The dog has some kind of tumor under the muzzle. Causes of peripheral edema

Swelling of the muzzle in a dog can cause shock and, at a minimum, fear in the owners. The main thing is not to lose self-control. You should immediately go to the nearest veterinary clinic.

Causes of swelling of the muzzle

There are too many reasons for the reaction. There may be excess accumulation of fluid in one half or the entire muzzle. Most often this manifests itself due to:

  • Infection / diffuse purulent inflammation of the fiber, connective tissue;
  • Paracetamol poisoning;
  • Sinyakov;
  • Pathologies represented by newly formed tissue;
  • Inflammation of muscle tissue.

When your pet has fluid buildup and you don't know what to do, seek advice from friends or other unverified sources, it's important not to self-medicate. Experiments are often fatal, so every minute counts. Pathology is not the norm, and there are a lot of reasons for its formation. The results of self-treatment often only exacerbate the situation.

First aid for swelling

Often there are circumstances when it is impossible to quickly go to a specialist for help. It is necessary to have a minimum knowledge of first aid for a pet.

Carry out visual diagnostics:

  1. Where is the swelling located: on the left, right side of the muzzle, the larynx, tongue, eyeballs and gums are affected;
  2. How does the pet breathe: normal or often with signs of asphyxia;
  3. The presence of visual damage: bites, lacerations or other deformities;
  4. Whether swellings are diagnosed: allergic rash, other purulent or usual rashes;
  5. How dense is the edema: uniform or with the presence of different seals;

Determine what caused the accumulation of fluid:

  • Diet change;
  • Walks in the fields or in the forest;
  • Possible contact with dangerous insects or snakes, fights with other pets or predators;
  • Reception of pharmacological agents or an injection.

The study and analysis of information will determine the cause of the problem and choose a method of treatment.

Swollen muzzle in dog after vaccination

There are no options to vaccinate or refuse it. This is the only way to protect your dog from a contagious disease that affects the nervous system, other viral or bacterial infections. During immunization, active, viral strains are introduced into the animal's body.

Complications may appear in the first few days after the administration of the drug, a post-vaccination reaction is observed. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of dangerous complications, the first 7 days should be monitored by the general well-being of the pet.

Dogs tolerate artificial immunization well. Immunobiological agents that are put on the market, in exceptional cases, provoke negative reactions. But, it is not recommended to exclude that after the introduction of even a high-quality drug, subject to all the rules, there may be consequences for the dog, which are conventionally divided into local and general.

The reaction to the drug appears half an hour after its administration (in rare cases, after 24 hours). It all depends on the personal characteristics of physiology.

Swelling of the face is not a classic reaction to immunization, and is diagnosed in 10 percent of cases. In addition, respiratory function may be disturbed, the heart rhythm may change. Without first aid, the swelling will spread down the throat and can lead to suffocation. If you do not quickly help the animal, swelling will be fatal.

The injection site of the immunological preparation must be washed with water and an antiseptic applied. The most common peroxide or chlorhexidine will do. Veterinarians, before carrying out all the planned manipulations, give the animal antihistamines.

Swollen muzzle of an animal after a bite

During summer walks, the animal can be bitten by various insects, stray dogs or wild animals. A mosquito bite leads to the development of hives or swelling of the face. It is important to give the pet any antihistamine (you can also take what the person takes).

Edema can be of varying complexity. Depending on the condition of the pet, such drugs are recommended.

If the swelling has not spread to the pharynx, then active substances are recommended: suprastin, phencarol, tavegil, diazolin, furosemide, dehydratine. If the swelling has spread to the pharynx and the animal has asphyxia, then effective measures are necessary. It is better to give the animal an injection:

  • Prednisolone or its analogue from the class of corticosteroids. The drug is administered intramuscularly;
  • Atropine under the skin;
  • Take the animal to the veterinarian immediately.

A symptom characteristic of an angioedema allergic reaction leading to asphyxia. The development of edema occurs rapidly and has a genetic origin, the exacerbation of which occurs as a reaction of the body to the penetration of an allergen.

Why does the dog's muzzle swell and it itches

If the animal has a reaction, and at the same time, injuries and inflammation of simple or skeletal muscles are excluded. It is distinguished by a partial manifestation of swelling in the area of ​​the cheekbones, which manifests itself as a result of:

  • Chronic injuries, as well as infectious processes;
  • Allergies.

Most often, swelling is accompanied by pain, an increase in temperature, and the formation of bumps with pus. Treatment depends on the diagnostic results that are performed in a hospital setting.

The appearance of various neoplasms that have a different nature: benign or malignant. Often, the visual symptoms of the disease are similar to allergies, but the use of classic drugs does not bring results. This affects:

  • larynx, organs of the respiratory system;
  • bone tissues and muscles.

Neoplasms are subject to accurate diagnosis, which is carried out in the laboratory during:

  1. general analyzes, as well as biopsies of the necessary tissues;
  2. research using ultrasound and magnetic radiation.

Determining the cause of swelling and itching at an early stage increases the likelihood of a successful course of the disease and a quick recovery. In the advanced stage, the animal is extremely difficult to save.

What if the dog's muzzle is only half swollen

The symptom makes itself felt with hematomas and various injuries. The accumulation of fluid occurs on one side of the muzzle. Swelling can occur as a result of an insect bite, and treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If an infection is found, the doctor will cut open and clean the swollen area.

If the swelling on the right or left side is due to an allergic reaction, antihistamines or corticosteroids will be needed. If the tumor is caused by a malignant tumor, treatment will depend on the type of tumor. With inflammation of the skeletal muscles, the swollen area is treated with anti-inflammatory ointments.

For first aid:

  • An anesthetic is injected;
  • A breathing tube is placed through the mouth or a tracheostomy is performed. Thus, the animal manages to be provided with oxygen;
  • If necessary, drugs are administered by drip.

Most likely, the owners will not be able to do the listed manipulations on their own. The conclusion is simple: if swelling appears on the face of your pet, take him to the veterinary clinic.

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intensive care doctor

Edema is an abnormal, excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues surrounding the cells of the body.

peripheral edema called edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It should be distinguished from pulmonary edema and cerebral edema, edema of other internal organs, as well as accumulation of fluid in the serous cavities - the chest cavity (hydrothorax) and the abdominal cavity (ascites). The beginning, mild swelling is usually invisible to the owner, but the doctor may pay attention to it, especially if he sees the animal not for the first time. The developing peripheral edema is especially noticeable on the paws and, to a lesser extent, on the abdomen and muzzle.

Causes of peripheral edema

Peripheral edema is not a disease, but only a symptom that occurs due to excess fluid from the vessels. Peripheral edema can be local (limited) or generalized (throughout the body). According to the degree of severity, pastosity (mild edema), pronounced edema and anasarca (sharply pronounced generalized edema) are distinguished. Peripheral edema can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Increased permeability of the vascular wall caused by the action of inflammatory mediators and bacterial toxins on it. Inflammatory mediators are special substances secreted from special cells called mast cells, or basophils. Such edema occurs around a traumatic skin lesion or other inflammatory focus, and is an integral component of inflammation. The body's generalized response to infection, or sepsis, is also accompanied by a massive release of inflammatory mediators and can lead to generalized edema. Local swelling on the face and neck, along with redness of the skin and mucous membranes, may accompany acutely developing allergic reactions. The same can happen with an insect bite - a wasp, a bee, a horsefly.
  • The fluid in the vessels is retained largely due to the oncotic pressure created by blood proteins, mainly albumin. With a significant decrease in albumin in the blood (less than 20 g / l) and a drop in oncotic pressure, peripheral edema may also occur. Albumin in the blood may decrease with a lack of its production by the liver (prolonged insufficient feeding or severe liver diseases: hepatitis, liver tumors, cirrhosis, lipidosis, etc.), or increased protein loss through the kidneys (with acute renal failure and chronic renal failure) or through the gastrointestinal tract with prolonged and severe diarrhea (diarrhea).
  • Fluid can penetrate more through the vascular wall with an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the vessels, which occurs due to the retention of fluid and sodium in the body or due to a slowdown in blood flow in the vessels. This is rare in severe congestive heart failure or kidney failure.
  • The fluid in the interstitium, between the cells, is also in motion, and flows through the lymphatic vessels, then flowing into the veins. Obstructions leading to impaired outflow through the lymphatic vessels can also lead to peripheral edema. For example, this happens with inflammation of the lymphatic vessels (lymphadenitis), their compression, removal of lymph nodes during oncological operations.

Diagnosis and treatment

From the foregoing, it is clear that the treatment of edema is, first of all, the treatment of the underlying disease that caused the edema.

  • It is relatively easy to recognize the causes of edema associated with local inflammation or trauma. In this case, measures are taken to treat the cause of inflammation - most often antibiotics and antiseptics. Chronic joint damage (arthrosis), with a significant load, can also lead to inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the joint and paw.
  • Swelling of the face or neck (angioedema), which is a symptom of an allergy, can be life-threatening, in which case the animal should be brought to the clinic immediately. It is important to know that antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, suprastin, and others are rarely effective in dogs and cats, and their effectiveness cannot be predicted, so the first aid for Quincke's edema is the restoration of airway patency, if it is impaired, adrenaline, because it inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells, and steroid hormones (prednisolone or dexamethasone), because they inhibit allergic reactions at all stages of their development. Quincke's edema rarely develops on drugs given orally, mainly on those administered parenterally, that is, by injection.
    The drug that caused the allergy should not be administered in the future - tell all the doctors who will treat your animal in the future.
  • Edema due to low blood albumin can be diagnosed by measuring albumin and total protein levels (blood chemistry). Low albumin levels can be corrected by intravenous human albumin administration, good nutrition. In addition, the transfusion of colloidal solutions (refortan, infucol) and the careful use of diuretics can help in the fight against peripheral edema.
    Do not forget that this type of peripheral edema is also only a symptom, and if your animal does not have a clear cause of protein loss (malnutrition or diarrhea), it is necessary to examine the internal organs (liver, kidneys) - this is also used for a biochemical blood test, ultrasound , general urine analysis.
  • Peripheral edema due to chronic heart failure is quite rare, however, when taking an animal with edema, the doctor must, at least on the basis of examination data (palpation of the pulse, auscultation of the heart, examination of the mucous membranes), form an opinion about the work of the heart.
  • Local edema due to impaired venous and lymphatic drainage is also quite rare. You may encounter this type of edema, for example, if an intravenous catheter has been in the animal's foot for a long time - then you can loosen the patch that fixes the catheter, or, after agreeing with the doctor, remove the catheter completely. Another common situation is swelling of the paws after a regional or unilateral mastectomy (removal of breast tumors) - after all, during these operations, the inguinal and / or axillary lymph nodes are necessarily removed to check for the presence of metastases in them.


  • How quickly you need to show the animal to the doctor and why?
    Only angioedema requires immediate medical attention. If the muzzle of your animal suddenly swells up during the administration of any drug, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity become intensely red or vice versa, turn pale, vomiting occurs and rapid, labored breathing, sometimes with wheezing, immediately take the animal to the clinic.
    If peripheral edema has arisen gradually, it is necessary to deal with its causes. To do this, sign up for a scheduled examination with a therapist - but of course, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor too much either.
  • Is it possible to help an animal with Quincke's edema at home?
    Most likely no. Typical actions of the doctor at the reception are as follows: if the animal is choking, it may need to be intubated - insert a tube into the trachea through the mouth under anesthesia, or make a tracheostomy. Let oxygen breathe. Administer epinephrine 0.01 mg/kg intramuscularly, prednisone 2 mg/kg intravenously or intramuscularly, establish intravenous fluid drip.
    Other types of edema require observation and planned clarification of their causes by the therapist, because they do not threaten the animal in any way.
  • Maybe the dog ran a lot and her paws just got numb, everything will go away after rest?
    Maybe, but in a healthy animal, the paws just don’t swell, even in an untrained one and after a significant load. A routine examination is necessary to identify possible problems with the joints or internal organs.
  • Maybe try non-traditional methods (wraps, compresses), or just drive the dog to improve blood circulation?
    Do not, until you see a doctor and find out the cause of the swelling, avoid any treatment. You will not eliminate the cause of the edema, and then the doctor may have to deal with the consequences of such a “treatment”. With severe inflammation of the skin, a dermatologist, in addition to the main treatment, may advise compresses with magnesium sulfate (magnesia), which relieve inflammatory edema well, but wait with them before consulting a doctor.
  • What to do with an insect bite?
    If the bite did not affect the general condition of the animal and did not cause severe swelling, just observe it, nothing needs to be done, except, perhaps, treating the bite site with an antiseptic (iodine or brilliant green).
    A bite that caused significant swelling, itching, anxiety, it is better to show the doctor. A single injection of corticosteroids will help to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms if they are severe.
    Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock that occurs after a bite, of course, requires immediate medical attention.

Article read by 25,473 pet owners

Is your pet's face swollen?

When you find your pet with a swollen muzzle, you may be amazed and frightened. Don't lose your temper! You should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Determining the cause of swelling can be difficult.


There are many reasons for facial swelling. It happens as swelling of one half, and swelling of the entire muzzle. This may be due to:
Infection / phlegmoma (purulent inflammation)
Allergic reaction
Acetaminophen poisoning
Muscle inflammation (myositis)

When your dog has a swollen muzzle and you, not knowing what to do, are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet in the forums, we recommend that you do not self-medicate and experiment on your beloved pet. The fact is that there are a lot of reasons for swelling of the muzzle in an animal, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.



A thorough physical examination by a veterinarian will help establish the diagnosis:
Swelling of the muzzle often causes infection of the wound. The site of swelling may be hot and painful. As a rule, the animal has a fever.
Swelling, often associated with an allergic reaction to insect stings. Bee stings cause intense itching.
Similarly, acetaminophen poisoning can lead to swelling. The reason for this is not yet fully understood. Accompanied by itching of the paws and brown staining of the gums.
A hematoma may develop due to trauma. In this case, most often only one side of the head swells. A hematoma can also be painful. In some animals, the bruise is visible.
Chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, and fibrosarcoma are cancers that can cause facial swelling. A swelling of the lymph nodes that are located under the jaw can also look like swelling of the muzzle. Tumors can be painful and have open sores.
Muscle inflammation. As a rule, edema is localized in the region of the lower jaw or in the upper part of the head.


Treatment may vary depending on the cause.
If an infection is present, the swelling may need to be opened and cleaned. Antibiotics are often used.
For allergic reactions, diphenhydramine and corticosteroids are used.
In case of acetaminophen poisoning, the edema site is treated with acetylcysteine. This drug is used to reduce the toxicity of acetaminophen in the liver. Droppers are often needed. Additional treatment may be necessary in severe cases.
Treatment for hematomas varies depending on the severity of the injury or if there is bleeding.
Cancer treatment depends on the location and type of cancer.
With muscle inflammation, as a rule, edema sites are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and / or corticosteroids.

Care and maintenance

If the cause is an allergic reaction, then diphenhydramine can be used, but this is not always effective.
You should carefully monitor your pet and avoid fights that lead to lacerations and cause swelling of the muzzle.

How to call a veterinarian at home?

What questions will need to be answered?

In-Depth Information

Puffy faces in dogs have dozens of causes, from dog bites to dental problems. The swelling may be minor or may require emergency care.

To help your pet live pain-free and healthy, it's important for you to know the signs of facial swelling and what you can do when it occurs.

Common Causes and Treatments for Swelling

This symptom can be life-threatening if it progresses to the throat, so don't try to self-diagnose the cause of the swelling. If your pet's face looks swollen, call your veterinarian immediately.

Some common causes of facial swelling in dogs include:


Like humans, dogs can be allergic to chemicals, foods, plants, spider stings, bee stings, drugs, or vaccines (although this is rare). A severe allergic reaction can lead to swelling of the throat - a ruptured trachea - so if your dog's face looks swollen, if he's having trouble breathing, his gums are purple or blue, or if the symptoms persist, call your veterinarian right away.

Treatment for allergies depends on what is causing the allergy, but often include antihistamines, steroids, antibiotic ointment, a special diet, and skin or blood tests.


Often caused by animal bites or other wounds, head and neck abscesses appear suddenly, are usually accompanied by fever, and may be lopsided on your dog's head or neck. This is a very painful condition; if your dog has facial swelling and refuses to eat or drink, an abscess may be the cause.

An abscess should be treated immediately. Treatment may include surgical drainage, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics.

dental problems

An inflamed or broken tooth or untreated gum disease can also lead to abscesses accompanied by muzzle swelling, fever, depression, and a lot of pain for your dog.

Dental abscess treatment is the removal of the inflamed tooth along with a course of antibiotics.

Tumors (noncancerous and cancerous)

Mouth and throat swelling may occur in dogs, along with swelling of the face. Symptoms may include difficulty eating, bleeding, and bad breath. The dog may also have puffy eyes, which can cause the eyes to swell.

Edema due to uncontrolled cell growth needs early treatment, whether or not it is malignant. Surgery to remove the tumor or radiation therapy can be an effective treatment.

Other causes of facial swelling in dogs

Dog bites or other skin punctures can also cause a bacterial skin infection called cellulitis. Symptoms: swelling, ulcer, tenderness, redness and pain.

Treatment is determined by the veterinarian and can be as follows: soaking the wound, washing it with antiseptics, painkillers and antibiotics.

Some dogs, including Boxers, Labrador Retrievers, Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, and some Terriers, are predisposed to developing a condition called craniocerebral osteopathy. Jaw swelling occurs and is commonly seen in dogs between 3 and 10 months of age. Other signs of illness include drooling, fever, and reluctance to eat.

There is no cure, and to cure cranio-maxillary osteopathy, anti-inflammatory drugs can only help control the pain, but the disease often stabilizes when the dog is about a year old. Check with your veterinarian to find out which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) they recommend for your dog.

Can You Prevent Swelling in Your Dog's Face?

Some causes of facial swelling can be prevented and some cannot. Here are some tips for prevention and early detection of the problem:

  • To reduce the chance that your dog will not recover from a puncture abscess, avoid contact with wild or unknown animals, avoid hard bones in the diet, and be sure to supervise all activities with other dogs.
  • Ask your veterinarian to check your pet if you think he has an allergy. As with people, avoiding exposure to the allergen is often the best treatment.
  • To watch out for a mouth abscess, inspect your dog's mouth once a month. If you see swelling, or if your dog's mouth smells bad, talk to your veterinarian.

When you see your pet's swollen nose, you want to laugh. The muzzle of a dog with a ball at the end looks rather ironic. But this symptom is not at all a reason for fun. If this phenomenon is detected, the dog's nose should be urgently examined, and even better, an examination by a veterinarian.

Likely Causes

How to determine why a dog's nose is swollen?

If the edema is severe, then its occurrence may be due to insect bite, and does not pose a threat to the health of the pet.

There is also a possibility allergies. It is explained by intolerance to drugs, products, environmental influences.

If a swollen nose bleeds or mucous discharge is observed, the intervention of a veterinarian is necessary. These symptoms indicate a serious illness in the dog.

Often a swollen nose begins dry and flake. The appearance of these signs may be due to a malfunction of the immune system, or malnutrition.

If, with a swollen nose, the dog's behavior is normal, you need to observe its condition for a couple of days. This is probably a temporary phenomenon, and the swelling will disappear in a few days.

The pet may also runny nose associated with infectious diseases, colds.

At the same time, the most dangerous cause of nasal swelling is the appearance of cancer, the reasons for which are still unknown.

Cancer tumor

In many cases, the initial symptoms of the disease proceed as a cold, accompanied by mucous secretions, swelling of the nose, difficulty breathing, and bloody discharge. If the diagnosis is incorrect, inadequate anti-inflammatory physiotherapy is performed. In connection with all the procedures used, there is a strong progression of the nasal tumor. There is a destruction of the facial skull, nerve damage.

Cancer activity also affects the lymph nodes and the condition of the lungs. Unfortunately, with an incorrect definition of the disease, patients turn to veterinary clinics too late, which negatively affects the disease process. For correct diagnosis, it is necessary to remember the existence of such a disease.

You should constantly pay attention to changes in the nose area, indicating an initial lesion of the dog's nasopharynx.

The nose of the animal, according to the description of many authors, is considered a hard-to-reach area for primary review and diagnosis. To examine the entire nose, rhinoscopy is used, as well as x-ray diagnostics, which allow you to determine the stage of the disease, the condition of the sinuses.

The tactics of treating a pet is chosen by determining the morphological variant of the tumor. Any malignant formations have a special sensitivity to different types of therapy. In an operable case, an electrosurgical section is performed.

It must be remembered that tumors can have a malignant appearance, and with timely treatment to the clinic, the effect of treatment will be much more noticeable.

Treatment of ailments that cause swelling of the nose

Treatment for a dog depends on the cause of the nasal edema. If this is an insect bite, in this case, you can do without cold lotion.

When an allergy occurs, it is necessary to identify the allergen itself. To do this, you need to check everything that could cause the disease. Reduce dog walks or walk it at a distance from tall and thick grass. Taking antihistamines is not ruled out.

All these are insignificant signs of edema, and they do not pose a significant threat to the pet. The most dangerous are blood and mucous secretions. With these symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process, that is, contact the clinic and conduct an appropriate diagnosis. You can wash the nasopharynx with a special tool, such as " Aquamaris". It contains only natural ingredients.

Seeds, plant thorns, and various foreign objects can also cause bleeding. To remove these items, you must contact your veterinarian.

If the cause of a swollen nose is a cold, or hypothermia, there are several fairly effective and painless ways to get rid of this trouble:

  1. A solution of streptocide is prepared, and two drops are instilled into each nostril of the dog.
  2. An equally effective remedy is a squeezed onion. In the resulting onion juice, soak cotton swabs and clean the pet's nose. But not every dog ​​can withstand such a procedure. Therefore, the best way is to dilute the juice with water, and drip the resulting mixture into each nostril.
  3. Also suitable beet juice, diluted with boiled water, is instilled 4 times a day.
  4. A very good remedy for a swollen nose is Derinat drops. They are excellent at fighting infections and bacteria.
  5. Most dog breeders use vitamin A, in solution. It softens the mucosa and kills the virus.

With a cold, you need to take care of the humidity and ventilation of the room. Give your dog more water, with honey added to it. Water contributes to the rapid removal of infection from the body, honey strengthens the immune system.

With a swollen nose in a dog, it is better to contact a specialist and get the necessary answers from him. And also to determine the source of the disease, to undergo diagnostics, which will reveal the main cause of the disease.

A lot of trouble delivers a small puppy, sticking his nose anywhere, while injuring him. If it is not clear why the puppy's nose is swollen, and his behavior also does not give the right answer, it is better to contact the veterinarian, at the same time get advice on the proper upbringing of the puppy.



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