The child tore the foreskin what to do. Treatment of cracks in the foreskin in men

Sometimes men have to deal with very unpleasant injuries like a torn frenulum. This injury causes severe pain and is accompanied by bleeding. Moreover, the men themselves are puzzled by the question of what will happen if the bridle on the head breaks.

Frenulum tear

A frenulum is a thin skin longitudinal fold that connects the foreskin to the head of the penis. Normally, in men, such a fold has a completely acceptable length in order to expose the head of the penis without any discomfort and tension in the process of making frictional movements. If the frenulum is somewhat shorter than normal, then it gives patients all sorts of difficulties, often gets injured and causes problems in bed.

If this happens often, then psychological complexes appear in men, because he is no longer capable of normal sexual relations.

If minor tears have become a common occurrence, then scars begin to form at the site of damage, as a result, the head of the penis loses its ability to be exposed, which deprives the patient of the usual orgasmic sensations.

It can break under the influence of certain factors, then the man will feel severe discomfort. Typically, these problems occur during sexual intimacy, if sex is sharp, rough, intense. In such situations, the skin fold may tear partially or completely. But there is no need to be seriously scared, because this problem is quite common and has a simple solution.

In the photo, the frenulum of the glans penis

Why does this happen

It is almost impossible to predict the probability of a rupture in advance, because a short frenulum looks quite natural outwardly. Therefore, such pathologies cannot be detected in children. In adolescents, the problem becomes more noticeable, then appropriate measures can be taken.

Most often, the bridle can break for the following reasons:

  • Sharp and rough frictional movements in the process of sexual intercourse or with insufficient moisture of the female vagina, or when trying to break the hymen.
  • Congenital pathology in the form of a short frenulum. To avoid possible complications in the future, it is better to treat such a pathology as early as adolescence.
  • If the female genital organs are not sufficiently hydrated. This is possible in the presence of various pathologies, as well as with insufficient excitement of a woman before PA.
  • Also, the frenulum can break with too intense masturbation.

According to statistics, about 25% of cases of injuries during sex occur precisely in such damage. If there is dryness in the vagina or a man prefers rough sex, then it is better to use products from the category of lubricants.

What to do if the frenulum on the head is torn

If a man is faced with a similar problem, then certain measures must be taken. With such injuries, there is severe bleeding, which does not always stop immediately, and therefore you need to understand how to treat.

Such a gap is also not dangerous with especially large blood loss, so you need to calm down and proceed to action:

  1. You need to press the frenulum to the head or pinch the frenulum with your fingers to stop the blood. Hold the damaged fold in this state for about 10 minutes.
  2. When the bleeding has passed, it is necessary to treat the wound with Chlorhexidine, peroxide and other antibacterial and antiseptic drugs.
  3. There is no need to do dressing at home, because it is fraught with constriction of the penis and can provoke blood stasis.
  4. If you are concerned about intense soreness, then you can apply a cold compress, which will help relieve swelling, stop bleeding and reduce pain symptoms.
  5. Now you can contact a specialist who will determine the extent of the damage and select the optimal and effective therapy.

Regarding how much the frenulum heals, the process is quite fast. But, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist, otherwise the skin at the site of the wound will begin to scar, reducing the elasticity of the fold, which in the future can lead to a second rupture. Moreover, the scar is fraught with problems during sexual intimacy, because it significantly reduces orgastic sensations and provokes the development of complexes of a psychological nature.

Reason to see a doctor

The penis is so arranged that in the frenulum there is a mass of capillaries and nerve endings. In addition, under the frenulum is an artery through which the penis is fed with blood. That is why rupture occurs profuse bleeding and intense pain.

If the rupture occurred at night, then you can go to the emergency room in surgery. Usually, microsurgical plastic surgery is used for treatment. Why is it necessary to see a doctor?

If the frenulum heals itself, then in the future, due to a scar in the process of sexual intercourse, a man may experience discomfort and even pain, because the head will not be able to be released from under the foreskin.

After healing, the frenulum will be shortened, which, when excited, will cause a strong curvature of the organ, causing an unaesthetic appearance and complexes in a man. In addition, repeated breaks against the background of an injury that has already happened will occur repeatedly, which will also not lead to anything good. Therefore, to solve the problem, plastic frenulum is needed.

Surgical intervention

Today, the elimination of the rupture of the frenulum is carried out by several surgical techniques:

  • Frenulotomy. This procedure involves surgical manipulations aimed at increasing the length of the frenulum. This intervention is recommended for adolescents who have noticed their deviation in a timely manner. The intervention takes place without any complications and eliminates the occurrence of problems with the frenulum in the future, when the young man begins to have an active sex life.
  • V-Y plastic. This technique helps to reduce the risk of traumatic injury to the frenulum in adult patients. But such a procedure has one significant disadvantage - the likelihood of developing complications in the form of a narrowing of the foreskin increases.
  • . Such an intervention reduces the risk of developing phimosis and other unpleasant side effects. In addition, circumcision prevents the development of many infectious lesions that develop with the accumulation of smegma in the folds of the flesh.

Do not be afraid of plastic surgery, because it will save the patient from further problems with the frenulum. The surgeon will make an incision along the penis, which loosens the tension on the frenulum and allows it to be sewn up without any obstruction. Then the doctor sews up the incision made, after which no scars remain, because the seam will be located in the direction of the frenulum itself. The flesh is retracted to the base of the penis so that the glans is fully exposed during the healing process.

The sutures heal quite quickly, the elasticity and length of the frenulum increases. Staying in the hospital after the operation is not required, so the man is allowed to go home after a few hours. Rehabilitation involves local manganese baths for quick healing and infection prevention, as well as sexual rest for 20 days, after which the man will be able to experience all the joys of sexual life again without the risk of re-rupture and discomfort.

Aftermath and care

If the patient neglected the recommendations for contacting a urologist, then a large scar is formed at the site of injury. The connective tissue reduces the elasticity of the frenulum and increases its fragility, which will inevitably lead to a second rupture. As a result, the patient is waiting for psychological problems, a decrease in sexual desire, and even erectile dysfunction of a psychological nature. The patient will be afraid of a recurrence of the injury, which will negatively affect the process of sexual intimacy.

Self-treatment can also provoke all sorts of complications such as infection of the wound, the formation of cracks and additional damage.

With sexual intimacy without qualified treatment, a man may experience pain, and an orgasm will no longer be so bright and desirable, if at all. Therefore, there is no need for self-activity and embarrassment, the doctor will solve your problem much more effectively and without complications, and forever.

  • If a short frenulum is found in a teenager, agree to an operation. This will help to avoid problems in the future and save the guy from psychological trauma and failures in sex.
  • If a man already knows that he has a shortened frenulum, then when close, he should avoid any sudden movements. It is advisable to choose the most optimal position for yourself, in which traumatization will be excluded.
  • If your partner's vagina is dry, then pay more attention to foreplay, and also use all kinds of lubricants. Sufficient moisture will help reduce the degree of friction on the vaginal walls and prevent possible trauma to the organ. Similar actions are recommended for masturbation.

The rupture of the frenulum is accompanied by many unpleasant consequences, therefore, in order to prevent them, it is recommended to treat the problem in a qualified way. Today's microsurgical technologies will quickly and safely eliminate the injury without any consequences in the future.
On the video about the causes and treatment of rupture of the frenulum of the penis:

Rupture of the foreskin is a fairly common problem for men. Most often we are talking about small multiple quickly healing cracks. However, there are also such damages that are not eliminated for a long time. Such gaps can lead to the attachment of inflammatory processes and infections.

In addition, damage to the foreskin can cause a lot of discomfort. First of all, it will be pain when urinating. The problem is also reflected in the genital area, since due to discomfort and soreness of the skin, sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

What can lead to breaks?

Rupture of the foreskin It can be due to various reasons, the main ones being:

  • individual features of the development of the penis,
  • acquired mechanical damage or disease.

Individual characteristics

They can play a significant role in the appearance of breaks in the skin fold on the penis. The main diseases, the development of which is worth visiting the clinic or applying for, are:

  • phimosis
  • paraphimosis.

In the presence of phimosis, a man experiences certain difficulties in displacing the foreskin and exposing the head of the penis. Paraphimosis mainly develops as a complication of phimosis and is characterized by the inability to fully open the head. Any attempts to displace the foreskin in such a situation lead to severe pain, cracks and tears.

It is worth mentioning that such violations create favorable conditions for the active growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. And this, combined with the impossibility of carrying out normal hygiene, always leads to the development of infectious diseases.

Often, gaps can also be associated with the development of various sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to the fact that such diseases are accompanied by inflammatory processes and severe edema, as a result of which cracking of the skin on the foreskin is formed.

Mechanical damage

  • Breaks can also have a mechanical origin. For example, the cause in this situation may be damage caused by piercing and cutting objects.
  • Tears can also occur during sexual intercourse, for example, if a woman has a lack of natural lubrication or if the skin on the male genital organ is too thin.
  • Hormonal disruptions also increase the likelihood of damage.

Rupture of the foreskin: diagnosis and treatment

A timely appeal to a specialist will help not only to establish the exact causes of damage, but also help to avoid the development of complications and relapses in the future. In most cases, the diagnosis can be made on the basis of patient complaints and a visual examination. Laboratory tests are mainly prescribed in the presence of symptoms of infectious diseases.

  • If the tears and cracks are small and the patient has no complications, the doctor may prescribe hygiene measures, local use of antiseptic and antibacterial agents as a treatment.
  • While in phimosis and paraphimosis, as well as in situations where there is a risk of formation of coarse scar tissue, the specialist can decide whether to perform an operation to circumcise the foreskin.

Why go to a private clinic?

Paid clinics care about maintaining their reputation, so appointments are conducted by highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience who know how to find an individual approach to patients. In addition, such medical institutions are equipped with modern equipment, thanks to which the diagnosis of any, even the most delicate problems, will be extremely accurate.

Find an experienced urologist near your place of residence and make an appointment with him for a consultation at a convenient time for you to help our reference for private clinics in Moscow "Your Doctor".

Good afternoon 8 Days ago, in the morning at 7, there was vaginal intercourse without a condom and lubrication. It was very narrow (she argued that she had not yet woken up). As a result, during the introduction, I felt a slight pain, I realized that something had torn, but the friction continued. After the act, he bled quite heavily. I went to the shower, washed it without soap, tried to expose the head, but the wound parted and the head was not visible, it was without skin, the wreaths were flesh. I washed it lightly with water. Approximately in an hour has addressed to the urologist on a paid basis. He said he needed stitches (but he could only after 14:00), disinfected. 30 minutes after the urologist came home, he found swelling. By 11 began to shiver more and more. At 11:30 he again turned to the urologist. They said to wait 2:00 pm. Returning home, by 13:00 it became very bad. I took a temperature of 39.4. There was an emergency station nearby. Appealed to the emergency room by gravity. Then they took me to the 57th city hospital to the urology department. There, for about 10 minutes, they read the nation saying that a foreign citizen. I asked how much it would cost, they didn’t answer anything. But in the end I paid. 5 sutures were placed. They injected an antibiotic, paracetamol drank even in the ambulance. The temperature has dropped and is back to normal. Amoxiclav 1000 mg was prescribed for 10 days the next day he turned to a urologist, but already at 57. The doctor was different, but they knew each other. The reason for treatment is severe edema, the size of 1.5 tennis balls. The doctor examined said the norm is after surgery happens. I wrote a rupture of the frenulum, although I tell him that it was the foreskin. The edema went away the next day, okay, it takes 6 days, all this time I drink amoxiclav 1000, 2 tabs a day, I take it off in the evening, on my own, the stitches. Two seams parted initially. The next day again at 57 to the urologist. Upon re-examination, he notices that yes, indeed, the rupture of the foreskin (but how not to notice it is 2.5 cm in length of the rupture) says re-suturing is pointless, there is some kind of infection, therefore it did not grow together. Healing takes place by the second tension of the wound. He prescribed ciprofloxacin 500 for 5 days 1 tab / day, instead of amoxiclav. And then I'm already nauseated from amoxiclav. Came home and took a closer look. I noticed that a pocket had formed in the wound, the walls were like mucous membranes, and there was a little mucus inside. (Dimensions depth 1-1.5 cm width 08 cm) in this place, a seal is felt, the skin wrinkled, darkening is slightly visible. Maybe go to a surgeon? Maybe it's worth cutting the pocket, cleaning the wound thoroughly and stitching again? Well, or as a last resort, circumcise the foreskin. I don’t know what to do, I run around urolags, so far to no avail. Yes, and I don’t think that I could catch such an infection from the vagina, the woman didn’t have anything visually noticed.

The most common injury to the genital organs of men is a rupture or tear of the frenulum. Most often, such damage occurs due to too violent intercourse or during self-satisfaction.

A short frenulum is not necessarily a birth defect. It can form during adolescent puberty, due to a growth mismatch - the cavernous bodies increase faster than soft tissue growth occurs.

If a man has a short frenulum, then it will break sooner or later. Rupture of the frenulum of the foreskin is not life-threatening, but severe bleeding occurs with injury. What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to limit yourself to home treatment?

Frenulum on the head - rupture

What is a bridle in men, and what are its functions? This is a skin fold located between the glans penis - on its underside - and the foreskin. Its function is a limiter that holds the foreskin in place. After the foreskin recedes from the head of the penis, the frenulum contributes to its return back.

In this skin fold there are many vessels and nerve endings - this area is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones. However, this sensitivity largely depends on the individual characteristics and susceptibility of a man, the individual physiological structure of his genital organs.

The skin fold, which acts as a limiter, is normally quite elastic and has the length necessary to perform its functions. However, there are cases when it is short.

The gap can occur many times, and if treatment is not started on time, the sexual life will be difficult.

Also, the reasons for the gap may be insufficient moisture of the vagina, the inability of men - trauma can occur during the first sexual contact, passion for sexual experiments, structural features.

Penile injuries should not be taken lightly. This can lead to serious consequences.

Rupture of the frenulum of the penis - consequences

Rupture of the frenulum does not cause severe pain, but it is accompanied by profuse bleeding. Precisely because there is no acute pain, and minor soreness quickly disappears, men do not go to the doctor.

There is an opinion among male representatives that if an injury has already occurred once, then everything will be fine in the future. But in fact, it's quite the opposite.

After a rupture, replacement fibrous tissue appears at the site of the lesion, the elasticity of which is even lower, there is practically no collagen in it. The more scar tissue at the end of the penis, the more often ruptures will occur, and the more the frenulum will be shortened.

In addition, subsequently the head will not open completely, the ability to have sexual intercourse will become problematic, libido will gradually decrease due to fear of a repetition of painful sensations. At a certain stage, it is necessary to use specific drugs to stimulate attraction.

You can not leave the problem unattended, and at least in case of a repeated break, you need to turn to the help of official medicine for treatment.

First aid for an injury to the restrictor of the foreskin

During erection and sexual intercourse, the skin fold is stretched and shortened, which can cause its partial or complete rupture and intense bleeding.

To reduce the development of unpleasant consequences, you need to give yourself first aid at home as follows:

  • treat the injury site with some antiseptic; best to use "Hydrogen peroxide", "Chlorhexidine" or Miramistin- they do not increase pain: but if antiseptics without an alcohol component are not at hand, then any one will do - a burning sensation will have to be endured;
  • ice can be applied to the penis;
  • if the bleeding does not stop, the base of the penis is fixed with a pressure bandage for a short time.

Even if the blood stopped quickly, you should not continue coitus. In the future, until the wound is completely healed, sexual rest is needed.

If during sexual intercourse the member was not protected, there may be a risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, HIV infection, and various types of hepatitis.

Treatment for permanent rupture of the frenulum

If the skin fold on the penis is short, then you should not wait until it is injured. A teenager or a young man himself can understand that he has a problem according to some signs - full exposure of the head is impossible, pulling back the foreskin causes a painful sensation.

The urologist makes a diagnosis based on a visual examination and patient complaints.

Treatment is only surgical - 2 methods are used:

Circumcision treatment is also carried out in several ways: the foreskin can be removed completely or only a skin incision is made on the penis.

Circumcision is carried out as follows:

  • preparation for the operation is carried out in the same way as in all cases - that is, it is necessary to pass blood and urine tests - general and specific, to make a cardiogram; the need for examinations at the discretion of the doctor;
  • for this method of treatment, in most cases, they do not require hospitalization, however, the doctor may recommend staying in the hospital for 2-3 days;
  • anesthesia for adults is often local, for children general anesthesia is recommended;
  • the rehabilitation period lasts from 1.5 to 2 months.

After the operation, adults can begin sexual activity after the end of the rehabilitation period. Operations are carried out according to various methods, the end result differs only in the size of the seam.

When treating, you can completely excise the foreskin or carry out partial cutting. In the latter case, only the affected part of the skin fold is truncated, leaving the skin of the foreskin intact. With partial excision of the foreskin, the possibility of recurrence of the rupture of the frenulum remains.

With a partial circumcision, the remaining skin fold is stretched during an erection. After a full circumcision, there are no folds on the penis.

What is frenuloplasty? For the treatment of the frenulum in this case, hospitalization is not required - it is performed on an outpatient basis, and in time it takes from 10 to 15 minutes. Correction of the length of the skin fold is carried out by a transverse incision and its puncture. The seam is made of a material that dissolves itself. The rehabilitation period is 1.5 months.

Frenuloplasty can be performed using the Z-shaped technology. This type of treatment reduces the possibility of relapses - repeated ruptures. Incision - in the shape of the letter Z increases the depth of the fold and - accordingly - the length of the frenulum of the penis.

The skin on the penis is thin, contains a large amount of collagen fibers, as a result of which it quickly recovers after surgical treatment.

The consequences of the operation - soreness and discomfort in the groin area - are felt for about 2-3 days. At this time, you can take painkillers.

After the operation, the skin fold must be moistened with special means, the penis should be washed with anesthetics 5-6 times a day in order to prevent the formation of a rough scar. If all the recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period are fulfilled, there will be no further rupture of the skin fold on the penis.



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