Pneumatization of the sinuses is the presence of air cavities of a certain volume, which help the normal functioning of the organs of the respiratory system.

With a decrease in the pneumatization of the nasal sinuses, disturbances in the functioning of the upper respiratory tract occur, which require conservative or surgical treatment.

X-ray of the nose just shows how much the sinuses are filled with fluid, whether there is an overgrowth of tissue in the paranasal sinuses or swelling of the nose. In the picture of the nose, such a process looks like a bright spot of a larger or smaller size.

Sinusitis is the general name for inflammation in the sinuses. There are several forms of sinusitis:

  1. Productive (parietal hyperplastic or polyposis). X-rays in the sinuses show single or multiple formations. Based on the radiograph, the size of the neoplasms is determined and the issue of treatment or surgical removal is decided).

Exudative. Purulent, serous or catarrhal sinusitis. The X-ray of the nose in this case is not very informative, since the fluid inside the sinuses cannot be distinguished. Additional examination of the sinuses for the presence of pus or mucus is required.

Chronic sinusitis appears as a thickening of the nasal mucosa on x-rays. Even if the x-ray did not record the presence of exudate (liquid) in the nasal paranasal sinuses, this means that the inflammatory process is constantly present in the nasal cavity. These symptoms are also characteristic of allergic sinusitis.

X-ray of the nose shows on which side there is an accumulation of mucus or pus, in which paranasal sinuses - frontal or maxillary.

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses is not recommended for pregnancy, especially in the early stages, since X-rays have an extremely adverse effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. Fetal cells are in a state of division, if it is simpler, then they grow. Exposure to X-rays leads to abnormal development and cellular mutations. Therefore, other methods of diagnosing the sinuses are used for pregnant women - for example, ultrasound.

  • Although the doses of radiation in the X-ray method of examining the paranasal sinuses are extremely small, there is a possibility of long-term consequences for the child. It is not worth the risk in this case, because there is a safer medical equipment that can conduct the same studies, including the sinuses.
  • In the presence of purulent foci in the sinuses of the nose and the risk of sepsis, an x-ray of the nose for pregnant women is performed for vital reasons. If it is possible to perform an x-ray of the sinuses on a new model device, then it is worth using such x-ray equipment. Doses of X-ray exposure on new devices are extremely small.

X-rays of fractures of the bones of the nose

Radiography of the bones of the skull and nose allows you to determine the degree of damage to bone tissue in humans with fractures. The bones in the picture look like white matter. The eye sockets and paranasal sinuses are dark.

How is a nose x-ray done for fractures

A picture of the nose during radiography is taken in lateral projections, as well as in a straight line to determine the degree of damage to nearby tissues and the bone itself:

  • how many fragments of the bones of the nose and how they are located;
  • what kind of nasal bone is damaged and how seriously;
  • displacement of the bones of the nose;
  • whether there are hemorrhages in the nasal sinuses;

The symptoms and appearance of nasal fractures in adults and children are seen differently on x-rays. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the bones of the skull and nose.

Radiography for fractures of the facial bones helps to determine the degree of damage to the tissues of the nose in the early stages, which allows you to choose the appropriate treatment and correct the situation as quickly as possible with help - until the bones of the nose begin to grow together and take an irregular shape.

In children, nose fractures occur less frequently, since the bones have a cartilaginous layer, which, when bruised, compresses and prevents the bones from cracking. It is a natural defense mechanism against injury while children are learning to walk, exploring their environment, and getting a huge amount of minor injuries and bruises.

Radiography of the bones of the nose in children shows the presence of fractures, displacements of the bones of the nose with bruises, cracks in the quadrangular cartilage.

At what age can a child's nose x-ray be done?

X-rays of the sinuses in children are officially allowed from the age of 7. Before this age, it is not recommended to examine the bones of the skull in children using x-rays, since the bones and soft tissues of the child are in the process of growth. X-rays affect DNA and RNA molecules and can disrupt the body's natural development process.

In urgent situations, which include accidents, falls from a height, when there is a question about the life of a child, radiography is used as a diagnostic method, even in the presence of age-related contraindications.

How is a child's nose x-ray done?

The procedure for x-rays of the sinuses of a child's nose is simple. It is only required to remove metal products that affect the quality of the x-ray. The child does not need any more additional measures for the x-ray of the nose.

X-rays of the nasal paranasal sinuses of a child are performed in various projections in order to maximally see the state of the frontal and maxillary sinuses on an x-ray.

How often can a nose x-ray be taken?

  • X-ray of the nose - X-ray of the paranasal and frontal sinuses, it is allowed to do no more than twice a year. For children, they try not to apply this method until the age of 14 (according to other sources - up to 7 years). An exception is x-rays of the extremities, when x-ray confirmation or refutation of the presence of a fracture is required.
  • Exposure to x-ray ionizing radiation depends on the quality of the x-ray machine. The latest models of x-ray equipment allow you to give an extremely small amount of radiation, which is harmless even for children, but such x-ray machines are very expensive and not available in all clinics. If there is a need to take frequent check-up x-rays of the child's sinuses, you need to find out where such x-ray equipment is located and where you can take x-rays of the child's nose more often. The quality of x-rays of the sinuses on the new equipment is much higher, and the radiation doses are about 10 times lower.
  • For adults, x-ray examination of the nose can be done no more than once a year. This is especially true for nasal imaging, because the radiation from sinus x-rays directly affects the brain area, which consists of nerve cells that are especially sensitive to ionizing x-rays. Again - the norms of x-ray radiation are set for old models of x-ray machines, so you should check with your doctor.

How are x-ray doses measured?

The unit of measurement is millisievert - mSv. On average, a person receives from 2 to 3 mSv per year. To understand how much this is, you need to do about a hundred x-rays of your teeth in one day.

A lethal dose of X-ray exposure is from 3 to 5 sieverts (not millisieverts!). Within two months, the person dies from problems with the bone marrow or nervous system.

But such cases are rare, as they occur only in case of serious accidents at nuclear reactors, where urgent measures are required to ensure safety and deactivate the source of radioactive radiation.

Photo shots and transcript

Fig. 1 - the right maxillary sinus is filled with exudate. On radiography, the space is painted white, indicating the presence of fluid and poor ventilation of the right side. The ethmoid sinus is also prone to inflammation. The presumptive diagnosis is sinusitis and ethmoiditis. The frontal sinuses have a clear outline, the inflammatory process is not observed.

Fig. 2 - deviated nasal septum. There is fluid in the left maxillary sinus. The lumen of the left nasal sinus is narrowed. The presumptive diagnosis is unilateral sinusitis.

Fig. 3 - fracture of the nasal bone with displacement. X-ray shows two fragments. Such injuries of the nose are typical for boxing athletes when hitting from above or with a direct blow.

Is there any harm from x-rays

Harm from x-rays of the sinuses is a purely individual concept. Every person has weaknesses in health. The more he knows about them, the safer methods of examination and treatment of the sinuses can be chosen.

The main contraindications for x-rays of the nasal sinuses are pregnancy and childhood. But one should not exaggerate the degree of danger of X-ray exposure, since it depends on the specific model of the radiographer.

In some cases, the nasal x-ray procedure may be useless, but not so dangerous as to neglect your health and refuse to diagnose the sinuses using x-rays.

X-ray exposure can cause temporary changes in the blood, which are subsequently restored without additional intervention from the outside.

If there is distrust and fear of the sinus x-ray procedure, then you should familiarize yourself with the ways you can reduce radiation or recover quickly after a nasal x-ray:

  1. Nutrition. Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially red ones - pomegranate, grapes, dry red wine. Dairy products are also useful - cottage cheese and sour cream. If you add iodine-containing products to the menu - fish, iodized salt, seaweed - you can not worry about the harmful effects of x-rays on the body.
  2. Dietary supplements with calcium, potassium, iodine.
  3. Activated carbon.
  4. Phytotherapy.

When conducting an examination of the nose and bones of the skull by X-ray, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol.

X-ray price

The cost of an x-ray examination of the sinuses can vary significantly. In conventional clinics with old x-ray equipment, nasal examinations may be free. A higher price will have to be paid for sinus X-rays in private medical institutions, where there are the latest nasal X-ray machines capable of producing high-quality informative images of the sinuses at minimal doses of X-rays. With frequent visits to X-ray rooms, it makes sense to use the services of such centers.

Where to make an x-ray of the nasal sinuses for a child is safer - you need to check with your doctor. But this usually happens in modern medical centers with modern equipment with a low dose of radiation.


If the nose is stuffy for a long time, green snot is released and the timbre of the voice has changed, doctors recommend performing an x-ray. With the help of this diagnosis, it is possible to detect sinusitis or other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, their possible complications in time. The sooner the disease is detected, the more likely it is to recover faster.

Why do you need an x-ray for sinusitis

Without an x-ray, a diagnosis can be made, but further treatment is not always effective. First, the doctor must examine the condition of the maxillary sinuses, and then select medications, prescribe physiological procedures to destroy microbes and remove pus from the nasal passages.

X-ray of the maxillary sinuses accurately determines the area of ​​damage to the sinuses, the degree and stage of inflammation of the mucous membrane, and possible complications of maxillary sinusitis.

What can be seen from the picture

Soft tissues are not visualized on an X-ray, but bone structures are visible. The paranasal sinuses are shown as dark ovals. To determine sinusitis, you need to compare their shade with the eye sockets. If the colors match, the sinuses are not inflamed. With the accumulation of pus on the X-ray photo, large foci of darkening appear.

A picture of the nose with sinusitis provides the following information:

  • Location of lesions. The picture shows dark spots.
  • The presence, severity of the inflammatory process. The accumulation of mucus appears as light spots.
  • Tumors, cysts, polyps. These neoplasms in the picture have a clear border. When re-examined, they increase in size, grow unevenly.
  • Physiological changes. With sinusitis, an uneven thickening of the mucous membrane is determined, the degree of filling of the paranasal sinuses with purulent masses, and deformation of the bone structures.

Indications for diagnostics

With the help of x-rays, the doctor clarifies the diagnosis, the form of sinusitis, determines the scheme of effective treatment. Indications for diagnostics are as follows:

  • headaches, aggravated by turning or tilting the head;
  • prolonged nasal congestion;
  • swelling, sore forehead;
  • unpleasant odor, greenish color of snot when blown out;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nasopharyngeal injuries;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • foreign body in the nose.

X-ray is done to control the positive dynamics against the background of the treatment and to clarify the diagnosis. If the doctor suspected polyps or an oncological tumor, he also sends for such an examination before the puncture.

X-ray examination technique

In order to avoid discrepancies during decoding, during the procedure, you must clearly follow the medical instructions. The preparatory activities are:

  • Before the examination, remove outer clothing, change into a dressing gown.
  • Remove all metal jewelry from the body, remove dentures.
  • Inform the radiologist about the presence of metal plates in the skull.
  • Clear your nasal passages, blow your nose.

A prerequisite is that the x-ray equipment adjusts to the height of each patient. The stages of the examination are:

  1. The patient gets into the X-ray machine so that the nose and chin get into a special rack.
  2. At the command of the doctor, inhale deeply and hold his breath for 10 seconds.
  3. Exhales, exits the x-ray machine.

At the moment of holding the breath, the radiologist takes a picture, by decoding which it becomes clear whether the patient has sinusitis or not. The x-ray photo is signed and must not be touched for 30 minutes to allow the image to dry. After the doctor makes a decoding, makes an accurate diagnosis.

Image projections for suspected sinusitis

To clarify the diagnosis, take an x-ray of the sinuses in several projections: posterolateral, axial, naso-chin, chin and lateral. This increases the chances of a speedy recovery. With sinusitis, an x-ray of the sinuses is performed in the naso-chin and chin projections. In this position, the sinuses are viewed with maximum accuracy.

The bone structures of the nose are studied in direct, lateral left and right projections.

If an annular shadow is visible on the x-ray photo, the doctor recommends taking an x-ray with contrast. In this case, the contrast agent is injected into the paranasal sinuses under local anesthesia. The picture is clear, it shows cysts and polyps, their location in the nasal cavities.

To be examined and get a transcript of the results from the photo, you need to contact a radiologist. Signs of an inflammatory process on an X-ray image depend on the form of sinusitis:

  • Purulent. The images in 2 projections show the contrast of the black color of the paranasal sinuses with a white infiltrate.
  • Polypous. Such a neoplasm on the x-ray is seen as a bulge on the leg, which is located on the wall of the maxillary sinus.
  • Odontogenic. Blackouts on the x-ray are visible in the sinuses and sockets of the teeth, the bones of the upper jaw are thickened.

Sinusitis in the picture has the following features:

  • divergence of the sinuses with the eye sockets in color;
  • uneven edges, thickened walls of the maxillary sinuses;
  • infiltrate;
  • white zones with a clear line against the background of oval shading (this is how fluid accumulation looks like);
  • circles in the sinuses with clear boundaries and smooth edges (tumors, cysts).

Is it possible to do an x-ray of the nose of a child

The minimum dose of ionizing radiation (0.1-1.2 mSv) during the examination does not harm children's health.

X-rays for sinusitis are performed on patients over 14 years old, when the maxillary sinuses are finally formed and are identical in structure and location to the sinuses of adults

At a younger age (up to 7 years), the examination is not contraindicated, but not relevant. Doctors explain this by the lack of formation and anatomical features of the paranasal sinuses. They are located closer to the meninges. In addition, it is difficult for a child to keep his head still. X-ray photo is inaccurate. An alternative was ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the nose and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Where to get an x-ray of the sinuses

A radiologist, a therapist, sends for examination if the patient does not stop snot for a long time. X-rays of the sinuses with sinusitis are done in district clinics, hospitals, private clinics and diagnostic centers. The cost of the examination in 1 projection is 1300 rubles, in several - from 1800 rubles. List of diagnostic centers in Moscow where a nose x-ray is done:

  • SM clinic;
  • Best Clinic;
  • Clinic "Family Doctor;
  • AMS Medicine;
  • Medkvadrat.


Radiography, as a method of radiation diagnostics, is widely used in many areas of medicine, including otolaryngology. The study is carried out without damage to the upper tissues, that is, non-invasively, does not take much time, and is painless.

X-ray of the nose and paranasal space allows you to reliably determine the existing changes in bone structures and the pathology of the air cavities (sinuses). A clear visualization of the organs on an x-ray image allows the doctor to objectively assess their condition, make the correct diagnosis, and prescribe the appropriate treatment. By decision of the ENT doctor, a survey or sighting radiography is performed:

  • a survey x-ray, displays the bones of the nose and sinuses in general, and is more often performed during the initial diagnosis;
  • sighting x-ray to consider individual anatomical structures in more detail. It is carried out to control the therapy of a previously diagnosed disease of a particular nasal area.

How often can this procedure be done? The frequency of the survey has not been officially established. The dose of x-rays in a single examination is not hazardous to health, but given that radiation tends to accumulate in the body, sinus x-rays are not recommended for more than twice a year.

Survey area

The picture is taken in black and white, which clearly shows the bone skeleton of the nose, the size of the nasopharynx, the structure and contours of the air cavities (otherwise the sinuses). According to the picture, the doctor analyzes the integrity of the bones and cartilaginous tissue, the state of the hollow formations adjacent to the nose:

  • frontal (frontal) sinuses located in the frontal bone of the skull;
  • lattice labyrinth;
  • main sphenoidal sinus, divided by a septum;
  • paired maxillary (maxillary) cavities;
  • the lower part of the temporal bones with a cellular structure (mastoid process).

According to the norm, in the absence of pathologies, the outline of the bones should be even, the pneumatization (airiness) of the sinuses is not disturbed, that is, there are no neoplasms or liquid, foreign objects

Abnormalities and diseases diagnosed by the picture

One of the main diseases of the nasal cavities - sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes), has several different forms. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses allows you to identify sinusitis. Sinus hyperplasia or hyperplastic sinusitis is characterized by increased growth of mucosal cells. In the picture, this area will have a thickening. Catarrhal, edematous-catarrhal or exudative (with accumulation of fluid) form of sinusitis is displayed on the radiograph as a sharp darkening of the inflamed sinus. Allergic sinusitis is manifested by severe swelling.

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses differentiates the disease at the location:

  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the frontal sinus - frontal sinusitis;
  • pathology of the mastoid processes - ethmoiditis.

The scale of the spread of the inflammatory process is also determined. With monosinusitis, the disease affects only one paranasal cavity, polysinusitis is diagnosed when inflammation is localized in several sinuses. If all right or all left sinuses are involved in the process, the diagnosis is hemisinusitis, the defeat of all cavities means the presence of pansinusitis.

Other pathologies

If the radiograph shows the presence of a round cavity with a clear outline in the sinus, this is a sign of a cyst. Rarely, other neoplasms are diagnosed. A foreign object that has fallen into the sinuses will also be displayed in the picture. Unevenly spaced, dark on x-ray, parietal areas indicate the presence of polyps (abnormal growths).

Photo x-ray of the nose with a diagnosis of polyposis specifies the localization of education

In children, using an X-ray examination of the nose and adjacent spaces, an inflammatory increase in the lymphatic tissue of the tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil - adenoiditis, as well as the degree of development of the disease, is diagnosed. With adenoids of the first degree, they occupy 1/3 of the nasopharyngeal lumen, the second degree is characterized by damage to ½ of the lumen, adenoids of the third degree completely block the lumen of the nasopharynx.

To diagnose tumors of benign and malignant origin, experts recommend undergoing an MRI or CT scan of the sinuses, since these methods are more informative in detecting such pathologies.

Diagnosis of cartilaginous and bone tissue of the nose

X-ray of the bones of the nose is always prescribed for bruises and other injuries. At the same time, the more quickly it is done after damage to the nose, the more reliable the results are. In the picture, the radiologist determines:

  • possible normal fracture of the nose;
  • fragmental fracture, and the presence of fragments in soft structures;
  • fracture with displacement, and the degree of displacement of the bones.

The interpretation of the radiograph also involves the determination of the curvature of the nasal septum, any other transformations and destructive destruction of the bone and cartilage components of the organ.

Purpose of the survey

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses (PNS) is indicated for the following symptoms and complaints made by the patient:

  • violation of the respiratory process due to chronic nasal congestion;
  • the presence of pus and blood in the discharge;
  • regular headaches, against the background of a runny nose, not associated with other diseases (hypertension, VVD, etc.);
  • pain in the central frontal region when bending over;
  • pain when touching the nose;
  • post-traumatic pain and swelling of the bridge of the nose;
  • suggestion of the presence of a foreign object in the nose.

These symptoms are most often accompanied by hyperthermia (fever), fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in the head. X-rays of the nose and adjacent cavities are done to control the therapy of previously diagnosed diseases: with sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, fracture and displacement of bones, polyposis and cysts. And also with specific diseases of the skeletal system of the body, such as osteomyelitis, osteoporosis.

The picture must be taken before the planned sinus surgery and after surgery

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an additional computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses. Such a decision is made if the image does not reveal pathological changes, and there is no positive dynamics in the patient's condition, a neoplasm is visualized on the radiograph, but it is impossible to determine its nature, indications for surgery require a deeper study of the nasal region.

The CT scan takes longer and is more expensive, but the 3D image gives a clearer picture of the anatomical changes and diseases present.


The examination is not prescribed during pregnancy, since X-rays have a teratogenic effect (violation of the development of the embryo). Relative (relative) contraindications are:

  • metal-plastic dentures. Metal parts may affect the picture quality.
  • childhood. The child is x-rayed only in case of emergency. At the same time, other parts of the body during the procedure must be protected by a special apron with lead content.

Safe MRI is recommended for diagnosis in young patients.

X-ray procedure

There are no preparatory measures for the survey. The patient only needs to choose where to make an x-ray: in a district clinic or a paid diagnostic center. Most often, the procedure is performed with the vertical position of the person being examined. Under the chin, a special stand is strengthened. It is the responsibility of the patient not to close his mouth during the procedure, and to hold his breath. The whole process takes half a minute.

For the diagnosis of bone damage, pictures are taken in direct projection and lateral (left and right). Additionally, a naso-chin projection can be taken. PPN are examined in the occipital-chin, direct, occipital-frontal, lateral and chin projections. Specifically, in which position the image will be taken depends on the diagnosis assumed by the otolaryngologist. The description of the image by a radiologist takes about a quarter of an hour.


X-ray of the maxillary sinuses in the complicated course of sinusitis is performed using a contrast agent. Gymography is performed according to the doctor's prescription, and only for adult patients. The methodology includes:

  • the use of local anesthesia;
  • puncture of the sinus wall;
  • washing the cavity;
  • introduction of contrast into the studied sinuses;
  • taking successive shots in several projections.

A photo from an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses with a diagnosis of sinusitis specifies the degree of filling of the sinus with contents

Removal of the contrast agent occurs spontaneously within 24 hours after the examination. Particular attention is paid to this disease and its diagnosis due to the risk of severe complications. Untimely detected sinusitis passes into the chronic stage, in which the development of inflammatory processes in the bronchopulmonary system and the brain is possible.

Digital x-ray

The digital radiographic method for studying PPN is more progressive and informative. The images of the nasal cavities are projected onto a computer, which allows a more detailed study of the changes and pathologies of the organ. In addition, it is possible to save the results in digital form, and transfer them, if necessary, via the Internet. The disadvantages of digital diagnostics include the cost of the examination.

For example, in the Moscow district of Brateevo, the price of such a procedure is from one and a half thousand rubles, as opposed to a conventional x-ray for 250 rubles. You should not be afraid of radiation exposure and ignore the prescribed x-ray procedure. The picture will help the doctor determine the only correct tactics for treating the identified disease.



2023 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs