The best cough medicine for kids. Children's cough medicine Children's cough medicine

Cough is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases. It is especially alarming when it occurs in young children. The reasons for it are varied, and, based on this, the methods of dealing with it are different. How to choose a cough medicine for children? To answer this question, you need to understand the mechanism of occurrence of such a symptom.

The main causes leading to the occurrence of cough in children

The cough reflex is a natural process in the body. It may indicate the presence of a disease, and may only serve to cleanse the respiratory tract from the accumulated secret. A single unobtrusive cough, not accompanied by fever or any changes in the child's behavior, should not cause much concern to parents. If the cough brings anxiety to the baby, then it is necessary to find out its cause in order to find the most effective cough medicine for children.

There are two leading factors that cause the occurrence of a cough: the penetration of an infectious agent into the child's body (and the development of a corresponding cold) or the presence of an allergic reaction. The children's body, especially a newborn, is imperfect and very sensitive to various viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases.

These harmful agents, entering the respiratory organs with a stream of inhaled air, enter the mucous membrane, penetrate into its cells and begin to actively multiply, while irritation and increased mucus formation appear at the site of their introduction, to which the body reacts with a cough. In a similar way, a reaction is formed to allergens entering the respiratory tract, whether it be particles of dust, animal hair or plant pollen. Cough is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs or an inflammatory process in them and frees them from various mechanical particles, microorganisms and accumulated mucus. According to the nature, productivity and sound, the following types of cough are distinguished.

Types of cough

There is a dry cough (in other words, unproductive), which occurs at the initial stage of the disease and is not accompanied by sputum discharge, and wet (or productive), which occurs as sputum accumulates and contributes to its discharge.

Dry cough is considered the most intrusive. It can pass paroxysmal or resemble barking. A similar symptom tires the child, prevents him from sleeping and can cause vomiting. Attacks of barking cough most often occur with the development of tracheitis or laryngitis and are associated with changes in the vocal cords. To soften the throat, you can use anti-inflammatory sprays or lozenges and alkaline drink for children from dry cough. The medicine will relieve swelling of the mucosa and reduce the inflammatory process.

Sometimes you can encounter such a rare type of dry cough at the moment as whooping cough. It has become rare because now almost all children are vaccinated against whooping cough, which reliably protects them from this disease. Cough with whooping cough is dry, paroxysmal, bringing the baby's body to exhaustion. In this disease, sedatives are prescribed and walks in the fresh air are recommended.

Quite an infrequent disease is respiratory chlamydia in newborns, in which the development of a loud, staccato, dry cough is observed. When the underlying disease is cured, it quickly disappears.

There are also types of cough that are not associated with colds:

  • cough of an allergic nature - manifests itself paroxysmal, often occurs at night, before the onset of an attack, the child is alert, does not feel unwell, suddenly begins to cough often, often;
  • spastic - differs from the usual dry cough in that with it a whistling sound appears at the end; he is very intrusive and is not treated with antitussive drugs;
  • bitonal - occurs, in particular, when a foreign body enters the bronchi; with it, a low cough tone turns into a high one;
  • cough that occurs with bronchial asthma - appears with deep breaths and is accompanied by pain;
  • cough associated with eating, sometimes occurring with pathology of the esophagus or stomach;
  • cough of psychogenic origin that occurs during stressful situations; it appears exclusively during the day, but regularly, has a metallic echo.

Cough medicine for children should be selected taking into account the fact that all respiratory diseases are mainly manifested first by a dry cough, which after a certain period of time turns into a wet one. But still, by the nature of the cough, it is possible to distinguish from which part of the respiratory system the inflammation began.

Features of cough in certain respiratory diseases

Laryngitis, or inflammation of the larynx, is manifested in a child with a dry cough, hoarseness, rapidity and difficulty in breathing. There is a sensation of sore throat and severe pain when swallowing. After a while, the cough becomes wheezing due to a change in the airway. Later, the swelling of the vocal cords subsides, and the cough becomes wet due to sputum discharge.

With tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea), the main symptom is a dry, barking cough that begins suddenly, mainly during the night's rest, and can last for several hours. Breathing may become wheezing or wheezing. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, the doctor will offer a cough suppressant, for example, Sinekod.

If the inflammatory process descends through the respiratory tract, then inflammation will develop in the bronchi (bronchitis) or in the lungs - pneumonia. These two diseases are distinguished from each other by X-ray examination. The initial stage of bronchitis does not differ from other respiratory diseases - there are pain in the larynx, the nose is blocked, the child is sleepy and lethargic. Cough also from dry at the beginning of the disease becomes wet. If there is swelling in the mucous membrane of the bronchus itself and a narrowing of its lumen, they speak of obstructive bronchitis, which is a fairly common occurrence in allergies. If bronchitis is not cured, it can develop into a chronic form, which is fraught with depletion of the walls of the bronchi and the occurrence of bronchial asthma.

For the treatment of cough in children, many drugs are produced that contain different active ingredients and differ in the mechanism of action. If you fight cough in children on your own, you need to understand them very well so as not to harm and aggravate the course of the disease.

Cough medicines for children: classification

All cough medicines are divided into two large groups - drugs of central and peripheral action.

Medicinal substances that act through the central nervous system include Sinekod, Tusuprex, Libexin and others. They act suppressively on the cough center in the cerebral cortex, very quickly inhibit the cough reflex and can be prescribed to children from dry cough. The medicine is selected for them only by a doctor, since it does not reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, and with increased mucus formation, it may be stagnant. Therefore, they should be used only on the recommendation of a pediatrician and only with a dry paroxysmal cough (for example, with whooping cough).

Drugs that have a peripheral effect, in turn, are divided into several types according to the mechanism of action. These include:

  • Enveloping cough medicines that envelop irritated mucous membranes in the upper respiratory system and reduce inflammation in it. They are prescribed with the appearance of initial signs of irritation. They are well suited for children from dry cough; the medicine is prescribed according to their age.
  • Expectorants for coughs, helping to free the bronchi from accumulated exudate. They are also divided into subgroups. The main active ingredient in the first of them can be plant extracts (licorice, coltsfoot, marshmallow, plantain, thyme and thermopsis) or iodides (preparations "potassium iodide" and "sodium iodide"). Under the influence of these agents, the production of mucus increases in the cells of the bronchial mucosa, which thins the sputum, that is, it can be quickly removed from the bronchi. These medicines are not suitable for infants and children with neurotic disorders or a tendency to vomit. When prescribing drugs from the second group - mucolytics - liquefaction of the contents of the bronchi occurs without increasing its volume.
  • They also produce a combination medicine that suppresses cough. For older children, it is excellent, as it not only acts on the cough center, but also alleviates irritation of the respiratory tract.

All medicines should be selected taking into account the stage of the disease, the symptoms that appear and the age of the child. It is advisable not to self-medicate, but to consult a pediatrician. It is especially important to ask for medical help in time for an illness in the baby.

Features of the occurrence of a cough reflex and an effective cough medicine for children up to a year

In infants, quite often, especially after sleeping or feeding, a physiological cough (in the form of rare coughs) may occur, which is not associated with any disease. Since most of the time the child spends on his back, mucus from the nasal passages can sink into the throat, which causes a cough reflex. It can also be caused by the ingress of milk or mixture into the respiratory system during feeding or saliva with increased salivation. Also, a similar reaction can be caused by some external factor: dry air, dust or tobacco smoke. Such a cough should not cause much concern, you just need to eliminate the cause of its appearance. If the symptom is obsessive, and the child's temperature rises or behavior changes, you should definitely consult with a pediatrician.

The peculiarity of the course of colds is that with a dry cough, the so-called "false croup" can occur - swelling of the larynx and vocal cords, which leads to a decrease in their lumen, and the child begins to suffocate. This is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention. Minutes count here.

A wet cough is also dangerous, which in an infant very quickly descends into the lungs, and a banal runny nose can soon develop into pneumonia, so infants with suspected bronchitis are immediately placed in a hospital. If the situation is not so serious, then when choosing a cough medicine for an infant, you need to consider that not all dosage forms are suitable for them.

It is good to have a special compressor or ultrasonic inhaler at home, which will allow you to deliver the medicine directly to the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract. You can use solutions for inhalation "Lazolvan" or "Ambrobene" (they are also prescribed for coughing and inside). They are convenient in that they are dosed in drops. They can be dissolved in tea, juice or milk. A good cough medicine for children under one year old is Lazolvan cough syrup and its analogues, which include the active ingredient ambroxol. The tool has virtually no side effects.

Preparations for the treatment of cough in children from a year

An effective cough medicine for children under 2 years of age is the mucolytic expectorant drug Ambrobene or its analogues: drugs Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrohexal, Flavamed, Bronchorus. They are used to treat both acute and chronic bronchitis or pneumonia, when chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or bronchial asthma develops with sputum difficult to separate, as well as in bronchiectasis.

A medicine for a wet cough for a child, very convenient and safe enough for children of different ages, is Bromhexin 8 Berlin-Chemie (or its analogues: Bronchostop, Phlegamin), which has a mucolytic (secretolytic) and expectorant effect and a slight antitussive effect. For one-year-old children, it can be used in the form of drops, solution or syrup. The disadvantages of this drug include the fact that the therapeutic effect appears only 2-5 days after its first use.

It is possible to use herbal medicines in children from 6 months of age, such as cough syrups "Gedelix" and "Linkas" to thin and accelerate the excretion of the secret. When using them, it is necessary to take into account the possible manifestation of an allergic reaction. Herbal preparations are recommended for use in children over two years of age.

Cough syrups based on herbal extracts

To relieve a wet cough in a child, medicines can be chosen made from natural raw materials. In addition to common mucolytic drugs, such as Althea Syrup or Licorice Root Syrup, many multi-component products are produced that include herbal extracts in various combinations. It is necessary to study their composition well before use if the child has an allergy to plants.

Cough syrup "Gedelix" based on ivy extract is a cough medicine for children, effective for babies from the age of several months. It is used as an expectorant for infections in the upper respiratory tract and for bronchitis, accompanied by the formation of sputum difficult to separate. After its application, the excretion of mucus is accelerated as a result of its liquefaction and softening of its expectoration. When using this syrup to treat an infant, the required dose should be diluted with boiled water and observed for an allergic reaction.

To reduce the intensity and increase the productivity of cough, you can purchase Linkas syrup, which also has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. In its composition, you can see extracts of adhatoda leaves, licorice root, pepper, fragrant violet, medicinal hyssop, marshmallow and others. In the absence of an allergy in a child, this drug can be recommended as an excellent cough medicine for children under 2 years old.

Bronchicum syrup has a good expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which reduces the viscosity of the secret and accelerates its evacuation. The action of this drug is based on the properties of primrose root and thyme. The extracts of these herbs coat the irritated mucous membrane, which alleviates the feeling of a tickle in the throat and softens the cough.

For a better discharge of sputum with a wet cough, the remedy "Herbion plantain syrup" is used. This drug also has an immunomodulatory effect, protecting the epithelial cells of the respiratory organs from damage and increasing the body's resistance to infections.

Synthetic medicines for the treatment of wet cough

Children older than two years of age with diseases with difficult secretions will help Ascoril syrup, which is a combined remedy whose action - bronchodilator, expectorant and mucolytic - is based on the properties of bromhexine, guaifenesin and salbutamol. It is prescribed for such ailments as bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough and others.

A good cough medicine for a child is the drug "Azz", which helps in thinning sputum (including purulent) and expectorating it. It is prescribed for respiratory diseases accompanied by the formation of thick mucus, such as acute and chronic bronchitis, including obstructive, bronchiectasis, tracheitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, and the like, as well as for some ENT diseases (laryngitis, acute or chronic sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear) and paracetamol poisoning (as an antidote). Children can use it from 2 years in the minimum dosage.

Treatment of dry cough with drugs that suppress its occurrence

A dry cough in a child can be of great concern. Medicines for its treatment can be divided into two groups. The first includes drugs that suppress cough centrally.

This group of drugs is not recommended for use without a doctor's prescription, especially when it comes to a small child. Their use is justified only in the case of a prolonged dry hacking cough that causes pain, vomiting or interferes with sleep. In such a situation, it is possible to use a cough suppressant medicine. For this purpose, children are prescribed drugs "Sinekod", "Tusuprex", "Glaucin" or "Libexin", which depress the work of the cough center in the brain. For babies (only as prescribed by a doctor), you can purchase Sinekod in the form of drops. The most important thing is that when purchasing such drugs, you need to clearly remember that they are used only with a dry cough and are not combined with drugs that increase mucus discharge.

Combined drugs, such as Tussin Plus, Broncholitin and Stoptussin syrups, also have a similar effect. They, along with the suppression of the cough reflex, envelop the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, soften the cough, help eliminate inflammation and stimulate the immune system. They are prescribed for dry and irritating coughs of various nature, as well as in the pre- and postoperative periods to relieve cough.

Medicines for the treatment of dry cough

To alleviate the condition with a dry cough in a two-year-old child in the absence of allergies, you can use the drug "Gerbion primrose syrup". It is also used as an expectorant for inflammation of the airways with the formation of a viscous secret (bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis).

An effective cough medicine for children 3 years old is the combined drug "Doctor Mom: cough syrup", which contains aloe, holy basil, elecampane, ginger, turmeric, licorice and other plants. It has a pronounced bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended for dry cough or cough with stubborn sputum in children from the age of three (with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). A contraindication for its use is individual intolerance to some of its components.

There are many cough medicines, and in order to choose a cough medicine for children, one must proceed from each specific case, taking into account all contraindications and dosages. It is advisable to first consult with a pediatrician. To effectively combat colds of various nature, in addition to cough remedies, it is necessary to use drugs that increase immunity. The child is given peace and special treatment. It is necessary to give the baby plenty of fluids and maintain the humidity of the air in the room. If the child does not have a temperature, you can use warming with dry heat and rubbing with medicinal ointments. That is, treatment should be comprehensive.

Antitussive drugs occupy a special niche in such a science as pharmacology, since cough is one of the common symptoms of most pathologies.

Being a reflex and protective reaction, the cough reflex accompanies almost all acute infections of the respiratory tract, tuberculosis, cardiac pathology, neoplastic processes and chronic damage to the bronchopulmonary system, some diseases of the digestive tract.

When are antitussives prescribed?

A wide list of pharmacological preparations allows you to choose the most affordable, effective and suitable for each patient.

Antitussives and expectorants have a wider range of purposes:

Acute infections of the respiratory tract viral and bacterial etiology (pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis, parainfluenza, laryngitis, etc.).

In most cases, mucolytic and expectorant agents are used to help reduce viscosity and remove phlegm from the lungs and bronchial tree.

However, with such a disease as whooping cough, antitussive drugs with a central mechanism of action are prescribed, since irritation with bacterial toxins of the cough center plays a leading role in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Chronic bronchopulmonary pathology, accompanied by bouts of coughing and the formation of thick purulent sputum in the bronchi and alveoli (bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, and much more).

Drugs that dilate the bronchi and reduce the amount of sputum are part of the permanent pathogenetic therapy for the above pathologies.

With broncho-obstructive syndrome as a result of accumulation of mucus in the lumen of the bronchi, aspiration of a foreign body, fluid; compression of the bronchi by endo- or exogenous neoplasms. In this case, antitussive drugs act as symptomatic relief therapy.

Edema of the parenchyma of the lungs due to heart or lung failure. The accumulation of transudate in the alveoli not only makes breathing difficult, but also provokes the appearance of a cough reflex, the elimination of which will alleviate the patient's condition.

Other reasons: to prepare the patient for a bronchoscopic examination or contrast bronchography, in the first 24-48 hours after inhalation anesthesia, in order to relieve cough in diaphragmatic hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Thus, there are a fairly large number of reasons for prescribing certain antitussive drugs.

Antitussive drugs: classification by mechanism of action

Having a completely different composition of active ingredients from each other, cough remedies are also divided into three main classes depending on the mechanism of action.

List of the best medicines:

  1. Substances that depress the cough center(Codeine, Omnitus, Sinekod, Stoptussin, Sedotussin, Codipront, Tussal, Libexin, Dionin, Ledin, etc.).
  2. Combination medicines(Codelac, Redol, Glycodin, Codterapin, Bronholitin).
  3. Secretolytics and expectorants(Erespal, ACC, Lasolvan, Bronchorus, Ambroxol, Bromhexine).

Most of them are successfully used in pediatrics, which has been proven by experimental and clinical medical experience.
Source: website

Drugs that depress the cough center

First of all, medicinal substances that have a direct effect on the cough center are divided into opioid and non-opioid, depending on their point of application.

In the first case, the chemical components of the drug bind competitively to opioid receptors in the medulla oblongata and other nerve centers, inhibiting their function.

The most popular narcotic antitussive medicines from this group are Codeine, Dionine and Folcodin.

They not only weaken the severity of the cough reflex, but which is especially effective for dry, painful coughs.

Of the side effects of the above medicines, it is worth highlighting the dryness of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This will slow down recovery or aggravate the course of the disease in case of a productive cough.

In addition, addiction often develops to Codeine and its analogues, which limits the use of the drug.

The drugs of choice from this group are Tussal and Dastosin, since they do not have a narcotic effect, do not contribute to the development of addiction and have a small number of adverse reactions, both from the whole body and from the respiratory tract.

Non-opioid drugs affect non-opioid tracts, due to which they do not cause tachyphylaxis, drug addiction.

This allows them to be used much more often and even in children. The mechanism of action is to suppress the peripheral link of the cough reflex and tension receptors in the bronchial mucosa.

The most famous drugs from this group are Sinekod, Tusuprex, Sedotussin.

Peripherally acting antitussives

These drugs reduce the activity of the cough reflex by inhibiting the sensitive receptors of nerve fibers from the vagus nerve, which are located in the organs of the respiratory system.

In addition, they have a local anesthetic effect, inhibit the conduction of impulses along long nerve processes. All this helps to reduce the severity and frequency of coughing shocks.

Libexin is a peripheral antitussive agent with anesthetic properties and a slight bronchodilator effect.

The drug does not depress the respiratory center at all and does not contribute to the formation of drug dependence.

When used as a symptomatic therapy for chronic bronchitis, a local anti-inflammatory effect was also noted.

Bitionil and Levopront mainly act on peripheral receptors in the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree, reducing their activity and sensitivity.

Combined antitussives

In this case, the drugs do not only affect the cough center, but also have a number of other effects that improve the functioning of the bronchopulmonary system:

  1. Codipront - contains methylformin (a substance that acts on the opioid receptors of the medulla oblongata) and phenyltoloxamine - an antihistamine that inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators. Especially effective remedy for dry allergic cough.
  2. Codelac - due to its composition (licorice root, thermopsis, sodium bicarbonate and methylmorphine) has antitussive and mucolytic effects.
  3. Redol contains salbutamol and dextromethorphan in its composition, due to which an additional bronchodilator effect is achieved.
  4. Bronholitin contains ephedrine, basil camphor oil, glaucine. This gives the drug an additional antimicrobial and bronchodilator effect.
  5. Stoptussin (of the active ingredients contains butamirate and guaifenesin) also has a good expectorant and mucolytic effect.

It should be noted that cough preparations with a central or peripheral mechanism for blocking the center or receptors should not be prescribed in the presence of thick and difficult to separate sputum.

Mucolytics and mucokinetics

Antitussive tablets and syrups used for wet cough are also divided into subgroups:

  1. Mucolytics - tablets and syrups that thin sputum (Ambroxol, or Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine, proteolytic enzymes).
  2. - stimulate the smooth muscles of the bronchi (Mukaltin, Althea root, Terpinhydrate, thermopsis grass).
  3. Combined - have a number of additional effects (Ascoril, Solutan, Erespal).

Ambroxol, which is part of Lazolvan, stimulates the secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract.

In addition, the substance enhances the biosynthesis of alveolar surfactant, activates the work of the cilia of the bronchial epithelium. All this dilutes sputum and enhances its discharge.

The drug is available in tablets, ampoules for intravenous administration and inhalation, syrup for children. Of the side effects, it is worth noting the possibility of developing bronchospasm, so the remedy is not used for bronchial asthma.

Most often, the drug is used for bronchitis, especially chronic, severe bronchopulmonary pathology (cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia).

Mukaltin is a fairly cheap and effective medicine, which is often used in pediatrics. Due to the content of marshmallow, the drug stimulates the work of the bronchial glands, ciliated epithelium and smooth muscles of the respiratory tract.

Often used for pneumonia, bronchial obstruction, bronchiectasis.

Ascoril is a combined medication containing salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin. It has a pronounced mucolytic effect, and also expands the narrowed bronchi.

Indicated for use in case of pneumonia, acute bronchitis, whooping cough, tracheitis and bronchial asthma. The instruction indicates that the remedy is allowed for children only from 6 years old.

Antitussives for dry cough

The most powerful antitussive for dry cough is, of course, Codeine. However, the high frequency of adverse reactions allows only rare use of the drug in a short course. In addition, any medicines with codeine are prohibited in childhood.

If you need a medicine with an anesthetic effect for a heart cough, doctors opt for Dastosin or Polcodine.

Both drugs act on opioid receptors, due to which the cough center is inhibited and analgesia is achieved. As a rule, Dastosin is dosed by capsule no more than four times a day.

Effective medicines for dry cough for adults are Codelac (in the form of syrup and tablets), Codipront, Omnitus in capsules (taken 1 piece three times a day until the cough disappears).

When dry cough in children is most often prescribed:

  • Codelac Neo in drops (allowed from 2 months) - 10-25 drops four times a day.
  • Sinekod - has a similar dosage and frequency of use with Codelac.
  • Omnitus in syrup (allowed from 3 years of age) - 2-3 scoops three times a day.
  • Stoptussin - used from 6 months, 8-30 drops (depending on body weight) three times a day.

All of the listed medicines can be given to a child only

Antitussive drugs for children

Before giving a child any medicine, you should consult with your doctor, otherwise you can greatly harm the health of the baby. Not all medicines are allowed in childhood.

The most effective and safe antitussives for children: Mukaltin (from infancy), Lazolvan (from the neonatal period), Bromhexine (in tablets only from 6 years old), Omnitus (from 3 years old), Bronholitin (from three years old).

Remember! It is not necessary to prescribe strong antitussive drugs to children on their own, or vice versa - mucolytic drugs, since there is a high risk of stagnation of secretions in the lungs and reflex bronchospasm.

Preparations for pregnant women: what is possible?

If during pregnancy it became necessary to prescribe medications, then the doctor faces a serious task, since he must weigh all the possible risks for the unborn child and the potential benefits for the woman.

The safest remedies for a pregnant woman are plant-based Mukaltin, Sinekod, Bronchikum, breast fees, Ascoril, Thermopsis, Ambroxol and Bronholitin.

Antitussive syrups

Not all cough medicines are available in liquid form.

The best and most famous of them:

  • Broncholitin.
  • Ambroxol.
  • Erespal.
  • Synekod.
  • Stoptussin.
  • Omnitus.
  • Bronchorus.

The liquid form allows the use of the remedy in childhood, reduces pain in the throat and behind the sternum with a hacking cough. However, it is not recommended to abuse syrups if there is a tendency to spontaneous laryngo- or bronchospasm.

Antitussives for wet cough

In diseases with a wet cough and sputum in the lungs, mucolytic or expectorant drugs are used. In some cases, a combination is possible.

Mukaltin is allowed from childhood and is available in tablet form, which can be dissolved in water or taken immediately orally with a liquid.

Assign 1-4 tablets three to four times a day for up to two weeks. If necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased.

Bronholitin perfectly stimulates sputum discharge and is used in adults at 10.0 ml up to 4 times a day. Lazolvan is prescribed 5.0 ml three times a day.

Erespal is dosed as follows: from 3 to 6 scoops per day, preferably before meals. Bromhexine stimulates sputum discharge when using two tablets at least twice a day.

Folk antitussives

Among folk recipes for cough elimination, special breast fees are often used, which are numbered from 1 to 4.

They include calendula, sage, licorice, marshmallow, eucalyptus, hawthorn and many other herbs. You can buy medicine at any pharmacy, and at a low price.

Effective herbal cough remedies - coltsfoot, wild rosemary grass, plantain leaf, herbion, thyme.

All herbs can be easily found in a pharmacy, the main thing is to brew and take according to the attached instructions.

(4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Cough is a symptom of a cold that causes a lot of trouble. Most people with the onset of cold weather suffer from coughing, working, resting, sleeping and eating normally becomes more difficult. Discomfort is delivered not only to the sick person, but also to everyone around. When choosing a cough remedy, you do not need to self-medicate, you should consult a doctor for help and prescribing the drug. But, if you decide to choose a remedy on your own, remember that you need to buy the medicine first of all, depending on the type of cough: dry or wet. Here is a list of not only the most effective tools, but also affordable ones. Cough medicines are inexpensive and effective.

What can be coughed up for a child of 6 months is indicated in this article.

How to treat cough and runny nose without fever in a pregnant woman is indicated in the article.

How to treat a dry paroxysmal cough is indicated in this article here:

How to cure a cough in a baby without fever is indicated in this article.

From dry

In the absence of sputum discharge, the cough is called dry. For its treatment, drugs are used:

  1. Similar in properties to menthol. Gives a feeling of coolness and freshness in the mouth. Does not dry out the mucous membranes, the effect and cessation of reflex cough is noticed after the first application. It is produced in the form of a lozenge for resorption, it can be given to a child, it is suitable for children from 5 years old, it has no contraindications, except for minor allergic reactions. Price: 150 rubles.
  2. Libeksin. It has a triple action, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, relaxing the bronchi and reducing the reaction to irritation. It is used to treat severe dry cough, the effect is observed within four hours after ingestion. It is produced in the form of tablets and syrup, it is not contraindicated in children, there are side effects (dizziness, allergies, fatigue). Price: 300 rubles.
  3. Codelac. Antitussive agent of plant origin. Available in various forms: tablets, syrups, elixirs. It has a combined effect, reduces excitability, increases the viscosity of sputum with a wet cough, does not cause respiratory depression. It is not recommended to use for a long time - the drug is addictive. Children are appointed from 6 years. Price: 140 rubles.
  4. Herbion with plantain. The syrup has an antitussive and antibacterial effect. Increases the amount of sputum, reduces its viscosity. Vitamin C enhances immunity. The drug forms a protective film on the mucous membrane, reduces irritation, reduces inflammation. Suitable for children from 2 years old. There are almost no contraindications. Price: 250 rubles.
  5. One of the most effective drugs, the effect occurs half an hour after application, dilutes sputum, reduces its viscosity, and soothes the mucous membrane. Produced in the form of syrup, has a number of contraindications. Prohibited during pregnancy and in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Children are appointed from 5 years. The price of the drug: 100 rubles.
  6. Lazolvan. It is prescribed for acute pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, acute bronchitis. The action is observed half an hour after ingestion, the effect lasts up to 10 hours. Cough is relieved, phlegm is thinned, irritation of the respiratory tract is reduced. Available in the form of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. Suitable for children over 6 years old. Price: 150 rubles.
  7. Ambrohexal. The tool is used for chronic and acute diseases of the bronchi, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. It is used in the treatment of complications after surgical interventions, as well as to stimulate the fetus during pregnancy. Possesses pronounced properties, well proved in the market. Price: 70 rubles.
  8. Omnitus. Available in the form of tablets and syrup. Reduces the inflammatory process, fights infections, relieves dry cough, has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. Has a number of side effects, incl. drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, stool disturbance. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 6 years of age. The price of the drug: 90 rubles.
  9. Stoptussin. It is a combined remedy, has an antitussive and mucolytic effect. It is used in the treatment of dry and unproductive cough, produced in the Czech Republic. Available in the form of tablets, drops and syrup of plant origin. Price: 150 rubles.
  10. Lorraine. The tool is suitable in the fight against dry cough, is available in different forms: powder, capsules, tablets, suspension and solution. Eliminates the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and colds, has antipyretic properties, suitable for children from 6 years of age. Among the side effects are increased blood pressure, dizziness, mild excitability. Price: 200 rubles.

What causes a nocturnal cough in an adult can be indicated in the article.

From wet

Cough with sputum production is called wet or productive. For its treatment, drugs with an expectorant effect are used:

  1. ACC. Liquefies sputum, promotes cough productivity, relief comes in the first days of admission. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Do not combine with paracetamol and other cough medicines. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. Price: 130 rubles.
  2. Doctor Mom. A herbal remedy fights diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, relieves the common cold, colds and bronchitis. Available in the form of lozenges, lozenges, syrups, tablets, ointments, roller pencils. Suitable for children from 2 years old. Cost in pharmacies: 140 rubles.
  3. Broncholitin. It is very popular as a tool that has earned trust. It suppresses the cough center, does not depress breathing, treats acute respiratory diseases, removes sputum, and relieves the mucous membrane of swelling. Effective in childhood. It has only a few side effects: allergies, high blood pressure, increased heart rate. Price: 55 rubles.
  4. Bromhexine. The agent is used for acute and chronic bronchial diseases with high viscosity sputum. The drug is well tolerated, prescribed from the age of 6, combined with antibiotics, facilitating their penetration into the bronchial secret. During treatment, you need to drink more fluids, exclude driving a car and performing hazardous work. Price: 30 rubles.
  5. Ambroxol. Bulgarian expectorant anti-inflammatory drug. It is also used to prevent respiratory tract infections, it is available in the form of a syrup with a pleasant smell and taste of raspberries. Helps in a short time to cure cough, tracheitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and bronchitis. Price: 25 rubles.
  6. Mukaltin. A remedy of natural origin fights a wet cough, relieves viscous sputum that prevents normal breathing. The effect of taking the tablets is observed a couple of days after the start of the course. Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, diabetes mellitus. Non-addictive, children can be taken from 12 years. Cost: 15 rubles.
  7. Ambrobene. A chemical preparation with an expectorant and liquefying effect, facilitates the outflow of sputum from the bronchi, and neutralizes damaged molecules. The action is noticed within half an hour after ingestion, lasts about 10 hours. Available in the form of capsules, syrups, tablets, solutions for inhalation and injection. Children are appointed from 2 years. Packing price: 105 rubles.
  8. Fluditec. It is used for acute diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract, accompanied by viscous sputum. It does not combine well with other drugs, weakening their effect. Fights infections without finding out their form and localization. Available for adults and children in the form of a syrup, as well as in the form of granules for suspension. Price: 250 rubles.
  9. Herbion with primrose. The drug is produced using plant materials. The syrup is prescribed not only for wet, but also for senile coughs, when the lungs are not sufficiently supplied with blood. Improves the work of the adrenal glands, is a diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic, tonic. Facilitates breathing, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane. Children are appointed from 2 years. Price: 200 rubles.
  10. It has proven itself as a remedy for combating productive cough in children. It has antispasmodic properties, removes phlegm from the bronchi, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract. Release form: syrup with mint, eucalyptus, menthol extract. Side effects usually do not appear, does not contain sugars and alcohol. Price: 150 rubles.
  11. One of the most inexpensive, but very effective means in the fight against wet cough. It has an expectorant property, liquefies sputum, promotes its excretion. As part of the preparation, substances of chemical and vegetable origin, incl. thyme. Children are prescribed from 3 years old, when taken, it is necessary to dilute with water. Price: 15 rubles.

From this article you can find out how you can treat cough during pregnancy.

What an asthmatic cough looks like is indicated in this article.

What to do when a child has wheezing and cough is indicated in the article here:

Among the most effective drugs for dry and wet coughs on the Russian market, you can find inexpensive remedies. Before use, it is worth consulting with specialists, since coughing is only a symptom of other diseases, it is necessary to fight first of all with the cause of the cough. Remember that timely diagnosis can save a person's life.

The best cough remedy. Best dry cough remedy

What is a cough is known to many, because this condition is not always associated with a disease. In this way, the body cleans the respiratory tract from viruses, bacteria, dust or foreign bodies that have got into them. Cough can be caused by various reasons, but in any case, it is annoying and does not allow you to work and rest normally. In most cases, it signals a serious illness and requires immediate treatment. Many people are looking for the best cough remedy, but it is impossible to understand the abundance of drugs without the help of a doctor. After all, with the wrong choice of medicine, you can only exacerbate the problem. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor and determine which cough bothers the patient. In addition, in most cases, even the best cough remedy will not help if its cause is not eliminated. On the contrary, it can only get worse.

Types of cough

Depending on the characteristics of the disease, you need to choose drugs. After all, different drugs have different effects. And before you determine the best cough remedy, you need to know what it is. Usually, the instructions for the drug indicate which type it treats.

  1. Dry cough can occur for a variety of reasons. Basically, it causes irritation of the mucous membrane by chemical or physical factors. It also occurs with viral infections and colds.
  2. Wet cough is characterized by the discharge of sputum that accumulates in the lungs or bronchi. It can be unproductive when it is viscous and difficult to expectorate. Or wet, when there is a lot of sputum.

Reasons for coughing

  • Colds and infectious diseases - tonsillitis, tracheitis or SARS. They can be viral or bacterial. This is the most common cause of cough.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs - bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess or tuberculosis.
  • Allergic reactions, such as bronchial asthma.
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract by chemicals or dust.
  • Heart failure.
  • Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract.
  • Organic brain damage or neurosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Taking certain medications, such as blood pressure medications.

How to properly treat a cough?

Without determining the cause that caused it, it will be almost impossible to cope with the symptom. And in some cases, it is completely contraindicated to take antitussive or expectorant drugs. But most often, when looking for the best cough remedy, they try to eliminate its most common cause - infectious and inflammatory diseases. In this case, you need to remember that the disease begins most often with a dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet one. Therefore, treatment should be changed throughout the illness. It is not recommended to suppress a dry cough, you should try to translate it into a more productive one so that bacteria and viruses that cause the disease come out with sputum. And with an allergic cough, on the contrary, drugs that suppress the cough reflex and antihistamines are prescribed. If the cough is caused by nerves or against the background of heart failure, you do not need to take any additional medications at all. Having cured the underlying disease, a person gets rid of it.

Features of the action of cough remedies

When the cause and type of the disease is clear, then you can choose a drug for its treatment. All of them have a different effect:

  1. Suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs can be based on narcotic drugs, and they can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. They are needed if the cough is painful and dry. He does not allow to communicate, eat or sleep. But in no case should you drink them with a wet cough, so that there is no stagnation of sputum in the lungs.
  2. Expectorants increase sputum production and facilitate its excretion by stimulating the bronchi. Such medicines are used only to treat a wet cough, if it is dry, they will be useless.
  3. If a lot of sputum is secreted, but it is difficult to expectorate, mucolytics should be used. These are means that thin it and facilitate its excretion.
  4. There are also local cough remedies. They treat it due to the anti-inflammatory and aseptic effect. Sometimes they have a local anesthetic effect, and if the cough was caused by irritation of the respiratory tract, it stops.
  5. Recently, combined preparations have appeared that contain various substances and have a complex effect on the respiratory tract.

Types of cough medicines

  1. Tablets or capsules. Most often they are used to treat cough in adults. This form of medication is convenient if the treatment is long and the drug needs to be taken several times. After all, they are easy to take with you and drink at work or on the road.
  2. Effervescent soluble tablets or powders have a faster effect, due to easier absorption and a large amount of water drunk. But they can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Syrups, drops and potions are most often used to treat children, as they have a pleasant taste. They are also easy and quick to digest.
  4. Lozenges or lozenges are mainly used in the treatment of coughs caused by upper respiratory infections or allergic reactions.
  5. Means for inhalation, rinsing and compresses are used to relieve cough, which appeared as a result of inflammation.

Antitussive drugs

In many cases, a dry cough is so painful and exhausting for a person that the only salvation will be drugs that suppress it. Such drugs are divided into two groups:

  1. Dry cough suppressants that act on the cough center in the brain. They are used only in the complete absence of sputum and are on a different basis:
    - with a narcotic effect - drugs "Codeine", "Hydrocodone", "Morphine chloride" and others, sold only by prescription;
    - without narcotic effect - means "Tusuprex", "Sinekod", "Glauvent" and others (they can be purchased without a prescription, but should be used carefully).
  2. Drugs that act on the nerve centers of the middle sections of the respiratory tract. These are Libeksin or Levopront funds.

Best dry cough remedy

But recently, drugs of a new generation, which have a combined effect, are most often prescribed. In infectious and inflammatory diseases, if the cough is unproductive and there is no sputum, complications are possible, since the infection is not excreted from the respiratory tract. Therefore, we need such drugs that do not suppress cough symptoms, but help sputum discharge. But a dry cough is often so exhausting for the patient that it is necessary to slightly reduce its intensity. Modern combination drugs just have this property. The most famous of them are the funds "Stoptussin", "Tussin plus", "Butamirat", "Lorain" and others. At the moment, the best remedy for dry cough is the drug "Bronholitin". Its peculiarity is that in addition to antitussive substances (glaucine and ephedrine), it contains basil oil. It dilates the bronchi, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the viscosity of sputum. This drug has a mild non-narcotic effect on the cough center and bronchial muscles and is available as a syrup. Therefore, we can say that this is the best cough remedy for children over 3 years old.

How to take drugs for dry cough?

You need to choose a tool strictly individually. For example, medicine in the form of syrup is better for children, and soluble tablets act much faster than usual ones. But you need to know that, unlike expectorants, even the best cough remedy without sputum has many contraindications. Most of these medicines should not be taken:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with allergic reactions;
  • those with respiratory failure or bronchial asthma.

In addition, it must be remembered that as soon as sputum begins to depart, it is necessary to change the drug. It is impossible to suppress such a cough in any case, as this can cause serious complications.

How to treat a wet cough?

It is very important that the sputum that accumulates in the respiratory tract leaves easily. Many preparations for the treatment of wet cough are designed to enhance and facilitate its release. When there is a lot of sputum, you need to help the airways get rid of it. Therefore, the composition of preparations for the treatment of wet cough includes substances that restore the cells of the broncho-pulmonary tissue. In addition, they thin the mucus itself. Most often, such drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain herbal ingredients. The best remedy for a wet cough is Bromhexine. It easily helps to cope with the disease and has few side effects. Therefore, it is given even to children.
Means "ACC" very well dilutes sputum, making it easier to leave. In addition to these most popular wet cough preparations, the following medicines are also effective: Sinupret, Gedelix, Glyciram, Ascoril and some others. But they should only be used as directed by a doctor.

The best expectorant

There are many medicines for a cough that is accompanied by a small amount of sputum. Their purpose is to help in its discharge by stimulating the bronchi or reducing its viscosity. They need to be selected, of course, in accordance with the individual reaction. But there are drugs that are not only effective, but also safe. They contain herbal ingredients, and you can even give them to children.

  • Licorice root syrup has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect and helps to expel sputum.
  • The drug "Mukaltin" has been known for a long time. This medicine based on marshmallow root is the best remedy for wet cough. In addition to the expectorant action, the "Mukaltin" remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect and slightly thins the sputum.

  • The drug "Thermopsis" is also a fairly well-known herbal remedy that has an expectorant effect. It enhances mucus secretion and reduces its viscosity.

How to help a child?

Coughing exhausts any person, but it is especially bad when children suffer. The respiratory tract of babies is very sensitive to any external influences, and most effective drugs are contraindicated for them. Basically, children over 2 years of age are prescribed plant-based syrups: Pertussin, Thermopsis, Doctor Mom, licorice root or marshmallow syrup. Many parents are looking for the best children's cough remedy not only among official drugs, but also in traditional medicine recipes. Since ancient times, this disease has been dealt with with the help of decoctions of herbs, a solution of honey, inhalations and compresses.

Traditional medicine

Despite the abundance of drugs for different types of coughs, many are still treated with home remedies using old recipes. This is convenient because all the ingredients for this are always at hand, and they cause fewer side effects. What are the most popular recipes?

But any remedy, both official and folk, should be used only after consulting a doctor.

What is the best cough medicine for kids?

In winter, many mothers are concerned about the question of how to cure a cough in children? In cold weather, many children get sick. When a baby coughs, you want to cure him quickly, and with safe medicines. Parents go to doctors in the hope that they will be advised on a good cough remedy for children, but most medicines have contraindications and side effects.

Most often, antibiotics are not prescribed for coughing, they are needed only for inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Which medicine to give depends on whether the cough is dry or wet. Usually medicines are needed to facilitate the discharge of sputum.

A good cough remedy for children is an expectorant syrup. Most often they use "Gedelix", "Pertussin" or licorice root syrup. Sometimes "Lazolvan", "Ambrobene" or "Bromhexine" are also prescribed. But many children do not take these drugs well. Therefore, parents often prefer folk remedies.

Since ancient times, children have been given warm milk with honey, butter and soda to treat coughs. It is recommended to add a beaten egg yolk there as well. Onion juice or a decoction of viburnum with honey is very effective. In general, even doctors have already recognized that honey is the best cough remedy for a child. It not only softens the throat and relieves inflammation, but helps to fall asleep. Therefore, at night it is recommended to give children a spoonful of honey. The only contraindication to this medicine is an allergy to honey.

A very good cough remedy for children is radish juice. To prepare it, you can bake it in the oven with sugar or, cutting a small hole in the top, put a spoonful of honey in it. After a while, juice will stand out, which you need to drink in a tablespoon. A decoction of nettle roots in sugar syrup has the same effect.

When coughing, you need to drink a lot. It is better if it is tea with lemon and honey, but it is very useful to drink herbal decoctions. One of the best recipes is a decoction of pine buds and plantain and coltsfoot leaves.

It relieves coughing fits and helps to fall asleep in the evening. A decoction of sage in milk. On a glass you need to take a tablespoon of herbs, boil and insist for half an hour. Instead of sage, you can take pine buds - the effect will be the same. If your baby is not drinking milk, try giving him carrot or cabbage juice with sugar.

It is useful to do warming up when coughing. For example, mash boiled potatoes with sunflower oil, wrap in cotton cloth and place on the back and chest of the child. Badger fat has a good warming effect. They rub the baby's chest with it at night and wrap it warmly. You can also put mustard plasters on your child.

But best of all, kids tolerate different ointments. There are many of them in the pharmacy, for example, "Doctor Mom" ​​or turpentine. A good cough ointment for children can be made with propolis. To do this, melt a small piece of it in vegetable oil.

A good cough remedy for children is also inhalation. The most effective procedure is to breathe over boiled potatoes. But you can also do inhalations with essential oils, decoction of eucalyptus or mineral water.

Each child perceives different means differently. It is the responsibility of the parents to choose a cough medicine for the baby that does not give side effects and acts quickly.

Best Cough Medicines

The best cough medicine for everyone is different, because the not fully known human body sometimes reacts to taking certain drugs in different ways. That is why many people have their own good and effective remedy to help cope with this symptom. The list of the best cough suppressants below is based on the reviews of people who recommend them for use. Please note that before using them, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Effective cough medicine "Doctor Mom"

This good cough medicine for an adult will help if this symptom is productive. The composition of the best Doctor MOM product includes ginger, elecampane, licorice root, plantain and basil extract and other plant substances that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. For sale, this best and most effective cough remedy comes in the form of syrup and lozenges. Both of these types are equally useful and effective. However, unlike syrup, lozenges also help relieve severe attacks, and they are also convenient to carry around.

The best cough medicines sprays and lozenges "Tantum Verde"

The composition of the best proven means "Tantum Verde" includes benzydamine hydrochloride and excipients. The pleasant-tasting mint composition gently affects the mucous membranes and alleviates the condition with a dry, unproductive symptom. It can even be used to treat small children by splashing a small amount onto a pacifier. On sale you can find "Tantum Verde" in lozenges and in the form of a spray with a convenient dispenser.

The most effective cough medicine "ACC"

This drug has a chemical composition, as well as the previous one. It is believed that ACC is the best medicine for a wet cough. Its effect becomes noticeable already on the first day of admission. The best remedy for expectoration liquefies it, making the painful and debilitating symptom more productive. For sale, this drug is supplied in effervescent tablets and small sachets with powder.

The best cure for dry cough "Sinekod"

With tracheitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, the symptom is dry, since mucus is practically not produced and does not stagnate in the bronchi and lungs. The drug "Sinekod" is considered the best among other means aimed at combating such ailments. It has an antitussive effect, which greatly facilitates breathing and reduces seizures.

The best medicine for wet cough "Ambroxol"

One of the best and most effective drugs aimed at thinning sputum and removing it from the lungs and bronchi is Ambroxol. The substances included in its composition gently affect the peristalsis of the bronchi and cough receptors. For sale, this best remedy comes in the form of a syrup. Ambroxol is the cheapest syrup. On its basis, Ambrobene and Lazolvan are also produced. They also include excipients and flavors in their composition, but are much more expensive.

The most effective dry cough medicine "Libexin"

Libexin, along with Sinekod, is considered the most effective cough medicine. The substances included in its composition also suppress the cough reflex, but at the same time do not have a depressing effect on the general respiratory center. For sale, it comes in tablets, which begin to act effectively within half an hour after the first application.

Remember that this symptom is not always associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the upper or lower respiratory tract. Often it develops for completely different reasons. In this case, even the best medicines can be powerless.

Cough preparations are used to reduce the rheological properties of sputum during expectoration (fluidity and viscosity) and accelerate its removal from the lumen of the respiratory tract, primarily from the bronchi. About 100 ml of secretory mucus is constantly present in the respiratory tract to protect the surface layer from infection; in a healthy state, this amount of sputum does not bother the child, most of it is swallowed.

With inflammation of the bronchi of the trachea, larynx, sputum is released in large quantities, and the flickering ciliary layer cannot cope with the function of pushing it. The secret accumulates and presents a breeding ground for microbes. Air exchange is disturbed and a cough reflex occurs. Taking expectorants for coughs for children helps to clear mucus.

If the baby develops a strong cough, then his treatment consists in the accelerated removal of a secret that is numerous in mass. To choose what is best for coughing for children, determined by the nature of the reflex (productive or non-productive) and its strength, the treatment consists in suppressing the reflex or increasing its effectiveness for mucus discharge.

A mild cough is considered productive, as a result of which a certain amount of mucus is expectorated. To unproductive species dry irritating cough, while the mucus does not come out. The urge is suppressed if the cough does not clear the bronchi of mucus, an example is whooping cough.

Depending on the principle of action on cough receptors, cough suppressants are distinguished:

  • antitussives suppress a painful annoying cough;
  • mucolytics and secretolytic drugs change the characteristics of sputum, its volume and ability to be absorbed into the walls of the upper and lower respiratory lumens, normalize the peristalsis of the respiratory lumen, produce an expectorant effect;
  • have a combined effect on the disease.

Antitussive secretomotor group

When using funds, the cough center located in the medulla oblongata is irritated. Antitussive drugs block the work of the cough center located in the bronchi and pleura at the level of receptors or in the brain. These drugs are divided into two groups:

  • narcotic medicines;
  • non-narcotics.

The use of narcotic substances for a child is limited, as they disrupt breathing, promote addiction, disrupt bowel function, which causes constipation. Non-narcotic drugs have antispasmodic and hypotensive effects, the work of the stomach and intestines is not affected and is not addictive, the child's breathing remains normal.

Popular antitussive drugs include:

  • liquorice root;
  • eucalyptus oil ester;
  • thermopsis grass;
  • sodium benzoate.

Mucolytics and secretolytics

In commercial structures, numerous names of mucolytics are accepted, but they include the main active substances:

  • bromhexine (Flegamin, Solvin);
  • barbocysteine ​​(Estival, Mukopront, Fluditec, Bronkatar);
  • acetylcysteine ​​(ACC, Mukobene, Fluimucil);
  • ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan).

Secretolytic drugs are derived from the alkaloid vasicin, they reduce the adhesion of mucus to the walls of the respiratory tract, produce depolarization of mucopolysaccharide fibers and mucoproteins. Children's cough remedies increase the secretion of active enzymes inside the alveoli of the lungs, while a decrease in the viscosity of the secret does not lead to an increase in its amount.

Mucolytic drugs and secretolytic agents are prescribed for such diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchoecstasy;
  • tracheostomy;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchial congestion with phlegm.

Combined drugs

Combined drugs are distinguished by the fact that they simultaneously affect the disease in several directions, relieve inflammation, change viscosity and fluidity secretory mucus, activates the receptors of the walls of the bronchi and transfers cough from an unproductive form to a productive one. Particularly popular are:

  • Bromhexine has an antitussive effect, at the same time it produces an expectorant effect;
  • Bronchosan acts as a drug similar to bromhexine;
  • Thermopsol in the form of tablets is taken to reduce cough and thin sputum;
  • Alteyka is used to stimulate the peristalsis of the inner layer of the bronchial lumen and reduce the viscosity of sputum, in addition, the drug relieves inflammation.

Taking into account the compatibility of combined preparations with other drugs used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, drugs for therapeutic effects should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

Cough with bronchitis

With bronchitis, the mucous layer of the bronchi becomes inflamed, the course of the disease can be obstructive, chronic, purulent, but the disease is always accompanied by a cough. There are dry or wet cough reflexes, particles of pus are mixed with the secretory contents, sputum has the characteristics of difficult to separate. Which cough medicine for children is best for bronchitis is chosen depending on the symptoms that need to be reduced:

  • reduce the intensity of inflammation;
  • loosen mucus;
  • improve the functioning of the ciliated epithelium and accelerate the withdrawal of the secret;
  • relieve dry cough and transfer it to the productive category.

For bronchitis, the following remedies are used:

Bronchitis with asthmatic component

Clinical observations of children's pediatricians in recent years show that the appointment of expectorant drugs for asthmatic complication of bronchitis leads to effective help for sick children.

In asthma, the bronchial lumen is required to clear the accumulated viscous mucus and restore its drainage through the canal. That's why along with antiallergic drugs(eufillin, steroid drugs) expectorant drugs are prescribed. Among them are ambroxol, lazolvan, acetylcysteine, 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. It works best for cough when administered as an inhalation.

Treating a wet cough in a child

Frequent coughing, even if it is productive, exhausts the baby's strength, because of this he does not sleep, gets irritated, his breathing is disturbed, the child swallows sputum, and a new coughing fit occurs. Expectorant medicines for a wet cough are given at bedtime 2-3 hours before bedtime, if used later, the sputum that is released will not allow him to fall asleep at night.

Dry cough

This type is observed at the beginning of the disease and is a symptom of the onset of a cold, pneumonia, bronchitis or flu. For dry manifestation of the cough reflex narrowing of the air passages and hissing or whistling sounds. To provoke the appearance of a dry unproductive cough can be irritation of the mucous membrane with various substances, an allergy to drugs, or a reflex reaction of the body to environmental conditions.

The action of medicines is selected so as to moisten dry cough urges, then get rid of them with expectorants and mucolytics. Sometimes combined drugs and antitussives are used simultaneously. The following medicines are recognized as effective for productive cough:

  • excitatory cough center Sinekod, used for dry cough of any etiology;
  • combined Herbion based on plant materials has an antitussive, antimicrobial, expectorant effect, reduces inflammation;
  • the drug of combined action Codelac acts in several directions, contains thermopsis herbs, codeine, licorice and thyme;
  • has an antitussive effect Bronchicum - a combined herbal preparation of primrose, thyme and other herbs;
  • Libexin stops the cough reflex in the peripheral structures of the bronchi;
  • Linkas is a herbal preparation that has proven itself well during the period of changes in the viscosity and fluidity of sputum.

Folk recipes

Homemade recipes are no less effective:

Herbal teas and infusions

Medicinal herbs cause an increase in cough, sputum leaves faster, dry cough gradually softens, and the child's condition improves. The following herbal decoctions are used:

  • raspberry jam is added to the decoction of dried chamomile, allowed to drink arbitrarily;
  • for complex action, herbs of coltsfoot, marshmallow, licorice, wild rosemary, elecampane are used, all plants are taken in equal amounts, a decoction is used against cough in a child older than one and a half years;
  • milk (a glass) with mashed banana dissolved in it works well;
  • plantain herbs, thyme, anise fruits, pine buds, cyanosis root are used.

The properties of medicinal plants are used in the preparation of special pharmacy fees and medicines:

  • chest fees are sold on pharmacy shelves, depending on the action, they are numbered from 1 to 4, each of them has an original composition different from the other recipe;
  • the pharmacy offers expectorant fees, the chemical composition of which is selected depending on the desired action;
  • Bronchophyte is sold in the form of tea bags with medicinal plants that have an expectorant effect;
  • Herbion with plantain helps to alleviate cough, relieves spasms, reduces inflammation;
  • Stoptussin with plantain helps sputum discharge and relieves inflammation symptoms.

If a drug helped a child of acquaintances or relatives to cough, this does not mean that this remedy is equally effective for all children. Every baby has cough can occur for various reasons, have different symptoms, the severity of the disease. Immunity depends on the state of the body and the body's defenses, so only a pediatrician who has special knowledge in this area can prescribe a variety of drugs. Self-treatment can significantly harm the baby.

Cough is a protective reflex. This is a kind of forced exhalation, accompanied by a sound. In the process of coughing, the respiratory tract is cleared of dust, mucus and irritating particles.

The likelihood of catching a disease accompanied by perspiration increases for children aged 2-5 years. During this period, children are more in contact with the outside world, exchanging bacteria and viruses. Treatment of children's cough should be prescribed only by a doctor after examination. It is quite difficult to choose the right drugs on your own.

All cough medicines are divided into two types:

  1. expectorants;
  2. antitussives.

The latter are grouped according to the principle of operation into three types: central, peripheral and combined action.

Non-narcotic drugs of central action

Medications that have non-narcotic central action work selectively. They suppress the cough reflex, but do not have a detrimental effect on the respiratory center.

Medicines often complement other properties: anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant. Active components of drugs of non-narcotic central action: glaucine, butamirate, ledin, pentoxyverine.

Narcotic central action

Narcotic drugs of central action increase the cough threshold. At the same time, they affect the respiratory center, suppressing it.

Such funds are rarely prescribed for children, because they have a lot of side effects.. The active substances of the drugs are: codeine, dextrometrophane, ethylmorphine.

Peripheral drugs

The peripheral action of drugs is directed to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Medicines have an anesthetic effect, thereby suppressing irritation and relieving a coughing fit.

The advantage of such drugs is that they eliminate spasm, relax muscles and have anti-inflammatory activity.. The active components of the drugs are: levodropropizine, prenoxdiazine, bithiodine, benpropyrine.

Combined drugs

Combined drugs, along with an antitussive effect, have an enveloping, local anesthetic, softening effect. Medicines contain several active components that complement each other.

Indications for use

Antitussive drugs for children are prescribed taking into account the age of the child, the clinical picture of the disease and based on the results of laboratory diagnostics.

The main indication for the use of these drugs is dry cough.. It can occur due to irritation of the larynx with viral or bacterial infections (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis). Such medicines are also used for dry cough of another origin: allergic or psychosomatic.

  • Antitussive medicines show high efficiency in whooping cough.
  • They are used after surgical or diagnostic interventions.
  • Prescribed drugs for children after bronchoscopy.
  • Can be recommended for complex treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, chest trauma.

The pharmacological market offers consumers a variety of products. They are available in the form of suspensions, drops, tablets, inhalants. For young children, it is advisable to recommend liquid substances.

Older children can be given tablets or capsules for convenience. When choosing a medicine, you need to carefully read the instructions for use. The annotation indicates age restrictions, additional contraindications and volumes for use.

Children up to a year

Antitussives for young children and infants are recommended for cautious use. In some cases, even the doctor finds it difficult to understand what kind of cough the baby has.

A feature of the respiratory system of children in the first 6 months of life is that they have a weak cough reflex, which leads to accumulation of sputum in the bronchi and difficulty breathing..

  • Sinekod in the form of drops is used in children from 2 months. Up to a year, the medicine is prescribed in a dosage of 10 drops with a break of 6 hours. The medication can cause nausea and vomiting in a child.
  • Panatus syrup is used after 6 months. Children are prescribed a dosage of 2.5 ml in 4 divided doses. The medication should only be used as directed by a doctor.
  • Stoptussin drops are prescribed for children of the first year of life. Prohibited for use for infants whose weight does not reach 7 kg. The medicine is given 4 times a day for 8-9 drops. It is important to pay attention to the manufacturer when buying this medicine. The Czech remedy is not suitable for children of the first year of life.

An allergic reaction is a common side effect of treating young children. If parents notice unusual warning signs, then the medication should be discontinued and medical attention should be sought.

How to recognize an allergic cough in a child and how it differs from any other -.

1 to 4 years

Antitussive drugs for children with a dry cough can be used the same as at a younger age. It is only necessary to increase the dosage, in accordance with the age of the small patient. Also, after a year, additional compositions may be prescribed. After 3 years, the list of permitted medicines is expanding further.

  • Sinekod drops are used from a year for 15 pieces up to 4 times a day. The syrup is approved for use from 3 years old and is given three times a day, 5 ml.
  • Codelac Neo in the form of a syrup is prescribed for children after 3 years. A single dosage is 5 ml. The daily volume should not exceed 15 ml.
  • Panatus syrup has been used since the year in a volume of 5 ml three times a day. It is better to give medicine to a child before meals.
  • Broncholitin syrup is prescribed for children from 3 years in a single dose of 5 ml. It is important to consider that this medicine contains ethanol. In addition to antitussive action, it has an expectorant effect.
  • Glycodin syrup is an old and proven tool. It is used up to 3 years only as prescribed by the doctor.

The use of large doses of the drug, exceeding the recommended instructions, can cause nausea and vomiting. If you feel worse or there is no effect, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

What is possible after 5 years?

Many drugs have an age limit of up to 6 years. Antitussives for children with dry cough, described earlier, can be used even at 5 years old. To correctly determine the single and daily dose, you must carefully read the instructions.

Doctors allow children from 5 years to give drops, syrups or tablets.

  • Sinekod syrup is prescribed in 10 ml three times a day. Drops are used 25 pieces three times.
  • Codelac NEO is prescribed for children from 6 years of age, 10 ml in the morning, evening and afternoon. After 12 years, it is necessary to increase the single dose to 15 ml.
  • Panatus tablets are suitable for children from 6 years of age. Reception is carried out in the morning and in the evening, one capsule.
  • Alex Plus in lozenges is prescribed 1 dose up to 4 times a day. For children from 7 years old, a single dose can be increased to 2 lozenges.
  • Libexin tablets can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. A single dose varies from a quarter to a half of a pill, depending on the child's body weight.
  • Sedotussin is used for children from 4 years of age, 15 mg of the active substance. The medicine is available in the form of syrup and rectal suppositories.
  • Codeine-based codeine is used for children in an individual dosage prescribed by a doctor. You can buy this medication only with a special prescription.
  • Tuseprex tablets are used for children from 15 years of age. A single dose of the drug is 10 mg, and a daily dose is 40.
  • Rengalin is taken one tablet separately from food. The drug has unproven efficacy.
  • Falimint is a tablet for topical use. Taken as needed, but no more than 10 per day.

Children 4-5 years old should not be given medication in the form of tablets just because they will not be able to take the medication without first crushing.

herbal remedies

Many parents choose to replace synthetic drugs with herbal remedies.

Gerbion syrup is actively used to treat dry cough. It does not affect the respiratory center and does not raise the cough threshold. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Herbs are also very popular in the treatment of dry children's cough. Decoctions prepared from them are used for gargling and drinking.

Have an antitussive effect:

  • plantain;
  • ginger;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • chest fees;
  • licorice.

The effectiveness of non-standard treatment will be higher if it is started earlier. It is almost impossible to achieve an antitussive effect with a protracted or chronic cough with herbal preparations.

The use of herbs, despite their alleged safety, should also be agreed with the doctor. Many compounds are allergens and are not suitable for children under 3-5 years old.

The prescribed treatment with antitussive drugs cannot be replaced by folk recipes.


It is forbidden to give children narcotic antitussives on their own. Such drugs can cause respiratory depression, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Antitussive drugs for children with a wet cough are strictly prohibited. The main purpose of medications is to stop the cough reflex and alleviate the condition of the child.

If the cough is caused by the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, then the thick mucus must be thinned and then removed. Giving the child an antitussive, parents drown out the manifestations of the disease. This can lead to complications.

Antitussives are also contraindicated for children who are hypersensitive to a certain type of medication. Ignoring this condition leads to the development of an allergic reaction of varying intensity.

When prescribing a drug for dry cough to a small patient, the doctor always gives individual recommendations and advice. Antitussive formulations should be offered to children half an hour before meals.

Compliance with this condition will allow you to get the maximum therapeutic effect. The exception is drugs that have an individual scheme of use.

The correct environmental conditions must also be maintained. The air in the room should be cool and humid.



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