Oats useful properties and contraindications reviews. Oats - useful properties

oats- a genus of plants from the family Cereals, or Bluegrass (Poaseae). Almost 40 species belong to this genus, growing mainly in the countries of the Old World with a temperate climate (oats are not so common in North and South America).

oats- an annual plant with an inflorescence in the form of a panicle; very unpretentious, can grow on almost any soil, with the exception of sandy and calcareous.

"In the early days of agriculture" oats were considered a weed (like rye) and littered crops of wheat and barley. However, in the northern regions, he gradually replaced the capricious wheat queen, and from about the 2nd millennium BC. e. oats began to be cultivated, that is, it acquired the status of a cultivated plant. It is believed that this happened in Northeast China and Mongolia.

Most types of oats have grains covered with dense scales. These scales are removed during the mechanical processing of grains, when oats are turned into grits. As a result, the grain germ is damaged and such grains can no longer sprout.

But there are also so-called naked types of oats, their grains lie freely between the scales and do not require mechanical processing. Such grains retain their integrity fa thereby "survivability". It is these grains that can be germinated and receive the most valuable product - sprouts.

Soon after people "got acquainted" with oats, they discovered in it not only food, but also healing properties. Already in ancient Greece, oat grain was used for medicinal purposes: liquid oatmeal for constipation, mucous decoction for cough, grain for compresses.

Oat grains contain very powerful enzymes, which the famous Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov called "genuine life activators." These enzymes promote the absorption of fats in the intestines, carbohydrates, have a beneficial effect on the liver, pancreas and even the thyroid gland.

Oats can be eaten raw: soak for half an hour in water or warm milk and add almonds, raisins, grated apple or honey to taste. Natural Therapy recommends oats for postpartum women and hyperactive children. It is an important component of nutrition in diabetes mellitus. Oats regulate acidity in the body. It is useful in inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as ulcers. It is difficult to find any contraindications for the use of oats.

Dishes from oatmeal or oatmeal are included in almost any therapeutic diet, as they have an enveloping effect, thereby protecting the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, oats very well remove harmful salts from the body (for example, salts of heavy metals), that is, oats have just cleansing properties. True, at the same time, useful salts (in particular, calcium) that the body needs are also removed, which is natural, since neither oats nor any other remedy with a similar effect can “choose” which salts to remove and which not. That is why you should not sit on a purely oat diet for too long; it is recommended to add foods rich in calcium to ready-made oat dishes.

Chemical composition and healing properties

Oat grain contains a high amount of starch, fat, protein, as well as amino acids and minerals. Oats contain sterols, steroidal saponins, gum, organic acids (oxalic, malonic, erucic), coumarin scopoletin, vanillin glycoside, vitamin E, B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , A.

Clinical experiments have shown that oatmeal lowers cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood. Oats, more than other cereals, are rich in phospholipids - this is the "building material" for the cell membranes of the nervous tissue.

Cereal proteins have lipotropic properties - this allows them to be used in clinical nutrition for diseases of the heart and liver. Oat grains are widely used in choleretic preparations. Mucous decoctions of oats are used in the treatment of viral hepatitis.

Green grass is not inferior to grain in terms of therapeutic activity. An infusion of a green plant is an effective diaphoretic, diuretic and antipyretic agent, it also regulates metabolic processes in the heart muscle and nervous tissue. Preparations from straw and unrefined grain increase the protective and regenerative functions of the skin, contribute to the elimination of inflammation of the nerve endings. Due to the combination of biologically active substances, and primarily vitamin B 3, oat preparations give positive stable results in the fight against chronic skin lesions - eczema, dermatitis, and diathesis in children. Moreover, they "work" not only in the cells of the skin, but also reduce the sensitivity of the body (desensitizing effect), prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

In scientific medicine, oatmeal is considered a convalescent dietary product. A decoction of oats with honey is a good refreshing and nourishing remedy for people weakened after debilitating diseases and severe injuries (for example, with a burn disease).

Oatmeal is also used as an enveloping agent in acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. All types of oatmeal, if boiled according to a certain technology, give a large amount of slimy broth. Together with milk, this decoction is included in the most stringent diets for gastric diseases - gastritis, enterocolitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. And oatmeal jelly is prepared as a nutritious dietary and enveloping remedy for stomach and intestinal disorders. In addition, wholemeal oatmeal mucous decoctions are included as an additional remedy in the treatment regimen for iron deficiency anemia. Oats also help with atony - insufficient intestinal motility.

In chronic lead poisoning, oatmeal dishes without milk are introduced into the diet.

The complex of vitamins of group B and other biologically active substances of oats have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Herb infusion

perfectly helps with chronic physical and mental overwork, asthenic conditions, neuroses, sleep disorders.

Daily inclusion in the diet of oatmeal (raw and in the form of porridge) - helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. They contain a spongy soluble dietary fiber that absorbs cholesterol-forming substances and removes them from the body.

In addition, due to the high content of magnesium, oatmeal dishes prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Therefore, it is useful to include dishes from hercules, oatmeal, oatmeal, bran in the diet of patients with the threat of thrombosis in coronary heart disease, hypertension, thrombophlebitis and after heart surgery.

In folk medicine, oats are used quite widely, not only grain, but also straw. Homeopaths also recognize the medicinal properties of this cereal, especially in the form of essence from fresh plants.

A decoction of oat straw mixed with oak bark is used for baths with excessive sweating of the feet. The same decoctions are used to treat urolithiasis, diabetes, flatulence (increased formation of gases in the intestines).

According to some reports, oats well stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus, help with infertility and impotence.

You see how many specific areas of our body that this cereal helps in case of illness. But it also acts on our body as a whole: it strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, helps cleanse all systems, and slows down aging. The most striking feature of oats is its versatility; this means that with practically the same remedy, several systems can be put in order at the same time - the cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems.

First of all, the diaphoretic, diuretic and antipyretic effect of oat preparations is used. For this purpose, take 30-40 g of oat straw, cut, insist 2 hours in 1 liter of boiling water. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

A decoction of oats is also prepared as an antipyretic: 1 cup of grain is thoroughly washed and poured with 1 liter of boiling water, boiled down to half the original volume. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey to the broth. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

But oats also facilitate the discharge of sputum, helps to get rid of a painful cough. Even severe pneumonia is treated with oatmeal broth, and they also gargle with pharyngitis, laryngitis, and chronic tonsillitis.

Sacs with heated grains are used to warm painful areas with sinusitis and runny nose.


oatmeal broth very easy to prepare.

A glass of unpeeled (whole) oat grains pour 1 liter of pre-filtered water and cook for 15-20 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain. Drink a glass of decoction half an hour before meals (you can add 1 teaspoon of honey). Store the decoction in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days. . Pour 2-3 tablespoons of oat grains (peeled and with husks) into 0.5 liters of warm water and cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes.

Oatmeal jelly is useful for many gastrointestinal diseases: with sluggish digestion, constipation, low acidity of gastric juice, and flatulence.

oatmeal jelly can be prepared in several ways.

In the morning, pour 4 cups of crushed (crushed) oatmeal (or oatmeal) with 8 cups of warm water and put in a warm place until evening. In the evening, stir the drink well and strain through a sieve. Boil with constant stirring for 2-3 minutes. . Pour 0.5 kg of oatmeal into a three-liter glass jar and fill with water to about half, cover the jar with a napkin and put in a warm place. After 3 days, stir well, strain the liquid through a sieve into an aluminum pan, put on high heat and bring to a boil with continuous stirring. Cooled jelly can be drunk with honey, berries or berry syrup. . Milk oatmeal jelly: pour 1 cup of coarse raw oats with 5 cups of milk and simmer under a lid over low heat for 4 hours (can be in the oven). Then separate the milk broth from the oats, and pass the oats through a meat grinder, strain and mix the resulting gelatinous liquid with the milk broth. Kissel drink during the day. You can add cream and honey. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day. . Peasant jelly: Rinse 1 cup of oatmeal, pour 3 cups of cold water and leave for 2-3 hours. Then rub the resulting mass through a sieve. Pour the liquid part into a jar and leave for a day at room temperature for fermentation. Put the finished sourdough in a water bath, heat to a boil, salt, season with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and serve. Kissel can be cooled and served frozen, like jelly.

oat milk- a tasty and healthy drink, especially recommended for lactating women to increase lactation (as well as their children from the age of 4-5 months).

Pour 1 cup of oatmeal with 1 liter of water and cook until the consistency of liquid jelly. Strain the broth, dilute in half with boiled milk and cool. . For bronchitis and shortness of breath: 1 cup of oatmeal or flakes pour 2 liters of milk; simmer in the oven for 1.5-2 hours. Drink V 2 -1 glass at night.

With overwork, insomnia, nervous exhaustion

Alcohol tincture of fresh green oat grass: take 5 parts of the herb and 1 part of alcohol, leave for 7-10 days. Take tincture of 20-30 drops in a dessert spoon of water 3-4 times a day.

With exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases, as well as with depression

Mix a decoction of oatmeal (20 g of flakes per 200 ml of water), 50 g of sugar or 25 g of honey, 25 g of glucose, 50 g of pureed cranberries, 0.3 g of ascorbic acid, 2-4 teaspoons of lemon juice or 0.5 g citric acid, 2 tablets of asparkam (a preparation containing potassium and magnesium). Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

To relieve edema, including internal

Mix 10 grains of oats, 10 hop seedlings, 10 g of birch buds (can be in half with a birch leaf), 10 g of horsetail, 10 g of sedum grass. Mixture pour 1 liter of vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

This course of treatment can be combined with an oatmeal diet (only oatmeal without milk for 3-5 days).

Too heavy menstruation

Boil 2 tablespoons of oat grains in 0.6 liters of water for 20 minutes, then add 50 g of chopped parsley root and insist for 2 hours; strain. Drink throughout the day instead of water during your period.

The same remedy is useful to take during menopause.

Oats can be collected like any medicinal herb, then dried according to the usual rules (preferably under a canopy in sunny weather) and herbal remedies can be prepared from it. Oats should be harvested at the heading stage, while cutting them at a distance of about 20 cm from the top of the panicle.

Types and principles of preparation of herbal remedies

. Infusion, or steam: a certain amount of dry or fresh medicinal raw materials (roots, leaves or grass) is poured with a certain amount of boiling water, tightly closed, wrapped warmly and infused for the required time, after which it is usually filtered and squeezed. . "Cold" infusion, fresh or dry chopped herbs are infused in cold boiled or pure spring water for the specified time. . Tincture: the required amount of vegetable raw materials is infused in a certain amount of vodka or alcohol in a tightly closed container for 7-14 days - either in a dark, cool place or in a warm and sunny place. Strain and squeeze. . Decoctions are of two types. In the first case, the crushed raw materials are infused for some time in cold water, and then boiled for 5-10 or 10-15 minutes (sometimes longer) under the lid. The second method of preparation is to heat the mixture in a water bath.

For insomnia and fatigue

Tincture of dry oats: Pass 2 tablespoons of dry oats through a meat grinder, pour 200 g of vodka and insist for 15 days at room temperature. Take 20-30 drops of tincture 2 times a day before meals.

For arthritis and arthritis

Drink decoctions or infusions of oat straw.

Decoction of oat straw: fill a large jar 2/3 of the volume with crushed oat straw, hay dust, top pine branches (in equal parts). Add cold water to the top, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Drink a hot decoction 3 times a day before meals for 1/2 cup. . Infusion of oat straw: pour 1 tablespoon of chopped oat straw into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 40-60 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

In addition, for diseases of the joints, wraps from a decoction of oat straw are useful, which are best done before bedtime. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of oat straw, soak a sheet and a few diapers (necessarily cotton) in a warm decoction. It is good to wring out the fabric, fold the sheet four times and, while it is warm, wrap it around the chest, stomach, and pelvis. Wrap with diapers hands, feet, ankle joints. Immediately go to bed, laying an oilcloth, tightly cover yourself with a warm blanket and lie like this for 1.5-2 hours. This procedure is done every other day for 1-2 months, but it is possible every day.

Oat straw wraps do not immediately relieve acute pain, but every day you will feel the beneficial effects of this procedure more and more.

With eczema, diathesis in children

Lotions with oat straw infusion help well: pour 2 tablespoons of oat straw into 200 ml of boiling water, keep on low heat for 5 minutes, then leave for 15 minutes and strain. Make lotions on the affected areas of the skin.

In the presence of sand in the kidneys (but not stones!)

Mix in equal parts oat straw, corn stigmas, blueberry leaf, bean pods, club floater. Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture with 1 liter of warm water, leave for 10-12 hours. Then boil on low heat for 10 minutes, then leave for another 4 hours, strain. Take an incomplete teaspoon every half hour for 3 hours.

Attention: in the presence of kidney stones, it is extremely dangerous to self-medicate!

Foot bath with decoction of oat straw (by Sebastian Kneipp)

Straw should be boiled for about half an hour, the broth should be cooled to 31-32 ° C; the procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. When you need to soften any hardening on your feet, these baths are incomparable. They help with articular rheumatism, gout, calluses, ingrown nails, water bladders, and even open and festering wounds.

Regarding all foot baths: people suffering from leg cramps should not take baths above 30 ° C, and the legs should be immersed only to the beginning of the calves. Warm foot baths without any impurities are not prescribed at all.

full bath

Fill a large enamel pot 2/3 full with oat straw, add water to the top and bring to a boil. Boil for 30 minutes, then leave for 1 hour. After that, strain the broth and pour into the bath. This bath helps with severe itching. The duration of taking a bath is 15-20 minutes.

For severe cough and shortness of breath

Prepare an oat-milk extract: pour 0.5 oats with 2 liters of milk and simmer in the oven over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Take one glass a day before bed.

Another remedy: mix 2 tablespoons of oats with the same amount of raisins and pour 1.5 liters of cold boiled water. Cook over very low heat or simmer in the oven covered over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. Cool slightly, strain, squeeze, add 1 tablespoon of natural honey to the expressed liquid and mix thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Pour the washed oats into the pan by 2/3 and pour milk, without filling it by 2 fingers to the top of the pan, close the lid and put in the oven on low heat. Add milk as it boils to the original volume until the oats are boiled. Cool the broth, strain, squeeze through gauze. In the resulting liquid, add half the volume of natural honey in a ratio of 2: 1, mix and take 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

With tuberculosis

Pour 1 cup of oatmeal with 1 liter of water, boil to half the volume, strain, add 2 cups of milk (preferably goat's) to the broth. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

With pneumonia

1 cup of washed oats with husks pour 1 liter of milk and cook for an hour over low heat. Strain, drink hot, you can with butter and honey. It is especially useful to take it at night, but the decoction cannot be stored for a long time, as it quickly turns sour. You can also give this drink to children.

For pulmonary tuberculosis and chronic lung diseases

Prepare porridge with oats and elecampane. Pour oatmeal (200 g) and elecampane roots (50 g) crushed in a meat grinder into a boiling mixture of water (2 cups) and milk (400 g), add sugar (20 g) and salt, cook over low heat. Pour oats into two-thirds of the pan, pour into a third of milk and one finger thick - lard. Boil in the oven, simmer under the lid, adding milk until the cereal is boiled soft. Drain and squeeze out the liquid part. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

For diseases of the urinary system

Decoctions, tinctures, teas and baths with green oat grass have a pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, oat preparations have an antispasmodic effect, reduce pain from contractions of the ureter and bladder in case of urolithiasis and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - for example, cystitis. They also help with dropsy of the abdomen that occurs with kidney diseases.

Prevention of diseases of the urinary system

For this purpose, urologists recommend the so-called. "kidney balm". To prepare it, 500 g of whole oats with husks are sorted, washed, soaked for an hour and boiled in 3 liters of water over low heat for 2 hours. The broth is filtered, 5 tablespoons of honey and 500 ml of low-fat milk are added to it. It is recommended to drink about a liter of this composition daily. In summer, the decoction can be drunk cool, and warmed up in winter or in cold weather.

The drink is quite high-calorie, if you need to follow a low-calorie diet, prepare the balm with less honey and milk, but the proportion of oats and water must be observed during preparation.

To improve the excretory function of the bladder

Brew a glass of oats in 1 liter of water and evaporate to 1/4 of the original volume. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day. Another way: pour the grain with cold water in a ratio of 1:10, leave for a day, strain and take 0.5-1 cup 2-3 times a day before meals. The drink also regulates metabolic processes in the heart muscle and nervous tissue, improves the functioning of the gallbladder.

Diseases of the kidneys, bladder

With various inflammatory diseases of the excretory system, baths with a decoction of oat straw help. 300 g of straw are poured into a bucket of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for 1 hour. Then filter and pour the infusion into the bath, while the water temperature should be about 37 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. These baths will also be useful for rheumatism, gout, metabolic disorders, frostbite, and women's diseases.

Inside, with kidney diseases, take a decoction of oats: pour 1 cup of oatmeal with 1 liter of water, boil it in half, strain, add 2 cups of milk, boil for another 20 minutes. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.


Hot compresses of a strong decoction of oats are recommended in this disease to facilitate the passage of stones. Boil 0.5 kg of oat straw in 2 liters of water for 30 minutes over low heat. Make a compress and apply it to the kidney area until it cools. To achieve the result, the procedure can be repeated several times.

As a diuretic and antispasmodic for nephrolithiasis and pyelonephritis, a decoction of fresh oat straw is recommended: 40 g of crushed straw is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk 1 cup 3 times a day.

Helps with diseases of the kidneys and bladder and a decoction of whole grains of oats: boil 1 cup of grains in 4 cups of water in a water bath by half, add 4 tablespoons of honey, keep in a water bath for another 5 minutes and filter. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

For diseases of the digestive system

Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), duodenal ulcer Sort the oats, soak and put in a warm place. On the second day, the grains will germinate, they should be ground with a coffee grinder. After that, dilute the resulting flour with cold water, pour everything with boiling water and boil for 1-2 minutes. Infuse the drink for 20 minutes, then strain and drink fresh (you can’t cook in advance!). This remedy is also recommended for diabetes.

Gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis (regardless of acidity), chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis

Pour 1 cup of washed oats with 1 liter of distilled water at room temperature, leave for 10-12 hours, then bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Wrap and insist 12 hours, strain. Then with distilled water bring the volume of the broth to a liter. Take 20-30 minutes before meals, or between meals 3 times a day, 100-150 ml for a month.

Gallbladder and liver disorders

1 cup of unpicked oats (in a hard shell), rinse thoroughly, pour a liter of water. Infuse for 12 hours, boil for 30 minutes under a tightly closed lid over low heat and insist, wrapped, for another 10 hours. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day before meals. If the liver is generally healthy, it is recommended to take the decoction in courses of 2-3 weeks, 2 times a year; if the violations are persistent - every 3 months. Improves this remedy and the work of the gastrointestinal tract (eliminates constipation with regular use).

To enhance the cleansing effect on the liver, blackcurrant and raspberry leaves can be added to the decoction before wrapping.

Various liver lesions

Grind 30 g of flowering plants, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take half a glass 4-5 times a day.

Hypertension (initial stage)

Boil a glass of oat grains in 1 liter of water by half, strain. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day (up to 0.5 cup). The same remedy is recommended after a myocardial infarction.

With atherosclerosis

A decoction of oats with milk: 1 cup of oatmeal is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled down to half the original volume, filtered, 2 cups of milk are added. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

To strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol

Hawthorn juice is mixed with a decoction of oatmeal, sugar is added (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of the mixture) and brought to a boil. Drink 0.5-1 cup 2-3 times a day.

Ready-made drugs and home remedies

Medicinal raw material is the whole plant in different stages of maturity. From whole grains, cereals and oatmeal, dietary cereals, kissels are cooked, from fresh herbs (from young shoots to the tops of the stems during the earing period) and straw (fresh or slightly dried), medicinal teas, infusions, alcohol tinctures, decoctions, bath compositions are prepared , compresses and lotions. As an integral part, some recipes even include husks and oat roots.

In pharmacology, extracts and tinctures of the green parts of the plant are most often prepared from oats.

The tops of stems 20 cm long are harvested at the heading stage. Dry in dry sunny weather under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of 60 ° C.

The most popular of the ready-made pharmaceutical forms - alcohol tincture of oats - is familiar to many. Recently, this cereal is also included in the composition of biologically active food additives - for example, the preparation "Oats with dried apricots" is produced. It is recommended as a health remedy for diseases of the liver, heart, anemia, hypertension, and constipation, especially senile; diseases of the joints, spine.

An infusion of oats is prepared as follows: the grain is poured with cold water (10 parts of water for 1 part of vegetable raw materials), insisted for a day, filtered. Take 1/2-1 cup 2-3 times a day before meals as a diuretic.

Stem tincture: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are crushed with a meat grinder, poured into a dark glass bottle with 1 glass of vodka, insisted in a warm place for 2 weeks; shaken periodically. When ready, filter; take 20-30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water 2-3 times a day before meals, if necessary and more often.

with disorders of the nervous system, sleep disorders;

for the prevention of stress during intense physical and psychological stress (for example, students in preparation for exams);

to strengthen immunity during physical and mental overwork;

in violation of the functions of the kidneys and liver;

with chronic sluggish inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;

with changes in the joints;

with anemia (anemia).

This tincture also has a diaphoretic, diuretic, antipyretic effect.

In diseases of the respiratory system, especially with a dry cough (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.), the tincture is also used for rinsing.

In addition, the systematic use of tincture during a period of increased morbidity can protect against influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Juice from fresh green oat plants is used to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems, with nervous exhaustion, heart rhythm disturbances, diabetes, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, to improve appetite and as a general tonic.

Pass the green parts of the plant through a juicer or meat grinder. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

Oat tea

Required: 1 tbsp. l. oat grains or flakes, 2 glasses of beer.

Cooking method. Pour oatmeal or cereal with beer. Boil for at least 30 minutes, strain. We advise you to soak oats or oatmeal in beer in the evening and cook the next morning.

Since ancient times, oats have been used in folk medicine. Cereal culture is a universal ingredient with medicinal properties. It contains useful minerals that have a healing effect on the body.

A decoction of oats is very popular, as it is easy to prepare, and it helps with various diseases.

What are the medicinal properties of cereal

oats is a herbaceous crop. It is grown and processed in the same way as wheat and barley. The plant is widely used in folk medicine, infusion, decoctions are prepared from it.

Its flakes, cereals are used as ingredients, and you can also find a recipe that uses dry leaves. It contains mineral salt, protein, sucrose, starch and fats.

In terms of the number of medicinal components, it has no equal.

Most often, oats are used to cleanse the body, as it has a tonic property. It also gives strength, improves tone, restores the digestive tract. Many people use oats for severe pain in the joints. The decoction improves the performance of the heart muscle by cleaning the blood vessels from toxic elements.

A drink based on cereals has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Therefore, it is used for sleep problems, as it helps to relieve a high level of anxiety. The drug has a laxative and diuretic effect.

For this reason, it is used to treat urinary problems, constipation, and diarrhea. The infusion is used for viral and colds. Since it has an antipyretic effect on the body.

Due to its properties, oatmeal healing broth is used instead of oil in massage procedures. This method of application eliminates various diseases that appear on the skin. It treats ulcers of trophic origin, diathesis, eczema, hepatitis.

It will perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and improve skin condition.

Healers advise using a cereal drink when quitting smoking and drinking alcohol-containing products. This method of treatment helps to develop a persistent aversion to alcohol, and eliminates nicotine addiction.

The benefits and harms of oats

The culture has many useful properties - these are vitamins, trace elements.

For this reason, oats have indications for use in the prevention and treatment of a large number of diseases. It restores the immune system, treats hypertension, effectively fights excess weight, cleanses the blood, removes slag substances. In men, it eliminates the symptoms of pancreatitis.

It has a beneficial effect on all systems of internal organs of a person, namely:

  • eliminates the symptom of diarrhea;
  • restores the affected areas of the mucous membrane;
  • has a strengthening effect on the vascular system;
  • improves immunity;
  • removes toxic and poisonous elements;
  • has a calming effect on the body;
  • helps relax;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces the size of metastases;
  • tones muscles;
  • treats polycystic;
  • fights insomnia.

Oats contain phytic acid. It is necessary for the plant to grow in areas with poor climatic conditions. An increased level of its concentration can harm human health. Because it interferes with the absorption of phosphorus.

Acid does not allow beneficial substances to be absorbed into the blood. Fitin does not allow the digestive system to function normally. This consists in stopping the production of trypsin and pepsin, which leads to a stop in the breakdown of proteins. You can get rid of it by soaking, roasting and sprouting.

After preparatory procedures, phytase is released, which inhibits the action of the phytic substance. And the plant does not harm a person.

Contraindications for use

There are practically no prohibitions on the use of oatmeal tincture at home. However, some people should be careful, as serious complications can occur.

You should refrain from drinking if:

  • individual intolerance;
  • high acidity in the pancreas;
  • gallbladder removed;
  • there is renal failure;
  • problems with the heart or blood vessels.

These contraindications are not always a complete ban on the use of oats for medicinal purposes. For clarification, you need to consult a doctor.

Oat decoction recipes

To cleanse the blood and improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and stomach, the following recipe is suitable.

Take 2 cups of grains, which are filled with warm water or milk in the amount of 1 liter. 200 ml. The broth is boiled for 3 minutes, and then infused for about half an hour. You need to drink it three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. Be sure to take a break during course therapy in 1 month.

This recipe is intended to eliminate the symptoms of diabetes.

Prepare 100 gr. grain crops, which are pre-washed, and then soaked in soda for about 3 hours. Then boil for 60 minutes, strain from the remnants. It is taken three times a day, half an hour before a meal.

The following recipe will help eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the intestines, making such a drink is easy.

Seeds in proportion 200 gr. steam with hot water, and boil for about 50 minutes. Infuse the decoction for 5 hours, then use 100 ml. 40 minutes before breakfast and dinner. The liver is also cleansed with oats at home.

Such a recipe is suitable for a child - 2 cups of warm milk is poured into 100 gr. oats. Boil until boiling, and then strain into a thermos. Drink this decoction for no more than a week; children are given 100 ml at bedtime.

You can cure gastritis if you cook according to the following recipe: 100 gr. unpeeled grains are poured with 6 glasses of water. It is necessary to insist 1 hour, and then take 1 cup 30 minutes before meals.

The recipe is suitable for cleansing the intestines, but the use of tablets may also be required.

Kissel from oats is prepared simply. One glass of seeds is poured into 1 liter. water, infused for 10-15 minutes. The grains are then removed and finely ground. The mixture is boiled for about an hour, then you need to cool and drink 2-3 times a day. Removes infectious inflammation.

Healing medicine is used in the treatment of oncology. It cleanses the blood fluid, which helps prevent the development of cancer. Gives strength, energizes. For the recipe, you need 1 cup of cereals pour 1 liter. water. Put on the stove and boil. The duration of cooking is 20-25 minutes, then let it brew for 1 hour.

The resulting jelly is divided into three parts and is taken by adults 3 times a day before meals. The drink slows down the development of cancer. But you need to use it together with chemotherapy and drug treatment.

Oats for weight loss

The correct decoction of cereal is quite effective in reducing body weight. A good result is achieved only in combination with physical exercises, as well as proper and balanced nutrition.

Weight loss with the help of oats is due to the content of fiber in it, which has a positive effect on the body, improves digestive metabolism. The glucose content decreases, insulin begins to be produced in a smaller amount, and less juice is secreted in the pancreatic secretion.

Recipe for weight loss- oatmeal in the proportion of 200 gr. brewed with warm water in an amount of 600 ml. It is prepared until the liquid evaporates, while it should remain a little. In appearance, it resembles jelly, which you need to drink once a day. If desired, honey is added, it is useful.

Oatmeal during pregnancy

Oatmeal has a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman. The decoction is prepared from whole grains or their flakes. Helps to get rid of signs of fatigue, relieves irritability, strengthens the immune system.

Reception is carried out 2 times a day, 100 ml. In addition, during pregnancy, it is advisable to include oatmeal porridge in the daily diet. It has a positive effect on the female body and on the development of the child, while removing harmful substances.

When the drink is used as a preventive measure, it is drunk as a tea. It is recommended to consume half a glass at a time. The decoction is taken 30 minutes before meals. If it is used as a treatment, then the allowable rate of the drink and the duration must be agreed with the doctor.

Oats are given to children for colds, allergies, diathesis. The duration of the course is 30 days, and the dosage depends on age characteristics.

Babies from 6 months to a year are given 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. From a year to two years, the dose increases and becomes 1 tbsp. spoon for 2 doses. At the age of five years, it is enough for a child to consume 60 ml. drink. After the daily norm is 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

Importantly, the drug is not addictive and has no side effects.

For this reason, courses of treatment can be repeated after a short break. Oat grass should not be combined with coffee or strong tea. They prevent the absorption of healing substances into soft tissues. Keep it for two days in the refrigerator.

Many do not know how useful oats are and that it is useful for the human body to use this cereal as often as possible, not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes, and in traditional medicine recipes.

Oats - useful properties

Interested in how useful oats are for the human body, it is imperative to single out its restorative effect as a whole. No wonder it is consumed for breakfast in many countries of the world, because it gives a positive effect in the form of:

  • complexion improvement;
  • skin smoothing;
  • reduction of kilograms;
  • charge of vivacity and strength for a long time.

People suffering from diabetes should definitely know how useful oats are for a person. It perfectly lowers blood sugar levels and normalizes the patient's condition. It can be used without medication, the result in any case will be effective. In addition, oats help in the following cases:

  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • helps to get rid of urolithiasis;
  • effectively lowers cholesterol;
  • relieves stress;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • controls the thyroid gland;
  • relieves cough and boosts immunity.

Oats - chemical composition

It is important what vitamins oats contain. Its chemical composition is full of minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. For one hundred grams of the product it contains:

  • proteins - 1 g;
  • fats - 6.2 g;
  • dietary fiber - 12 g;
  • carbohydrates - 55.1 g;
  • water - 13.5 g;

In addition to the main elements, the composition includes:

  • starch;
  • proteins and amino acids;
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamins of group B, A, E.

Oats - use for medicinal purposes

Considering how useful oats are for the body, its wide range of possibilities should be emphasized. They treat almost everything - from headaches to brittle nails. Decoctions and infusions are used more often, ointments and lotions are less often made. The use of oats as a whole and ground form adjusts the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and toxins. Its plus lies in the fact that it is used not only in traditional medicine - highly qualified specialists prescribe it in the treatment menu.

Oats - liver treatment

Knowing how useful oats are for the liver, you can restore its performance without resorting to medical help, but this can only be done in unopened cases. Since it performs many important functions in the body, it is simply necessary to maintain it, and oat grains cope with this 100%. Before treatment, you need to prepare your body by cleansing the stomach, intestines and rectum. This can be done using a special decoction of the following herbs:

  • lingonberry leaves;
  • birch leaves;
  • plantain seeds.

Drink it should be one tablespoon per day, diluted in a glass of water. It is necessary to maintain a course of two weeks. You should give up fried, fatty, coffee and alcohol. Before the recovery process, the liver must be rested. It is important to know not only what oats are useful for, but also how to cook and consume them correctly.


  • water - 1 liter;
  • oat grains - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Grind the grains, a coffee grinder is perfect for the process.
  2. Pour the flour into a thermos and pour a liter of warm water.
  3. Insist during the day and drink one glass before meals for two months.

Oats - treatment of the pancreas

The plant has a large amount of amino acids that perfectly restore the pancreas, so patients with this diagnosis are recommended to use oatmeal:

  • cereals;
  • jelly;
  • decoctions;
  • milk.

Before treatment, it is necessary to refuse food for a day or two, only tea with sugar and rosehip infusion are allowed. Knowing how steamed oats are useful and using them correctly, a person will recover faster. There are many recipes for cooking aimed at improving the body.

Ingredients for porridge:

  • cereals - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 2 glasses.


  1. Boil water and pour cereal into it.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. Eat without salt and oil for at least two days.

Knowledge of how to brew oats for the treatment of the pancreas will also help in case of unwillingness to use medications. Nevertheless, experts advise before starting self-treatment, seek advice. In severe and advanced cases, this method will remain ineffective, although it will hide the first signs of complications.

Oats in the treatment of the stomach

Starch, proteins and fats, which are part of oats, have a positive effect on the work of the stomach. How to brew oats to treat the entire gastrointestinal tract in order to normalize its work and restore acid balance? It's simple, because knowing how useful oats are, you can get rid of a lot of problems of the whole organism as a whole.


  • water - 1 liter;
  • oats - 1 cup.


  1. Pour porridge into warm water and leave to infuse for 12 hours.
  2. Then, it is put on a low fire and boiled for half an hour.
  3. After the time has elapsed, they are removed from the stove and wrapped in a warm blanket.
  4. For 30 days, drink the strained broth three times a day before meals.

Oats - bowel treatment

It is recommended not only to know how to properly prepare oats for treatment, but also to acquire the right cereal for this. What is on store shelves has already undergone heat treatment and has lost most of the carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, so you should look for a natural product, on farms, from private manufacturers, etc.

Recipes for the treatment of the stomach are very similar to intestinal decoctions, except for one thing - in this case, it is permissible to add a little sugar or honey to cereals and tinctures. Some basic rules should be followed:

  • Before starting treatment, arrange a fasting day for yourself.
  • Drink decoctions and tinctures at least three times a day, preferably before meals.
  • Do not interrupt the course earlier than at the end of one month.

Oats for the treatment of candidiasis

There are many reasons for the occurrence of candidiasis. This fungus is very dangerous, because it can provoke diseases such as:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes.

It can occur for many reasons:

  • environmental degradation;
  • malnutrition;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anabolics;
  • pregnancy;
  • age over 50 years.

Decoction for the treatment of candidiasis


  • Water - 30 glasses;
  • Oats - 10 cups.


  1. Pour the cereal into the water and put on a slow fire.
  2. Boil for three hours, and remove to cool in a cool place.
  3. Take one hundred grams three times a day.
  4. The course of treatment is from two to four months.

Oats in the treatment of joints

Knowing how useful oats are, you can relieve pain in the joints without visiting specialists. A decoction of a bucket of water and a bunch of oat straw perfectly relaxes and relieves stress during bathing, and the infusion restores bones from the inside. How to prepare oats for treatment so that the result is noticeable after a week of taking?


  • grains in the husk - 2 cups;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • honey - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. The cereal is poured with water and placed in a water bath until half of the liquid has evaporated.
  2. The rest of the broth is cooled and filtered through a strainer.
  3. Honey is added to filtered water, mixed and drunk 150 ml each. every day, warm.

Oats - thyroid treatment

Experts say that in order to remove toxins from the body, you need to brew oats like tea and drink it daily. Thyroid activity can be reduced with a tincture, but you need to know how to boil oats for treatment. It perfectly removes poisons from the body and restores natural processes. With one approach, two drugs can be prepared:

  1. Drink a decoction of water and cereals, 100 ml before meals daily, for at least two months.
  2. Put the grains remaining from the broth on a paper towel and apply in your free time on the throat.

The thyroid gland requires a lot of attention, so applying oat seeds for prevention will be an effective method to keep it in "sleep mode". Tinctures and decoctions have no contraindications, except for personal intolerance, but such cases are practically absent. It is worth remembering that even if you want to be treated on your own, consultation with a specialist is simply necessary.

Oats in the treatment of bronchitis

Is it easy to steam oats for treatment - the process is simple, given that it is the most popular cereal in folk remedies for getting rid of the disease. A decoction with the addition of milk helps to get rid of bronchitis. Such a tool may well replace many pharmacy cough syrups, not inferior in effectiveness.


  • oats clean, in the husk - 1 cup;
  • milk - 1 liter;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Pour oats with milk and cook over very low heat for one hour.
  2. After cooling, strain well and add honey to the resulting cocktail.
  3. Drink half a glass daily, preheating.
  4. Store leftover milk on oats in the refrigerator.

Oatmeal for weight loss

The cereal product is well suited for dietary nutrition, so knowledge of how to cook oats for weight loss is a must. Components valuable for the body help to saturate it with everything necessary, perfectly satisfying the feeling of hunger and not being deposited in problem areas. Among its useful properties are:

  • lowering cholesterol;
  • not allergic;
  • low calorie;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Those who want to have a beautiful figure should use a special infusion in a course of one month. It can be combined with proper nutrition and exercise. For cooking you will need:


  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.


  1. Pour the cereal into a blender and pour glasses of water. We beat.
  2. Add the remaining water and ingredients, mix and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. We filter and drink half an hour before each meal in a glass.

Apr 8, 2017 Olga

Even the ancient Greek healers and philosophers urged people to daily use a decoction of oats. Reviews of this tool indicate that this drink has extraordinary power. It is able to treat people from many diseases, improves the functioning of all internal organs, relieves inflammation, and also forms resistance to various ailments. However, before using oats in any form, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of this healing cereal.

The benefits of oats

About four centuries ago, the world-famous physician from France, Jean de Saint-Catherine, recommended replacing ordinary tea with oat decoction. In the reviews of this physician, it was said that this remedy has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Even a healthy person who takes such a drink for preventive purposes is distinguished by strength, energy and freshness of the skin.

In those days, the healing properties of oatmeal drink were reduced by healers to antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. However, over time, information about the medicinal properties of a decoction based on oats was replenished. It turned out that it also normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system.

Reviews of the decoction of oats from the side of modern medicine indicate that the composition of this cereal contains a large amount of microelements, essential oils, fats, amino acids, minerals and vitamins vital to the human body. It is in the form of a decoction that oats “nourish” the human body.

Reviews of the decoction of oats also indicate that the use of this drink is beneficial, as it helps:

  • Strengthen the protective function of the human body.
  • Resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • Remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi.
  • For colds, reduce fever.
  • Remove inflammation.
  • Cleanse the liver from toxic substances and toxins.
  • Normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Calm the nerves and relieve insomnia.
  • Strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
  • Raise vitality.
  • Fight diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.
  • Fight pancreatitis as a full-fledged therapeutic method.
  • Get rid of extra pounds.
  • Fight tobacco addiction.
  • Improve intellectual activity.
  • Provide the human body with the necessary components, which is considered an excellent prevention of loss of strength and anemia.

Rules for the preparation and use of decoction for various diseases

Reviews of the benefits of oat decoction suggest that this drink is able to fight many diseases. However, for this it is necessary to be able to cook it correctly, as well as follow some rules regarding its use. Phytotherapy involves several methods of preparing this medicinal drink. For the base of the broth, you can use not only ordinary water, but also milk.

Reviews of the benefits of oat decoction by experts suggest that figs or honey can be added to the drug for greater effectiveness. Insist the liquid is also different. In some cases, you can limit yourself to just a thermos, while in others you will need a water bath. Some recipes for making this healing drink involve the use of an oven. Therefore, it is worth dwelling in more detail on several methods of preparing this remedy.

With a breakdown and insomnia

In reviews of the benefits of decoction of oats for the body, they indicate that this remedy is ideal for raising vitality. It can also be used for bad sleep. For this, experts recommend consuming 100 ml of a healing drink 3 times a day.

Prepare this remedy according to a specific recipe: one tablespoon of grains should be poured into a small saucepan, add 500 ml of drinking water, cook over low heat for an hour. Before drinking, the drink is cooled to an acceptable temperature, filtered through gauze.

With gastritis

Reviews of doctors about the benefits and harms of oat decoction suggest that this remedy is very effective for relieving pain and treating gastritis. To do this, you need to drink small portions (about 100 ml each) of an oatmeal drink throughout the day. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of oats, pour whey over night. If there is no serum at home, then it is necessary to dissolve apple cider vinegar in the amount of a teaspoon in one liter of boiled water or replace it with lemon juice. It must be taken into account that dry oats absorb liquid intensively, so at least 1 liter of serum or other liquid is required.

After that, the container is cleaned in a warm place for 12 hours. Before drinking, the drink must be well filtered through gauze. If the oat seeds are not swollen, then further preparation of the drug is out of the question. Also, after such a soaking, the grains must be washed well. This is done in such a way that there is no husk left on them. After that, the grains are poured with one liter of plain water, put on low heat for a couple of hours. When the product has cooled, it must be passed through a strainer and diluted with boiled water to get a total of 1 liter of the finished drink. This amount is enough for 2 days.

With pancreatitis

In the reviews of the cured about the decoction of oats, it is also said that this remedy is very effective in the fight against pancreatitis. However, treatment will be successful only if it is complex, combined with taking medications. To prepare a decoction, you need to take one glass of washed grains and one liter of structured water. To do this, before cooking, water must be completely frozen, and then thawed at room temperature.

Grains are filled with water and left for 12 hours. After that, the pan, closed with a lid, must be sent to the fire, bring to a boil, then simmer for half an hour. In conclusion, the pan must be well wrapped and let the drink brew. It is desirable that the broth stood all night. After that, the liquid volume is adjusted to 1 liter with structured water. Take the finished product in half a glass before eating.

For cough and flu

A very effective healing drink in the treatment of colds, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This is stated in the reviews of the medicinal properties of oat decoction. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to mix it with garlic. To do this, steam one glass of dry oats with one liter of hot boiled milk. Leave the mixture overnight, then boil over low heat until the amount of liquid decreases by 2 times.

Before using the broth, it must be cooled to a warm state, and also filtered through a sieve. Finally, add 5 minced garlic cloves. Take the finished product three times a day. The resulting volume should be divided into 3 equal portions. More than once, doctors have proven the effectiveness of this remedy in the fight against colds. They also talk about this in reviews of oat decoction. The child is also allowed to use such a tool.

For diarrhea

To normalize the work of the digestive tract, it is necessary to take 100 ml of oatmeal 3 times a day. Reviews of the benefits and harms of oat decoction suggest that with such treatment, painful symptoms completely disappear. The liquid is recommended to be consumed half an hour before meals. It is prepared from one and a half liters of plain water, in which some silver object must be lowered without fail. 150 g of oats in the husk are added to the liquid.

First, boil water with silver well, then remove this neutralizer from it and add grains. The mixture is simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After that, the closed container is placed in the oven for a couple of hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. After this time, the liquid is filtered and taken orally.

For arthritis

Healing decoction can successfully treat a disease such as arthritis. This was proved by reviews of the decoction of oats. You don't need to drink it. The therapeutic agent must be applied daily to diseased areas for at least two months.

For cooking, you need to take an equal amount of oat straw, pine needles and hay dust. All ingredients are mixed in an enamel bowl so that the mixture fills 2/3 of the volume of the container. After that, cold drinking water is poured into the container, and the pan is sent for 20 minutes on low heat.

After this time, you need to quickly soak the sheet, compress cloth and socks in the hot product. After that, it is necessary to wrap all diseased areas on the body. In a severely advanced form of arthritis, it is recommended to completely wrap the entire body up to the level of the armpits. After that, the patient should lie down on a moistened sheet, tightly covered with a warm blanket. The procedure should take two hours.

When cleaning the liver

The tool is also very effective in cleansing the liver. This is evidenced by reviews of a decoction of oats. This drink will not cause harm if it is prepared according to the recipe. However, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that this will require a lot of patience and time. First of all, you need to soak the washed cereals in water overnight. In the morning, the water from the swollen grains is drained, and the oats are poured into a thin layer on gauze. It is important to note that oat grains must be constantly warm. This should last until the bulk of the seeds begin to hatch.

Without waiting for green sprouts, you should collect the oats in a container, add one tablespoon of natural honey and enough water so that the grains are slightly covered with liquid. After that, all the contents must be thoroughly crushed to a smoothie state. The resulting liver cleanser is ready.

Take such a healing composition for half a cup on an empty stomach in the morning. The rest is consumed throughout the day. Please note that the drink should not be taken the day after preparation. Each time you need to prepare it anew. The course of treatment lasts for two weeks.

Possible harm and contraindications

In reviews of the contraindications of oat decoction, they say that this product cannot be called absolutely harmless to the human body. If the recipe is not followed, and the dosage is violated, then problems with the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, stomach and heart may occur.

Experts recommend that you fully examine your body before starting prophylactic administration and treatment. Quite often, patients do not even realize that they have some kind of disease, which is the most important contraindication to the use of oatmeal drinks. You will have to completely abandon the use of oats for the following diseases:

  • celiac disease
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Cardiovascular and renal failure.
  • Vitamin D and calcium deficiency.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Failure of the gallbladder.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach.

In parallel with this, many doctors refer contraindications to the use of oatmeal broth as conditional, explaining that health is a unique area that needs simultaneous attention in relation to all organs.

Can pregnant women drink

All products made on the basis of oats are simply necessary for expectant mothers. During pregnancy, the female body requires a double portion of all the necessary components, which must be received in full, but at the same time not gain extra kilocalories.

Gynecologists say that oatmeal and cereals can prevent the development of anemia, saturate the female body and the fetus with essential vitamins, and also strengthen the immune system. In addition, taking such funds is considered an excellent prevention of constipation, which often affects pregnant women.

Oats is an annual medicinal herb belonging to the Cereal family and the genus Oats. Cultivated as a grain crop. Reaches a height of up to 1 m. At the ends of the stems are small paniculate inflorescences with flowers. The fruit of oats is a membranous grain. The culture blooms from early to late summer, and the fruits ripen from July to September. It is believed that oats occupies one of the leading places in terms of nutrition, among the foods used for food.

In folk medicine, all aerial parts of the plant are successfully used: oat grains, grass, oat straw, bran. Grass of oats is harvested during the flowering period. After harvesting, it is dried in a dry, well-ventilated room, spread out on a bedding (paper, canvas) with a layer of 1-2 cm. Oat straw is harvested directly during the harvest period. Oat grain is used for the production of cereals, oatmeal "Hercules", flour, oatmeal, special oat coffee. On the basis of oatmeal, healthy jelly is cooked, delicious diet cookies are prepared.

Biochemical composition of oats

Oat grains contain:

- proteins (about 14%),

- carbohydrates,

– fats (up to 9%),

- starchy substances (up to 60%),

- dietary fiber (fiber - 10.7 g / 100 g of product),

- B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, choline, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid),

- tocopherol (vitamin E),

- vitamin F,

- inorganic substances (a complex of macro and microelements, including: selenium, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, boron, iodine, potassium, calcium, chromium, etc.),

- enzymes

- organic acids

- essential amino acids (arginine, lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan, etc.),

- traces of alkaloids,

– antioxidants,

The rest of the aerial parts of the plant, in addition to the listed components, contain flavonoids, saponins and other minerals.

Useful properties of oats

The medicinal qualities of the plant are used in both traditional and folk medicine. Extracts from a medicinal culture are also successfully used in. Known recipes for cleansing the body based on oats, which came to us from Tibet.

First of all, the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthening and stabilizing it. A high concentration of B vitamins has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and cells of the digestive system. Everyone knows the benefits of oats for the digestive tract. Its healing components activate intestinal motility, helping the body get rid of decay products, accumulated toxins, toxic compounds and fecal blockages. This is why traditional healers often use oats as a mild and safe laxative.

In addition, the use of oats is advisable for metabolic disorders, as it normalizes fat and cholesterol metabolism. The plant acts as an effective antioxidant, helping the body cope with oxidative stress, the damaging effect of free radicals on cells. Oats are characterized by a tonic, softening, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, soothing, diuretic, expectorant, regenerating, hypotensive effect on the body.

Porridge from oatmeal, flakes, decoction and jelly from the plant is introduced into the treatment and preventive nutrition of patients with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, as well as disorders in the endocrine system. The fiber in oats helps with bowel cleansing, which is especially important when taking synthetic medications with side effects, such as antibiotics.

The use of oats in traditional medicine

1. Chronic fatigue syndrome, overwork, stress, neurosis, depression, insomnia.

2. Purification of the body from salts of heavy metals and carcinogens.

4. Diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.

5. Some dermatological diseases.

9. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

12. Alopecia (hair loss).

The benefits of oats with husks

For the use of oats for medicinal purposes, grains in the husk are taken. Herbalists prescribe their decoction for enuresis (urinary incontinence), physical, nervous and mental exhaustion of the body, sleep disturbance, edema caused by kidney problems, and most diseases of the digestive tract. When taking an infusion or decoction of oats, blood pressure should be monitored, since the plant has hypotensive properties and can significantly reduce its performance. Therefore, treatment with oats for patients suffering from hypotension is best done under medical supervision.

How to cook a decoction of oats

Rinse two glasses of oat grains with husks (not pickled!) under running water, pour 2 liters of cold filtered or drinking water, leave for 12 hours, put on the stove, bring to a boil, cover and simmer over low heat for half an hour . After removing the pan from the fire, it is wrapped in a blanket and insisted for another 12 hours. Next, the broth is filtered through several layers of gauze and topped up with boiled water to an initial volume of 2 liters.

Take a decoction of oats three times a day, 20 minutes before meals, half a glass, for 2 months. If desired, the drink can be sweetened with honey. Then they take a break for 1 month and continue treatment with oats. This therapy improves the functioning of the digestive organs, cleanses the liver, normalizes bile secretion and the functioning of the gallbladder. The healing effect of the decoction is directly related to the quality of drinking water - it must be either distilled or passed through a good filter.

How to make tea from oats

Grind unpeeled grains in a coffee grinder and use for steaming. 1 teaspoon of the powder is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes and drunk unfiltered. To improve the taste and increase nutritional properties, natural honey is added to slightly cooled tea, for example, May, acacia, Altai, Carpathian, forest. Tea is consumed 2-3 times a day, necessarily, one and a half to two hours after a meal. The last intake of infusion should be no later than 9 pm.

A decoction of oat straw for skin diseases and not only

Baths, washings, sponging and decoction compresses help with the following dermatological problems: eczema, lichen, scrofula, diathesis, frostbite, increased sweating, especially on the legs. Baths are also prescribed for rickets, arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and backache (lumbago).

Infusion of oat straw for baths: half a kilo of dry raw materials, steam 2 liters of boiling water in an enamel bowl, cover and let it brew for an hour. The filtered liquid is added to a filled bath with water at a temperature of 36-37°C. Bath time is a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, do not wash with running water. The course of treatment is 18-20 baths.

Decoction of oat straw for baths: 1 kg of dry raw materials is poured into 3 liters of hot water, boiled over low heat under a lid for half an hour, cooled to room temperature, filtered and added to the bath. The course of treatment is the same as when using the infusion.

The inclusion of oatmeal in the daily diet and the use of folk recipes based on unpeeled grains heals the entire body, normalizes weight, improves well-being, emotional background, tones and strengthens. Be healthy!



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