Treatment of candidiasis of the scalp. What is dangerous candidiasis on the face


According to medical data, there is a constant increase in fungal pathologies among people of different ages. Skin candidiasis - an infectious disease that is provoked by the fungus Candida, often formed on the folds, but can also affect the smooth skin of the body, in a child, for example, it develops on the buttocks, in the perineum. Ignore the manifestations of pathology should not be, timely treatment will help reduce the duration of therapy and improve the prognosis.

What is skin candidiasis

This pathology is caused by the pathogen of the genus Candida, clinical signs develop on the surface of the dermis or mucous membrane. Cutaneous candidiasis often manifests itself in places where a moist environment (skin folds) forms, which helps the fungus to actively develop. It is always present in a small concentration in the human body, their reproduction is activated under unfavorable conditions for the patient. The development of the disease often indicates a violation of the immune system or the presence of another disease that became the impetus for a skin disease.


Thrush on the skin can appear even in a newborn, because from the very first day of life they penetrate into the human body. This is the norm and does not pose a threat if provoking factors do not transfer them into a pathogenic state. The causes that cause candidiasis are divided into two groups: internal and external. The first include provoking processes that occur inside the body. As a rule, all of them lead to weakened immunity, for example:

  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • undergone major surgery and postoperative therapy;
  • intoxication (drugs, alcohol);
  • oncological pathologies, leukemia with chemotherapy;
  • avitaminosis;
  • immunosuppressive therapy;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • AIDS.

External factors are those that have an impact on the environment. These include:

  • Wrong selection of clothes. This leads to a violation of heat transfer, increased sweating, which creates a humid and warm environment, which is ideal for the reproduction of the fungus and the transition to a pathogenic state.
  • Production risks. This group includes the possible contact of smooth skin or mucous membranes with alkalis, acids.
  • Ulcers, cracks, microtraumas. They can be provoked by improper manicure, chapping of the skin, chafing, etc.
  • Insufficient hygiene.


Candidiasis can appear on the face, buttocks (in a child), mucous genital organs or mouth, in places where the skin forms natural folds. There are many types of this pathology, each of them has certain specific symptoms, but some signs are common to all forms. The disease can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • scales on the skin;
  • rashes;
  • red, purple spots;
  • itching is felt in the affected areas;
  • white plaque often forms on the mucous membranes;
  • cracks and pain appear;
  • maceration of the skin - with an excessive amount of moisture, swelling occurs;
  • erythema;
  • pustules form on the edges of the affected areas;
  • in the mouth form red, white lesions.

Skin candidiasis in children

This pathology occurs in 20% of infants. In some cases, Candida fungi get to the child even at the stage of intrauterine development, the baby can also infect in the hospital, maternity hospital, or when passing through the genital tract during childbirth. As a rule, diaper and candidiasis of large folds (intertrigo) is diagnosed due to the structural features of the dermis at this age. The skin is looser, there are fewer layers, the secret and mechanical protection of the baby is still imperfect.

Symptomatic signs often develop on the buttocks, inner thigh, perineum. Of the symptoms, the following manifestations are distinguished:

  • weeping, redness and swelling at the site of skin fungal infection;
  • a corolla of exfoliated epidermis appears around the itchy spot;
  • the child behaves restlessly, this condition intensifies when changing the diaper, defecation and urination.


Candidiasis of the skin can be determined by the appearance of papules, vesicles that merge into one spot and open. The affected surface becomes red and whitish, becomes smooth, shiny and moist. There is a certain classification of candidiasis, which differs in symptoms, place of development. The main forms of pathology are as follows:

  1. Intertrigo or candidiasis of large skin folds. As a rule, areas in the armpits, the lower part of the mammary glands (breast), the intergluteal fold (more often in children and the elderly with excessive visceral fat), in the inguinal-femoral region are affected. In these places, brown, red spots form, the skin peels off along the edges, there is a whitish coating. This is accompanied by pain, burning and itching.
  2. Mycotic bite. A whitish coating appears in the corners of the mouth; if it is scraped off, then there will be redness under it. It is more often diagnosed in older people if there is a malocclusion, another reason for jamming is the constant moistening of these areas with saliva (maceration) or the wrong size of the denture, which provokes excessive salivation.
  3. Candidiasis of the red border of the lips. Often this form is combined with the previous one, the above symptoms are accompanied by the formation of scales, deep cracks on the lower lip, which is additionally accompanied by edema.
  4. Candidal stomatitis. With this form of pathology, the infection affects the lateral surfaces of the mouth, tongue, curdled white spots are formed, which are very painful. Stomatitis indicates a strong decrease in immune defense, it is common in children.
  5. Interdigital candidiasis. More common in women, red spots appear between the ring and middle fingers of the hand. This is due to frequent and prolonged contact with water, cleaning products (cleaners, laundresses, housewives). Spots can also appear between the toes, but this is an extremely rare occurrence.
  6. Yeast paronychia. There is a defeat of the periungual rollers, they swell and, when pressed, a small amount of pus oozes out of them.
  7. Candidiasis of the palms. This form becomes a consequence of the two types described above, bubbles appear, which then peel off. In some cases, thickening of the skin of the palms is noted.
  8. Candidiasis of the soles of the feet. More often diagnosed in children, vesicles, pustules and scaly spots are formed.
  9. Genital candidiasis. In men, this form is called balanitis, and in women - vulvitis. It is characterized by the appearance of superficial vesicles, rashes, whitish spots, cracks. As a rule, pathology is accompanied by burning, itching. Discharge may appear on the head of the penis. Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic for a long time or with very mild symptoms.
  10. Candida folliculitis. Localization of infection is in the hair follicles, armpits, in men on the face (moustache, beard), rarely affects the scalp.
  11. Candidiasis of the face and smooth skin. A rare form of the disease, infection occurs through the skin of the cheeks, both, nose, closer to the ears and neck. At the site of the lesion, the classic symptoms of the disease develop. The disease is more often diagnosed in children.
  12. Candidiasis of the nipples. It develops, as a rule, in young mothers who are breastfeeding. A whitish coating and scales form around the nipple, cracks may appear.


Most dermatologists can suspect a fungal infection simply by visual inspection, but a number of diagnostic tests should be performed before starting treatment to confirm the hunch. For these purposes, the doctor may prescribe the following tests:

  • skin scraping for examination under a microscope to reveal elements of mycelium, oval fungal cells;
  • analysis of skin changes;
  • inoculation of atypical biomaterial on Saburo's sulfur in order to recognize the type of pathogen, its reaction to drugs of the antimycotic group is evaluated;
  • PCR diagnostics of candidiasis;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • immunofluorescence reaction;
  • immunogram, determination of blood glucose level and blood test.

Treatment of skin candidiasis

For successful therapy of pathology, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. Candidiasis on the body is a manifestation of weakened immunity, activation of the fungus inside the body, therefore, the following directions are used for treatment:

  1. Fight against pathogen. For these purposes, antimycotics, antiseptics are used, which can be bought at a pharmacy in the form of ointments, creams, pastes and alcohol tinctures.
  2. Destruction of the endogenous source of the pathogen in the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract. Treatment is carried out with the help of systemic medications that are taken orally, suppositories, douching.
  3. Therapy of concomitant diseases that provoked the activation of candidiasis.
  4. General strengthening measures to enhance immune defense: taking vitamins (PP, K2, B6, B2), dieting, healthy lifestyle.
  5. Exclusion of external irritating factors, use of gloves, hygiene measures.

Systemic drugs

This direction is used along with local therapy, it is important to start taking funds on time if the disease spreads quickly. Tablets or injections are allowed. The most effective systemic drugs are the following drugs:

  1. Fluconazole. Available in the form of a solution for injection, syrup and capsules (aka Flumicon, Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikosist). The dosage for an adult is 100-200 mg, the children's daily dose is calculated depending on the weight (5 mg of the substance is needed per 1 kg). The course lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.
  2. Itraconazole (aka Rumikoz, Irunin, Orungal). For adults, the dosage is 100 mg 2 times a day or 200 mg once. The course of treatment with the drug is 1-2 weeks without a break or 2-3 months according to an intermittent scheme: after 7 days there is a break of 20 days.
  3. Ketoconazole is taken by adults at 200 mg per day.
  4. The doctor may prescribe treatment with antibiotics from the Pimafucin polyene series. The dosage for adults is 100 mg 4 times a day. Children can be given such a medication only strictly after the recommendation to pediatricians. Dose: 50 mg up to 4 times per day. Therapy with this remedy lasts 2-4 weeks.
  5. Nystatin. A course of 2 to 4 weeks is prescribed, adults take 10,000,00 units 3 times a day. Before repeating therapy, a break of at least 2 weeks is necessary.

Antifungal ointments

Any drug in this group should be selected individually for each patient. Local agents are prescribed depending on the type of pathogen, because all agents differ in the active drug substance that is active against a particular type of fungus. From modern options, you can choose the following options for ointments, creams:

  1. Sebozol. Available in the form of an ointment, cream, the active substance is ketoconazole. It has fungistatic and fungicidal action. Well resists pathogens of candidiasis, multi-colored lichen, systemic mycoses. People who are hypersensitive to ketoconazole may experience skin irritation after application. In such cases, it is better to stop using the ointment and choose another medicine.
  2. Exoderil. This is a Swiss medicine that helps fight a wide range of fungi and their spores. For the treatment of candidiasis, the dosage form in the form of a cream is better suited. The drug penetrates well into the layers of the dermis, reaches the required concentration to provide an antifungal effect. The cream can be applied to the smooth skin of the body where the lesion has developed, but before that it should be washed and dried well. According to the instructions, it is recommended to lubricate the skin and around the focus of peeling and inflammation. The course of therapy with Exoderil lasts 2-4 weeks, after the apparent disappearance of candidiasis, it is recommended to continue using the drug for another 14 days.
  3. Mycospor. This antifungal cream has a wide spectrum of action. It has proven its effectiveness against dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi, seborrhea pathogens, moldy fungi, erythrasma. Single dosage for application to the skin area of ​​10 square meters. cm is 1 cm means. You need to lubricate the affected area 1 time a day before going to bed. The course of therapy is 2-4 weeks, this figure may vary depending on the type of infectious agent. The drug is considered safe, but before treating pregnant women, children should consult a doctor.
  4. Nizoral. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole. An antifungal cream is effective against most infections of the skin, nails, or mucous membranes. The scheme of use depends on the type of exciter. As a rule, application is performed -2 ​​times a day on the lesion and capture a small area next to it. A remedy is shown in the treatment of various dermatophyte infections, seborrheic dermatitis, skin candidiasis, epidermophytosis, multi-colored lichen. Treatment continues for 2-4 weeks, then you need to follow maintenance therapy for another 14 days.

The Importance of Dieting in Candidiasis of the Skin

A person in the body always has fungi of the genus Candida, which are located on the skin, mucous membranes. They do not cause the development of diseases and become pathogenic only when the immune system is weakened. The condition of the intestinal microflora has a significant impact on the likelihood of developing candidiasis. For this reason, it is important to follow the rules of a healthy diet in order to minimize the likelihood of developing an illness or speed up recovery after it. At the risk of developing candidiasis, it is recommended:

  • significantly reduce the consumption of high-carbohydrate and sweet foods, completely abandon fast food that contains transgenic fats;
  • do not use semi-finished products for your menu;
  • increase the amount of foods containing vitamins, fiber;
  • the menu should contain fermented milk products: kefir, unsweetened yogurt;
  • refuse fried meat, it is better to use a double boiler for cooking, you can bake meat dishes;
  • eat more red pepper, propolis, garlic and onions (antifungal products);
  • reduce consumption of alcohol, mayonnaise, mustard, soy sauce, milk, ketchup, sugary foods (including honey).

Folk methods

With the complex therapy of the disease, home recipes can be included in the treatment regimen in consultation with the doctor. Some herbs have the necessary healing, immuno-strengthening effect, help relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. For various means, as a rule, they use calendula, string, chamomile, juniper, St. John's wort and others. You can use the following recipes:

  1. To prepare a medicinal infusion, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. chamomile or St. John's wort, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. Then you need to strain the product through gauze and take it inside, you can apply it on a bandage and apply it as a compress before going to bed on the affected areas.
  2. Chop and mix mint leaves with salt. This mixture is applied to the focus of inflammation for 1 hour.
  3. Take 1 cup of buckwheat, put in boiling water (3 cups) and boil for 10 minutes. Drain the broth and let it cool. Wipe the affected areas 2-3 times a day.


Candidiasis of smooth skin is rarely the initial and only disease. It, as a rule, manifests itself with the development of another pathology, which reduces the immune defense of the body. For this reason, it is necessary to direct preventive measures to maintain immunity, prevent dysbacteriosis and prevent any infectious pathologies. The main measures to prevent the development of the disease include the following points:

  • maximum restriction of sweets in the diet;
  • regularly need to eat fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), which help to avoid dysbacteriosis;
  • it is important to observe personal hygiene measures;
  • refrain from using antibacterial gel and soap, because they disrupt the normal microbial balance;
  • You can take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor and not more than the established course of treatment.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Thrush on the skin is a household designation of one of the external manifestations of candidiasis. This disease is caused by a wide group of pathogenic fungi belonging to the genus Candida. The disease has characteristic symptoms, can affect people of different age groups, with proper complex therapy it is completely curable.


Cutaneous candidiasis refers to the so-called superficial candidiasis with a clear localization on the smooth epithelium and in the region of its folds. The main causative agent of the problem is present everywhere in the biosphere. A number of factors can provoke the development of candidiasis.:

  • Extreme temperature conditions that cause increased sweating;
  • Impact on the epithelium of a number of chemical components that destroy the natural defenses of the epithelium (alkalis, acids, solvents, household chemicals);
  • Non-compliance with a normal skin hygiene regimen;
  • High fungus content in specific production conditions;
  • Decreased human immunity against the background of chronic diseases and infections;
  • Change in homeostasis and their own pronounced virulent properties of pathogenic Candida fungi.

Forms and symptoms of the disease

In the list of superficial candidiasis, doctors usually include lesions of smooth skin, mucous membranes, and onychia / paronychia.

Typical localizations of superficial thrush:

  • General surface. External manifestations on the epithelium are primarily visible in areas of large folds - primary foci are formed here, where numerous wet erosions, vesicles, and pustules are observed. The boundaries of such areas form clear edges with exfoliating epidermis. The next stage is the formation of a generalized whitish plaque, which gradually passes from folds to smooth, even areas of the skin.
  • Interdigital. Formed on the hands and feet, always between the fingers (2, 3 or all). Small foci of puffiness have an edematous-congestive structure and hyperemic epidermis, along their edges there are mainly vesicles and seropapules.
  • Mucosal candidiasis. This type of thrush is formed in the area of ​​​​the genitals and oral cavity. The lesions are covered with a whitish film with a curdled structure, under which erythema ripens. Thrush in this case can appear on the tonsils, tongue, border of the lips, various parts of the genital organs.
  • Candidal seizures / cheilitis. Often this type of thrush forms on its own, while the rest of the mucous membranes are not affected. Regular maceration of the folds in the corners of the mouth, along with a bad bite and increased salivation, provokes the appearance of a "yeast jam" and the characteristic symptoms of the disease.
  • Onychia/paronychia. Candidiasis lesions of the nail ridges. Thrush begins with the lateral upper areas, which quickly deform and acquire an uncharacteristic shade with a change in the surface of the nail. Gradually, the area of ​​the lesion increases, but the free edge of the nail is usually not affected.

What does thrush look like on the skin, photo of skin candidiasis:

Diagnostic measures

The list of standard diagnostic measures for the detection of thrush on the surface of the skin includes:

  • Visual inspection. A thorough examination of the epidermis for the presence of foci of inflammation characteristic of candidiasis, as well as the presence of whitish plaque and other external manifestations of thrush;
  • Microscopy of pathological material. In this method, the laboratory assistant tries to detect oval budding cells with pseudomycelium - the result of the work of the Candida fungus;
  • Inoculations for meat-peptone broth and wort-agar in Sabouraud's medium. Active reproduction of pathogenic colonies and detection of yeast cells after 1-2 days;

This article is often read:

  • Serological studies. Detection of antibodies to a potential pathogen in the blood serum;
  • Radioimmunological and enzyme immunoassay methods and molecular diagnostics. They are used in the absence of results according to the methods described above, they are rarely used due to the high cost of such analyzes;
  • Differential Analysis with the method of excluding other types of skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis, lupus, eczema granulomas, herpes, etc.

After a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Treatment of skin candidiasis

The exact treatment regimen for thrush is usually prescribed by a dermatologist based on the severity of the disease, the patient's current condition, and a number of other important factors.

In the usual course of superficial candidiasis, a variety of ointments are the basis of treatment:

  • . It is a polyene antibiotic, the action of which destroys the cell membranes of the fungus. Used to treat all types of fungal infections caused by Candida pathogens. It is used as an ointment for external use on the affected areas of the skin, in the form of tablets (with localization of the problem in the intestines), as well as a suppository for vaginal administration;
  • , . Nystatin analogs with a broader spectrum of activity, having both antifungal and antibacterial effects. They are also effective against staphylococci and Trichomonas (protozoa);
  • Solutions of aniline dyes(methylene blue, brilliant green (brilliant green), etc.). They are used as an auxiliary therapy for drying and disinfecting affected areas.

The above funds must be applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for about 3 weeks.

In severe forms of candidiasis of the skin surface, the doctor may prescribe, in addition to local drugs, antimycotic drugs of the general spectrum. Typical representatives here are Ketonazole in tablet form, the dosage and time of use is determined individually.

In some cases, it is possible to use amphotericin and a polyvalent vaccine- exclusively in a hospital and round-the-clock medical supervision.

Folk methods of treatment

Traditional medicine can be used as an adjunct in the case of a typical uncomplicated course of smooth skin candidiasis and only after agreement with the attending physician:

  • Treatment of affected skin areas with 5% apple cider vinegar. Take a piece of natural tissue, soak it in vinegar and wipe the affected areas 3 times a day for 3 weeks;
  • douching. Take in equal proportions pharmacy chamomile, birch buds, celandine and juniper, mix in 1 liter of clean water and let it brew in a hot water bath for 1 hour. Strain the infusion, cool and douche once a day for 2 weeks;
  • Eat more fresh garlic - it kills fungi, relieves inflammation and enhances the immune system, thrush will disappear faster;
  • carrot juice. Squeeze out a sufficient amount of carrot juice, lubricate the affected areas (with a cotton swab) 3 times a day and do not forget to drink this wonderful drink separately (3 glasses a day). Get it fixed fast!

Thrush on the skin of a child

In children, thrush primarily manifests itself on the mucous membranes - most often it is the oral cavity (folds of the lips and tongue). Less often, manifestations of candidiasis can be seen on the skin in the area of ​​​​the folds of the buttocks, groin.

There is a milkman in a child against the background of a decrease in immunity
and can occur at any age, even immediately after birth, if Candida fungi are transmitted from mother to baby.

With mild disease the doctor may prescribe rubbing with a 2% soda solution, which is first applied to gauze / cotton swab, after which the skin and external mucous membranes are already processed.

In more severe cases it is rational to use local antifungal ointments and suspensions and, in some situations, a dermatologist prescribes individual therapy with more serious drugs in a hospital setting.

In addition to the main therapy, it is advisable to adhere to the basic rules of hygiene, use vitamin complexes (with an emphasis on the B group of vitamins), and also follow a diet with the exception of starchy and very sweet foods, as well as fried foods, marinades, foods rich in "bad" cholesterol.

Hygiene for candidiasis

The list of basic hygiene measures includes:

  • Careful wardrobe selection. Use underwear and clothes only from natural materials;
  • Washing hands with soap. Be sure to wash your hands with soap at least 3 times a day so as not to bring a secondary bacterial infection into the affected area;
  • Restriction on the use of cosmetics. During the period of illness, minimize the use of any skin cosmetics, give preference to hypoallergenic analogues;
  • Proper sexual contact. Try to have sex only with a regular partner, use condoms based on natural materials without latex;
  • Treatment of affected areas. If in the process of hygiene measures you have to wash the affected areas, then do it without aggressive means of removing dirt, refrain from foam baths and gels, which can significantly weaken the effect of local medicines.

Prevention of fungal infections

Preventive measures against thrush of the skin include:

  • Wearing only cotton underwear to ensure proper air circulation in the area of ​​potential candidiasis lesions.
  • Use of condoms based on polyurethane and water-soluble lubricants.
  • Normalization of weight, the use of more natural vegetables / fruits and dairy products.
  • Rational daily body hygiene.
  • Preventive intake and use of antimycotics, antibacterial and hormonal therapy only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Reception of multivitamin complexes and immunomodulators in the autumn-winter period.
  • Timely treatment of chronic and infectious diseases, if necessary, regular dispensary observation / control in a hospital.

Main symptoms:

  • White spots on the oral mucosa
  • White curdled vaginal discharge
  • White patches on the genitals
  • Skin erosion
  • Crusts on the lips
  • weeping
  • Swelling of the nail folds
  • Redness of the skin at the site of injury
  • Redness of the nail folds
  • Redness of the penis
  • Redness of the oral mucosa
  • Blisters on the head of the penis
  • Scales on the skin
  • Scales on the oral mucosa

Skin candidiasis is an infectious disease that develops as a result of damage to certain areas of the skin by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. With such a pathology as candidiasis of the skin, many people face. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which actively develop on the skin or mucous membranes, causing this or that symptomatology.

Hundreds of varieties of the fungus live both on the human body and on surrounding objects - in the soil, on animal hair, on food, etc. Therefore, infection can occur in a variety of ways, and the fungus affects both adults and children, regardless of gender.

There are several main forms of development of candidiasis, which depend on the localization of the fungus, these are:

  • skin candidiasis;
  • mucous membranes;
  • genitals;
  • intestinal candidiasis.

In addition, there is a generalized form in which the fungus spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body, affecting different organs. Often, generalized candidiasis has a chronic course.


Fungi of the genus Candida belong to the category of opportunistic microorganisms, since they are normally found in small quantities on the skin and mucous membranes of a person. However, with a normally functioning immune system, they cannot actively develop, and do not cause any harm. But in cases where immunity is reduced, their active development begins with the appearance of certain symptoms, which depend on the site of skin or mucous membrane damage by fungi.

The reasons for the decrease in the protective functions of the body can be varied, among the main ones it should be noted:

  • the presence of chronic infections in the body;
  • increased sweating and microtrauma of the skin or mucous membranes;
  • long-term or frequent use of broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • improper and unbalanced diet;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • regular stress and psychological stress;
  • a disease such as the presence of latent infections in the body (mycoplasma, chlamydia).

Separately, it should be said about the risk of women getting this pathology during pregnancy. Especially often women suffer in the third trimester, when the protective functions of the body are rather weak. In this case, the pathology in a pregnant woman is the cause of infection of the child during childbirth - in 70% of children with candidiasis of the skin or mucous membranes are born to mothers with vaginal candidiasis.

And candidiasis is twice as common in those people who abuse sweets.

Forms and symptoms

The symptoms of a disease such as skin candidiasis are largely determined by the form of pathology that a person suffers from. The most common forms of a disease such as candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes should be considered, including:

  • candidiasis of the lips;
  • candidiasis of the skin of the face;
  • interdigital candidiasis;
  • damage to large folds of the skin;
  • damage to the palms;
  • yeast paronychia;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • vaginal candidiasis.

A common variant of damage to the mucous membrane of the lips with this type of candidiasis is the appearance of mycotic seizures and damage to the mucous membrane of the lower lip. In the first case, a person develops seizures on the right and left sides, which have an easily removable whitish coating and a smooth, eroded red surface. The process is often protracted, since the optimal environment for mushrooms in the corners of the mouth is moist and warm.

The second option is characterized by inflammation of the zone of the red border of the lips, with a thickening of its surface and its hyperemia. On the inside, the lip is covered with white scales and crusts, and deep transverse cracks appear on it.

Candidiasis of the skin of the face is characterized by the formation of hyperemic areas on the cheeks, chin, in the region of the nasolabial triangle. Areas of redness have a slight coating in the form of whitish scales, under which there is an eroded, slightly weeping surface.

Fungal infection of the areas between the fingers is also a common form of this disease. Moreover, both the areas between the fingers on the hands and on the legs are affected. The inflammation is local in nature and usually does not protrude beyond the area between the fingers. Most often, this disease affects women of specific professions (laundresses, cleaners, dishwashers, etc.). In the case of this type of fungal infection, the following symptoms will be noted:

  • bright red tint at the affected area;
  • the presence of thin white scales;
  • the presence of erosion with poor content;
  • itching in the affected areas.

Fungal infection of large skin folds is often found in childhood, as well as in older women who are overweight. Usually a child with such a pathology becomes infected with a fungus from the mother, as mentioned above.

Candidiasis of the palms, as the name implies, is characterized by a fungal infection of the palms. Very often, this pathology is characteristic of those people who have interdigital lesions. It comes in two forms:

  • hypercardonic;
  • vesicle-pustular.

In the first case, there is a diffuse thickening of the stratum corneum on the palms, with a sharp selection of skin grooves and a brownish tint of the skin. The second form is characterized by the appearance of ring-shaped garland-like peelings on the affected areas. Moreover, this disease begins with the appearance of small vesicles and pustules at the sites of penetration of the fungus into the skin. It should be noted that this form of pathology often affects women whose hands are subjected to prolonged maceration - for example, when cleaning vegetables, washing, etc.

Yeast paronychia is a disease that can go hand in hand with candidiasis of the palms and interdigital candidiasis. It is characterized by inflammation of the nail folds, which are edematous and hyperemic in appearance, and when pressed, purulent exudate is released from under them. Usually, this form of candidiasis provokes the spread of infection to the nail plates, which is why nail candidiasis develops, and the pathology occurs both on the hands and on the legs.

- fungal infection of the penis in men. It is characterized by slight redness and the formation of a white, grainy coating, which a man may not notice. Sometimes there are small bubbles on the glans penis or its entire surface, as well as rapidly healing erosion.

- the most common fungal infection that women of any age face. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • pain at rest and during intercourse;
  • the presence of white curdled discharge, odorless;
  • swelling of the external genitalia.

There are other types of such a fungal infection of the skin and mucous membranes. For example, it can be fungal tonsillitis, which in its clinical manifestations is similar to normal or, candidiasis of smooth skin, fungal infection of the toenails and hands, damage to the nipples (especially in nursing women), etc.

Establishing diagnosis

Diagnosis of the disease is based on a visual examination of the patient, as well as on taking scrapings from the site of the lesion for laboratory diagnosis. One or another type of fungus is found in scrapings, and in addition, such an analysis allows you to establish the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain antifungal drugs, which allows you to choose the best treatment option for a child or adult.

It must be said that in the case of candidoallergy (another fungal pathology), fungi are not detected in microscopic analysis, since this pathology is a general reaction of the body to a fungal infection of another organ or skin area.

Features of treatment

Treatment of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes is a difficult and lengthy process. Moreover, complex therapy is required to eliminate the pathology, aimed both at the elimination of fungal colonies, and at the restoration of normal microflora and strengthening of immunity.

The most effective antifungal drugs used in modern practice are ketoconazole and clotrimazole. Imidazoles, triazoles and polyene antibiotics are also prescribed. And we are talking about tablets for internal use and ointments - for external use.

Be sure to prescribe vitamin preparations, products with bifidobacteria and antihistamines.

In addition, patients are prescribed a special diet. It should include healthy foods (vegetables, fruits, cereals) and exclude the use of fatty foods, fried and sweet.

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In this article, you will learn what skin candidiasis is. How and under what conditions the disease occurs. Symptoms of this type of thrush, features of its diagnosis and treatment. Prognosis for full recovery.

Article publication date: 02.11.2017

Article last updated: 12/22/2018

Growth in open areas of the skin, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin folds and nails of fungi of the genus Candida is called candidiasis of the skin and its appendages.

Types of candidiasis of the skin and its appendages

The peculiarity of the pathogen (Candida fungi) is the constant presence in the composition of the normal microflora of the mucous membranes and skin, but in small quantities. The growth of the colony is accelerated by a low level of the body's protective barrier - immunodeficiency. In this case, single fungal cells go through four stages that lead to the development of a disease state:

    Tight attachment to the skin - adhesion.

    Rapid cell division with an increase in the number of fungal populations - colonization.

    Destruction of the superficial skin layer by its active enzymes - invasion.

    The spread of a fungal colony throughout the entire thickness of the skin - penetration.

Manifestations of a disease state occur already at the first stage, but the severity of the symptoms is insignificant. A bright clinical picture in the form of raids on the skin characterizes the second stage of the development of a fungal infection. Itching and changes in surrounding tissues are a sign of the introduction of the pathogen into the skin. The time range of all four stages (together) is 1–4 days.

Manifestations of candidiasis of the skin. Click on the photo to see it in a clearer version

Candidiasis of the skin is a marker of a significant decrease in immune defense. The danger is not the pathological process itself, but the fact that it reflects the state of the whole organism. A decrease in the protective barrier is the reason for the development of any type of infectious and inflammatory diseases that occur in atypical and severe forms that can even lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, despite the seeming harmlessness, candidal skin lesions are a good reason to see a doctor.

Given the ability of the fungus to penetrate the skin, it is impossible to cure the pathology by simply washing the affected area. For a complete cure, the following conditions are necessary:

  • Restoration of natural skin protection by acting on disease activating factors.
  • Specialized antifungal therapy with the use of drugs.

If one of the conditions is not met, the pathology cannot be cured. You can get a temporary positive effect on the background of the course of therapy, but there will be a relapse of the disease.

Skin candidiasis is treated by a dermatovenereologist, if necessary, involving other specialists to correct diseases-activators of the fungus.

Reasons for development

The main reason is the decrease in the protection of the whole organism in general and the skin in particular. This leads to many factors and diseases that can be divided into three groups:

    External - contribute to the penetration of the pathogen into the thickness of the skin due to constant trauma, violation of the skin element of immunity and (or) creating favorable conditions for reproduction.

    Internal - diseases, conditions and reactions on the part of the body that act on the general protective background of a person.

    Features of the fungus itself are certain types of pathogen that have more aggressive enzymes to penetrate skin tissues.

External causes Internal causes

Harmful working conditions with constant exposure to high humidity, temperature, detergents (baths, swimming pools, cleaning of premises)

Chronic and long-term acute inflammatory changes on the skin (lichen, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis)

Work with antibacterial drugs at the stage of their packaging (pharmacological production)

Congenital and acquired immunodeficiency states (HIV, pathology of lymphocytes - the main cells of the immune system)

The presence of fungal spores in the workplace (cooking, canneries)

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver (ulcer, Crohn's disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, nephritis)

Synthetic clothing in hot climates

All types of anemia (associated with a lack of vitamin B12, iron or folic acid)

Diapers for children and bedridden people

Pathology of the metabolism of essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes)

Rash in skin folds

Diseases that are associated with a violation of the hormonal background (diabetes of the first and second type, dysfunction of the ovaries, thyroid gland or hormonally active structures in the brain)

Non-natural closed shoes

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of any localization in severe acute or chronic course (sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, enteritis, etc.)

Burns (thermal, chemical, radiation)

Late stage of any severe general somatic diseases (cancer process, insufficient work of the heart, kidneys and liver)

Negative effects of drugs (chemotherapeutic, hormonal, antibacterial)

Childbearing period

Senile (after 75 years) and children's (up to 12–14 years) age

Chronic alcoholism

Types: classification of pathology

According to the area of ​​development of pathological changes

Statistics of candida infection in newborns

By clinical course


The severity of the course of the pathology in terms of the restrictive regimen in the cutaneous form of candidiasis is determined by:

  • localization of the lesion (changes in the folds cause more discomfort);
  • place of work (fungus in the area of ​​​​the hands - in most cases, the reason for suspension from work, if it is related to food, pharmacology or cleaning);
  • the initial state of the body (the extreme stages of any disease have pronounced limitations in terms of any load).

Large skin folds

Most common site of fungal infection Stages of development of skin changes

Groin, perineum and buttocks

Axillary area

Head and neck - with severe obesity

Under the mammary glands

Severe itching, burning, mild discomfort or soreness in the area of ​​the skin fold

The appearance of a whitish area with signs of thickening and loosening of the skin

The formation of a defect in the superficial skin layer in the form of a shiny, moist erosion of a dark cherry color with a white rim of peeling around

Formation of the same defects around the central one with their gradual merging

With prolonged existence, erosion turns into ulcers

Candidiasis of large skin folds (under the mammary glands). Click on the photo to see it in a clearer version

Creases between fingers

candidiasis between fingers

Smooth skin

Smooth skin candidiasis


palm candidiasis

Periungual zone (paronychia)

Nail plate (onychomycosis)

Hair follicles (folliculitis)


Candidiasis of the skin cannot be detected only by the clinical manifestations of the disease. They do not have characteristic features, they are similar to many pathologies of the skin (psoriasis, eczema, lichen, other fungal infections).

To make a correct diagnosis, an additional examination is necessary with the collection of discharge from the affected area.

Diagnostic procedure What do they do

microscopic examination

Paint the material with a special solution

Examining glassware under a microscope

Determine the presence of the fungus at all stages of development

Bacteriological or mycological examination

Sow the resulting material on a nutrient medium

Get a "clean" population of the fungus

Determine the type of fungus and its sensitivity to drugs

Immunological study - rarely performed due to low efficiency

Examine blood from a vein for the presence of immune complexes (antibodies) that the body secretes in pathology

Molecular studies are the most accurate diagnostic method

Fragments of fungal cells, its genetic material in the obtained material are determined

View of nails affected by various types of fungi under a microscope.


Candidiasis of the skin can be cured only if the violation of the body's immunological defenses is completely eliminated. If this is not possible (irreversible immunodeficiencies, unwillingness to exclude predisposing factors) - therapy will give a temporary positive result, but the infection will occur again.

In therapy, preference is given to local forms of antifungal drugs, due to serious negative effects when using tablet options (systemic therapy of the disease).

Local treatment

A drug Release form Dose How many times a day to apply Average duration of treatment in weeks
clotrimazole Cream 1% 5–10 g 2–3 1–6
Gel 1% 5 g 2–4
Solution 1% 2–5 ml 2–4
Ointment 1% 3–5 g 1–5
Natamycin Cream 2% 5–10 g 1–3 1–6
Miconazole Cream 2% 5–10 g 2 2–6

Systemic treatment

When candidiasis of the skin should be treated with tablets, capsules or solution for injection into a vein:

  • chronic, for many years, the course of a fungal infection;
  • incurable predisposing diseases (cancer process, HIV, diabetes, hereditary immunodeficiencies);
  • multiple localization of lesions on the skin;
  • lack of results from local drugs;
  • frequent recurrences of infection.

The average duration of such treatment: 1-6 weeks (any drug).


The terms of treatment of candidal lesions of the skin and its derivatives (nails, hair) depend on:

    From the form of the disease - acute or chronic.

    Pathogen response to treatment.

    Predisposing factors of the disease.

Pathology is treated from one week to several years. Complete recovery occurs in more than 80% of patients with timely treatment and full implementation of the recommendations.

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