A girl helps a guy take a spermogram. Preparation at home

If married couples cannot have a child for a long period of time, despite excellent health and correct image life, both partners should be examined. The first rule to start diagnosing the causes of infertility in a man is to take a spermogram analysis. Many representatives of the male half take a spermogram not only at the stage of preparation for conceiving a child, but also for the purpose of early diagnosis possible problems with health. Timely detection of failures in the body plays an important role in successful treatment. You can learn how to take a spermogram on any thematic Internet resource, but we will tell you in detail how to take a spermogram in our article.

Features of the procedure

Males who encounter this procedure for the first time often have no idea what the rules for the procedure are and what it is. Spermogram is a test in which sperm is analyzed to determine the quality of the ejaculate. In other words, the analysis performed allows us to determine a man’s fertility - the ability to have offspring.

A spermogram is necessary to determine the causes of infertility. Further study of the test results will reveal what needs to be done to improve the quality of the ejaculate. Of course, semen analysis is not the only way to resolve this issue and is one of the examinations conducted in men. Before taking sperm for testing, doctors often ask the patient about the reasons that brought him to the clinic. Further appointments depend on this.

Often, a timely visit to a urologist allows you to identify existing problems early stage, and most importantly, determine their source.

Using a spermogram, existing deviations from the norm are determined, and their cause is determined qualified specialist. To take a spermogram, the subject's semen is required. Moreover, it is advisable to collect ejaculate directly in the clinic under specially prepared conditions. This is due to the fact that the conditions environment have a detrimental effect on sperm viability, and after 30-40 minutes collected material no longer suitable for testing.

Conditions for receiving material

Men undergoing the procedure for the first time often do not know how to take a spermogram so that the results obtained reflect the real picture of their health. There are certain conditions and rules under which sperm donation for analysis is carried out properly.

The rules for taking a spermogram in diagnostic centers are almost the same:

  • Strict abstinence from sexual activity for 3-5 days before the spermogram is taken. Violation of this clause may ultimately result in unreliable data. Sexual activity the day before will significantly affect how much sperm a man can collect.
  • Five days before sperm collection, refrain from smoking and other bad habits.
  • Do not expose the body to high temperatures Before donating sperm, do not visit baths and saunas.
  • Before donating sperm, you must stop taking medications that could affect the test results.

In the evening, as well as in the morning, before you need to take a spermogram, it is recommended to carefully carry out hygienic preparation to exclude the ingress of bacteria or other factors that affect the examination parameters. The specified conditions and rules are mandatory, otherwise you will need to donate ejaculate again.

For some men, deciding to have a spermogram is an emotionally difficult step, given the method of obtaining sperm for research. Obtaining sperm for a spermogram is done by stimulating the male genital organ - masturbation. There is nothing wrong with this, given that taking the test is necessary to establish your health status. In such matters there is no place for embarrassment or other psychological discomfort. You can obtain the material in two ways.

Collection of material in the clinic

Taking a spermogram is quite simple. Thousands of men undergo this procedure every day, and medical staff are responsible for confidentiality. Moreover, modern diagnostic centers strive to create the maximum comfortable conditions for your visitors. The staff of the diagnostic center in mandatory will consult the patient. A special sterile container is purchased at the pharmacy or the clinic itself, into which the sperm is collected. The container should be sterile and have a wide neck for easy collection of sperm.

For more accurate analyzes, sperm must be donated immediately to diagnostic center.

The entire procedure for collecting sperm for testing is done in a special room, which is equipped with:

  • Upholstered furniture.
  • A door with a lock.
  • The table where the container with the ejaculate is left is where the medical staff subsequently takes the sperm for analysis.

In a separate room, the patient, through masturbation, obtains sperm, which is collected in the above container, after which the staff of the diagnostic center takes it for examination.

It should be remembered that sperm should be taken only if the above conditions and rules have been met, otherwise the presence of undesirable elements may be detected in the sperm, which will not allow establishing true picture about the state of health. The test will allow you to determine many indicators that together affect the possibility of fertilization of a female egg.

Preparation at home

Practice shows that donating sperm is at will Men rarely decide to undergo a spermogram, based on the delicacy of the procedure. But in some cases, it is possible to prepare for a spermogram at home, if the very fact of masturbation in a diagnostic center causes moral discomfort or embarrassment.

To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  • It is necessary to use a sterile container with a wide neck, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can use any jar that fits the parameters, but it is recommended to pre-boil it for sterility.
  • It is forbidden to use any lubricants or creams during masturbation.
  • It is unacceptable to collect material by interrupting sexual intercourse or oral sex, in order to avoid microflora elements or bacteria from entering the container. oral cavity women.
  • Observe the temperature conditions for storing the material during transportation - as a rule, this value is equal to the temperature of the human body.
  • The material must be submitted to the clinic within half an hour from the moment of sperm collection.
  • Considering that the volume of ejaculate is one of the indicators of the spermogram, it is important to collect and submit all the material obtained.
  • A sticker containing information about the patient (full name, year of birth) must be attached to the container. Additionally, you can display information about the time of abstinence from sexual intercourse.

If you decide to obtain sperm at home, you need to deliver the material to the laboratory within half an hour.

Knowing how to take a spermogram correctly is very important, since only in this case will you receive accurate information about the state of health. IN currently on the Internet there is a large number of videos or articles containing reviews, rules and conditions, which describe in detail how to take a spermogram correctly, but it is worth remembering that self-medication and incorrect interpretation medical concepts may lead to aggravation of the situation.

Thus, you can take a spermogram at any specialized diagnostic center that provides assistance in family planning. A spermogram can provide enough detailed information about the condition of the patient's sperm. Timely intervention and correct treatment will contribute speedy recovery. Therefore, you need to take a spermogram first of all for a proper examination.

One of the stages of preparing a man for conception can be an assessment of the quality of sperm - a spermogram. This is especially true if naturally it is impossible to conceive a child within a reasonable time (about a year), and all other obstacles to conception are excluded.

What is a spermogram (spermatogram)?

Spermogram is a method of studying sperm to determine its fertility (ability to fertilize). The ability of ejaculate to fertilize is determined by a whole set of indicators. When assessing the quality of sperm, the volume of one ejaculation, its color, acidity, viscosity, liquefaction rate, the number of sperm per unit volume, their mobility, structure, the presence of agglutination (gluing of sperm to each other) and spermatogenic cells, as well as the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, presence of mucus in the sample. An important stage Determining sperm quality is the assessment of sperm morphology to determine the presence of sperm.

How to take a spermogram correctly?

Preparing for a spermogram includes several simple rules.

The analysis is taken after 3-4 days of sexual abstinence (at least 2 days, but no more than 7). During this period of time, it is prohibited to drink alcohol, take medications, or be exposed to severe overheating. Also, before taking the test, a man should not urinate for 2 hours.

If the spermogram is taken again, you should observe the same period of abstinence from sexual intercourse as the first time so that the results are more indicative.

How is a spermogram taken?

To take a spermogram, a man is provided with a separate room, or a part of the room separated by a screen. A sperm sample is obtained through masturbation. To make the process easier, you can invite your partner with you or use appropriate magazines (or videos, if the sperm test room in the medical center is equipped with a video player).

When taking a spermogram, it is necessary to collect all the sperm obtained during ejaculation (this is important when assessing the quantitative parameters of the sample). The ejaculate is collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy (a regular container for urine tests), a special sterile container for sperm, or other containers offered by a medical institution. The use of condoms to collect materials for analysis is not allowed, since lubricant and other components of these contraceptives can negatively affect the interpretation of the result. It is also not recommended to use the method of interrupted coitus to stimulate ejaculation - to avoid getting vaginal microflora into the sample for analysis.

If it is psychologically difficult for a man to get tested at a medical center, it is possible to collect material for analysis at home (the requirements for the container are the same). Your name should be written on the container, exact time and date of analysis. It is advisable to deliver the container with ejaculate to the laboratory within 20 minutes after ejaculation. During transportation, the container must be kept at a temperature of +27°С...+37°С (the most the best option– close to the body, under the armpit). Some medical centers provide a courier delivery service for a container with an analysis to the clinic - you should collect the ejaculate into a container by masturbation 15 minutes before the courier arrives, in order to minimize the time between ejaculation and the analysis.

If masturbation was successful, but no ejaculate was obtained, you must immediately urinate and submit all urine obtained for analysis.

In any case, the laboratory specialist must begin the analysis no later than 2 hours after ejaculation, later the results of the analysis will be uninformative (incorrect).

If there is a deviation from the reference values, it is necessary to repeat the analysis after 7-10 days. If the repeated analysis confirms the results, then to find out the reasons for the deviation from the norm, the man should consult an andrologist.

The first thing the doctor recommends is a semen analysis, which allows you to identify problems. A spermogram determines the motility and number of sperm in the ejaculate, as well as the presence of infections and diseases, which can also cause disorders reproductive function men.


In order to pass this test, you must follow some rules for 3-4 days. Should be abandoned medicines And alcoholic drinks for this period. Beer should also not be consumed, even if it replaces water. It is also necessary to exclude sexual intercourse on these days. Then the results of the analysis will be more objective. When pathological changes in the semen, it is recommended to undergo a spermogram again for a more detailed consideration of the situation.
Two or three times at intervals of several weeks.

How to take it

There are several options for obtaining sperm for analysis. But masturbation is optimal for objectivity. Despite the fact that this method is the least liked, doctors strongly recommend it, since sperm from a condom, reacting with its components, can give a distorted analysis result. Also, the method with interrupted coitus is not the best. In this case, the partner’s cells become part of the seed, which also reduces the accuracy of the indicators.

It should be noted that no more than an hour should pass from the moment of ejaculation to the analysis. The optimal temperature, ensuring the life of sperm, is 20-36 degrees. Otherwise, they die very quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to take a spermogram in the room where the laboratory is located. In this case, you will not need to worry about transportation.
It is very important that the entire ejaculate gets into the laboratory glassware, since the loss of even a small part of it can lead to a distorted research result.

The loss of the first portion is especially undesirable.

Men's fears

Despite the fact that this procedure is absolutely painless, many men have doubts and fear before donating sperm. The thought that someone will see and find out, or the fact that there will be a line out the door, can discourage you from going to the clinic. But it should be remembered that problems with conception can be associated with both the woman and the woman. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a doctor, but get down to business right away. The time that was spent on unfounded fears, could be put to good use.

Human sperm analysis is easy to do, cheap, not too inconvenient, and immediately tells the doctor how many sperm are present (total count), whether they are moving (their motility), and if so, how well and what they look like (their morphology).

Other aspects of the examination include determining the volume and consistency of semen production, whether there is infection in the genital tract, and whether antibodies are present against semen components.

When results are received laboratory research semen, and taking into account other related information (for example, the period of abstinence before collection, the time interval between collection of the sperm sample and its delivery to the laboratory, how it was collected and whether there was any error), an assessment of the fertility of the man being examined can be given. Often more than one test is required because testicular function is a very sensitive indicator general condition health and since sperm are produced over a period of ten weeks, many factors can affect their production. In addition to azoospermia ( complete absence sperm) not a single parameter of semen analysis can be a reason for making a diagnosis of infertility; this diagnosis can be confirmed only after all combinations of factors have been taken into account, including background health and psycho-emotional state.

It is normal to feel a little uncomfortable when submitting a semen sample for analysis. By and large, people describe the experience as uncomfortable and awkward. The conditions under which everything takes place are far from ideal: everything is performed “on demand,” most likely in a faceless, sterile environment, what is usually private is “known” by the clinic staff, and upon completion of the procedure, the resulting sample is handed over to a laboratory technician.

But perhaps knowing what and how exactly happens when submitting a semen sample for analysis will help reduce stiffness and wariness. You just need to remember all the time that this is science and nothing more. And also the fact that nurses and clinic staff work with this every day, several times a day, 365 days a year. What seems incredible and very awkward for some, is just routine work for others.

Typically, semen testing is performed by a specialist who will literally take a drop of the sample, place it on a microscope slide, and analyze it under a microscope (where sperm can be donated). A number of factors, including the experience of the technicians, the method used, and the equipment used, can affect the quality of the results.

Because sperm is relatively fragile, sample collection and processing will also affect the quality of the test results. If the sample is left in the container for too long, the sperm will begin to die and break down. If part of the sample is not collected, volume and quantity measurements will be inaccurate.

It is important to follow the instructions to ensure that the semen sample is collected correctly. This will help you get the most exact result and avoid unnecessary worries and additional manipulations.

Preparing to submit a perma sample

Abstinate for 2-5 days before collecting a semen sample. You can donate sperm for analysis if at least 2 days have passed since the last ejaculation, but no more than 7-10 days.

The testicle continually produces sperm, which are stored in a long tube-like structure called the epididymis. During ejaculation, the epididymis is emptied and fresh sperm enters it. It takes 2-3 days to completely fill the epididymis. Testing too soon after ejaculation will usually show a lower sperm count.

So, waiting longer is better, right? Not really. Sperm cells have a limited lifespan inside the testicle (3 weeks). When ejaculations are not frequent, sperm begin to die and break down inside the body. To get the full picture of how healthy a man's sperm is, you really want to look into researching the "new batch." In the week or two before the semen analysis, it is recommended to "clean the pipes" with more frequent ejaculations to get rid of dead cells and fragments. You then need to wait a few days to allow the epididymis to fill with fresh sperm.

Avoid overheating. During the week before the test, you need to do everything possible to avoid overheating your testicles, which will lead to massive casualties among the “troops”. Avoid hot baths, saunas, grills, laptop heat, and the like. Brief exposure to high temperatures a few days before semen analysis can cause premature cell death and affect cell motility. Prolonged exposure to heat such as fever, frequent use hot bath, long periods Sitting, occupational heat exposure or the use of laptops can impair sperm production. Unfortunately, it is impossible to quickly decide (how much sperm is needed to get pregnant). It will take about two and a half months for normal sperm production to resume. However, if you have a history of prolonged exposure to high temperatures or fever in the past three months, it is worth mentioning this to your doctor.

  • Giving up bad habits to avoid changes in the quality, morphology and quantity of sperm in the ejaculate.
  • Refrain from drinking stimulating drinks rich in caffeine, strong tea, coffee, the day before the test.
  • Avoid fatty, fried foods, which negatively affect the quality of seminal fluid. Give preference to a diet rich in proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and vitamins.
  • If collecting a sperm sample will be carried out at home, then it is necessary to prepare a clean, sterile container in advance and check the opening hours of the laboratory.

How to collect a seed sample

  • It is necessary to clean the head of the penis with a soap solution and damp towels or cotton swabs (how much money do they give for donating sperm). Pull back foreskin and clean the area underneath. Rinse the cleaned area with a new damp towel or cotton swab soaked in plain water.
  • Dry your penis thoroughly before collecting a semen sample.
  • Hands should also be washed thoroughly with soap and dry.
  • Remove the cap from the sample collection container. Make sure the container is clean and dry.
  • The sample must be collected into a container through masturbation.
  • Lubricants or condoms should not be used when collecting the sample. They can damage sperm and affect test results.
  • If pubic hair or threads from clothing fall into the container, do not remove them. Lab technicians will remove them using clean instruments.
  • Screw the lid on the container and make sure it is closed tightly.
  • Do not store the sample under direct sun rays and let it cool or freeze. If it is cold on the day of sperm donation, it is necessary to carry the container with the sperm sample close to the body so that it is as close to body temperature as possible. Sperm should not be frozen.

Donating sperm via masturbation can be a very stressful time for some men (especially when they know their numbers are low, or if they have had trouble masturbating “on demand” for sperm analysis in the past). Collecting sperm samples for analysis can be ethically and emotionally uncomfortable. Most cultures and religions have special rules or customs related to sex, masturbation and procreation.

However, men who have this problem can and should seek help. Of course, their partner can help them with a sperm test, but they can also use a sexually arousing video or a mechanical vibrator to help them get an erection. Some men also find it helpful to use liquid paraffin to provide lubrication during masturbation, while others use Viagra for extra help.

The most high concentration sperm is found in the first drops of ejaculate. For this reason, most clinics prefer that the man obtain the sample without the help of his partner. If, however, the collection of ejaculate occurs with the participation of a partner, then it would be correct to purchase a special condom designed for these purposes. Conventional condoms are designed to destroy sperm and contain spermicidal substances in the lubricant. Do not use them when collecting a test sample, otherwise the test will be obviously incorrect. Special condoms are designed to keep sperm healthy and can be obtained from your doctor or purchased online.

If the patient has severe male infertility, which leads to a small number of sperm or their absence in the ejaculate, then it may be necessary surgical procedure, such as microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) or testicular sperm extraction (TESA).

A spermogram is an analysis of male seminal fluid, which allows one to analyze the qualitative and quantitative composition ejaculate.

Sperm for analysis (seminal fluid donor announcement) should only be taken in medical institutions, be it a laboratory, clinic, agency or sperm donor bank. Delivery process in progress in the following way: the man goes to a special private room, receives a sterile container for collecting ejaculate and, through masturbation, begins the process of taking a spermogram.

The nurse’s assistance when taking a spermogram is that she provides the man with a reminder for sperm donation, a sterile container with a lid for review, and leads him to a special room. As a rule, there is a laptop in the room on which a man can watch videos of an intimate nature.

At least 3, maximum 7 days before donating sperm, a man must adhere to some rules, which are called “memo for donating sperm”:

  1. On average, 4-5 days before donating semen for analysis, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse, masturbation, as well as from watching erotic films in order to avoid overexcitation and, as a result, wet dreams.
  2. Visits to baths, saunas, hot baths, intense physical exercise. This is due to the fact that an increase in temperature in the scrotum negatively affects the process of seminal fluid formation and the characteristics of sperm. But we should not forget that hypothermia has an equally negative effect on spermatogenesis.
  3. Bad habits, such as frequent alcohol abuse, smoking, taking psychostimulants and narcotic substances, are strictly contraindicated to submit sperm for analysis.
  4. Fever, flu, ARVI and other diseases are also contraindications for sperm donation. Also, taking any medications is prohibited. If, after all, the man passed seminal fluid, then the result in this case will show an increased number of leukocytes, indicating a disease, and then the analysis will be tedious to retake several times.
  5. From eating with increased amount Protein the day before donating sperm should also be abandoned, since in this case the protein will be increased in the seminal fluid, after which the sperm will need to be re-donated and analyzed again.
  6. Before donating semen, be sure to wash your penis with soap so that microflora that can distort the spermogram data does not get into the ejaculate.
  7. It is forbidden to touch anything while taking a spermogram. internal walls sterile container.
  8. It is necessary that all the ejaculate gets into the container, especially the first portion. This is necessary so that the doctor examines the entire portion of seminal fluid and makes the correct medical conclusion.

Note! You cannot collect sperm in a container after interrupted sexual intercourse, since sperm will enter the sterile container with elements of the female vaginal microflora ( donor egg pros and cons) is unacceptable due to distortion of the research results. Also, it is forbidden to collect sperm in a container after ejaculation into a condom, since interaction with chemical elements using a condom may negatively affect the quality of semen. Another important aspect is that sperm remain viable only at a temperature of 20-36 degrees, given this fact, long-term transportation without compliance temperature regime leads to the death of sperm. Therefore, semen should be donated only to medical institution, where she will immediately go for laboratory testing.

Thus, we see that the memo for taking a spermogram (donor maternity) contains requirements that are not so difficult to fulfill. The result of the medical examination depends on compliance with all the nuances and correctly donated seminal fluid.

Normal sperm parameters:

  1. Volume – 3-5 ml.
  2. Color – white, yellowish, grayish.
  3. pH – 7.2 – 7.8.
  4. Liquefaction time – up to 60 minutes.
  5. Viscosity – up to 0.5 cm.
  6. The concentration of sperm is more than 20 million in 1 milliliter.




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