What to apply to a child's pierced ears. How to treat ears after piercing with a gun: basic rules and recommendations

Feminine essence young princesses inherent in the subconscious by nature itself. Looking at mom or older sister, a little girl dreams of growing up and looking just as attractive: dressing fashionably, having a stylish hairstyle - in a word, being beautiful. Jewelry is an integral part of a woman’s modern image, which is why many girls have dreamed of earrings since childhood.

How and what to pierce children's ears: rules for safe choice

It's time to go to the beauty salon. Parents and child are prepared morally, the decision is thoughtful and balanced. However, a new dilemma arises: what instrument should I use to pierce my ears? We propose to consider in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of methods for performing this procedure.

Medical pistol

On this moment This is the most popular method of ear piercing, but not the best. The use of a medical pistol is not recommended for children. Due to the fact that the tip of the earring is not sharp enough, the tissue of the earlobe breaks under the force of pressure. The wound is torn and takes a long time to heal. Despite the disadvantages described above, the method is very popular, and it is also the most budget-friendly.

Special needle catheters

In this case, the puncture is done manually with a needle. IN Lately this technique has lost its popularity, many prefer more modern technologies, but this method also has its adherents. Depending on the client’s age, a needle of the required thickness is selected.

The advantage of this method is that piercing the ears with needles is less painful. This is explained by the fact that the needle has a very thin and sharp tip, which, in contact with the skin, smoothly and accurately enters soft fabrics. Wounds from a puncture with a needle heal much faster, and it is much easier to disinfect the needle. There is another advantage - you can put on any earrings.

The downside is that children may have unpleasant associations when they see a needle. In addition, inserting the earrings after the piercing will be quite noticeable. If your baby is brave, then you can use this method.

Manual pressure system "Inverness"

Perhaps this the only system manual pressure, which is recommended for very young children. It is the one preferred by doctors throughout the civilized world. When a puncture occurs in the tissue, a hole with a diameter of less than 1 mm is formed thanks to special very thin needles.

Disposable sterile earring needles are located in cartridges that are not visible to the child. They immediately fasten automatically when punctured, and the lock-cap reliably closes the needle part of the earring, thereby preventing injury.

The medical steel from which the earrings are made is deeply cleaned and does not contain harmful chemical compounds. The procedure is silent and almost painless, and the technology for carrying it out is the same as when using a gun.

System 75

There is also a springless System 75, which is also quite safe and recommended for use by small children. The tool resembles a stapler, works quickly, silently and has a sterile, disposable working part. However, it has its drawbacks:

  • the open needle is not sharp enough;
  • there is nickel in the composition of surgical steel;
  • The lock does not close the needle at the back.

What to put in your ear after a piercing?

If the ear piercing procedure was carried out using a medical pistol, System 75 or Inverness system, the problem of choosing earrings practically does not exist. Each listed tool comes with its own set of stud earrings, and the difficulty lies only in choosing a design.

All earrings are made of surgical or medical steel, which is optimal for children's ears. The material of the earrings is good because it practically does not oxidize and does not cause suppuration and inflammation of the wound. IN in rare cases may arise allergic reaction, but mostly the ears of little fashionistas heal easily and quickly.

Using a needle opens up more freedom in choosing jewelry. Previously, parents tried to put gold or silver earrings on their children, but modern scientists have long proven that precious metals are not the most the best option. It is better to give preference to a product made of titanium alloy.

Based on how the process will begin healing, after about a month or two, steel studs can be replaced with gold or silver earrings, but it is not recommended for children to wear jewelry.

As for size and weight, for little girls, undoubtedly, small jewelry in the shape of hearts, droplets, leaves, etc. is best suited. It is desirable that the products be light in weight, have a neat shape (do not catch hair and clothes), and also be equipped with a secure clasp.

Wound care products

What and how to properly treat children’s ears after a piercing? There are many known antiseptics used for wound healing. Besides alcohol, the most accessible is Chlorhexidine. You can use Miramistin, and in no case use brilliant green or iodine.

To process, soak a cotton swab in disinfectant, treat the wound and the part of the earring that touches the puncture site. This procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening.

It is advisable to rotate the earrings more often, but this can be painful for the child, so to eliminate this need, you can use medical glue. It will prevent the wound from becoming inflamed and prevent infection. How to properly treat a child's pierced ears, see the video in more detail.

How many days will it take for the puncture to heal?

How many days does it take for a wound to heal after a puncture? This is an individual process, but on average it takes from two weeks to a month. During this time, you need to treat the puncture site every day, trying to prevent infection. It is recommended to avoid contact of the ears with water, and also to ensure that the child does not touch them with his hands.

What to do if the wound does not heal and festeres?

If enough time has passed and the ears do not heal, but, on the contrary, become inflamed and festered, do not panic. It is advisable to immediately contact a medical facility, but you can try to cope with the problem at home:

  • treat wounds up to 4–5 times a day;
  • before treatment, clean the inflamed area with potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • smear the suppuration with an antibacterial ointment such as Levomekol or Fastin.

There are also traditional methods cope with suppuration:

  1. A cut aloe leaf must be attached to the inflamed area using a patch. Replace every two hours with a new one. Repeat several times.
  2. Melted resin helps a lot coniferous tree, diluted in equal proportions with butter. The number of treatments is 2–3 times a day.
  3. Treatment is also effective saline solution. It's better to use sea salt. A pinch of salt should be dissolved in boiled water and do baths for five minutes. Repeat the procedure at least twice a day until improvement.

Pay great attention to the health of your little beauty. Let her joy from the opportunity to wear earrings not be overshadowed by anything.

Girls, tell me! I pierced my ears with my daughter 2 months ago with a pistol dental clinic. We wore carnations made of medical material, as advised - for 2 months, everything was fine, we treated them with miramistin for a week. After removal, they discovered what looked like rod-like lumps at the puncture site for both me and my daughter! My daughter has really inflamed, big ones. We visited the surgeon and he said to put bandages with levomekol for 2 days so that the pus would come out. It’s been 4 days now, the pus has gone - but there is no improvement (((What did we do wrong??? Why are the ears...

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Where and how to pierce a child's ears

A useful article for those who are planning to get their ears pierced) Where do ears get pierced? Of course, specialists will pierce your ears quickly and painlessly. The choice should fall on a proven salon or medical Center, where this procedure will be carried out by professional cosmetologists who know where to make the correct and beautiful puncture, how to do it quickly and without pain. Be sure to ask if the master has medical education. Cosmetologists without the appropriate “crust” do not have the right to pierce ears. And under no circumstances allow those who are not involved in making punctures...

Ear piercing tool: earlobe gun (for example, from Studex) with an attachment corresponding to the size of the earring.
Earrings: sterile studs (needle earrings) with a clasp.
Treatment before ear piercing: Before marking, the earlobes are wiped with alcohol.

Where to pierce your ear?

The puncture site is in the center of the earlobe. Most often, the lobe is conventionally divided into 9 squares, and the puncture is made in the center of the middle square. The point is made with an aseptic marker.

Ear piercing technique: the pistol is “cocked” and the earring is “loaded” into it (the technique of this procedure is described in great detail in the instructions for the pistol).

The gun has a free stroke, during which there is no click. This is necessary to fix the earlobe and bring the tip of the needle earring to the intended puncture point. If everything is ready and the point is at the tip of the needle, we overcome the resistance of the “trigger” and the gun fires. The earring is fastened in the ear. Using a downward movement, remove the gun from the earlobe.

After ear piercing

The healing of the puncture and the formation of the channel takes 2 weeks, after which you can change the jewelry. It is recommended to apply chlorhexidine bigluconate to the puncture area and decoration 2-3 times a day for two weeks. you should move and scroll so that the solution gets onto the earring rod and into the canal.

Give the client a photocopy of instructions for caring for the puncture site.

Care instructions after ear piercing with a gun

  1. Do not remove needle earrings for 2 weeks.
  2. In the first 3 days after ear piercing, refrain from visiting the pool, bathhouse, or swimming in reservoirs.
  3. Every day, morning and evening, for 2 weeks, treat the puncture site with a special antiseptic or chlorhexidine digluconate. The product must be applied so that it reaches the needle entry and exit points, as well as into the canal. During processing, it is necessary to scroll the earring and move it in the channel.
  4. You cannot treat the puncture site with alcohol - tissue burns may occur.
  5. After a shower, sports activities, baths and swimming, treat the ear piercing site additionally.
  6. After 2 weeks, you can remove the needle earrings and exchange them for other jewelry. The first time the fastener is removed with a certain amount of effort.
  7. If you like the needle earrings, you can wear them all the time.
  8. If there is redness, swelling around the earring, pain or discharge, you should immediately remove the earring and contact the specialist who performed the piercing.

Piercing the ears with a gun is the easiest and most safe method. In this case, the earring is automatically inserted into the ear, which prevents pathogens from entering the wound. But after such a procedure it is necessary proper care for punctures.

Treatment of ears after piercing

Ear care after piercing

In the first days after the procedure, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Earrings that were used during the piercing should not be removed for at least two weeks. If you are satisfied with their design, then it is quite possible to leave them for a longer period.

3. How to treat ears after piercing with a gun? Every morning you need to wipe the puncture site with a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic. Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide are excellent for these purposes. But it is better to avoid using alcohol-containing products, as they can cause a burn.

4. If you notice that the wound begins to turn red, wash it weak solution potassium permanganate. This procedure should be repeated until complete healing.

5. If you are getting your ears pierced winter time, carefully monitor the cleanliness of the headdress you wear. A dirty cap or hat can cause the wound to become infected.

6. Try to put your hair in a bun. Loose hair can lead to infection in the wound.

These simple measures will help your punctures heal faster.

Ear piercing with a gun: daily care

After a month after the piercing, the earrings can be removed for a while. This way you can carefully treat the wound. If you notice a little pus, don't be alarmed, this is a completely natural process.

The earrings can be replaced after two months. Give preference to products from noble metals. Be careful not to have an allergic reaction. At the first sign of it, replace your earrings immediately.

How to treat a child’s ears after a piercing to avoid complications? After piercing, ears need to be treated antiseptic drugs If this procedure is neglected, the wound can become inflamed, pus and slight bleeding will appear.

Features of ear piercing

Ear piercing is a responsible procedure; to avoid complications, you should know the specifics of the procedure.

When starting the procedure, masters or parents are required to take into account several factors.

Piercing of children's ears must be carried out only in specialized salons, using sterile instruments; it is not recommended to perform the manipulation yourself.

The first decoration after piercing should be carnations, not causing allergies, they must be made of high-quality surgical steel. If the wound does not fester and there are no complications, after a month and a half, parents can insert light weight gold earrings.

Silver earrings cannot be used until the wound has completely healed. The limitation is due to the fact that upon contact with blood, oxidation of silver occurs, this process reduces the healing rate.

After the piercing is performed, the wound should be carefully treated with disinfectants for several weeks.

In some situations, it is better to postpone the puncture or completely abandon this procedure. Ear piercing is not recommended if a person has a medical condition such as eczema or dermatitis or has problems with functioning endocrine system. The procedure should be postponed until the end of viral and infectious diseases.

Treatment of ears after piercing

Ears after a piercing will need to be treated not only immediately after the piercing. The wound is susceptible to infection for a month; germs and bacteria can enter it.

The following liquids are suitable for carrying out the procedure at home:

  • medical alcohol;
  • (3%);
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate.

You should treat your ears twice a day, additional procedure required after showering, walking, touching ears with dirty hands. Caring for your ears involves regularly doing the following:

  • The earring is rotated in the ear several times a day; hands should be washed thoroughly beforehand; earrings should not be removed during this period.
  • Wipe the puncture site with the above-mentioned antiseptics twice a day.
  • Only a month after the earring is pierced, it is necessary to remove the hole in the ear and thoroughly treat the earring itself with hydrogen peroxide.

Developed special remedy, which helps care for pierced ears is medical glue. It is applied to the puncture site; nothing else needs to be done until the product comes off on its own.

Everyone's wound heals differently: for some it heals within a week, for others it will take two weeks to heal. During the cold season, the wound will take longer to heal; people often suffer from the appearance of pus if they have poor blood clotting.

What to do if your ears fester after a piercing

Often the ears fester if the wound has become infected or because of poor-quality material from which the earrings are made. Suppuration can cause the earring to lock, especially if it excessively compresses the earlobe.

If you do not take any action, there is a high risk of developing severe complications. When pus appears from the hole in the lobe, the child experiences painful sensations in the lobe, you should begin eliminating inflammatory process, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In such cases, treating the ears with an antiseptic should be carried out up to 10 times a day.

The course of treatment for wound suppuration includes the use of the following medications:

  • Boric alcohol.
  • Dioxysol solution.
  • After treatment with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory ointments are applied: Levomekol, Aekol, Acerbin, Batoxin.
  • Masters often use antibacterial ointments: Tetracycline, Miramistin.
A drugPhotoPrice
from 122 rub.
from 114 rub.
from 369 rub.
from 60 rub.
from 197 rub.

Can be used as complementary therapy recipes traditional medicine. To reduce inflammation, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Cut and apply to the wound, secure with adhesive tape, squeeze out aloe juice and make compresses.
  • Has excellent disinfecting properties sea ​​salt, it is dissolved in warm water, the resulting solution is washed with the earlobes.
  • If you apply a plantain leaf to the affected area, it will draw out the accumulated pus.

If the process becomes complicated, it is necessary to consult a doctor again to establish the reason why the wound festered and to adjust the course of treatment.

What metal should earrings be made of?

You should be very careful when purchasing earrings for children; not every material is suitable as your first earrings. It is better to give preference to earrings made of quality materials.

The most popular are earrings made of gold; the higher the standard, the fewer impurities there will be in the product, the safer the earrings will be. But low purity gold is different high strength, such earrings should be worn as soon as the wounds have healed.

The ideal option would be earrings made of medical steel; this material is processed with a vacuum, due to which it is safe and never causes irritation, inflammation or allergic reactions.

Earrings made of titanium are also characterized by safety, they are hypoallergenic, do not cause complications after a puncture, and the cost of titanium products is low.

Platinum is an expensive material, but it is good for sensitive ears.

Modern craftsmen often suggest using plastic jewelry for initial stage. But the material must be of the highest quality; plastic earrings can be different shapes and colors, children really like these earrings.

Earrings made of aluminum, copper, and tungsten will not harm your health. But it is better to avoid cobalt - it contains nickel, the material does not promote rapid healing.

Children's ears after piercing require special care. After the procedure, daily treatment will be required. If safety precautions are followed properly, the wound is cared for correctly, there will be no complications, and healing will occur very quickly.

Video: Care after a piercing



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